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SSC CGL Tier 1 (10 June) Shift 3 Past Year Paper (2018) | SSC CGL (Hindi) Tier - 1 Mock Test Series PDF Download

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SSC CGL (TIER-I) Online hejer#ee 2018 
JÙeeKÙee meefnle nue ØeMve-he$e (Shift-III) 
General Intelligence and Reasoning 
1.  If + denotes –, – denotes *, * denotes /, / denotes +. 
  Then what will be the value of  
  Ùeefo + celeueye –, – celeueye *, * celeueye/, /celeueye 
+ leye efvecve keâe ceeve keäÙee nesiee? 
  25 2/10* 5 2 ? - + = - + = - + = - + =  
 (a) 50 (b) 10  
 (c) 26 (d) 58 
2.  If DON is coded as 345 and ROAM is coded as 
6412, then how will RANDOM be coded?  
  Ùeefo DON keâes 345 kesâ ™he ceW ketâšyeæ efkeâÙee peelee nw 
Deewj ROAM keâes 6412 kesâ ™he ceW ketâšyeæ efkeâÙee 
peelee nw lees RANDOM keâes efkeâme ™he ceW ketâšyeæ 
efkeâÙee peeSiee? 
 (a) 613542 (b) 615342  
 (c) 615324 (d) 651342 
3.  Three of the following four word-pairs are 
alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick 
the odd one out. 
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej Meyo ÙegiceeW ceW mes leerve Meyo Ùegice 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâ meceeve nw Deewj Skeâ Meyo Ùegice 
Demeceeve nw~ Demeceeve Meyo Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 (a) Chisel : Sculptor/Úwveer : cetefle&keâej  
 (b) Paper : Book/keâeiepe : hegmlekeâ  
 (c) Anvil : Blacksmith/efveneF& : ueesnej 
 (d) Scalpel : Surgeon/efÛeefkeâlmekeâ keâer Úgjer  : mepe&ve 
4.  Bharat and Sapna are husband and wife. Rohit 
and Bharat are brothers, Suresh is the father of 
Rohit, Sapna's son is Krish. How is Krish 
related to Suresh? 
  Yejle Deewj mehevee heefle Deewj helveer nw~ jesefnle Deewj Yejle 
YeeF& nw~ megjsMe jesefnle kesâ efhelee nw~ mehevee keâe heg$e ke=â<e nw~ 
ke=â<e, megjsMe mes efkeâme Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw? 
 (a) Grandson/heew$e  (b) Uncle/Debkeâue  
 (c) Father/efhelee (d) Son/heg$e 
5.  Select the figure in which the given figure is 
  Gme Deeke=âefle keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW oer ieF& Deeke=âefle 
efÚheer ngF& nw~ 
6.  Select the option that is related to the third 
number in the same way as the second number 
is related to the first number. 
  Gme efJekeâuhe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS pees leermejer mebKÙee mes 
Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw efpeme Øekeâej henueer mebKÙee otmejer 
mebKÙee mes mebyebefOele nw~ 
  17 : 102 : : 23 :........ 
 (a) 256  (b) 152 
 (c) 138 (d) 196 
7.  A square paper is folded and cut as shown 
below. How will it appear when unfolded?  
  Skeâ Jeiee&keâej keâeiepe keâes ceesÌ[e ieÙee Deewj veerÛes oMee&S 
ieS Devegmeej keâeše ieÙee nw~ Keesueves hej Jen keâeiepe kewâmee 
efoKeeF& osiee? 
8.  How many triangles are there in the following 
  veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle ceW efkeâleves ef$eYegpe nQ? 
 (a) 29  (b) 18 
 (c) 33 (d) 31 
(hejer#ee efleefLe : 10.06.2019) 
Page 2

SSC CGL (TIER-I) Online hejer#ee 2018 
JÙeeKÙee meefnle nue ØeMve-he$e (Shift-III) 
General Intelligence and Reasoning 
1.  If + denotes –, – denotes *, * denotes /, / denotes +. 
  Then what will be the value of  
  Ùeefo + celeueye –, – celeueye *, * celeueye/, /celeueye 
+ leye efvecve keâe ceeve keäÙee nesiee? 
  25 2/10* 5 2 ? - + = - + = - + = - + =  
 (a) 50 (b) 10  
 (c) 26 (d) 58 
2.  If DON is coded as 345 and ROAM is coded as 
6412, then how will RANDOM be coded?  
  Ùeefo DON keâes 345 kesâ ™he ceW ketâšyeæ efkeâÙee peelee nw 
Deewj ROAM keâes 6412 kesâ ™he ceW ketâšyeæ efkeâÙee 
peelee nw lees RANDOM keâes efkeâme ™he ceW ketâšyeæ 
efkeâÙee peeSiee? 
 (a) 613542 (b) 615342  
 (c) 615324 (d) 651342 
3.  Three of the following four word-pairs are 
alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick 
the odd one out. 
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej Meyo ÙegiceeW ceW mes leerve Meyo Ùegice 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâ meceeve nw Deewj Skeâ Meyo Ùegice 
Demeceeve nw~ Demeceeve Meyo Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 (a) Chisel : Sculptor/Úwveer : cetefle&keâej  
 (b) Paper : Book/keâeiepe : hegmlekeâ  
 (c) Anvil : Blacksmith/efveneF& : ueesnej 
 (d) Scalpel : Surgeon/efÛeefkeâlmekeâ keâer Úgjer  : mepe&ve 
4.  Bharat and Sapna are husband and wife. Rohit 
and Bharat are brothers, Suresh is the father of 
Rohit, Sapna's son is Krish. How is Krish 
related to Suresh? 
  Yejle Deewj mehevee heefle Deewj helveer nw~ jesefnle Deewj Yejle 
YeeF& nw~ megjsMe jesefnle kesâ efhelee nw~ mehevee keâe heg$e ke=â<e nw~ 
ke=â<e, megjsMe mes efkeâme Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw? 
 (a) Grandson/heew$e  (b) Uncle/Debkeâue  
 (c) Father/efhelee (d) Son/heg$e 
5.  Select the figure in which the given figure is 
  Gme Deeke=âefle keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW oer ieF& Deeke=âefle 
efÚheer ngF& nw~ 
6.  Select the option that is related to the third 
number in the same way as the second number 
is related to the first number. 
  Gme efJekeâuhe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS pees leermejer mebKÙee mes 
Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw efpeme Øekeâej henueer mebKÙee otmejer 
mebKÙee mes mebyebefOele nw~ 
  17 : 102 : : 23 :........ 
 (a) 256  (b) 152 
 (c) 138 (d) 196 
7.  A square paper is folded and cut as shown 
below. How will it appear when unfolded?  
  Skeâ Jeiee&keâej keâeiepe keâes ceesÌ[e ieÙee Deewj veerÛes oMee&S 
ieS Devegmeej keâeše ieÙee nw~ Keesueves hej Jen keâeiepe kewâmee 
efoKeeF& osiee? 
8.  How many triangles are there in the following 
  veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle ceW efkeâleves ef$eYegpe nQ? 
 (a) 29  (b) 18 
 (c) 33 (d) 31 
(hejer#ee efleefLe : 10.06.2019) 
9.  Three of the following four letter-cluster are 
alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick 
the odd one out.  
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej-De#ej mecetneW ceW mes leerve De#ej-mecetn 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâ meceeve nw Deewj Skeâ Demeceeve nw~ 
Demeceeve De#ej-mecetn keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 (a) QSZ  (b) KMT  
 (c) OQV (d) FHO 
10.  If SUN is coded as NUS and TOP is coded as 
POT, then which is the last letter in the code 
for the word FUR?  
  Ùeefo SUN keâes NUS kesâ ™he ceW efueKee peelee nw Deewj 
TOP keâes POT kesâ ™he ceW efueKee peelee nw, lees FUR 
kesâ keâes[ ceW Debeflece De#ej keâewve mee nesiee? 
 (a) R  (b) E   
 (c) F (d) U 
11.  Choose the Venn diagram from the given 
options which best represents the relationship 
amongst the following classes: 
  Players, Singers, Students  
  oer ieF& ßesefCeÙeeW kesâ yeerÛe meJe&ßes‰ mebyebOe keâes oMee&ves Jeeues 
Jesve DeejsKe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
  efKeueeÌ[er, mebieerlekeâej, efJeÅeeLeea 
12.  Select the term that will come next in the 
following series.  
  veerÛes oer ieF& ëe=bKeuee ceW ØeMve efÛeÖ (?) kesâ mLeeve hej 
Deeves Jeeueer mebKÙee keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
  5, 9, ?, 29, 45 
 (a) 17 (b) 19  
 (c) 15 (d) 25 
13.  Three different positions of a dice are shown 
below. Which number appears on the face 
opposite the number 4?  
