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SSC CGL Tier 1 (7 June) Shift 1 Past Year Paper (2018) | SSC CGL (Hindi) Tier - 1 Mock Test Series PDF Download

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SSC CGL (TIER-I) Online hejer#ee 2018 
JÙeeKÙee meefnle nue ØeMve-he$e (Shift-I) 
General Intelligence and Reasoning 
1.  Select the word-pair in which the two words 
are related in the same way as the two words in 
the following word-pair.  
  efvecveefueefKele efoS ieS efJekeâuheeW ceW mes Gme Meyo Ùegice keâe 
ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS pees Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nQ 
efpeme Øekeâej veerÛes efueKes ieS Meyo Ùegice Deeheme ceW 
mebyebefOele nQ: 
  Grief : Consolation/ogKe : meeblJevee 
 (a) Happiness : Excitation/KegMeer : Gòespevee  
 (b) Drought : Famine/metKee : Dekeâeue  
 (c) Planet : Revolution/«en : heefj›eâceCe 
 (d) Pain : Sedative/oo& : Meecekeâ 
2.  Arrange the following words in a logical and 
meaningful order.  
  efvecveefueefKele MeyoeW keâes Skeâ leeefke&âkeâ SJeb DeLe&hetCe& ›eâce 
ceW JÙeJeefmLele keâerefpeS~ 
 1. Probation/heefjJeer#ee 2. Promotion/heoesvveefle 
 3. Job/veewkeâjer 4. Interview/mee#eelkeâej 
 5. Confirmation/mLeeÙeerkeâjCe 
 (a) 5, 4, 2, 1, 3  (b) 4, 1, 2, 5, 3 
 (c) 4, 3, 1, 5, 2 (d) 5, 1, 4, 2, 3 
3.  Choose the Venn diagram that best illustrates 
the relationship among the following classes : 
  Crocodiles, Aquatic animals, Reptiles 
  oer ieF& ßesefCeÙeeW kesâ yeerÛe meJe&ßes<" mebyebOe keâes oMee&ves Jeeues 
Jesve DeejsKe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS– 
  ceiejceÛÚ, peueerÙe pebleg, mejerme=he 
4.  Select the figure that will come next in the 
following figure series.  
  efvecveefueefKele Deeke=âefle ßeb=Keuee ceW Deeves Jeeueer Deeke=âefle 
keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS– 
5.  Select the number pair in which the two 
numbers are related in the same way as the two 
numbers of the given below.  
  Gme mebKÙee Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW oesveeW 
mebKÙeeSb Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej 
veerÛes efoS ieS mebKÙee Ùegice keâer oesveeW mebKÙeeSb Deeheme ceW 
mebyebefOele nQ– 
  35 : 5 
 (a) 99 : 10 (b) 48 : 7  
 (c) 63 : 7 (d) 135 : 12 
6.  A letter series is given below in which some 
letters are missing. Select the option that gives 
the letters that can fill these blanks in that 
  Gme De#ej mebÙeespeve keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemes veerÛes oer ieF& 
De#ej ßeb=Keuee kesâ efjkeäle mLeeveeW hej ›eâceevegmeej jKeves mes 
oer ieF& ßeb=Keuee hetCe& nes peeS– 
 (a) cbcad (b) cbacc  
 (c) bcabc (d) abbdc 
7.  Choose the set of numbers that is similar to the 
following set.  
  Gme mecegÛÛeÙe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW mebKÙeeSb Gmeer 
lejn Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej mebKÙeeSb veerÛes 
efoS ieS mecegÛÛeÙe ceW Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ– 
  (4, 12, 16) 
 (a) (16, 20, 25)  (b) (36, 25, 49)  
 (c) (81, 36, 9) (d) (64, 36, 100) 
(hejer#ee efleefLe : 07.06.2019) 
Page 2

SSC CGL (TIER-I) Online hejer#ee 2018 
JÙeeKÙee meefnle nue ØeMve-he$e (Shift-I) 
General Intelligence and Reasoning 
1.  Select the word-pair in which the two words 
are related in the same way as the two words in 
the following word-pair.  
  efvecveefueefKele efoS ieS efJekeâuheeW ceW mes Gme Meyo Ùegice keâe 
ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS pees Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nQ 
efpeme Øekeâej veerÛes efueKes ieS Meyo Ùegice Deeheme ceW 
mebyebefOele nQ: 
  Grief : Consolation/ogKe : meeblJevee 
 (a) Happiness : Excitation/KegMeer : Gòespevee  
 (b) Drought : Famine/metKee : Dekeâeue  
 (c) Planet : Revolution/«en : heefj›eâceCe 
 (d) Pain : Sedative/oo& : Meecekeâ 
2.  Arrange the following words in a logical and 
meaningful order.  
  efvecveefueefKele MeyoeW keâes Skeâ leeefke&âkeâ SJeb DeLe&hetCe& ›eâce 
ceW JÙeJeefmLele keâerefpeS~ 
 1. Probation/heefjJeer#ee 2. Promotion/heoesvveefle 
 3. Job/veewkeâjer 4. Interview/mee#eelkeâej 
 5. Confirmation/mLeeÙeerkeâjCe 
 (a) 5, 4, 2, 1, 3  (b) 4, 1, 2, 5, 3 
 (c) 4, 3, 1, 5, 2 (d) 5, 1, 4, 2, 3 
3.  Choose the Venn diagram that best illustrates 
the relationship among the following classes : 
  Crocodiles, Aquatic animals, Reptiles 
  oer ieF& ßesefCeÙeeW kesâ yeerÛe meJe&ßes<" mebyebOe keâes oMee&ves Jeeues 
Jesve DeejsKe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS– 
  ceiejceÛÚ, peueerÙe pebleg, mejerme=he 
4.  Select the figure that will come next in the 
following figure series.  
  efvecveefueefKele Deeke=âefle ßeb=Keuee ceW Deeves Jeeueer Deeke=âefle 
keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS– 
5.  Select the number pair in which the two 
numbers are related in the same way as the two 
numbers of the given below.  
  Gme mebKÙee Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW oesveeW 
mebKÙeeSb Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej 
veerÛes efoS ieS mebKÙee Ùegice keâer oesveeW mebKÙeeSb Deeheme ceW 
mebyebefOele nQ– 
  35 : 5 
 (a) 99 : 10 (b) 48 : 7  
 (c) 63 : 7 (d) 135 : 12 
6.  A letter series is given below in which some 
letters are missing. Select the option that gives 
the letters that can fill these blanks in that 
  Gme De#ej mebÙeespeve keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemes veerÛes oer ieF& 
De#ej ßeb=Keuee kesâ efjkeäle mLeeveeW hej ›eâceevegmeej jKeves mes 
oer ieF& ßeb=Keuee hetCe& nes peeS– 
 (a) cbcad (b) cbacc  
 (c) bcabc (d) abbdc 
7.  Choose the set of numbers that is similar to the 
following set.  
  Gme mecegÛÛeÙe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW mebKÙeeSb Gmeer 
lejn Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej mebKÙeeSb veerÛes 
efoS ieS mecegÛÛeÙe ceW Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ– 
  (4, 12, 16) 
 (a) (16, 20, 25)  (b) (36, 25, 49)  
 (c) (81, 36, 9) (d) (64, 36, 100) 
(hejer#ee efleefLe : 07.06.2019) 
8.  A square is folded and cut as shown below. 
How will it appear when unfolded?  
  Skeâ Jeiee&keâej keâeiepe keâes ceesÌ[e ieÙee Deewj veerÛes oMee&S 
ieS Devegmeej keâeše ieÙee nw~ Fmes Keesueves hej Ùen kewâmee 
efoKeeF& osiee– 
9.  In a family of eight persons with two couples, P 
is the son of Q and brother of R, S is the 
daughter of M, who is married to R, T is the 
aunt of S and mother of V. R's nephew W is the 
son of P and has a sister V. How is V related to 
  Dee" JÙeefkeäleÙeeW kesâ Skeâ heefjJeej ceW oes efJeJeeefnle peesÌ[s nQ, 
P, Q keâe heg$e Deewj R keâe YeeF& nw~ S, M keâer heg$eer nw, M 
keâe efJeJeen R mes ngDee nw~ T, S keâer Deebšer Deewj V keâer 
ceeB nw~ R keâe Yeleerpee W, P keâe heg$e nw Deewj W keâer 
yenve V nw~ V keâe M mes keäÙee mebyebOe nw– 
 (a) Niece/Yeleerpeer  
 (b) Daughter/heg$eer  
 (c) Cousin sister/ÛeÛesjer yenve 
 (d) Nephew/Yeleerpee 
10.  Three of the four numbers are alike in a 
certain way and one is different. Pick the odd 
number out.  
