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SSC CGL Previous Year Questions (2023-18): One Word Substitution - 1 | SSC CGL English Previous Year Papers (Topic-wise) PDF Download

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 Pinnacle  OWS 
 Direction  :-  [  Q.1.  to  Q.676.  ]  Select  the 
 option  that  can  be  used  as  a  one-word 
 substitute for the given group of words 
 Select  the  most  appropriate  option  that 
 can  substitute  the  Bold/Underlined 
 segment in the given sentence. 
 SSC CHSL 2023 Tier - 2 
 Q.1.  The  inability  to  obtain  adequate 
 SSC CHSL Tier II  (02/11/2023) 
 (a) Mythomania  (b) Andromania 
 (c) Insomnia  (d) Pyromania 
 Q.2.  A  drug  or  other  substance  that 
 induces sleep 
 SSC CHSL Tier II  (10/01/2024) 
 (a) Energetic  (b) Reviver 
 (c) Stimulant  (d) Sedative 
 Q.3.  A  sudden  violent  event  that  brings 
 about great loss or destruction 
 SSC CHSL Tier II  (10/01/2024) 
 (a) Blockbuster  (b) Farce 
 (c) Intrigue  (d) Catastrophe 
 Q.4.  Someone  who  has  too  much 
 admiration for himself or herself 
 SSC CHSL Tier II  (10/01/2024) 
 (a) Narcissist  (b) Pantheist 
 (c) Misogamist  (d) Misanthropist 
 Solutions :- 
 Sol.1.(c)  Insomnia  -  the  inability  to 
 obtain adequate sleep. 
 Mythomania  -  an  abnormal  or 
 pathological  tendency  to  exaggerate  or 
 tell lies. 
 Andromania  -  abnormally  increased 
 sexual desire or activity. 
 Pyromania  -  a  mental  illness  in  which  a 
 person feels a strong wish to start ?res. 
 Sol.2.(d)  Sedative  -  a  drug  or  other 
 substance that induces sleep. 
 Energetic  -  very  active  physically  and 
 Reviver  -  to  make  something  strong, 
 active, or healthy again. 
 Stimulant  -  a  drug  or  other  substance 
 that  temporarily  increases  the  activity  of 
 the body or one of its parts. 
 Sol.3.(d)  Catastrophe  -  a  sudden  violent 
 event  that  brings  about  great  loss  or 
 Blockbuster  -  a  hugely  successful  and 
 popular ?lm or event. 
 Farce  -  a  situation  that  is  very  badly 
 organized or unfair. 
 Intrigue  -  a  strong  feeling  of  curiosity  or 
 Sol.4.(a)  Narcissist  -  someone  who  has 
 too  much  admiration  for  himself  or 
 Pantheist  -  the  religious  belief  that  God  is 
 in everything in nature and the universe. 
 Misogamist  - a hatred of marriage. 
 Misanthropist  -  a  person  who  dislikes 
 humankind and avoids human society. 
 SSC CPO 2023 Tier - 2 
 Q.5.  the  husks  of  corn  or  other  grains 
 separated by winnowing or threshing. 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) hay  (b) peel   (c) fodder  (d) chaff 
 Q.6.  irrational fear of water 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) claustrophobia  (b) acrophobia 
 (c) cacophobia        (d) hydrophobia 
 Q.7.  one  who  is  skilled  and  eloquent  in 
 public speaking 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) lecturer  (b) spokesperson 
 (c) orator  (d) actor 
 Q.8.  a  legal  document  authorizing  the 
 police  or  another  body  to  make  an  arrest 
 or search premises 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) decree  (b) warrant 
 (c) licence  (d) permit 
 Q.9.  A  statement  open  to  more  than  one 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) explicit  (b) palpable 
 (c) tangible  (d) ambiguous 
 Q.10.  To skip about playfully 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) trundle  (b) scramble 
 (c) gambol  (d) amble 
 Q.11.  Natural talent for something 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) ?avour (b) favour (c) feeling (d) ?air 
 Q.12.  A  person  who  has  excessive 
 admiration of themselves 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) fanatic  (b) narcissist 
 (c) egocentric  (d) egotist 
 Q.13.  one who cannot be corrected 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) versatile  (b) incorrigible 
 (c) indefatigable  (d) vulnerable 
 Q.14.  a  wooden  frame  for  holding  an 
 artist's  work  while  it  is  being  painted  or 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) lectern  (b) platform 
 (c) easel  (d) podium 
 Solutions :- 
 Sol.5.(d)  Chaff  -  the  husks  of  corn  or 
 other  grains  separated  by  winnowing  or 
 Hay  -  grass  that  has  been  mown  and 
 dried for use as fodder. 
 Peel  -  the  outer  skin  or  covering  of  a  fruit 
 or vegetable. 
 Fodder  -  food  that  is  given  to  cows, 
 horses, and other farm animals. 
 Sol.6.(d)  Hydrophobia  -  irrational  fear  of 
 Claustrophobia  -  irrational  fear  of 
 enclosed spaces. 
 Acrophobia  - irrational fear of heights. 
 Cacophobia  - irrational fear of ugliness. 
 Sol.7.(c)  Orator  -  one  who  is  skilled  and 
 eloquent in public speaking. 
 Lecturer  -  an  expert  who  delivers 
 informative  talks  or  courses  to  educate 
 an audience. 
 Spokesperson  -  an  o?cial  representative 
 who  communicates  on  behalf  of  a  group 
 or organization to the public. 
 Actor  -  a  person  whose  profession  is 
 acting  on  the  stage,  in  ?lms,  or  on 
 Sol.8.(b)  Warrant  -  a  legal  document 
 authorizing  the  police  or  another  body  to 
 make an arrest or search premises. 
 Decree  -  an  o?cial  order  from  a  leader  or 
 a government that becomes the law. 
 Licence  -  an  o?cial  document  that  gives 
 you  permission  to  own,  do,  or  use 
 Permit  -  a  legal  document  giving  o?cial 
 permission to do something. 
 Sol.9.(d)  Ambiguous  -  a  statement  open 
 to more than one interpretation. 
 Explicit  -  something  that  is  clearly  stated 
 or explained. 
 Palpable  - very obvious. 
 Tangible  -  something  that  is  real  and  not 
 Sol.10.(c)  Gambol  -  to  skip  about 
 Trundle  - to roll or move slowly. 
 Scramble  -  to  move  quickly  and 
 Amble  - to walk at a slow pace. 
 Sol.11.(d)  Flair  - natural talent for                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 395
Page 2

 Pinnacle  OWS 
 Direction  :-  [  Q.1.  to  Q.676.  ]  Select  the 
 option  that  can  be  used  as  a  one-word 
 substitute for the given group of words 
 Select  the  most  appropriate  option  that 
 can  substitute  the  Bold/Underlined 
 segment in the given sentence. 
 SSC CHSL 2023 Tier - 2 
 Q.1.  The  inability  to  obtain  adequate 
 SSC CHSL Tier II  (02/11/2023) 
 (a) Mythomania  (b) Andromania 
 (c) Insomnia  (d) Pyromania 
 Q.2.  A  drug  or  other  substance  that 
 induces sleep 
 SSC CHSL Tier II  (10/01/2024) 
 (a) Energetic  (b) Reviver 
 (c) Stimulant  (d) Sedative 
 Q.3.  A  sudden  violent  event  that  brings 
 about great loss or destruction 
 SSC CHSL Tier II  (10/01/2024) 
 (a) Blockbuster  (b) Farce 
 (c) Intrigue  (d) Catastrophe 
 Q.4.  Someone  who  has  too  much 
 admiration for himself or herself 
 SSC CHSL Tier II  (10/01/2024) 
 (a) Narcissist  (b) Pantheist 
 (c) Misogamist  (d) Misanthropist 
 Solutions :- 
 Sol.1.(c)  Insomnia  -  the  inability  to 
 obtain adequate sleep. 
 Mythomania  -  an  abnormal  or 
 pathological  tendency  to  exaggerate  or 
 tell lies. 
 Andromania  -  abnormally  increased 
 sexual desire or activity. 
 Pyromania  -  a  mental  illness  in  which  a 
 person feels a strong wish to start ?res. 
 Sol.2.(d)  Sedative  -  a  drug  or  other 
 substance that induces sleep. 
 Energetic  -  very  active  physically  and 
 Reviver  -  to  make  something  strong, 
 active, or healthy again. 
 Stimulant  -  a  drug  or  other  substance 
 that  temporarily  increases  the  activity  of 
 the body or one of its parts. 
 Sol.3.(d)  Catastrophe  -  a  sudden  violent 
 event  that  brings  about  great  loss  or 
 Blockbuster  -  a  hugely  successful  and 
 popular ?lm or event. 
 Farce  -  a  situation  that  is  very  badly 
 organized or unfair. 
 Intrigue  -  a  strong  feeling  of  curiosity  or 
 Sol.4.(a)  Narcissist  -  someone  who  has 
 too  much  admiration  for  himself  or 
 Pantheist  -  the  religious  belief  that  God  is 
 in everything in nature and the universe. 
 Misogamist  - a hatred of marriage. 
 Misanthropist  -  a  person  who  dislikes 
 humankind and avoids human society. 
 SSC CPO 2023 Tier - 2 
 Q.5.  the  husks  of  corn  or  other  grains 
 separated by winnowing or threshing. 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) hay  (b) peel   (c) fodder  (d) chaff 
 Q.6.  irrational fear of water 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) claustrophobia  (b) acrophobia 
 (c) cacophobia        (d) hydrophobia 
 Q.7.  one  who  is  skilled  and  eloquent  in 
 public speaking 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) lecturer  (b) spokesperson 
 (c) orator  (d) actor 
 Q.8.  a  legal  document  authorizing  the 
 police  or  another  body  to  make  an  arrest 
 or search premises 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) decree  (b) warrant 
 (c) licence  (d) permit 
 Q.9.  A  statement  open  to  more  than  one 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) explicit  (b) palpable 
 (c) tangible  (d) ambiguous 
 Q.10.  To skip about playfully 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) trundle  (b) scramble 
 (c) gambol  (d) amble 
 Q.11.  Natural talent for something 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) ?avour (b) favour (c) feeling (d) ?air 
 Q.12.  A  person  who  has  excessive 
 admiration of themselves 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) fanatic  (b) narcissist 
 (c) egocentric  (d) egotist 
 Q.13.  one who cannot be corrected 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) versatile  (b) incorrigible 
 (c) indefatigable  (d) vulnerable 
 Q.14.  a  wooden  frame  for  holding  an 
 artist's  work  while  it  is  being  painted  or 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) lectern  (b) platform 
 (c) easel  (d) podium 
 Solutions :- 
 Sol.5.(d)  Chaff  -  the  husks  of  corn  or 
 other  grains  separated  by  winnowing  or 
 Hay  -  grass  that  has  been  mown  and 
 dried for use as fodder. 
 Peel  -  the  outer  skin  or  covering  of  a  fruit 
 or vegetable. 
 Fodder  -  food  that  is  given  to  cows, 
 horses, and other farm animals. 
 Sol.6.(d)  Hydrophobia  -  irrational  fear  of 
 Claustrophobia  -  irrational  fear  of 
 enclosed spaces. 
 Acrophobia  - irrational fear of heights. 
 Cacophobia  - irrational fear of ugliness. 
 Sol.7.(c)  Orator  -  one  who  is  skilled  and 
 eloquent in public speaking. 
 Lecturer  -  an  expert  who  delivers 
 informative  talks  or  courses  to  educate 
 an audience. 
 Spokesperson  -  an  o?cial  representative 
 who  communicates  on  behalf  of  a  group 
 or organization to the public. 
 Actor  -  a  person  whose  profession  is 
 acting  on  the  stage,  in  ?lms,  or  on 
 Sol.8.(b)  Warrant  -  a  legal  document 
 authorizing  the  police  or  another  body  to 
 make an arrest or search premises. 
 Decree  -  an  o?cial  order  from  a  leader  or 
 a government that becomes the law. 
