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Reservoir Outlet Works (Part - 2) - Civil Engineering (CE) PDF Download

Determination of design discharge capacities 

Outlet works are designed to release water at specific rates. These rates are dictated by downstream needs, by flood control regulation, by storage considerations, by power generation needs (where the outlet works is used as the penstock for power plants), and by legal requirements. Delivery of irrigation water is usually determined from project or farm needs and is related to the consumptive use and to the special water requirements of the irrigation system. Delivery for domestic use can be similarly established. Releases of flows to satisfy prior rights must generally be included with other needed releases. Minimum downstream flows for pollution abatement, fish preservation, and associated needs are often accommodated through other required releases. A small bypass pipe is often used to provide these minimum releases. This pipe usually originates at the gate chamber or in the downstream control structure, depending on the type of outlet works. 

Irrigation outlet capacities are determined from reservoir operation studies. They must be based on a consideration of a critical period of low runoff when reservoir storages are low and daily irrigation demands are at their peak. The most critical draft from the reservoir, considering such demands (commensurate with remaining reservoir storage) together with prior rights and other needed releases, generally determines the minimum irrigation outlet capacity. These requirements are stated in terms of discharge at either a given reservoir content or a given water surface elevation. Evacuation of water stored in an allocated flood control storage space of a reservoir can be accomplished through a gated spillway at the higher reservoir levels or through an outlet at the lower levels. 

Flood control releases generally can be combined with the irrigation releases if the outlet empties into a river instead of into a canal. The capacity of a flood control outlet can be determined by the required time of evacuation of the given storage space, considering the inflow into the reservoir during the evacuation. Combined flood control and irrigation releases ordinarily must not exceed the safe channel capacity of the river downstream from the dam and must allow for all anticipated inflows immediately below the dam. These inflows may be natural run-offs, or the results of releases from storage developments along the river or from developments on tributaries emptying into the river. 

If an outlet is to serve as a service spillway in releasing surplus inflows from the reservoir, the discharge required for this purpose may determine the outlet capacity. Similarly, the minimum outlet capacity can be determined by the discharge and the time required to empty the reservoir for inspection, maintenance, repair, or emergency drawdown. Here again, the inflow into the reservoir during the emptying period must be considered. The capacity at low reservoir level should be at least equal to the average inflow expected during the maintenance or repair period. It can, of course, be assumed that required repair will be delayed until service demands are light and that repairs will be made during low inflow and during seasons favorable to such construction. 

An outlet works cut-and-cover conduit or tunnel is often used to divert the river flow during the construction period, precluding supplementary installations for that purpose. The outlet structure size dictated by this use, rather than the size dictated by ordinary outlet works requirements, may determine the final outlet works capacity. A diversion bypass pipe may be required to satisfy downstream requirements during placement of second-stage concrete and gates in the outlet works. 

Position (elevation) of outlet works in relation to reservoir storage levels 

The establishment of the intake level and the elevations of the outlet controls and the conveyance passageway, as they relate to the reservoir storage levels, are influenced by many factors. Primarily, to attain the required discharge capacity, the outlet must be placed sufficiently below the minimum reservoir operating level to provide the head required for outlet works flows. 

Outlet works for small detention dams are generally constructed near riverbed level because permanent storage space, except for silt retention, is ordinarily not provided. These outlet works may be ungated to retard the outflow while the reservoir temporarily stores the bulk of the flood runoff, or they may be gated to regulate the releases of the temporarily stored waters. If the purpose of the dam is only to raise the reservoir and divert incoming flows at low heads, the main outlet works generally should be an intake or regulating structure at a high level. A sluiceway or small bypass outlet should also be provided to furnish water to the river downstream or to drain the water from behind the dam during off-season periods. Dams that impound water for irrigation, for domestic use, or for other conservation purposes, must have outlet works low enough to draw the reservoir down to the bottom of the allocated storage space; however, the outlet works may be placed above the riverbed, depending on the established minimum reservoir storage level. It is common practice to make an allowance in a storage reservoir for inactive storage to accommodate sediment deposition, for fish and wildlife conservation, and for recreation. The positioning of the intake sill then becomes an important consideration; it must be high enough to prevent interference from the sediment deposits, but at the same time, low enough to permit either a partial or a complete drawdown below the top of the inactive storage. 

