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SSC CGL Tier 1 (6 June) Shift 1 Past Year Paper (2018) | SSC CGL (Hindi) Tier - 1 Mock Test Series PDF Download

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SSC CGL (TIER-I) Online hejer#ee 2018 
JÙeeKÙee meefnle nue ØeMve-he$e (Shift-I) 
General Intelligence and Reasoning 
1.  Two statements are given followed by three 
conclusions numbered I, II and III. Assuming 
the statements to be true even if they seem to be 
at variance with commonly known facts, decide 
which of the conclusions logically follow(s) 
from the statements. 
  veerÛes oes keâLeve efoS ieS nQ Deewj Gmekesâ yeeo efJekeâuhe I, 
II Deewj III efoS ieS nQ~ Deehekeâes keâLeve keâes melÙe ceeveles 
ngS, Ûeens Jen meeceevÙeleŠ %eele leLÙeeW mes efYeVe Øeleerle nesles 
neW, Deehekeâes Ùen efveCe&Ùe keâjvee nw efkeâ efoS ieS keâLeveeW mes 
keâewve-mee efve<keâ<e& leke&âmebiele ™he mes efvekeâuelee nw~ 
  Statements:/keâLeve : 
No crow is a bird./keâesF& Yeer keâewDee he#eer veneR nw~   
  All birds are animals./meYeer he#eer pebleg nQ~ 
  I. Some animals are crows./ kegâÚ pebleg keâewS nQ~   
  II. Some animals are birds. / kegâÚ pebleg he#eer nQ~ 
  III. No animal is a crow. /keâesF& Yeer pebleg keâewDee veneR nQ~ 
 (a) Conclusion II and either conclusion I or III 
follows/efve<keâ<e& II Deewj efve<keâ<e& I Ùee III ceW mes keâesF& 
Skeâ efvekeâuelee nw~   
 (b) Only conclusion III follows 
  kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& III efvekeâuelee nw~   
 (c) None of the conclusions follows 
  FveceW mes keâesF& efve<keâ<e& veneR efvekeâuelee nw~  
 (d) Only conclusions I and III follow 
  kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& I Deewj III efvekeâuelee nw~  
2.  Three of the following four numbers are alike 
in a certain way and one is different. Pick the 
number that is different from the 
rest./efvecveefueefKele Ûeej mebKÙeeDeeW ceW mes leerve mebKÙeeSb 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej Skeâ meceeve nw Deewj Skeâ mebKÙee Demeceeve nw~ 
Gme Demeceeve mebKÙee keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~  
 (a) 65  (b) 217 
 (c) 28 (d) 338 
3.  D, is the son of C and brother of E, and E is the 
niece of F. C is the sister of B and Aunt of A. B's 
father have two children, a daughter and a son. 
If A is the son of F, how is F related to C?  
  D, C keâe heg$e Deewj E keâe YeeF& nw Deewj E, F keâer Yeleerpeer 
(niece) nw~ C, B, keâer yenve nw Deewj A keâer Deebšer nw~ B 
kesâ efhelee kesâ oes yeÛÛes DeLee&led Skeâ heg$e Deewj Skeâ heg$eer nw~ 
Ùeefo A, F keâe heg$e nw lees F keâe C mes keäÙee mebyebOe nw? 
 (a) Sister/yenve  (b) Brother-in-law/YeeYeer 
 (c) Cousin/ÛeÛesje YeeF&  (d) Paternal Aunt/yegDee  
4.  In a code language COMPUTER is written as 
written in the same language./efkeâmeer ketâš Yee<ee ceW, 
COMPUTER keâes OCREPMTU efueKee peelee nw~ 
Gmeer ketâš Yee<ee ceW DAUGHTER keâes keäÙee efueKee 
5.  The sequence of folding a piece of square paper 
(figures X and Y) and the number in which the 
folded paper has been cut (figure Z) are shown. 
How will the paper appear when 
unfolded?/efkeâmeer Jeiee&keâej keâeiepe keâes ceessÌ[ves kesâ ›eâce 
(Deeke=âefle X Deewj Y) Deewj Jen lejerkeâe efpememes cegÌ[e 
ngDee keâeiepe keâeše ieÙee nw (Deeke=âefle Z) keâes oMee&Ùee 
ieÙee nw~ keâeiepe keâes Keesueves hej Ùen kewâmee efoKeeF& osiee? 
6.  Two mixtures contain milk and juice in the 
ratio of 2 : 1 and 4 : 5. If equal volumes of the 
two mixtures are mixed together, What would 
be ratio of milk to juice in the resulting 
mixture?/oes efceßeCeeW ceW otOe Deewj petme keâe Devegheele 
›eâceMeŠ 2Š1 Deewj 4Š5 nw~ Ùeefo oesveeW efceßeCeeW keâer 
meceeve cee$ee keâes Deeheme ceW efceueeÙee peeS lees, Fmemes 
yeveves Jeeues efceßeCe ceW petme ceW otOe keâe Devegheele efkeâlevee 
 (a) 1 : 1  (b) 5 : 3  
 (c) 7 : 5 (d) 5 : 4 
7.  Select the number-pair in which the two 
numbers are related in the same way as are the 
two numbers of the following number-pair./ Gme 
mebKÙee Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW oesveeW mebKÙeeSb 
Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej veerÛes efoS 
ieS mebKÙee Ùegice keâer oesveeW mebKÙeeSb Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele 
  7 : 32 
 (a) 3 : 11 (b) 12 : 85 
 (c) 16 : 145 (d) 13 : 98 
8.  If CAB is coded as 6 and BED is coded as 40, 
then how will HAD be coded as?/Ùeefo CAB keâes 
6 kesâ ™he ceW Deewj BED keâes 40 kesâ ™he ceW ketâšyeæ 
efkeâÙee peelee nw lees HAD keâes efkeâme ™he ceW ketâšyeæ 
efkeâÙee peeSiee?  
 (a) 16  (b) 32  
 (c) 46 (d) 52 
(hejer#ee efleefLe : 06.06.2019) 
Page 2

SSC CGL (TIER-I) Online hejer#ee 2018 
JÙeeKÙee meefnle nue ØeMve-he$e (Shift-I) 
General Intelligence and Reasoning 
1.  Two statements are given followed by three 
conclusions numbered I, II and III. Assuming 
the statements to be true even if they seem to be 
at variance with commonly known facts, decide 
which of the conclusions logically follow(s) 
from the statements. 
  veerÛes oes keâLeve efoS ieS nQ Deewj Gmekesâ yeeo efJekeâuhe I, 
II Deewj III efoS ieS nQ~ Deehekeâes keâLeve keâes melÙe ceeveles 
ngS, Ûeens Jen meeceevÙeleŠ %eele leLÙeeW mes efYeVe Øeleerle nesles 
neW, Deehekeâes Ùen efveCe&Ùe keâjvee nw efkeâ efoS ieS keâLeveeW mes 
keâewve-mee efve<keâ<e& leke&âmebiele ™he mes efvekeâuelee nw~ 
  Statements:/keâLeve : 
No crow is a bird./keâesF& Yeer keâewDee he#eer veneR nw~   
  All birds are animals./meYeer he#eer pebleg nQ~ 
  I. Some animals are crows./ kegâÚ pebleg keâewS nQ~   
  II. Some animals are birds. / kegâÚ pebleg he#eer nQ~ 
  III. No animal is a crow. /keâesF& Yeer pebleg keâewDee veneR nQ~ 
 (a) Conclusion II and either conclusion I or III 
follows/efve<keâ<e& II Deewj efve<keâ<e& I Ùee III ceW mes keâesF& 
Skeâ efvekeâuelee nw~   
 (b) Only conclusion III follows 
  kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& III efvekeâuelee nw~   
 (c) None of the conclusions follows 
  FveceW mes keâesF& efve<keâ<e& veneR efvekeâuelee nw~  
 (d) Only conclusions I and III follow 
  kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& I Deewj III efvekeâuelee nw~  
2.  Three of the following four numbers are alike 
in a certain way and one is different. Pick the 
number that is different from the 
rest./efvecveefueefKele Ûeej mebKÙeeDeeW ceW mes leerve mebKÙeeSb 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej Skeâ meceeve nw Deewj Skeâ mebKÙee Demeceeve nw~ 
Gme Demeceeve mebKÙee keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~  
 (a) 65  (b) 217 
 (c) 28 (d) 338 
3.  D, is the son of C and brother of E, and E is the 
niece of F. C is the sister of B and Aunt of A. B's 
father have two children, a daughter and a son. 
If A is the son of F, how is F related to C?  
  D, C keâe heg$e Deewj E keâe YeeF& nw Deewj E, F keâer Yeleerpeer 
(niece) nw~ C, B, keâer yenve nw Deewj A keâer Deebšer nw~ B 
kesâ efhelee kesâ oes yeÛÛes DeLee&led Skeâ heg$e Deewj Skeâ heg$eer nw~ 
Ùeefo A, F keâe heg$e nw lees F keâe C mes keäÙee mebyebOe nw? 
 (a) Sister/yenve  (b) Brother-in-law/YeeYeer 
 (c) Cousin/ÛeÛesje YeeF&  (d) Paternal Aunt/yegDee  
4.  In a code language COMPUTER is written as 
written in the same language./efkeâmeer ketâš Yee<ee ceW, 
COMPUTER keâes OCREPMTU efueKee peelee nw~ 
Gmeer ketâš Yee<ee ceW DAUGHTER keâes keäÙee efueKee 
5.  The sequence of folding a piece of square paper 
(figures X and Y) and the number in which the 
folded paper has been cut (figure Z) are shown. 
How will the paper appear when 
unfolded?/efkeâmeer Jeiee&keâej keâeiepe keâes ceessÌ[ves kesâ ›eâce 
(Deeke=âefle X Deewj Y) Deewj Jen lejerkeâe efpememes cegÌ[e 
ngDee keâeiepe keâeše ieÙee nw (Deeke=âefle Z) keâes oMee&Ùee 
ieÙee nw~ keâeiepe keâes Keesueves hej Ùen kewâmee efoKeeF& osiee? 
6.  Two mixtures contain milk and juice in the 
ratio of 2 : 1 and 4 : 5. If equal volumes of the 
two mixtures are mixed together, What would 
be ratio of milk to juice in the resulting 
mixture?/oes efceßeCeeW ceW otOe Deewj petme keâe Devegheele 
›eâceMeŠ 2Š1 Deewj 4Š5 nw~ Ùeefo oesveeW efceßeCeeW keâer 
meceeve cee$ee keâes Deeheme ceW efceueeÙee peeS lees, Fmemes 
yeveves Jeeues efceßeCe ceW petme ceW otOe keâe Devegheele efkeâlevee 
 (a) 1 : 1  (b) 5 : 3  
 (c) 7 : 5 (d) 5 : 4 
7.  Select the number-pair in which the two 
numbers are related in the same way as are the 
two numbers of the following number-pair./ Gme 
mebKÙee Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW oesveeW mebKÙeeSb 
Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej veerÛes efoS 
ieS mebKÙee Ùegice keâer oesveeW mebKÙeeSb Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele 
  7 : 32 
 (a) 3 : 11 (b) 12 : 85 
 (c) 16 : 145 (d) 13 : 98 
8.  If CAB is coded as 6 and BED is coded as 40, 
then how will HAD be coded as?/Ùeefo CAB keâes 
6 kesâ ™he ceW Deewj BED keâes 40 kesâ ™he ceW ketâšyeæ 
efkeâÙee peelee nw lees HAD keâes efkeâme ™he ceW ketâšyeæ 
efkeâÙee peeSiee?  
