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Science Past Year Paper SA-1(Set -2) - 2016, Class 9, CBSE | Extra Documents & Tests for Class 9 PDF Download

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 Page 1

Summative Assessment I – 
Class – IX 
Time allowed: 3 hours Max Marks: 90 
General Instructions: 
I. All questions are compulsory. 
II. Question nos. 1 to 3 in section A carry 1 mar each,
III. Question nos. 4 to 6 carry 2 marks each,
IV. Question nos. 7 to 18 carry 3 marks each,
V. Question nos. 19 to 24 carry 5 marks each,
VI. Question nos. 25 to 33 are multiple choice questions based on practical skills and each
question carries one mark. You must indicate the specific answer along with the option
for multiple choice questions.
IX. Question nos. 34 to 36 are explanatory based on practical skills and carry two marks
X. The question paper also contains a value based question.
Section A 
Q1. Name the tissue present at the base of leaves of plants. 
Q.2 Name the process which occurs when a drop of dettol is added to water. 
Q.3 Name a metal which is liquid at room temperature? 
Q.4 Give reasons why the smell of hot sizzling food reaches you serveral maters away,  but 
to get the smell from cold food you have to go close. 
Q.5 Describe the structure of mitochondria with special reference to its membrane 
Q.6 Name the positions on earth where the value of ‘g’ is 
(i) maximum 
(ii) minimum. 
Justify your answer. 
Q.7 Tyndall effect can be observed when sunlight passes throught a canopy of dense forest. 
Explain it . 
Q.8 How do biotic and abiotic factors affect crop production? 
Page 2

Summative Assessment I – 
Class – IX 
Time allowed: 3 hours Max Marks: 90 
General Instructions: 
I. All questions are compulsory. 
II. Question nos. 1 to 3 in section A carry 1 mar each,
III. Question nos. 4 to 6 carry 2 marks each,
IV. Question nos. 7 to 18 carry 3 marks each,
V. Question nos. 19 to 24 carry 5 marks each,
VI. Question nos. 25 to 33 are multiple choice questions based on practical skills and each
question carries one mark. You must indicate the specific answer along with the option
for multiple choice questions.
IX. Question nos. 34 to 36 are explanatory based on practical skills and carry two marks
X. The question paper also contains a value based question.
Section A 
Q1. Name the tissue present at the base of leaves of plants. 
Q.2 Name the process which occurs when a drop of dettol is added to water. 
Q.3 Name a metal which is liquid at room temperature? 
Q.4 Give reasons why the smell of hot sizzling food reaches you serveral maters away,  but 
to get the smell from cold food you have to go close. 
Q.5 Describe the structure of mitochondria with special reference to its membrane 
Q.6 Name the positions on earth where the value of ‘g’ is 
(i) maximum 
(ii) minimum. 
Justify your answer. 
Q.7 Tyndall effect can be observed when sunlight passes throught a canopy of dense forest. 
Explain it . 
Q.8 How do biotic and abiotic factors affect crop production? 
Q.9 What are the functions of areolar tissue? 
Q.10 A stone drops from the edge of the roof.  It crosses a window 2m long in 0.1 s. 
How much time does the stone take to reach the lower end of window from roof? 
Q.11 A Solution contain 60g of NaCl in 400g of water.  Calculate the concentration in terms of 
mass by mass percentage of the solution. 
Q.12 Write two similarities and two differences between striated and cardiac muscles. 
Q.13 The mass of the earth is 
6 10 kg × and that of the moon is
7.4 10 . kg ×
If the distance between the earth and moon be 
3.84 10 , km × calculate the force exerted
by the earth on the moon. 
( )
11 2 2
6.67 10 G NM Kg
- - = ×
14. Describe an activity to determine the melting point of ice.
15. Derive the second equation of motion
S ut at = +  graphically? 
