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The Second Law Of Thermodynamics | Basic Physics for IIT JAM PDF Download

The first law of thermodynamics asserts that energy must be conserved in any process involving the exchange of heat and work between a system and its surroundings. A machine that violated the first law would be called a perpetual motion machine of the first kind because it would manufacture its own energy out of nothing and thereby run forever. Such a machine would be impossible even in theory. However, this impossibility would not prevent the construction of a machine that could extract essentially limitless amounts of heat from its surroundings (earth, air, and sea) and convert it entirely into work. Although such a hypothetical machine would not violate conservation of energy, the total failure of inventors to build such a machine, known as a perpetual motion machine of the second kind, led to the discovery of the second law of thermodynamics. The second law of thermodynamics can be precisely stated in the following two forms, as originally formulated in the 19th century by the Scottish physicist William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) and the German physicist Rudolf Clausius, respectively:

A cyclic transformation whose only final result is to transform heat extracted from a source which is at the same temperature throughout into work is impossible.

A cyclic transformation whose only final result is to transfer heat from a body at a given temperature to a body at a higher temperature is impossible.

The two statements are in fact equivalent because, if the first were possible, then the work obtained could be used, for example, to generate electricity that could then be discharged through an electric heater installed in a body at a higher temperature. The net effect would be a flow of heat from a lower temperature to a higher temperature, thereby violating the second (Clausius) form of the second law. Conversely, if the second form were possible, then the heat transferred to the higher temperature could be used to run a heat engine that would convert part of the heat into work. The final result would be a conversion of heat into work at constant temperature—a violation of the first (Kelvin) form of the second law.
Central to the following discussion of entropy is the concept of a heat reservoir capable of providing essentially limitless amounts of heat at a fixed temperature. This is of course an idealization, but the temperature of a large body of water such as the Atlantic Ocean does not materially change if a small amount of heat is withdrawn to run a heat engine. The essential point is that the heat reservoir is assumed to have a well-defined temperature that does not change as a result of the process being considered.

The document The Second Law Of Thermodynamics | Basic Physics for IIT JAM is a part of the Physics Course Basic Physics for IIT JAM.
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FAQs on The Second Law Of Thermodynamics - Basic Physics for IIT JAM

1. What is the Second Law of Thermodynamics?
Ans. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that in any natural process, the total entropy of a closed system always increases or remains constant. It implies that energy tends to disperse or spread out spontaneously, and it is impossible to convert all heat into work without any energy loss.
2. How does the Second Law of Thermodynamics relate to energy efficiency?
Ans. The Second Law of Thermodynamics is closely related to energy efficiency. It states that no heat engine can have a 100% efficiency because there will always be some energy loss due to the dispersion of energy. This means that it is impossible to convert all the heat energy into useful work without any waste.
3. Can you provide an example to illustrate the Second Law of Thermodynamics?
Ans. Certainly! Let's consider a cup of hot coffee left in a room. According to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, the heat from the coffee will naturally transfer to the surrounding air, resulting in the coffee cooling down and the room heating up. This is because heat naturally flows from a higher temperature region (hot coffee) to a lower temperature region (room).
4. How does entropy relate to the Second Law of Thermodynamics?
Ans. Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness of a system. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the total entropy of a closed system either increases or remains constant over time. As energy disperses or spreads out, the disorder or randomness (entropy) of the system increases. Thus, entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics are interconnected.
5. Can the Second Law of Thermodynamics be violated?
Ans. No, the Second Law of Thermodynamics cannot be violated. It is a fundamental principle of nature that has been confirmed by numerous experiments and observations. While it is possible to achieve high levels of energy efficiency, it is impossible to achieve a 100% efficiency and completely eliminate energy loss or entropy increase, as stated by the Second Law.
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