 (a) 16  (b) 32  
 (c) 46 (d) 52 
(hejer#ee efleefLe : 06.06.2019) 
9.  'Cinema' is related to 'Audience' in the same 
way as 'Church' is related to '____'./efpeme Øekeâej 
‘efmevescee’ keâe mebyebOe ‘oMe&keâieCe’ mes nw Gmeer Øekeâej ‘ÛeÛe&’ 
keâe mebyebOe '______' mes nw~  
 (a) Concentration/Skeâe«elee  
 (b) Congregation/meceeiece 
 (c) Prayer/ØeeLe&vee  
 (d) Meditation/OÙeeve  
10.  Select the Venn diagram that best illustrates 
the relationship between the following classes. 
  Snakes, Reptiles, Poisonous, 
  oer ieF& ßesefCeÙeeW kesâ yeerÛe meJe&ßes‰ mebyebOe keâes oMee&ves Jeeues 
Jesve DeejsKe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~  
  meeBhe, mejerme=he, penjerues  
11.  Two different positions of the same dice are 
shown. Which number will be at the top if 4 is 
at the bottom./Skeâ ner heemes keâer oes efYeVe efmLeefleÙeeW keâes 
oMee&Ùee ieÙee nw~ Ùeefo mebKÙee 4 efveÛeues heâuekeâ hej nw lees 
Thejer heâuekeâ hej keâewve-meer mebKÙee efoKeeF& osieer?  
 (a) 3 (b) 6 
 (c) 1 (d) 5 
12.  Select the set in which the numbers are related 
in the same way as are the numbers of the 
following set./Gme mecegÛÛeÙe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW 
mebKÙeeSb Gmeer lejn Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej 
mebKÙeeSb veerÛes efoS ieS mecegÛÛeÙe ceW Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele 
  (5, 13, 12) 
 (a) (15,19,13)  (b) (13,17,11)  
 (c) (11,15,9) (d) (6,10,8) 
13.  Which number will replace the question mark 
(?) in the following series?/veerÛes oer ieF& ßeb=Keuee ceW 
ØeMve efÛevn (?) kesâ mLeeve hej keâewve-meer mebKÙee DeeSieer? 
  98, 95, 86, 82, 66, ?, 36 
 (a) 61 (b) 58  
 (c) 60 (d) 63 
14.  Which two signs should be interchanged in the 
following equation to make it correct?/veerÛes efoS 
ieS meceerkeâjCe keâes mener keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâve oes efÛevneW 
keâes Deeheme ceW yeouee peevee ÛeeefnS~  
  10 + 5 ÷10 × 8 - 10 = 16 
 (a) ÷ and ×/÷ Deewj × (b) × and +/× Deewj + 
 (c) – and +/– Deewj + (d) + and ÷/+ Deewj ÷ 
15.  Select the set in which the numbers are related 
in the same way as are the numbers of the 
following set./Gme mecegÛÛeÙe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW 
mebKÙeeSb Gmeer lejn Deeheme ceW meyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej 
mebKÙeeSb veerÛes efoS ieS mecegÛÛeÙe ceW Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele 
  (8, 12, 24) 
 (a) (6, 9, 18) (b) (12, 20, 40) 
 (c) (9, 18, 27) (d) (6, 10, 18) 
16.  Three of the following four letter-clusters are 
alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick 
the odd one out. 
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej-De#ej mecetneW ceW mes leerve De#ej-mecetn 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâ meceeve nQ Deewj Skeâ Demeceeve nw~ 
Demeceeve De#ej-mecetn keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~  
 (a) RQST  (b) FGHJ  
 (c) CBDE (d) MLNO 
17.  Select the option that is related to the third 
letter-cluster in the same way as the second 
letter-cluster is related to the first letter-
cluster./Gme efJekeâuhe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS pees leermejs 
De#ej-mecetn mes Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw efpeme Øekeâej 
otmeje De#ej-mecetn henues De#ej mecetn mes mebyebefOele nw~  
  MNOP : LONQ :: FGHI : ? 
 (a) DHGK  (b) EHGJ 
 (c) EGHJ (d) GFIJ 
18.  Select the combination of letters that when 
sequentially placed in the gaps of the given 
letter series will complete the series./ Gme 
De#ej mebÙeespeve keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemes veerÛes oer ieF& 
De#ej ßeb=Keuee kesâ efjòeâ mLeeveeW hej ›eâceevegmeej jKeves mes 
oer ieF& ßeb=Keuee hetCe& nes peeS~  
 (a) dacbd (b) bdabc 
 (c) cadbc (d) dcbac 
19.  Select the correct mirror image of the given 
figure when the mirror is placed to the right of 
the figure./Ùeefo veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle kesâ oeSb Deesj 
ohe&Ce jKee peeS lees yeveves Jeeues mener ohe&Ce Øeefleefyebye keâe 
ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~  
20.  Select the figure that will come next in the 
following figure series./efvecveefueefKele Deeke=âefle 
ßeb=Keuee ceW Deeves Jeeueer Deieueer Deeke=âefle keâe ÛeÙeve 
Page 3

SSC CGL (TIER-I) Online hejer#ee 2018 
JÙeeKÙee meefnle nue ØeMve-he$e (Shift-I) 
General Intelligence and Reasoning 
1.  Two statements are given followed by three 
conclusions numbered I, II and III. Assuming 
the statements to be true even if they seem to be 
at variance with commonly known facts, decide 
which of the conclusions logically follow(s) 
from the statements. 
  veerÛes oes keâLeve efoS ieS nQ Deewj Gmekesâ yeeo efJekeâuhe I, 
II Deewj III efoS ieS nQ~ Deehekeâes keâLeve keâes melÙe ceeveles 
ngS, Ûeens Jen meeceevÙeleŠ %eele leLÙeeW mes efYeVe Øeleerle nesles 
neW, Deehekeâes Ùen efveCe&Ùe keâjvee nw efkeâ efoS ieS keâLeveeW mes 
keâewve-mee efve<keâ<e& leke&âmebiele ™he mes efvekeâuelee nw~ 
  Statements:/keâLeve : 
No crow is a bird./keâesF& Yeer keâewDee he#eer veneR nw~   
  All birds are animals./meYeer he#eer pebleg nQ~ 
  I. Some animals are crows./ kegâÚ pebleg keâewS nQ~   
  II. Some animals are birds. / kegâÚ pebleg he#eer nQ~ 
  III. No animal is a crow. /keâesF& Yeer pebleg keâewDee veneR nQ~ 
 (a) Conclusion II and either conclusion I or III 
follows/efve<keâ<e& II Deewj efve<keâ<e& I Ùee III ceW mes keâesF& 
Skeâ efvekeâuelee nw~   
 (b) Only conclusion III follows 
  kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& III efvekeâuelee nw~   
 (c) None of the conclusions follows 
  FveceW mes keâesF& efve<keâ<e& veneR efvekeâuelee nw~  
 (d) Only conclusions I and III follow 
  kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& I Deewj III efvekeâuelee nw~  
2.  Three of the following four numbers are alike 
in a certain way and one is different. Pick the 
number that is different from the 
rest./efvecveefueefKele Ûeej mebKÙeeDeeW ceW mes leerve mebKÙeeSb 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej Skeâ meceeve nw Deewj Skeâ mebKÙee Demeceeve nw~ 
Gme Demeceeve mebKÙee keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~  
 (a) 65  (b) 217 
 (c) 28 (d) 338 
3.  D, is the son of C and brother of E, and E is the 
niece of F. C is the sister of B and Aunt of A. B's 
father have two children, a daughter and a son. 
If A is the son of F, how is F related to C?  
  D, C keâe heg$e Deewj E keâe YeeF& nw Deewj E, F keâer Yeleerpeer 
(niece) nw~ C, B, keâer yenve nw Deewj A keâer Deebšer nw~ B 
kesâ efhelee kesâ oes yeÛÛes DeLee&led Skeâ heg$e Deewj Skeâ heg$eer nw~ 
Ùeefo A, F keâe heg$e nw lees F keâe C mes keäÙee mebyebOe nw? 
 (a) Sister/yenve  (b) Brother-in-law/YeeYeer 
 (c) Cousin/ÛeÛesje YeeF&  (d) Paternal Aunt/yegDee  
4.  In a code language COMPUTER is written as 
written in the same language./efkeâmeer ketâš Yee<ee ceW, 
COMPUTER keâes OCREPMTU efueKee peelee nw~ 
Gmeer ketâš Yee<ee ceW DAUGHTER keâes keäÙee efueKee 
5.  The sequence of folding a piece of square paper 
(figures X and Y) and the number in which the 
folded paper has been cut (figure Z) are shown. 
How will the paper appear when 
unfolded?/efkeâmeer Jeiee&keâej keâeiepe keâes ceessÌ[ves kesâ ›eâce 
(Deeke=âefle X Deewj Y) Deewj Jen lejerkeâe efpememes cegÌ[e 
ngDee keâeiepe keâeše ieÙee nw (Deeke=âefle Z) keâes oMee&Ùee 
ieÙee nw~ keâeiepe keâes Keesueves hej Ùen kewâmee efoKeeF& osiee? 
6.  Two mixtures contain milk and juice in the 
ratio of 2 : 1 and 4 : 5. If equal volumes of the 
two mixtures are mixed together, What would 
be ratio of milk to juice in the resulting 
mixture?/oes efceßeCeeW ceW otOe Deewj petme keâe Devegheele 
›eâceMeŠ 2Š1 Deewj 4Š5 nw~ Ùeefo oesveeW efceßeCeeW keâer 
meceeve cee$ee keâes Deeheme ceW efceueeÙee peeS lees, Fmemes 
yeveves Jeeues efceßeCe ceW petme ceW otOe keâe Devegheele efkeâlevee 
 (a) 1 : 1  (b) 5 : 3  
 (c) 7 : 5 (d) 5 : 4 
7.  Select the number-pair in which the two 
numbers are related in the same way as are the 
two numbers of the following number-pair./ Gme 
mebKÙee Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW oesveeW mebKÙeeSb 
Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej veerÛes efoS 
ieS mebKÙee Ùegice keâer oesveeW mebKÙeeSb Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele 
  7 : 32 
 (a) 3 : 11 (b) 12 : 85 
 (c) 16 : 145 (d) 13 : 98 
8.  If CAB is coded as 6 and BED is coded as 40, 
then how will HAD be coded as?/Ùeefo CAB keâes 
6 kesâ ™he ceW Deewj BED keâes 40 kesâ ™he ceW ketâšyeæ 
efkeâÙee peelee nw lees HAD keâes efkeâme ™he ceW ketâšyeæ 
efkeâÙee peeSiee?  