16. Mention the type of honey bee you will prefer to rear if you are running an apiary.  Give
three reasons for your choice.  Also list any two factors on which the quality of honey
17. Vishnu’s father had two healthy Sahiwal cows.  Vishnu told his father that the lactation
period of cows can be increased by  cross-breeding cattle with foreign breeds an also it
was possible artificially.  In this way if villagers participated in cross-breeding
programme they would  have higher milk yield.
(i) What is meant by lactation period?
(ii) Name two exotic cattle breeds with long lactation period.
(iii) What values are exhibited by Vishnu?
18. A 8000 kg engine pulls a train of 5 wagons, each of 2000 kg, along a horizontal track.  If
the engine exerts a force of 40000 N  and  the track offers a friction force of 5000N, then
(i) The net accelerating force:
(ii)The acceleration of the train; and
(iii)The force of wagon 1 on wagon 2
19 How does the fractional distillation differ simple distillation process?  Draw a labled 
diagram of the apparatus used for fractional distillation. 
20. The driver of train.  A travelling at a speed  of 54 kmh
 applies brakes and retards the
train uniformly.  The train stops in 5 seconds.  Another train B is travelling on the
parallel with a speed of 36 kmh
.  Its driver applies the brakes and the train   retards
Page 3

Summative Assessment I – 
Class – IX 
Time allowed: 3 hours Max Marks: 90 
General Instructions: 
I. All questions are compulsory. 
II. Question nos. 1 to 3 in section A carry 1 mar each,
III. Question nos. 4 to 6 carry 2 marks each,
IV. Question nos. 7 to 18 carry 3 marks each,
V. Question nos. 19 to 24 carry 5 marks each,
VI. Question nos. 25 to 33 are multiple choice questions based on practical skills and each
question carries one mark. You must indicate the specific answer along with the option
for multiple choice questions.
IX. Question nos. 34 to 36 are explanatory based on practical skills and carry two marks
X. The question paper also contains a value based question.
Section A 
Q1. Name the tissue present at the base of leaves of plants. 
Q.2 Name the process which occurs when a drop of dettol is added to water. 
Q.3 Name a metal which is liquid at room temperature? 
Q.4 Give reasons why the smell of hot sizzling food reaches you serveral maters away,  but 
to get the smell from cold food you have to go close. 
Q.5 Describe the structure of mitochondria with special reference to its membrane 
Q.6 Name the positions on earth where the value of ‘g’ is 
(i) maximum 
(ii) minimum. 
Justify your answer. 
Q.7 Tyndall effect can be observed when sunlight passes throught a canopy of dense forest. 
Explain it . 
Q.8 How do biotic and abiotic factors affect crop production? 
Q.9 What are the functions of areolar tissue? 
Q.10 A stone drops from the edge of the roof.  It crosses a window 2m long in 0.1 s. 
How much time does the stone take to reach the lower end of window from roof? 
Q.11 A Solution contain 60g of NaCl in 400g of water.  Calculate the concentration in terms of 
mass by mass percentage of the solution. 
Q.12 Write two similarities and two differences between striated and cardiac muscles. 
Q.13 The mass of the earth is 
6 10 kg × and that of the moon is
7.4 10 . kg ×
If the distance between the earth and moon be 
3.84 10 , km × calculate the force exerted
by the earth on the moon. 
( )
11 2 2
6.67 10 G NM Kg
- - = ×
14. Describe an activity to determine the melting point of ice.
15. Derive the second equation of motion
S ut at = +  graphically? 
16. Mention the type of honey bee you will prefer to rear if you are running an apiary.  Give
three reasons for your choice.  Also list any two factors on which the quality of honey
17. Vishnu’s father had two healthy Sahiwal cows.  Vishnu told his father that the lactation
period of cows can be increased by  cross-breeding cattle with foreign breeds an also it
was possible artificially.  In this way if villagers participated in cross-breeding
programme they would  have higher milk yield.
(i) What is meant by lactation period?
(ii) Name two exotic cattle breeds with long lactation period.
(iii) What values are exhibited by Vishnu?