 Licence  -  an  o?cial  document  that  gives 
 you  permission  to  own,  do,  or  use 
 Permit  -  a  legal  document  giving  o?cial 
 permission to do something. 
 Sol.9.(d)  Ambiguous  -  a  statement  open 
 to more than one interpretation. 
 Explicit  -  something  that  is  clearly  stated 
 or explained. 
 Palpable  - very obvious. 
 Tangible  -  something  that  is  real  and  not 
 Sol.10.(c)  Gambol  -  to  skip  about 
 Trundle  - to roll or move slowly. 
 Scramble  -  to  move  quickly  and 
 Amble  - to walk at a slow pace. 
 Sol.11.(d)  Flair  - natural talent for                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 395
 Pinnacle  OWS 
 Flavour  -  the  distinctive  taste  of  a  food  or 
 Favour  -  the  support  or  approval  of 
 Feeling  - an emotional state. 
 Sol.12.(b)  Narcissist  -  a  person  who  has 
 excessive admiration of themselves. 
 Fanatic  -  ?lled  with  or  expressing 
 excessive zeal. 
 Egocentric  -  one  who  thinks  of  only  his 
 own  wants  and  does  not  consider  other 
 Egotist  -  a  person  who  considers  himself 
 more important than others. 
 Sol.13.(b)  Incorrigible  -  one  who  cannot 
 be corrected. 
 Versatile  -  able  to  adapt  or  be  adapted  to 
 many different functions or activities. 
 Indefatigable  - one who never gets tired. 
 Vulnerable  -  exposed  to  the  possibility  of 
 being  attacked  or  harmed,  either 
 physically or emotionally. 
 Sol.14.(c)  Easel  -  a  wooden  frame  for 
 holding  an  artist's  work  while  it  is  being 
 painted or drawn. 
 Lectern  -  a  stand  used  to  support  a  book 
 or  script  in  a  convenient  position  for  a 
 standing reader or speaker. 
 Platform  -  a  raised  level  surface  on  which 
 people or things can stand. 
 Podium  -  a  small  raised  platform  used  by 
 lecturers, orchestra conductors, etc. 
 SSC CGL 2023 Tier - 2 
 Q.15.  There  is  a  place  for  g  rains  in  the 
 backyard of this house. 
 SSC CGL Tier II  (26/10/2023) 
 (a) apiary  (b) archive 
 (c) granary  (d) dormitory 
 Q.16.  She  was  known  for  her  ability  to 
 communicate  effectivel  y  and  express 
 herself clearl  y  in writin  g  and s  p  eakin  g  . 
 SSC CGL Tier II  (26/10/2023) 
 (a) incoherence   (b) articulation 
 (c) mumbling       (d) rambling 
 Solutions :- 
 Sol.15.(c)  Granary  -  a  place  for  storing 
 Apiary  - a place where bees are kept. 
 Archive  -  a  collection  of  historical 
 documents  or  records  providing 
 information  about  a  place,  institution,  or 
 group of people. 
 Dormitory  -  a  large  bedroom  for  a 
 number of people in a school or 
 Sol.16.(b)  Articulation  -  ability  to 
 communicate  effectively  and  express 
 herself clearly in writing and speaking. 
 Incoherence  -  state  of  being  expressed  in 
 a way that is not clear. 
 Mumbling  -  speaking  or  spoken  in  a  quiet 
 and indistinct way. 
 Rambling  -  (of  writing  or  speech)  lengthy 
 and confused or inconsequential 
 SSC CPO 2023 Tier - 1 
 Q.17.  The  pandemic  deeply  affected 
 small  business  owners,  as  the  y  have  no 
 means of livelihood left  . 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Worker  (b) Mason 
 (c) Pauper  (d) Unemployed 
 Q.18.  Working  or  operating  quickly  and 
 effectively in an organised way 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Effusive  (b) Extensive 
 (c) Excellent  (d) E?cient 
 Q.19.  A  person  engaged  in  or  trained  for 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Astronomer  (b) Atrocious 
 (c) Astute  (d) Astronaut 
 Q.20.  How  did  you  become  interested  in 
 learning  the  art  of  p  roducin  g  beautiful 
 handwritin  g  ? 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Calligraphy  (b) Lexicography 
 (c) Graphology  (d) Demography 
 Q.21.  A  notice  of  the  death  of  a  person, 
 often  with  a  biographical  sketch,  as  in  a 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Obituary  (b) Elegy 
 (c) Oblivion  (d) Advertisement 
 Q.22.  Fear of water 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Hydrophobia  (b) Botanophobia 
 (c) Bibliophobia  (d) Microphobia 
 Q.23.  A  person  who  believes  that  God 
 does not exist 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Hedonistic  (b) Atheist 
 (c) Fanatic  (d) Epicurean 
 Q.24.  One who settles in another country 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Traveller  (b) Resident 
 (c) Refugee  (d) Immigrant 
 Q.25.  Study of science of insects 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Microbiology  (b) Anthropology 
 (c) Ecology  (d) Entomology 
 Q.26.  Payal’s  father  was  seen 
 desperately  searching  for  the  medicine 
 that  can  counteract  the  effect  of  a 
 venomous snakebite in Parul’s left hand. 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) remedy  (b) antiseptic 
 (c) antidote  (d) anti-serum 
 Q.27.  The study of the human mind 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Psychology  (b) Microbiology 
 (c) Epidemiology   (d) Anthropology 
 Q.28.  Happening repeatedly 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Recurrent  (b) Rapport 
 (c) Regression  (d) Recuperate 
 Q.29.  A  keeper  or  custodian  of  a 
 museum or other collection 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Cartographer  (b) Chauffeur 
 (c) Curator  (d) Calligrapher 
 Q.30.  No  longer  used  because 
 something new has been invented 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Ornamental  (b) Obsolete 
 (c) Classic  (d) Ancient 
 Q.31.  A  pretence  of  having  a  virtuous 
 character,  moral  or  religious  beliefs  or 
 principles,  etc.,  that  one  does  not  really 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Gullibility  (b) Shrewdness 
 (c) Naivety  (d) Hypocrisy 
 Q.32.  A  state  of  intense  happiness  and 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Euphoria  (b) Touché 
 (c) Intoxication  (d)  Oblivion 
 Q.33.  To criticise someone severely 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Rate  (b) Chastise 
 (c) Scoff  (d) Remonstrate 
 Q.34.  Huge ?re for celebration 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Agenda  (b) Campaign 
 (c) Bon?re  (d) Cross?re 
 Q.35.  To  make  a  low  continuous 
 vibratory  sound  expressing  contentment 
 (of a cat). 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) To meow  (b) To buzz 
 (c) To roar  (d) To purr 
 Q.36.  Minimum  people  needed  for  a 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Forum  (b) Quorum 
 (c) Addendum  (d) Decorum                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 396
Page 3

 Pinnacle  OWS 
 Direction  :-  [  Q.1.  to  Q.676.  ]  Select  the 
 option  that  can  be  used  as  a  one-word 
 substitute for the given group of words 
 Select  the  most  appropriate  option  that 
 can  substitute  the  Bold/Underlined 
 segment in the given sentence. 
 SSC CHSL 2023 Tier - 2 
 Q.1.  The  inability  to  obtain  adequate 
 SSC CHSL Tier II  (02/11/2023) 
 (a) Mythomania  (b) Andromania 
 (c) Insomnia  (d) Pyromania 
 Q.2.  A  drug  or  other  substance  that 
 induces sleep 
 SSC CHSL Tier II  (10/01/2024) 
 (a) Energetic  (b) Reviver 
 (c) Stimulant  (d) Sedative 
 Q.3.  A  sudden  violent  event  that  brings 
 about great loss or destruction 
 SSC CHSL Tier II  (10/01/2024) 
 (a) Blockbuster  (b) Farce 
 (c) Intrigue  (d) Catastrophe 
 Q.4.  Someone  who  has  too  much 
 admiration for himself or herself 
 SSC CHSL Tier II  (10/01/2024) 
 (a) Narcissist  (b) Pantheist 
 (c) Misogamist  (d) Misanthropist 
 Solutions :- 
 Sol.1.(c)  Insomnia  -  the  inability  to 
 obtain adequate sleep. 
 Mythomania  -  an  abnormal  or 
 pathological  tendency  to  exaggerate  or 
 tell lies. 
 Andromania  -  abnormally  increased 
 sexual desire or activity. 
 Pyromania  -  a  mental  illness  in  which  a 
 person feels a strong wish to start ?res. 
 Sol.2.(d)  Sedative  -  a  drug  or  other 
 substance that induces sleep. 
 Energetic  -  very  active  physically  and 
 Reviver  -  to  make  something  strong, 
 active, or healthy again. 
 Stimulant  -  a  drug  or  other  substance 
 that  temporarily  increases  the  activity  of 
 the body or one of its parts. 
 Sol.3.(d)  Catastrophe  -  a  sudden  violent 
 event  that  brings  about  great  loss  or 
 Blockbuster  -  a  hugely  successful  and 
 popular ?lm or event. 
 Farce  -  a  situation  that  is  very  badly 
 organized or unfair. 
 Intrigue  -  a  strong  feeling  of  curiosity  or 
 Sol.4.(a)  Narcissist  -  someone  who  has 
 too  much  admiration  for  himself  or 
 Pantheist  -  the  religious  belief  that  God  is 
 in everything in nature and the universe. 
 Misogamist  - a hatred of marriage. 
 Misanthropist  -  a  person  who  dislikes 
 humankind and avoids human society. 
 SSC CPO 2023 Tier - 2 
 Q.5.  the  husks  of  corn  or  other  grains 
 separated by winnowing or threshing. 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) hay  (b) peel   (c) fodder  (d) chaff 
 Q.6.  irrational fear of water 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) claustrophobia  (b) acrophobia 
 (c) cacophobia        (d) hydrophobia 
 Q.7.  one  who  is  skilled  and  eloquent  in 
 public speaking 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) lecturer  (b) spokesperson 
 (c) orator  (d) actor 
 Q.8.  a  legal  document  authorizing  the 
 police  or  another  body  to  make  an  arrest 
 or search premises 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) decree  (b) warrant 
 (c) licence  (d) permit 
 Q.9.  A  statement  open  to  more  than  one 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) explicit  (b) palpable 
 (c) tangible  (d) ambiguous 
 Q.10.  To skip about playfully 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) trundle  (b) scramble 
 (c) gambol  (d) amble 
 Q.11.  Natural talent for something 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) ?avour (b) favour (c) feeling (d) ?air 
 Q.12.  A  person  who  has  excessive 
 admiration of themselves 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) fanatic  (b) narcissist 
 (c) egocentric  (d) egotist 
 Q.13.  one who cannot be corrected 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) versatile  (b) incorrigible 
 (c) indefatigable  (d) vulnerable 
 Q.14.  a  wooden  frame  for  holding  an 
 artist's  work  while  it  is  being  painted  or 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) lectern  (b) platform 
 (c) easel  (d) podium 
 Solutions :- 
 Sol.5.(d)  Chaff  -  the  husks  of  corn  or 
 other  grains  separated  by  winnowing  or 
 Hay  -  grass  that  has  been  mown  and 
 dried for use as fodder. 
 Peel  -  the  outer  skin  or  covering  of  a  fruit 
 or vegetable. 
 Fodder  -  food  that  is  given  to  cows, 
 horses, and other farm animals. 
 Sol.6.(d)  Hydrophobia  -  irrational  fear  of 
 Claustrophobia  -  irrational  fear  of 
 enclosed spaces. 
 Acrophobia  - irrational fear of heights. 
 Cacophobia  - irrational fear of ugliness. 
 Sol.7.(c)  Orator  -  one  who  is  skilled  and 
 eloquent in public speaking. 
 Lecturer  -  an  expert  who  delivers 
 informative  talks  or  courses  to  educate 
 an audience. 
 Spokesperson  -  an  o?cial  representative 
 who  communicates  on  behalf  of  a  group 
 or organization to the public. 