  Skeâ ner heemes keâer leerve efYeVe efmLeefleÙeeW keâes veerÛes oMee&Ùee 
ieÙee nw~ mebKÙee 4 kesâ efJehejerle heâuekeâ hej keâewve-meer 
mebKÙee efoKeeF& osieer? 
 (a) 3  (b) 6  
 (c) 2 (d) 5 
14.  Three of the following four number-pair are 
alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick 
the odd one out. 
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej mebKÙee-ÙegiceeW ceW mes leerve Ùegice efkeâmeer 
Øekeâej Skeâmeceeve nw Deewj Skeâ Ùegice Demeceeve nw~ Demeceeve 
mebKÙee Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 (a) 8 : 69  (b) 12 : 149 
 (c) 14 : 201 (d) 13 : 179 
15.  Find the missing number from the below 
  veerÛes efoS ieS efJekeâuheeW ceW mes ueghle mebKÙee keâe ÛeÙeve 
  9  28 85 
  12 37 ? 
  16 49 148 
 (a) 112   (b) 140  
 (c) 134 (d) 96 
16.  Select the word pair in which the two words 
are related in the same way as the word pair 
given below. 
 Leg : Socks 
  efvecveefueefKele efJekeâuheeW ceW mes Gme Meyo Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve 
keâerefpeS pees Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw, efpeme 
Øekeâej veerÛes efueKes ieS Meyo Ùegice Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nw- 
  heeBJe : ceespes 
 (a) Legs : Vest/hewj : yeefveÙeeve 
 (b) Head : Turban/efmej : heieÌ[er  
 (c) Abdomen : Pants/hesš : heQš  
 (d) Finger : Nail/Gieueer : veeKetve 
17.  A father was twelve times as old as his son 
twenty years ago. Now he is twice as old as his 
son. What are the present ages of the son and 
  yeerme Je<e& henues, Skeâ efhelee keâer DeeÙeg Deheves heg$e mes 12 
iegCee Leer~ Deye efhelee keâer DeeÙeg Deheves heg$e keâer DeeÙeg mes 
oesiegveer nw~ heg$e leLee efhelee keâer Jele&ceeve DeeÙeg keäÙee nw? 
 (a) 27 and 54 years/27 Deewj 54 Je<e&  
 (b) 33 and 66 years/33 Deewj 66 Je<e&  
 (c) 22 and 44 years /22 Deewj 44 Je<e&  
 (d) 15 and 30 years/15 Deewj 30 Je<e& 
18.  Select the option that is related to the third 
term in the same way as the second term is 
related to the first term.  
  Gme efJekeâuhe keâe ÛeÙeve keâjW pees leermejs heo mes Gmeer Øekeâej 
mebyebefOele nw pewmes otmeje heo henues heo mes mebyebefOele nw~ 
  WOLF : FLOW : : DRAW : 
 (a) DARW (b) RWAD 
 (c) WRAD (d) WARD 
19.  'Fly' is related to 'Bird' in the same way as 
'Gallop' is related to '_________'. 
  efpeme Øekeâej GÌ[ves keâe mebyebOe he#eer mes nw Gmeer Øekeâej 
‘mejheš oewÌ[’ keâe mebyebOe .......... mes nw~ 
 (a) Horse/IeesÌ[e  (b) Tiger/yeeIe  
 (c) Elephant/neLeer (d) Lion/Mesj 
Page 3

SSC CGL (TIER-I) Online hejer#ee 2018 
JÙeeKÙee meefnle nue ØeMve-he$e (Shift-III) 
General Intelligence and Reasoning 
1.  If + denotes –, – denotes *, * denotes /, / denotes +. 
  Then what will be the value of  
  Ùeefo + celeueye –, – celeueye *, * celeueye/, /celeueye 
+ leye efvecve keâe ceeve keäÙee nesiee? 
  25 2/10* 5 2 ? - + = - + = - + = - + =  
 (a) 50 (b) 10  
 (c) 26 (d) 58 
2.  If DON is coded as 345 and ROAM is coded as 
6412, then how will RANDOM be coded?  
  Ùeefo DON keâes 345 kesâ ™he ceW ketâšyeæ efkeâÙee peelee nw 
Deewj ROAM keâes 6412 kesâ ™he ceW ketâšyeæ efkeâÙee 
peelee nw lees RANDOM keâes efkeâme ™he ceW ketâšyeæ 
efkeâÙee peeSiee? 
 (a) 613542 (b) 615342  
 (c) 615324 (d) 651342 
3.  Three of the following four word-pairs are 
alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick 
the odd one out. 
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej Meyo ÙegiceeW ceW mes leerve Meyo Ùegice 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâ meceeve nw Deewj Skeâ Meyo Ùegice 
Demeceeve nw~ Demeceeve Meyo Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 (a) Chisel : Sculptor/Úwveer : cetefle&keâej  
 (b) Paper : Book/keâeiepe : hegmlekeâ  
 (c) Anvil : Blacksmith/efveneF& : ueesnej 
 (d) Scalpel : Surgeon/efÛeefkeâlmekeâ keâer Úgjer  : mepe&ve 
4.  Bharat and Sapna are husband and wife. Rohit 
and Bharat are brothers, Suresh is the father of 
Rohit, Sapna's son is Krish. How is Krish 
related to Suresh? 
  Yejle Deewj mehevee heefle Deewj helveer nw~ jesefnle Deewj Yejle 
YeeF& nw~ megjsMe jesefnle kesâ efhelee nw~ mehevee keâe heg$e ke=â<e nw~ 
ke=â<e, megjsMe mes efkeâme Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw? 
 (a) Grandson/heew$e  (b) Uncle/Debkeâue  
 (c) Father/efhelee (d) Son/heg$e 
5.  Select the figure in which the given figure is 
  Gme Deeke=âefle keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW oer ieF& Deeke=âefle 
efÚheer ngF& nw~ 
6.  Select the option that is related to the third 
number in the same way as the second number 
is related to the first number. 
  Gme efJekeâuhe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS pees leermejer mebKÙee mes 
Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw efpeme Øekeâej henueer mebKÙee otmejer 
mebKÙee mes mebyebefOele nw~ 
  17 : 102 : : 23 :........ 
 (a) 256  (b) 152 
 (c) 138 (d) 196 
7.  A square paper is folded and cut as shown 
below. How will it appear when unfolded?  
  Skeâ Jeiee&keâej keâeiepe keâes ceesÌ[e ieÙee Deewj veerÛes oMee&S 
ieS Devegmeej keâeše ieÙee nw~ Keesueves hej Jen keâeiepe kewâmee 
efoKeeF& osiee? 
8.  How many triangles are there in the following 
  veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle ceW efkeâleves ef$eYegpe nQ? 
 (a) 29  (b) 18 
 (c) 33 (d) 31 
(hejer#ee efleefLe : 10.06.2019) 
9.  Three of the following four letter-cluster are 
alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick 
the odd one out.  
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej-De#ej mecetneW ceW mes leerve De#ej-mecetn 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâ meceeve nw Deewj Skeâ Demeceeve nw~ 
Demeceeve De#ej-mecetn keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 (a) QSZ  (b) KMT  
 (c) OQV (d) FHO 
10.  If SUN is coded as NUS and TOP is coded as 
POT, then which is the last letter in the code 
for the word FUR?  
  Ùeefo SUN keâes NUS kesâ ™he ceW efueKee peelee nw Deewj 
TOP keâes POT kesâ ™he ceW efueKee peelee nw, lees FUR 
kesâ keâes[ ceW Debeflece De#ej keâewve mee nesiee? 
 (a) R  (b) E   
 (c) F (d) U 
11.  Choose the Venn diagram from the given 
options which best represents the relationship 
amongst the following classes: 
  Players, Singers, Students  
  oer ieF& ßesefCeÙeeW kesâ yeerÛe meJe&ßes‰ mebyebOe keâes oMee&ves Jeeues 
Jesve DeejsKe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
  efKeueeÌ[er, mebieerlekeâej, efJeÅeeLeea 
12.  Select the term that will come next in the 
following series.  
  veerÛes oer ieF& ëe=bKeuee ceW ØeMve efÛeÖ (?) kesâ mLeeve hej 
Deeves Jeeueer mebKÙee keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
  5, 9, ?, 29, 45 
 (a) 17 (b) 19  
 (c) 15 (d) 25 
13.  Three different positions of a dice are shown 
below. Which number appears on the face 
opposite the number 4?  
  Skeâ ner heemes keâer leerve efYeVe efmLeefleÙeeW keâes veerÛes oMee&Ùee 
ieÙee nw~ mebKÙee 4 kesâ efJehejerle heâuekeâ hej keâewve-meer 
mebKÙee efoKeeF& osieer? 