Where an outlet is placed at riverbed level to accommodate the construction diversion plan or to drain the reservoir, the operating sill may be placed at a higher level to provide a sediment and debris basin and other desired inactive storage space, or the intake may be designed to permit raising the sill as sediment accumulates. During construction, a temporary diversion opening may be formed in the base of the intake to handle diversion flows. Later, this opening may be plugged. For emptying the reservoir, a bypass around the intake may be installed at riverbed level. This bypass may either empty into the lower portion of the conduit or pass under it. Water can be delivered to a canal at a higher level by a pressure riser pipe connecting the conduit to the canal. 

Choice of outlet works and their layout 

The layout of an outlet work is influenced by many conditions relating to the hydraulic requirements, to the site adaptability, to the interrelation of the outlet works and the construction procedures, and to the other appurtenances of the development. Thus, an outlet work leading to a high-level canal or into a closed pipeline might differ from one emptying into the river. Similarly, a scheme in which the outlet works is used for diversion might vary from one where diversion is effected by other means. In certain instances, the proximity of the spillway may permit combining some of the outlet works and spillway components in a single structure. For example, the spillway and outlet works layout might be arranged so that discharges from both empty into a common stilling basin.  

The topography and geology of a site may have a great influence on the layout selection. Some sites may be suited only for a cut-and-cover conduit type of outlet works; whereas, at other sites, either a cut-and-cover conduit or a tunnel may be selected. Unfavorable foundation geology, such as deep over-burdens or inferior foundation rock, precludes the selection of a tunnel scheme. On the other hand, sites in narrow canyons with steep abutments may make a tunnel outlet the only choice. Because of confined working space and excessive costs where hand-construction methods must be used, building a tunnel smaller than about 2 metre in diameter is not practicable. However, a cut-and-cover conduit can be built to almost any size if it is precast or cast-in-place with the inside bore formed by a pre-fabricated liner. Thus, the minimum size dictated by construction conditions, more than the size dictated by hydraulic requirements, influences the choice of either the cut-and-cover conduit or the tunnel scheme. The amount of load to be taken by a conduit will also affect this choice. 

The outlet works for a low dam, whether it is to divert water into a canal or release it to the river, often consists of an open-channel or cut-and-cover structure at the dam abutment. The structure may consist of a conventional open flume or rectangular channel with a gate similar to that used for ordinary spillway installations, or it may be regulated by a submerged gate placed to close off openings in a curtain or headwall. Where the outlet is to be placed through a low earthfill embankment, a closed structure may be used. This structure may consist of single or multiple units of buried pipe or box culverts placed through or under the embankment. Flow for such an installation could be controlled by gates placed at the inlet or at an intermediate point along the conduit, such as at the crest of the embankment, where a shaft would be provided for gate operation. Downstream from the control structure, the channel would continue to the canal or to the river where, depending on the exit velocities, a stilling device. Figure l shows typical installations of the arrangements described above. 

Reservoir Outlet Works (Part - 2) - Civil Engineering (CE)

Figure 1. Outlet for Low-Head Installation with Free-Flow Downstream Tunnel

For higher earthfill dams, where an open-channel outlet structure would not prove feasible, the outlet might be carried through, under, or around the dam as a cut-andcover conduit or through the abutment as a tunnel. Depending on the position of the control device, the conduit or tunnel may be free flowing, flowing under pressure for a portion of its length, or flowing under pressure for its entire length. Intakes may be arranged to draw water from the bottom of the reservoir, or the inlet sills may be placed at some higher reservoir level. Dissipating devices may be used at the downstream end of the conduit. The outlet works also may discharge into the spillway stilling basin. Depending on the method of control and the flow conditions in the structure, access to the operating gates may be by bridge to an upstream intake tower, by shaft from the crest level of the dam, by walkway within the conduit or tunnel with entrance from the downstream end, or by a separate conduit or tunnel access adit. Arrangements typical of those described above are shown on Figures 2 through 5. 