 Actor  -  a  person  whose  profession  is 
 acting  on  the  stage,  in  ?lms,  or  on 
 Sol.8.(b)  Warrant  -  a  legal  document 
 authorizing  the  police  or  another  body  to 
 make an arrest or search premises. 
 Decree  -  an  o?cial  order  from  a  leader  or 
 a government that becomes the law. 
 Licence  -  an  o?cial  document  that  gives 
 you  permission  to  own,  do,  or  use 
 Permit  -  a  legal  document  giving  o?cial 
 permission to do something. 
 Sol.9.(d)  Ambiguous  -  a  statement  open 
 to more than one interpretation. 
 Explicit  -  something  that  is  clearly  stated 
 or explained. 
 Palpable  - very obvious. 
 Tangible  -  something  that  is  real  and  not 
 Sol.10.(c)  Gambol  -  to  skip  about 
 Trundle  - to roll or move slowly. 
 Scramble  -  to  move  quickly  and 
 Amble  - to walk at a slow pace. 
 Sol.11.(d)  Flair  - natural talent for                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 395
 Pinnacle  OWS 
 Flavour  -  the  distinctive  taste  of  a  food  or 
 Favour  -  the  support  or  approval  of 
 Feeling  - an emotional state. 
 Sol.12.(b)  Narcissist  -  a  person  who  has 
 excessive admiration of themselves. 
 Fanatic  -  ?lled  with  or  expressing 
 excessive zeal. 
 Egocentric  -  one  who  thinks  of  only  his 
 own  wants  and  does  not  consider  other 
 Egotist  -  a  person  who  considers  himself 
 more important than others. 
 Sol.13.(b)  Incorrigible  -  one  who  cannot 
 be corrected. 
 Versatile  -  able  to  adapt  or  be  adapted  to 
 many different functions or activities. 
 Indefatigable  - one who never gets tired. 
 Vulnerable  -  exposed  to  the  possibility  of 
 being  attacked  or  harmed,  either 
 physically or emotionally. 
 Sol.14.(c)  Easel  -  a  wooden  frame  for 
 holding  an  artist's  work  while  it  is  being 
 painted or drawn. 
 Lectern  -  a  stand  used  to  support  a  book 
 or  script  in  a  convenient  position  for  a 
 standing reader or speaker. 
 Platform  -  a  raised  level  surface  on  which 
 people or things can stand. 
 Podium  -  a  small  raised  platform  used  by 
 lecturers, orchestra conductors, etc. 
 SSC CGL 2023 Tier - 2 
 Q.15.  There  is  a  place  for  g  rains  in  the 
 backyard of this house. 
 SSC CGL Tier II  (26/10/2023) 
 (a) apiary  (b) archive 
 (c) granary  (d) dormitory 
 Q.16.  She  was  known  for  her  ability  to 
 communicate  effectivel  y  and  express 
 herself clearl  y  in writin  g  and s  p  eakin  g  . 
 SSC CGL Tier II  (26/10/2023) 
 (a) incoherence   (b) articulation 
 (c) mumbling       (d) rambling 
 Solutions :- 
 Sol.15.(c)  Granary  -  a  place  for  storing 
 Apiary  - a place where bees are kept. 
 Archive  -  a  collection  of  historical 
 documents  or  records  providing 
 information  about  a  place,  institution,  or 
 group of people. 
 Dormitory  -  a  large  bedroom  for  a 
 number of people in a school or 
 Sol.16.(b)  Articulation  -  ability  to 
 communicate  effectively  and  express 
 herself clearly in writing and speaking. 
 Incoherence  -  state  of  being  expressed  in 
 a way that is not clear. 
 Mumbling  -  speaking  or  spoken  in  a  quiet 
 and indistinct way. 
 Rambling  -  (of  writing  or  speech)  lengthy 
 and confused or inconsequential 
 SSC CPO 2023 Tier - 1 
 Q.17.  The  pandemic  deeply  affected 
 small  business  owners,  as  the  y  have  no 
 means of livelihood left  . 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Worker  (b) Mason 
 (c) Pauper  (d) Unemployed 
 Q.18.  Working  or  operating  quickly  and 
 effectively in an organised way 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Effusive  (b) Extensive 
 (c) Excellent  (d) E?cient 
 Q.19.  A  person  engaged  in  or  trained  for 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Astronomer  (b) Atrocious 
 (c) Astute  (d) Astronaut 
 Q.20.  How  did  you  become  interested  in 
 learning  the  art  of  p  roducin  g  beautiful 
 handwritin  g  ? 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Calligraphy  (b) Lexicography 
 (c) Graphology  (d) Demography 
 Q.21.  A  notice  of  the  death  of  a  person, 
 often  with  a  biographical  sketch,  as  in  a 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Obituary  (b) Elegy 
 (c) Oblivion  (d) Advertisement 
 Q.22.  Fear of water 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Hydrophobia  (b) Botanophobia 
 (c) Bibliophobia  (d) Microphobia 
 Q.23.  A  person  who  believes  that  God 
 does not exist 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Hedonistic  (b) Atheist 
 (c) Fanatic  (d) Epicurean 
 Q.24.  One who settles in another country 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Traveller  (b) Resident 
 (c) Refugee  (d) Immigrant 
 Q.25.  Study of science of insects 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Microbiology  (b) Anthropology 
 (c) Ecology  (d) Entomology 
 Q.26.  Payal’s  father  was  seen 
 desperately  searching  for  the  medicine 
 that  can  counteract  the  effect  of  a 
 venomous snakebite in Parul’s left hand. 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) remedy  (b) antiseptic 
 (c) antidote  (d) anti-serum 
 Q.27.  The study of the human mind 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Psychology  (b) Microbiology 
 (c) Epidemiology   (d) Anthropology 
 Q.28.  Happening repeatedly 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Recurrent  (b) Rapport 
 (c) Regression  (d) Recuperate 
 Q.29.  A  keeper  or  custodian  of  a 
 museum or other collection 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Cartographer  (b) Chauffeur 
 (c) Curator  (d) Calligrapher 
 Q.30.  No  longer  used  because 
 something new has been invented 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Ornamental  (b) Obsolete 
 (c) Classic  (d) Ancient 
 Q.31.  A  pretence  of  having  a  virtuous 
 character,  moral  or  religious  beliefs  or 
 principles,  etc.,  that  one  does  not  really 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Gullibility  (b) Shrewdness 
 (c) Naivety  (d) Hypocrisy 
 Q.32.  A  state  of  intense  happiness  and 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Euphoria  (b) Touché 
 (c) Intoxication  (d)  Oblivion 
 Q.33.  To criticise someone severely 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Rate  (b) Chastise 
 (c) Scoff  (d) Remonstrate 
 Q.34.  Huge ?re for celebration 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Agenda  (b) Campaign 
 (c) Bon?re  (d) Cross?re 
 Q.35.  To  make  a  low  continuous 
 vibratory  sound  expressing  contentment 
 (of a cat). 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) To meow  (b) To buzz 
 (c) To roar  (d) To purr 
 Q.36.  Minimum  people  needed  for  a 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Forum  (b) Quorum 
 (c) Addendum  (d) Decorum                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 396
 Pinnacle  OWS 
 Q.37.  A place where coins are made 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Mint  (b) Post O?ce 
 (c) Grove  (d) Trough 
 Q.38.  Something  of  monstrous  size  or 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Heavyweight  (b) Bulk 
 (c) Amazon  (d) Behemoth 
 Q.39.  An  ability  to  do  several  things  at 
 the same time. 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Unitasking  (b) Indictment 
 (c) Blasphemy  (d) Multitasking 
 Q.40.  Spoken  or  done  without  any 
 previous thought or preparation 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Inaugural  (b) Extempore 
 (c) Initiative  (d) Maiden 
 Q.41.  Someone  who  pretends  to  have 
 certain  moral  standards  while  secretively 
 that  person  practices  those  very  moral 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Actor (b) Hypocrite (c) Sinner (d) Spy 
 Q.42.  The compulsion to tell lies 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Mythomania  (b) Nymphomania 
 (c) Megalomania  (d) Pyromania 
 Q.43.  A  disease  prevalent  in  a 
 community  or  a  speci?c  region  at  a 
 speci?c time, affecting a large area. 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Eradicate  (b) Epidemic 
 (c) Pandemic  (d) Endemic 
 Q.44.  He  was  not  willing  to  attend  the 
 technical session of the conference. 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) comprehensive           (b) reluctant 
 (c) dejecting  (d) curious 
 Q.45.  To  have  a  strong  emotional  effect 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) To overwhelm  (b) To yield 
 (c) To smother  (d) To forfeit 
 Q.46.  Very  attractive  and  easy  to  feel 
 love for 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Adorable  (b) Flamboyant 
 (c) Laudable  (d) Mysterious 
 Q.47.  An  animal  or  a  person  that  eats  all 
 types of food, especially plants and meat 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Vegetarian  (b) Omnivore 
 (c) Herbivore  (d) Carnivore 
 Q.48.  Extremely  beautiful,  elaborate  or 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Transient  (b) Magni?cent 
 (c) Pro?cient  (d) De?cient 
 Q.49.  A  structure  in  the  garden  where 
 climbing  plants  can  grow  and  people  can 
 walk under 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Pergola  (b) Tomb 
 (c) Outhouse  (d) Treehouse 
 Q.50.  A  collection  of  historical 
 documents  or  records  providing 
 information  about  a  place,  institution,  or 
 group of people 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Asylum  (b) Museum 
 (c) Apostate  (d) Archive 
 Q.51.  Since  God  is  an  all-  p  owerful 
 creator,  he  has  absolute  control  over 
 those whom he has created. 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Omniscient  (b) Voracious 
 (c) Omnipotent  (d) Incorrigible 
 Q.52.  Centre of public attention 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Limelight  (b) Ambiguity 
 (c) Fuzziness  (d) Obscurity 
 Q.53.  One  who  goes  from  place  to  place, 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Malleable  (b) Mendicant 
 (c) Meticulous  (d) Misogamist 
 Q.54.  To  tell  the  nature  of  a  disease  by 
 its symptoms. 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Design  (b) Diagnosis 
 (c) Decisive  (d) Dosage 
 Q.55.  A  book  published  after  author's 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Predecessor publication 
 (b) Posthumous publication 
 (c) Supernatural publication 
 (d) Posthuman publication 
 Q.56.  A person who eats too much 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Glutton  (b) Gullible 
 (c) Garrulous  (d) Greedy 
 Q.57.  Study of coins 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Numismatics  (b) Apothecary 
 (c) Philately  (d) Antiquary 
 Q.58.  Children  and  adolescents  with  a 
 morbid  compulsion  to  steal  experience  a 
 growing  sense  of  tension  just  before 
 stealing. followed by pleasure, relief or 
 grati?cation during or just after stealing. 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Megalomania      (b) Kleptomania 
 (c) Dipsomania  (d) Pyromania 
 Q.59.  Requiring  exceptional  skill  or 
 caution in performance or handling 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Blunt  (b) Abstract 
 (c) Sustainable  (d) Tricky 
 Q.60.  An act of exchanging information 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Touch  (b) Hold 
 (c) Collaboration    (d) Communication 
 Solutions  :- 
 Sol.17.(c)  Pauper  -  no  means  of 
 livelihood left. 
 Worker  -  a  person  who  works  at  a 
 speci?c occupation. 
 Mason  -  a  person  skilled  in  cutting, 
 dressing, and laying stone in buildings. 
 Unemployed  -  a  person  not  currently  in 
 paid employment. 
 Sol.18.(d)  E?cient  -  working  or  operating 
 quickly  and  effectively  in  an  organised 
 Effusive  -  expressing  feelings  of 
 gratitude,  pleasure,  or  approval  in  a 
 heartfelt manner. 
 Extensive  -  covering  or  affecting  a  large 
 Excellent  -  extremely  good  and 
 Sol.19.(d)  Astronaut  -  a  person  engaged 
 in or trained for space?ight. 