 (a) 3  (b) 6  
 (c) 2 (d) 5 
14.  Three of the following four number-pair are 
alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick 
the odd one out. 
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej mebKÙee-ÙegiceeW ceW mes leerve Ùegice efkeâmeer 
Øekeâej Skeâmeceeve nw Deewj Skeâ Ùegice Demeceeve nw~ Demeceeve 
mebKÙee Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 (a) 8 : 69  (b) 12 : 149 
 (c) 14 : 201 (d) 13 : 179 
15.  Find the missing number from the below 
  veerÛes efoS ieS efJekeâuheeW ceW mes ueghle mebKÙee keâe ÛeÙeve 
  9  28 85 
  12 37 ? 
  16 49 148 
 (a) 112   (b) 140  
 (c) 134 (d) 96 
16.  Select the word pair in which the two words 
are related in the same way as the word pair 
given below. 
 Leg : Socks 
  efvecveefueefKele efJekeâuheeW ceW mes Gme Meyo Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve 
keâerefpeS pees Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw, efpeme 
Øekeâej veerÛes efueKes ieS Meyo Ùegice Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nw- 
  heeBJe : ceespes 
 (a) Legs : Vest/hewj : yeefveÙeeve 
 (b) Head : Turban/efmej : heieÌ[er  
 (c) Abdomen : Pants/hesš : heQš  
 (d) Finger : Nail/Gieueer : veeKetve 
17.  A father was twelve times as old as his son 
twenty years ago. Now he is twice as old as his 
son. What are the present ages of the son and 
  yeerme Je<e& henues, Skeâ efhelee keâer DeeÙeg Deheves heg$e mes 12 
iegCee Leer~ Deye efhelee keâer DeeÙeg Deheves heg$e keâer DeeÙeg mes 
oesiegveer nw~ heg$e leLee efhelee keâer Jele&ceeve DeeÙeg keäÙee nw? 
 (a) 27 and 54 years/27 Deewj 54 Je<e&  
 (b) 33 and 66 years/33 Deewj 66 Je<e&  
 (c) 22 and 44 years /22 Deewj 44 Je<e&  
 (d) 15 and 30 years/15 Deewj 30 Je<e& 
18.  Select the option that is related to the third 
term in the same way as the second term is 
related to the first term.  
  Gme efJekeâuhe keâe ÛeÙeve keâjW pees leermejs heo mes Gmeer Øekeâej 
mebyebefOele nw pewmes otmeje heo henues heo mes mebyebefOele nw~ 
  WOLF : FLOW : : DRAW : 
 (a) DARW (b) RWAD 
 (c) WRAD (d) WARD 
19.  'Fly' is related to 'Bird' in the same way as 
'Gallop' is related to '_________'. 
  efpeme Øekeâej GÌ[ves keâe mebyebOe he#eer mes nw Gmeer Øekeâej 
‘mejheš oewÌ[’ keâe mebyebOe .......... mes nw~ 
 (a) Horse/IeesÌ[e  (b) Tiger/yeeIe  
 (c) Elephant/neLeer (d) Lion/Mesj 
20.  Three of the following four word pairs are alike 
in a certain way and one is different Pick the 
odd word out. 
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej Meyo Ùegice ceW mes leerve Meyo Ùegice 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâmeceeve nw Deewj Skeâ Meyo Ùegice 
Demeceeve nw~ Demeceeve Meyo Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~  
 (a) Konkani : Goa /keâeWkeâCeer : ieesJee  
 (b) Dogri : Jammu & Kashmir 
  [esiejer : peccet SJeb keâMceerj  
 (c) Tamil : Kerala/leefceue : kesâjue 
 (d) Bori : Arunachal Pradesh/yeesjer : De®CeeÛeue ØeosMe 
21.  Select the figure that will come next in the 
following series.  
  veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle ëe=bKeuee ceW Deeves Jeeueer Deieueer 
Deeke=âefle keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS: 
22.  Find the next term in this series.  
  efvecveefueefKele ëe=bKeuee ceW Deeves Jeeues Deieues efJekeâuhe keâe 
ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS- 
 (a) OVQ  (b) NVQ 
 (c) OUP (d) OVP 
23.  Select the correct mirror image of the given 
figure when the mirror is placed on the right of 
the figure.  
  Ùeefo veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle kesâ oeSb Deesj ohe&Ce jKee peeS 
lees yeveves Jeeues mener ohe&Ce Øeefleefyebye keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS- 
24.  Which two signs should be interchanged to 
make the given equation correct?  
  efvecveefueefKele meceerkeâjCe keâes mener keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâve oes 
efÛevneW keâes Deeheme ceW yeouee peevee ÛeeefnS? 
  16 + 3 - 5 × 2÷ 4 = 9 
 (a) ÷ and × /÷Deewj ×  (b) × and - /× Deewj -  
 (c) × and +/× Deewj + (d) ÷ and +/÷Deewj + 
25.  Three of the following four letter-cluster are 
alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick 
the odd one out. 
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej-De#ej mecetneW ceW mes leerve De#ej-mecetn 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâmeceeve nQ Deewj Skeâ Demeceeve nw~ 
Demeceeve De#ej-mecetn keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 (a) FHJ  (b) PQR  
 (c) KMO (d) SUW 
General Awareness 
26.  Who was the first female shooter from India to 
reach number 1 in world ranking by the 
International Shooting Sport Federation in 
  FbšjvesMeveue Metefšbie mheesš& Hesâ[jsMeve kesâ Devegmeej, 2014 
ceW efJeÕe jQefkebâie ceW vebyej 1 hej hengbÛeves Jeeueer henueer 
YeejleerÙe ceefnuee Metšj keâewve Leer?   
 (a) Heena Sidhu / nervee efmeæÒ  
 (b) Anjali Bhagwat / Debpeefue YeeieJele   
 (c) Shreyasi Singh / ßesÙemeer efmebn   
 (d) Anisha Sayyed / Deveer<ee mewÙeo  
27.  The Hindustan Socialist Republican 
Association (HSRA) was formed in the year ––
– with an aim to overthrow the British.   
  efnbogmleeve meesMeefuemš efjheefyuekeâve SmeesefmeSMeve (HSRA) 
keâe ie"ve –––– Je<e& ceW Deb«espeeW keâes GKeeÌ[ HeWâkeâves kesâ 
GösMÙe mes efkeâÙee ieÙee Lee~  
 (a) 1921 (b) 1922  
 (c) 1930 (d) 1928 
28.  Which of the following is the busiest sea port in 
  efvecveefueefKele ceW mes heeefkeâmleeve keâe meyemes JÙemle mecegõer 
yebojieen keâewve-mee nw?  
 (a) Port of Keti / kesâšer keâe yebojieen  
 (b) Gwadar Port / iJeeoj keâe yebojieen  
 (c) Port of Karachi / keâjeÛeer keâe yebojieen   
 (d) Port of Qasim / keâeefmece keâe yebojieen 
29.  What is the definition for the term 
  Meerleefveõe (neFyejvesMeve) Meyo keâer heefjYee<ee keäÙee nw?  
 (a) A state of hyperactivity in spring time among 
birds / yeeefjMe kesâ ceewmece ceW Kego keâes yeÛeeves kesâ efueS 
heef#eÙeeW Éeje efveJeeme mLeeve (IeeWmeues) keâe efvecee&Ce  
 (b) Building of habitat (nests) by birds to save 
themselves in rainy season / heef#eÙeeW ceW Jemeble kesâ 
meceÙe ceW Deefle meef›eâÙelee keâer efmLeefle   
Page 4

SSC CGL (TIER-I) Online hejer#ee 2018 
JÙeeKÙee meefnle nue ØeMve-he$e (Shift-III) 
General Intelligence and Reasoning 
1.  If + denotes –, – denotes *, * denotes /, / denotes +. 
  Then what will be the value of  
  Ùeefo + celeueye –, – celeueye *, * celeueye/, /celeueye 
+ leye efvecve keâe ceeve keäÙee nesiee? 
  25 2/10* 5 2 ? - + = - + = - + = - + =  
 (a) 50 (b) 10  
 (c) 26 (d) 58 
2.  If DON is coded as 345 and ROAM is coded as 
6412, then how will RANDOM be coded?  
  Ùeefo DON keâes 345 kesâ ™he ceW ketâšyeæ efkeâÙee peelee nw 
Deewj ROAM keâes 6412 kesâ ™he ceW ketâšyeæ efkeâÙee 
peelee nw lees RANDOM keâes efkeâme ™he ceW ketâšyeæ 
efkeâÙee peeSiee? 
 (a) 613542 (b) 615342  
 (c) 615324 (d) 651342 
3.  Three of the following four word-pairs are 
alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick 
the odd one out. 