18. A 8000 kg engine pulls a train of 5 wagons, each of 2000 kg, along a horizontal track.  If
the engine exerts a force of 40000 N  and  the track offers a friction force of 5000N, then
(i) The net accelerating force:
(ii)The acceleration of the train; and
(iii)The force of wagon 1 on wagon 2
19 How does the fractional distillation differ simple distillation process?  Draw a labled 
diagram of the apparatus used for fractional distillation. 
20. The driver of train.  A travelling at a speed  of 54 kmh
 applies brakes and retards the
train uniformly.  The train stops in 5 seconds.  Another train B is travelling on the
parallel with a speed of 36 kmh
.  Its driver applies the brakes and the train   retards
uniformly.  The train B stops in 10 seconds.  Plot speed-time graphs for both the trains 
on the same axis.  Which of the trains travelled farther after the brakes were applied? 
21. (a) Mention any two differences between  physical and chemical changes.  Give one
example of each.
(b) List any two properties for each of the following case of metals which makes them
suitable to be used as :    utensils of cooking food;  wires of electrical connecions.
22. Complete the following table for plants:
23. State the law of conservation of momentum.
A bullet of mass 10 g moving with  a velocity of 400 m/s gets embedded in a freely
suspended wooden block of mass 900 g.  What is the velocity acquired by the block?
24. Why is crop variety improvement important in cultivation?  Describe the important
factors for which variety improvement is done.
Section B 
25. If the humidity in the the air increases then the rate of evaporation:
(a) Decreses
(b) increses
(c) remains same
(d) both (a) and (b) depending upon the temperature
26 Which of the following solution scatters light? 
(a) colloidal solution 
(b) suspension 
(c) both (a) and (b) 
(d) none of these 
27. A cell is placed in hypotonic solution will;
(a) swell up
(b) non undergo any change
Page 4

Summative Assessment I – 
Class – IX 
Time allowed: 3 hours Max Marks: 90 
General Instructions: 
I. All questions are compulsory. 
II. Question nos. 1 to 3 in section A carry 1 mar each,
III. Question nos. 4 to 6 carry 2 marks each,
IV. Question nos. 7 to 18 carry 3 marks each,
V. Question nos. 19 to 24 carry 5 marks each,
VI. Question nos. 25 to 33 are multiple choice questions based on practical skills and each
question carries one mark. You must indicate the specific answer along with the option
for multiple choice questions.
IX. Question nos. 34 to 36 are explanatory based on practical skills and carry two marks
X. The question paper also contains a value based question.
Section A 
Q1. Name the tissue present at the base of leaves of plants. 
Q.2 Name the process which occurs when a drop of dettol is added to water. 
Q.3 Name a metal which is liquid at room temperature? 
Q.4 Give reasons why the smell of hot sizzling food reaches you serveral maters away,  but 
to get the smell from cold food you have to go close. 
Q.5 Describe the structure of mitochondria with special reference to its membrane 
Q.6 Name the positions on earth where the value of ‘g’ is 
(i) maximum 
(ii) minimum. 
Justify your answer. 
Q.7 Tyndall effect can be observed when sunlight passes throught a canopy of dense forest. 
Explain it . 
Q.8 How do biotic and abiotic factors affect crop production? 
Q.9 What are the functions of areolar tissue? 
Q.10 A stone drops from the edge of the roof.  It crosses a window 2m long in 0.1 s. 
How much time does the stone take to reach the lower end of window from roof? 
Q.11 A Solution contain 60g of NaCl in 400g of water.  Calculate the concentration in terms of 
mass by mass percentage of the solution. 
Q.12 Write two similarities and two differences between striated and cardiac muscles. 
Q.13 The mass of the earth is 
6 10 kg × and that of the moon is
7.4 10 . kg ×
If the distance between the earth and moon be 
3.84 10 , km × calculate the force exerted
by the earth on the moon. 
( )
11 2 2
6.67 10 G NM Kg
- - = ×
14. Describe an activity to determine the melting point of ice.
15. Derive the second equation of motion
S ut at = +  graphically? 