Reservoir Outlet Works (Part - 2) - Civil Engineering (CE)

Fig2, Outlet for Intakes of Medium Head Installation with Free-Flow Conduit and Hydraulic Jump Stilling Basin

Reservoir Outlet Works (Part - 2) - Civil Engineering (CE)

Fig3. Outlet Wiyh A Pressure Conduit Upstream Of Gate Chamber and Free-Flow Pipe In Downstream

Reservoir Outlet Works (Part - 2) - Civil Engineering (CE)

F!G4. Outlet Eith A Trash-Rack Box Intake,Pressure Conduit On Upstream And Free Flow Conduit On Downstream

Reservoir Outlet Works (Part - 2) - Civil Engineering (CE)

Fig5. Outlet With Trashrack Intake Structure,Pressure Tunnel Upstream Of Gate Chamber.Free Tunneland Conduit On Downstream

For a concrete dam, the outlet works installation should usually be carried through the dam as a formed conduit or a sluice, or as a pipe embedded in the concrete mass. Intakes and terminal devices may be attached to the upstream and downstream faces of the dam. Often, the outlet is formed through the spillway overflow section using a common stilling basin to dissipate both spillway and outlet works flows. Where an outlet works conduit is installed in the non-overflow section of the dam or where an outlet must empty into a canal, a separate dissipating device will, of course, be necessary. Instead of one large conduit, several smaller conduits may be used in a concrete dam to provide a less expensive and more feasible arrangement for handling the outlet works releases. The multiple conduits may be placed at a single level or, for added flexibility, at several levels. Such an arrangement would reduce the cost of the control gates because of the lower heads on the upper-level gates. Details of typical outlet works installations for the concrete dam at Bhakra are shown in Figures 6 and 7. 

A diversion tunnel used during the construction of a concrete dam can often be converted into a permanent outlet works by providing outlet sluices or conduits through the tunnel plug. Ordinarily, the diversion tunnel for a concrete dam will be in good quality rock and will therefore require little lining protection. Furthermore, the outlet portal of the tunnel will generally be located far enough downstream from the dam so that no dissipating structure will be needed or, at most, only a deflector will be required to direct the flow to the downstream river channel. 

Reservoir Outlet Works (Part - 2) - Civil Engineering (CE)

Figure 6, Maximum Spillway Section Of Bhakra Dam Showing River Outlets

Reservoir Outlet Works (Part - 2) - Civil Engineering (CE)

Reservoir Outlet Works (Part - 2) - Civil Engineering (CE)

Figure 7 Upstream and Downstream Elevation of Bhakra Dam Shearing Position of Rivers Outlets

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FAQs on Reservoir Outlet Works (Part - 2) - Civil Engineering (CE)

1. What are reservoir outlet works?
Ans. Reservoir outlet works refer to the structures and systems that control the release of water from a reservoir. These works include outlets such as gates, valves, pipes, or tunnels, which are designed to regulate the flow of water and ensure its controlled release from the reservoir.
2. Why are reservoir outlet works important?
Ans. Reservoir outlet works are crucial for the effective management and utilization of water resources. They play a vital role in controlling the water level in reservoirs, regulating the flow of water for various purposes such as irrigation, drinking water supply, hydropower generation, flood control, and environmental preservation. Properly functioning outlet works ensure the efficient and safe release of water as per the requirements.
3. What factors are considered while designing reservoir outlet works?
Ans. Several factors are taken into consideration during the design of reservoir outlet works. These factors include the desired flow rate, water pressure, capacity requirements, the type of outlet structure, topography, geotechnical conditions, environmental impact, and safety considerations. The design should also account for potential sedimentation, water quality, and future changes in water demand.
4. What are the different types of reservoir outlet works?
Ans. Reservoir outlet works can be classified into various types based on their design and functionality. The common types include gated outlets, which use gates or valves to control the flow, and uncontrolled outlets, which rely on gravity to release water through pipes or tunnels. Other types include siphons, bottom outlets, emergency spillways, and intake towers, depending on the specific requirements of the reservoir and its purposes.
5. How are reservoir outlet works maintained?
Ans. Regular maintenance is essential to ensure the optimal performance of reservoir outlet works. This includes inspections, cleaning, lubrication, and repair of any damages or malfunctions. Maintenance activities may involve removing sediment or debris, checking for leaks or corrosion, testing the functionality of gates or valves, and monitoring the overall condition of the outlet works. Proper maintenance helps prevent failures, extend the lifespan of the infrastructure, and ensure the continued efficient operation of the reservoir outlet works.
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