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej mebKÙeeDeeW ceW mes leerve mebKÙeeSb efkeâmeer 
Øekeâej Skeâmeceeve nw Deewj Skeâ mebKÙee Demeceeve nw~ Gme 
Demeceeve mebKÙee keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS– 
 (a) 544 (b) 143  
 (c) 416 (d) 325 
11.  Three of the following four words are alike in a 
certain way and one is different. Pick the odd 
word out.  
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej MeyoeW ceW mes leerve Meyo efkeâmeer Øekeâej 
mes Skeâmeceeve nQ Deewj Skeâ Meyo Demeceeve nw~ Demeceeve 
Meyo keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS– 
 (a) Horde/YeerÌ[  (b) Mask/cegKeewše  
 (c) Conceal/efÚheevee (d) Camouflage/#e©eeJejCe 
12.  Two statements are followed by three 
conclusions numbered I, II and III Assuming 
the statements to be true, even if they do not 
conform to real-world knowledge, decide which 
of the conclusions logically follows from the 
  veerÛes oes keâLeve efoS ieS nQ Deewj Gmekesâ yeeo efve<keâ<e& I, 
II Deewj III efoS ieS nQ~ keâLeve keâes melÙe ceeveles ngS, 
Ûeens Jen meeceevÙele: %eele leLÙeeW mes efYevve Øeleerle nesles nes, 
Deehekeâes Ùen efveCe&Ùe keâjvee nw efkeâ efoS ieS keâLeveeW ceW 
keâewve-mee efve<keâ<e& leke&âmebiele ™he mes efvekeâuelee nw– 
  All knives are instruments/meYeer Ûeeketâ Deewpeej nQ~ 
  Some cutters are knives/kegâÚ keâšj Ûeeketâ nQ~ 
 I. Some cutters are instruments/kegâÚ keâšj Deewpeej 
 II. All knives are cutters/meYeer Ûeeketâ keâšj nQ~ 
 III. Some knives are not instruments/kegâÚ Ûeeketâ 
Deewpeej veneR nQ~ 
 (a) Only conclusion I follows/kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& I 
efvekeâuelee nw~  
 (b) Only conclusion III follows/kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& III 
efvekeâuelee nw~  
 (c) None of the conclusions follows /FveceW mes keâesF& 
efve<keâ<e& veneR efvekeâuelee nw~ 
 (d) Only conclusion II follows/kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& II 
efvekeâuelee nw~ 
13.  Choose the set of number that is similar to the 
following set.  
  Gme mecegÛÛeÙe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW mebKÙeeSb Gmeer 
lejn Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej mebKÙeeSb veerÛes 
efoS ieS mecegÛÛeÙe ceW Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ– 
  (8, 28, 6) 
 (a) (5, 26, 9) (b) (3, 20, 7)  
 (c) (12, 48, 14) (d) (17, 70, 13) 
14.  'Study' is related to 'Knowledge' in the same 
way that 'Work' is related to :  
  efpeme Øekeâej ‘DeOÙeÙeve’ keâe mebyebOe ‘%eeve’ mes nw Gmeer 
Øekeâej ‘keâeÙe&’ keâe mebyebOe ‘...........’ mes nw– 
 (a) Employment/jespeieej  
 (b) Training/ØeefMe#eCe  
 (c) Salary/Jesleve 
 (d) Experience/DevegYeJe 
Page 3

SSC CGL (TIER-I) Online hejer#ee 2018 
JÙeeKÙee meefnle nue ØeMve-he$e (Shift-I) 
General Intelligence and Reasoning 
1.  Select the word-pair in which the two words 
are related in the same way as the two words in 
the following word-pair.  
  efvecveefueefKele efoS ieS efJekeâuheeW ceW mes Gme Meyo Ùegice keâe 
ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS pees Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nQ 
efpeme Øekeâej veerÛes efueKes ieS Meyo Ùegice Deeheme ceW 
mebyebefOele nQ: 
  Grief : Consolation/ogKe : meeblJevee 
 (a) Happiness : Excitation/KegMeer : Gòespevee  
 (b) Drought : Famine/metKee : Dekeâeue  
 (c) Planet : Revolution/«en : heefj›eâceCe 
 (d) Pain : Sedative/oo& : Meecekeâ 
2.  Arrange the following words in a logical and 
meaningful order.  
  efvecveefueefKele MeyoeW keâes Skeâ leeefke&âkeâ SJeb DeLe&hetCe& ›eâce 
ceW JÙeJeefmLele keâerefpeS~ 
 1. Probation/heefjJeer#ee 2. Promotion/heoesvveefle 
 3. Job/veewkeâjer 4. Interview/mee#eelkeâej 
 5. Confirmation/mLeeÙeerkeâjCe 
 (a) 5, 4, 2, 1, 3  (b) 4, 1, 2, 5, 3 
 (c) 4, 3, 1, 5, 2 (d) 5, 1, 4, 2, 3 
3.  Choose the Venn diagram that best illustrates 
the relationship among the following classes : 
  Crocodiles, Aquatic animals, Reptiles 
  oer ieF& ßesefCeÙeeW kesâ yeerÛe meJe&ßes<" mebyebOe keâes oMee&ves Jeeues 
Jesve DeejsKe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS– 
  ceiejceÛÚ, peueerÙe pebleg, mejerme=he 
4.  Select the figure that will come next in the 
following figure series.  
  efvecveefueefKele Deeke=âefle ßeb=Keuee ceW Deeves Jeeueer Deeke=âefle 
keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS– 
5.  Select the number pair in which the two 
numbers are related in the same way as the two 
numbers of the given below.  
  Gme mebKÙee Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW oesveeW 
mebKÙeeSb Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej 
veerÛes efoS ieS mebKÙee Ùegice keâer oesveeW mebKÙeeSb Deeheme ceW 
mebyebefOele nQ– 
  35 : 5 
 (a) 99 : 10 (b) 48 : 7  
 (c) 63 : 7 (d) 135 : 12 
6.  A letter series is given below in which some 
letters are missing. Select the option that gives 
the letters that can fill these blanks in that 
  Gme De#ej mebÙeespeve keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemes veerÛes oer ieF& 
De#ej ßeb=Keuee kesâ efjkeäle mLeeveeW hej ›eâceevegmeej jKeves mes 
oer ieF& ßeb=Keuee hetCe& nes peeS– 
 (a) cbcad (b) cbacc  
 (c) bcabc (d) abbdc 
7.  Choose the set of numbers that is similar to the 
following set.  
  Gme mecegÛÛeÙe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW mebKÙeeSb Gmeer 
lejn Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej mebKÙeeSb veerÛes 
efoS ieS mecegÛÛeÙe ceW Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ– 
  (4, 12, 16) 
 (a) (16, 20, 25)  (b) (36, 25, 49)  
 (c) (81, 36, 9) (d) (64, 36, 100) 
(hejer#ee efleefLe : 07.06.2019) 
8.  A square is folded and cut as shown below. 
How will it appear when unfolded?  
  Skeâ Jeiee&keâej keâeiepe keâes ceesÌ[e ieÙee Deewj veerÛes oMee&S 
ieS Devegmeej keâeše ieÙee nw~ Fmes Keesueves hej Ùen kewâmee 
efoKeeF& osiee– 
9.  In a family of eight persons with two couples, P 
is the son of Q and brother of R, S is the 
daughter of M, who is married to R, T is the 
aunt of S and mother of V. R's nephew W is the 
son of P and has a sister V. How is V related to 
  Dee" JÙeefkeäleÙeeW kesâ Skeâ heefjJeej ceW oes efJeJeeefnle peesÌ[s nQ, 
P, Q keâe heg$e Deewj R keâe YeeF& nw~ S, M keâer heg$eer nw, M 
keâe efJeJeen R mes ngDee nw~ T, S keâer Deebšer Deewj V keâer 
ceeB nw~ R keâe Yeleerpee W, P keâe heg$e nw Deewj W keâer 
yenve V nw~ V keâe M mes keäÙee mebyebOe nw– 
 (a) Niece/Yeleerpeer  
 (b) Daughter/heg$eer  
 (c) Cousin sister/ÛeÛesjer yenve 
 (d) Nephew/Yeleerpee 
10.  Three of the four numbers are alike in a 
certain way and one is different. Pick the odd 
number out.  