16. Mention the type of honey bee you will prefer to rear if you are running an apiary.  Give
three reasons for your choice.  Also list any two factors on which the quality of honey
17. Vishnu’s father had two healthy Sahiwal cows.  Vishnu told his father that the lactation
period of cows can be increased by  cross-breeding cattle with foreign breeds an also it
was possible artificially.  In this way if villagers participated in cross-breeding
programme they would  have higher milk yield.
(i) What is meant by lactation period?
(ii) Name two exotic cattle breeds with long lactation period.
(iii) What values are exhibited by Vishnu?
18. A 8000 kg engine pulls a train of 5 wagons, each of 2000 kg, along a horizontal track.  If
the engine exerts a force of 40000 N  and  the track offers a friction force of 5000N, then
(i) The net accelerating force:
(ii)The acceleration of the train; and
(iii)The force of wagon 1 on wagon 2
19 How does the fractional distillation differ simple distillation process?  Draw a labled 
diagram of the apparatus used for fractional distillation. 
20. The driver of train.  A travelling at a speed  of 54 kmh
 applies brakes and retards the
train uniformly.  The train stops in 5 seconds.  Another train B is travelling on the
parallel with a speed of 36 kmh
.  Its driver applies the brakes and the train   retards
uniformly.  The train B stops in 10 seconds.  Plot speed-time graphs for both the trains 
on the same axis.  Which of the trains travelled farther after the brakes were applied? 
21. (a) Mention any two differences between  physical and chemical changes.  Give one
example of each.
(b) List any two properties for each of the following case of metals which makes them
suitable to be used as :    utensils of cooking food;  wires of electrical connecions.
22. Complete the following table for plants:
23. State the law of conservation of momentum.
A bullet of mass 10 g moving with  a velocity of 400 m/s gets embedded in a freely
suspended wooden block of mass 900 g.  What is the velocity acquired by the block?
24. Why is crop variety improvement important in cultivation?  Describe the important
factors for which variety improvement is done.
Section B 
25. If the humidity in the the air increases then the rate of evaporation:
(a) Decreses
(b) increses
(c) remains same
(d) both (a) and (b) depending upon the temperature
26 Which of the following solution scatters light? 
(a) colloidal solution 
(b) suspension 
(c) both (a) and (b) 
(d) none of these 
27. A cell is placed in hypotonic solution will;
(a) swell up
(b) non undergo any change
(c) Shrink 
(d) show plasmolysis 
28. A person met with an accident in which two long bones of hand were dislocated.  which
among the following may be a possible reason?
(a) tendon break
(b) break of skeletal muscles
(c) ligament break
(d) Areolar tissue break
29. Which of the following statement is correct?
(a)  both speed and velocity are same
(b) speed is a scaler and velocity is a vector
(c) speed is a vector and velocity is scalar
(d) none of these
30. Crystals of copper sulphate are heated, they turn white, This colour change is due to:
(a) loss of copper ions
(b) loss of sulphate ions
(c) decomoposition of copper sulphate
(d) loss of water of crystallisation
31. Which macronutrient is required in largest quantity by plant?
(a) Nitrogen
(b)  Molybdenum
(c) Potassium
(d)  Copper
32. ‘Blue Revolution’ refers to increase in –
(a) Milk Production
(b) Egg Production
(c) Grain Production
(d) Fish Producion
33. Two opposite forces of same magnitude acting on a body that do not its state of rest or
motion are called:
(a) balance force
(b) unbalanced force
(c) frictional force
(d) gravitational force
34. Which of the following cannot pass  through filter paper?  And which one is a
transparent solution:
Suspension, colloidal solution, true solution.
Page 5

Summative Assessment I – 
Class – IX 
Time allowed: 3 hours Max Marks: 90 
General Instructions: 
I. All questions are compulsory. 
II. Question nos. 1 to 3 in section A carry 1 mar each,
III. Question nos. 4 to 6 carry 2 marks each,
IV. Question nos. 7 to 18 carry 3 marks each,
V. Question nos. 19 to 24 carry 5 marks each,
VI. Question nos. 25 to 33 are multiple choice questions based on practical skills and each
question carries one mark. You must indicate the specific answer along with the option
for multiple choice questions.
