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SSC CGL Tier 1 (4 June) Shift 1 Past Year Paper (2018) | SSC CGL (Hindi) Tier - 1 Mock Test Series PDF Download

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SSC CGL (TIER-I) Online hejer#ee 2018 
JÙeeKÙee meefnle nue ØeMve-he$e (Shift-I) 
General Intelligence and Reasoning 
1. Which number will replace the question mark 
(?) in the following series? 
veerÛes oer ieF& ëe=bKeuee cesb ØeMve efÛeÖ (?) kesâ mLeeve hej 
keâewve-meer mebKÙee DeeSieer? 
 3, 7, 16, 35, ?, 153  
 (a) 63 (b) 74 
 (c) 78 (d) 84 
2. If DIG is coded as 25 and CUT is coded as 49, 
then how will KICK be coded as? 
Ùeefo DIG keâes 25 kesâ ™he ceW Deewj CUT keâes 49 kesâ 
™he ceW ketâšyeæ efkeâÙee peelee nw lees KICK keâes efkeâme 
™he ceW ketâšyeæ efkeâÙee peeSiee~ 
 (a) 34 (b) 43 
 (c) 39 (d) 41 
3. Select the correct mirror image of the given 
figure when the mirror is placed to the right of 
the figure.  
Ùeefo veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle kesâ oeSb Deesj ohe&Ce jKee peeS 
lees yeveves Jeeues mener ohe&Ce Øeefleefyebye keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
4. Select the figure that will come next in the 
following figure series. 
efvecveefueefKele Deeke=âefle ëe=bKeuee ces Deeves Jeeueer Deieueer 
Deeke=âefle keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
5. Three of the following four letter-clusters are 
alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick 
the odd one out. 
efvecveefueefKele Ûeej-De#ej mecetneW ceW mes leerve De#ej-mecetn 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâmeceeve nQ Deewj Skeâ Demeceeve nw~ 
Demeceeve De#ej-mecetn keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 (a) PSUX  (b) MOQS 
 (c) CFIL (d) GHIJ 
6. Three of the following four words are alike in a 
certain way and one is different. Pick the odd 
word out. 
efvecveefueefKele Ûeej MeyoeW ceW mes leerve Meyo efkeâmeer Øekeâej 
mes Skeâmeceeve nQ Deewj Skeâ Meyo Demeceeve nw~ Demeceeve 
Meyo keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 (a) Mustard/mejmeeW (b) Cumin/peerje 
 (c) Groundnut/cetbieheâueer (d) Fennel/meeQheâ 
7. Select the set in which the numbers are related 
in the same way as are the numbers of the 
following set. 
Gme mecegÛÛeÙe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW mebKÙeeSb Gmeer 
lejn Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej mebKÙeeSb veerÛes 
efoS ieS mecegÛÛeÙe ceW Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ~ 
 (3, 24, 4) 
 (a) (4, 72, 9) (b) (2, 30, 8) 
 (c) (6, 35, 11) (d) (12, 84, 4) 
8. Arrange the following words in a logical and 
meaningful order. 
 1. Buy 2. Dinner 
 3. Market 4. Vegetables 
 5. Cook 
efvecveefueefKele MeyoeW keâes Skeâ leeefke&âkeâ SJeb DeLe&hetCe& ›eâce 
ceW JÙeJeefmLele keâerefpeS~ 
 1. Kejerovee 2. Yeespeve 
 3. yeepeej 4. meefypeÙeeB 
 5. hekeâevee 
 (a) 3, 4, 1, 5, 2 (b) 1, 4, 5, 3, 2 
 (c) 4, 5, 3, 1, 2 (d) 3, 5, 4, 1, 2 
9. Two statement are given followed by three 
conclusion numbered I, II and III. Assuming 
the statements to be true, even if they seem to 
be a variance with commonly known facts, 
decide which of the conclusions logically 
follow(s) from the statements. 
 Statements : 
 All rulers are machine. 
 Some machines are costly items. 
 Conclusions : 
 I. Some rulers are costly items. 
 II. Some costly items are machines. 
 III. All costly items are machines. 
veerÛes oes keâLeve efoS ieS nQ Deewj Gmekesâ yeeo efve<keâ<e& I, 
II Deewj III efoS ieS nQ~ keâLeve keâes melÙe ceeveles ngS, 
Ûeens Jen meeceevÙele: %eele leLÙeeW mes efYeVe Øeleerle nesles neW, 
(hejer#ee efleefLe : 04.06.2019) 
Page 2

SSC CGL (TIER-I) Online hejer#ee 2018 
JÙeeKÙee meefnle nue ØeMve-he$e (Shift-I) 
General Intelligence and Reasoning 
1. Which number will replace the question mark 
(?) in the following series? 
veerÛes oer ieF& ëe=bKeuee cesb ØeMve efÛeÖ (?) kesâ mLeeve hej 
keâewve-meer mebKÙee DeeSieer? 
 3, 7, 16, 35, ?, 153  
 (a) 63 (b) 74 
 (c) 78 (d) 84 
2. If DIG is coded as 25 and CUT is coded as 49, 
then how will KICK be coded as? 
Ùeefo DIG keâes 25 kesâ ™he ceW Deewj CUT keâes 49 kesâ 
™he ceW ketâšyeæ efkeâÙee peelee nw lees KICK keâes efkeâme 
™he ceW ketâšyeæ efkeâÙee peeSiee~ 
 (a) 34 (b) 43 
 (c) 39 (d) 41 
3. Select the correct mirror image of the given 
figure when the mirror is placed to the right of 
the figure.  
Ùeefo veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle kesâ oeSb Deesj ohe&Ce jKee peeS 
lees yeveves Jeeues mener ohe&Ce Øeefleefyebye keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
4. Select the figure that will come next in the 
following figure series. 
efvecveefueefKele Deeke=âefle ëe=bKeuee ces Deeves Jeeueer Deieueer 
Deeke=âefle keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
5. Three of the following four letter-clusters are 
alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick 
the odd one out. 
efvecveefueefKele Ûeej-De#ej mecetneW ceW mes leerve De#ej-mecetn 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâmeceeve nQ Deewj Skeâ Demeceeve nw~ 
Demeceeve De#ej-mecetn keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 (a) PSUX  (b) MOQS 
 (c) CFIL (d) GHIJ 
6. Three of the following four words are alike in a 
certain way and one is different. Pick the odd 
word out. 
efvecveefueefKele Ûeej MeyoeW ceW mes leerve Meyo efkeâmeer Øekeâej 
mes Skeâmeceeve nQ Deewj Skeâ Meyo Demeceeve nw~ Demeceeve 
Meyo keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 (a) Mustard/mejmeeW (b) Cumin/peerje 
 (c) Groundnut/cetbieheâueer (d) Fennel/meeQheâ 
7. Select the set in which the numbers are related 
in the same way as are the numbers of the 
following set. 
Gme mecegÛÛeÙe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW mebKÙeeSb Gmeer 
lejn Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej mebKÙeeSb veerÛes 
efoS ieS mecegÛÛeÙe ceW Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ~ 
 (3, 24, 4) 
 (a) (4, 72, 9) (b) (2, 30, 8) 
 (c) (6, 35, 11) (d) (12, 84, 4) 
8. Arrange the following words in a logical and 
meaningful order. 
 1. Buy 2. Dinner 
 3. Market 4. Vegetables 
 5. Cook 
efvecveefueefKele MeyoeW keâes Skeâ leeefke&âkeâ SJeb DeLe&hetCe& ›eâce 
ceW JÙeJeefmLele keâerefpeS~ 
 1. Kejerovee 2. Yeespeve 
 3. yeepeej 4. meefypeÙeeB 
 5. hekeâevee 
 (a) 3, 4, 1, 5, 2 (b) 1, 4, 5, 3, 2 
 (c) 4, 5, 3, 1, 2 (d) 3, 5, 4, 1, 2 
9. Two statement are given followed by three 
conclusion numbered I, II and III. Assuming 
the statements to be true, even if they seem to 
be a variance with commonly known facts, 
decide which of the conclusions logically 
follow(s) from the statements. 
 Statements : 
 All rulers are machine. 
 Some machines are costly items. 
 Conclusions : 
 I. Some rulers are costly items. 
 II. Some costly items are machines. 
 III. All costly items are machines. 
veerÛes oes keâLeve efoS ieS nQ Deewj Gmekesâ yeeo efve<keâ<e& I, 
II Deewj III efoS ieS nQ~ keâLeve keâes melÙe ceeveles ngS, 
Ûeens Jen meeceevÙele: %eele leLÙeeW mes efYeVe Øeleerle nesles neW, 
(hejer#ee efleefLe : 04.06.2019) 
Deehekeâes Ùen efveCe&Ùe keâjvee nw efkeâ efoS ieS keâLeveeWb mes 
keâewve-mee efve<keâ<e& leke&âmebiele ™he mes efvekeâuelee nw~  
 keâLeve : 
 meYeer Meemekeâ ceMeerves nQ~ 
 kegâÚ ceMeerveW cenbieer JemlegSB nQ~ 
 efve<keâ<e& : 
 I.   kegâÚ Meemekeâ cenbieer JemlegSB nQ~ 
 II.  kegâÚ cenbieer JemlegSB ceMeerveW nQ~ 
III. meYeer cenbieer JemlegSB ceMeerveW nQ~ 
 (a) Only conclusion I follows/kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& I 
efvekeâuelee nw~  
 (b) Only conclusion II follows/kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& II 
efvekeâuelee nw~ 
 (c) Both conclusions II and III follow/oesveeW efve<keâ<e& 
II Deewj III efvekeâueles nQ~  
 (d) Both conclusions I and II follow/oesveeW efve<keâ<e& I 
Deewj II efvekeâueles nQ~ 
10. 'Lawyer' is related to 'Justice' in the same way 
as 'Arbitrator' is related to '_________'. 
 efpeme Øekeâej ‘DeefOeJeòeâe’ keâe mebyebOe ‘vÙeeÙe’ mes nw Gmeer 
Øekeâej ‘ceOÙemLe’ keâe mebyebOe ______ mes nw~  
 (a) Settlement/mecePeewlee  
 (b) Injustice/DevÙeeÙe 
 (c) Communication/mebÛeej   
(d) Judgment/efveCe&Ùe 
11. Select the combination of letters that when 
sequentially placed in the gaps of the given 
letter will complete the series.  