 Astronomer  -  a  scientist  who  studies 
 celestial  objects  such  as  stars,  planets, 
 and galaxies. 
 Atrocious -  extremely cruel or brutal. 
 Astute  -  having  the  ability  to  accurately 
 assess  situations  or  people  and  turn  this 
 to one's advantage. 
 Sol.20.(a)  Calligraphy  -  the  art  of  pro 
 ducing beautiful handwriting. 
 Lexicography  -  the  activity  or  profession 
 of writing dictionaries. 
 Graphology  - the study of handwriting. 
 Demography  -  the  statistical  study  of 
 human populations. 
 Sol.21.(a)  Obituary  -  a  notice  of  the 
 death  of  a  person,  often  with  a 
 biographical sketch, as in a newspaper. 
 Elegy  -  a  poem  of  serious  re?ection 
 expressing grief, sadness, or loss. 
 Oblivion  -  the  state  of  being  unaware  or 
 unconscious of what is happening. 
 Advertisement  -  a  notice  or 
 announcement in a public medium 
 promoting a product, service, or event. 
 Sol.22.(a) Hydrophobia  -  fear of water.                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 397
Page 4

 Pinnacle  OWS 
 Direction  :-  [  Q.1.  to  Q.676.  ]  Select  the 
 option  that  can  be  used  as  a  one-word 
 substitute for the given group of words 
 Select  the  most  appropriate  option  that 
 can  substitute  the  Bold/Underlined 
 segment in the given sentence. 
 SSC CHSL 2023 Tier - 2 
 Q.1.  The  inability  to  obtain  adequate 
 SSC CHSL Tier II  (02/11/2023) 
 (a) Mythomania  (b) Andromania 
 (c) Insomnia  (d) Pyromania 
 Q.2.  A  drug  or  other  substance  that 
 induces sleep 
 SSC CHSL Tier II  (10/01/2024) 
 (a) Energetic  (b) Reviver 
 (c) Stimulant  (d) Sedative 
 Q.3.  A  sudden  violent  event  that  brings 
 about great loss or destruction 
 SSC CHSL Tier II  (10/01/2024) 
 (a) Blockbuster  (b) Farce 
 (c) Intrigue  (d) Catastrophe 
 Q.4.  Someone  who  has  too  much 
 admiration for himself or herself 
 SSC CHSL Tier II  (10/01/2024) 
 (a) Narcissist  (b) Pantheist 
 (c) Misogamist  (d) Misanthropist 
 Solutions :- 
 Sol.1.(c)  Insomnia  -  the  inability  to 
 obtain adequate sleep. 
 Mythomania  -  an  abnormal  or 
 pathological  tendency  to  exaggerate  or 
 tell lies. 
 Andromania  -  abnormally  increased 
 sexual desire or activity. 
 Pyromania  -  a  mental  illness  in  which  a 
 person feels a strong wish to start ?res. 
 Sol.2.(d)  Sedative  -  a  drug  or  other 
 substance that induces sleep. 
 Energetic  -  very  active  physically  and 
 Reviver  -  to  make  something  strong, 
 active, or healthy again. 
 Stimulant  -  a  drug  or  other  substance 
 that  temporarily  increases  the  activity  of 
 the body or one of its parts. 
 Sol.3.(d)  Catastrophe  -  a  sudden  violent 
 event  that  brings  about  great  loss  or 
 Blockbuster  -  a  hugely  successful  and 
 popular ?lm or event. 
 Farce  -  a  situation  that  is  very  badly 
 organized or unfair. 
 Intrigue  -  a  strong  feeling  of  curiosity  or 
 Sol.4.(a)  Narcissist  -  someone  who  has 
 too  much  admiration  for  himself  or 
 Pantheist  -  the  religious  belief  that  God  is 
 in everything in nature and the universe. 
 Misogamist  - a hatred of marriage. 
 Misanthropist  -  a  person  who  dislikes 
 humankind and avoids human society. 
 SSC CPO 2023 Tier - 2 
 Q.5.  the  husks  of  corn  or  other  grains 
 separated by winnowing or threshing. 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) hay  (b) peel   (c) fodder  (d) chaff 
 Q.6.  irrational fear of water 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) claustrophobia  (b) acrophobia 
 (c) cacophobia        (d) hydrophobia 
 Q.7.  one  who  is  skilled  and  eloquent  in 
 public speaking 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) lecturer  (b) spokesperson 
 (c) orator  (d) actor 
 Q.8.  a  legal  document  authorizing  the 
 police  or  another  body  to  make  an  arrest 
 or search premises 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) decree  (b) warrant 
 (c) licence  (d) permit 
 Q.9.  A  statement  open  to  more  than  one 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) explicit  (b) palpable 
 (c) tangible  (d) ambiguous 
 Q.10.  To skip about playfully 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) trundle  (b) scramble 
 (c) gambol  (d) amble 
 Q.11.  Natural talent for something 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) ?avour (b) favour (c) feeling (d) ?air 
 Q.12.  A  person  who  has  excessive 
 admiration of themselves 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) fanatic  (b) narcissist 
 (c) egocentric  (d) egotist 
 Q.13.  one who cannot be corrected 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) versatile  (b) incorrigible 
 (c) indefatigable  (d) vulnerable 
 Q.14.  a  wooden  frame  for  holding  an 
 artist's  work  while  it  is  being  painted  or 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) lectern  (b) platform 
 (c) easel  (d) podium 
 Solutions :- 
 Sol.5.(d)  Chaff  -  the  husks  of  corn  or 
 other  grains  separated  by  winnowing  or 
 Hay  -  grass  that  has  been  mown  and 
 dried for use as fodder. 
 Peel  -  the  outer  skin  or  covering  of  a  fruit 
 or vegetable. 
 Fodder  -  food  that  is  given  to  cows, 
 horses, and other farm animals. 
 Sol.6.(d)  Hydrophobia  -  irrational  fear  of 
 Claustrophobia  -  irrational  fear  of 
 enclosed spaces. 
 Acrophobia  - irrational fear of heights. 
 Cacophobia  - irrational fear of ugliness. 
 Sol.7.(c)  Orator  -  one  who  is  skilled  and 
 eloquent in public speaking. 
 Lecturer  -  an  expert  who  delivers 
 informative  talks  or  courses  to  educate 
 an audience. 
 Spokesperson  -  an  o?cial  representative 
 who  communicates  on  behalf  of  a  group 
 or organization to the public. 
 Actor  -  a  person  whose  profession  is 
 acting  on  the  stage,  in  ?lms,  or  on 
 Sol.8.(b)  Warrant  -  a  legal  document 
 authorizing  the  police  or  another  body  to 
 make an arrest or search premises. 
 Decree  -  an  o?cial  order  from  a  leader  or 
 a government that becomes the law. 
 Licence  -  an  o?cial  document  that  gives 
 you  permission  to  own,  do,  or  use 
 Permit  -  a  legal  document  giving  o?cial 
 permission to do something. 
 Sol.9.(d)  Ambiguous  -  a  statement  open 
 to more than one interpretation. 
 Explicit  -  something  that  is  clearly  stated 
 or explained. 
 Palpable  - very obvious. 
 Tangible  -  something  that  is  real  and  not 
 Sol.10.(c)  Gambol  -  to  skip  about 
 Trundle  - to roll or move slowly. 
 Scramble  -  to  move  quickly  and 
 Amble  - to walk at a slow pace. 
 Sol.11.(d)  Flair  - natural talent for                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 395
 Pinnacle  OWS 
 Flavour  -  the  distinctive  taste  of  a  food  or 
 Favour  -  the  support  or  approval  of 
 Feeling  - an emotional state. 
 Sol.12.(b)  Narcissist  -  a  person  who  has 
 excessive admiration of themselves. 
 Fanatic  -  ?lled  with  or  expressing 
 excessive zeal. 
 Egocentric  -  one  who  thinks  of  only  his 
 own  wants  and  does  not  consider  other 
 Egotist  -  a  person  who  considers  himself 
 more important than others. 
 Sol.13.(b)  Incorrigible  -  one  who  cannot 
 be corrected. 
 Versatile  -  able  to  adapt  or  be  adapted  to 
 many different functions or activities. 
 Indefatigable  - one who never gets tired. 
 Vulnerable  -  exposed  to  the  possibility  of 
 being  attacked  or  harmed,  either 
 physically or emotionally. 
 Sol.14.(c)  Easel  -  a  wooden  frame  for 
 holding  an  artist's  work  while  it  is  being 
 painted or drawn. 
 Lectern  -  a  stand  used  to  support  a  book 
 or  script  in  a  convenient  position  for  a 
 standing reader or speaker. 
 Platform  -  a  raised  level  surface  on  which 
 people or things can stand. 
 Podium  -  a  small  raised  platform  used  by 
 lecturers, orchestra conductors, etc. 
 SSC CGL 2023 Tier - 2 
 Q.15.  There  is  a  place  for  g  rains  in  the 
 backyard of this house. 
 SSC CGL Tier II  (26/10/2023) 
 (a) apiary  (b) archive 
 (c) granary  (d) dormitory 
 Q.16.  She  was  known  for  her  ability  to 
 communicate  effectivel  y  and  express 
 herself clearl  y  in writin  g  and s  p  eakin  g  . 
 SSC CGL Tier II  (26/10/2023) 
 (a) incoherence   (b) articulation 
 (c) mumbling       (d) rambling 
 Solutions :- 
 Sol.15.(c)  Granary  -  a  place  for  storing 
 Apiary  - a place where bees are kept. 
 Archive  -  a  collection  of  historical 
 documents  or  records  providing 
 information  about  a  place,  institution,  or 
 group of people. 
 Dormitory  -  a  large  bedroom  for  a 
 number of people in a school or 
 Sol.16.(b)  Articulation  -  ability  to 
 communicate  effectively  and  express 
 herself clearly in writing and speaking. 
 Incoherence  -  state  of  being  expressed  in 
 a way that is not clear. 
 Mumbling  -  speaking  or  spoken  in  a  quiet 
 and indistinct way. 