 (a) 16  (b) 32  
 (c) 46 (d) 52 
(hejer#ee efleefLe : 06.06.2019) 
9.  'Cinema' is related to 'Audience' in the same 
way as 'Church' is related to '____'./efpeme Øekeâej 
‘efmevescee’ keâe mebyebOe ‘oMe&keâieCe’ mes nw Gmeer Øekeâej ‘ÛeÛe&’ 
keâe mebyebOe '______' mes nw~  
 (a) Concentration/Skeâe«elee  
 (b) Congregation/meceeiece 
 (c) Prayer/ØeeLe&vee  
 (d) Meditation/OÙeeve  
10.  Select the Venn diagram that best illustrates 
the relationship between the following classes. 
  Snakes, Reptiles, Poisonous, 
  oer ieF& ßesefCeÙeeW kesâ yeerÛe meJe&ßes‰ mebyebOe keâes oMee&ves Jeeues 
Jesve DeejsKe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~  
  meeBhe, mejerme=he, penjerues  
11.  Two different positions of the same dice are 
shown. Which number will be at the top if 4 is 
at the bottom./Skeâ ner heemes keâer oes efYeVe efmLeefleÙeeW keâes 
oMee&Ùee ieÙee nw~ Ùeefo mebKÙee 4 efveÛeues heâuekeâ hej nw lees 
Thejer heâuekeâ hej keâewve-meer mebKÙee efoKeeF& osieer?  
 (a) 3 (b) 6 
 (c) 1 (d) 5 
12.  Select the set in which the numbers are related 
in the same way as are the numbers of the 
following set./Gme mecegÛÛeÙe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW 
mebKÙeeSb Gmeer lejn Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej 
mebKÙeeSb veerÛes efoS ieS mecegÛÛeÙe ceW Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele 
  (5, 13, 12) 
 (a) (15,19,13)  (b) (13,17,11)  
 (c) (11,15,9) (d) (6,10,8) 
13.  Which number will replace the question mark 
(?) in the following series?/veerÛes oer ieF& ßeb=Keuee ceW 
ØeMve efÛevn (?) kesâ mLeeve hej keâewve-meer mebKÙee DeeSieer? 
  98, 95, 86, 82, 66, ?, 36 
 (a) 61 (b) 58  
 (c) 60 (d) 63 
14.  Which two signs should be interchanged in the 
following equation to make it correct?/veerÛes efoS 
ieS meceerkeâjCe keâes mener keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâve oes efÛevneW 
keâes Deeheme ceW yeouee peevee ÛeeefnS~  
  10 + 5 ÷10 × 8 - 10 = 16 
 (a) ÷ and ×/÷ Deewj × (b) × and +/× Deewj + 
 (c) – and +/– Deewj + (d) + and ÷/+ Deewj ÷ 
15.  Select the set in which the numbers are related 
in the same way as are the numbers of the 
following set./Gme mecegÛÛeÙe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW 
mebKÙeeSb Gmeer lejn Deeheme ceW meyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej 
mebKÙeeSb veerÛes efoS ieS mecegÛÛeÙe ceW Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele 
  (8, 12, 24) 
 (a) (6, 9, 18) (b) (12, 20, 40) 
 (c) (9, 18, 27) (d) (6, 10, 18) 
16.  Three of the following four letter-clusters are 
alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick 
the odd one out. 
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej-De#ej mecetneW ceW mes leerve De#ej-mecetn 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâ meceeve nQ Deewj Skeâ Demeceeve nw~ 
Demeceeve De#ej-mecetn keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~  
 (a) RQST  (b) FGHJ  
 (c) CBDE (d) MLNO 
17.  Select the option that is related to the third 
letter-cluster in the same way as the second 
letter-cluster is related to the first letter-
cluster./Gme efJekeâuhe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS pees leermejs 
De#ej-mecetn mes Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw efpeme Øekeâej 
otmeje De#ej-mecetn henues De#ej mecetn mes mebyebefOele nw~  
  MNOP : LONQ :: FGHI : ? 
 (a) DHGK  (b) EHGJ 
 (c) EGHJ (d) GFIJ 
18.  Select the combination of letters that when 
sequentially placed in the gaps of the given 
letter series will complete the series./ Gme 
De#ej mebÙeespeve keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemes veerÛes oer ieF& 
De#ej ßeb=Keuee kesâ efjòeâ mLeeveeW hej ›eâceevegmeej jKeves mes 
oer ieF& ßeb=Keuee hetCe& nes peeS~  
 (a) dacbd (b) bdabc 
 (c) cadbc (d) dcbac 
19.  Select the correct mirror image of the given 
figure when the mirror is placed to the right of 
the figure./Ùeefo veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle kesâ oeSb Deesj 
ohe&Ce jKee peeS lees yeveves Jeeues mener ohe&Ce Øeefleefyebye keâe 
ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~  
20.  Select the figure that will come next in the 
following figure series./efvecveefueefKele Deeke=âefle 
ßeb=Keuee ceW Deeves Jeeueer Deieueer Deeke=âefle keâe ÛeÙeve 
21.  Select the option in which the given figure is 
embedded./Gme efJekeâuhe keâe ÛeÙeve keâjW efpemeceW oer ieF& 
Deeke=âefle Debleefve&efnle nw~  
22.  Arrange the following words in a logical and 
meaningful order./efvecveefueefKele MeyoeW keâes Skeâ 
leeefke&âkeâ SJeb DeLe&hetCe& ›eâce ceW JÙeJeefmLele keâerefpeS~  
 (1) Student/efJeÅeeLeea   (2) Job/veewkeâjer 
 (3) Interview/mee#eelkeâej (4) Education/efMe#ee 
 (5) Retirement/mesJeeefveJe=efòe (6) Degree/GheeefOe 
 (a) 5,3,2,1,4,6 (b) 1,5,3,6,4,2 
 (c) 3,5,4,6,1,2 (d) 1,4,6,3,2,5 
23.  Three of the following four words are alike in a 
certain way and one is different. Pick the odd 
word out./ efvecveefueefKele Ûeej MeyoeW ceW leerve Meyo 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâmeceeve nQ Deewj Skeâ Meyo Demeceeve nw~ 
Demeceeve Meyo keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~  
 (a) Mahanadi/ceneveoer  (b) Krishna/ke=â<Cee 
 (c) Tapti/leehleer (d) Godavari/ieesoeJejer  
24.  How many squares are there in the following 
figure?/veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle ceW efkeâleves Jeie& nQ? 
 (a) 18  (b) 12  
 (c) 14 (d) 16 
25.  Select the word-pair in which the two words 
are related in the same way, as are the two 
words in the following word-pair.  
  Apathy : Energy 
  efvecveefueefKele efoS ieS efJekeâuheeW ceW mes Gme Meyo Ùegice keâe 
ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS pees Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nQ 
efpeme Øekeâej veerÛes efueKes ieS Meyo Ûegice kesâ oesveeW Meyo 
Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ~  
  Goemeervelee : Glmeen 
 (a) Treaty : Amity/mebefOe Š efce$elee 
  (b) Battle : Attack/Ùegæ Š nceuee 
 (c) Enrollment : Employment/veeceebkeâve Š mesJeeÙeespeve 
 (d) Decry : Respect/efveboe Š Deeoj  
General Awareness 
26.  Which of the following metals is the most 
reactive metal?  
  efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-meer OeelegDeeW ceW meyemes DeefOekeâ 
Øeefleef›eâÙeeMeerue Oeeleg nw?  
 (a) Calcium /kewâefuMeÙece (b) Copper /leebyee 
 (c) Zinc /pemlee (d) Iron /ueesne 
27.  Who among the following was a slave of 
Muhammad Ghori? He became the ruler after 
the death of his master and founded the slave 
  efvecveefueefKele ceW mes cegncceo ieewjer keâe iegueece keâewve Lee? 
Jen Deheves mJeeceer keâer ce=lÙeg kesâ yeeo Meemekeâ yevee Deewj 
Gmeves iegueece JebMe keâer mLeehevee keâer~  
 (a) Qutub-ud-din Aibak /kegâlegye-Go-oerve Ssyekeâ  
 (b) Nasir-ud-din Mahamud/veeefmej-Go-oerve cenceto   
 (c) Iltutmish /FulegleefceMe  
 (d) Ghiyas ud din Balban /efieÙeeme Go oerve yeueyeve  
28.  The Badami Chalukyas first had their capital 
at ____ before they moved it to Badami.  
  yeeoeceer ÛeeuegkeäÙeeW kesâ yeeoeceer peeves mes henues Gvekeâer 
jepeOeeveer .......... Leer~  
 (a) Hubli /ngyeueer   (b) Pattadakal /heóekeâue   
 (c) Bijapur /yeerpeehegj  (d) Aihole/Ssnesue  
29.  In February 2019, India won ____ gold medal/s 
and five silver demals at the Makran Cup 
Boxing in Chabahar, Iran.  
  HeâjJejer 2019 ceW, F&jeve kesâ Ûeeyenej ceW cekeâjeve keâhe 
cegkeäkesâyeepeer ceW Yeejle ves ........... mJeCe& heokeâ Deewj heebÛe 
jpele heokeâ peerles~  
 (a) Four/Ûeej   (b) Three/leerve   
 (c) Two /oes  (d) One /Skeâ 
30.  Which is the longest National Highway in 
  Yeejle keâe meyemes uebyee je<š^erÙe jepeceeie& keâewve-mee nw?  
 (a) National Highway 44 /je<š^erÙe jepeceeie& 44  
 (b) National Highway 48 /je<š^erÙe jepeceeie& 48  
 (c) National Highway 53 /je<š^erÙe jepeceeie& 53 
 (d) National Highway 27 /je<š^erÙe jepeceeie& 27 
31.  Which of the following metals is the most 
ductile metal?  
  efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve meer Oeeleg meyemes DeefOekeâ 
cegueeÙece Oeeleg nw?  
 (a) Copper /leebyee   (b) Aluminium /SuÙegefceefveÙece   
 (c) Gold /meesvee  (d) Tin /efšve  
32.  Which Indian received the Nobel Peace Prize 
after Mother Teresa?  
  ceoj šsjsmee kesâ yeeo efkeâme YeejleerÙe ves veesyesue Meebefle 
hegjmkeâej Øeehle efkeâÙee?  
 (a) P Sathasivam /heer meoeefMeJece   
 (b) Fali Nariman /Heâeueer vejerceve   
 (c) Kailash Satyarthi /kewâueeMe melÙeeLeea  
 (d) K Radhakrishnan /kesâ jeOeeke=â<Ceve  
33.  In February 2019, ____ won a Gold medal at 
the Makran Cup in Chabahar, Iran.  
