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State Legislatures and High Courts | General Awareness & Knowledge - Bank Exams PDF Download

State Legislature

  • Can be :
  • §  UNICAMERAL  {One House }
  • §  BICAMERAL  {Two House }
  • Bicameral Status : 7 States :  1- Bihar-75, 2-J & K -36, 3-Karnataka -75, 4- Telangana-40, 5-Maharashtra -78, 6-UP -108, 7-Andhra Pradesh -50
  • Legislative Council can be created or abolished on the recommendation of Legislative Assembly.

Legislative Council (Vidhan Parishad )

Sr. No.Status
  • Also known as Upper House. Like Rajya Sabha, it is also a Permanent House (sort of) and cannot be dissolved. 
  • The total strength cannot exceed 1/3rd of the strength of Legislative Assembly, subject to a minimum of 40 members. The strength varies as per the population of State.
2Creation and Abolition
  • If the Legislative Assembly passes a resolution for abolishing or creating of the Legislative Council by a majority of the total membership of the assembly and by a majority of not less than two-third of the members present and voting, the Parliament may approve the resolution by a simple majority.
  • A resolution passed by the Legislative Assembly for the creation or abolition of its Council is not binding on the Parliament. The Parliament may or may not approve such a situation.
  • 6 yrs term with 1/3rd members retiring every two years.
  • Same as that of Lok Sabha, except the age which is 30 yrs.
  •  One-third of the members are elected by local bodies, one-third by Legislative Assembly, one-twelfth by university graduates of atleast 3 yrs standing, similar proportion by teachers (not less than secondary school) of atleast 3 yrs standing & one-sixth nominated by the Governor from among those persons who distinguish themselves in literature, Vice-chairman among its members. 


 Assembly (Vidhan Sabha)

  • Also known as lower House, just like the Lok Sabha.
  • Consists of not more than 500 members & not less than 60 members. The strength varies according to the population of the State concerned. However, the Legislative Assembly of Sikkim has only 32 members.
  • Has a term of 5 yrs but can be dissolved by the Governor earlier. Term can be extended by one year during national emergency. 
  • Same as that of Lok Sabha or Legislative Council except that the minimum age is 25 yrs.
  • The Council of Minister is collectively responsible, to the Assembly. The assembly chooses its’ own Speaker & Deputy Speaker who can be removed by Council of Minister. The Chief Minister is the leader of the House.
4Powers of State Legislature
  • Can legislate on subject contained in the State List as well as Concurrent List.
  • Exercise control over State Council of Minister (can even remove it by passing the no-confidence motion).
  • Participates in the election of the president.
  • Has a share in the Amendment of Constitution as some provisions can be amended after ratification by the legislatures of half of the State.

Strength of State Legislatures

Sr. No.States/UTsLegislative AssemblyLegislative CouncilStates/UTsLegislative AssemblyLegislative Council
1Andhra Pradesh17550Maharashtra28878
2Arunachal Pradesh40NilManipur60Nil
10Himachal Pradesh68NilSikkim32Nil
11Jammu & Kashmir8736Tamil Nadu234Nil
14Madhya Pradesh230NilUttar Pradesh404108
16   West Bengal294Nil

High Court

  • Each State has a High Court: it is the highest judicial organ of the State.
  • However, there can be a common High Court like Punjab, Haryana & Union Territory of Chandigarh. Presently there are 24 High Court in India.
  • Consists of Chief Justice & other such judges as appointed by the President.
  • The Constitution, unlike in the case of the Supreme Court, does not fix any maximum number of judges for a High Court. (Allahabad High Court has 37 judges while J&K High Court has only 5).
  • A judge of a High Court can be transferred to another High Court without his consent by the President. In this, the Chief Justice of India is also consulted. The opinion provided by him shall have primacy and is binding on the President. 
2Appointment of Judges
  • The appointment of Chief Justice made after. Consultation with the Chief Justice of Supreme Court & the Governor of the State by the President. In case of appointment of a Judges, the Chief Justice of the High Court concerned is also consulted in addition to Chief Justice of Supreme Court & Governor of the State concerned.
  • Must be a citizen of India.
  • Should have been an advocate of a High Court or of two such Courts in succession for atleast 10 yrs : or should have held judicial office in India for a period of atleast 10 yrs.
4Term & Salary
  • A judge of High Court continues his office till 62 yrs of age. Term can be cut short due to resignation or removal by the President. The Salary of the Chief Justice is Rs. 90,000 per month, while that of other judges is Rs. 80,000 p.m.
  • The President can remove a judge of High Court only if the Parliament passes the resolution by a 2/3 majority of its members present & voting in each house.
  • The conduct of the judges of the High Court cannot be discussed in Parliament, except on a motion for the removal of a judge.

Jurisdiction and Seats of High Court (Total 24)

Sr. No.NameEstd. In the yearTerritorial JurisdictionSeat
1Allahabad1866Uttar PradeshAllahabad (Bench at Lucknow)
2Hyderabad1956Andhra Pradesh and TelanganaHyderabad
3Bombay1862Maharashtra, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Goa, Daman and DiuMumbai ( Bench at Nagpur, Panajiand Aurangabad)
4Calcutta1862West Bengal and Andaman and NicobarKolkata (Circuit Bench at Port Blair)
6Gauhati1948Asom, Nagaland, Mizoram and Arunachal PradeshGuwahati (Bench at Kohima and Circuit Benches at Imphal,Agartala & Shillong)
8Himachal Pradesh1971Himachal PradeshShimla
9J & K1957J & KSrinagar and Jammu
11Kerala1956Kerala and LakeshadweepErnakulam
12Madhya Pradesh1956Madhya PradeshJabalpur ( Benches at Gwalior and Indore)
13Madras1862Tamil Nadu and PuducherryChennai
16Punjab & Haryana1966Punjab, Haryana and ChandigarhChandigarh
17Rajasthan1950RajasthanJodhpur ( Bench at Jaipur)
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FAQs on State Legislatures and High Courts - General Awareness & Knowledge - Bank Exams

1. What is the function of the Legislative Council (Vidhan Parishad)?
Ans. The Legislative Council is the upper house of the state legislature and its main function is to review and revise legislation proposed by the lower house, known as the Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha). It acts as a check on the powers of the Legislative Assembly and ensures that legislation is thoroughly debated and scrutinized before becoming law.
2. How is the strength of State Legislatures determined?
Ans. The strength of State Legislatures is determined by the population of the respective states. Seats in the Legislative Assembly are allocated based on the population of the state, with each constituency representing a certain number of people. The more populous the state, the higher the number of seats in the Legislative Assembly.
3. What is the role of the High Court in the state judicial system?
Ans. The High Court is the highest judicial authority in a state and plays a crucial role in the state judicial system. It has the power of judicial review, meaning it can examine the constitutionality of laws and government actions. The High Court also hears appeals from lower courts and has the power to issue writs for the enforcement of fundamental rights.
4. How many High Courts are there in India and where are they located?
Ans. There are a total of 24 High Courts in India, each serving a specific state or group of states. Some of the important High Courts and their locations include the Bombay High Court in Mumbai, the Delhi High Court in New Delhi, the Madras High Court in Chennai, and the Calcutta High Court in Kolkata.
5. What is the relationship between State Legislatures and High Courts?
Ans. State Legislatures and High Courts are both important institutions in the governance and administration of the state. While State Legislatures are responsible for making laws, High Courts are responsible for interpreting and applying those laws. High Courts also have the power to strike down laws that are unconstitutional. The two institutions work together to ensure the proper functioning of the state's legal and legislative systems.
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