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej mebKÙeeDeeW ceW mes leerve mebKÙeeSb efkeâmeer 
Øekeâej Skeâmeceeve nw Deewj Skeâ mebKÙee Demeceeve nw~ Gme 
Demeceeve mebKÙee keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS– 
 (a) 544 (b) 143  
 (c) 416 (d) 325 
11.  Three of the following four words are alike in a 
certain way and one is different. Pick the odd 
word out.  
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej MeyoeW ceW mes leerve Meyo efkeâmeer Øekeâej 
mes Skeâmeceeve nQ Deewj Skeâ Meyo Demeceeve nw~ Demeceeve 
Meyo keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS– 
 (a) Horde/YeerÌ[  (b) Mask/cegKeewše  
 (c) Conceal/efÚheevee (d) Camouflage/#e©eeJejCe 
12.  Two statements are followed by three 
conclusions numbered I, II and III Assuming 
the statements to be true, even if they do not 
conform to real-world knowledge, decide which 
of the conclusions logically follows from the 
  veerÛes oes keâLeve efoS ieS nQ Deewj Gmekesâ yeeo efve<keâ<e& I, 
II Deewj III efoS ieS nQ~ keâLeve keâes melÙe ceeveles ngS, 
Ûeens Jen meeceevÙele: %eele leLÙeeW mes efYevve Øeleerle nesles nes, 
Deehekeâes Ùen efveCe&Ùe keâjvee nw efkeâ efoS ieS keâLeveeW ceW 
keâewve-mee efve<keâ<e& leke&âmebiele ™he mes efvekeâuelee nw– 
  All knives are instruments/meYeer Ûeeketâ Deewpeej nQ~ 
  Some cutters are knives/kegâÚ keâšj Ûeeketâ nQ~ 
 I. Some cutters are instruments/kegâÚ keâšj Deewpeej 
 II. All knives are cutters/meYeer Ûeeketâ keâšj nQ~ 
 III. Some knives are not instruments/kegâÚ Ûeeketâ 
Deewpeej veneR nQ~ 
 (a) Only conclusion I follows/kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& I 
efvekeâuelee nw~  
 (b) Only conclusion III follows/kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& III 
efvekeâuelee nw~  
 (c) None of the conclusions follows /FveceW mes keâesF& 
efve<keâ<e& veneR efvekeâuelee nw~ 
 (d) Only conclusion II follows/kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& II 
efvekeâuelee nw~ 
13.  Choose the set of number that is similar to the 
following set.  
  Gme mecegÛÛeÙe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW mebKÙeeSb Gmeer 
lejn Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej mebKÙeeSb veerÛes 
efoS ieS mecegÛÛeÙe ceW Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ– 
  (8, 28, 6) 
 (a) (5, 26, 9) (b) (3, 20, 7)  
 (c) (12, 48, 14) (d) (17, 70, 13) 
14.  'Study' is related to 'Knowledge' in the same 
way that 'Work' is related to :  
  efpeme Øekeâej ‘DeOÙeÙeve’ keâe mebyebOe ‘%eeve’ mes nw Gmeer 
Øekeâej ‘keâeÙe&’ keâe mebyebOe ‘...........’ mes nw– 
 (a) Employment/jespeieej  
 (b) Training/ØeefMe#eCe  
 (c) Salary/Jesleve 
 (d) Experience/DevegYeJe 
15.  In a code language, STROKE is written as 
FLPSUT. How would BRIGHT be written in 
the same code language?  
  efkeâmeer ketâš Yee<ee ceW, STROKE keâes FLPSUT efueKee 
peelee nw~ Gmeer ketâš Yee<ee ceW BRIGHT keâes keäÙee efueKee 
 (a) SGFHQA (b) UIHJSC  
16.  If SMOKE is coded as 81643 and PRANK is 
coded as 72954, how would you code ROSE?  
  Ùeefo SMOKE keâes 81643 kesâ ™he ceW Deewj PRANK 
Deewj keâes 72954 kesâ ™he ceW metÛeeryeæ efkeâÙee peelee nw lees 
ROSE keâes efkeâme ™he ceW ketâšyeæ efkeâÙee peeSiee? 
 (a) 2682 (b) 3276  
 (c) 9238 (d) 2683 
17.  Indentify the mirror image of the following if 
the mirror is placed to the right of the figure.  
  Ùeefo veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle kesâ oeSb Deesj ohe&Ce jKee peeS 
lees yeveves Jeeues mener ohe&Ce Øeefleefyebye keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS– 
18.  A contractor planned to finish a work in 12 
days and employed a certain number of men. 
However, 6 of them remained absent from the 
very first day. The rest could finish the work in 
20 days. The number of men originally 
employed were:  
  Skeâ "skesâoej ves efkeâmeer keâeÙe& keâes 12 efoveeW ceW Kelce 
keâjves keâer Ùeespevee yeveeF& Deewj kegâÚ mebKÙee ceW heg®<eeW keâes 
efveÙeesefpele efkeâÙee~ neueebefkeâ GveceW mes 6 heg®<e henues efove 
mes ner DevegheefmLele jns~ yeekeâer heg®<e Gme keâece keâes 20 
efoveeW ceW Kelce keâj heeS~ cetue ™he mes efkeâleves heg®<eeW keâes 
efveÙeesefpele efkeâÙee ieÙee Lee? 
 (a) 20 (b) 18  
 (c) 24 (d) 15 
19.  Two rotated positions of a dice are given below, 
Which number will be at the top if 4 is on the 
  Skeâ ner heemes keâer oes IegceeÙeer ieF& efmLeefleÙeeW keâes oMee&Ùee 
ieÙee nw~ Ùeefo heemes kesâ efveÛeues heâuekeâ hej mebKÙee 4 nw lees 
Thejer heâuekeâ hej keâewve-meer mebKÙee efoKeeF& osieer? 
 (a) 6 (b) 2  
 (c) 4 (d) 1 
20.  How many triangles are there in the following 
  veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle ceW efkeâleves ef$eYegpe nQ? 
 (a) 17 (b) 13 
 (c) 15 (d) 14 
21.  Select the option that is related to the third 
letter cluster in the same way as the second 
letter cluster is related to the first letter cluster.  
  Gme efJekeâuhe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS pees leermejs De#ej-mecetn 
mes Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw efpeme Øekeâej otmeje De#ej-
mecetn henues De#ej mecetn mes mebyebefOele nw~ 
  FKPV : HIRT :: BHMR : ? 
 (a) ZJKT (b) EEPO  
 (c) DFOP (d) DFKT 
22.  Which of the two sign should be interchanged 
in the following equation to make the given 
value correct?  
  veerÛes efoS ieS meceerkeâjCeeW keâes mener keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâve 
oes efÛevneW keâes Deeheme ceW yeouee peevee ÛeeefnS? 