  HeâjJejer 2019 ceW F&jeve kesâ Ûeeyenej ceW cekeâjeve keâhe ceW 
–––––– ves mJeCe& heokeâ peerlee~  
Page 4

SSC CGL (TIER-I) Online hejer#ee 2018 
JÙeeKÙee meefnle nue ØeMve-he$e (Shift-I) 
General Intelligence and Reasoning 
1.  Two statements are given followed by three 
conclusions numbered I, II and III. Assuming 
the statements to be true even if they seem to be 
at variance with commonly known facts, decide 
which of the conclusions logically follow(s) 
from the statements. 
  veerÛes oes keâLeve efoS ieS nQ Deewj Gmekesâ yeeo efJekeâuhe I, 
II Deewj III efoS ieS nQ~ Deehekeâes keâLeve keâes melÙe ceeveles 
ngS, Ûeens Jen meeceevÙeleŠ %eele leLÙeeW mes efYeVe Øeleerle nesles 
neW, Deehekeâes Ùen efveCe&Ùe keâjvee nw efkeâ efoS ieS keâLeveeW mes 
keâewve-mee efve<keâ<e& leke&âmebiele ™he mes efvekeâuelee nw~ 
  Statements:/keâLeve : 
No crow is a bird./keâesF& Yeer keâewDee he#eer veneR nw~   
  All birds are animals./meYeer he#eer pebleg nQ~ 
  I. Some animals are crows./ kegâÚ pebleg keâewS nQ~   
  II. Some animals are birds. / kegâÚ pebleg he#eer nQ~ 
  III. No animal is a crow. /keâesF& Yeer pebleg keâewDee veneR nQ~ 
 (a) Conclusion II and either conclusion I or III 
follows/efve<keâ<e& II Deewj efve<keâ<e& I Ùee III ceW mes keâesF& 
Skeâ efvekeâuelee nw~   
 (b) Only conclusion III follows 
  kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& III efvekeâuelee nw~   
 (c) None of the conclusions follows 
  FveceW mes keâesF& efve<keâ<e& veneR efvekeâuelee nw~  
 (d) Only conclusions I and III follow 
  kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& I Deewj III efvekeâuelee nw~  
2.  Three of the following four numbers are alike 
in a certain way and one is different. Pick the 
number that is different from the 
rest./efvecveefueefKele Ûeej mebKÙeeDeeW ceW mes leerve mebKÙeeSb 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej Skeâ meceeve nw Deewj Skeâ mebKÙee Demeceeve nw~ 
Gme Demeceeve mebKÙee keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~  
 (a) 65  (b) 217 
 (c) 28 (d) 338 
3.  D, is the son of C and brother of E, and E is the 
niece of F. C is the sister of B and Aunt of A. B's 
father have two children, a daughter and a son. 
If A is the son of F, how is F related to C?  
  D, C keâe heg$e Deewj E keâe YeeF& nw Deewj E, F keâer Yeleerpeer 
(niece) nw~ C, B, keâer yenve nw Deewj A keâer Deebšer nw~ B 
kesâ efhelee kesâ oes yeÛÛes DeLee&led Skeâ heg$e Deewj Skeâ heg$eer nw~ 
Ùeefo A, F keâe heg$e nw lees F keâe C mes keäÙee mebyebOe nw? 
 (a) Sister/yenve  (b) Brother-in-law/YeeYeer 
 (c) Cousin/ÛeÛesje YeeF&  (d) Paternal Aunt/yegDee  
4.  In a code language COMPUTER is written as 
written in the same language./efkeâmeer ketâš Yee<ee ceW, 
COMPUTER keâes OCREPMTU efueKee peelee nw~ 
Gmeer ketâš Yee<ee ceW DAUGHTER keâes keäÙee efueKee 
5.  The sequence of folding a piece of square paper 
(figures X and Y) and the number in which the 
folded paper has been cut (figure Z) are shown. 
How will the paper appear when 
unfolded?/efkeâmeer Jeiee&keâej keâeiepe keâes ceessÌ[ves kesâ ›eâce 
(Deeke=âefle X Deewj Y) Deewj Jen lejerkeâe efpememes cegÌ[e 
ngDee keâeiepe keâeše ieÙee nw (Deeke=âefle Z) keâes oMee&Ùee 
ieÙee nw~ keâeiepe keâes Keesueves hej Ùen kewâmee efoKeeF& osiee? 
6.  Two mixtures contain milk and juice in the 
ratio of 2 : 1 and 4 : 5. If equal volumes of the 
two mixtures are mixed together, What would 
be ratio of milk to juice in the resulting 
mixture?/oes efceßeCeeW ceW otOe Deewj petme keâe Devegheele 
›eâceMeŠ 2Š1 Deewj 4Š5 nw~ Ùeefo oesveeW efceßeCeeW keâer 
meceeve cee$ee keâes Deeheme ceW efceueeÙee peeS lees, Fmemes 
yeveves Jeeues efceßeCe ceW petme ceW otOe keâe Devegheele efkeâlevee 
 (a) 1 : 1  (b) 5 : 3  
 (c) 7 : 5 (d) 5 : 4 
7.  Select the number-pair in which the two 
numbers are related in the same way as are the 
two numbers of the following number-pair./ Gme 
mebKÙee Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW oesveeW mebKÙeeSb 
Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej veerÛes efoS 
ieS mebKÙee Ùegice keâer oesveeW mebKÙeeSb Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele 
  7 : 32 
 (a) 3 : 11 (b) 12 : 85 
 (c) 16 : 145 (d) 13 : 98 
8.  If CAB is coded as 6 and BED is coded as 40, 
then how will HAD be coded as?/Ùeefo CAB keâes 
6 kesâ ™he ceW Deewj BED keâes 40 kesâ ™he ceW ketâšyeæ 
efkeâÙee peelee nw lees HAD keâes efkeâme ™he ceW ketâšyeæ 
efkeâÙee peeSiee?  
 (a) 16  (b) 32  
 (c) 46 (d) 52 
(hejer#ee efleefLe : 06.06.2019) 
9.  'Cinema' is related to 'Audience' in the same 
way as 'Church' is related to '____'./efpeme Øekeâej 
‘efmevescee’ keâe mebyebOe ‘oMe&keâieCe’ mes nw Gmeer Øekeâej ‘ÛeÛe&’ 
keâe mebyebOe '______' mes nw~  
 (a) Concentration/Skeâe«elee  
 (b) Congregation/meceeiece 
 (c) Prayer/ØeeLe&vee  
 (d) Meditation/OÙeeve  
10.  Select the Venn diagram that best illustrates 
the relationship between the following classes. 
  Snakes, Reptiles, Poisonous, 
  oer ieF& ßesefCeÙeeW kesâ yeerÛe meJe&ßes‰ mebyebOe keâes oMee&ves Jeeues 
Jesve DeejsKe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~  
  meeBhe, mejerme=he, penjerues  
11.  Two different positions of the same dice are 
shown. Which number will be at the top if 4 is 
at the bottom./Skeâ ner heemes keâer oes efYeVe efmLeefleÙeeW keâes 
oMee&Ùee ieÙee nw~ Ùeefo mebKÙee 4 efveÛeues heâuekeâ hej nw lees 
Thejer heâuekeâ hej keâewve-meer mebKÙee efoKeeF& osieer?  
 (a) 3 (b) 6 
 (c) 1 (d) 5 
12.  Select the set in which the numbers are related 
in the same way as are the numbers of the 
following set./Gme mecegÛÛeÙe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW 
mebKÙeeSb Gmeer lejn Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej 
mebKÙeeSb veerÛes efoS ieS mecegÛÛeÙe ceW Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele 
  (5, 13, 12) 
 (a) (15,19,13)  (b) (13,17,11)  
 (c) (11,15,9) (d) (6,10,8) 
13.  Which number will replace the question mark 
(?) in the following series?/veerÛes oer ieF& ßeb=Keuee ceW 
ØeMve efÛevn (?) kesâ mLeeve hej keâewve-meer mebKÙee DeeSieer? 
  98, 95, 86, 82, 66, ?, 36 
 (a) 61 (b) 58  
 (c) 60 (d) 63 
14.  Which two signs should be interchanged in the 
following equation to make it correct?/veerÛes efoS 
ieS meceerkeâjCe keâes mener keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâve oes efÛevneW 
keâes Deeheme ceW yeouee peevee ÛeeefnS~  
  10 + 5 ÷10 × 8 - 10 = 16 
 (a) ÷ and ×/÷ Deewj × (b) × and +/× Deewj + 
 (c) – and +/– Deewj + (d) + and ÷/+ Deewj ÷ 
15.  Select the set in which the numbers are related 
in the same way as are the numbers of the 
following set./Gme mecegÛÛeÙe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW 
mebKÙeeSb Gmeer lejn Deeheme ceW meyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej 
mebKÙeeSb veerÛes efoS ieS mecegÛÛeÙe ceW Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele 
  (8, 12, 24) 
 (a) (6, 9, 18) (b) (12, 20, 40) 
 (c) (9, 18, 27) (d) (6, 10, 18) 
16.  Three of the following four letter-clusters are 
alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick 
the odd one out. 
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej-De#ej mecetneW ceW mes leerve De#ej-mecetn 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâ meceeve nQ Deewj Skeâ Demeceeve nw~ 
Demeceeve De#ej-mecetn keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~  
 (a) RQST  (b) FGHJ  
 (c) CBDE (d) MLNO 
17.  Select the option that is related to the third 
letter-cluster in the same way as the second 
letter-cluster is related to the first letter-
cluster./Gme efJekeâuhe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS pees leermejs 
De#ej-mecetn mes Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw efpeme Øekeâej 
otmeje De#ej-mecetn henues De#ej mecetn mes mebyebefOele nw~  
  MNOP : LONQ :: FGHI : ? 