 Gme De#ej mebÙeespeve keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemes veerÛes oer 
ieF& De#ej ëe=bKeuee kesâ efjòeâ mLeeveeW hej ›eâceevegmeej jKeves 
mes oer ieF& ëe=bKeuee hetCe& nes peeS~   
 (a) cbbcb (b) bcbab 
 (c) cbabc (d) cbbac 
12. Select the Venn diagram that best illustrates 
the relationship between the following classes. 
 Uncle, Relatives, Rich 
oer ieF& ßesefCeÙeeW kesâ yeerÛe meJe&ßes‰ mebyebOe keâes oMee&ves Jeeues 
Jesve DeejsKe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 ÛeeÛee, efjMlesoej, Oeveer 
13. How many squares are there in the following 
veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle ceW efkeâleves Jeie& nQ? 
 (a) 16 (b) 13 
 (c) 12 (d) 14 
14.  Select the option that is related to the third 
letter-cluster in the same way as the second 
letter-cluster is related to the first letter-
Gme efJekeâuhe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS pees leermejs De#ej-mecetn 
mes Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw efpeme Øekeâej otmeje De#ej-
mecetn henues De#ej mecetn mes mebyebefOele nw~   
 CEGI : AGEK :: DFHJ : ? 
 (a) BHFL (b) CGIK 
 (c) BDJK (d) CHFI 
15. In a code language, VICTORY is written as 
CIVSYRO. How will TRAITOR be written as 
in the language? 
efkeâmeer ketâš Yee<ee ceW VICTORY keâes CIVSYRO 
efueKee peelee nw~ Gmeer ketâš Yee<ee ceW TRAITOR keâes 
keäÙee efueKee peeSiee~  
16. Select the word-pair in which the two words 
are related in the same way as the two words in 
the following word-pair. 
 Book : Thesaurus  
efoS ieS efJekeâuheeW ceW Gme Meyo Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS 
efpemekesâ oesveeW Meyo Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nQ 
efpeme Øekeâej veerÛes efueKes ieS Meyo Ùegice kesâ Meyo Deeheme 
ceW mebyebefOele nw~ 
 hegmlekeâ : %eevekeâesMe 
 (a) Reptile : Python / mejerme=he : Depeiej  
 (b) Tennis : Ball / šsefveme : yee@ue 
 (c) Tree : Forest / Je=#e : Jeve  
 (d) Furniture : Wood / heâveeaÛej : uekeâÌ[er 
17. Select the number-pair in which the two 
number in the same way as are the two 
numbers of the following number-pair. 
Gme mebKÙee Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW oesveeW 
mebKÙeeSB Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw efpeme Øekeâej 
oesveeW mebKÙeeSB veerÛes efoS ieS mebKÙee Ùegice ceW Deeheme ceW 
mebyebefOele nw~ 
 36 : 84 
 (a) 45 : 95 (b) 27 : 63 
 (c) 57 : 135 (d) 21 : 51 
18. In a family of eight persons, there are two 
couple, each having two children B and D are 
brothers and each has two children E is the 
aunt  of A, who is the cousin brother of C. C is 
the sister H, who is the cousin brother of G. F 
is the wife of B. How is H related to F? 
Dee" JÙeefòeâÙeeW kesâ Skeâ heefjJeej ceW, oes Ùegieue nQ, oesveeW 
Ùegieue kesâ oes-oes yeÛÛes nQ~ B Deewj D YeeF& nQ Deewj Gve 
oesveeW kesâ oes-oes yeÛÛes nQ~ E, A keâer ÛeeÛeer nw pees C keâe 
ÛeÛesje YeeF& nw~ C, H keâer yenve nw pees G keâe ÛeÛesje 
YeeF& nw~ F, B keâer helveer nw~ H efkeâme Øekeâej F mes 
mebyebefOele nw~ 
 (a) Brother-in-law/meeuee (b) Son/heg$e 
 (c) Son-in-law/oeceeo (d) Nephew/Yeleerpee 
Page 3

SSC CGL (TIER-I) Online hejer#ee 2018 
JÙeeKÙee meefnle nue ØeMve-he$e (Shift-I) 
General Intelligence and Reasoning 
1. Which number will replace the question mark 
(?) in the following series? 
veerÛes oer ieF& ëe=bKeuee cesb ØeMve efÛeÖ (?) kesâ mLeeve hej 
keâewve-meer mebKÙee DeeSieer? 
 3, 7, 16, 35, ?, 153  
 (a) 63 (b) 74 
 (c) 78 (d) 84 
2. If DIG is coded as 25 and CUT is coded as 49, 
then how will KICK be coded as? 
Ùeefo DIG keâes 25 kesâ ™he ceW Deewj CUT keâes 49 kesâ 
™he ceW ketâšyeæ efkeâÙee peelee nw lees KICK keâes efkeâme 
™he ceW ketâšyeæ efkeâÙee peeSiee~ 
 (a) 34 (b) 43 
 (c) 39 (d) 41 
3. Select the correct mirror image of the given 
figure when the mirror is placed to the right of 
the figure.  
Ùeefo veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle kesâ oeSb Deesj ohe&Ce jKee peeS 
lees yeveves Jeeues mener ohe&Ce Øeefleefyebye keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
4. Select the figure that will come next in the 
following figure series. 
efvecveefueefKele Deeke=âefle ëe=bKeuee ces Deeves Jeeueer Deieueer 
Deeke=âefle keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
5. Three of the following four letter-clusters are 
alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick 
the odd one out. 
efvecveefueefKele Ûeej-De#ej mecetneW ceW mes leerve De#ej-mecetn 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâmeceeve nQ Deewj Skeâ Demeceeve nw~ 
Demeceeve De#ej-mecetn keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 (a) PSUX  (b) MOQS 
 (c) CFIL (d) GHIJ 
6. Three of the following four words are alike in a 
certain way and one is different. Pick the odd 
word out. 
efvecveefueefKele Ûeej MeyoeW ceW mes leerve Meyo efkeâmeer Øekeâej 
mes Skeâmeceeve nQ Deewj Skeâ Meyo Demeceeve nw~ Demeceeve 
Meyo keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 (a) Mustard/mejmeeW (b) Cumin/peerje 
 (c) Groundnut/cetbieheâueer (d) Fennel/meeQheâ 
7. Select the set in which the numbers are related 
in the same way as are the numbers of the 
following set. 
Gme mecegÛÛeÙe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW mebKÙeeSb Gmeer 
lejn Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej mebKÙeeSb veerÛes 
efoS ieS mecegÛÛeÙe ceW Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ~ 
 (3, 24, 4) 
 (a) (4, 72, 9) (b) (2, 30, 8) 
 (c) (6, 35, 11) (d) (12, 84, 4) 
8. Arrange the following words in a logical and 
meaningful order. 
 1. Buy 2. Dinner 
 3. Market 4. Vegetables 
 5. Cook 
efvecveefueefKele MeyoeW keâes Skeâ leeefke&âkeâ SJeb DeLe&hetCe& ›eâce 
ceW JÙeJeefmLele keâerefpeS~ 
 1. Kejerovee 2. Yeespeve 
 3. yeepeej 4. meefypeÙeeB 
 5. hekeâevee 
 (a) 3, 4, 1, 5, 2 (b) 1, 4, 5, 3, 2 
 (c) 4, 5, 3, 1, 2 (d) 3, 5, 4, 1, 2 
9. Two statement are given followed by three 
conclusion numbered I, II and III. Assuming 
the statements to be true, even if they seem to 
be a variance with commonly known facts, 
decide which of the conclusions logically 
follow(s) from the statements. 
 Statements : 
 All rulers are machine. 
 Some machines are costly items. 
 Conclusions : 
 I. Some rulers are costly items. 
 II. Some costly items are machines. 
 III. All costly items are machines. 
veerÛes oes keâLeve efoS ieS nQ Deewj Gmekesâ yeeo efve<keâ<e& I, 
II Deewj III efoS ieS nQ~ keâLeve keâes melÙe ceeveles ngS, 
Ûeens Jen meeceevÙele: %eele leLÙeeW mes efYeVe Øeleerle nesles neW, 
(hejer#ee efleefLe : 04.06.2019) 
Deehekeâes Ùen efveCe&Ùe keâjvee nw efkeâ efoS ieS keâLeveeWb mes 
keâewve-mee efve<keâ<e& leke&âmebiele ™he mes efvekeâuelee nw~  
 keâLeve : 
 meYeer Meemekeâ ceMeerves nQ~ 
 kegâÚ ceMeerveW cenbieer JemlegSB nQ~ 
 efve<keâ<e& : 
 I.   kegâÚ Meemekeâ cenbieer JemlegSB nQ~ 
 II.  kegâÚ cenbieer JemlegSB ceMeerveW nQ~ 
III. meYeer cenbieer JemlegSB ceMeerveW nQ~ 
 (a) Only conclusion I follows/kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& I 
efvekeâuelee nw~  
 (b) Only conclusion II follows/kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& II 
efvekeâuelee nw~ 
 (c) Both conclusions II and III follow/oesveeW efve<keâ<e& 
II Deewj III efvekeâueles nQ~  
 (d) Both conclusions I and II follow/oesveeW efve<keâ<e& I 
Deewj II efvekeâueles nQ~ 
10. 'Lawyer' is related to 'Justice' in the same way 
as 'Arbitrator' is related to '_________'. 
 efpeme Øekeâej ‘DeefOeJeòeâe’ keâe mebyebOe ‘vÙeeÙe’ mes nw Gmeer 
Øekeâej ‘ceOÙemLe’ keâe mebyebOe ______ mes nw~  
 (a) Settlement/mecePeewlee  
 (b) Injustice/DevÙeeÙe 
 (c) Communication/mebÛeej   
(d) Judgment/efveCe&Ùe 
11. Select the combination of letters that when 
sequentially placed in the gaps of the given 
letter will complete the series.  
