Q1: Read and summarize written text in your words.
Digital technology has the potential to change economies and societies dramatically, but engagement is critical to reap the benefits that technology offers. Governments, businesses, and individuals need to actively participate in the digital world, and this happens to varying degrees globally.
There are many indices which measure different aspects of digital engagement; however, given the vast number of factors that comprise engagement, there is no widely agreed upon definition or global ranking.
Two of the most comprehensive indices are:
1. The World Economic Forum’s Networked Readiness Index (NRI), which measures the performance of 139 economies in leveraging information and communications technologies (ICT) to boost competitiveness, innovation, and well-being.
2. The United Nations’ ITU Development Index, which is based on access, use, and skills sub-indices in relation to ICT.
Sample Answer 1 – Digital technology is capable of changing economies and societies drastically, given governments, businesses, and individuals actively participate which can be measured broadly by two most common indices: NRI and ITU.
Sample Answer 2 – Digital technology can play a significant role to improve economics and societies; however, Government, Businesses, and individuals should vehemently participate in the digital world, and their contribution can be measured through wide indices called NRI and ITU.
Sample Answer 3 – Since Digital Technology can change economies and societies, different aspects of digital engagement measured in various indices and the most comprehensive indices are the world economic forums Networked Readiness Index (NRI) and the United Nations ITU Development Index.
Q2: Read and summarize written text in your words.
Under the present system of mass education by classes, too much stress is laid on teaching and too little on active learning. The child is not encouraged to discover on his own powers, thus losing intellectual independence and all capacity to judge for himself. The over-taught child is the advertising-believing propaganda-swallowing, demagogue-led man. Moreover, lessons in class leave him mainly unoccupied. He has to be coerced into learning what does not interest him and the information acquired mechanically is rapidly forgotten. Quite naturally, lessons in class keep him only superficially preoccupied, keeping the mind largely unoccupied of ideas. A strict external discipline becomes necessary unless there is to be chaos and pandemonium. The child learns to obey, not to control himself. He loses moral as well as intellectual independence.
Such are the main defects in the current system of mass education. Many others could be mentioned but these are defects of detail. We need a new system of universal education of the same kind as proved itself so successful in the training of detectives and infants, but modified so as to be suitable for older boys and girls. We need a system of individual education.
Sample Answer 1 – We need a system of individual education since the current system of mass education does not leave room for discovering on his own capability instead, gives information read to eat.
Sample Answer 2 – The current mass education system stresses more on teaching and not on the child actively learning, and the lessons, unwillingly imposed on the child leads to his mind being unoccupied, consequently, the child loses his ability to think or judge for himself, and hence, it is necessary to come up with a new system of individual education, similar to the training of detectives or infants.
Sample Answer 3 – There is a need to change the current mass education system to individual education system while considering the children capabilities such as discipline, moral status, and intellectual independence.
Q3: Read and summarize written text in your words.
YouTube originally offered videos at only one quality level, displayed at a resolution of 320×240 pixels using the Sorenson Spark codec (a variant of H.263), with mono MP3 audio. In June 2007, YouTube added an option to watch videos in 3GP format on mobile phones. In March 2008, a high-quality mode was added, which increased the resolution to 480×360 pixels.
In November 2008, 720p HD support was added. At the time of the 720p launch, the YouTube player was changed from a 4:3 aspect ratio to a widescreen 16:9. With this new feature, YouTube began a switchover to H.264/MPEG-4 AVC as its default video compression format. In November 2009, 1080p HD support was added. In July 2010, YouTube announced that it had launched a range of videos in 4K format, which allows a resolution of up to 4096×3072 pixels. YouTube has since lowered the maximum resolution to 3840×2160 pixels, which is twice as many pixels in both directions as 1080p.
In June 2014, YouTube introduced videos playing at 60 frames per second, in order to reproduce video games with a frame rate comparable to high-end graphics cards. The videos play back at a resolution of 720p or higher.
YouTube videos are available in a range of quality levels. The former names of standard quality (SQ), high quality (HQ) and high definition (HD) have been replaced by numerical values representing the vertical resolution of the video. The default video stream is encoded in the VP9 format with stereo Opus audio; if VP9/WebM is not supported in the browser/device or the browser’s user agent reports Windows XP, then H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video with stereo AAC audio is used instead.
YouTube video quality and formats have evolved over time starting from 320×240 pixels to 480×360 pixels in 2008, to the introduction of 720p HD in 2008, 1080p HD in 2009, 4K in 2010 and a frame rate 60 per second in 2014 and as of today a number of formats are available for different devices.
Keynotes or Keywords –
Q4: Read and summarize written text in your words.
Most sea creatures, from whales and dolphins to fish, sharks, shrimps and possibly even anemones respond to sound, and many can produce it. They use it to hunt and to hide, find mates and food, form and guide shoals, navigate ‘blind’, send messages and transmit warnings, establish territories, warm off competitors, stun prey, deceive predators, and sense changes in water and conditions. Marine animals click bones and grind teeth; use drum tight bladders and special sonic organs to chirp, grunt, and boom: belch gases; and vibrate special organs. Far from the ‘silent deep’, the oceans are a raucous Babel.
Into this age-long tumult, in the blink of an evolutionary eye, has entered a new thunder: the throb of mighty engines as 46,220 large vessels plough the world’s shipping lanes. Scientists say that background new noise in the ocean has increased roughly by 15 decibels in the past 50 years. It may not sound like much in overall terms, but it is enough, according to many marine biologists, to mask the normal sounds of ocean life going about its business. At its most intense, some even say noise causes wheels to become disoriented, dolphins to develop ‘the bends’, fish to go deaf, flee their breeding grounds or fail to form shoals – enough to disrupt the basic biology of two-thirds of the planet.
Undersea noise pollution is like the death of a thousand cuts, says Sylvia Earle, chief scientist of US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. ‘Each sound in itself may not be a matter of critical concern, but taken all together, the noise from shipping, seismic surveys, and military activity is creating a totally different environment than existed even 50 years ago. That high level of noise is bound to have a hard, sweeping impact on life in the sea.
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Many ocean creatures are dependent on underwater sound to live and breed, but in the last 50 years, noises made by human activity have increased background ocean noise levels by about 15 decibels, which may have a very negative and disruptive effect on sea life and may lead to extinction.
Q5: Read and summarize written text in your words.
One of the major uses for VR in the customer experience journey is the ability to design spaces and experiences for customers virtually, and be able to test, refine and enhance these at a much lower cost and quicker turnaround than testing physical prototypes. Robbie Robertson, a lead partner in the Spatial and Brand Experience team says “In our ever-changing world the need to test, immerse and validate our ideas with our customers has become paramount. Using VR and AR we can provide a mixture of three core elements:
Engage: VR is an immersive technology that allows customers to experience a space and place before it is built. Persuade: we can test and train stakeholders in new work practices or process to ensure that they are adopted correctly.
Inform: visualizing a new idea or concept has always been a challenge for many clients. VR and AR allow us to inform them immediately as to the impact of our designs.”
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Sample Answer 1 – Using VR and AR in customer experience journey provides the ability to design, experience, test, and enhance our ideas with the customer at low cost quickly in the fast-moving world.
Sample Answer 2 – The use of VR in designing spaces and experiences allows them to engage consumers in the building process and train the stakeholders in new practices and help them visualize the new ideas and thus lowering the cost and turnaround time.
Sample Answer 3 – In order to achieve best customer experience we should focus on engagement, persuading, and information delivery of the product, also we have seen that AR and VR provide a vital role to achieve this.
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