Ans: Waste derived from living things and waste derived from non-living things that were once alive.
Ans: Recycle
Ans: It helps reduce the amount of energy required to manufacture new products. It also saves landfill space utilized for garbage disposal and makes the surroundings cleaner and healthier.
Ans: Biodegradable
Ans: Refuse, for example, we can refuse plastic bags from the shopkeeper while shopping. We should carry our own jute or cloth bag.
Ans: e
Ans: a
Ans: a
Ans: c
Ans: a
Part - B
Ans: a. Recycling
b. Landfill
Ans: a. Biodegradable
b. Biodegradable
c. Non-biodegradable
d. Biodegradable
e. Biodegradable
f. Non-biodegradable
Ans: Composting
Ans: Decay, Non-biodegradable
Ans: Compost
Ans: Vermicomposting
Ans: False
Ans: True
Part - C
Ans: Biodegradable waste:
(i) Biodegradable waste is waste that will decay and mix with the soil.
(ii) This includes food waste such as fruit and vegetable peels, meat and bones, etc.
Non-biodegradable waste:
(i) Non-biodegradable waste is waste that will not decay and mix with the soil.
(ii) This includes plastics (for example, bags and packaging material), metal, glass, etc.
Ans: There is a need to segregate the two types of waste because different kinds of waste require different methods of disposal.
Ans: Because it is a natural process that recycles the nutrients in the waste to yield manure or compost.
Ans: Non-biodegradable waste cannot be degraded by living organisms.
Ans: Vermicomposting is a method of composting where compost is made from biodegradable waste with the help of a type of earthworm called red worms.
Ans: The old items of metals are taken to factories where these are melted to make new metal products.
Part - D
Ans: The amount of garbage is so huge that disposing of it is an immense problem. It cannot be burnt as this generates smoke and poisonous gases. It cannot be thrown into water as it will pollute the water.
Ans: Recycling of non-biodegradable waste becomes so essential these days because over the last few years, we have started buying a number of products packaged in cans, aluminium foils, plastics, etc. We then throw away the packaging. This has led to an immense increase in the amount of non-biodegradable waste and that is why recycling of these wastes has become very essential.
Ans: Recycling is considered to be an efficient method of disposing of garbage because it reduces the amount of waste that is thrown into the community dustbins, thereby making the environment clean and the air fresher to breathe. A large portion of garbage can be recycled or converted to compost by a natural process, and only a small portion of it is real waste that has no use and has to be discarded.
Ans: At home, we can use part of the paper for covering books, and sell the rest to the kabadiwala for recycling. It is recycled by making paper carry-bags or is used for making recycled paper.
Ans: Because careless disposal of plastic bags chokes drains, blocks the soil, and hinders the absorption of water by the soil. If eaten by animals such as cows, it can choke and kill them. Plastic bags can also contaminate foodstuffs because of poisonous dyes getting absorbed into food. If burnt for disposal, they give out harmful gases, which cause pollution and health problems.
Ans: The five ways in which we can contribute to a better disposal of waste are:
(i) Carrying our own cloth or jute bag when going shopping.
(ii) Reusing the plastic bottles of soft drinks for storing water.
(iii) Digging a compost pit in our garden and putting all the biodegradable waste into it.
(iv) Segregating the waste in the house and putting them into separate bins and disposing of them separately.
(v) Trying to sell all the recyclable items to the kabadiwala.
Ans: The four Rs of waste disposal are:
(i) Refuse things that increase garbage.
(ii) Reduce garbage by consuming less and throwing less.
(iii) Reuse wherever possible.
(iv) Recycle the waste to save resources.
Ans: Earthworms are the friends of farmers because they not only aerate the soil but also help in producing vermicompost, a valuable resource for improving soil fertility. They also help in water drainage from the soil.
Ans: By composting, as it recycles the nutrients in the waste to compost without causing pollution. Burning of leaves leads to air pollution.
Ans: Kabadiwala is a friend of the environment because he helps in the reusing and recycling of biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste, thus preventing pollution and conserving energy.
Ans: Because the quantum of plastic disposed of in the form of plastic bags is many times more than the quantum disposed of as other plastic products such as TV cabinets and buckets. This is because plastic bags may be disposed of after a single use, whereas one bucket may be disposed of after several years of use.
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