Hydraulic Design of Trajectory Bucket Type Energy Dissipator
An upturn solid bucket used when the tailwater depth is insufficient for the formation of the hydraulic jump, the bed of the river channel downstream comprises sound rock and is capable of withstanding, without excessive scour, the impact of the high velocity jet. The flow coming down the spillway is thrown away from toe of the dam to a considerable distance downstream as a free discharging upturned jet which falls into the channel directly, thereby avoiding excessive scour immediately downstream of the spillway. There is hardly any energy dissipation within the bucket itself. The device is used mainly to increase the distance from the structure to the place where high velocity etc. hits the channel bed, thus avoiding the danger of excessive scour immediately downstream of the spillway. Due to the throw of the jet in the shape of a trajectory, energy dissipation takes place by
When the tailwater depth is insufficient for the formation of the hydraulic jump and the bed of the channel downstream comprises sound rock which is capable of withstanding the impact of the high velocity jet, the provision of a trajectory bucket is considered more suitable as provision of conventional hydraulic jump type apron or a roller bucket involves considerable excavation in hard strata forming the bed. It is also necessary to have sufficient straight reach in the downstream of a skijump bucket. The flow coming down the spillway is thrown away in air from the toe of the structure to a considerable distance as a free discharging upturned jet which falls on the channel bed d/s. The hard bed can tolerate the spray from the jet and erosion by the plunging jet would not be a significant problem for the safety of the structure.
Thus, although there is very little energy dissipation within the bucket itself, possible channel bed erosion close to the downstream toe of the dam is minimized. In the trajectory bucket, only part of the energy is dissipated through interaction of the jet with the surrounding air. The remaining energy is imparted to the channel bed below. The channel bed should consist of sound, hard strata and should be free from laminations, joints and weak pockets to withstand the impact of jet. The design of the trajectory bucket presupposes the formation of large craters or scour holes at the zone of impact of the jet during the initial years of operation and, therefore, the design shall be restricted to sites where generally sound rock is available in the river bed. Special care shall be taken to concrete weak pockets in the bed located in a length of
Design Criteria - The principal features of hydraulic design of tra jectory bucket consist of determining:
The various parameters are shown in Figure 61(c)
An example of the use of a trajectory bucket is the one provided in the Srisailam Dam Spillway (Figure 64).
FiGURE 64. Srisailam Dam Spillway
Further details about the design of bucket type energy dissipators may be had from the Bureau of Indian Standards Code IS: 7365-1985 “Criteria for hydraulic design of bucket type energy dissipators”
Protection of downstream of spillways from scour
It may be noted that inspite of the provision of the best suited energy dissipator for a specific spillway under the prevailing site conditions, there may be still some energy is expected to be maximum for the trajectory type spillway, followed by the solid and slotted roller buckets and finally the hydraulic jump type stilling basins. In order to protect the downstream riverbed from these undesirable scour, the following types of protection works have been recommended by the Bureau of Indian Standards code IS:13195-1991 “Preliminary design, operation and maintenance of protection works downstream of spillways-guidelines”.
Figure 65 shows the various types of protection works that may typically be used downstream of a spillway.
Flaunt 65. Different types of protection works downstream of a typical spillway project
The importance of providing protection below a spillway, especially of the trajectory type may be noted from the incidence of deep scour on the downstream of the Srisailam dam spillway.
Case Study
Srisailam dam spillway (Figure 64) across river Krishna was constructed during 1977-83. It is a 137 m high concrete dam, with 12 spans of 18’3 m x 16’8 m. The river bed is composed of quartzites and shales. In the immediate downstream vicinity of the spillway, there were horizontal shear zones 0’2 m to 0’9 m thick, where the quartzites are crushed and sheared. During the monsoons of 1977 to 1980, the construction stage flood passed over the partially constructed spillway bays, spilling over 7 bays which were at different levels having a maximum difference of level of 23 m. The difference in level between the lip of the ski-jump bucket and downstream rock was about 44 m.
Shorter throw of the water spilling over the bucket lip, as a cascading flow caused deep scour in the immediate vicinity of the bucket lip. During subsequent floods, the scour holes were concreted and leveled as protective aprons in some part of the spillway. Such aprons were however, subjected to repeated damage and undermining. By April 1985, depth of scour below blocks 11 to 13 reached from 9 m to 22 m below the protective apron. Cavities of undermining below the apron were also present at a depth of 6 to 9 m.
The protection work consisted of providing an underwater massive concrete block touching the apron and filling the eroded cavities below the apron. The water level at downstream toe varied from the top of existing apron to about 1.5 m below it.
The scheme involved forming 4 cells with steel cylinder walls and filling concrete in each cell followed by concrete capping. Heavy concrete blocks (approximate 1 metre cube) were placed downstream of the cylinder watls to further protect the rock from the water jump damage.
Since the construction of the above protection works, the spillway was completed to final levels and crest gates have also been installed. Hydraulic model studies were conducted to evolve an operation of the spillway in such a way that the throw of the trajectory fall further away from the toe of the dam. This together with the protective measures already implemented is expected to prevent further erosion at the toe of the dam.
1. What is a spillway and why is it important in civil engineering? |
2. What are the different types of energy dissipators used in spillways? |
3. How is energy dissipated in a hydraulic jump? |
4. What are some factors that engineers consider when designing spillways and energy dissipators? |
5. How do spillways and energy dissipators help in safeguarding downstream areas during heavy rainfall or flood events? |
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