  15 + 5 – 10 × × × × 6 ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 12 = 6 
 (a) + Deewj ÷  (b) + Deewj ×  
 (c) + Deewj – (d) – Deewj ÷ 
Page 4

SSC CGL (TIER-I) Online hejer#ee 2018 
JÙeeKÙee meefnle nue ØeMve-he$e (Shift-I) 
General Intelligence and Reasoning 
1.  Select the word-pair in which the two words 
are related in the same way as the two words in 
the following word-pair.  
  efvecveefueefKele efoS ieS efJekeâuheeW ceW mes Gme Meyo Ùegice keâe 
ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS pees Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nQ 
efpeme Øekeâej veerÛes efueKes ieS Meyo Ùegice Deeheme ceW 
mebyebefOele nQ: 
  Grief : Consolation/ogKe : meeblJevee 
 (a) Happiness : Excitation/KegMeer : Gòespevee  
 (b) Drought : Famine/metKee : Dekeâeue  
 (c) Planet : Revolution/«en : heefj›eâceCe 
 (d) Pain : Sedative/oo& : Meecekeâ 
2.  Arrange the following words in a logical and 
meaningful order.  
  efvecveefueefKele MeyoeW keâes Skeâ leeefke&âkeâ SJeb DeLe&hetCe& ›eâce 
ceW JÙeJeefmLele keâerefpeS~ 
 1. Probation/heefjJeer#ee 2. Promotion/heoesvveefle 
 3. Job/veewkeâjer 4. Interview/mee#eelkeâej 
 5. Confirmation/mLeeÙeerkeâjCe 
 (a) 5, 4, 2, 1, 3  (b) 4, 1, 2, 5, 3 
 (c) 4, 3, 1, 5, 2 (d) 5, 1, 4, 2, 3 
3.  Choose the Venn diagram that best illustrates 
the relationship among the following classes : 
  Crocodiles, Aquatic animals, Reptiles 
  oer ieF& ßesefCeÙeeW kesâ yeerÛe meJe&ßes<" mebyebOe keâes oMee&ves Jeeues 
Jesve DeejsKe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS– 
  ceiejceÛÚ, peueerÙe pebleg, mejerme=he 
4.  Select the figure that will come next in the 
following figure series.  
  efvecveefueefKele Deeke=âefle ßeb=Keuee ceW Deeves Jeeueer Deeke=âefle 
keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS– 
5.  Select the number pair in which the two 
numbers are related in the same way as the two 
numbers of the given below.  
  Gme mebKÙee Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW oesveeW 
mebKÙeeSb Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej 
veerÛes efoS ieS mebKÙee Ùegice keâer oesveeW mebKÙeeSb Deeheme ceW 
mebyebefOele nQ– 
  35 : 5 
 (a) 99 : 10 (b) 48 : 7  
 (c) 63 : 7 (d) 135 : 12 
6.  A letter series is given below in which some 
letters are missing. Select the option that gives 
the letters that can fill these blanks in that 
  Gme De#ej mebÙeespeve keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemes veerÛes oer ieF& 
De#ej ßeb=Keuee kesâ efjkeäle mLeeveeW hej ›eâceevegmeej jKeves mes 
oer ieF& ßeb=Keuee hetCe& nes peeS– 
 (a) cbcad (b) cbacc  
 (c) bcabc (d) abbdc 
7.  Choose the set of numbers that is similar to the 
following set.  
  Gme mecegÛÛeÙe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW mebKÙeeSb Gmeer 
lejn Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej mebKÙeeSb veerÛes 
efoS ieS mecegÛÛeÙe ceW Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ– 
  (4, 12, 16) 
 (a) (16, 20, 25)  (b) (36, 25, 49)  
 (c) (81, 36, 9) (d) (64, 36, 100) 
(hejer#ee efleefLe : 07.06.2019) 
8.  A square is folded and cut as shown below. 
How will it appear when unfolded?  
  Skeâ Jeiee&keâej keâeiepe keâes ceesÌ[e ieÙee Deewj veerÛes oMee&S 
ieS Devegmeej keâeše ieÙee nw~ Fmes Keesueves hej Ùen kewâmee 
efoKeeF& osiee– 
9.  In a family of eight persons with two couples, P 
is the son of Q and brother of R, S is the 
daughter of M, who is married to R, T is the 
aunt of S and mother of V. R's nephew W is the 
son of P and has a sister V. How is V related to 
  Dee" JÙeefkeäleÙeeW kesâ Skeâ heefjJeej ceW oes efJeJeeefnle peesÌ[s nQ, 
P, Q keâe heg$e Deewj R keâe YeeF& nw~ S, M keâer heg$eer nw, M 
keâe efJeJeen R mes ngDee nw~ T, S keâer Deebšer Deewj V keâer 
ceeB nw~ R keâe Yeleerpee W, P keâe heg$e nw Deewj W keâer 
yenve V nw~ V keâe M mes keäÙee mebyebOe nw– 
 (a) Niece/Yeleerpeer  
 (b) Daughter/heg$eer  
 (c) Cousin sister/ÛeÛesjer yenve 
 (d) Nephew/Yeleerpee 
10.  Three of the four numbers are alike in a 
certain way and one is different. Pick the odd 
number out.  
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej mebKÙeeDeeW ceW mes leerve mebKÙeeSb efkeâmeer 
Øekeâej Skeâmeceeve nw Deewj Skeâ mebKÙee Demeceeve nw~ Gme 
Demeceeve mebKÙee keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS– 
 (a) 544 (b) 143  
 (c) 416 (d) 325 
11.  Three of the following four words are alike in a 
certain way and one is different. Pick the odd 
word out.  
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej MeyoeW ceW mes leerve Meyo efkeâmeer Øekeâej 
mes Skeâmeceeve nQ Deewj Skeâ Meyo Demeceeve nw~ Demeceeve 
Meyo keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS– 
 (a) Horde/YeerÌ[  (b) Mask/cegKeewše  
 (c) Conceal/efÚheevee (d) Camouflage/#e©eeJejCe 
12.  Two statements are followed by three 
conclusions numbered I, II and III Assuming 
the statements to be true, even if they do not 
conform to real-world knowledge, decide which 
of the conclusions logically follows from the 
  veerÛes oes keâLeve efoS ieS nQ Deewj Gmekesâ yeeo efve<keâ<e& I, 
II Deewj III efoS ieS nQ~ keâLeve keâes melÙe ceeveles ngS, 
Ûeens Jen meeceevÙele: %eele leLÙeeW mes efYevve Øeleerle nesles nes, 
Deehekeâes Ùen efveCe&Ùe keâjvee nw efkeâ efoS ieS keâLeveeW ceW 
keâewve-mee efve<keâ<e& leke&âmebiele ™he mes efvekeâuelee nw– 
  All knives are instruments/meYeer Ûeeketâ Deewpeej nQ~ 
  Some cutters are knives/kegâÚ keâšj Ûeeketâ nQ~ 
 I. Some cutters are instruments/kegâÚ keâšj Deewpeej 
 II. All knives are cutters/meYeer Ûeeketâ keâšj nQ~ 
 III. Some knives are not instruments/kegâÚ Ûeeketâ 
Deewpeej veneR nQ~ 
 (a) Only conclusion I follows/kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& I 
efvekeâuelee nw~  
 (b) Only conclusion III follows/kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& III 
efvekeâuelee nw~  
 (c) None of the conclusions follows /FveceW mes keâesF& 
efve<keâ<e& veneR efvekeâuelee nw~ 
 (d) Only conclusion II follows/kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& II 
efvekeâuelee nw~ 
13.  Choose the set of number that is similar to the 
following set.  
  Gme mecegÛÛeÙe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW mebKÙeeSb Gmeer 
lejn Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej mebKÙeeSb veerÛes 
efoS ieS mecegÛÛeÙe ceW Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ– 
  (8, 28, 6) 
 (a) (5, 26, 9) (b) (3, 20, 7)  
 (c) (12, 48, 14) (d) (17, 70, 13) 
14.  'Study' is related to 'Knowledge' in the same 
way that 'Work' is related to :  
  efpeme Øekeâej ‘DeOÙeÙeve’ keâe mebyebOe ‘%eeve’ mes nw Gmeer 
Øekeâej ‘keâeÙe&’ keâe mebyebOe ‘...........’ mes nw– 
 (a) Employment/jespeieej  
 (b) Training/ØeefMe#eCe  
 (c) Salary/Jesleve 
 (d) Experience/DevegYeJe 
15.  In a code language, STROKE is written as 
FLPSUT. How would BRIGHT be written in 
the same code language?  
  efkeâmeer ketâš Yee<ee ceW, STROKE keâes FLPSUT efueKee 
peelee nw~ Gmeer ketâš Yee<ee ceW BRIGHT keâes keäÙee efueKee 
 (a) SGFHQA (b) UIHJSC  
16.  If SMOKE is coded as 81643 and PRANK is 
coded as 72954, how would you code ROSE?  
  Ùeefo SMOKE keâes 81643 kesâ ™he ceW Deewj PRANK 
Deewj keâes 72954 kesâ ™he ceW metÛeeryeæ efkeâÙee peelee nw lees 
ROSE keâes efkeâme ™he ceW ketâšyeæ efkeâÙee peeSiee? 