 Rambling  -  (of  writing  or  speech)  lengthy 
 and confused or inconsequential 
 SSC CPO 2023 Tier - 1 
 Q.17.  The  pandemic  deeply  affected 
 small  business  owners,  as  the  y  have  no 
 means of livelihood left  . 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Worker  (b) Mason 
 (c) Pauper  (d) Unemployed 
 Q.18.  Working  or  operating  quickly  and 
 effectively in an organised way 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Effusive  (b) Extensive 
 (c) Excellent  (d) E?cient 
 Q.19.  A  person  engaged  in  or  trained  for 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Astronomer  (b) Atrocious 
 (c) Astute  (d) Astronaut 
 Q.20.  How  did  you  become  interested  in 
 learning  the  art  of  p  roducin  g  beautiful 
 handwritin  g  ? 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Calligraphy  (b) Lexicography 
 (c) Graphology  (d) Demography 
 Q.21.  A  notice  of  the  death  of  a  person, 
 often  with  a  biographical  sketch,  as  in  a 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Obituary  (b) Elegy 
 (c) Oblivion  (d) Advertisement 
 Q.22.  Fear of water 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Hydrophobia  (b) Botanophobia 
 (c) Bibliophobia  (d) Microphobia 
 Q.23.  A  person  who  believes  that  God 
 does not exist 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Hedonistic  (b) Atheist 
 (c) Fanatic  (d) Epicurean 
 Q.24.  One who settles in another country 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Traveller  (b) Resident 
 (c) Refugee  (d) Immigrant 
 Q.25.  Study of science of insects 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Microbiology  (b) Anthropology 
 (c) Ecology  (d) Entomology 
 Q.26.  Payal’s  father  was  seen 
 desperately  searching  for  the  medicine 
 that  can  counteract  the  effect  of  a 
 venomous snakebite in Parul’s left hand. 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) remedy  (b) antiseptic 
 (c) antidote  (d) anti-serum 
 Q.27.  The study of the human mind 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Psychology  (b) Microbiology 
 (c) Epidemiology   (d) Anthropology 
 Q.28.  Happening repeatedly 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Recurrent  (b) Rapport 
 (c) Regression  (d) Recuperate 
 Q.29.  A  keeper  or  custodian  of  a 
 museum or other collection 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Cartographer  (b) Chauffeur 
 (c) Curator  (d) Calligrapher 
 Q.30.  No  longer  used  because 
 something new has been invented 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Ornamental  (b) Obsolete 
 (c) Classic  (d) Ancient 
 Q.31.  A  pretence  of  having  a  virtuous 
 character,  moral  or  religious  beliefs  or 
 principles,  etc.,  that  one  does  not  really 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Gullibility  (b) Shrewdness 
 (c) Naivety  (d) Hypocrisy 
 Q.32.  A  state  of  intense  happiness  and 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Euphoria  (b) Touché 
 (c) Intoxication  (d)  Oblivion 
 Q.33.  To criticise someone severely 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Rate  (b) Chastise 
 (c) Scoff  (d) Remonstrate 
 Q.34.  Huge ?re for celebration 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Agenda  (b) Campaign 
 (c) Bon?re  (d) Cross?re 
 Q.35.  To  make  a  low  continuous 
 vibratory  sound  expressing  contentment 
 (of a cat). 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) To meow  (b) To buzz 
 (c) To roar  (d) To purr 
 Q.36.  Minimum  people  needed  for  a 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Forum  (b) Quorum 
 (c) Addendum  (d) Decorum                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 396
 Pinnacle  OWS 
 Q.37.  A place where coins are made 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Mint  (b) Post O?ce 
 (c) Grove  (d) Trough 
 Q.38.  Something  of  monstrous  size  or 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Heavyweight  (b) Bulk 
 (c) Amazon  (d) Behemoth 
 Q.39.  An  ability  to  do  several  things  at 
 the same time. 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Unitasking  (b) Indictment 
 (c) Blasphemy  (d) Multitasking 
 Q.40.  Spoken  or  done  without  any 
 previous thought or preparation 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Inaugural  (b) Extempore 
 (c) Initiative  (d) Maiden 
 Q.41.  Someone  who  pretends  to  have 
 certain  moral  standards  while  secretively 
 that  person  practices  those  very  moral 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Actor (b) Hypocrite (c) Sinner (d) Spy 
 Q.42.  The compulsion to tell lies 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Mythomania  (b) Nymphomania 
 (c) Megalomania  (d) Pyromania 
 Q.43.  A  disease  prevalent  in  a 
 community  or  a  speci?c  region  at  a 
 speci?c time, affecting a large area. 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Eradicate  (b) Epidemic 
 (c) Pandemic  (d) Endemic 
 Q.44.  He  was  not  willing  to  attend  the 
 technical session of the conference. 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) comprehensive           (b) reluctant 
 (c) dejecting  (d) curious 
 Q.45.  To  have  a  strong  emotional  effect 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) To overwhelm  (b) To yield 
 (c) To smother  (d) To forfeit 
 Q.46.  Very  attractive  and  easy  to  feel 
 love for 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Adorable  (b) Flamboyant 
 (c) Laudable  (d) Mysterious 
 Q.47.  An  animal  or  a  person  that  eats  all 
 types of food, especially plants and meat 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Vegetarian  (b) Omnivore 
 (c) Herbivore  (d) Carnivore 
 Q.48.  Extremely  beautiful,  elaborate  or 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Transient  (b) Magni?cent 
 (c) Pro?cient  (d) De?cient 
 Q.49.  A  structure  in  the  garden  where 
 climbing  plants  can  grow  and  people  can 
 walk under 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Pergola  (b) Tomb 
 (c) Outhouse  (d) Treehouse 
 Q.50.  A  collection  of  historical 
 documents  or  records  providing 
 information  about  a  place,  institution,  or 
 group of people 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Asylum  (b) Museum 
 (c) Apostate  (d) Archive 
 Q.51.  Since  God  is  an  all-  p  owerful 
 creator,  he  has  absolute  control  over 
 those whom he has created. 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Omniscient  (b) Voracious 
 (c) Omnipotent  (d) Incorrigible 
 Q.52.  Centre of public attention 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Limelight  (b) Ambiguity 
 (c) Fuzziness  (d) Obscurity 
 Q.53.  One  who  goes  from  place  to  place, 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Malleable  (b) Mendicant 
 (c) Meticulous  (d) Misogamist 
 Q.54.  To  tell  the  nature  of  a  disease  by 
 its symptoms. 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Design  (b) Diagnosis 
 (c) Decisive  (d) Dosage 
 Q.55.  A  book  published  after  author's 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Predecessor publication 
 (b) Posthumous publication 
 (c) Supernatural publication 
 (d) Posthuman publication 
 Q.56.  A person who eats too much 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Glutton  (b) Gullible 
 (c) Garrulous  (d) Greedy 
 Q.57.  Study of coins 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Numismatics  (b) Apothecary 
 (c) Philately  (d) Antiquary 
 Q.58.  Children  and  adolescents  with  a 
 morbid  compulsion  to  steal  experience  a 
 growing  sense  of  tension  just  before 
 stealing. followed by pleasure, relief or 
 grati?cation during or just after stealing. 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Megalomania      (b) Kleptomania 
 (c) Dipsomania  (d) Pyromania 
 Q.59.  Requiring  exceptional  skill  or 
 caution in performance or handling 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Blunt  (b) Abstract 
 (c) Sustainable  (d) Tricky 
 Q.60.  An act of exchanging information 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Touch  (b) Hold 
 (c) Collaboration    (d) Communication 
 Solutions  :- 
 Sol.17.(c)  Pauper  -  no  means  of 
 livelihood left. 
 Worker  -  a  person  who  works  at  a 
 speci?c occupation. 
 Mason  -  a  person  skilled  in  cutting, 
 dressing, and laying stone in buildings. 
 Unemployed  -  a  person  not  currently  in 
 paid employment. 
 Sol.18.(d)  E?cient  -  working  or  operating 
 quickly  and  effectively  in  an  organised 
 Effusive  -  expressing  feelings  of 
 gratitude,  pleasure,  or  approval  in  a 
 heartfelt manner. 
 Extensive  -  covering  or  affecting  a  large 
 Excellent  -  extremely  good  and 
 Sol.19.(d)  Astronaut  -  a  person  engaged 
 in or trained for space?ight. 
 Astronomer  -  a  scientist  who  studies 
 celestial  objects  such  as  stars,  planets, 
 and galaxies. 
 Atrocious -  extremely cruel or brutal. 
 Astute  -  having  the  ability  to  accurately 
 assess  situations  or  people  and  turn  this 
 to one's advantage. 
 Sol.20.(a)  Calligraphy  -  the  art  of  pro 
 ducing beautiful handwriting. 
 Lexicography  -  the  activity  or  profession 
 of writing dictionaries. 
 Graphology  - the study of handwriting. 
 Demography  -  the  statistical  study  of 
 human populations. 
 Sol.21.(a)  Obituary  -  a  notice  of  the 
 death  of  a  person,  often  with  a 
 biographical sketch, as in a newspaper. 
 Elegy  -  a  poem  of  serious  re?ection 
 expressing grief, sadness, or loss. 
 Oblivion  -  the  state  of  being  unaware  or 
 unconscious of what is happening. 
 Advertisement  -  a  notice  or 
 announcement in a public medium 
 promoting a product, service, or event. 
 Sol.22.(a) Hydrophobia  -  fear of water.                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 397
 Pinnacle  OWS 
 Botanophobia  -  an  irrational  fear  of 
 Bibliophobia  - an irrational fear of books. 
 Microphobia  -  an  irrational  fear  of  small 
 Sol.23.(b)  Atheist  -  a  person  who 
 believes that God does not exist. 
 Hedonistic  -  a  person  seeking  pleasure 
 and self-grati?cation. 
 Fanatic  -  a  person  who  is  very 
 enthusiastic  about  something  to  an 
 Epicurean  -  a  person  who  enjoys  good 
 food and drink. 
 Sol.24.(d)  Immigrant  -  one  who  settles  in 
 another country. 
 Traveller  -  a  person  who  travels 
 Resident  -  a  person  who  lives  in  a 
 particular place. 
 Refugee  -  a  person  who  has  been  forced 
 to  leave  their  country  in  order  to  escape 
 war, persecution, or natural disaster. 
 Sol.25.(d)  Entomology  -  study  of  science 
 of insects. 
 Microbiology  -  the  study  of  microscopic 
 Anthropology  -  the  study  of  human 
 beings,  especially  their  societies  and 
 Ecology  -  the  study  of  the  relationship 
 between  living  organisms  and  their 
 Sol.26.(c)  Antidote  -  medicine  that  can 
 counteract the effect. 
 Sol.27.(a)  Psychology  -  the  study  of  the 
 human mind. 
 Microbiology  -  the  study  of  microscopic 
 Epidemiology  -  the  study  of  the  patterns, 
 causes,  and  effects  of  diseases  in 
 Anthropology  -  the  study  of  human 
 beings,  especially  their  societies  and 
 Recurrent  - happening repeatedly. 
 Rapport  -  a  close  and  harmonious 
 relationship  in  which  the  people  involved 
 understand and trust each other. 
 Regression  -  a  return  to  a  previous  or 
 less advanced state. 
 Recuperate  -  to  recover  from  illness  or 
 Sol.29.(c)  Curator  -  a  keeper  or 
 custodian  of  a  museum  or  other 
 Cartographer  -  a  person  who  makes 
 Chauffeur  -  a  person  who  is  paid  to  drive 
 a car for someone else. 
 Calligrapher  -  a  person  who  writes 
 beautiful letters and words by hand. 
 Sol.30.(b)  Obsolete  -  no  longer  used 
 because  something  new  has  been 
 Ornamental  -  used  for  decoration,  rather 
 than for a practical purpose. 
 Classic  -  having  a  style  that  is  regarded 
 as standard or permanent. 
 Ancient  -  belonging  to  the  very  distant 
 past and no longer in existence. 
 Sol.31.(d)  Hypocrisy  -  a  pretence  of 
 having  a  virtuous  character,  moral  or 
 religious  beliefs  or  principles,  etc.,  that 
 one does not really possess. 
 Gullibility  -  the  quality  of  being  easily 
 tricked or deceived. 
 Shrewdness  -  the  quality  of  being  clever 
 and practical. 
 Naivety  -  lack  of  experience  and 
 knowledge of the world. 
 Sol.32.(a)  Euphoria  -  a  state  of  intense 
 happiness and self-con?dence. 
 Intoxication  -  the  state  of  being  drunk  or 
 under the in?uence of drugs. 
 Oblivion  -  the  state  of  being  completely 
 unaware  of  what  is  happening  around 
 Sol.33.(b)  Chastise  -  to  criticise 
 someone severely. 
 Rate  -  the  speed  at  which  something 
 happens or changes. 
 Scoff  -  to  laugh  at  someone  or 
 something in a mocking way. 
 Remonstrate  -  to  protest  or  complain  to 
 someone about something. 
 Sol.34.(c)  Bon?re  -  huge  ?re  for 
 Agenda  -  a  list  of  things  that  are  to  be 
 discussed or done at a meeting. 
 Campaign  -  a  series  of  organized 
 activities  designed  to  achieve  a 
 particular goal. 
 Cross?re  -  a  situation  in  which  someone 
 is  caught  up  in  con?ict  between  two  or 
 more other people or groups. 
 Sol.35.(d)  To  purr  -  to  make  a  low 
 continuous  vibratory  sound  expressing 
 contentment (of a cat). 
 To  meow  -  to  make  a  characteristic 
 crying sound (of a cat). 
 To  buzz  -  to  make  a  low,  continuous 
 humming sound similar to that made by 
 an insect. 