 Gme De#ej mebÙeespeve keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemes veerÛes oer 
ieF& De#ej ëe=bKeuee kesâ efjòeâ mLeeveeW hej ›eâceevegmeej jKeves 
mes oer ieF& ëe=bKeuee hetCe& nes peeS~   
 (a) cbbcb (b) bcbab 
 (c) cbabc (d) cbbac 
12. Select the Venn diagram that best illustrates 
the relationship between the following classes. 
 Uncle, Relatives, Rich 
oer ieF& ßesefCeÙeeW kesâ yeerÛe meJe&ßes‰ mebyebOe keâes oMee&ves Jeeues 
Jesve DeejsKe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 ÛeeÛee, efjMlesoej, Oeveer 
13. How many squares are there in the following 
veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle ceW efkeâleves Jeie& nQ? 
 (a) 16 (b) 13 
 (c) 12 (d) 14 
14.  Select the option that is related to the third 
letter-cluster in the same way as the second 
letter-cluster is related to the first letter-
Gme efJekeâuhe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS pees leermejs De#ej-mecetn 
mes Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw efpeme Øekeâej otmeje De#ej-
mecetn henues De#ej mecetn mes mebyebefOele nw~   
 CEGI : AGEK :: DFHJ : ? 
 (a) BHFL (b) CGIK 
 (c) BDJK (d) CHFI 
15. In a code language, VICTORY is written as 
CIVSYRO. How will TRAITOR be written as 
in the language? 
efkeâmeer ketâš Yee<ee ceW VICTORY keâes CIVSYRO 
efueKee peelee nw~ Gmeer ketâš Yee<ee ceW TRAITOR keâes 
keäÙee efueKee peeSiee~  
16. Select the word-pair in which the two words 
are related in the same way as the two words in 
the following word-pair. 
 Book : Thesaurus  
efoS ieS efJekeâuheeW ceW Gme Meyo Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS 
efpemekesâ oesveeW Meyo Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nQ 
efpeme Øekeâej veerÛes efueKes ieS Meyo Ùegice kesâ Meyo Deeheme 
ceW mebyebefOele nw~ 
 hegmlekeâ : %eevekeâesMe 
 (a) Reptile : Python / mejerme=he : Depeiej  
 (b) Tennis : Ball / šsefveme : yee@ue 
 (c) Tree : Forest / Je=#e : Jeve  
 (d) Furniture : Wood / heâveeaÛej : uekeâÌ[er 
17. Select the number-pair in which the two 
number in the same way as are the two 
numbers of the following number-pair. 
Gme mebKÙee Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW oesveeW 
mebKÙeeSB Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw efpeme Øekeâej 
oesveeW mebKÙeeSB veerÛes efoS ieS mebKÙee Ùegice ceW Deeheme ceW 
mebyebefOele nw~ 
 36 : 84 
 (a) 45 : 95 (b) 27 : 63 
 (c) 57 : 135 (d) 21 : 51 
18. In a family of eight persons, there are two 
couple, each having two children B and D are 
brothers and each has two children E is the 
aunt  of A, who is the cousin brother of C. C is 
the sister H, who is the cousin brother of G. F 
is the wife of B. How is H related to F? 
Dee" JÙeefòeâÙeeW kesâ Skeâ heefjJeej ceW, oes Ùegieue nQ, oesveeW 
Ùegieue kesâ oes-oes yeÛÛes nQ~ B Deewj D YeeF& nQ Deewj Gve 
oesveeW kesâ oes-oes yeÛÛes nQ~ E, A keâer ÛeeÛeer nw pees C keâe 
ÛeÛesje YeeF& nw~ C, H keâer yenve nw pees G keâe ÛeÛesje 
YeeF& nw~ F, B keâer helveer nw~ H efkeâme Øekeâej F mes 
mebyebefOele nw~ 
 (a) Brother-in-law/meeuee (b) Son/heg$e 
 (c) Son-in-law/oeceeo (d) Nephew/Yeleerpee 
19. Select the set in which the numbers are related 
in the same way as are the numbers of the 
following set. 
Gme mecegÛÛeÙe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW mebKÙeeSB Gmeer 
lejn Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej mebKÙeeSB veerÛes 
efoS ieS mecegÛÛeÙe ceW Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nw~ 
 (9, 35, 16)  
 (a) (16, 50, 64) (b) (36, 55, 25) 
 (c) (81, 65, 36) (d) (25, 30, 4) 
20. Which two signs should be interchanged in the 
following equation to make it correct? 
veerÛes efoS ieS meceerkeâjCe keâes mener keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâve 
oes efÛeÖeW keâes Deeheme ceW yeouee peevee ÛeeefnS~ 
 12 – 8 + 12 × 9 ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 3 = 9   
 (a) + and ÷/+ Deewj ÷  (b) + and ×/+ Deewj × 
 (c) + and –/+ Deewj – (d) – and ÷/– Deewj ÷ 
21. ` ` ` ` 1875 is divided among A, B and C in such a 
way that A's share is half of the combined 
share of B and C, and B's share is one-fourth of 
the combined share of A and C. By what 
amount C's share more than that of A? 
1875 ™heÙes A, B Deewj C ceW Fme Øekeâej efJeYeeefpele 
efkeâS ieS nQ efkeâ A keâe efnmmee B Deewj C kesâ mebÙegòeâ 
efnmmes keâe DeeOee nw Deewj B keâe efnmmee A Deewj C kesâ 
mebÙegòeâ efnmmes keâe Skeâ-ÛeewLeeF& nw~ C keâe efnmmee A kesâ 
efnmmes mes efkeâlevee DeefOekeâ nw? 
 (a) ` 200  (b) ` 225 
 (c) ` 250 (d) ` 500  
 22. Three of the following four numbers are alike 
in a certain way and one is different. Pick the 
number that is different from the rest. 
efvecveefueefKele Ûeej mebKÙeeDeeW ceW mes leerve mebKÙeeSB efkeâmeer 
Øekeâej Skeâmeceeve nw Deewj Skeâ mebKÙee Demeceeve nw~ Gme 
Demeceeve mebKÙee keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~   
 (a) 217 (b) 126 
 (c) 189 (d) 254 
23. Select the option in which the given figure is 
Gme efJekeâuhe keâe ÛeÙeve keâjW efpemeceW oer ieF& Deeke=âefle 
Debleefve&efnle nw~ 
Rotation is not allowed/heefj›eâceCe keâer Devegceefle veneR 
24. A paper is folded and cut as shown below. How 
will it appear when unfolded? 
Skeâ keâeiepe keâes ceesÌ[e ieÙee Deewj veerÛes oMee&S ieS 
Devegmeej keâeše ieÙee nw~ Fmes Keesueves hej Ùen kewâmee efoKeeF& 
25.  Two different positions of the same dice are 
shown. Which number will be at the top if 6 is 
at the bottom? 
Skeâ ner heemes keâer oes efYeVe efmLeefleÙeeW keâes oMee&Ùee ieÙee nw~ 
Ùeefo mebKÙee 6 efveÛeues heâuekeâ hej nw lees Thejer heâuekeâ 
hej keâewve-meer mebKÙee nesieer? 
 (a) 4 (b) 2 
 (c) 5 (d) 3 
General Awareness 
26. Methyl propane is an isomer of: 
 efceLeeFue Øeeshesve efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme keâe Skeâ 
meceeJeÙeJe nw? 
 (a) n-butane/Sve-yÙetšsve 
 (b) n-propane/Sve-Øeeshesve 
 (c) n-hexane/Sve-nskeämesve 
 (d) n-pentane /Sve-hesvšsve 
27. Which of the following places was ruled by the 
Wediyar dynast? 
 efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme mLeeve hej Dees[sÙej jepeJebMe keâe 
Meemeve Lee? 
 (a) Guwahati /iegJeenšer (b) Jabalpur/peyeuehegj 
 (c) Patna /hešvee (d) Mysore /cewmetj 
28. The property of catenation is predominant in _. 
 ëe=bKeueve (catenation) keâe iegCe ...... ceW Øeyeue neslee nw~ 
 (a) Carbon /keâeye&ve (b) Sulphur /meuHeâj 
 (c) Silicon /efmeefuekeâe@ve (d) Nitrogen /veeFš^espeve 
29. Which gas in its solid state is also known as dry 
 efkeâme iewme keâes Gmekeâer "esme DeJemLee ceW Meg<keâ yehe&â Yeer 
keâne peelee nw? 
 (a) Carbon dioxide /keâeye&ve [eFDee@keämeeF[ 
 (b) Hydrogen /neF[^espeve 
 (c) Oxygen /Dee@keämeerpeve 
 (d) Nitrogen /veeFš^espeve 
30. Which country was the first to implement 
goods and Services Tax (GST)? 
 efkeâme osMe ves Jemleg SJeb mesJee keâj meyemes henues ueeiet 
efkeâÙee Lee? 
Page 4

SSC CGL (TIER-I) Online hejer#ee 2018 
JÙeeKÙee meefnle nue ØeMve-he$e (Shift-I) 
General Intelligence and Reasoning 
1. Which number will replace the question mark 
(?) in the following series? 
veerÛes oer ieF& ëe=bKeuee cesb ØeMve efÛeÖ (?) kesâ mLeeve hej 
keâewve-meer mebKÙee DeeSieer? 
 3, 7, 16, 35, ?, 153  
 (a) 63 (b) 74 
 (c) 78 (d) 84 
2. If DIG is coded as 25 and CUT is coded as 49, 
then how will KICK be coded as? 
Ùeefo DIG keâes 25 kesâ ™he ceW Deewj CUT keâes 49 kesâ 
™he ceW ketâšyeæ efkeâÙee peelee nw lees KICK keâes efkeâme 
™he ceW ketâšyeæ efkeâÙee peeSiee~ 
 (a) 34 (b) 43 
 (c) 39 (d) 41 
3. Select the correct mirror image of the given 
figure when the mirror is placed to the right of 
the figure.  