 (a) 2682 (b) 3276  
 (c) 9238 (d) 2683 
17.  Indentify the mirror image of the following if 
the mirror is placed to the right of the figure.  
  Ùeefo veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle kesâ oeSb Deesj ohe&Ce jKee peeS 
lees yeveves Jeeues mener ohe&Ce Øeefleefyebye keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS– 
18.  A contractor planned to finish a work in 12 
days and employed a certain number of men. 
However, 6 of them remained absent from the 
very first day. The rest could finish the work in 
20 days. The number of men originally 
employed were:  
  Skeâ "skesâoej ves efkeâmeer keâeÙe& keâes 12 efoveeW ceW Kelce 
keâjves keâer Ùeespevee yeveeF& Deewj kegâÚ mebKÙee ceW heg®<eeW keâes 
efveÙeesefpele efkeâÙee~ neueebefkeâ GveceW mes 6 heg®<e henues efove 
mes ner DevegheefmLele jns~ yeekeâer heg®<e Gme keâece keâes 20 
efoveeW ceW Kelce keâj heeS~ cetue ™he mes efkeâleves heg®<eeW keâes 
efveÙeesefpele efkeâÙee ieÙee Lee? 
 (a) 20 (b) 18  
 (c) 24 (d) 15 
19.  Two rotated positions of a dice are given below, 
Which number will be at the top if 4 is on the 
  Skeâ ner heemes keâer oes IegceeÙeer ieF& efmLeefleÙeeW keâes oMee&Ùee 
ieÙee nw~ Ùeefo heemes kesâ efveÛeues heâuekeâ hej mebKÙee 4 nw lees 
Thejer heâuekeâ hej keâewve-meer mebKÙee efoKeeF& osieer? 
 (a) 6 (b) 2  
 (c) 4 (d) 1 
20.  How many triangles are there in the following 
  veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle ceW efkeâleves ef$eYegpe nQ? 
 (a) 17 (b) 13 
 (c) 15 (d) 14 
21.  Select the option that is related to the third 
letter cluster in the same way as the second 
letter cluster is related to the first letter cluster.  
  Gme efJekeâuhe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS pees leermejs De#ej-mecetn 
mes Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw efpeme Øekeâej otmeje De#ej-
mecetn henues De#ej mecetn mes mebyebefOele nw~ 
  FKPV : HIRT :: BHMR : ? 
 (a) ZJKT (b) EEPO  
 (c) DFOP (d) DFKT 
22.  Which of the two sign should be interchanged 
in the following equation to make the given 
value correct?  
  veerÛes efoS ieS meceerkeâjCeeW keâes mener keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâve 
oes efÛevneW keâes Deeheme ceW yeouee peevee ÛeeefnS? 
  15 + 5 – 10 × × × × 6 ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 12 = 6 
 (a) + Deewj ÷  (b) + Deewj ×  
 (c) + Deewj – (d) – Deewj ÷ 
23.  Select the term will come next in the following 
  veerÛes oer ieF& ßeb=Keuee ceW ØeMve efÛevn (?) kesâ mLeeve hej 
keâewve-meer mebKÙee DeeSieer? 
  3, 5, 10, 20, 37, ? 
 (a) 63 (b) 61 
 (c) 69 (d) 58 
24.  Three of the following four letter-clusters are 
alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick 
the odd one out.  
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej De#ej mecetneW ceW mes leerve De#ej-mecetn 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâmeceeve nw Deewj Skeâ Demeceeve nw~ 
Demeceeve De#ej-mecetn keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS– 
 (a) WVUS (b) NPRT 
 (c) DEFG (d) JMPS 
25.  Select the figure in which the given figure is 
  Gme Deeke=âefle keâe ÛeÙeve keâjW efpemeceW oer ieF& Deeke=âefle 
Debleefve&efnle nw– 
General Awareness 
26. In March 2019, India extended a financial     
grant of ____Nepalese rupees for the 
construction of an educational campus in Nepal 
under the Development Partnership 
 ceeÛe& 2019 ceW Yeejle ves efJekeâeme, Yeeieeroejer keâeÙe&›eâce kesâ 
lenle vesheeue ceW Skeâ Mewef#ekeâ heefjmej kesâ efvecee&Ce kesâ efueS 
......... vesheeueer ®heÙes keâe efJeòeerÙe Devegoeve Øeoeve efkeâÙee~  
 (a) 35.5 million/35.5 efceefueÙeve  
 (b) 55.5 million/55.5 efceefueÙeve  
 (c) 45.5 million/45.5 efceefueÙeve 
 (d) 25.5 million/25.5 efceefueÙeve 
27. Which of the following are amongst the few 
carbon-containing compounds NOT classified 
as organic? 
 efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mes efJekeâuhe keâes Deuhe keâeye&ve-
Ùegòeâ ÙeewefiekeâeW kesâ ™he ceW Jeieeake=âle efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw 
ve efkeâ keâeye&efvekeâ kesâ ™he ceW? 
 (a) Methane/ceerLesve  
 (b) Nucleic acids/vÙetefkeäuekeâ Sefme[ 
 (c) Cyanides/meeÙeveeF[dme  
 (d) Propane/Øeeshesve 
28. In case of death of the President and the Vice 
President of India, the _____will act as the 
President of India.  
 Yeejle kesâ je°^heefle Deewj Ghe je°^heefle keâer ce=lÙeg keâer efmLeefle 
ceW, Yeejle kesâ je°^heefle kesâ ™he ceW keâewve keâeÙe& keâjsiee? 
 (a) Parliament chosen candidate/mebmeo Éeje ÛeÙeefvele 
 (b) Prime Minister of India/Yeejle kesâ ØeOeeveceb$eer  
 (c) Chief Justice of India/Yeejle kesâ cegKÙe vÙeeÙeeOeerMe 
 (d) Attorney General of India/Yeejle kesâ Deše@veea 
29. In March 2019, Superstats, a new metrics to 
analyse the game of _____we launched by 
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras 
researchers and ESPN Ncricinfo experts. 
 ceeÛe& 2019 ceW, YeejleerÙe ØeewÅeesefiekeâer mebmLeeve (IIT) 
ceõeme kesâ MeesOekeâlee&DeeW Deewj F&.Sme.heer.Sve ef›eâkeâFvHeâes 
efJeMes<e%eeW Éeje ....... Kesue keâe efJeMues<eCe keâjves kesâ efueS 
Skeâ veF& cewefš^keäme meghejmšwšdme keâe MegYeejbYe efkeâÙee ieÙee 
 (a) cricket/ ef›eâkesâš (b) football/ Hegâšyee@ue 
 (c) badminton/ yew[efcebšve (d) tennis/ šsefveme 
30. _____was named People for the Ethical 
Treatment of Animals (PETA) India's Person 
of the Year for 2018. 
 ........ keâes heerheue Heâe@j o SefLekeâue š^eršceWš Dee@Heâ 
Sefveceume (hesše) Fbef[Ùee kesâ heme&ve Dee@Heâ o F&Ùej 2018 
kesâ efueS veeefcele efkeâÙee ieÙee Lee~ 
 (a) Yukta Mookhey/Ùegòeâe cegKeer 
 (b) Sonam Kapoor/meesvece keâhetj 
 (c) Sushmita Sen/megef<celee mesve 
 (d) Dia Mirza/ efoÙee efcepee& 
31. The motto of Special Olympics World Games 
2019 was ______ 
 efJeMes<e Deesueefchekeâ efJeÕe Kesue 2019 keâe DeeoMe& JeekeäÙe 
 (a) "Let me win and prove" 
   cegPes peerleves Deewj meeefyele keâjves oes~  
 (b) "Let me win or lose, it's fine" 
  cegPes peerleves Ùee nejves oes, Ùen "erkeâ nw~ 
 (c) "Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be 
brave in the attempt" 
  cegPes peerleves oW~ uesefkeâve Deiej ceW peerle veneR mekeâlee, lees 
cegPes Fme ØeÙeeme ceW yeneogj yeveves oes~ 
 (d) "Let me win as I am a winner" 
  cegPes Skeâ efJepeslee kesâ ™he ceW peerleves oes  
Page 5

SSC CGL (TIER-I) Online hejer#ee 2018 
JÙeeKÙee meefnle nue ØeMve-he$e (Shift-I) 
General Intelligence and Reasoning 
1.  Select the word-pair in which the two words 
are related in the same way as the two words in 
the following word-pair.  