 To  roar  -  a  full,  deep,  prolonged  cry 
 uttered  by  a  lion  or  other  large  wild 
 Sol.36.(b)  Quorum  -  minimum  people 
 needed for a meeting. 
 Forum  -  a  meeting  or  place  for  open 
 discussion and debate. 
 Addendum  -  a  piece  of  additional 
 information  that  is  added  to  something 
 that has already been written. 
 Decorum  - correct and polite behavior. 
 Sol.37.(a)  Mint  -  a  place  where  coins  are 
 Post  O?ce  -  a  place  where  stamps  are 
 sold  and  from  where  letters  and  parcels 
 are sent. 
 Grove  -  a  group  of  trees  planted  close 
 Trough  -  a  long,  narrow  open  container 
 for animals to eat or drink out of. 
 Sol.38.(d)  Behemoth  -  something  of 
 monstrous size or power. 
 Heavyweight  -  weighing  more  than  175 
 pounds  and  therefore  in  the  heaviest 
 class of boxers. 
 Bulk  -  the  mass  or  size  of  something 
 Amazon  -  a  tall,  strong,  or  forceful 
 Sol.39.(d)  Multitasking  -  an  ability  to  do 
 several things at the same time. 
 Unitasking  -  focusing  on  one  task  at  a 
 Indictment  -  a  formal  charge  or 
 accusation of a serious crime. 
 Blasphemy  -  the  act  of  disrespecting  or 
 showing  contempt  for  god  or  sacred 
 Sol.40.(b)  Extempore  -  spoken  or  done 
 without  any  previous  thought  or 
 Inaugural  -  marking  the  beginning  of  an 
 institution, activity, or period of o?ce. 
 Initiative  -  the  power  or  opportunity  to 
 act or take charge before others do. 
 Maiden  -  being  the  ?rst  attempt  or  act  of 
 its kind. 
 Sol.41.(b)  Hypocrite  -  someone  who 
 pretends  to  have  certain  moral  standards 
 while  secretively  that  person  practices 
 those very moral lapses. 
 Actor  -  a  person  whose  profession  is 
 acting  on  the  stage,  in  ?lms,  or  on 
 Sinner  -  a  person  who  has  broken  a 
 religious or moral law 
 Spy  -  a  person  employed  by  a 
 or other organization to secretly obtain 
 information on an enemy or competitor. 
 Sol.42.(a)  Mythomania  -  the  compulsion 
 to tell lies.                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 398
Page 5

 Pinnacle  OWS 
 Direction  :-  [  Q.1.  to  Q.676.  ]  Select  the 
 option  that  can  be  used  as  a  one-word 
 substitute for the given group of words 
 Select  the  most  appropriate  option  that 
 can  substitute  the  Bold/Underlined 
 segment in the given sentence. 
 SSC CHSL 2023 Tier - 2 
 Q.1.  The  inability  to  obtain  adequate 
 SSC CHSL Tier II  (02/11/2023) 
 (a) Mythomania  (b) Andromania 
 (c) Insomnia  (d) Pyromania 
 Q.2.  A  drug  or  other  substance  that 
 induces sleep 
 SSC CHSL Tier II  (10/01/2024) 
 (a) Energetic  (b) Reviver 
 (c) Stimulant  (d) Sedative 
 Q.3.  A  sudden  violent  event  that  brings 
 about great loss or destruction 
 SSC CHSL Tier II  (10/01/2024) 
 (a) Blockbuster  (b) Farce 
 (c) Intrigue  (d) Catastrophe 
 Q.4.  Someone  who  has  too  much 
 admiration for himself or herself 
 SSC CHSL Tier II  (10/01/2024) 
 (a) Narcissist  (b) Pantheist 
 (c) Misogamist  (d) Misanthropist 
 Solutions :- 
 Sol.1.(c)  Insomnia  -  the  inability  to 
 obtain adequate sleep. 
 Mythomania  -  an  abnormal  or 
 pathological  tendency  to  exaggerate  or 
 tell lies. 
 Andromania  -  abnormally  increased 
 sexual desire or activity. 
 Pyromania  -  a  mental  illness  in  which  a 
 person feels a strong wish to start ?res. 
 Sol.2.(d)  Sedative  -  a  drug  or  other 
 substance that induces sleep. 
 Energetic  -  very  active  physically  and 
 Reviver  -  to  make  something  strong, 
 active, or healthy again. 
 Stimulant  -  a  drug  or  other  substance 
 that  temporarily  increases  the  activity  of 
 the body or one of its parts. 
 Sol.3.(d)  Catastrophe  -  a  sudden  violent 
 event  that  brings  about  great  loss  or 
 Blockbuster  -  a  hugely  successful  and 
 popular ?lm or event. 
 Farce  -  a  situation  that  is  very  badly 
 organized or unfair. 
 Intrigue  -  a  strong  feeling  of  curiosity  or 
 Sol.4.(a)  Narcissist  -  someone  who  has 
 too  much  admiration  for  himself  or 
 Pantheist  -  the  religious  belief  that  God  is 
 in everything in nature and the universe. 
 Misogamist  - a hatred of marriage. 
 Misanthropist  -  a  person  who  dislikes 
 humankind and avoids human society. 
 SSC CPO 2023 Tier - 2 
 Q.5.  the  husks  of  corn  or  other  grains 
 separated by winnowing or threshing. 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) hay  (b) peel   (c) fodder  (d) chaff 
 Q.6.  irrational fear of water 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) claustrophobia  (b) acrophobia 
 (c) cacophobia        (d) hydrophobia 
 Q.7.  one  who  is  skilled  and  eloquent  in 
 public speaking 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) lecturer  (b) spokesperson 
 (c) orator  (d) actor 
 Q.8.  a  legal  document  authorizing  the 
 police  or  another  body  to  make  an  arrest 
 or search premises 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) decree  (b) warrant 
 (c) licence  (d) permit 
 Q.9.  A  statement  open  to  more  than  one 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) explicit  (b) palpable 
 (c) tangible  (d) ambiguous 
 Q.10.  To skip about playfully 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) trundle  (b) scramble 
 (c) gambol  (d) amble 
 Q.11.  Natural talent for something 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) ?avour (b) favour (c) feeling (d) ?air 
 Q.12.  A  person  who  has  excessive 
 admiration of themselves 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) fanatic  (b) narcissist 
 (c) egocentric  (d) egotist 
 Q.13.  one who cannot be corrected 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) versatile  (b) incorrigible 
 (c) indefatigable  (d) vulnerable 
 Q.14.  a  wooden  frame  for  holding  an 
 artist's  work  while  it  is  being  painted  or 
 SSC CPO Tier II (08/01/2024) 
 (a) lectern  (b) platform 
 (c) easel  (d) podium 
 Solutions :- 
 Sol.5.(d)  Chaff  -  the  husks  of  corn  or 
 other  grains  separated  by  winnowing  or 
 Hay  -  grass  that  has  been  mown  and 
 dried for use as fodder. 
 Peel  -  the  outer  skin  or  covering  of  a  fruit 
 or vegetable. 
 Fodder  -  food  that  is  given  to  cows, 
 horses, and other farm animals. 
 Sol.6.(d)  Hydrophobia  -  irrational  fear  of 
 Claustrophobia  -  irrational  fear  of 
 enclosed spaces. 
 Acrophobia  - irrational fear of heights. 
 Cacophobia  - irrational fear of ugliness. 
 Sol.7.(c)  Orator  -  one  who  is  skilled  and 
 eloquent in public speaking. 
 Lecturer  -  an  expert  who  delivers 
 informative  talks  or  courses  to  educate 
 an audience. 
 Spokesperson  -  an  o?cial  representative 
 who  communicates  on  behalf  of  a  group 
 or organization to the public. 
 Actor  -  a  person  whose  profession  is 
 acting  on  the  stage,  in  ?lms,  or  on 
 Sol.8.(b)  Warrant  -  a  legal  document 
 authorizing  the  police  or  another  body  to 
 make an arrest or search premises. 
 Decree  -  an  o?cial  order  from  a  leader  or 
 a government that becomes the law. 
 Licence  -  an  o?cial  document  that  gives 
 you  permission  to  own,  do,  or  use 
 Permit  -  a  legal  document  giving  o?cial 
 permission to do something. 
 Sol.9.(d)  Ambiguous  -  a  statement  open 
 to more than one interpretation. 
 Explicit  -  something  that  is  clearly  stated 
 or explained. 
 Palpable  - very obvious. 
 Tangible  -  something  that  is  real  and  not 
 Sol.10.(c)  Gambol  -  to  skip  about 
 Trundle  - to roll or move slowly. 
 Scramble  -  to  move  quickly  and 
 Amble  - to walk at a slow pace. 
 Sol.11.(d)  Flair  - natural talent for                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 395
 Pinnacle  OWS 
 Flavour  -  the  distinctive  taste  of  a  food  or 
 Favour  -  the  support  or  approval  of 
 Feeling  - an emotional state. 
 Sol.12.(b)  Narcissist  -  a  person  who  has 
 excessive admiration of themselves. 
 Fanatic  -  ?lled  with  or  expressing 
 excessive zeal. 
 Egocentric  -  one  who  thinks  of  only  his 
 own  wants  and  does  not  consider  other 
 Egotist  -  a  person  who  considers  himself 
 more important than others. 
 Sol.13.(b)  Incorrigible  -  one  who  cannot 
 be corrected. 
 Versatile  -  able  to  adapt  or  be  adapted  to 
 many different functions or activities. 
 Indefatigable  - one who never gets tired. 
 Vulnerable  -  exposed  to  the  possibility  of 
 being  attacked  or  harmed,  either 
 physically or emotionally. 
 Sol.14.(c)  Easel  -  a  wooden  frame  for 
 holding  an  artist's  work  while  it  is  being 
 painted or drawn. 
 Lectern  -  a  stand  used  to  support  a  book 
 or  script  in  a  convenient  position  for  a 
 standing reader or speaker. 
 Platform  -  a  raised  level  surface  on  which 
 people or things can stand. 
 Podium  -  a  small  raised  platform  used  by 
 lecturers, orchestra conductors, etc. 
 SSC CGL 2023 Tier - 2 
 Q.15.  There  is  a  place  for  g  rains  in  the 
 backyard of this house. 
 SSC CGL Tier II  (26/10/2023) 
 (a) apiary  (b) archive 
 (c) granary  (d) dormitory 
 Q.16.  She  was  known  for  her  ability  to 
 communicate  effectivel  y  and  express 
 herself clearl  y  in writin  g  and s  p  eakin  g  . 
 SSC CGL Tier II  (26/10/2023) 
 (a) incoherence   (b) articulation 
 (c) mumbling       (d) rambling 
 Solutions :- 
 Sol.15.(c)  Granary  -  a  place  for  storing 
 Apiary  - a place where bees are kept. 
 Archive  -  a  collection  of  historical 
 documents  or  records  providing 
 information  about  a  place,  institution,  or 
 group of people. 
 Dormitory  -  a  large  bedroom  for  a 
 number of people in a school or 
 Sol.16.(b)  Articulation  -  ability  to 
 communicate  effectively  and  express 
 herself clearly in writing and speaking. 
 Incoherence  -  state  of  being  expressed  in 
 a way that is not clear. 
 Mumbling  -  speaking  or  spoken  in  a  quiet 
 and indistinct way. 
