In the CAT Exam, one of the most common Verbal Ability questions is of Para Jumbles. Scoring is very easy in these questions despite being very tricky as it is the type of these questions. This topic is also known as Sentence Rearrangement. Para Jumble simply means a Paragraph that is jumbled. It is not in order. So we have to rearrange the sentences given in the paragraph in a proper sequence so that the paragraph makes sense and is not absurd. In this article, we will be discussing the Tips & Tricks to solve ParaJumble Questions in the CAT exam along with some examples.
Following are some simple tricks & tips to solve ParaJumbles in the Verbal Ability section of the CAT Exam:
The first step in solving the para jumbles is to comprehend the purpose of the extract or the paragraph. The purpose of the paragraph could be interpreted so as to:
There are certain keywords that are used in any part of the passage that can indicate or hint the sequence of the passage. Some of its types are:
It refers to a set or pair of sentences that evidently come after another in order. These type of pairs help us to eliminate other probable combinations of sentences. If choices are given, look for these pairs.
These types of indicators suggest a timeline or a sequence of events occurring in the passage. This way they can help to solve the para jumble by connecting the sentences in sequence one after another.
Similar to the previous technique, another way to solve para jumbles is through identifying nouns and pronouns. Nouns are used to introduce some characters for the first time. The pronouns are used afterward to mention the characters again generally. This can help in identifying the order of the sentences. This is however not always true. For example-
Sentence A: It began in 1939 and ended in 1945.
Sentence B: WWII, however, led to worldwide catastrophic consequences – social, political, and economic – that were felt for several decades after.
In these sentences, the Noun WWII in sentence B should follow the pronoun ‘It’ in sentence A.
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