Keywords :-
1. Balanced Diet = Balanced diet provides all the nutrients that our body needs in right quantities, along with adequate amount of roughage and water.
2. Beri-Beri = Beri Beri is a disease caused by Vitamin B1 deficiency.
3. Carbohydrates = Carbohydrate provide energy to our body.
• Some sources of Carbohydrates are Rice, Cereals, Wheat etc.
4. Energy = The ability to be very active or do a lot of work without getting tired is called Energy.
5. Fats = Fats provide energy to our body more than Carbohydrates.
• Some sources of Fats = Ghee, Butter, Fish, Egg, Nuts etc.
6. Minerals = Minerals are needed by our body in a small amounts.
Some kinds of Minerals :-
• Calcium
• Phosphorous
• Iodine
• Iron and Many More
7. Nutrients = A substance that is needed to keep a living thing alive and to help it grow are called Nutrients.
Example = Fats, Carbohydrates etc.
8. Protein = Proteins are needed for the growth and repair of our body.
• Some sources of Protein :-
Soyabeans, Carrot, Egg, etc.
9. Roughage = Roughage is mainly provided by plants product in our food.
10. Scurvy = Disease caused by a lack of Vitamin "C" in our food.
11. Starch = Starch is a soft, white, taste less powder that is insoluble in cold water, alcohol. It is a polymeric carbohydrates.
12. Vitamins = Vitamins help in protecting.
Some kinds of Vitamins :-
• Vitamin A And C,D,E,K and Vitamin B-complex.
1. What are the main components of food? |
2. Why are carbohydrates important in our diet? |
3. How do proteins help in our body? |
4. What are the functions of fats in our body? |
5. Why are vitamins and minerals essential for our health? |