 (a) DHGK  (b) EHGJ 
 (c) EGHJ (d) GFIJ 
18.  Select the combination of letters that when 
sequentially placed in the gaps of the given 
letter series will complete the series./ Gme 
De#ej mebÙeespeve keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemes veerÛes oer ieF& 
De#ej ßeb=Keuee kesâ efjòeâ mLeeveeW hej ›eâceevegmeej jKeves mes 
oer ieF& ßeb=Keuee hetCe& nes peeS~  
 (a) dacbd (b) bdabc 
 (c) cadbc (d) dcbac 
19.  Select the correct mirror image of the given 
figure when the mirror is placed to the right of 
the figure./Ùeefo veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle kesâ oeSb Deesj 
ohe&Ce jKee peeS lees yeveves Jeeues mener ohe&Ce Øeefleefyebye keâe 
ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~  
20.  Select the figure that will come next in the 
following figure series./efvecveefueefKele Deeke=âefle 
ßeb=Keuee ceW Deeves Jeeueer Deieueer Deeke=âefle keâe ÛeÙeve 
21.  Select the option in which the given figure is 
embedded./Gme efJekeâuhe keâe ÛeÙeve keâjW efpemeceW oer ieF& 
Deeke=âefle Debleefve&efnle nw~  
22.  Arrange the following words in a logical and 
meaningful order./efvecveefueefKele MeyoeW keâes Skeâ 
leeefke&âkeâ SJeb DeLe&hetCe& ›eâce ceW JÙeJeefmLele keâerefpeS~  
 (1) Student/efJeÅeeLeea   (2) Job/veewkeâjer 
 (3) Interview/mee#eelkeâej (4) Education/efMe#ee 
 (5) Retirement/mesJeeefveJe=efòe (6) Degree/GheeefOe 
 (a) 5,3,2,1,4,6 (b) 1,5,3,6,4,2 
 (c) 3,5,4,6,1,2 (d) 1,4,6,3,2,5 
23.  Three of the following four words are alike in a 
certain way and one is different. Pick the odd 
word out./ efvecveefueefKele Ûeej MeyoeW ceW leerve Meyo 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâmeceeve nQ Deewj Skeâ Meyo Demeceeve nw~ 
Demeceeve Meyo keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~  
 (a) Mahanadi/ceneveoer  (b) Krishna/ke=â<Cee 
 (c) Tapti/leehleer (d) Godavari/ieesoeJejer  
24.  How many squares are there in the following 
figure?/veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle ceW efkeâleves Jeie& nQ? 
 (a) 18  (b) 12  
 (c) 14 (d) 16 
25.  Select the word-pair in which the two words 
are related in the same way, as are the two 
words in the following word-pair.  
  Apathy : Energy 
  efvecveefueefKele efoS ieS efJekeâuheeW ceW mes Gme Meyo Ùegice keâe 
ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS pees Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nQ 
efpeme Øekeâej veerÛes efueKes ieS Meyo Ûegice kesâ oesveeW Meyo 
Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ~  
  Goemeervelee : Glmeen 
 (a) Treaty : Amity/mebefOe Š efce$elee 
  (b) Battle : Attack/Ùegæ Š nceuee 
 (c) Enrollment : Employment/veeceebkeâve Š mesJeeÙeespeve 
 (d) Decry : Respect/efveboe Š Deeoj  
General Awareness 
26.  Which of the following metals is the most 
reactive metal?  
  efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-meer OeelegDeeW ceW meyemes DeefOekeâ 
Øeefleef›eâÙeeMeerue Oeeleg nw?  
 (a) Calcium /kewâefuMeÙece (b) Copper /leebyee 
 (c) Zinc /pemlee (d) Iron /ueesne 
27.  Who among the following was a slave of 
Muhammad Ghori? He became the ruler after 
the death of his master and founded the slave 
  efvecveefueefKele ceW mes cegncceo ieewjer keâe iegueece keâewve Lee? 
Jen Deheves mJeeceer keâer ce=lÙeg kesâ yeeo Meemekeâ yevee Deewj 
Gmeves iegueece JebMe keâer mLeehevee keâer~  
 (a) Qutub-ud-din Aibak /kegâlegye-Go-oerve Ssyekeâ  
 (b) Nasir-ud-din Mahamud/veeefmej-Go-oerve cenceto   
 (c) Iltutmish /FulegleefceMe  
 (d) Ghiyas ud din Balban /efieÙeeme Go oerve yeueyeve  
28.  The Badami Chalukyas first had their capital 
at ____ before they moved it to Badami.  
  yeeoeceer ÛeeuegkeäÙeeW kesâ yeeoeceer peeves mes henues Gvekeâer 
jepeOeeveer .......... Leer~  
 (a) Hubli /ngyeueer   (b) Pattadakal /heóekeâue   
 (c) Bijapur /yeerpeehegj  (d) Aihole/Ssnesue  
29.  In February 2019, India won ____ gold medal/s 
and five silver demals at the Makran Cup 
Boxing in Chabahar, Iran.  
  HeâjJejer 2019 ceW, F&jeve kesâ Ûeeyenej ceW cekeâjeve keâhe 
cegkeäkesâyeepeer ceW Yeejle ves ........... mJeCe& heokeâ Deewj heebÛe 
jpele heokeâ peerles~  
 (a) Four/Ûeej   (b) Three/leerve   
 (c) Two /oes  (d) One /Skeâ 
30.  Which is the longest National Highway in 
  Yeejle keâe meyemes uebyee je<š^erÙe jepeceeie& keâewve-mee nw?  
 (a) National Highway 44 /je<š^erÙe jepeceeie& 44  
 (b) National Highway 48 /je<š^erÙe jepeceeie& 48  
 (c) National Highway 53 /je<š^erÙe jepeceeie& 53 
 (d) National Highway 27 /je<š^erÙe jepeceeie& 27 
31.  Which of the following metals is the most 
ductile metal?  
  efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve meer Oeeleg meyemes DeefOekeâ 
cegueeÙece Oeeleg nw?  
 (a) Copper /leebyee   (b) Aluminium /SuÙegefceefveÙece   
 (c) Gold /meesvee  (d) Tin /efšve  
32.  Which Indian received the Nobel Peace Prize 
after Mother Teresa?  
  ceoj šsjsmee kesâ yeeo efkeâme YeejleerÙe ves veesyesue Meebefle 
hegjmkeâej Øeehle efkeâÙee?  
 (a) P Sathasivam /heer meoeefMeJece   
 (b) Fali Nariman /Heâeueer vejerceve   
 (c) Kailash Satyarthi /kewâueeMe melÙeeLeea  
 (d) K Radhakrishnan /kesâ jeOeeke=â<Ceve  
33.  In February 2019, ____ won a Gold medal at 
the Makran Cup in Chabahar, Iran.  
  HeâjJejer 2019 ceW F&jeve kesâ Ûeeyenej ceW cekeâjeve keâhe ceW 
–––––– ves mJeCe& heokeâ peerlee~  
 (a) Manish Kaushik /ceveer<e keâewefMekeâ   
 (b) Satish Kumar/meleerMe kegâceej   
 (c) Rohit Tokas /jesefnle šeskeâme  
 (d) Deepak Singh /oerhekeâ efmebn  
34.  _____, which connects Sikkim with Tibet, was 
closed after the Chinese aggression on India in 
1962 but was reopened in 2006 as the 
governments of the two countries decided to 
enhance their trade through land routes.  
  efmeefkeäkeâce keâes efleyyele mes peesÌ[ves Jeeues Gme ojx keâe keäÙee 
veece nw, efpemes 1962 ceW Yeejle hej Ûeerveer Dee›eâceCe kesâ 
yeeo yebo keâj efoÙee ieÙee Lee uesefkeâve 2006 ceW Gmes efHeâj 
mes Keesue efoÙee ieÙee keäÙeeWefkeâ oesveeW  osMeeW keâer mejkeâejeW ves 
Yetefce ceeieeX kesâ ceeOÙece mes Deheves JÙeeheej keâes yeÌ{eves keâe 
efveCe&Ùe efueÙee Lee~  
 (a) Nathu La /veeLet uee   (b) Imis La /Fefceme uee   
 (c) Pensi La /hesefvme uee  (d) Lanak La /ueevekeâ uee 
35.  Name the Indian Space Research Organisation 
(ISRO) chairman and Padma Bhushan 
awardee who creted and unleashed a historical 
moment when Mars Orbiter became the first 
Indian spacecraft to enter Martian orbit in a 
maiden attempt.  
  YeejleerÙe Debleefj#e DevegmebOeeve mebie"ve (Fmejes) kesâ 
DeOÙe#e Deewj he©eYet<eCe hegjmkeâej efJepeslee keâe veece yeleeSb 
efpevneWves Gme Ssefleneefmekeâ #eCe keâes JeemleefJekeâlee yeveeÙee 
peye ceeme& Dee@efye&šj efkeâmeer ØeLece ØeÙeeme ceW cebieue «en keâer 
keâ#ee ceW ØeJesMe keâjves Jeeuee henuee YeejleerÙe Debleefj#e 
Ùeeve yevee Lee~  
 (a) Nandan Nilekani /vebove veerueskeâefCe   
 (b) K Radhakrishnan /kesâ jeOeeke=â<Ceve   
 (c) Fali Nariman /Heâeueer vejerceve  
 (d) Sundar Pichai /megboj efheÛeeF&  
36.  Which was the first Muslim dynasty that ruled 
  Yeejle hej Meemeve keâjves Jeeuee henuee cegefmuece jepeJebMe 
keâewve Lee?  
 (a) Khilji Dynasty /efKeuepeer jepeJebMe   
 (b) Slave Dynasty /iegueece jepeJebMe   
 (c) Lodhi Dynasty /ueesOeer jepeJebMe  
 (d) Tughlaq Dynasty /legieuekeâ jepeJebMe  
37.  ____ was the first Muslim ruler whose empire 
covered almost the whole of India up to its 
extreme south.  
  henuee cegefmuece Meemekeâ keâewve Lee efpemekeâe meeceüepÙe Yeejle 
kesâ megotj oef#eCe meefnle ueieYeie mebhetCe& Yeejle ceW Hewâuee 
 (a) Alauddin Khilji /DeueeGöerve efKeuepeer   
 (b) Ghiyas ud din Balban/efieÙeeme Go oerve yeueyeve  
 (c) Feroz Shah Tughlaq/efHeâjespe Meen legieuekeâ  
 (d) Jalal-ud-din Khilji /peueeue-Go-oerve efKeuepeer  
38.  Where is the Bandipur National Park located?  
  yeeboerhegj je<š^erÙe GÅeeve keâneB efmLele nw?  
 (a) Kerala/kesâjue  (b) Gujarat/iegpejele  
 (c) Sikkim/efmeefkeäkeâce (d) Karnataka/keâvee&škeâ  
39.  The popular Bagh cave paintings are found in?  
  ueeskeâefØeÙe yeeIe iegHeâe efÛe$ekeâejer efkeâme jepÙe ceW heeF& peeleer 
 (a) Odisha/Deesef[Mee  
 (b) Himachal Pradesh/efnceeÛeue ØeosMe   
 (c) Sikkim/efmeefkeäkeâce  
 (d) Madhya Pradesh/ceOÙe ØeosMe  
40.  Who was awarded the Rabindranath Tagore 
Literary Prize 2019 for the Novel 'Solo'?  
  ‘meesuees’ GhevÙeeme kesâ efueS efkeâme uesKekeâ keâes jefJevõveeLe 
šwieesj meeefneflÙekeâ hegjmkeâej 2019 mes mecceeefvele efkeâÙee 
 (a) Jhumpa Lahiri /Pegchee uenjer   
 (b) Nayanjyot Mukherjee /veÙevepeesle cegKepeea   
 (c) Amitabh Ghosh /DeefceleeYe Iees<e  
 (d) Rana Dasgupta /jeCee oeme ieghlee  
41.  World ..... Day 2019 was observed on 22nd 
March with the theme 'Leaving no one behind' 
to focus on marginalised groups.  