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej Meyo ÙegiceeW ceW mes leerve Meyo Ùegice 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâ meceeve nw Deewj Skeâ Meyo Ùegice 
Demeceeve nw~ Demeceeve Meyo Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 (a) Chisel : Sculptor/Úwveer : cetefle&keâej  
 (b) Paper : Book/keâeiepe : hegmlekeâ  
 (c) Anvil : Blacksmith/efveneF& : ueesnej 
 (d) Scalpel : Surgeon/efÛeefkeâlmekeâ keâer Úgjer  : mepe&ve 
4.  Bharat and Sapna are husband and wife. Rohit 
and Bharat are brothers, Suresh is the father of 
Rohit, Sapna's son is Krish. How is Krish 
related to Suresh? 
  Yejle Deewj mehevee heefle Deewj helveer nw~ jesefnle Deewj Yejle 
YeeF& nw~ megjsMe jesefnle kesâ efhelee nw~ mehevee keâe heg$e ke=â<e nw~ 
ke=â<e, megjsMe mes efkeâme Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw? 
 (a) Grandson/heew$e  (b) Uncle/Debkeâue  
 (c) Father/efhelee (d) Son/heg$e 
5.  Select the figure in which the given figure is 
  Gme Deeke=âefle keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW oer ieF& Deeke=âefle 
efÚheer ngF& nw~ 
6.  Select the option that is related to the third 
number in the same way as the second number 
is related to the first number. 
  Gme efJekeâuhe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS pees leermejer mebKÙee mes 
Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw efpeme Øekeâej henueer mebKÙee otmejer 
mebKÙee mes mebyebefOele nw~ 
  17 : 102 : : 23 :........ 
 (a) 256  (b) 152 
 (c) 138 (d) 196 
7.  A square paper is folded and cut as shown 
below. How will it appear when unfolded?  
  Skeâ Jeiee&keâej keâeiepe keâes ceesÌ[e ieÙee Deewj veerÛes oMee&S 
ieS Devegmeej keâeše ieÙee nw~ Keesueves hej Jen keâeiepe kewâmee 
efoKeeF& osiee? 
8.  How many triangles are there in the following 
  veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle ceW efkeâleves ef$eYegpe nQ? 
 (a) 29  (b) 18 
 (c) 33 (d) 31 
(hejer#ee efleefLe : 10.06.2019) 
9.  Three of the following four letter-cluster are 
alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick 
the odd one out.  
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej-De#ej mecetneW ceW mes leerve De#ej-mecetn 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâ meceeve nw Deewj Skeâ Demeceeve nw~ 
Demeceeve De#ej-mecetn keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 (a) QSZ  (b) KMT  
 (c) OQV (d) FHO 
10.  If SUN is coded as NUS and TOP is coded as 
POT, then which is the last letter in the code 
for the word FUR?  
  Ùeefo SUN keâes NUS kesâ ™he ceW efueKee peelee nw Deewj 
TOP keâes POT kesâ ™he ceW efueKee peelee nw, lees FUR 
kesâ keâes[ ceW Debeflece De#ej keâewve mee nesiee? 
 (a) R  (b) E   
 (c) F (d) U 
11.  Choose the Venn diagram from the given 
options which best represents the relationship 
amongst the following classes: 
  Players, Singers, Students  
  oer ieF& ßesefCeÙeeW kesâ yeerÛe meJe&ßes‰ mebyebOe keâes oMee&ves Jeeues 
Jesve DeejsKe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
  efKeueeÌ[er, mebieerlekeâej, efJeÅeeLeea 
12.  Select the term that will come next in the 
following series.  
  veerÛes oer ieF& ëe=bKeuee ceW ØeMve efÛeÖ (?) kesâ mLeeve hej 
Deeves Jeeueer mebKÙee keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
  5, 9, ?, 29, 45 
 (a) 17 (b) 19  
 (c) 15 (d) 25 
13.  Three different positions of a dice are shown 
below. Which number appears on the face 
opposite the number 4?  
  Skeâ ner heemes keâer leerve efYeVe efmLeefleÙeeW keâes veerÛes oMee&Ùee 
ieÙee nw~ mebKÙee 4 kesâ efJehejerle heâuekeâ hej keâewve-meer 
mebKÙee efoKeeF& osieer? 
 (a) 3  (b) 6  
 (c) 2 (d) 5 
14.  Three of the following four number-pair are 
alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick 
the odd one out. 
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej mebKÙee-ÙegiceeW ceW mes leerve Ùegice efkeâmeer 
Øekeâej Skeâmeceeve nw Deewj Skeâ Ùegice Demeceeve nw~ Demeceeve 
mebKÙee Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 (a) 8 : 69  (b) 12 : 149 
 (c) 14 : 201 (d) 13 : 179 
15.  Find the missing number from the below 
  veerÛes efoS ieS efJekeâuheeW ceW mes ueghle mebKÙee keâe ÛeÙeve 
  9  28 85 
  12 37 ? 
  16 49 148 
 (a) 112   (b) 140  
 (c) 134 (d) 96 
16.  Select the word pair in which the two words 
are related in the same way as the word pair 
given below. 
 Leg : Socks 
  efvecveefueefKele efJekeâuheeW ceW mes Gme Meyo Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve 
keâerefpeS pees Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw, efpeme 
Øekeâej veerÛes efueKes ieS Meyo Ùegice Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nw- 
  heeBJe : ceespes 
 (a) Legs : Vest/hewj : yeefveÙeeve 
 (b) Head : Turban/efmej : heieÌ[er  
 (c) Abdomen : Pants/hesš : heQš  
 (d) Finger : Nail/Gieueer : veeKetve 
17.  A father was twelve times as old as his son 
twenty years ago. Now he is twice as old as his 
son. What are the present ages of the son and 
  yeerme Je<e& henues, Skeâ efhelee keâer DeeÙeg Deheves heg$e mes 12 
iegCee Leer~ Deye efhelee keâer DeeÙeg Deheves heg$e keâer DeeÙeg mes 
oesiegveer nw~ heg$e leLee efhelee keâer Jele&ceeve DeeÙeg keäÙee nw? 
 (a) 27 and 54 years/27 Deewj 54 Je<e&  
 (b) 33 and 66 years/33 Deewj 66 Je<e&  
 (c) 22 and 44 years /22 Deewj 44 Je<e&  
 (d) 15 and 30 years/15 Deewj 30 Je<e& 
18.  Select the option that is related to the third 
term in the same way as the second term is 
related to the first term.  
  Gme efJekeâuhe keâe ÛeÙeve keâjW pees leermejs heo mes Gmeer Øekeâej 
mebyebefOele nw pewmes otmeje heo henues heo mes mebyebefOele nw~ 
  WOLF : FLOW : : DRAW : 
 (a) DARW (b) RWAD 
 (c) WRAD (d) WARD 
19.  'Fly' is related to 'Bird' in the same way as 
'Gallop' is related to '_________'. 
  efpeme Øekeâej GÌ[ves keâe mebyebOe he#eer mes nw Gmeer Øekeâej 
‘mejheš oewÌ[’ keâe mebyebOe .......... mes nw~ 
 (a) Horse/IeesÌ[e  (b) Tiger/yeeIe  
 (c) Elephant/neLeer (d) Lion/Mesj 
20.  Three of the following four word pairs are alike 
in a certain way and one is different Pick the 
odd word out. 
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej Meyo Ùegice ceW mes leerve Meyo Ùegice 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâmeceeve nw Deewj Skeâ Meyo Ùegice 
Demeceeve nw~ Demeceeve Meyo Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~  
 (a) Konkani : Goa /keâeWkeâCeer : ieesJee  
 (b) Dogri : Jammu & Kashmir 
  [esiejer : peccet SJeb keâMceerj  
 (c) Tamil : Kerala/leefceue : kesâjue 
 (d) Bori : Arunachal Pradesh/yeesjer : De®CeeÛeue ØeosMe 
21.  Select the figure that will come next in the 
following series.  
  veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle ëe=bKeuee ceW Deeves Jeeueer Deieueer 
Deeke=âefle keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS: 
22.  Find the next term in this series.  
  efvecveefueefKele ëe=bKeuee ceW Deeves Jeeues Deieues efJekeâuhe keâe 
ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS- 
 (a) OVQ  (b) NVQ 
 (c) OUP (d) OVP 
23.  Select the correct mirror image of the given 
figure when the mirror is placed on the right of 
the figure.  
  Ùeefo veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle kesâ oeSb Deesj ohe&Ce jKee peeS 
lees yeveves Jeeues mener ohe&Ce Øeefleefyebye keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS- 
24.  Which two signs should be interchanged to 
make the given equation correct?  
  efvecveefueefKele meceerkeâjCe keâes mener keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâve oes 
efÛevneW keâes Deeheme ceW yeouee peevee ÛeeefnS? 