Ùeefo veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle kesâ oeSb Deesj ohe&Ce jKee peeS 
lees yeveves Jeeues mener ohe&Ce Øeefleefyebye keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
4. Select the figure that will come next in the 
following figure series. 
efvecveefueefKele Deeke=âefle ëe=bKeuee ces Deeves Jeeueer Deieueer 
Deeke=âefle keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
5. Three of the following four letter-clusters are 
alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick 
the odd one out. 
efvecveefueefKele Ûeej-De#ej mecetneW ceW mes leerve De#ej-mecetn 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâmeceeve nQ Deewj Skeâ Demeceeve nw~ 
Demeceeve De#ej-mecetn keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 (a) PSUX  (b) MOQS 
 (c) CFIL (d) GHIJ 
6. Three of the following four words are alike in a 
certain way and one is different. Pick the odd 
word out. 
efvecveefueefKele Ûeej MeyoeW ceW mes leerve Meyo efkeâmeer Øekeâej 
mes Skeâmeceeve nQ Deewj Skeâ Meyo Demeceeve nw~ Demeceeve 
Meyo keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 (a) Mustard/mejmeeW (b) Cumin/peerje 
 (c) Groundnut/cetbieheâueer (d) Fennel/meeQheâ 
7. Select the set in which the numbers are related 
in the same way as are the numbers of the 
following set. 
Gme mecegÛÛeÙe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW mebKÙeeSb Gmeer 
lejn Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej mebKÙeeSb veerÛes 
efoS ieS mecegÛÛeÙe ceW Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ~ 
 (3, 24, 4) 
 (a) (4, 72, 9) (b) (2, 30, 8) 
 (c) (6, 35, 11) (d) (12, 84, 4) 
8. Arrange the following words in a logical and 
meaningful order. 
 1. Buy 2. Dinner 
 3. Market 4. Vegetables 
 5. Cook 
efvecveefueefKele MeyoeW keâes Skeâ leeefke&âkeâ SJeb DeLe&hetCe& ›eâce 
ceW JÙeJeefmLele keâerefpeS~ 
 1. Kejerovee 2. Yeespeve 
 3. yeepeej 4. meefypeÙeeB 
 5. hekeâevee 
 (a) 3, 4, 1, 5, 2 (b) 1, 4, 5, 3, 2 
 (c) 4, 5, 3, 1, 2 (d) 3, 5, 4, 1, 2 
9. Two statement are given followed by three 
conclusion numbered I, II and III. Assuming 
the statements to be true, even if they seem to 
be a variance with commonly known facts, 
decide which of the conclusions logically 
follow(s) from the statements. 
 Statements : 
 All rulers are machine. 
 Some machines are costly items. 
 Conclusions : 
 I. Some rulers are costly items. 
 II. Some costly items are machines. 
 III. All costly items are machines. 
veerÛes oes keâLeve efoS ieS nQ Deewj Gmekesâ yeeo efve<keâ<e& I, 
II Deewj III efoS ieS nQ~ keâLeve keâes melÙe ceeveles ngS, 
Ûeens Jen meeceevÙele: %eele leLÙeeW mes efYeVe Øeleerle nesles neW, 
(hejer#ee efleefLe : 04.06.2019) 
Deehekeâes Ùen efveCe&Ùe keâjvee nw efkeâ efoS ieS keâLeveeWb mes 
keâewve-mee efve<keâ<e& leke&âmebiele ™he mes efvekeâuelee nw~  
 keâLeve : 
 meYeer Meemekeâ ceMeerves nQ~ 
 kegâÚ ceMeerveW cenbieer JemlegSB nQ~ 
 efve<keâ<e& : 
 I.   kegâÚ Meemekeâ cenbieer JemlegSB nQ~ 
 II.  kegâÚ cenbieer JemlegSB ceMeerveW nQ~ 
III. meYeer cenbieer JemlegSB ceMeerveW nQ~ 
 (a) Only conclusion I follows/kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& I 
efvekeâuelee nw~  
 (b) Only conclusion II follows/kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& II 
efvekeâuelee nw~ 
 (c) Both conclusions II and III follow/oesveeW efve<keâ<e& 
II Deewj III efvekeâueles nQ~  
 (d) Both conclusions I and II follow/oesveeW efve<keâ<e& I 
Deewj II efvekeâueles nQ~ 
10. 'Lawyer' is related to 'Justice' in the same way 
as 'Arbitrator' is related to '_________'. 
 efpeme Øekeâej ‘DeefOeJeòeâe’ keâe mebyebOe ‘vÙeeÙe’ mes nw Gmeer 
Øekeâej ‘ceOÙemLe’ keâe mebyebOe ______ mes nw~  
 (a) Settlement/mecePeewlee  
 (b) Injustice/DevÙeeÙe 
 (c) Communication/mebÛeej   
(d) Judgment/efveCe&Ùe 
11. Select the combination of letters that when 
sequentially placed in the gaps of the given 
letter will complete the series.  
 Gme De#ej mebÙeespeve keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemes veerÛes oer 
ieF& De#ej ëe=bKeuee kesâ efjòeâ mLeeveeW hej ›eâceevegmeej jKeves 
mes oer ieF& ëe=bKeuee hetCe& nes peeS~   
 (a) cbbcb (b) bcbab 
 (c) cbabc (d) cbbac 
12. Select the Venn diagram that best illustrates 
the relationship between the following classes. 
 Uncle, Relatives, Rich 
oer ieF& ßesefCeÙeeW kesâ yeerÛe meJe&ßes‰ mebyebOe keâes oMee&ves Jeeues 
Jesve DeejsKe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 ÛeeÛee, efjMlesoej, Oeveer 
13. How many squares are there in the following 
veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle ceW efkeâleves Jeie& nQ? 
 (a) 16 (b) 13 
 (c) 12 (d) 14 
14.  Select the option that is related to the third 
letter-cluster in the same way as the second 
letter-cluster is related to the first letter-
Gme efJekeâuhe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS pees leermejs De#ej-mecetn 
mes Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw efpeme Øekeâej otmeje De#ej-
mecetn henues De#ej mecetn mes mebyebefOele nw~   
 CEGI : AGEK :: DFHJ : ? 
 (a) BHFL (b) CGIK 
 (c) BDJK (d) CHFI 
15. In a code language, VICTORY is written as 
CIVSYRO. How will TRAITOR be written as 
in the language? 
efkeâmeer ketâš Yee<ee ceW VICTORY keâes CIVSYRO 
efueKee peelee nw~ Gmeer ketâš Yee<ee ceW TRAITOR keâes 
keäÙee efueKee peeSiee~  
16. Select the word-pair in which the two words 
are related in the same way as the two words in 
the following word-pair. 
 Book : Thesaurus  
efoS ieS efJekeâuheeW ceW Gme Meyo Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS 
efpemekesâ oesveeW Meyo Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nQ 
efpeme Øekeâej veerÛes efueKes ieS Meyo Ùegice kesâ Meyo Deeheme 
ceW mebyebefOele nw~ 
 hegmlekeâ : %eevekeâesMe 
 (a) Reptile : Python / mejerme=he : Depeiej  
 (b) Tennis : Ball / šsefveme : yee@ue 
 (c) Tree : Forest / Je=#e : Jeve  
 (d) Furniture : Wood / heâveeaÛej : uekeâÌ[er 
17. Select the number-pair in which the two 
number in the same way as are the two 
numbers of the following number-pair. 
Gme mebKÙee Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW oesveeW 
mebKÙeeSB Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw efpeme Øekeâej 
oesveeW mebKÙeeSB veerÛes efoS ieS mebKÙee Ùegice ceW Deeheme ceW 
mebyebefOele nw~ 
 36 : 84 
 (a) 45 : 95 (b) 27 : 63 
 (c) 57 : 135 (d) 21 : 51 
18. In a family of eight persons, there are two 
couple, each having two children B and D are 
brothers and each has two children E is the 
aunt  of A, who is the cousin brother of C. C is 
the sister H, who is the cousin brother of G. F 
is the wife of B. How is H related to F? 
Dee" JÙeefòeâÙeeW kesâ Skeâ heefjJeej ceW, oes Ùegieue nQ, oesveeW 
Ùegieue kesâ oes-oes yeÛÛes nQ~ B Deewj D YeeF& nQ Deewj Gve 
oesveeW kesâ oes-oes yeÛÛes nQ~ E, A keâer ÛeeÛeer nw pees C keâe 
ÛeÛesje YeeF& nw~ C, H keâer yenve nw pees G keâe ÛeÛesje 
YeeF& nw~ F, B keâer helveer nw~ H efkeâme Øekeâej F mes 
mebyebefOele nw~ 
 (a) Brother-in-law/meeuee (b) Son/heg$e 
 (c) Son-in-law/oeceeo (d) Nephew/Yeleerpee 
19. Select the set in which the numbers are related 
in the same way as are the numbers of the 
following set. 
Gme mecegÛÛeÙe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW mebKÙeeSB Gmeer 
lejn Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej mebKÙeeSB veerÛes 
efoS ieS mecegÛÛeÙe ceW Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nw~ 
 (9, 35, 16)  
 (a) (16, 50, 64) (b) (36, 55, 25) 
 (c) (81, 65, 36) (d) (25, 30, 4) 
20. Which two signs should be interchanged in the 
following equation to make it correct? 
veerÛes efoS ieS meceerkeâjCe keâes mener keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâve 
oes efÛeÖeW keâes Deeheme ceW yeouee peevee ÛeeefnS~ 
 12 – 8 + 12 × 9 ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 3 = 9   
 (a) + and ÷/+ Deewj ÷  (b) + and ×/+ Deewj × 
 (c) + and –/+ Deewj – (d) – and ÷/– Deewj ÷ 
21. ` ` ` ` 1875 is divided among A, B and C in such a 
way that A's share is half of the combined 
share of B and C, and B's share is one-fourth of 
the combined share of A and C. By what 
amount C's share more than that of A? 
1875 ™heÙes A, B Deewj C ceW Fme Øekeâej efJeYeeefpele 
efkeâS ieS nQ efkeâ A keâe efnmmee B Deewj C kesâ mebÙegòeâ 
efnmmes keâe DeeOee nw Deewj B keâe efnmmee A Deewj C kesâ 
mebÙegòeâ efnmmes keâe Skeâ-ÛeewLeeF& nw~ C keâe efnmmee A kesâ 
efnmmes mes efkeâlevee DeefOekeâ nw? 