  ‘keâesF& heerÚs ve jns’ Leerce kesâ meeLe 22 ceeÛe&, 2019 keâes 
efJeÕe ............... efoJeme neefMeS hej jnves Jeeues mecetneW hej 
OÙeeve keWâefõle keâjves kesâ efueS ceveeÙee ieÙee~  
 (a) Water /peue  
 (b) Environment /heÙee&JejCe   
 (c) Forest/Jeve  
 (d) Petroleum/hesš^esefueÙece  
42.  Which of the following destroys Ozone layer?  
  efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee heoeLe& Deespeesve hejle keâes 
ve° keâjlee nw?  
 (a) Silicon /efmeefuekeâe@ve   (b) Sulphur /meuHeâj   
 (c) Carbon /keâeye&ve  (d) Chlorine /keäueesjerve  
43.  What is deposited on iron in the process of 
  efyepeueer mes Oeeleg ÛeÌ{evee (iewuJeveerkeâjCe) keâer Øeef›eâÙee ceW 
ueesns hej keäÙee pece peelee nw?  
 (a) Copper/leebyee   (b) Tin/efšve   
 (c) Zinc /pemlee  (d) Aluminium/SuÙegefceefveÙece  
44.  Which of the following ministries implemented 
the Midday Meal scheme?  
  efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme ceb$eeueÙe ves ceOÙeeÖ Yeespeve 
Ùeespevee ueeiet keâer?  
 (a) Ministry of Human Resource Development  
  ceeveJe mebmeeOeve efJekeâeme ceb$eeueÙe   
 (b) MInistry of Social Justice and Empowerment  
  meeceeefpekeâ vÙeeÙe Deewj DeefOekeâeefjlee ceb$eeueÙe   
 (c) Ministry of Social Welfare  
  meceepe keâuÙeeCe ceb$eeueÙe  
 (d) Ministry of Home Affairs /ie=n ceb$eeueÙe  
45.  Who founded and named the science of 
  efJeÅegle ÛegbyekeâlJe efJe%eeve keâer Keespe Deewj Gmekeâe 
veecekeâjCe efkeâmeves efkeâÙee?  
 (a) Michael Faraday /ceeFkeâue Hewâje[s   
 (b) Hans Christian Oersted /nQme ef›eâef§eÙeve Deesme&šs[   
 (c) Andre Marie Ampere/Deebõs cewjer SefcheÙej 
 (d) James Clerk /pescme keäueke&â  
Page 5

SSC CGL (TIER-I) Online hejer#ee 2018 
JÙeeKÙee meefnle nue ØeMve-he$e (Shift-I) 
General Intelligence and Reasoning 
1.  Two statements are given followed by three 
conclusions numbered I, II and III. Assuming 
the statements to be true even if they seem to be 
at variance with commonly known facts, decide 
which of the conclusions logically follow(s) 
from the statements. 
  veerÛes oes keâLeve efoS ieS nQ Deewj Gmekesâ yeeo efJekeâuhe I, 
II Deewj III efoS ieS nQ~ Deehekeâes keâLeve keâes melÙe ceeveles 
ngS, Ûeens Jen meeceevÙeleŠ %eele leLÙeeW mes efYeVe Øeleerle nesles 
neW, Deehekeâes Ùen efveCe&Ùe keâjvee nw efkeâ efoS ieS keâLeveeW mes 
keâewve-mee efve<keâ<e& leke&âmebiele ™he mes efvekeâuelee nw~ 
  Statements:/keâLeve : 
No crow is a bird./keâesF& Yeer keâewDee he#eer veneR nw~   
  All birds are animals./meYeer he#eer pebleg nQ~ 
  I. Some animals are crows./ kegâÚ pebleg keâewS nQ~   
  II. Some animals are birds. / kegâÚ pebleg he#eer nQ~ 
  III. No animal is a crow. /keâesF& Yeer pebleg keâewDee veneR nQ~ 
 (a) Conclusion II and either conclusion I or III 
follows/efve<keâ<e& II Deewj efve<keâ<e& I Ùee III ceW mes keâesF& 
Skeâ efvekeâuelee nw~   
 (b) Only conclusion III follows 
  kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& III efvekeâuelee nw~   
 (c) None of the conclusions follows 
  FveceW mes keâesF& efve<keâ<e& veneR efvekeâuelee nw~  
 (d) Only conclusions I and III follow 
  kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& I Deewj III efvekeâuelee nw~  
2.  Three of the following four numbers are alike 
in a certain way and one is different. Pick the 
number that is different from the 
rest./efvecveefueefKele Ûeej mebKÙeeDeeW ceW mes leerve mebKÙeeSb 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej Skeâ meceeve nw Deewj Skeâ mebKÙee Demeceeve nw~ 
Gme Demeceeve mebKÙee keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~  
 (a) 65  (b) 217 
 (c) 28 (d) 338 
3.  D, is the son of C and brother of E, and E is the 
niece of F. C is the sister of B and Aunt of A. B's 
father have two children, a daughter and a son. 
If A is the son of F, how is F related to C?  
  D, C keâe heg$e Deewj E keâe YeeF& nw Deewj E, F keâer Yeleerpeer 
(niece) nw~ C, B, keâer yenve nw Deewj A keâer Deebšer nw~ B 
kesâ efhelee kesâ oes yeÛÛes DeLee&led Skeâ heg$e Deewj Skeâ heg$eer nw~ 
Ùeefo A, F keâe heg$e nw lees F keâe C mes keäÙee mebyebOe nw? 
 (a) Sister/yenve  (b) Brother-in-law/YeeYeer 
 (c) Cousin/ÛeÛesje YeeF&  (d) Paternal Aunt/yegDee  
4.  In a code language COMPUTER is written as 
written in the same language./efkeâmeer ketâš Yee<ee ceW, 
COMPUTER keâes OCREPMTU efueKee peelee nw~ 
Gmeer ketâš Yee<ee ceW DAUGHTER keâes keäÙee efueKee 
5.  The sequence of folding a piece of square paper 
(figures X and Y) and the number in which the 
folded paper has been cut (figure Z) are shown. 
How will the paper appear when 
unfolded?/efkeâmeer Jeiee&keâej keâeiepe keâes ceessÌ[ves kesâ ›eâce 
(Deeke=âefle X Deewj Y) Deewj Jen lejerkeâe efpememes cegÌ[e 
ngDee keâeiepe keâeše ieÙee nw (Deeke=âefle Z) keâes oMee&Ùee 
ieÙee nw~ keâeiepe keâes Keesueves hej Ùen kewâmee efoKeeF& osiee? 
6.  Two mixtures contain milk and juice in the 
ratio of 2 : 1 and 4 : 5. If equal volumes of the 
two mixtures are mixed together, What would 
be ratio of milk to juice in the resulting 
mixture?/oes efceßeCeeW ceW otOe Deewj petme keâe Devegheele 
›eâceMeŠ 2Š1 Deewj 4Š5 nw~ Ùeefo oesveeW efceßeCeeW keâer 
meceeve cee$ee keâes Deeheme ceW efceueeÙee peeS lees, Fmemes 
yeveves Jeeues efceßeCe ceW petme ceW otOe keâe Devegheele efkeâlevee 
 (a) 1 : 1  (b) 5 : 3  
 (c) 7 : 5 (d) 5 : 4 
7.  Select the number-pair in which the two 
numbers are related in the same way as are the 
two numbers of the following number-pair./ Gme 
mebKÙee Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW oesveeW mebKÙeeSb 
Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej veerÛes efoS 
ieS mebKÙee Ùegice keâer oesveeW mebKÙeeSb Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele 
  7 : 32 
 (a) 3 : 11 (b) 12 : 85 
 (c) 16 : 145 (d) 13 : 98 
8.  If CAB is coded as 6 and BED is coded as 40, 
then how will HAD be coded as?/Ùeefo CAB keâes 
6 kesâ ™he ceW Deewj BED keâes 40 kesâ ™he ceW ketâšyeæ 
efkeâÙee peelee nw lees HAD keâes efkeâme ™he ceW ketâšyeæ 
efkeâÙee peeSiee?  
 (a) 16  (b) 32  
 (c) 46 (d) 52 
(hejer#ee efleefLe : 06.06.2019) 
9.  'Cinema' is related to 'Audience' in the same 
way as 'Church' is related to '____'./efpeme Øekeâej 
‘efmevescee’ keâe mebyebOe ‘oMe&keâieCe’ mes nw Gmeer Øekeâej ‘ÛeÛe&’ 
keâe mebyebOe '______' mes nw~  
 (a) Concentration/Skeâe«elee  
 (b) Congregation/meceeiece 
 (c) Prayer/ØeeLe&vee  
 (d) Meditation/OÙeeve  
10.  Select the Venn diagram that best illustrates 
the relationship between the following classes. 
  Snakes, Reptiles, Poisonous, 
  oer ieF& ßesefCeÙeeW kesâ yeerÛe meJe&ßes‰ mebyebOe keâes oMee&ves Jeeues 
Jesve DeejsKe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~  
  meeBhe, mejerme=he, penjerues  
11.  Two different positions of the same dice are 
shown. Which number will be at the top if 4 is 
at the bottom./Skeâ ner heemes keâer oes efYeVe efmLeefleÙeeW keâes 
oMee&Ùee ieÙee nw~ Ùeefo mebKÙee 4 efveÛeues heâuekeâ hej nw lees 
Thejer heâuekeâ hej keâewve-meer mebKÙee efoKeeF& osieer?  
 (a) 3 (b) 6 
 (c) 1 (d) 5 
12.  Select the set in which the numbers are related 
in the same way as are the numbers of the 
following set./Gme mecegÛÛeÙe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW 
mebKÙeeSb Gmeer lejn Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej 
mebKÙeeSb veerÛes efoS ieS mecegÛÛeÙe ceW Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele 
  (5, 13, 12) 
 (a) (15,19,13)  (b) (13,17,11)  
 (c) (11,15,9) (d) (6,10,8) 
13.  Which number will replace the question mark 
(?) in the following series?/veerÛes oer ieF& ßeb=Keuee ceW 
ØeMve efÛevn (?) kesâ mLeeve hej keâewve-meer mebKÙee DeeSieer? 
  98, 95, 86, 82, 66, ?, 36 
 (a) 61 (b) 58  
 (c) 60 (d) 63 
14.  Which two signs should be interchanged in the 
following equation to make it correct?/veerÛes efoS 
ieS meceerkeâjCe keâes mener keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâve oes efÛevneW 
keâes Deeheme ceW yeouee peevee ÛeeefnS~  
  10 + 5 ÷10 × 8 - 10 = 16 
 (a) ÷ and ×/÷ Deewj × (b) × and +/× Deewj + 
 (c) – and +/– Deewj + (d) + and ÷/+ Deewj ÷ 
15.  Select the set in which the numbers are related 
in the same way as are the numbers of the 
following set./Gme mecegÛÛeÙe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW 
mebKÙeeSb Gmeer lejn Deeheme ceW meyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej 
mebKÙeeSb veerÛes efoS ieS mecegÛÛeÙe ceW Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele 
  (8, 12, 24) 
 (a) (6, 9, 18) (b) (12, 20, 40) 
 (c) (9, 18, 27) (d) (6, 10, 18) 
16.  Three of the following four letter-clusters are 
alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick 
the odd one out. 