  16 + 3 - 5 × 2÷ 4 = 9 
 (a) ÷ and × /÷Deewj ×  (b) × and - /× Deewj -  
 (c) × and +/× Deewj + (d) ÷ and +/÷Deewj + 
25.  Three of the following four letter-cluster are 
alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick 
the odd one out. 
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej-De#ej mecetneW ceW mes leerve De#ej-mecetn 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâmeceeve nQ Deewj Skeâ Demeceeve nw~ 
Demeceeve De#ej-mecetn keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 (a) FHJ  (b) PQR  
 (c) KMO (d) SUW 
General Awareness 
26.  Who was the first female shooter from India to 
reach number 1 in world ranking by the 
International Shooting Sport Federation in 
  FbšjvesMeveue Metefšbie mheesš& Hesâ[jsMeve kesâ Devegmeej, 2014 
ceW efJeÕe jQefkebâie ceW vebyej 1 hej hengbÛeves Jeeueer henueer 
YeejleerÙe ceefnuee Metšj keâewve Leer?   
 (a) Heena Sidhu / nervee efmeæÒ  
 (b) Anjali Bhagwat / Debpeefue YeeieJele   
 (c) Shreyasi Singh / ßesÙemeer efmebn   
 (d) Anisha Sayyed / Deveer<ee mewÙeo  
27.  The Hindustan Socialist Republican 
Association (HSRA) was formed in the year ––
– with an aim to overthrow the British.   
  efnbogmleeve meesMeefuemš efjheefyuekeâve SmeesefmeSMeve (HSRA) 
keâe ie"ve –––– Je<e& ceW Deb«espeeW keâes GKeeÌ[ HeWâkeâves kesâ 
GösMÙe mes efkeâÙee ieÙee Lee~  
 (a) 1921 (b) 1922  
 (c) 1930 (d) 1928 
28.  Which of the following is the busiest sea port in 
  efvecveefueefKele ceW mes heeefkeâmleeve keâe meyemes JÙemle mecegõer 
yebojieen keâewve-mee nw?  
 (a) Port of Keti / kesâšer keâe yebojieen  
 (b) Gwadar Port / iJeeoj keâe yebojieen  
 (c) Port of Karachi / keâjeÛeer keâe yebojieen   
 (d) Port of Qasim / keâeefmece keâe yebojieen 
29.  What is the definition for the term 
  Meerleefveõe (neFyejvesMeve) Meyo keâer heefjYee<ee keäÙee nw?  
 (a) A state of hyperactivity in spring time among 
birds / yeeefjMe kesâ ceewmece ceW Kego keâes yeÛeeves kesâ efueS 
heef#eÙeeW Éeje efveJeeme mLeeve (IeeWmeues) keâe efvecee&Ce  
 (b) Building of habitat (nests) by birds to save 
themselves in rainy season / heef#eÙeeW ceW Jemeble kesâ 
meceÙe ceW Deefle meef›eâÙelee keâer efmLeefle   
 (c) A state of reduced metabolic activity during 
winter season among some animals / kegâÚ 
peeveJejeW ceW meefo&ÙeeW kesâ ceewmece ceW keâce ÛeÙeeheÛeÙe ieefleefJeefOe 
keâer efmLeefle   
 (d) A habit of food conservation during summer 
season for winter among animals / peeveJejeW ceW 
meefo&ÙeeW kesâ efueS ieceea kesâ ceewmece ceW KeeÅe mebj#eCe keâer 
30.  'Janku' is a unique cultural custom followed in 
–––– as a celebration of life.  
  ‘peeveketâ’ peerJeve kesâ GlmeJe kesâ ™he ceW ceveeF& peeves Jeeueer 
––––– osMe keâer Skeâ Devet"er meebmke=âeflekeâ ØeLee nw~   
 (a) Sri Lanka / ßeeruebkeâe    
 (b) Nepal / vesheeue  
 (c) Bhutan / Yetševe  
 (d) Pakistan / heeefkeâmleeve   
31.  As a reaction to Rowlatt Act, ––––– was 
organised as National Humiliation Day.  
  jewueš Skeäš keâer Øeefleef›eâÙee kesâ ™he ceW, ––––– keâes 
je<š^erÙe Deheceeve efoJeme kesâ ™he ceW DeeÙeesefpele efkeâÙee ieÙee 
 (a) 14th June 1921 / 14 petve 1921   
 (b) 6th April 1919 / 6 DeØewue 1919  
 (c) 2nd February 1913 / 2 HeâjJejer 1913 
 (d) 8th May 1920 / 8 ceF& 1920  
32.  Who was the first Indian to receive the Ramon 
Magsaysay Award for his contribution to 
community leadership ? 
  meecegoeefÙekeâ vesle=lJe ceW Ùeesieoeve kesâ efueS jsceve cewimesmes 
hegjmkeâej Øeehle keâjves Jeeues henues YeejleerÙe keâewve Les?    
 (a) Baba Amte / yeeyee Deecešs   
 (b) Acharya Vinoba Bhave / DeeÛeeÙe& efJeveesyee YeeJes  
 (c) Verghese Kurien / Jeieeape kegâefjÙeve  
 (d) Arvind Kejriwal / DejefJebo kesâpejerJeeue  
33.  What is the term used to describe the angular 
distance of a place north or south of Earth's 
  he=LJeer keâer YetceOÙe jsKee kesâ Gòej Ùee oef#eCe kesâ mLeeve keâer 
keâesCeerÙe otjer keâe JeCe&ve keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâme Meyo keâe 
GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw?   
 (a) Hemisphere / ieesueeOe&   
 (b) Pole / OegÇJe 
 (c) Longitude / osMeevlej  
 (d) Latitude / De#eebMe  
34.  Which of the following is the third stage in the 
metamorphosis of a butterfly? 
  efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve Skeâ efleleueer kesâ keâeÙeeheueš ceW 
leermeje ÛejCe nw? 
 (a) Adult / S[uš (b) Egg / DeC[e  
 (c) Larva / ueeJee& (d) Pupa / hÙethee 
35.  In economic terms what do we mean by 
'intermediate goods'?  
  DeLe&JÙeJemLee kesâ meboYe& ceW ceOÙeJeleea Jemleg mes keäÙee DeeMeÙe 
 (a) Price of goods without GST  
  efyevee GST kesâ Jemleg keâer keâercele ~ 
 (b) Goods in transit before reaching the 
consumers /GheYeesòeâeDeeW lekeâ hengBÛeves mes henues Jemleg ceW 
heejieceve ~ 
 (c) Goods sold between industries for the resale 
or production of other goods /hegveefJe&›eâÙe Ùee DevÙe 
JemlegDeeW kesâ Glheeove kesâ efueS GÅeesieeW kesâ yeerÛe yesÛeer peeves 
Jeeueer Jemleg~ 
 (d) Fixed assets used manufacturers  
  efvecee&lee mLeeÙeer mecheefòe keâe GheÙeesie keâjles nw~ 
36.  The maximum strength of the Bangladeshi 
Parliament is ––––––.   
  yeebiueeosMe keâer mebmeo ceW DeefOekeâlece meomÙeeW keâer mebKÙee 
efkeâleveer nesleer nw?  
 (a) 350 (b) 340  
 (c) 322 (d) 363 
37.  How many provinces is the country of Nepal 
divided into?   
  vesheeue osMe keâes efkeâleves ØeebleeW ceW yeebše ieÙee nw?  
 (a) 5 (b) 7  
 (c) 4 (d) 6 
38.  Which world leader is awarded the St Andrew 
the Apostle, the highest order of the Russian 
Federation in the year 2019?  
  Je<e& 2019 ceW, efkeâme JewefÕekeâ veslee keâes ™me kesâ meJeexÛÛe 
mecceeve mevle Sv[^Ùet o Sheesmšue mes mecceeefvele efkeâÙee 
ieÙee nw?  
 (a) Emmanuel Macron /ScÙetvesue cekexâue  
 (b) Narendra Modi /vejsvõ ceesoer   
 (c) Donald Trump /[esveeu[ š^bhe  
 (d) Angela Markel /Sbpesuee cekexâue  
39.  Which of the following kings is regarded as the 
founder of the kingdom of Nepal ?   
  efvecveefueefKele ceW mess efkeâme jepee keâes vesheeue osMe keâe 
mebmLeehekeâ ceevee peelee nw?  
 (a) Rana Bahadur Shah /jeCee yeneogj Meen   
 (b) Tribhuvan Bir Bikram Shah  
  ef$eYegJeve yeerj efye›eâce Meen  
 (c) Prithivi  Narayan Shah/he=LJeer veejeÙeCe Meen  
 (d) Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev 
  cenWõ yeerj efye›eâce Meen osJe  
40.  The term 'Putt' is used in this sport ––––––.   
  ‘hegš’ Meyo keâe GheÙeesie efkeâme Kesue ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw?  
