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Textbook Solution: Living Organisms and their Surroundings | Living Science (Ratna Sagar) for Class 6 PDF Download

Oral Questions For Formative Assessment (P-108)

Ans: ecology

Ans: No, the natural environment consists of both the biotic and abiotic components, that is, air, water, sunlight, soil, temperature, and all living organisms in a place.

Ans: Auto means self. Green plants. Because green plants make their own food.

Ans: Air, water, soil, sunlight, temperature

Ans: No.

Oral Questions For Formative Assessment (P-112)

Ans: Deserts

Ans: No, the hump stores fat and it provides food in times of shortage.

Ans: No, the leaves are reduced to spines to prevent water loss.

Ans: The long and narrow leaves of tape grass can withstand water currents without getting damaged.

Ans: Dolphins, whales. They breathe through blowholes located near the upper parts of their heads.

Ans: Penguins stay together in groups to keep themselves warm.

Ans: Yes, the brown color makes the lions not clearly visible to their prey as it matches with the surrounding dry grassland.

For Formative and Summative Assessment (P-113)

Part - A

Ans: c

Ans: c

Ans: c

Ans: c

Ans: c

Ans: a

Ans: b

Ans: d

Part - B

Ans: living

Ans: plants

Ans: ecology

Ans: autotrophs

Ans: secondary consumers

Ans: Decomposers

Ans: salt water

Ans: true

Ans: succulent

Ans: streamlined

Ans: false

Ans: snow

Ans: hibernation

Ans: camouflage

Ans: broad

Part - C

Ans: The study of the relationship between living things and their environment is called ecology.

Ans: During summers a dormouse accumulates a lot of fats in its body. When winter comes, it becomes very slow and inactive. So it sleeps through the cold months of winter living off its body fat.

Ans: Grass have flexible stalks so that they bend and do not break in windy conditions. They also have strong roots to anchor them.

Ans: Parrots and toucans eat nuts and have strong curved beaks to crack open the tough shells.

Ans: Only green plants make their own food from carbon dioxide and water, using the energy of sunlight. So they are called producers.

Ans: This helps them creep up to their prey without making a sound while hunting.

Ans: (a) Plants have long roots that penetrate deep inside the soil in search of water.
(b) They have fleshy stems to store water. The stem is also covered with a thick waxy layer that helps to retain water.

Ans: The streamlined bodies reduce resistance due to water and help the water animals to swim fast in water.

Part - D

Ans: Herbivores: Plant-eating animals are called herbivores. Examples are cows, goats, and deer.
Carnivores: Flesh-eating animals are called carnivores. Examples are lions, tigers, and wolves.
Omnivores: Animals that eat both plants and animals are called omnivores. Examples are bears, crows, and humans.

Ans: Animals depend on plants for food, oxygen, and shelter. Plants depend on animals for pollination and dispersal of seeds.

Ans: Biotic components:
(i) The living or biotic components include all living organisms. These constitute the biotic or biological environment.
(ii) The living or biotic organisms of an environment can be divided into three groups, that are producers, consumers, and decomposers depending on how they obtain their food.
Abiotic components:
(i) The non-living or abiotic components include air, water, soil, sunlight, temperature, etc. These constitute the abiotic or physical environment.
(ii) These factors affect the living organisms found in the area.

Ans: An adaptation is a feature that helps an organism to survive in a particular type of environment. Adaptation leads to evolution. For example, the gills of a fish are an adaptation that helps it to survive in water. Again a camel has several adaptations to help it survive in a desert such as a hump, long legs. Its feet have large soles.

Ans: Stick insect uses camouflage to escape from enemies. The tiger uses camouflage to catch its prey. Stick insect resembles a stick and enemies cannot recognize it. The orange coat of a tiger with stripes matches its surroundings. This way a tiger moves closer to its prey and catches it.

Ans: a. Camel: It has a hump where fat is stored. This provides it with food in times of shortage. It can drink a very large quantity of water at a time but it loses very little water in the form of urine, dung, or sweat. It has long legs that keep its body away from the heat of the sand.
b. Water lily: The stems are long and narrow to withstand water currents without getting damaged. Floating leaves are large and flat. They have waxy upper surfaces to make them waterproof. The roots are much reduced in size.
c. Fish: (i) They have streamlined bodies. This helps them swim fast in water.
(ii) Their body is covered with scales and mucous to make it waterproof.
(iii) They have gills for breathing underwater.

Ans: Lions have eyes in front of their faces, this helps to give them a correct idea of their prey. While the deer have eyes on the side, this enables them to look in all directions for danger.

HOTS Questions

Ans: No, because fungi, together with bacteria, are responsible for most of the recycling which returns dead material to the soil in a form in which it can be reused. Without fungi and bacteria, these recycling activities would not take place. We would effectively be lost under piles many meters thick of dead plants and animal remains.

Ans: No, because dolphins and whales do not have gills to breathe underwater. They have to come up to the water surface to breathe.

Ans: Before entering hibernation, animals eat a large amount of food and store energy in fat deposits in order to survive the hibernation period. This stored fat lasts longer because their body activities are slowed down.

Ans: Carnivores eat herbivores for their food. If there were more carnivores than herbivores in a habitat then carnivores would eat all the herbivores. So the balance of the habitat would get disturbed. Therefore, in a habitat, herbivores are expected to be in greater number.

Ans: All organisms other than bacteria and fungi feed on dead plants and animals but they cannot decompose them into nutrients which are returned to the soil. On the other hand, bacteria and fungi are responsible for the recycling process which returns nutrients back to the soil in a form which can be used by plants. So bacteria and fungi are called decomposers.

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FAQs on Textbook Solution: Living Organisms and their Surroundings - Living Science (Ratna Sagar) for Class 6

1. What are some examples of living organisms and their surroundings?
Ans. Living organisms and their surroundings include plants in a garden, animals in a zoo, fish in an aquarium, birds in a forest, and insects in a field.
2. How do living organisms interact with their surroundings?
Ans. Living organisms interact with their surroundings by obtaining food, water, and shelter, as well as adapting to their environment through behaviors such as migration, hibernation, and camouflage.
3. What are some examples of abiotic factors that impact living organisms and their surroundings?
Ans. Abiotic factors such as temperature, sunlight, water, soil, and air quality can have a significant impact on living organisms and their surroundings.
4. How do living organisms adapt to changes in their surroundings?
Ans. Living organisms adapt to changes in their surroundings by evolving physical characteristics, behaviors, and life cycles that help them survive and thrive in their environment.
5. Why is it important for living organisms to maintain a balance with their surroundings?
Ans. It is important for living organisms to maintain a balance with their surroundings to ensure the health of ecosystems and the overall well-being of the planet. By living in harmony with their environment, organisms can contribute to the stability and sustainability of their ecosystems.
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Textbook Solution: Living Organisms and their Surroundings | Living Science (Ratna Sagar) for Class 6