IX. Question nos. 34 to 36 are explanatory based on practical skills and carry two marks
X. The question paper also contains a value based question.
Section A 
Q1. Name the tissue present at the base of leaves of plants. 
Q.2 Name the process which occurs when a drop of dettol is added to water. 
Q.3 Name a metal which is liquid at room temperature? 
Q.4 Give reasons why the smell of hot sizzling food reaches you serveral maters away,  but 
to get the smell from cold food you have to go close. 
Q.5 Describe the structure of mitochondria with special reference to its membrane 
Q.6 Name the positions on earth where the value of ‘g’ is 
(i) maximum 
(ii) minimum. 
Justify your answer. 
Q.7 Tyndall effect can be observed when sunlight passes throught a canopy of dense forest. 
Explain it . 
Q.8 How do biotic and abiotic factors affect crop production? 
Q.9 What are the functions of areolar tissue? 
Q.10 A stone drops from the edge of the roof.  It crosses a window 2m long in 0.1 s. 
How much time does the stone take to reach the lower end of window from roof? 
Q.11 A Solution contain 60g of NaCl in 400g of water.  Calculate the concentration in terms of 
mass by mass percentage of the solution. 
Q.12 Write two similarities and two differences between striated and cardiac muscles. 
Q.13 The mass of the earth is 
6 10 kg × and that of the moon is
7.4 10 . kg ×
If the distance between the earth and moon be 
3.84 10 , km × calculate the force exerted
by the earth on the moon. 
( )
11 2 2
6.67 10 G NM Kg
- - = ×
14. Describe an activity to determine the melting point of ice.
15. Derive the second equation of motion
S ut at = +  graphically? 
16. Mention the type of honey bee you will prefer to rear if you are running an apiary.  Give
three reasons for your choice.  Also list any two factors on which the quality of honey
17. Vishnu’s father had two healthy Sahiwal cows.  Vishnu told his father that the lactation
period of cows can be increased by  cross-breeding cattle with foreign breeds an also it
was possible artificially.  In this way if villagers participated in cross-breeding
programme they would  have higher milk yield.
(i) What is meant by lactation period?
(ii) Name two exotic cattle breeds with long lactation period.
(iii) What values are exhibited by Vishnu?
18. A 8000 kg engine pulls a train of 5 wagons, each of 2000 kg, along a horizontal track.  If
the engine exerts a force of 40000 N  and  the track offers a friction force of 5000N, then
(i) The net accelerating force:
(ii)The acceleration of the train; and
(iii)The force of wagon 1 on wagon 2
19 How does the fractional distillation differ simple distillation process?  Draw a labled 
diagram of the apparatus used for fractional distillation. 
20. The driver of train.  A travelling at a speed  of 54 kmh
 applies brakes and retards the
train uniformly.  The train stops in 5 seconds.  Another train B is travelling on the
parallel with a speed of 36 kmh
.  Its driver applies the brakes and the train   retards
uniformly.  The train B stops in 10 seconds.  Plot speed-time graphs for both the trains 
on the same axis.  Which of the trains travelled farther after the brakes were applied? 
21. (a) Mention any two differences between  physical and chemical changes.  Give one
example of each.
(b) List any two properties for each of the following case of metals which makes them
suitable to be used as :    utensils of cooking food;  wires of electrical connecions.
22. Complete the following table for plants:
23. State the law of conservation of momentum.
A bullet of mass 10 g moving with  a velocity of 400 m/s gets embedded in a freely
suspended wooden block of mass 900 g.  What is the velocity acquired by the block?
24. Why is crop variety improvement important in cultivation?  Describe the important
factors for which variety improvement is done.