 (a) Cricket /ef›eâkesâš  
 (b) Table Tennis/šsyeue šsefveme  
 (c) Golf/ieesuHeâ  
 (d) Football/Hegâšyee@ue  
Page 5

SSC CGL (TIER-I) Online hejer#ee 2018 
JÙeeKÙee meefnle nue ØeMve-he$e (Shift-III) 
General Intelligence and Reasoning 
1.  If + denotes –, – denotes *, * denotes /, / denotes +. 
  Then what will be the value of  
  Ùeefo + celeueye –, – celeueye *, * celeueye/, /celeueye 
+ leye efvecve keâe ceeve keäÙee nesiee? 
  25 2/10* 5 2 ? - + = - + = - + = - + =  
 (a) 50 (b) 10  
 (c) 26 (d) 58 
2.  If DON is coded as 345 and ROAM is coded as 
6412, then how will RANDOM be coded?  
  Ùeefo DON keâes 345 kesâ ™he ceW ketâšyeæ efkeâÙee peelee nw 
Deewj ROAM keâes 6412 kesâ ™he ceW ketâšyeæ efkeâÙee 
peelee nw lees RANDOM keâes efkeâme ™he ceW ketâšyeæ 
efkeâÙee peeSiee? 
 (a) 613542 (b) 615342  
 (c) 615324 (d) 651342 
3.  Three of the following four word-pairs are 
alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick 
the odd one out. 
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej Meyo ÙegiceeW ceW mes leerve Meyo Ùegice 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâ meceeve nw Deewj Skeâ Meyo Ùegice 
Demeceeve nw~ Demeceeve Meyo Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 (a) Chisel : Sculptor/Úwveer : cetefle&keâej  
 (b) Paper : Book/keâeiepe : hegmlekeâ  
 (c) Anvil : Blacksmith/efveneF& : ueesnej 
 (d) Scalpel : Surgeon/efÛeefkeâlmekeâ keâer Úgjer  : mepe&ve 
4.  Bharat and Sapna are husband and wife. Rohit 
and Bharat are brothers, Suresh is the father of 
Rohit, Sapna's son is Krish. How is Krish 
related to Suresh? 
  Yejle Deewj mehevee heefle Deewj helveer nw~ jesefnle Deewj Yejle 
YeeF& nw~ megjsMe jesefnle kesâ efhelee nw~ mehevee keâe heg$e ke=â<e nw~ 
ke=â<e, megjsMe mes efkeâme Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw? 
 (a) Grandson/heew$e  (b) Uncle/Debkeâue  
 (c) Father/efhelee (d) Son/heg$e 
5.  Select the figure in which the given figure is 
  Gme Deeke=âefle keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW oer ieF& Deeke=âefle 
efÚheer ngF& nw~ 
6.  Select the option that is related to the third 
number in the same way as the second number 
is related to the first number. 
  Gme efJekeâuhe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS pees leermejer mebKÙee mes 
Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw efpeme Øekeâej henueer mebKÙee otmejer 
mebKÙee mes mebyebefOele nw~ 
  17 : 102 : : 23 :........ 
 (a) 256  (b) 152 
 (c) 138 (d) 196 
7.  A square paper is folded and cut as shown 
below. How will it appear when unfolded?  
  Skeâ Jeiee&keâej keâeiepe keâes ceesÌ[e ieÙee Deewj veerÛes oMee&S 
ieS Devegmeej keâeše ieÙee nw~ Keesueves hej Jen keâeiepe kewâmee 
efoKeeF& osiee? 
8.  How many triangles are there in the following 
  veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle ceW efkeâleves ef$eYegpe nQ? 
 (a) 29  (b) 18 
 (c) 33 (d) 31 
(hejer#ee efleefLe : 10.06.2019) 
9.  Three of the following four letter-cluster are 
alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick 
the odd one out.  
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej-De#ej mecetneW ceW mes leerve De#ej-mecetn 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâ meceeve nw Deewj Skeâ Demeceeve nw~ 
Demeceeve De#ej-mecetn keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 (a) QSZ  (b) KMT  
 (c) OQV (d) FHO 
10.  If SUN is coded as NUS and TOP is coded as 
POT, then which is the last letter in the code 
for the word FUR?  
  Ùeefo SUN keâes NUS kesâ ™he ceW efueKee peelee nw Deewj 
TOP keâes POT kesâ ™he ceW efueKee peelee nw, lees FUR 
kesâ keâes[ ceW Debeflece De#ej keâewve mee nesiee? 
 (a) R  (b) E   
 (c) F (d) U 
11.  Choose the Venn diagram from the given 
options which best represents the relationship 
amongst the following classes: 
  Players, Singers, Students  
  oer ieF& ßesefCeÙeeW kesâ yeerÛe meJe&ßes‰ mebyebOe keâes oMee&ves Jeeues 
Jesve DeejsKe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
  efKeueeÌ[er, mebieerlekeâej, efJeÅeeLeea 
12.  Select the term that will come next in the 
following series.  
  veerÛes oer ieF& ëe=bKeuee ceW ØeMve efÛeÖ (?) kesâ mLeeve hej 
Deeves Jeeueer mebKÙee keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
  5, 9, ?, 29, 45 
 (a) 17 (b) 19  
 (c) 15 (d) 25 
13.  Three different positions of a dice are shown 
below. Which number appears on the face 
opposite the number 4?  
  Skeâ ner heemes keâer leerve efYeVe efmLeefleÙeeW keâes veerÛes oMee&Ùee 
ieÙee nw~ mebKÙee 4 kesâ efJehejerle heâuekeâ hej keâewve-meer 
mebKÙee efoKeeF& osieer? 
 (a) 3  (b) 6  
 (c) 2 (d) 5 
14.  Three of the following four number-pair are 
alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick 
the odd one out. 
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej mebKÙee-ÙegiceeW ceW mes leerve Ùegice efkeâmeer 
Øekeâej Skeâmeceeve nw Deewj Skeâ Ùegice Demeceeve nw~ Demeceeve 
mebKÙee Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 (a) 8 : 69  (b) 12 : 149 
 (c) 14 : 201 (d) 13 : 179 
15.  Find the missing number from the below 
  veerÛes efoS ieS efJekeâuheeW ceW mes ueghle mebKÙee keâe ÛeÙeve 
  9  28 85 
  12 37 ? 
  16 49 148 
 (a) 112   (b) 140  
 (c) 134 (d) 96 
16.  Select the word pair in which the two words 
are related in the same way as the word pair 
given below. 
 Leg : Socks 
  efvecveefueefKele efJekeâuheeW ceW mes Gme Meyo Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve 
keâerefpeS pees Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw, efpeme 
Øekeâej veerÛes efueKes ieS Meyo Ùegice Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nw- 
  heeBJe : ceespes 
 (a) Legs : Vest/hewj : yeefveÙeeve 
 (b) Head : Turban/efmej : heieÌ[er  
 (c) Abdomen : Pants/hesš : heQš  
 (d) Finger : Nail/Gieueer : veeKetve 
17.  A father was twelve times as old as his son 
twenty years ago. Now he is twice as old as his 
son. What are the present ages of the son and 
  yeerme Je<e& henues, Skeâ efhelee keâer DeeÙeg Deheves heg$e mes 12 
iegCee Leer~ Deye efhelee keâer DeeÙeg Deheves heg$e keâer DeeÙeg mes 
oesiegveer nw~ heg$e leLee efhelee keâer Jele&ceeve DeeÙeg keäÙee nw? 
 (a) 27 and 54 years/27 Deewj 54 Je<e&  
 (b) 33 and 66 years/33 Deewj 66 Je<e&  
 (c) 22 and 44 years /22 Deewj 44 Je<e&  
 (d) 15 and 30 years/15 Deewj 30 Je<e& 
18.  Select the option that is related to the third 
term in the same way as the second term is 
related to the first term.  
  Gme efJekeâuhe keâe ÛeÙeve keâjW pees leermejs heo mes Gmeer Øekeâej 
mebyebefOele nw pewmes otmeje heo henues heo mes mebyebefOele nw~ 
  WOLF : FLOW : : DRAW : 
 (a) DARW (b) RWAD 
 (c) WRAD (d) WARD 
19.  'Fly' is related to 'Bird' in the same way as 
'Gallop' is related to '_________'. 
  efpeme Øekeâej GÌ[ves keâe mebyebOe he#eer mes nw Gmeer Øekeâej 
‘mejheš oewÌ[’ keâe mebyebOe .......... mes nw~ 
 (a) Horse/IeesÌ[e  (b) Tiger/yeeIe  
 (c) Elephant/neLeer (d) Lion/Mesj 
20.  Three of the following four word pairs are alike 
in a certain way and one is different Pick the 
odd word out. 