 Rambling  -  (of  writing  or  speech)  lengthy 
 and confused or inconsequential 
 SSC CPO 2023 Tier - 1 
 Q.17.  The  pandemic  deeply  affected 
 small  business  owners,  as  the  y  have  no 
 means of livelihood left  . 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Worker  (b) Mason 
 (c) Pauper  (d) Unemployed 
 Q.18.  Working  or  operating  quickly  and 
 effectively in an organised way 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Effusive  (b) Extensive 
 (c) Excellent  (d) E?cient 
 Q.19.  A  person  engaged  in  or  trained  for 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Astronomer  (b) Atrocious 
 (c) Astute  (d) Astronaut 
 Q.20.  How  did  you  become  interested  in 
 learning  the  art  of  p  roducin  g  beautiful 
 handwritin  g  ? 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Calligraphy  (b) Lexicography 
 (c) Graphology  (d) Demography 
 Q.21.  A  notice  of  the  death  of  a  person, 
 often  with  a  biographical  sketch,  as  in  a 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Obituary  (b) Elegy 
 (c) Oblivion  (d) Advertisement 
 Q.22.  Fear of water 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Hydrophobia  (b) Botanophobia 
 (c) Bibliophobia  (d) Microphobia 
 Q.23.  A  person  who  believes  that  God 
 does not exist 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Hedonistic  (b) Atheist 
 (c) Fanatic  (d) Epicurean 
 Q.24.  One who settles in another country 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Traveller  (b) Resident 
 (c) Refugee  (d) Immigrant 
 Q.25.  Study of science of insects 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Microbiology  (b) Anthropology 
 (c) Ecology  (d) Entomology 
 Q.26.  Payal’s  father  was  seen 
 desperately  searching  for  the  medicine 
 that  can  counteract  the  effect  of  a 
 venomous snakebite in Parul’s left hand. 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) remedy  (b) antiseptic 
 (c) antidote  (d) anti-serum 
 Q.27.  The study of the human mind 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Psychology  (b) Microbiology 
 (c) Epidemiology   (d) Anthropology 
 Q.28.  Happening repeatedly 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Recurrent  (b) Rapport 
 (c) Regression  (d) Recuperate 
 Q.29.  A  keeper  or  custodian  of  a 
 museum or other collection 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Cartographer  (b) Chauffeur 
 (c) Curator  (d) Calligrapher 
 Q.30.  No  longer  used  because 
 something new has been invented 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Ornamental  (b) Obsolete 
 (c) Classic  (d) Ancient 
 Q.31.  A  pretence  of  having  a  virtuous 
 character,  moral  or  religious  beliefs  or 
 principles,  etc.,  that  one  does  not  really 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Gullibility  (b) Shrewdness 
 (c) Naivety  (d) Hypocrisy 
 Q.32.  A  state  of  intense  happiness  and 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Euphoria  (b) Touché 
 (c) Intoxication  (d)  Oblivion 
 Q.33.  To criticise someone severely 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Rate  (b) Chastise 
 (c) Scoff  (d) Remonstrate 
 Q.34.  Huge ?re for celebration 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Agenda  (b) Campaign 
 (c) Bon?re  (d) Cross?re 
 Q.35.  To  make  a  low  continuous 
 vibratory  sound  expressing  contentment 
 (of a cat). 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) To meow  (b) To buzz 
 (c) To roar  (d) To purr 
 Q.36.  Minimum  people  needed  for  a 
 SSC CPO 03/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Forum  (b) Quorum 
 (c) Addendum  (d) Decorum                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 396
 Pinnacle  OWS 
 Q.37.  A place where coins are made 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Mint  (b) Post O?ce 
 (c) Grove  (d) Trough 
 Q.38.  Something  of  monstrous  size  or 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Heavyweight  (b) Bulk 
 (c) Amazon  (d) Behemoth 
 Q.39.  An  ability  to  do  several  things  at 
 the same time. 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Unitasking  (b) Indictment 
 (c) Blasphemy  (d) Multitasking 
 Q.40.  Spoken  or  done  without  any 
 previous thought or preparation 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Inaugural  (b) Extempore 
 (c) Initiative  (d) Maiden 
 Q.41.  Someone  who  pretends  to  have 
 certain  moral  standards  while  secretively 
 that  person  practices  those  very  moral 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Actor (b) Hypocrite (c) Sinner (d) Spy 
 Q.42.  The compulsion to tell lies 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Mythomania  (b) Nymphomania 
 (c) Megalomania  (d) Pyromania 
 Q.43.  A  disease  prevalent  in  a 
 community  or  a  speci?c  region  at  a 
 speci?c time, affecting a large area. 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Eradicate  (b) Epidemic 
 (c) Pandemic  (d) Endemic 
 Q.44.  He  was  not  willing  to  attend  the 
 technical session of the conference. 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) comprehensive           (b) reluctant 
 (c) dejecting  (d) curious 
 Q.45.  To  have  a  strong  emotional  effect 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) To overwhelm  (b) To yield 
 (c) To smother  (d) To forfeit 
 Q.46.  Very  attractive  and  easy  to  feel 
 love for 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Adorable  (b) Flamboyant 
 (c) Laudable  (d) Mysterious 
 Q.47.  An  animal  or  a  person  that  eats  all 
 types of food, especially plants and meat 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Vegetarian  (b) Omnivore 
 (c) Herbivore  (d) Carnivore 
 Q.48.  Extremely  beautiful,  elaborate  or 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Transient  (b) Magni?cent 
 (c) Pro?cient  (d) De?cient 
 Q.49.  A  structure  in  the  garden  where 
 climbing  plants  can  grow  and  people  can 
 walk under 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Pergola  (b) Tomb 
 (c) Outhouse  (d) Treehouse 
 Q.50.  A  collection  of  historical 
 documents  or  records  providing 
 information  about  a  place,  institution,  or 
 group of people 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Asylum  (b) Museum 
 (c) Apostate  (d) Archive 
 Q.51.  Since  God  is  an  all-  p  owerful 
 creator,  he  has  absolute  control  over 
 those whom he has created. 
 SSC CPO 04/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Omniscient  (b) Voracious 
 (c) Omnipotent  (d) Incorrigible 
 Q.52.  Centre of public attention 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Limelight  (b) Ambiguity 
 (c) Fuzziness  (d) Obscurity 
 Q.53.  One  who  goes  from  place  to  place, 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Malleable  (b) Mendicant 
 (c) Meticulous  (d) Misogamist 
 Q.54.  To  tell  the  nature  of  a  disease  by 
 its symptoms. 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Design  (b) Diagnosis 
 (c) Decisive  (d) Dosage 
 Q.55.  A  book  published  after  author's 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (1st Shift) 
 (a) Predecessor publication 
 (b) Posthumous publication 
 (c) Supernatural publication 
 (d) Posthuman publication 
 Q.56.  A person who eats too much 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Glutton  (b) Gullible 
 (c) Garrulous  (d) Greedy 
 Q.57.  Study of coins 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Numismatics  (b) Apothecary 
 (c) Philately  (d) Antiquary 
 Q.58.  Children  and  adolescents  with  a 
 morbid  compulsion  to  steal  experience  a 
 growing  sense  of  tension  just  before 
 stealing. followed by pleasure, relief or 
 grati?cation during or just after stealing. 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Megalomania      (b) Kleptomania 
 (c) Dipsomania  (d) Pyromania 
 Q.59.  Requiring  exceptional  skill  or 
 caution in performance or handling 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Blunt  (b) Abstract 
 (c) Sustainable  (d) Tricky 
 Q.60.  An act of exchanging information 
 SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (3rd Shift) 
 (a) Touch  (b) Hold 
 (c) Collaboration    (d) Communication 
 Solutions  :- 
 Sol.17.(c)  Pauper  -  no  means  of 
 livelihood left. 
 Worker  -  a  person  who  works  at  a 
 speci?c occupation. 
 Mason  -  a  person  skilled  in  cutting, 
 dressing, and laying stone in buildings. 
 Unemployed  -  a  person  not  currently  in 
 paid employment. 
 Sol.18.(d)  E?cient  -  working  or  operating 
 quickly  and  effectively  in  an  organised 
 Effusive  -  expressing  feelings  of 
 gratitude,  pleasure,  or  approval  in  a 
 heartfelt manner. 
 Extensive  -  covering  or  affecting  a  large 
 Excellent  -  extremely  good  and 
 Sol.19.(d)  Astronaut  -  a  person  engaged 
 in or trained for space?ight. 
 Astronomer  -  a  scientist  who  studies 
 celestial  objects  such  as  stars,  planets, 
 and galaxies. 
 Atrocious -  extremely cruel or brutal. 
 Astute  -  having  the  ability  to  accurately 
 assess  situations  or  people  and  turn  this 
 to one's advantage. 
 Sol.20.(a)  Calligraphy  -  the  art  of  pro 
 ducing beautiful handwriting. 
 Lexicography  -  the  activity  or  profession 
 of writing dictionaries. 
 Graphology  - the study of handwriting. 
 Demography  -  the  statistical  study  of 
 human populations. 
 Sol.21.(a)  Obituary  -  a  notice  of  the 
 death  of  a  person,  often  with  a 
 biographical sketch, as in a newspaper. 
 Elegy  -  a  poem  of  serious  re?ection 
 expressing grief, sadness, or loss. 
 Oblivion  -  the  state  of  being  unaware  or 
 unconscious of what is happening. 
 Advertisement  -  a  notice  or 
 announcement in a public medium 
 promoting a product, service, or event. 
 Sol.22.(a) Hydrophobia  -  fear of water.                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 397
 Pinnacle  OWS 
 Botanophobia  -  an  irrational  fear  of 
 Bibliophobia  - an irrational fear of books. 
 Microphobia  -  an  irrational  fear  of  small 
 Sol.23.(b)  Atheist  -  a  person  who 
 believes that God does not exist. 
 Hedonistic  -  a  person  seeking  pleasure 
 and self-grati?cation. 
 Fanatic  -  a  person  who  is  very 
 enthusiastic  about  something  to  an 
 Epicurean  -  a  person  who  enjoys  good 
 food and drink. 
 Sol.24.(d)  Immigrant  -  one  who  settles  in 
 another country. 
 Traveller  -  a  person  who  travels 
 Resident  -  a  person  who  lives  in  a 
 particular place. 
 Refugee  -  a  person  who  has  been  forced 
 to  leave  their  country  in  order  to  escape 
 war, persecution, or natural disaster. 
 Sol.25.(d)  Entomology  -  study  of  science 
 of insects. 
 Microbiology  -  the  study  of  microscopic 
 Anthropology  -  the  study  of  human 
 beings,  especially  their  societies  and 
 Ecology  -  the  study  of  the  relationship 
 between  living  organisms  and  their 
 Sol.26.(c)  Antidote  -  medicine  that  can 
 counteract the effect. 
 Sol.27.(a)  Psychology  -  the  study  of  the 
 human mind. 
 Microbiology  -  the  study  of  microscopic 
 Epidemiology  -  the  study  of  the  patterns, 
 causes,  and  effects  of  diseases  in 
 Anthropology  -  the  study  of  human 
 beings,  especially  their  societies  and 
 Recurrent  - happening repeatedly. 
 Rapport  -  a  close  and  harmonious 
 relationship  in  which  the  people  involved 
 understand and trust each other. 
 Regression  -  a  return  to  a  previous  or 
 less advanced state. 
 Recuperate  -  to  recover  from  illness  or 
 Sol.29.(c)  Curator  -  a  keeper  or 
 custodian  of  a  museum  or  other 
 Cartographer  -  a  person  who  makes 
 Chauffeur  -  a  person  who  is  paid  to  drive 
 a car for someone else. 
 Calligrapher  -  a  person  who  writes 
 beautiful letters and words by hand. 
 Sol.30.(b)  Obsolete  -  no  longer  used 
 because  something  new  has  been 
 Ornamental  -  used  for  decoration,  rather 
 than for a practical purpose. 
 Classic  -  having  a  style  that  is  regarded 
 as standard or permanent. 
 Ancient  -  belonging  to  the  very  distant 
 past and no longer in existence. 
 Sol.31.(d)  Hypocrisy  -  a  pretence  of 
 having  a  virtuous  character,  moral  or 
 religious  beliefs  or  principles,  etc.,  that 
 one does not really possess. 
 Gullibility  -  the  quality  of  being  easily 
 tricked or deceived. 
 Shrewdness  -  the  quality  of  being  clever 
 and practical. 
 Naivety  -  lack  of  experience  and 
 knowledge of the world. 
 Sol.32.(a)  Euphoria  -  a  state  of  intense 
 happiness and self-con?dence. 