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej-De#ej mecetneW ceW mes leerve De#ej-mecetn 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâ meceeve nQ Deewj Skeâ Demeceeve nw~ 
Demeceeve De#ej-mecetn keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~  
 (a) RQST  (b) FGHJ  
 (c) CBDE (d) MLNO 
17.  Select the option that is related to the third 
letter-cluster in the same way as the second 
letter-cluster is related to the first letter-
cluster./Gme efJekeâuhe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS pees leermejs 
De#ej-mecetn mes Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw efpeme Øekeâej 
otmeje De#ej-mecetn henues De#ej mecetn mes mebyebefOele nw~  
  MNOP : LONQ :: FGHI : ? 
 (a) DHGK  (b) EHGJ 
 (c) EGHJ (d) GFIJ 
18.  Select the combination of letters that when 
sequentially placed in the gaps of the given 
letter series will complete the series./ Gme 
De#ej mebÙeespeve keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemes veerÛes oer ieF& 
De#ej ßeb=Keuee kesâ efjòeâ mLeeveeW hej ›eâceevegmeej jKeves mes 
oer ieF& ßeb=Keuee hetCe& nes peeS~  
 (a) dacbd (b) bdabc 
 (c) cadbc (d) dcbac 
19.  Select the correct mirror image of the given 
figure when the mirror is placed to the right of 
the figure./Ùeefo veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle kesâ oeSb Deesj 
ohe&Ce jKee peeS lees yeveves Jeeues mener ohe&Ce Øeefleefyebye keâe 
ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~  
20.  Select the figure that will come next in the 
following figure series./efvecveefueefKele Deeke=âefle 
ßeb=Keuee ceW Deeves Jeeueer Deieueer Deeke=âefle keâe ÛeÙeve 
21.  Select the option in which the given figure is 
embedded./Gme efJekeâuhe keâe ÛeÙeve keâjW efpemeceW oer ieF& 
Deeke=âefle Debleefve&efnle nw~  
22.  Arrange the following words in a logical and 
meaningful order./efvecveefueefKele MeyoeW keâes Skeâ 
leeefke&âkeâ SJeb DeLe&hetCe& ›eâce ceW JÙeJeefmLele keâerefpeS~  
 (1) Student/efJeÅeeLeea   (2) Job/veewkeâjer 
 (3) Interview/mee#eelkeâej (4) Education/efMe#ee 
 (5) Retirement/mesJeeefveJe=efòe (6) Degree/GheeefOe 
 (a) 5,3,2,1,4,6 (b) 1,5,3,6,4,2 
 (c) 3,5,4,6,1,2 (d) 1,4,6,3,2,5 
23.  Three of the following four words are alike in a 
certain way and one is different. Pick the odd 
word out./ efvecveefueefKele Ûeej MeyoeW ceW leerve Meyo 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâmeceeve nQ Deewj Skeâ Meyo Demeceeve nw~ 
Demeceeve Meyo keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS~  
 (a) Mahanadi/ceneveoer  (b) Krishna/ke=â<Cee 
 (c) Tapti/leehleer (d) Godavari/ieesoeJejer  
24.  How many squares are there in the following 
figure?/veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle ceW efkeâleves Jeie& nQ? 
 (a) 18  (b) 12  
 (c) 14 (d) 16 
25.  Select the word-pair in which the two words 
are related in the same way, as are the two 
words in the following word-pair.  
  Apathy : Energy 
  efvecveefueefKele efoS ieS efJekeâuheeW ceW mes Gme Meyo Ùegice keâe 
ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS pees Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nQ 
efpeme Øekeâej veerÛes efueKes ieS Meyo Ûegice kesâ oesveeW Meyo 
Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ~  
  Goemeervelee : Glmeen 
 (a) Treaty : Amity/mebefOe Š efce$elee 
  (b) Battle : Attack/Ùegæ Š nceuee 
 (c) Enrollment : Employment/veeceebkeâve Š mesJeeÙeespeve 
 (d) Decry : Respect/efveboe Š Deeoj  
General Awareness 
26.  Which of the following metals is the most 
reactive metal?  
  efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-meer OeelegDeeW ceW meyemes DeefOekeâ 
Øeefleef›eâÙeeMeerue Oeeleg nw?  
 (a) Calcium /kewâefuMeÙece (b) Copper /leebyee 
 (c) Zinc /pemlee (d) Iron /ueesne 
27.  Who among the following was a slave of 
Muhammad Ghori? He became the ruler after 
the death of his master and founded the slave 
  efvecveefueefKele ceW mes cegncceo ieewjer keâe iegueece keâewve Lee? 
Jen Deheves mJeeceer keâer ce=lÙeg kesâ yeeo Meemekeâ yevee Deewj 
Gmeves iegueece JebMe keâer mLeehevee keâer~  
 (a) Qutub-ud-din Aibak /kegâlegye-Go-oerve Ssyekeâ  
 (b) Nasir-ud-din Mahamud/veeefmej-Go-oerve cenceto   
 (c) Iltutmish /FulegleefceMe  
 (d) Ghiyas ud din Balban /efieÙeeme Go oerve yeueyeve  
28.  The Badami Chalukyas first had their capital 
at ____ before they moved it to Badami.  
  yeeoeceer ÛeeuegkeäÙeeW kesâ yeeoeceer peeves mes henues Gvekeâer 
jepeOeeveer .......... Leer~  
 (a) Hubli /ngyeueer   (b) Pattadakal /heóekeâue   
 (c) Bijapur /yeerpeehegj  (d) Aihole/Ssnesue  
29.  In February 2019, India won ____ gold medal/s 
and five silver demals at the Makran Cup 
Boxing in Chabahar, Iran.  
  HeâjJejer 2019 ceW, F&jeve kesâ Ûeeyenej ceW cekeâjeve keâhe 
cegkeäkesâyeepeer ceW Yeejle ves ........... mJeCe& heokeâ Deewj heebÛe 
jpele heokeâ peerles~  
 (a) Four/Ûeej   (b) Three/leerve   
 (c) Two /oes  (d) One /Skeâ 
30.  Which is the longest National Highway in 
  Yeejle keâe meyemes uebyee je<š^erÙe jepeceeie& keâewve-mee nw?  
 (a) National Highway 44 /je<š^erÙe jepeceeie& 44  
 (b) National Highway 48 /je<š^erÙe jepeceeie& 48  
 (c) National Highway 53 /je<š^erÙe jepeceeie& 53 
 (d) National Highway 27 /je<š^erÙe jepeceeie& 27 
31.  Which of the following metals is the most 
ductile metal?  
  efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve meer Oeeleg meyemes DeefOekeâ 
cegueeÙece Oeeleg nw?  
 (a) Copper /leebyee   (b) Aluminium /SuÙegefceefveÙece   
 (c) Gold /meesvee  (d) Tin /efšve  
32.  Which Indian received the Nobel Peace Prize 
after Mother Teresa?  
  ceoj šsjsmee kesâ yeeo efkeâme YeejleerÙe ves veesyesue Meebefle 
hegjmkeâej Øeehle efkeâÙee?  
 (a) P Sathasivam /heer meoeefMeJece   
 (b) Fali Nariman /Heâeueer vejerceve   
 (c) Kailash Satyarthi /kewâueeMe melÙeeLeea  
 (d) K Radhakrishnan /kesâ jeOeeke=â<Ceve  
33.  In February 2019, ____ won a Gold medal at 
the Makran Cup in Chabahar, Iran.  
  HeâjJejer 2019 ceW F&jeve kesâ Ûeeyenej ceW cekeâjeve keâhe ceW 
–––––– ves mJeCe& heokeâ peerlee~  
 (a) Manish Kaushik /ceveer<e keâewefMekeâ   
 (b) Satish Kumar/meleerMe kegâceej   
 (c) Rohit Tokas /jesefnle šeskeâme  
 (d) Deepak Singh /oerhekeâ efmebn  
34.  _____, which connects Sikkim with Tibet, was 
closed after the Chinese aggression on India in 
1962 but was reopened in 2006 as the 
governments of the two countries decided to 
enhance their trade through land routes.  
  efmeefkeäkeâce keâes efleyyele mes peesÌ[ves Jeeues Gme ojx keâe keäÙee 
veece nw, efpemes 1962 ceW Yeejle hej Ûeerveer Dee›eâceCe kesâ 
yeeo yebo keâj efoÙee ieÙee Lee uesefkeâve 2006 ceW Gmes efHeâj 
mes Keesue efoÙee ieÙee keäÙeeWefkeâ oesveeW  osMeeW keâer mejkeâejeW ves 
Yetefce ceeieeX kesâ ceeOÙece mes Deheves JÙeeheej keâes yeÌ{eves keâe 
efveCe&Ùe efueÙee Lee~  
 (a) Nathu La /veeLet uee   (b) Imis La /Fefceme uee   
 (c) Pensi La /hesefvme uee  (d) Lanak La /ueevekeâ uee 
35.  Name the Indian Space Research Organisation 
(ISRO) chairman and Padma Bhushan 
awardee who creted and unleashed a historical 
moment when Mars Orbiter became the first 
Indian spacecraft to enter Martian orbit in a 
maiden attempt.  
  YeejleerÙe Debleefj#e DevegmebOeeve mebie"ve (Fmejes) kesâ 
DeOÙe#e Deewj he©eYet<eCe hegjmkeâej efJepeslee keâe veece yeleeSb 
efpevneWves Gme Ssefleneefmekeâ #eCe keâes JeemleefJekeâlee yeveeÙee 
peye ceeme& Dee@efye&šj efkeâmeer ØeLece ØeÙeeme ceW cebieue «en keâer 
keâ#ee ceW ØeJesMe keâjves Jeeuee henuee YeejleerÙe Debleefj#e 
Ùeeve yevee Lee~  
 (a) Nandan Nilekani /vebove veerueskeâefCe   
 (b) K Radhakrishnan /kesâ jeOeeke=â<Ceve   
 (c) Fali Nariman /Heâeueer vejerceve  
 (d) Sundar Pichai /megboj efheÛeeF&  
36.  Which was the first Muslim dynasty that ruled 
  Yeejle hej Meemeve keâjves Jeeuee henuee cegefmuece jepeJebMe 
keâewve Lee?  