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej Meyo Ùegice ceW mes leerve Meyo Ùegice 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâmeceeve nw Deewj Skeâ Meyo Ùegice 
Demeceeve nw~ Demeceeve Meyo Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~  
 (a) Konkani : Goa /keâeWkeâCeer : ieesJee  
 (b) Dogri : Jammu & Kashmir 
  [esiejer : peccet SJeb keâMceerj  
 (c) Tamil : Kerala/leefceue : kesâjue 
 (d) Bori : Arunachal Pradesh/yeesjer : De®CeeÛeue ØeosMe 
21.  Select the figure that will come next in the 
following series.  
  veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle ëe=bKeuee ceW Deeves Jeeueer Deieueer 
Deeke=âefle keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS: 
22.  Find the next term in this series.  
  efvecveefueefKele ëe=bKeuee ceW Deeves Jeeues Deieues efJekeâuhe keâe 
ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS- 
 (a) OVQ  (b) NVQ 
 (c) OUP (d) OVP 
23.  Select the correct mirror image of the given 
figure when the mirror is placed on the right of 
the figure.  
  Ùeefo veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle kesâ oeSb Deesj ohe&Ce jKee peeS 
lees yeveves Jeeues mener ohe&Ce Øeefleefyebye keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS- 
24.  Which two signs should be interchanged to 
make the given equation correct?  
  efvecveefueefKele meceerkeâjCe keâes mener keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâve oes 
efÛevneW keâes Deeheme ceW yeouee peevee ÛeeefnS? 
  16 + 3 - 5 × 2÷ 4 = 9 
 (a) ÷ and × /÷Deewj ×  (b) × and - /× Deewj -  
 (c) × and +/× Deewj + (d) ÷ and +/÷Deewj + 
25.  Three of the following four letter-cluster are 
alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick 
the odd one out. 
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej-De#ej mecetneW ceW mes leerve De#ej-mecetn 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâmeceeve nQ Deewj Skeâ Demeceeve nw~ 
Demeceeve De#ej-mecetn keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 (a) FHJ  (b) PQR  
 (c) KMO (d) SUW 
General Awareness 
26.  Who was the first female shooter from India to 
reach number 1 in world ranking by the 
International Shooting Sport Federation in 
  FbšjvesMeveue Metefšbie mheesš& Hesâ[jsMeve kesâ Devegmeej, 2014 
ceW efJeÕe jQefkebâie ceW vebyej 1 hej hengbÛeves Jeeueer henueer 
YeejleerÙe ceefnuee Metšj keâewve Leer?   
 (a) Heena Sidhu / nervee efmeæÒ  
 (b) Anjali Bhagwat / Debpeefue YeeieJele   
 (c) Shreyasi Singh / ßesÙemeer efmebn   
 (d) Anisha Sayyed / Deveer<ee mewÙeo  
27.  The Hindustan Socialist Republican 
Association (HSRA) was formed in the year ––
– with an aim to overthrow the British.   
  efnbogmleeve meesMeefuemš efjheefyuekeâve SmeesefmeSMeve (HSRA) 
keâe ie"ve –––– Je<e& ceW Deb«espeeW keâes GKeeÌ[ HeWâkeâves kesâ 
GösMÙe mes efkeâÙee ieÙee Lee~  
 (a) 1921 (b) 1922  
 (c) 1930 (d) 1928 
28.  Which of the following is the busiest sea port in 
  efvecveefueefKele ceW mes heeefkeâmleeve keâe meyemes JÙemle mecegõer 
yebojieen keâewve-mee nw?  
 (a) Port of Keti / kesâšer keâe yebojieen  
 (b) Gwadar Port / iJeeoj keâe yebojieen  
 (c) Port of Karachi / keâjeÛeer keâe yebojieen   
 (d) Port of Qasim / keâeefmece keâe yebojieen 
29.  What is the definition for the term 
  Meerleefveõe (neFyejvesMeve) Meyo keâer heefjYee<ee keäÙee nw?  
 (a) A state of hyperactivity in spring time among 
birds / yeeefjMe kesâ ceewmece ceW Kego keâes yeÛeeves kesâ efueS 
heef#eÙeeW Éeje efveJeeme mLeeve (IeeWmeues) keâe efvecee&Ce  
 (b) Building of habitat (nests) by birds to save 
themselves in rainy season / heef#eÙeeW ceW Jemeble kesâ 
meceÙe ceW Deefle meef›eâÙelee keâer efmLeefle   
 (c) A state of reduced metabolic activity during 
winter season among some animals / kegâÚ 
peeveJejeW ceW meefo&ÙeeW kesâ ceewmece ceW keâce ÛeÙeeheÛeÙe ieefleefJeefOe 
keâer efmLeefle   
 (d) A habit of food conservation during summer 
season for winter among animals / peeveJejeW ceW 
meefo&ÙeeW kesâ efueS ieceea kesâ ceewmece ceW KeeÅe mebj#eCe keâer 
30.  'Janku' is a unique cultural custom followed in 
–––– as a celebration of life.  
  ‘peeveketâ’ peerJeve kesâ GlmeJe kesâ ™he ceW ceveeF& peeves Jeeueer 
––––– osMe keâer Skeâ Devet"er meebmke=âeflekeâ ØeLee nw~   
 (a) Sri Lanka / ßeeruebkeâe    
 (b) Nepal / vesheeue  
 (c) Bhutan / Yetševe  
 (d) Pakistan / heeefkeâmleeve   
31.  As a reaction to Rowlatt Act, ––––– was 
organised as National Humiliation Day.  
  jewueš Skeäš keâer Øeefleef›eâÙee kesâ ™he ceW, ––––– keâes 
je<š^erÙe Deheceeve efoJeme kesâ ™he ceW DeeÙeesefpele efkeâÙee ieÙee 
 (a) 14th June 1921 / 14 petve 1921   
 (b) 6th April 1919 / 6 DeØewue 1919  
 (c) 2nd February 1913 / 2 HeâjJejer 1913 
 (d) 8th May 1920 / 8 ceF& 1920  
32.  Who was the first Indian to receive the Ramon 
Magsaysay Award for his contribution to 
community leadership ? 
  meecegoeefÙekeâ vesle=lJe ceW Ùeesieoeve kesâ efueS jsceve cewimesmes 
hegjmkeâej Øeehle keâjves Jeeues henues YeejleerÙe keâewve Les?    
 (a) Baba Amte / yeeyee Deecešs   
 (b) Acharya Vinoba Bhave / DeeÛeeÙe& efJeveesyee YeeJes  
 (c) Verghese Kurien / Jeieeape kegâefjÙeve  
 (d) Arvind Kejriwal / DejefJebo kesâpejerJeeue  
33.  What is the term used to describe the angular 
distance of a place north or south of Earth's 
  he=LJeer keâer YetceOÙe jsKee kesâ Gòej Ùee oef#eCe kesâ mLeeve keâer 
keâesCeerÙe otjer keâe JeCe&ve keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâme Meyo keâe 
GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw?   
 (a) Hemisphere / ieesueeOe&   
 (b) Pole / OegÇJe 
 (c) Longitude / osMeevlej  
 (d) Latitude / De#eebMe  
34.  Which of the following is the third stage in the 
metamorphosis of a butterfly? 
  efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve Skeâ efleleueer kesâ keâeÙeeheueš ceW 
leermeje ÛejCe nw? 
 (a) Adult / S[uš (b) Egg / DeC[e  
 (c) Larva / ueeJee& (d) Pupa / hÙethee 
35.  In economic terms what do we mean by 
'intermediate goods'?  
  DeLe&JÙeJemLee kesâ meboYe& ceW ceOÙeJeleea Jemleg mes keäÙee DeeMeÙe 
 (a) Price of goods without GST  
  efyevee GST kesâ Jemleg keâer keâercele ~ 
 (b) Goods in transit before reaching the 
consumers /GheYeesòeâeDeeW lekeâ hengBÛeves mes henues Jemleg ceW 
heejieceve ~ 
 (c) Goods sold between industries for the resale 
or production of other goods /hegveefJe&›eâÙe Ùee DevÙe 
JemlegDeeW kesâ Glheeove kesâ efueS GÅeesieeW kesâ yeerÛe yesÛeer peeves 
Jeeueer Jemleg~ 
 (d) Fixed assets used manufacturers  
  efvecee&lee mLeeÙeer mecheefòe keâe GheÙeesie keâjles nw~ 
36.  The maximum strength of the Bangladeshi 
Parliament is ––––––.   
  yeebiueeosMe keâer mebmeo ceW DeefOekeâlece meomÙeeW keâer mebKÙee 
efkeâleveer nesleer nw?  