 (a) ` 200  (b) ` 225 
 (c) ` 250 (d) ` 500  
 22. Three of the following four numbers are alike 
in a certain way and one is different. Pick the 
number that is different from the rest. 
efvecveefueefKele Ûeej mebKÙeeDeeW ceW mes leerve mebKÙeeSB efkeâmeer 
Øekeâej Skeâmeceeve nw Deewj Skeâ mebKÙee Demeceeve nw~ Gme 
Demeceeve mebKÙee keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~   
 (a) 217 (b) 126 
 (c) 189 (d) 254 
23. Select the option in which the given figure is 
Gme efJekeâuhe keâe ÛeÙeve keâjW efpemeceW oer ieF& Deeke=âefle 
Debleefve&efnle nw~ 
Rotation is not allowed/heefj›eâceCe keâer Devegceefle veneR 
24. A paper is folded and cut as shown below. How 
will it appear when unfolded? 
Skeâ keâeiepe keâes ceesÌ[e ieÙee Deewj veerÛes oMee&S ieS 
Devegmeej keâeše ieÙee nw~ Fmes Keesueves hej Ùen kewâmee efoKeeF& 
25.  Two different positions of the same dice are 
shown. Which number will be at the top if 6 is 
at the bottom? 
Skeâ ner heemes keâer oes efYeVe efmLeefleÙeeW keâes oMee&Ùee ieÙee nw~ 
Ùeefo mebKÙee 6 efveÛeues heâuekeâ hej nw lees Thejer heâuekeâ 
hej keâewve-meer mebKÙee nesieer? 
 (a) 4 (b) 2 
 (c) 5 (d) 3 
General Awareness 
26. Methyl propane is an isomer of: 
 efceLeeFue Øeeshesve efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme keâe Skeâ 
meceeJeÙeJe nw? 
 (a) n-butane/Sve-yÙetšsve 
 (b) n-propane/Sve-Øeeshesve 
 (c) n-hexane/Sve-nskeämesve 
 (d) n-pentane /Sve-hesvšsve 
27. Which of the following places was ruled by the 
Wediyar dynast? 
 efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme mLeeve hej Dees[sÙej jepeJebMe keâe 
Meemeve Lee? 
 (a) Guwahati /iegJeenšer (b) Jabalpur/peyeuehegj 
 (c) Patna /hešvee (d) Mysore /cewmetj 
28. The property of catenation is predominant in _. 
 ëe=bKeueve (catenation) keâe iegCe ...... ceW Øeyeue neslee nw~ 
 (a) Carbon /keâeye&ve (b) Sulphur /meuHeâj 
 (c) Silicon /efmeefuekeâe@ve (d) Nitrogen /veeFš^espeve 
29. Which gas in its solid state is also known as dry 
 efkeâme iewme keâes Gmekeâer "esme DeJemLee ceW Meg<keâ yehe&â Yeer 
keâne peelee nw? 
 (a) Carbon dioxide /keâeye&ve [eFDee@keämeeF[ 
 (b) Hydrogen /neF[^espeve 
 (c) Oxygen /Dee@keämeerpeve 
 (d) Nitrogen /veeFš^espeve 
30. Which country was the first to implement 
goods and Services Tax (GST)? 
 efkeâme osMe ves Jemleg SJeb mesJee keâj meyemes henues ueeiet 
efkeâÙee Lee? 
 (a) France /øeâebme (b) Canada /keâvee[e 
 (c) USA /ÙetSmeS (d) Germany /pece&veer 
31. ____ is the founder of facebook. 
 .........Hesâmeyegkeâ kesâ mebmLeehekeâ nQ~ 
 (a) Briaon action /yeÇeÙeve Sskeäšve 
 (b) Larry page /uewjer hespe 
 (c) Mark zuckerberg /ceeke&â pegkeâjyeie& 
 (d) Jimmywales /efpeceerJesume 
32. Who attacked and looted the famous Somnath 
temple in 1026 AD? 
 1026 F&mJeer ceW Øeefmeæ meesceveeLe cebefoj hej nceuee Deewj 
uetšheeš efkeâmeves keâer? 
 (a) Muhammad Ghori /cegncceo ieewjer 
 (b) Changeze Khan /Ûebiespe Keeve 
 (c) Mahmud Ghazni /cenceto ie]peveer 
 (d) Nadir Shah /veeefoj Meen 
33. The Tata Iron and Stell company (TISCO) was 
established by Doraji Tata in: 
 oesjeyepeer šeše Éeje ‘šeše DeeÙejve Sb[ mšerue kebâheveer 
(efšmkeâes)’ keâer mLeehevee efkeâme Je<e& ceW keâer ieF&?  
 (a) 1919 (b) 1907 
 (c) 1913 (d) 1911 
34. Which of the following is mined in the 
Badampahar mines of Odisha? 
 efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme heoeLe& keâe Deesef[Mee keâer 
yeoceheneÌ[ KeeveeW ceW Keveve efkeâÙee pee jne nw? 
 (a) Azurite /SpetjeFš  
 (b) Dolomite /[esueesceeFš 
 (c) Hematite /nscesšeFš 
 (d) Bauxite /yee@keämeeFš 
35. Which of the following elements is a metalloid? 
 efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee lelJe Skeâ GheOeeleg nw? 
 (a) Tin /efšve (b) Bismuth /efyemceLe 
 (c) Phosphorus/Heâe@mHeâesjme (d) Silicon /efmeefuekeâe@ve 
36. The Malimath Committee report is related to 
which of the following? 
 ceefueceLe meefceefle keâer efjheesš& efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâmemes 
mebyebefOele nw? 
 (a) Stock Market Reforms /MesÙej yeepeej megOeej 
 (b) Judicial Delays /vÙeeefÙekeâ efJeuebye 
 (c) Criminal Justice System Reforms /DeehejeefOekeâ 
vÙeeÙe ØeCeeueer megOeej 
 (d) Textile Sector Reforms /keâheÌ[e #es$e megOeej 
37. The Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) has 
decided to reintroduce ____ in the 2022 Asian 
Games to be held at Hangzhou, China after it 
was dropped in 2018. 
 Deesuebefhekeâ keâeGbefmeue Dee@Heâ SefMeÙee (DeesmeerS) ves ...... 
keâes 2018 ceW nšeS peeves kesâ nebipees, Ûeerve ceW DeeÙeesefpele 
nesves Jeeues SefMeÙeeF& Kesue, 2022 ceW efHeâj mes Meg™ keâjves 
keâe Hewâmeuee efkeâÙee nw~ 
 (a) Fencing /Hesâefvmebie 
 (b) Cricket /ef›eâkesâš 
 (c) Soccer /Hegâšyee@ue 
 (d) Volleyball /Jeeueeryee@ue 
38. 'Thoda' a sport dance belongs to which of the 
following states? 
 Kesue ve=lÙe ™he ‘Lees[e’ keâe mebyebOe efkeâme jepÙe mes nw? 
 (a) Andra Pradesh /DeebOeÇ ØeosMe 
 (b) Haryana/nefjÙeeCee 
 (c) Sikkim /efmeefkeäkeâce 
 (d) Himachal Pradesh /efnceeÛeue ØeosMe 
39. J. J. Thomson received the Nobel Prize in 
Physics for the discovery of ____. 
 pes.pes. Lee@cemeve keâes ...... keâer Keesue kesâ efueS Yeeweflekeâer ceW 
veesyesue hegjmkeâej Øeehle ngDee~ 
 (a) Protons /Øeesše@ve (b) Positrons /hee@peerš^e@vme 
 (c) Neutrons /vÙetš^e@ve (d) Electrons /Fueskeäš^e@ve 
40. Name the first ever judge of the Supreme 
Court against whom the motion of 
impeachment was introduced into parliament 
in Independent India. 
 GÛÛelece vÙeeÙeeueÙe kesâ henues vÙeeÙeeOeerMe keâe veece 
yeleeFS, efpevekesâ efKeueeHeâ mJeleb$e Yeejle ceW mebmeo ceW 
ceneefYeÙeesie keâe ØemleeJe hesMe efkeâÙee ieÙee Lee~ 
 (a) Justice Mahajan /peefmšme cenepeve 
 (b) Justice Ramaswami/peefmšme jeceemJeeceer 
 (c) Justice Subba Rao /peefmšme megyyee jeJe 
 (d) Justice Viraswami /peefmšme JeerjmJeeceer 
41. India-Indonesia coordinated patrol (Ind-Indo 
corpet) of 19 March to 4 April 2019 
........edition was inaugurated in port blair, 
andman and Nicobar Islands. 
 19 ceeÛe& mes 4 DeØewue, 2019 lekeâ DeeÙeesefpele ngF& 
Yeejle-Fb[esvesefMeÙee meceefvJele ieMleer (Fb[-Fb[es keâe@hexš) 
kesâ ...... mebmkeâjCe keâe GodIeešve heesš& yuesÙej, Deb[ceeve 
efvekeâesyeej Éerhe mecetn ceW efkeâÙee ieÙee~ 
 (a) 42th /42JeW (b) 23th /23JeW 
 (c) 33th /33JeW (d) 45th /45JeW 
42. The lone gold medal for India was won by ____ 
at the 38th GeeBee Boxing Tournament held at 
Helsinki, Finland. 
 efHeâveueQ[ kesâ nsueefmebkeâer ceW DeeÙeesefpele 38JeeR peeryeer (Gee 
Bee) cegkeäkesâyeepeer štvee&ceWš ceW Yeejle kesâ efueS Skeâcee$e 
mJeCe& heokeâ efkeâmeves peerlee? 
 (a) Mohammad Hussamuddin/ceesncceo ngmmeecegöerve 
 (b) Naveen Kumar /veJeerve kegâceej 
 (c) Shiv Thapa/efMeJe Leehee 
 (d) Kavinder Singh Bisht /keâefJeoj efmebn efJe° 
43. Which queen died fighting Mughal Armies 
while defending Garha Katanga in 1564? 
 1564 ceW cegieue mesveeDeeW mes ueÌ[les ngS ieÌ{ keâšbiee keâe 
yeÛeeJe keâjves kesâ oewjeve efkeâme jeveer keâer ce=lÙeg nes ieF&? 