  efvecveefueefKele efoS ieS efJekeâuheeW ceW mes Gme Meyo Ùegice keâe 
ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS pees Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nQ 
efpeme Øekeâej veerÛes efueKes ieS Meyo Ùegice Deeheme ceW 
mebyebefOele nQ: 
  Grief : Consolation/ogKe : meeblJevee 
 (a) Happiness : Excitation/KegMeer : Gòespevee  
 (b) Drought : Famine/metKee : Dekeâeue  
 (c) Planet : Revolution/«en : heefj›eâceCe 
 (d) Pain : Sedative/oo& : Meecekeâ 
2.  Arrange the following words in a logical and 
meaningful order.  
  efvecveefueefKele MeyoeW keâes Skeâ leeefke&âkeâ SJeb DeLe&hetCe& ›eâce 
ceW JÙeJeefmLele keâerefpeS~ 
 1. Probation/heefjJeer#ee 2. Promotion/heoesvveefle 
 3. Job/veewkeâjer 4. Interview/mee#eelkeâej 
 5. Confirmation/mLeeÙeerkeâjCe 
 (a) 5, 4, 2, 1, 3  (b) 4, 1, 2, 5, 3 
 (c) 4, 3, 1, 5, 2 (d) 5, 1, 4, 2, 3 
3.  Choose the Venn diagram that best illustrates 
the relationship among the following classes : 
  Crocodiles, Aquatic animals, Reptiles 
  oer ieF& ßesefCeÙeeW kesâ yeerÛe meJe&ßes<" mebyebOe keâes oMee&ves Jeeues 
Jesve DeejsKe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS– 
  ceiejceÛÚ, peueerÙe pebleg, mejerme=he 
4.  Select the figure that will come next in the 
following figure series.  
  efvecveefueefKele Deeke=âefle ßeb=Keuee ceW Deeves Jeeueer Deeke=âefle 
keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS– 
5.  Select the number pair in which the two 
numbers are related in the same way as the two 
numbers of the given below.  
  Gme mebKÙee Ùegice keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW oesveeW 
mebKÙeeSb Deeheme ceW Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej 
veerÛes efoS ieS mebKÙee Ùegice keâer oesveeW mebKÙeeSb Deeheme ceW 
mebyebefOele nQ– 
  35 : 5 
 (a) 99 : 10 (b) 48 : 7  
 (c) 63 : 7 (d) 135 : 12 
6.  A letter series is given below in which some 
letters are missing. Select the option that gives 
the letters that can fill these blanks in that 
  Gme De#ej mebÙeespeve keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemes veerÛes oer ieF& 
De#ej ßeb=Keuee kesâ efjkeäle mLeeveeW hej ›eâceevegmeej jKeves mes 
oer ieF& ßeb=Keuee hetCe& nes peeS– 
 (a) cbcad (b) cbacc  
 (c) bcabc (d) abbdc 
7.  Choose the set of numbers that is similar to the 
following set.  
  Gme mecegÛÛeÙe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW mebKÙeeSb Gmeer 
lejn Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej mebKÙeeSb veerÛes 
efoS ieS mecegÛÛeÙe ceW Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ– 
  (4, 12, 16) 
 (a) (16, 20, 25)  (b) (36, 25, 49)  
 (c) (81, 36, 9) (d) (64, 36, 100) 
(hejer#ee efleefLe : 07.06.2019) 
8.  A square is folded and cut as shown below. 
How will it appear when unfolded?  
  Skeâ Jeiee&keâej keâeiepe keâes ceesÌ[e ieÙee Deewj veerÛes oMee&S 
ieS Devegmeej keâeše ieÙee nw~ Fmes Keesueves hej Ùen kewâmee 
efoKeeF& osiee– 
9.  In a family of eight persons with two couples, P 
is the son of Q and brother of R, S is the 
daughter of M, who is married to R, T is the 
aunt of S and mother of V. R's nephew W is the 
son of P and has a sister V. How is V related to 
  Dee" JÙeefkeäleÙeeW kesâ Skeâ heefjJeej ceW oes efJeJeeefnle peesÌ[s nQ, 
P, Q keâe heg$e Deewj R keâe YeeF& nw~ S, M keâer heg$eer nw, M 
keâe efJeJeen R mes ngDee nw~ T, S keâer Deebšer Deewj V keâer 
ceeB nw~ R keâe Yeleerpee W, P keâe heg$e nw Deewj W keâer 
yenve V nw~ V keâe M mes keäÙee mebyebOe nw– 
 (a) Niece/Yeleerpeer  
 (b) Daughter/heg$eer  
 (c) Cousin sister/ÛeÛesjer yenve 
 (d) Nephew/Yeleerpee 
10.  Three of the four numbers are alike in a 
certain way and one is different. Pick the odd 
number out.  
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej mebKÙeeDeeW ceW mes leerve mebKÙeeSb efkeâmeer 
Øekeâej Skeâmeceeve nw Deewj Skeâ mebKÙee Demeceeve nw~ Gme 
Demeceeve mebKÙee keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS– 
 (a) 544 (b) 143  
 (c) 416 (d) 325 
11.  Three of the following four words are alike in a 
certain way and one is different. Pick the odd 
word out.  
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej MeyoeW ceW mes leerve Meyo efkeâmeer Øekeâej 
mes Skeâmeceeve nQ Deewj Skeâ Meyo Demeceeve nw~ Demeceeve 
Meyo keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS– 
 (a) Horde/YeerÌ[  (b) Mask/cegKeewše  
 (c) Conceal/efÚheevee (d) Camouflage/#e©eeJejCe 
12.  Two statements are followed by three 
conclusions numbered I, II and III Assuming 
the statements to be true, even if they do not 
conform to real-world knowledge, decide which 
of the conclusions logically follows from the 
  veerÛes oes keâLeve efoS ieS nQ Deewj Gmekesâ yeeo efve<keâ<e& I, 
II Deewj III efoS ieS nQ~ keâLeve keâes melÙe ceeveles ngS, 
Ûeens Jen meeceevÙele: %eele leLÙeeW mes efYevve Øeleerle nesles nes, 
Deehekeâes Ùen efveCe&Ùe keâjvee nw efkeâ efoS ieS keâLeveeW ceW 
keâewve-mee efve<keâ<e& leke&âmebiele ™he mes efvekeâuelee nw– 
  All knives are instruments/meYeer Ûeeketâ Deewpeej nQ~ 
  Some cutters are knives/kegâÚ keâšj Ûeeketâ nQ~ 
 I. Some cutters are instruments/kegâÚ keâšj Deewpeej 
 II. All knives are cutters/meYeer Ûeeketâ keâšj nQ~ 
 III. Some knives are not instruments/kegâÚ Ûeeketâ 
Deewpeej veneR nQ~ 
 (a) Only conclusion I follows/kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& I 
efvekeâuelee nw~  
 (b) Only conclusion III follows/kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& III 
efvekeâuelee nw~  
 (c) None of the conclusions follows /FveceW mes keâesF& 
efve<keâ<e& veneR efvekeâuelee nw~ 
 (d) Only conclusion II follows/kesâJeue efve<keâ<e& II 
efvekeâuelee nw~ 
13.  Choose the set of number that is similar to the 
following set.  
  Gme mecegÛÛeÙe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS efpemeceW mebKÙeeSb Gmeer 
lejn Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ efpeme Øekeâej mebKÙeeSb veerÛes 
efoS ieS mecegÛÛeÙe ceW Deeheme ceW mebyebefOele nQ– 
  (8, 28, 6) 
 (a) (5, 26, 9) (b) (3, 20, 7)  
 (c) (12, 48, 14) (d) (17, 70, 13) 
14.  'Study' is related to 'Knowledge' in the same 
way that 'Work' is related to :  
  efpeme Øekeâej ‘DeOÙeÙeve’ keâe mebyebOe ‘%eeve’ mes nw Gmeer 
Øekeâej ‘keâeÙe&’ keâe mebyebOe ‘...........’ mes nw– 
 (a) Employment/jespeieej  
 (b) Training/ØeefMe#eCe  
 (c) Salary/Jesleve 
 (d) Experience/DevegYeJe 
15.  In a code language, STROKE is written as 
FLPSUT. How would BRIGHT be written in 
the same code language?  
  efkeâmeer ketâš Yee<ee ceW, STROKE keâes FLPSUT efueKee 
peelee nw~ Gmeer ketâš Yee<ee ceW BRIGHT keâes keäÙee efueKee 
 (a) SGFHQA (b) UIHJSC  
16.  If SMOKE is coded as 81643 and PRANK is 
coded as 72954, how would you code ROSE?  