 (a) 350 (b) 340  
 (c) 322 (d) 363 
37.  How many provinces is the country of Nepal 
divided into?   
  vesheeue osMe keâes efkeâleves ØeebleeW ceW yeebše ieÙee nw?  
 (a) 5 (b) 7  
 (c) 4 (d) 6 
38.  Which world leader is awarded the St Andrew 
the Apostle, the highest order of the Russian 
Federation in the year 2019?  
  Je<e& 2019 ceW, efkeâme JewefÕekeâ veslee keâes ™me kesâ meJeexÛÛe 
mecceeve mevle Sv[^Ùet o Sheesmšue mes mecceeefvele efkeâÙee 
ieÙee nw?  
 (a) Emmanuel Macron /ScÙetvesue cekexâue  
 (b) Narendra Modi /vejsvõ ceesoer   
 (c) Donald Trump /[esveeu[ š^bhe  
 (d) Angela Markel /Sbpesuee cekexâue  
39.  Which of the following kings is regarded as the 
founder of the kingdom of Nepal ?   
  efvecveefueefKele ceW mess efkeâme jepee keâes vesheeue osMe keâe 
mebmLeehekeâ ceevee peelee nw?  
 (a) Rana Bahadur Shah /jeCee yeneogj Meen   
 (b) Tribhuvan Bir Bikram Shah  
  ef$eYegJeve yeerj efye›eâce Meen  
 (c) Prithivi  Narayan Shah/he=LJeer veejeÙeCe Meen  
 (d) Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev 
  cenWõ yeerj efye›eâce Meen osJe  
40.  The term 'Putt' is used in this sport ––––––.   
  ‘hegš’ Meyo keâe GheÙeesie efkeâme Kesue ceW efkeâÙee peelee nw?  
 (a) Cricket /ef›eâkesâš  
 (b) Table Tennis/šsyeue šsefveme  
 (c) Golf/ieesuHeâ  
 (d) Football/Hegâšyee@ue  
41.  Which of the following plants is carnivorous?  
  efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee heewOee ceebme-Ye#eer nw? 
 (a) Cypress Vine/meeFØeme JeeFve  
 (b) Venus Flytrap/ Jeerveme HeäueeFš^whe  
 (c) Amaryllis/ Decesefjefueme 
 (d) Hyacinth/ peuekegbâYeer 
42.  Which tribe of Pakistan performs a traditional 
dance form called 'Waziri Dance?   
  heeefkeâmleeve keâer keâewve meer pevepeeefle ‘Jeefpejer ve=lÙe’ veecekeâ 
heejbheefjkeâ ve=lÙe keâjleer nw?  
 (a) Sindhi/efmebOeer  (b) Baloch/yeuetÛe  
 (c) Pashtun/heMletve (d) Brahuis/yengF&  
43.  The Khilafat Movement of 1920 was organised 
as a protest against the injustice done to –––––.  
  1920 keâe efKeueeHeâle Deeboesueve –––––– kesâ efKeueeHeâ 
efkeâS ieS DevÙeeÙe kesâ efJe™æ Skeâ efJejesOe kesâ ™he ceW 
DeeÙeesefpele efkeâÙee ieÙee Lee~  
 (a) Turkey/legkeâea   
 (b) Egypt/efceœe  
 (c) Afghanistan/DeHeâieeefvemleeve  
 (d) Iraq/Fjekeâ  
44.  How many 'canine teeth' does an adult human 
  Skeâ JeÙemkeâ ceeveJe kesâ heeme efkeâleves ‘kewâveeFve oeble’ nesles nQ?  
 (a) 8 (b) 4  
 (c) 3 (d) 2 
45.  Atal Tinkering Labs is an initiative by which of 
the following institutions?  
  Dešue efšbkeâefjbie uewyme efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme mebmLee 
Éeje keâer ieF& Skeâ henue nw?  
 (a) National AYUSH Mission /je<š^erÙe DeeÙet<e efceMeve   
 (b) Central Board of Secondary Education /keWâõerÙe 
ceeOÙeefcekeâ efMe#ee yees[&   
 (c) Reserve Bank of India /YeejleerÙe efjpeJe& yeQkeâ  
 (d) NITI Aayog /veerefle DeeÙeesie  
46.  A traditional 'battery' contains which of the 
following chemicals?  
  meeceevÙe yewšjer ceW efvecveefueefKele jmeeÙeve nesles nQ- 
 (a) Ethylene glycol /FLeeFueerve iueeFkeâe@ue   
 (b) Sulphuric acid /meuHeäÙetefjkeâ Sefme[    
 (c) Sodium bicarbonate /meesef[Ùece yeeFkeâeyeexvesš  
 (d) Ethanol /FLesvee@ue  
47.  In which year was the term 'Gross Happiness 
Index' coined by the fourth king of Bhutan, 
Jigme Singye Wangchuck?  
  efkeâme Je<e& ceW Yetševe kesâ ÛeewLes jepee efpeices efmebiÙes JeebieÛegkeâ 
Éeje ‘mekeâue ØemeVelee metÛekeâebkeâ’ Meyo ieÌ{e ieÙee Lee?  
 (a) 1982 (b) 1964  
 (c) 1989 (d) 1972 
48.  Mother Teresa, the founder of 'Missionaries of 
Charity', was born on ––––––.   
  ‘efceMevejerpe Dee@Heâ Ûewefjšer’ kesâ mebmLeehekeâ ceoj šsjsmee keâe 
pevce keâye ngDee Lee?  
 (a) 13th January 1912 /13 peveJejer 1912   
 (b) 26th August 1910/26 Deiemle 1910   
 (c) 2nd February 1913 /2 HeâjJejer 1913  
 (d) 15th May 1907 /15 ceF& 1907 
49.  In 2018, Amnesty International stripped ––––– 
of the Ambassador of Conscience Award given 
in 2009.   
  2018 ceW Scevesmšer FbšjvesMeveue ves 2009 ceW –––– keâes 
efoÙee ieÙee Scyesme[j Dee@Heâ keâe@efvMeÙeme DeJee[& Jeeheme ues 
 (a) Al Gore /Deue ieesj   
 (b) Aung San Suu kyi /Deebie meeve met keâer  
 (c) Benjamin Netanyahu/yeWpeeefceve veslevÙeent  
 (d) Henri Tiphagne /nsvejer efšheeieves  
50.  –––– was not only Sri Lanka's first woman 
prime minister, but also the first woman prime 
minister in the world.   
  ––––––– ve kesâJeue ßeeruebkeâe keâer henueer ceefnuee 
ØeOeeveceb$eer LeeR, yeefukeâ ogefveÙee keâer henueer ceefnuee 
ØeOeeveceb$eer Yeer Leer~  
 (a) Sirimavo Bandaranaike /efmejerceeJees Yeb[ejveeÙekesâ   
 (b) Upeksha Swarnamali /Ghes#ee mJeCe&ceeueer   
 (c) Rosy Senanayake /jespeer mesveeveeÙekesâ  
 (d) Chandrika Kumaratunga /Ûebefõkeâe kegâceejlegbiee  
Quantitative Aptitude 
51.  When 2sin
? ? ? ? = 3 cos? ? ? ?, and 0 = = = = ? ? ? ? = = = = 90
, then ? ? ? ? = ? 
  peye 2sin
? ? ? ? = 3 cos? ? ? ? leLee 0 = = = = ? ? ? ? = = = = 90
, lees ? ? ? ? = ? 
 (a) 30
 (b) 60
 (c) 45
 (d) 90
52.  The table below shows the percentage of 
students and the ratio of boys and girls in 
different colleges. Total students = 1800  
  efvecveefueefKele leeefuekeâe ceW efJeefYevve keâe@uespeeW ceW 
efJeÅeeefLe&ÙeeW keâer mebKÙee kesâ ØeefleMele Deewj ueÌ[keâeW SJeb 
ueÌ[efkeâÙeeW kesâ Devegheele keâes oMee&Ùee ieÙee nw~ efJeÅeeefLe&ÙeeW 
keâer kegâue mebKÙee 1800 nw– 
keâe@uespe ³efJeÅeeLeea ueÌ[kesâ : ueÌ[efkeâÙeeb 
A 20 4 : 5 
B 18 1 : 2 
C 14 4 : 3 
D 22 6 : 5 
E 10 2 : 3 
F 16 9 : 7 
  If 10% of the girls from college A are 
transferred to college E, then what is the 
increase in the percentage of girls in college E?  
  Ùeefo 10³ ueÌ[efkeâÙeeW keâes keâe@uespe A mes keâe@uespe E ceW 
mLeeveevleefjle keâj efoÙee peelee nw lees keâe@uespe E ceW 
ueÌ[efkeâÙeeW keâer ØeefleMelelee ceW efkeâleveer Je=efæ nesieer? 
 (a) 4.6% (b) 4% 
 (c) 4.4% (d) 4.2% 
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