 (a) Khilji Dynasty /efKeuepeer jepeJebMe   
 (b) Slave Dynasty /iegueece jepeJebMe   
 (c) Lodhi Dynasty /ueesOeer jepeJebMe  
 (d) Tughlaq Dynasty /legieuekeâ jepeJebMe  
37.  ____ was the first Muslim ruler whose empire 
covered almost the whole of India up to its 
extreme south.  
  henuee cegefmuece Meemekeâ keâewve Lee efpemekeâe meeceüepÙe Yeejle 
kesâ megotj oef#eCe meefnle ueieYeie mebhetCe& Yeejle ceW Hewâuee 
 (a) Alauddin Khilji /DeueeGöerve efKeuepeer   
 (b) Ghiyas ud din Balban/efieÙeeme Go oerve yeueyeve  
 (c) Feroz Shah Tughlaq/efHeâjespe Meen legieuekeâ  
 (d) Jalal-ud-din Khilji /peueeue-Go-oerve efKeuepeer  
38.  Where is the Bandipur National Park located?  
  yeeboerhegj je<š^erÙe GÅeeve keâneB efmLele nw?  
 (a) Kerala/kesâjue  (b) Gujarat/iegpejele  
 (c) Sikkim/efmeefkeäkeâce (d) Karnataka/keâvee&škeâ  
39.  The popular Bagh cave paintings are found in?  
  ueeskeâefØeÙe yeeIe iegHeâe efÛe$ekeâejer efkeâme jepÙe ceW heeF& peeleer 
 (a) Odisha/Deesef[Mee  
 (b) Himachal Pradesh/efnceeÛeue ØeosMe   
 (c) Sikkim/efmeefkeäkeâce  
 (d) Madhya Pradesh/ceOÙe ØeosMe  
40.  Who was awarded the Rabindranath Tagore 
Literary Prize 2019 for the Novel 'Solo'?  
  ‘meesuees’ GhevÙeeme kesâ efueS efkeâme uesKekeâ keâes jefJevõveeLe 
šwieesj meeefneflÙekeâ hegjmkeâej 2019 mes mecceeefvele efkeâÙee 
 (a) Jhumpa Lahiri /Pegchee uenjer   
 (b) Nayanjyot Mukherjee /veÙevepeesle cegKepeea   
 (c) Amitabh Ghosh /DeefceleeYe Iees<e  
 (d) Rana Dasgupta /jeCee oeme ieghlee  
41.  World ..... Day 2019 was observed on 22nd 
March with the theme 'Leaving no one behind' 
to focus on marginalised groups.  
  ‘keâesF& heerÚs ve jns’ Leerce kesâ meeLe 22 ceeÛe&, 2019 keâes 
efJeÕe ............... efoJeme neefMeS hej jnves Jeeues mecetneW hej 
OÙeeve keWâefõle keâjves kesâ efueS ceveeÙee ieÙee~  
 (a) Water /peue  
 (b) Environment /heÙee&JejCe   
 (c) Forest/Jeve  
 (d) Petroleum/hesš^esefueÙece  
42.  Which of the following destroys Ozone layer?  
  efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve-mee heoeLe& Deespeesve hejle keâes 
ve° keâjlee nw?  
 (a) Silicon /efmeefuekeâe@ve   (b) Sulphur /meuHeâj   
 (c) Carbon /keâeye&ve  (d) Chlorine /keäueesjerve  
43.  What is deposited on iron in the process of 
  efyepeueer mes Oeeleg ÛeÌ{evee (iewuJeveerkeâjCe) keâer Øeef›eâÙee ceW 
ueesns hej keäÙee pece peelee nw?  
 (a) Copper/leebyee   (b) Tin/efšve   
 (c) Zinc /pemlee  (d) Aluminium/SuÙegefceefveÙece  
44.  Which of the following ministries implemented 
the Midday Meal scheme?  
  efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme ceb$eeueÙe ves ceOÙeeÖ Yeespeve 
Ùeespevee ueeiet keâer?  
 (a) Ministry of Human Resource Development  
  ceeveJe mebmeeOeve efJekeâeme ceb$eeueÙe   
 (b) MInistry of Social Justice and Empowerment  
  meeceeefpekeâ vÙeeÙe Deewj DeefOekeâeefjlee ceb$eeueÙe   
 (c) Ministry of Social Welfare  
  meceepe keâuÙeeCe ceb$eeueÙe  
 (d) Ministry of Home Affairs /ie=n ceb$eeueÙe  
45.  Who founded and named the science of 
  efJeÅegle ÛegbyekeâlJe efJe%eeve keâer Keespe Deewj Gmekeâe 
veecekeâjCe efkeâmeves efkeâÙee?  
 (a) Michael Faraday /ceeFkeâue Hewâje[s   
 (b) Hans Christian Oersted /nQme ef›eâef§eÙeve Deesme&šs[   
 (c) Andre Marie Ampere/Deebõs cewjer SefcheÙej 
 (d) James Clerk /pescme keäueke&â  
46.  Right to move freely throughout the territory 
of India' is a fundamental right under ____ of 
the Constitution of India.  
  mebhetCe& Yeejle kesâ Yet-Yeeie ceW cegòeâ ™he mes DeeJeeieceve 
keâjves keâe DeefOekeâej YeejleerÙe mebefJeOeeve kesâ efkeâme 
DevegÛÚso kesâ Debleie&le ceewefuekeâ DeefOekeâej nw~ 
 (a) Article 19 /DevegÛÚso 19  
 (b) Article 24/DevegÛÚso 24  
 (c) Article 21 /DevegÛÚso 21 
 (d) Article 14/DevegÛÚso 14 
47.  The colourful art named Nandna block print, 
which uses graceful yet aligned arrangements 
of motifs on fabric, is practised in Tarapur 
village of _______.  
  vebove yuee@keâ efØebš veecekeâ jbie efyejbieer Jen keâuee, efpemeceW 
HewâefyeÇkeâ hej ™heebkeâveeW kesâ megMeesefYele SJeb mebjsefKele 
efJevÙeemees keâe GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw, –––– jepÙe kesâ 
leejehegj ieebJe ceW osKeer peeleer nw~   
 (a) Odisha /Deesef[Mee   
 (b) Madhya Pradesh /ceOÙe ØeosMe   
 (c) Maharashtra /ceneje<š^  
 (d) Uttarakhand /GòejeKeb[  
48.  Lok Adalats have been created under.........  
  ueeskeâ DeoeueleW efkeâmekesâ DeOeerve yeveeF& ieF& nw?  
 (a) Legal Conciliation Act /keâevetveer meguen DeefOeefveÙece   
 (b) Legal Services Authority Act 
  efJeefOekeâ mesJee ØeeefOekeâjCe DeefOeefveÙece   
 (c) Administration of Justice Act  
  vÙeeÙe DeefOeefveÙece keâe ØeMeemeve  
 (d) Arbitration and Conciliation Act  
  hebÛeeš Deewj meguen DeefOeefveÙece  
49.  Which of the following does NOT come under 
the Quarternary sector?  
  efvecveefueefKele ceW me keâewve-mee ÛelegLe& #ess$e kesâ Debleie&le veneR 
Deelee nw?  
 (a) Fisheries /ceÚueer heeueve   
 (b) Information Technology /metÛevee ØeewÅeesefiekeâer   
 (c) Manufacturing /efJeefvecee&Ce  
 (d) Mining /Keveve  
50.  International Day of Forests 2019 was observed 
on 21st March with the theme _____ to raise 
awareness on how sustainably managed forests 
provide a wide array of contributions.  
  21 ceeÛe& keâes ceveeS peeves Jeeues Devleje&°^erÙe Jeve efoJeme 
keâer cegKÙe Leerce keäÙee Leer? 
 (a) Forests and Environment. /Jeve Deewj heÙee&JejCe   
 (b) Pollution-Free Forests /Øeot<eCe cegòeâ Jeve   
 (c) Forests Our Saviour /Jeve nceejs j#ekeâ  
 (d) Forests and Education /Jeve Deewj efMe#ee  
Quantitative Aptitude 
51. If 12cot
? ? ? ? – 31cosec? ? ? ? + 32 = 0, 0
 < ? ? ? ? < 90
then the values of tan ? ? ? ? will be : 
 Ùeefo 12cot
? ? ? ? – 31cosec? ? ? ? + 32 = 0, 0
 < ? ? ? ? < 90
lees tan? ? ? ? kesâ ceeve nQ– 
4 4
5 3
4 5 7
5 7
5 4
4 3
4 3 7
3 7
52. If the 8-digit number 2074x4y2 is divisible by 
88, then the value of (4x + 3y) is : 
 Ùeefo 8-DebkeâeW keâer mebKÙee 2074x4y2, 88 mes efJeYeepÙe 
nw, lees (4x + 3y) keâe ceeve nw– 
 (a) 45 (b) 49 
 (c) 42 (d) 36 
53. A and B are travelling towards each other from 
the points P and Q respectively, After crossing 
each other, A and B take 
 hours and 8 
hours, respectively to reach their destinations 
Q and P, respectively. If the speed of B is 16.8 
km/h, then the speed (in km/h) of A is:      
 A Deewj B ›eâceMe: P Deewj Q kesâ efyebogDeeW mes Skeâ otmejs 
keâer Deesj Ùee$ee keâj jns nQ~ Skeâ otmejs keâes heej keâjves kesâ 
yeeo, A Deewj B ›eâceMe: Deheves iebleJÙe Q Deewj P lekeâ 
hengBÛeves kesâ efueS ›eâceMe: 
 Iebšs Deewj 8 Iebšs keâe meceÙe 
uesles nQ~ Ùeefo B keâer ieefle 16.8 km/h nw, lees A keâer ieefle 
(km/h) nQ– 
 (a) 19.8 (b) 20.4 
 (c) 19.2 (d) 20.8 
54. When x is subtracted from each of 21, 22, 60 
and 64, the numbers so obtained, in this order, 
are in proportion. What is the mean 
proportional between (x + 1 and (7x + 8)?   
 Ùeefo 21, 22, 60 Deewj 64 ceW mes, ØelÙeskeâ mes x IešeÙee 
peelee nw lees Fme ›eâce ceW Øeehle mebKÙeeSB meceevegheele ceW nQ~ 
(x + 1) Deewj (7x + 8) kesâ yeerÛe ceOÙeevegheeleer (mean 
proportional) keäÙee nesiee? 
 (a) 24 (b) 21 
 (c) 18 (d) 27 
55. Pipes A and B can fill a tank in one hour and 
two hours respectively while pipe C can empty 
the filled up tank in one hour and fifteen 
minutes. A and C are turned on together at 9 
am After 2 hours, only A is closed and B is 
turned on. When will the tank be emptied?     
 heeFhe A Deewj B ›eâceMe: Skeâ Iebšs Deewj oes Iebšs ceW Skeâ 
šQkeâ Yej mekeâles nw peyeefkeâ heeFhe C Yejs ngS šQkeâ keâes Skeâ 
Iebšs Deewj hebõn efceveš ceW Keeueer keâj mekeâlee nw~ A Deewj 
C keâes 9 am hej Skeâ meeLe Ûeeuet efkeâÙee peelee nw~ 2 Iebšs 
kesâ yeeo, kesâJeue A keâes yebo keâj efoÙee peelee nw Deewj B 
keâes Ûeeuet keâj efoÙee peelee nw~ šQkeâ keâye Keeueer nesiee? 
 (a) 10:30 am (b) 12:20 pm 
 (c) 11:30 am (d) 12:10 pm 
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