  Ùeefo SMOKE keâes 81643 kesâ ™he ceW Deewj PRANK 
Deewj keâes 72954 kesâ ™he ceW metÛeeryeæ efkeâÙee peelee nw lees 
ROSE keâes efkeâme ™he ceW ketâšyeæ efkeâÙee peeSiee? 
 (a) 2682 (b) 3276  
 (c) 9238 (d) 2683 
17.  Indentify the mirror image of the following if 
the mirror is placed to the right of the figure.  
  Ùeefo veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle kesâ oeSb Deesj ohe&Ce jKee peeS 
lees yeveves Jeeues mener ohe&Ce Øeefleefyebye keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS– 
18.  A contractor planned to finish a work in 12 
days and employed a certain number of men. 
However, 6 of them remained absent from the 
very first day. The rest could finish the work in 
20 days. The number of men originally 
employed were:  
  Skeâ "skesâoej ves efkeâmeer keâeÙe& keâes 12 efoveeW ceW Kelce 
keâjves keâer Ùeespevee yeveeF& Deewj kegâÚ mebKÙee ceW heg®<eeW keâes 
efveÙeesefpele efkeâÙee~ neueebefkeâ GveceW mes 6 heg®<e henues efove 
mes ner DevegheefmLele jns~ yeekeâer heg®<e Gme keâece keâes 20 
efoveeW ceW Kelce keâj heeS~ cetue ™he mes efkeâleves heg®<eeW keâes 
efveÙeesefpele efkeâÙee ieÙee Lee? 
 (a) 20 (b) 18  
 (c) 24 (d) 15 
19.  Two rotated positions of a dice are given below, 
Which number will be at the top if 4 is on the 
  Skeâ ner heemes keâer oes IegceeÙeer ieF& efmLeefleÙeeW keâes oMee&Ùee 
ieÙee nw~ Ùeefo heemes kesâ efveÛeues heâuekeâ hej mebKÙee 4 nw lees 
Thejer heâuekeâ hej keâewve-meer mebKÙee efoKeeF& osieer? 
 (a) 6 (b) 2  
 (c) 4 (d) 1 
20.  How many triangles are there in the following 
  veerÛes oer ieF& Deeke=âefle ceW efkeâleves ef$eYegpe nQ? 
 (a) 17 (b) 13 
 (c) 15 (d) 14 
21.  Select the option that is related to the third 
letter cluster in the same way as the second 
letter cluster is related to the first letter cluster.  
  Gme efJekeâuhe keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS pees leermejs De#ej-mecetn 
mes Gmeer Øekeâej mebyebefOele nw efpeme Øekeâej otmeje De#ej-
mecetn henues De#ej mecetn mes mebyebefOele nw~ 
  FKPV : HIRT :: BHMR : ? 
 (a) ZJKT (b) EEPO  
 (c) DFOP (d) DFKT 
22.  Which of the two sign should be interchanged 
in the following equation to make the given 
value correct?  
  veerÛes efoS ieS meceerkeâjCeeW keâes mener keâjves kesâ efueS efkeâve 
oes efÛevneW keâes Deeheme ceW yeouee peevee ÛeeefnS? 
  15 + 5 – 10 × × × × 6 ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 12 = 6 
 (a) + Deewj ÷  (b) + Deewj ×  
 (c) + Deewj – (d) – Deewj ÷ 
23.  Select the term will come next in the following 
  veerÛes oer ieF& ßeb=Keuee ceW ØeMve efÛevn (?) kesâ mLeeve hej 
keâewve-meer mebKÙee DeeSieer? 
  3, 5, 10, 20, 37, ? 
 (a) 63 (b) 61 
 (c) 69 (d) 58 
24.  Three of the following four letter-clusters are 
alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick 
the odd one out.  
  efvecveefueefKele Ûeej De#ej mecetneW ceW mes leerve De#ej-mecetn 
efkeâmeer Øekeâej mes Skeâmeceeve nw Deewj Skeâ Demeceeve nw~ 
Demeceeve De#ej-mecetn keâe ÛeÙeve keâerefpeS– 
 (a) WVUS (b) NPRT 
 (c) DEFG (d) JMPS 
25.  Select the figure in which the given figure is 
  Gme Deeke=âefle keâe ÛeÙeve keâjW efpemeceW oer ieF& Deeke=âefle 
Debleefve&efnle nw– 
General Awareness 
26. In March 2019, India extended a financial     
grant of ____Nepalese rupees for the 
construction of an educational campus in Nepal 
under the Development Partnership 
 ceeÛe& 2019 ceW Yeejle ves efJekeâeme, Yeeieeroejer keâeÙe&›eâce kesâ 
lenle vesheeue ceW Skeâ Mewef#ekeâ heefjmej kesâ efvecee&Ce kesâ efueS 
......... vesheeueer ®heÙes keâe efJeòeerÙe Devegoeve Øeoeve efkeâÙee~  
 (a) 35.5 million/35.5 efceefueÙeve  
 (b) 55.5 million/55.5 efceefueÙeve  
 (c) 45.5 million/45.5 efceefueÙeve 
 (d) 25.5 million/25.5 efceefueÙeve 
27. Which of the following are amongst the few 
carbon-containing compounds NOT classified 
as organic? 
 efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mes efJekeâuhe keâes Deuhe keâeye&ve-
Ùegòeâ ÙeewefiekeâeW kesâ ™he ceW Jeieeake=âle efkeâÙee pee mekeâlee nw 
ve efkeâ keâeye&efvekeâ kesâ ™he ceW? 
 (a) Methane/ceerLesve  
 (b) Nucleic acids/vÙetefkeäuekeâ Sefme[ 
 (c) Cyanides/meeÙeveeF[dme  
 (d) Propane/Øeeshesve 
28. In case of death of the President and the Vice 
President of India, the _____will act as the 
President of India.  
 Yeejle kesâ je°^heefle Deewj Ghe je°^heefle keâer ce=lÙeg keâer efmLeefle 
ceW, Yeejle kesâ je°^heefle kesâ ™he ceW keâewve keâeÙe& keâjsiee? 
 (a) Parliament chosen candidate/mebmeo Éeje ÛeÙeefvele 
 (b) Prime Minister of India/Yeejle kesâ ØeOeeveceb$eer  
 (c) Chief Justice of India/Yeejle kesâ cegKÙe vÙeeÙeeOeerMe 
 (d) Attorney General of India/Yeejle kesâ Deše@veea 
29. In March 2019, Superstats, a new metrics to 
analyse the game of _____we launched by 
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras 
researchers and ESPN Ncricinfo experts. 
 ceeÛe& 2019 ceW, YeejleerÙe ØeewÅeesefiekeâer mebmLeeve (IIT) 
ceõeme kesâ MeesOekeâlee&DeeW Deewj F&.Sme.heer.Sve ef›eâkeâFvHeâes 
efJeMes<e%eeW Éeje ....... Kesue keâe efJeMues<eCe keâjves kesâ efueS 
Skeâ veF& cewefš^keäme meghejmšwšdme keâe MegYeejbYe efkeâÙee ieÙee 
 (a) cricket/ ef›eâkesâš (b) football/ Hegâšyee@ue 
 (c) badminton/ yew[efcebšve (d) tennis/ šsefveme 
30. _____was named People for the Ethical 
Treatment of Animals (PETA) India's Person 
of the Year for 2018. 