 Intoxication  -  the  state  of  being  drunk  or 
 under the in?uence of drugs. 
 Oblivion  -  the  state  of  being  completely 
 unaware  of  what  is  happening  around 
 Sol.33.(b)  Chastise  -  to  criticise 
 someone severely. 
 Rate  -  the  speed  at  which  something 
 happens or changes. 
 Scoff  -  to  laugh  at  someone  or 
 something in a mocking way. 
 Remonstrate  -  to  protest  or  complain  to 
 someone about something. 
 Sol.34.(c)  Bon?re  -  huge  ?re  for 
 Agenda  -  a  list  of  things  that  are  to  be 
 discussed or done at a meeting. 
 Campaign  -  a  series  of  organized 
 activities  designed  to  achieve  a 
 particular goal. 
 Cross?re  -  a  situation  in  which  someone 
 is  caught  up  in  con?ict  between  two  or 
 more other people or groups. 
 Sol.35.(d)  To  purr  -  to  make  a  low 
 continuous  vibratory  sound  expressing 
 contentment (of a cat). 
 To  meow  -  to  make  a  characteristic 
 crying sound (of a cat). 
 To  buzz  -  to  make  a  low,  continuous 
 humming sound similar to that made by 
 an insect. 
 To  roar  -  a  full,  deep,  prolonged  cry 
 uttered  by  a  lion  or  other  large  wild 
 Sol.36.(b)  Quorum  -  minimum  people 
 needed for a meeting. 
 Forum  -  a  meeting  or  place  for  open 
 discussion and debate. 
 Addendum  -  a  piece  of  additional 
 information  that  is  added  to  something 
 that has already been written. 
 Decorum  - correct and polite behavior. 
 Sol.37.(a)  Mint  -  a  place  where  coins  are 
 Post  O?ce  -  a  place  where  stamps  are 
 sold  and  from  where  letters  and  parcels 
 are sent. 
 Grove  -  a  group  of  trees  planted  close 
 Trough  -  a  long,  narrow  open  container 
 for animals to eat or drink out of. 
 Sol.38.(d)  Behemoth  -  something  of 
 monstrous size or power. 
 Heavyweight  -  weighing  more  than  175 
 pounds  and  therefore  in  the  heaviest 
 class of boxers. 
 Bulk  -  the  mass  or  size  of  something 
 Amazon  -  a  tall,  strong,  or  forceful 
 Sol.39.(d)  Multitasking  -  an  ability  to  do 
 several things at the same time. 
 Unitasking  -  focusing  on  one  task  at  a 
 Indictment  -  a  formal  charge  or 
 accusation of a serious crime. 
 Blasphemy  -  the  act  of  disrespecting  or 
 showing  contempt  for  god  or  sacred 
 Sol.40.(b)  Extempore  -  spoken  or  done 
 without  any  previous  thought  or 
 Inaugural  -  marking  the  beginning  of  an 
 institution, activity, or period of o?ce. 
 Initiative  -  the  power  or  opportunity  to 
 act or take charge before others do. 
 Maiden  -  being  the  ?rst  attempt  or  act  of 
 its kind. 
 Sol.41.(b)  Hypocrite  -  someone  who 
 pretends  to  have  certain  moral  standards 
 while  secretively  that  person  practices 
 those very moral lapses. 
 Actor  -  a  person  whose  profession  is 
 acting  on  the  stage,  in  ?lms,  or  on 
 Sinner  -  a  person  who  has  broken  a 
 religious or moral law 
 Spy  -  a  person  employed  by  a 
 or other organization to secretly obtain 
 information on an enemy or competitor. 
 Sol.42.(a)  Mythomania  -  the  compulsion 
 to tell lies.                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 398
 Pinnacle  OWS 
 Nymphomania  -  uncontrollable  or 
 excessive sexual desire in a woman. 
 Megalomania  -  an  unnaturally  strong 
 wish for power and control. 
 Pyromania  -  an  obsessive  desire  to  set 
 ?re to things. 
 Sol.43.(b)  Epidemic  -  a  disease  prevalent 
 in  a  community  or  a  speci?c  region  at  a 
 speci?c time, affecting a large area. 
 Eradicate  -  to  destroy  or  remove 
 Pandemic  -  a  disease  that  is  prevalent 
 throughout a country or the world. 
 Endemic  -  constantly  present  in  a 
 particular location or environment. 
 Sol.44.(b) Reluctant  -  not willing. 
 Comprehensive  -  including  all  of  the 
 necessary elements or information. 
 Dejecting  -  causing  sadness  or 
 Curious  -  wanting  to  know  or  learn 
 Sol.45.(a)  To  overwhelm  -  to  have  a 
 strong emotional effect on. 
 To yield  - to produce or give something. 
 To  smother  -  to  cover  or  surround 
 something  completely,  preventing  it  from 
 getting air. 
 To  forfeit  -  to  give  up  something, 
 especially  because  you  have  lost  the 
 right to have it. 
 Sol.46.(a)  Adorable  -  very  attractive  and 
 easy to feel love for. 
 Flamboyant  -  behaving  in  a  way  that  is 
 intended to attract attention. 
 Laudable  - deserving praise. 
 Mysterious  -  di?cult  to  understand  or 
 Sol.47.(b)  Omnivore  -  an  animal  or  a 
 person  that  eats  all  types  of  food, 
 especially plants and meat. 
 Vegetarian  -  a  person  who  does  not  eat 
 Herbivore  -  an  animal  that  feeds  on 
 Carnivore  -  an  animal  that  feeds  on  other 
 Sol.48.(b)  Magni?cent  -  extremely 
 beautiful, elaborate or impressive. 
 Transient  - lasting only for a short time. 
 Pro?cient  -  competent  or  skilled  in  doing 
 or using something. 
 De?cient  - not having enough of a 
 speci?ed quality or ingredient. 
 Sol.49.(a) Pergola  - a structure in the 
 garden  where  climbing  plants  can  grow 
 and people can walk under. 
 Tomb  -  a  chamber  below  the  ground 
 where a dead person is buried. 
 Outhouse  -  a  small  building,  such  as  a 
 shed, outside a main building. 
 Treehouse  -  a  houselike  structure  built  in 
 the  branches  of  a  tree,  as  for  children  to 
 play in. 
 Sol.50.(d)  Archive  -  a  collection  of 
 historical  documents  or  records 
 providing  information  about  a  place, 
 institution, or a group of people. 
 Asylum  -  an  institution  for  the  care  of 
 people who are mentally ill. 
 Museum  -  a  building  where  objects  of 
 historical,  scienti?c,  or  artistic  interest 
 are kept. 
 Apostate  -  a  person  who  renounces  a 
 religious or political belief or principle. 
 Sol.51.(c)  Omnipotent  -  an  all-powerful 
 Omniscient  - one who knows everything. 
 Voracious  -  craving  or  consuming  large 
 quantities of food. 
 Incorrigible  -  that  which  can  not  be 
 Sol.52.(a)  Limelight  -  centre  of  public 
 Ambiguity  -  the  quality  of  being  open  to 
 more than one interpretation. 
 Fuzziness  -  the  quality  of  not  being  clear 
 to see or hear. 
 Obscurity  -  the  quality  of  being  di?cult  to 
 Sol.53.(b)  Mendicant  -  one  who  goes 
 from place to place, begging. 
 Malleable  -  able  to  be  hammered  or 
 pressed  into  shape  without  breaking  or 
 Meticulous  - very careful and precise. 
 Misogamist  - hatred of marriage. 
 Sol.54.(b)  Diagnosis  -  to  tell  the  nature  of 
 a disease by its symptoms. 
 Design  -  a  plan  or  drawing  produced  to 
 show  the  look  and  function  or  workings 
 of  a  building,  garment,  or  other  object 
 before it is made. 
 Decisive  -  having  or  showing  the  ability  to 
 make decisions quickly and effectively. 
 Dosage  -  the  size  or  frequency  of  a  dose 
 of a medicine or drug. 
 Sol.55.(b)  Posthumous  publication  -  a 
 book published after author’s death. 
 Predecessor  publication  -  a  publication 
 or  written  work  that  came  before  another 
 Supernatural  publication  -  a  piece  of 
 writing  that  involves  occurrences  that  are 
 beyond  the  scope  of  natural  laws, 
 science,  or  the  ordinary  understanding  of 
 the physical world. 
 Posthuman publication  - a written work 
 about what happens when humans and 
 technology  merge,  making  us  different 
 from how we are now. 
 Sol.56.(a)  Glutton  -  a  person  who  eats 
 too much. 
 Gullible  -  someone  who  can  be  easily 
 deceived or tricked. 
 Garrulous  -  having  the  habit  of  talking  a 
 Greedy  -  having  a  sel?sh  desire  for 
 wealth and possessions. 
 Sol.57.(a)  Numismatics  - study of coins. 
 Apothecary  -  one  who  prepares  and  sells 
 drugs  or  compounds  for  medicinal 
 Philately  -  the  collection  and  study  of 
 postage stamps. 
 Antiquary  -  a  person  who  studies  or 
 collects old and valuable objects. 
 Sol.58.(b)  Kleptomania  -  an  urge  or  habit 
 of stealing. 
 Megalomania  -  obsession  with  the 
 exercise of power. 
 Dipsomania  -  an  uncontrollable  craving 
 for alcohol. 
 Pyromania  -  an  obsessive  desire  to  set 
 ?re to things. 
 Sol.59.(d)  Tricky  -  requiring  exceptional 
 skill  or  caution  in  performance  or 
 Blunt -  dull or not sharp 
 Abstract  -  existing  in  thought  or  as  an 
 idea  but  not  having  a  physical  or 
 concrete existence. 
 Sustainable  -  able  to  be  maintained  at  a 
 certain rate or level. 
 Sol.60.(d)  Communication  -  an  act  of 
 exchanging information. 
 Touch  -  to  make  physical  contact  with 
 something or someone using one's hand. 
 Hold  -  to  grasp  or  grip  something  ?rmly 
 with the hands. 
 Collaboration  -  the  action  of  working 
 together with others. 
 SSC MTS 2023 Tier - 1 
 Q.61.  He  studies  the  subject  known  as 
 the scienti?c stud  y  of insects  . 
 SSC MTS 01/09/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) Entomology  (b) Alchemy 
 (c) Biology  (d) Etymology 
 Q.62.  Iraq  was  governed  by  autocracy 
 when  Saddam  Hussain  was  the 
 SSC MTS 01/09/2023 (2nd Shift) 
 (a) one man with absolute power 
 (b) the King and his heir 
 (c) the wealthy class 
 (d) the common people                                                 Download Pinnacle Exam Preparation App 399
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FAQs on SSC CGL Previous Year Questions (2023-18): One Word Substitution - 1 - SSC CGL English Previous Year Papers (Topic-wise)

1. What is one word substitution in the context of SSC CGL?
Ans.One word substitution refers to replacing a phrase or a group of words with a single word that conveys the same meaning. In SSC CGL exams, it tests candidates' vocabulary and understanding of language.
2. Why is one word substitution important for the SSC CGL exam?
Ans.One word substitution is important because it helps in enhancing vocabulary and comprehension skills, which are crucial for various sections of the SSC CGL exam, including English language proficiency and general awareness.
3. How can I prepare for one word substitution questions for SSC CGL?
Ans.To prepare for one word substitution questions, candidates should read extensively, practice with previous years' question papers, and use vocabulary-building resources like flashcards or apps that focus on synonyms and antonyms.
4. Are there any common one word substitutions that frequently appear in SSC CGL exams?
Ans.Yes, some common one word substitutions include 'benevolent' for 'kind-hearted', 'autobiography' for 'self-written life story', and 'dormitory' for 'sleeping room', among others. Familiarizing oneself with these can be helpful.
5. Where can I find previous year one word substitution questions for SSC CGL?
Ans.Previous year one word substitution questions can be found in various online educational platforms, SSC preparation books, and dedicated websites that provide exam resources and practice sets for SSC CGL aspirants.
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