 (a) Rani Durgavati /jeveer ogiee&Jeleer 
 (b) Rani Avantibai /jeveer DeJebleeryeeF& 
 (c) Rani Rudrambara /jeveer ™õebyeje 
 (d) Rani Ahilyabai /jeveer DeefnuÙeeyeeF& 
44. According to the Economist Intelligence Unit 
report 'Worldwide Cost of Living Survey 
2019', which of the following is NOT one of the 
three cheapest cities in India? 
 Fkeâesvee@efcemš FbšsefuepeWme Ùetefveš efjheesš& ‘Jeu[&JeeF[ keâe@mš 
Dee@Heâ efueefJebie meJex 2019’ kesâ Devegmeej, efvecveefueefKele 
ceW mes keâewve-mee Menj Yeejle kesâ leerve meyemes memles MenjeW ceW 
mes Skeâ veneR nw? 
Page 5

SSC CGL (TIER-I) Online hejer#ee 2018 
JÙeeKÙee meefnle nue ØeMve-he$e (Shift-I) 
General Intelligence and Reasoning 
1. Which number will replace the question mark 
(?) in the following series? 
veerÛes oer ieF& ëe=bKeuee cesb ØeMve efÛeÖ (?) kesâ mLeeve hej 
keâewve-meer mebKÙee DeeSieer? 
 3, 7, 16, 35, ?, 153  
 (a) 63 (b) 74 
 (c) 78 (d) 84 
2. If DIG is coded as 25 and CUT is coded as 49, 
then how will KICK be coded as? 
Ùeefo DIG keâes 25 kesâ ™he ceW Deewj CUT keâes 49 kesâ 
™he ceW ketâšyeæ efkeâÙee peelee nw lees KICK keâes efkeâme 
™he ceW ketâšyeæ efkeâÙee peeSiee~ 
 (a) 34 (b) 43 
 (c) 39 (d) 41 
3. Select the correct mirror image of the given 
figure when the mirror is placed to the right of 
the figure.  
Ùeefo veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle kesâ oeSb Deesj ohe&Ce jKee peeS 
lees yeveves Jeeues mener ohe&Ce Øeefleefyebye keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
4. Select the figure that will come next in the 
following figure series. 
efvecveefueefKele Deeke=âefle ëe=bKeuee ces Deeves Jeeueer Deieueer 
Deeke=âefle keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
5. Three of the following four letter-clusters are 
alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick 
the odd one out. 
efvecveefueefKele Ûeej-De#ej mecetneW ceW mes leerve De#ej-mecetn 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâmeceeve nQ Deewj Skeâ Demeceeve nw~ 
Demeceeve De#ej-mecetn keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 (a) PSUX  (b) MOQS 
 (c) CFIL (d) GHIJ 
6. Three of the following four words are alike in a 
certain way and one is different. Pick the odd 
word out. 
efvecveefueefKele Ûeej MeyoeW ceW mes leerve Meyo efkeâmeer Øekeâej 
mes Skeâmeceeve nQ Deewj Skeâ Meyo Demeceeve nw~ Demeceeve 
Meyo keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 (a) Mustard/mejmeeW (b) Cumin/peerje 
 (c) Groundnut/cetbieheâueer (d) Fennel/meeQheâ 
7. Select the set in which the numbers are related 
in the same way as are the numbers of the 
following set. 
Gme mecegÛÛeÙe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW mebKÙeeSb Gmeer 
lejn Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej mebKÙeeSb veerÛes 
efoS ieS mecegÛÛeÙe ceW Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ~ 
 (3, 24, 4) 
 (a) (4, 72, 9) (b) (2, 30, 8) 
 (c) (6, 35, 11) (d) (12, 84, 4) 
8. Arrange the following words in a logical and 
meaningful order. 
 1. Buy 2. Dinner 
 3. Market 4. Vegetables 
 5. Cook 
efvecveefueefKele MeyoeW keâes Skeâ leeefke&âkeâ SJeb DeLe&hetCe& ›eâce 
ceW JÙeJeefmLele keâerefpeS~ 
 1. Kejerovee 2. Yeespeve 
 3. yeepeej 4. meefypeÙeeB 
 5. hekeâevee 
 (a) 3, 4, 1, 5, 2 (b) 1, 4, 5, 3, 2 
 (c) 4, 5, 3, 1, 2 (d) 3, 5, 4, 1, 2 
9. Two statement are given followed by three 
conclusion numbered I, II and III. Assuming 
the statements to be true, even if they seem to 
be a variance with commonly known facts, 
decide which of the conclusions logically 
follow(s) from the statements. 
 Statements : 
 All rulers are machine. 
 Some machines are costly items. 
 Conclusions : 
 I. Some rulers are costly items. 
 II. Some costly items are machines. 
 III. All costly items are machines. 
veerÛes oes keâLeve efoS ieS nQ Deewj Gmekesâ yeeo efve<keâ<e& I, 
II Deewj III efoS ieS nQ~ keâLeve keâes melÙe ceeveles ngS, 
Ûeens Jen meeceevÙele: %eele leLÙeeW mes efYeVe Øeleerle nesles neW, 
(hejer#ee efleefLe : 04.06.2019) 
Deehekeâes Ùen efveCe&Ùe keâjvee nw efkeâ efoS ieS keâLeveeWb mes 
keâewve-mee efve<keâ<e& leke&âmebiele ™he mes efvekeâuelee nw~  
 keâLeve : 
 meYeer Meemekeâ ceMeerves nQ~ 
 kegâÚ ceMeerveW cenbieer JemlegSB nQ~ 
 efve<keâ<e& : 
 I.   kegâÚ Meemekeâ cenbieer JemlegSB nQ~ 
 II.  kegâÚ cenbieer JemlegSB ceMeerveW nQ~ 
III. meYeer cenbieer JemlegSB ceMeerveW nQ~ 
 (a) Only conclusion I follows/kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& I 
efvekeâuelee nw~  
 (b) Only conclusion II follows/kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& II 
efvekeâuelee nw~ 
 (c) Both conclusions II and III follow/oesveeW efve<keâ<e& 
II Deewj III efvekeâueles nQ~  
 (d) Both conclusions I and II follow/oesveeW efve<keâ<e& I 
Deewj II efvekeâueles nQ~ 
10. 'Lawyer' is related to 'Justice' in the same way 
as 'Arbitrator' is related to '_________'. 
 efpeme Øekeâej ‘DeefOeJeòeâe’ keâe mebyebOe ‘vÙeeÙe’ mes nw Gmeer 
Øekeâej ‘ceOÙemLe’ keâe mebyebOe ______ mes nw~  
 (a) Settlement/mecePeewlee  
 (b) Injustice/DevÙeeÙe 
 (c) Communication/mebÛeej   
(d) Judgment/efveCe&Ùe 
11. Select the combination of letters that when 
sequentially placed in the gaps of the given 
letter will complete the series.  
 Gme De#ej mebÙeespeve keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemes veerÛes oer 
ieF& De#ej ëe=bKeuee kesâ efjòeâ mLeeveeW hej ›eâceevegmeej jKeves 
mes oer ieF& ëe=bKeuee hetCe& nes peeS~   
 (a) cbbcb (b) bcbab 
 (c) cbabc (d) cbbac 
12. Select the Venn diagram that best illustrates 
the relationship between the following classes. 
 Uncle, Relatives, Rich 
oer ieF& ßesefCeÙeeW kesâ yeerÛe meJe&ßes‰ mebyebOe keâes oMee&ves Jeeues 
Jesve DeejsKe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~ 
 ÛeeÛee, efjMlesoej, Oeveer 
13. How many squares are there in the following 
veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle ceW efkeâleves Jeie& nQ? 
 (a) 16 (b) 13 
 (c) 12 (d) 14 
14.  Select the option that is related to the third 
letter-cluster in the same way as the second 
letter-cluster is related to the first letter-
Gme efJekeâuhe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS pees leermejs De#ej-mecetn 
mes Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw efpeme Øekeâej otmeje De#ej-
mecetn henues De#ej mecetn mes mebyebefOele nw~   
 CEGI : AGEK :: DFHJ : ? 
 (a) BHFL (b) CGIK 
 (c) BDJK (d) CHFI 
15. In a code language, VICTORY is written as 
CIVSYRO. How will TRAITOR be written as 
in the language? 
efkeâmeer ketâš Yee<ee ceW VICTORY keâes CIVSYRO 
efueKee peelee nw~ Gmeer ketâš Yee<ee ceW TRAITOR keâes 
keäÙee efueKee peeSiee~  
16. Select the word-pair in which the two words 
are related in the same way as the two words in 
the following word-pair. 
 Book : Thesaurus  
efoS ieS efJekeâuheeW ceW Gme Meyo Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS 
efpemekesâ oesveeW Meyo Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nQ 
efpeme Øekeâej veerÛes efueKes ieS Meyo Ùegice kesâ Meyo Deeheme 
ceW mebyebefOele nw~ 
 hegmlekeâ : %eevekeâesMe 
 (a) Reptile : Python / mejerme=he : Depeiej  
 (b) Tennis : Ball / šsefveme : yee@ue 
 (c) Tree : Forest / Je=#e : Jeve  
 (d) Furniture : Wood / heâveeaÛej : uekeâÌ[er 
17. Select the number-pair in which the two 
number in the same way as are the two 
numbers of the following number-pair. 
Gme mebKÙee Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW oesveeW 
mebKÙeeSB Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw efpeme Øekeâej 
oesveeW mebKÙeeSB veerÛes efoS ieS mebKÙee Ùegice ceW Deeheme ceW 
mebyebefOele nw~ 
 36 : 84 
 (a) 45 : 95 (b) 27 : 63 
 (c) 57 : 135 (d) 21 : 51 
18. In a family of eight persons, there are two 
couple, each having two children B and D are 
brothers and each has two children E is the 
aunt  of A, who is the cousin brother of C. C is 
the sister H, who is the cousin brother of G. F 
is the wife of B. How is H related to F? 