 ........ keâes heerheue Heâe@j o SefLekeâue š^eršceWš Dee@Heâ 
Sefveceume (hesše) Fbef[Ùee kesâ heme&ve Dee@Heâ o F&Ùej 2018 
kesâ efueS veeefcele efkeâÙee ieÙee Lee~ 
 (a) Yukta Mookhey/Ùegòeâe cegKeer 
 (b) Sonam Kapoor/meesvece keâhetj 
 (c) Sushmita Sen/megef<celee mesve 
 (d) Dia Mirza/ efoÙee efcepee& 
31. The motto of Special Olympics World Games 
2019 was ______ 
 efJeMes<e Deesueefchekeâ efJeÕe Kesue 2019 keâe DeeoMe& JeekeäÙe 
 (a) "Let me win and prove" 
   cegPes peerleves Deewj meeefyele keâjves oes~  
 (b) "Let me win or lose, it's fine" 
  cegPes peerleves Ùee nejves oes, Ùen "erkeâ nw~ 
 (c) "Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be 
brave in the attempt" 
  cegPes peerleves oW~ uesefkeâve Deiej ceW peerle veneR mekeâlee, lees 
cegPes Fme ØeÙeeme ceW yeneogj yeveves oes~ 
 (d) "Let me win as I am a winner" 
  cegPes Skeâ efJepeslee kesâ ™he ceW peerleves oes  
32. Global Business Summit 2019 was held in_____ 
 JewefÕekeâ JÙeeheej efMeKej meccesueve 2019 efkeâme Menj ceW 
DeeÙeesefpele efkeâÙee ieÙee Lee? 
 (a) Bengaluru/ yeWieueg™ (b) Jamnagar/ peeceveiej 
 (c) New Delhi/ veF& efouueer (d) Mumbai/ cegbyeF& 
33. Bihar Diwas is celebrated on _____across the 
state to commemorate the day when Bihar was 
carved out of the Bengal Presidency in the year 
 Je<e& 1912 ceW yebieeue Øesmeer[Wmeer mes efyenej kesâ Deueie nesves 
kesâ Gheue#Ùe ceW efoveebkeâ............keâes mebhetCe& jepÙe ceW efyenej 
efoJeme ceveeÙee peelee nw~ 
 (a) 21
 December/ 21 efomebyej  
 (b) 21
 January/ 21 peveJejer 
 (c) 22
 February/ 22 heâjJejer  
 (d) 22
 March/ 22 ceeÛe&  
34. In which of the following forts of Rajasthan 
'chattris' (cenotaphs) are built in honour of 
Jaimal and Kalla, heroes, who laid down their 
lives in the 1568 siege by Emperor Akbar? 
 jepemLeeve kesâ efkeâme efkeâues ceW peÙeceue Deewj keâuuee 
MetjJeerjeW kesâ mecceeve ceW ‘ÚleefjÙeeB’ yeveeF& ieF& Leer, efpevneWves 
Je<e& 1568 ceW meceüeš Dekeâyej keâer Iesjeyeboer ceW Deheves 
ØeeCe lÙeeie efoS Les? 
 (a) Kumbhalgarh Fort/ kegbâYeueieÌ{ efkeâuee 
 (b) Amer Fort/ Deecesj efkeâuee 
 (c) Chittorgarh Fort/efÛeòeewÌ[ieÌ{ efkeâuee 
 (d) Ranathambhor Fort/ jCeLebYeewj efkeâuee 
35. The leader of the Bhakti movement focusing on 
Lord Rama was_______ 
 YeieJeeve jece hej kesâefvõle Yeefòeâ Deeboesueve kesâ De«eotle 
keâewve Les? 
 (a) Namdeva/ veeceosJe 
 (b) Ramananda/ jeceevebo 
 (c) Jaydeva/ peÙeosJe  
 (d) Vivekanada/ efJeJeskeâevebo 
36. Which is the most populous state according to 
the 2011 census? 
 2011 keâer peveieCevee kesâ Devegmeej, meJee&efOekeâ pevemebKÙee 
Jeeuee jepÙe keâewve-mee nw? 
 (a) Uttar Pradesh/Gòej ØeosMe 
 (b) Bihar/efyenej  
 (c) Maharashtra/ceneje°^ 
 (d) Rajasthan/jepemLeeve 
37. Metal oxides are _____in nature.  
 Oeeleg Dee@keämeeF[ keâe mJe™he ....... neslee nw~ 
 (a) acidic/ DecueerÙe (b) organic/ keâeye&efvekeâ 
 (c) basic/ #eejerÙe (d) neutral/ meeceevÙe 
38. The terms 'Jat and Sawar' are related to which 
of the following administrative systems? 
 ‘peele Deewj meJeej’ efvecveefueefKele ceW mes efkeâme ØeMeemeefvekeâ 
ØeCeeueer mes mebyebefOele nw? 
 (a) Zamindari System/ peceeRoejer ØeCeeueer 
 (b) Iqtadari System/ Fòeâoejer ØeCeeueer 
 (c) Mansabdari System/ cevemeyeoejer ØeCeeueer 
 (d) Jotedari System/ peesleoejer ØeCeeueer 
39. In case the President of India wants to resign, 
he would address his resignation to the ______  
 Ùeefo Yeejle kesâ je°^heefle lÙeeiehe$e osvee Ûeenles nQ lees Jen 
Dehevee lÙeeiehe$e efkeâmes oWies~ 
 (a) Chief Justice of India/ Yeejle kesâ cegKÙe vÙeeÙeeOeerMe 
 (b) Vice President of India/Yeejle kesâ Ghe je°^heefle 
 (c) Chief Election Commissioner of India 
  Yeejle kesâ cegKÙe ÛegveeJe DeeÙegòeâ 
 (d) Prime Minister of India/ Yeejle kesâ ØeOeeveceb$eer 
40. The Vivekananda rock Memorial is located in.  
 efJeJeskeâevebo je@keâ cesceesefjÙeue keâneB efmLele nw? 
 (a) Andaman/ Deb[ceeve 
 (b) Srinagar/ ßeer veiej 
 (c) Kanyakumari/ keâvÙeekegâceejer 
 (d) Ladakh/ ueöeKe 
41. Tsunami is caused by_______ 
 megveeceer ...... kesâ keâejCe neslee nw~ 
 (a) underwater volcanic activity 
  heeveer kesâ veerÛes pJeeueecegKeer ieefleefJeefOe 
 (b) lower atmospheric pressure 
  efvecve JeeÙegceb[ueerÙe oyeeJe 
 (c) rocks underground suddenly breaking 
  Yetefceiele ÛeóeveeW keâe DeÛeevekeâ štšvee 
 (d) strong winds driving water onshore 
  lespe nJeeDeeW Éeje heeveer keâes leš hej HeWâkeâvee 
42. ______was the first Mughal emperor in India. 
 Yeejle ceW ØeLece cegieue meceüeš keâewve Lee? 
 (a) Shah Jahan/Meenpeneb (b) Humayun/ ngceeÙetb 
 (c) Babur/ yeeyej (d) Akbar/ Dekeâyej 
43. In March 2019, Indian-American television 
personality and food expert_____was 
appointed by the United Nations Development 
Programme as its new Goodwill Ambassador.  
 ceeÛe&, 2019 ceW, mebÙegòeâ je°^ efJekeâeme keâeÙe&›eâce Éeje 
YeejleerÙe-Decesefjkeâer šsueerefJepeve MeefKmeÙele Deewj KeeÅe 
efJeMes<e%e ........ keâes Deheves veS meodYeeJevee jepeotle kesâ ™he 
ceW efveÙegòeâ efkeâÙee ieÙee Lee~ 
 (a) Padma Lakshmi/ he©ee ue#ceer 
 (b) Priyanka Chopra/ efØeÙebkeâe ÛeesheÌ[e 
 (c) Aziz Ansari/Depeerpe Debmeejer 
 (d) Annet Mahendru/DeVesš cenWõt 
44. Asian Development Bank (ADB) in its Outlook 
Supplement has retained India's growth 
forecast at 7.3% for the current fiscal (2018-19) 
and _____% for the following financial year 
 SefMeÙeeF& efJekeâeme yeQkeâ (S[eryeer) ves Deheves DeeGšuegkeâ 
Deveghetjkeâ ceW Ûeeuet efJeòe Je<e& (2018-19) kesâ efueS Yeejle 
kesâ efJekeâeme hetJee&vegceeve keâes 7.3³ Deewj Deieues efJeòeerÙe 
Je<e& (2019-20) kesâ efueS, .....³ yeveeS jKee nw~ 
 (a) 8 (b) 8.6 
 (c) 7.6 (d) 7.9 
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