Section B 
25. If the humidity in the the air increases then the rate of evaporation:
(a) Decreses
(b) increses
(c) remains same
(d) both (a) and (b) depending upon the temperature
26 Which of the following solution scatters light? 
(a) colloidal solution 
(b) suspension 
(c) both (a) and (b) 
(d) none of these 
27. A cell is placed in hypotonic solution will;
(a) swell up
(b) non undergo any change
(c) Shrink 
(d) show plasmolysis 
28. A person met with an accident in which two long bones of hand were dislocated.  which
among the following may be a possible reason?
(a) tendon break
(b) break of skeletal muscles
(c) ligament break
(d) Areolar tissue break
29. Which of the following statement is correct?
(a)  both speed and velocity are same
(b) speed is a scaler and velocity is a vector
(c) speed is a vector and velocity is scalar
(d) none of these
30. Crystals of copper sulphate are heated, they turn white, This colour change is due to:
(a) loss of copper ions
(b) loss of sulphate ions
(c) decomoposition of copper sulphate
(d) loss of water of crystallisation
31. Which macronutrient is required in largest quantity by plant?
(a) Nitrogen
(b)  Molybdenum
(c) Potassium
(d)  Copper
32. ‘Blue Revolution’ refers to increase in –
(a) Milk Production
(b) Egg Production
(c) Grain Production
(d) Fish Producion
33. Two opposite forces of same magnitude acting on a body that do not its state of rest or
motion are called:
(a) balance force
(b) unbalanced force
(c) frictional force
(d) gravitational force
34. Which of the following cannot pass  through filter paper?  And which one is a
transparent solution:
Suspension, colloidal solution, true solution.
35. After a solid starts melting, we observe that the temperature remains constant until the
whole of the solid has melted.  Where does the energy go during that phase of melting?
36. If x is the initial mass of the raisins and y is the final mass of raisins after soaking in
water.  Calculate the percentage of water absorbed by raisins.
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FAQs on Science Past Year Paper SA-1(Set -2) - 2016, Class 9, CBSE - Extra Documents & Tests for Class 9

1. What is the format of the CBSE Class 9 Science Past Year Paper SA-1(Set -2) - 2016?
Ans. The CBSE Class 9 Science Past Year Paper SA-1(Set -2) - 2016 is a written examination that consists of multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, and long answer questions. Students are required to answer the questions on the provided answer sheets.
2. How can I access the CBSE Class 9 Science Past Year Paper SA-1(Set -2) - 2016?
Ans. The CBSE Class 9 Science Past Year Paper SA-1(Set -2) - 2016 can be accessed through various online platforms, educational websites, or by purchasing a physical copy of the paper from bookstores. It is a widely available resource for students to practice and prepare for their exams.
3. What topics are covered in the CBSE Class 9 Science Past Year Paper SA-1(Set -2) - 2016?
Ans. The CBSE Class 9 Science Past Year Paper SA-1(Set -2) - 2016 covers various topics from the science curriculum, including physics, chemistry, and biology. The paper may include questions related to concepts such as motion, force, matter, energy, cells, atoms, and more.
4. Is the CBSE Class 9 Science Past Year Paper SA-1(Set -2) - 2016 a reliable resource for exam preparation?
Ans. Yes, the CBSE Class 9 Science Past Year Paper SA-1(Set -2) - 2016 is a reliable resource for exam preparation. It provides students with an idea of the exam pattern, types of questions asked, and the level of difficulty. By practicing with past year papers, students can assess their knowledge and identify areas that require more attention.
5. How should I utilize the CBSE Class 9 Science Past Year Paper SA-1(Set -2) - 2016 for effective preparation?
Ans. To utilize the CBSE Class 9 Science Past Year Paper SA-1(Set -2) - 2016 effectively, students should attempt the paper under exam-like conditions, strictly adhering to the time limit. After completing the paper, they should evaluate their answers and identify any mistakes or areas of improvement. Students can also seek guidance from their teachers or refer to the textbook for clarification on concepts they find challenging. Regular practice with past year papers can significantly enhance exam preparation.
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