Dee" JÙeefòeâÙeeW kesâ Skeâ heefjJeej ceW, oes Ùegieue nQ, oesveeW 
Ùegieue kesâ oes-oes yeÛÛes nQ~ B Deewj D YeeF& nQ Deewj Gve 
oesveeW kesâ oes-oes yeÛÛes nQ~ E, A keâer ÛeeÛeer nw pees C keâe 
ÛeÛesje YeeF& nw~ C, H keâer yenve nw pees G keâe ÛeÛesje 
YeeF& nw~ F, B keâer helveer nw~ H efkeâme Øekeâej F mes 
mebyebefOele nw~ 
 (a) Brother-in-law/meeuee (b) Son/heg$e 
 (c) Son-in-law/oeceeo (d) Nephew/Yeleerpee 
19. Select the set in which the numbers are related 
in the same way as are the numbers of the 
following set. 
Gme mecegÛÛeÙe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW mebKÙeeSB Gmeer 
lejn Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej mebKÙeeSB veerÛes 
efoS ieS mecegÛÛeÙe ceW Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nw~ 
 (9, 35, 16)  
 (a) (16, 50, 64) (b) (36, 55, 25) 
 (c) (81, 65, 36) (d) (25, 30, 4) 
20. Which two signs should be interchanged in the 
following equation to make it correct? 
veerÛes efoS ieS meceerkeâjCe keâes mener keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâve 
oes efÛeÖeW keâes Deeheme ceW yeouee peevee ÛeeefnS~ 
 12 – 8 + 12 × 9 ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 3 = 9   
 (a) + and ÷/+ Deewj ÷  (b) + and ×/+ Deewj × 
 (c) + and –/+ Deewj – (d) – and ÷/– Deewj ÷ 
21. ` ` ` ` 1875 is divided among A, B and C in such a 
way that A's share is half of the combined 
share of B and C, and B's share is one-fourth of 
the combined share of A and C. By what 
amount C's share more than that of A? 
1875 ™heÙes A, B Deewj C ceW Fme Øekeâej efJeYeeefpele 
efkeâS ieS nQ efkeâ A keâe efnmmee B Deewj C kesâ mebÙegòeâ 
efnmmes keâe DeeOee nw Deewj B keâe efnmmee A Deewj C kesâ 
mebÙegòeâ efnmmes keâe Skeâ-ÛeewLeeF& nw~ C keâe efnmmee A kesâ 
efnmmes mes efkeâlevee DeefOekeâ nw? 
 (a) ` 200  (b) ` 225 
 (c) ` 250 (d) ` 500  
 22. Three of the following four numbers are alike 
in a certain way and one is different. Pick the 
number that is different from the rest. 
efvecveefueefKele Ûeej mebKÙeeDeeW ceW mes leerve mebKÙeeSB efkeâmeer 
Øekeâej Skeâmeceeve nw Deewj Skeâ mebKÙee Demeceeve nw~ Gme 
Demeceeve mebKÙee keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~   
 (a) 217 (b) 126 
 (c) 189 (d) 254 
23. Select the option in which the given figure is 
Gme efJekeâuhe keâe ÛeÙeve keâjW efpemeceW oer ieF& Deeke=âefle 
Debleefve&efnle nw~ 
Rotation is not allowed/heefj›eâceCe keâer Devegceefle veneR 
24. A paper is folded and cut as shown below. How 
will it appear when unfolded? 
Skeâ keâeiepe keâes ceesÌ[e ieÙee Deewj veerÛes oMee&S ieS 
Devegmeej keâeše ieÙee nw~ Fmes Keesueves hej Ùen kewâmee efoKeeF& 
25.  Two different positions of the same dice are 
shown. Which number will be at the top if 6 is 
at the bottom? 
Skeâ ner heemes keâer oes efYeVe efmLeefleÙeeW keâes oMee&Ùee ieÙee nw~ 
Ùeefo mebKÙee 6 efveÛeues heâuekeâ hej nw lees Thejer heâuekeâ 
hej keâewve-meer mebKÙee nesieer? 
 (a) 4 (b) 2 
 (c) 5 (d) 3 
General Awareness 
26. Methyl propane is an isomer of: 
 efceLeeFue Øeeshesve efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme keâe Skeâ 
meceeJeÙeJe nw? 
 (a) n-butane/Sve-yÙetšsve 
 (b) n-propane/Sve-Øeeshesve 
 (c) n-hexane/Sve-nskeämesve 
 (d) n-pentane /Sve-hesvšsve 
27. Which of the following places was ruled by the 
Wediyar dynast? 
 efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme mLeeve hej Dees[sÙej jepeJebMe keâe 
Meemeve Lee? 
 (a) Guwahati /iegJeenšer (b) Jabalpur/peyeuehegj 
 (c) Patna /hešvee (d) Mysore /cewmetj 
28. The property of catenation is predominant in _. 
 ëe=bKeueve (catenation) keâe iegCe ...... ceW Øeyeue neslee nw~ 
 (a) Carbon /keâeye&ve (b) Sulphur /meuHeâj 
 (c) Silicon /efmeefuekeâe@ve (d) Nitrogen /veeFš^espeve 
29. Which gas in its solid state is also known as dry 
 efkeâme iewme keâes Gmekeâer "esme DeJemLee ceW Meg<keâ yehe&â Yeer 
keâne peelee nw? 
 (a) Carbon dioxide /keâeye&ve [eFDee@keämeeF[ 
 (b) Hydrogen /neF[^espeve 
 (c) Oxygen /Dee@keämeerpeve 
 (d) Nitrogen /veeFš^espeve 
30. Which country was the first to implement 
goods and Services Tax (GST)? 
 efkeâme osMe ves Jemleg SJeb mesJee keâj meyemes henues ueeiet 
efkeâÙee Lee? 
 (a) France /øeâebme (b) Canada /keâvee[e 
 (c) USA /ÙetSmeS (d) Germany /pece&veer 
31. ____ is the founder of facebook. 
 .........Hesâmeyegkeâ kesâ mebmLeehekeâ nQ~ 
 (a) Briaon action /yeÇeÙeve Sskeäšve 
 (b) Larry page /uewjer hespe 
 (c) Mark zuckerberg /ceeke&â pegkeâjyeie& 
 (d) Jimmywales /efpeceerJesume 
32. Who attacked and looted the famous Somnath 
temple in 1026 AD? 
 1026 F&mJeer ceW Øeefmeæ meesceveeLe cebefoj hej nceuee Deewj 
uetšheeš efkeâmeves keâer? 
 (a) Muhammad Ghori /cegncceo ieewjer 
 (b) Changeze Khan /Ûebiespe Keeve 
 (c) Mahmud Ghazni /cenceto ie]peveer 
 (d) Nadir Shah /veeefoj Meen 
33. The Tata Iron and Stell company (TISCO) was 
established by Doraji Tata in: 
 oesjeyepeer šeše Éeje ‘šeše DeeÙejve Sb[ mšerue kebâheveer 
(efšmkeâes)’ keâer mLeehevee efkeâme Je<e& ceW keâer ieF&?  
 (a) 1919 (b) 1907 
 (c) 1913 (d) 1911 
34. Which of the following is mined in the 
Badampahar mines of Odisha? 
 efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme heoeLe& keâe Deesef[Mee keâer 
yeoceheneÌ[ KeeveeW ceW Keveve efkeâÙee pee jne nw? 
 (a) Azurite /SpetjeFš  
 (b) Dolomite /[esueesceeFš 
 (c) Hematite /nscesšeFš 
 (d) Bauxite /yee@keämeeFš 
35. Which of the following elements is a metalloid? 
 efvecve ceW mes keâewve-mee lelJe Skeâ GheOeeleg nw? 
 (a) Tin /efšve (b) Bismuth /efyemceLe 
 (c) Phosphorus/Heâe@mHeâesjme (d) Silicon /efmeefuekeâe@ve 
36. The Malimath Committee report is related to 
which of the following? 
 ceefueceLe meefceefle keâer efjheesš& efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâmemes 
mebyebefOele nw? 
 (a) Stock Market Reforms /MesÙej yeepeej megOeej 
 (b) Judicial Delays /vÙeeefÙekeâ efJeuebye 
 (c) Criminal Justice System Reforms /DeehejeefOekeâ 
vÙeeÙe ØeCeeueer megOeej 
 (d) Textile Sector Reforms /keâheÌ[e #es$e megOeej 
37. The Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) has 
decided to reintroduce ____ in the 2022 Asian 
Games to be held at Hangzhou, China after it 
was dropped in 2018. 
 Deesuebefhekeâ keâeGbefmeue Dee@Heâ SefMeÙee (DeesmeerS) ves ...... 
keâes 2018 ceW nšeS peeves kesâ nebipees, Ûeerve ceW DeeÙeesefpele 
nesves Jeeues SefMeÙeeF& Kesue, 2022 ceW efHeâj mes Meg™ keâjves 
keâe Hewâmeuee efkeâÙee nw~ 
 (a) Fencing /Hesâefvmebie 
 (b) Cricket /ef›eâkesâš 
 (c) Soccer /Hegâšyee@ue 
 (d) Volleyball /Jeeueeryee@ue 
38. 'Thoda' a sport dance belongs to which of the 
following states? 
 Kesue ve=lÙe ™he ‘Lees[e’ keâe mebyebOe efkeâme jepÙe mes nw? 
 (a) Andra Pradesh /DeebOeÇ ØeosMe 
 (b) Haryana/nefjÙeeCee 
 (c) Sikkim /efmeefkeäkeâce 
 (d) Himachal Pradesh /efnceeÛeue ØeosMe 
39. J. J. Thomson received the Nobel Prize in 
Physics for the discovery of ____. 
 pes.pes. Lee@cemeve keâes ...... keâer Keesue kesâ efueS Yeeweflekeâer ceW 
veesyesue hegjmkeâej Øeehle ngDee~ 
 (a) Protons /Øeesše@ve (b) Positrons /hee@peerš^e@vme 
 (c) Neutrons /vÙetš^e@ve (d) Electrons /Fueskeäš^e@ve 
40. Name the first ever judge of the Supreme 
Court against whom the motion of 
impeachment was introduced into parliament 
in Independent India. 
 GÛÛelece vÙeeÙeeueÙe kesâ henues vÙeeÙeeOeerMe keâe veece 
yeleeFS, efpevekesâ efKeueeHeâ mJeleb$e Yeejle ceW mebmeo ceW 
ceneefYeÙeesie keâe ØemleeJe hesMe efkeâÙee ieÙee Lee~ 
 (a) Justice Mahajan /peefmšme cenepeve 
 (b) Justice Ramaswami/peefmšme jeceemJeeceer 
 (c) Justice Subba Rao /peefmšme megyyee jeJe 
 (d) Justice Viraswami /peefmšme JeerjmJeeceer 
41. India-Indonesia coordinated patrol (Ind-Indo 
corpet) of 19 March to 4 April 2019 
........edition was inaugurated in port blair, 
andman and Nicobar Islands. 
 19 ceeÛe& mes 4 DeØewue, 2019 lekeâ DeeÙeesefpele ngF& 
Yeejle-Fb[esvesefMeÙee meceefvJele ieMleer (Fb[-Fb[es keâe@hexš) 
kesâ ...... mebmkeâjCe keâe GodIeešve heesš& yuesÙej, Deb[ceeve 
efvekeâesyeej Éerhe mecetn ceW efkeâÙee ieÙee~ 
 (a) 42th /42JeW (b) 23th /23JeW 
 (c) 33th /33JeW (d) 45th /45JeW 
42. The lone gold medal for India was won by ____ 
at the 38th GeeBee Boxing Tournament held at 
Helsinki, Finland. 
 efHeâveueQ[ kesâ nsueefmebkeâer ceW DeeÙeesefpele 38JeeR peeryeer (Gee 
Bee) cegkeäkesâyeepeer štvee&ceWš ceW Yeejle kesâ efueS Skeâcee$e 
mJeCe& heokeâ efkeâmeves peerlee? 
 (a) Mohammad Hussamuddin/ceesncceo ngmmeecegöerve 
 (b) Naveen Kumar /veJeerve kegâceej 
 (c) Shiv Thapa/efMeJe Leehee 
 (d) Kavinder Singh Bisht /keâefJeoj efmebn efJe° 
43. Which queen died fighting Mughal Armies 
while defending Garha Katanga in 1564? 
 1564 ceW cegieue mesveeDeeW mes ueÌ[les ngS ieÌ{ keâšbiee keâe 
yeÛeeJe keâjves kesâ oewjeve efkeâme jeveer keâer ce=lÙeg nes ieF&? 
 (a) Rani Durgavati /jeveer ogiee&Jeleer 
 (b) Rani Avantibai /jeveer DeJebleeryeeF& 
 (c) Rani Rudrambara /jeveer ™õebyeje 
 (d) Rani Ahilyabai /jeveer DeefnuÙeeyeeF& 
44. According to the Economist Intelligence Unit 
report 'Worldwide Cost of Living Survey 
2019', which of the following is NOT one of the 
three cheapest cities in India? 
 Fkeâesvee@efcemš FbšsefuepeWme Ùetefveš efjheesš& ‘Jeu[&JeeF[ keâe@mš 
Dee@Heâ efueefJebie meJex 2019’ kesâ Devegmeej, efvecveefueefKele 
ceW mes keâewve-mee Menj Yeejle kesâ leerve meyemes memles MenjeW ceW 
mes Skeâ veneR nw? 
 (a) New Delhi /veF& efouueer (b) Bengaluru /yeWieueg™ 
 (c) Mumbai /cegbyeF& (d) Chennai /ÛesVeF& 
45. Mussi and Bhima are tributaries of the ... river. 
 cegmeer leLee Yeercee ....... veoer keâer meneÙekeâ veefoÙeeb nQ~ 
 (a) Mahanadi /ceneveoer (b) Brahmputra /yeÇÿeheg$e 
 (c) Krishna /ke=â<Cee (d) Kaveri /keâeJesjer 
46. In March 2019, _____ was sworn in as the new 
chief minister of Goa, following the demise of 
Manohar Parrikar. 
 ceeÛe&, 2019 ceW ceveesnj heefj&keâj kesâ efveOeve kesâ yeeo 
ieesJee kesâ veS cegKÙeceb$eer kesâ ™he ceW efkeâmeves MeheLe ueer? 
 (a) Pramod Sawant /Øeceeso meeJeble 
 (b) H D Kumaraswamy /SÛe [er kegâceejmJeeceer 
 (c) Ashok Gehlot /DeMeeskeâ ienueesle 
 (d) Vasundhara Raje /JemegbOeje jepes 
47. Performed by Buddhists to drive out evil 
spirits ..... dance is a form of dance of Himachal 
 yegjer DeelceeDeeW keâes Yeieeves kesâ efueS yeewæeW Éeje efkeâÙee 
peeves Jeeuee ........ ve=lÙe efnceeÛeue ØeosMe kesâ ve=lÙe keâe Skeâ 
™he nw~ 
 (a) Gogra /ieesieje (b) Theotrical /veešŸe 
 (c) Chham /Úce (d) Dham /Oeece 
48. Sundari, a well known species of trees, is found 
 hesÌ[eW keâer Øeefmeæ Øepeeefle ‘megbojer’ ........ ceW heeÙeer peeleer nw~ 
 (a) Tropical rainforests /G<CekeâefšyebOeerÙe Je<ee&Jeve 
 (b) Tropical deciduous forests /G<CekeâefšyebOeerÙe 
heCe&heeleer Jeve 
 (c) Mangrove forests /ceQ«eesJe Jeve 
 (d) Himalayan Mountains/efnceeueÙe heJe&le 
49. In 1876 in Calcutta...... The Indian National 
Association was established by. 
 1876 ceW keâuekeâòee ceW ....... Éeje Fbef[Ùeve vesMeveue 
SmeesefmeSMeve keâer mLeehevee keâer ieÙeer Leer~ 
 (a) Badruddin Tyabji /yeo™öerve lewÙeyepeer 
 (b) Anand Mohan Boase /Deevebo ceesnve yeesme 
 (c) Shishir Kumar Ghosh /efMeefMej kegâceej Iees<e 
 (d) V.K. Chiplankar /Jeer.kesâ. efÛehuebkeâj 
50. Who was the first female Director General of 
Police in Puducherry? 
 heg[gÛesjer ceW henueer ceefnuee hegefueme ceneefveosMekeâ keâewve Leer? 
 (a) Kiran Bedi /efkeâjCe yesoer 
 (b) Aswathy Tonge /DeÕeLeer leeBie 
 (c) Kanchan Choudhary /kebâÛeve ÛeewOejer 
 (d) Sundari Nanda /megbojer veboe 
Quantitative Aptitude 
51.  The table shows te production of different 
types of cars (in thousands)  
  leeefuekeâe ceW efJeefYeVe Øekeâej keâer keâejeW kesâ Glheeove keâes 
(npeejeW ceW) oMee&Ùee ieÙee nw– 
Je<e&/keâejW 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 
A 30 35 48 45 56 
B 42 48 40 38 56 
C 48 36 38 35 44 
D 51 24 30 46 54 
E 20 42 40 35 43 
  The total produce total production of in 2012, 
2014 and 2015 taken together is approximately 
what percent more than the total production in 
2013 and 2016 taken together.     
  Je<e& 2013 Deewj 2016 ceW A Øekeâej keâer keâejeW kesâ kegâue 
Glheeove keâer leguevee ceW Je<e& 2012, 2014 Deewj 2015 ceW 
B Øekeâej keâer keâejeW keâe kegâue Glheeove ueieYeie efkeâleves 
ØeefleMele DeefOekeâ jne nw? 
 (a) 36.3 (b) 34.4 
 (c) 31.9 (d) 33.2 
52.  If dereasing 120 by x% gives the same result as 
increasing 40 by x%, then x%, then x% of 210 
is what percent less than (x – 20)% of 180?   
  Ùeefo 120 keâes x% keâce efkeâÙee peeS lees Jener heefjCeece 
Øeehle nesiee pees 40 keâes x% yeÌ{eves hej Øeehle neslee nw~ 
leye 210 keâe x%, 180 kesâ (x+20)% mes efkeâleves ØeefleMele 
keâce nesiee? 
 (a) 18 (b) 
 (d) 20 
53.  After giving two successive discounts each of 
x%, on the marked price of an article total 
discount is ` ` ` `259.20. If the marked price of the 
article is ` ` ` ` 720, then the value of x is : 
  efkeâmeer Jemleg kesâ Debefkeâle cetuÙe hej ›eâefcekeâ oes Útš, ØelÙeskeâ 
x% osves kesâ yeeo kegâue Útš ` ` ` `259.20 nw~ Ùeefo Jemleg keâe 
Debefkeâle cetuÙe ` ` ` `720 nw, lees x keâe ceeve keäÙee nesiee? 
 (a) 18  (b) 25 
 (c) 24 (d) 20 
54.  The table shows the production of different 
types of cars (in thousands)   
  leeefuekeâe ceW efJeefYeVe Øekeâej keâer keâejeW kesâ Glheeove keâes 
(npeejeW ceW) oMee&Ùee ieÙee nw– 
Je<e&/keâejW 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 
A 30 35 48 45 56 
B 42 48 40 38 56 
C 48 36 38 35 44 
D 51 24 30 46 54 
E 20 42 40 35 43 
  The number of years, in which the production 
of cars of type B is less than the average 
production of type D cars over the years is:  
  Je<eeX keâer mebKÙee, efpeveceW B Øekeâej keâer keâejeW keâe Glheeove 
meYeer Je<eeX ceW ngS, D Øekeâej keâer keâejeW kesâ Deewmele Glheeove 
mes keâce nw, efvecve nw– 
 (a) 1 (b) 3  
 (c) 4 (d) 2 
55.  If x + y + z = 19, x
 + y
 + z
 = 133 and xz = y
then the difference between z and x is: 
  Ùeefo x + y + z = 19, x
 + y
 + z
 = 133 Deewj xz = y
nw, lees z Deewj x kesâ yeerÛe Deblej nw– 
 (a) 6 (b) 5  
 (c) 3 (d) 4 
56.  In ? ? ? ?ABC, F and E are the points on sides AB 
and AC, respectively, such that FE || BC and 
FE divides the triangle in two parts of equal 
area. If AD ? ? ? ? BC and AD intersects FE at G, 
then GD : AG = ?    
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