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Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics PDF Download

Q.1. Consider the Gaussian probability distributionTools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics where -∞ < x < ∞ where A,a and λ are positive real constants. 
(a) Determine A such that f(x) is probability density
(b) Find 〈x〉 ,〈x2 and σ = Δx 
(c) Sketch the graph of f(x)

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Q.2. If |ϕ1〉 and |ϕ2〉 be two orthonormal state vectors such that A = |ϕ1〉 〈ϕ2| + |ϕ2〉 〈ϕ1|  then
(a) Prove that A is Hermitian
(b) Find the value of A2.

For A to be a projection operator, A should be Hermitian and A2 should be equal to A. The Hermitian adjoint of |ϕ1〉 〈ϕ2| is |ϕ2〉 〈ϕ1| and that of |ϕ2〉 〈ϕ1| is |ϕ1〉 〈ϕ2|. So
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Hence A is Hermitian.

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Since |ϕ1〉 and 〈ϕ2| are orthonormal,
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Q.3. The needle on a broken car speedometer is free to swing, and bounces perfectly of the pins at either end, so that if you give it a flick it is equally likely to come to rest at any angle between 0 and π 
(a) What is the probability density, f (θ)? 
(b) Compute 〈θ〉, 〈θ2〉 and σ = Δθ, for this distribution

f(θ) = A ,0 < θ < π
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Q.4. (a) Find the Eigen State of momentum operator Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics If eigen value is λ by relation Pxϕ = λ/ϕ where λ/ℏ = k.
(b) Expand the wave function ψ(x) = A sin kx sin 2kx in basis of Eigen functions of momentum operator P

Pxϕ = λ/ϕ where λ/ℏ = k.
Case 1:  If l is positive
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Case 2: If l is negative 

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
(b) Expand the function ψ(x) = A sin kx sin 2kx as a linear combination of eigenfunctions of the momentum operator Px.
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics 

Q.5. Consider the function ψ(x, t) = Ae-λ|x|e-ωt  -∞ < x < ∞, where λ and ω are are constant. Find the value of A such that ψ (x, t) is normalized.

(a) ψ(x, t) = Ae-λ|x|e-ωt

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Q.6. Prove that operator Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics is Hermitian but Dx =  d/dx is not Hermitian.

The given operator Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics is the same as Px . Let ψ1 (x) and ψ2 (x) be two arbitrary 

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Integrating by parts, this is equal to
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
For the wave function to be square integrable, it must go to zero as x goes to -∞ or +∞.

Thus, the first term in the square bracket is zero. So,
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

From (i) and (ii), 〈ψ1|Pxψ2〉 = 〈Pxψ12
Hence Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics is Hermitian. Similar calculation with A = d/dx will give,

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Hence, 〈ψ1|Aψ2〉 ≠ 〈Aψ12〉 and so, A = d/dx is not Hermitian.


Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
(a) Find the value of A such that |ϕn〉 is normalized 
(b) 〈ϕmn〉 = δm,n 
(c) If H operator is defined as Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics then prove that the matrix element

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Q.8. Show that operator O = (1 + i) AB + (1 - i) BA is Hermitian if A and B is Hermitian.

[(1 + i) AB + (1 - i) BA] = [(1 + i)AB] + [(1 - i)BA]
= (1+ i)* (AB) + (1 - i)* (BA)
= (1 - i)* BA + (1 + i)* AB if A and B is hermitian.
= (1 - i) BA + (1 + i)AB
(1 + i) AB + (1 - i)BA
Thus the given operator is Hermitian

Q.9. (a) If ϕ1(θ, ϕ) = A find the value of A such that ϕ1 (θ, ϕ) is normalized.
(b) Prove that Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics is orthogonal to ϕ1 

The wave function ϕ1 (θ, ϕ) = A is defined in spherical symmetry variable is solid angle
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Q.10. Using Bohr-Somerfield theory, find the energy for a particle of mass m is confined in potential V(x) = k|x|.

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Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
(a) Find normalization constant A, B, C for ket |ϕ1〉 |ϕ2〉 |ϕ3

(b)  Prove that |ϕ1〉, |ϕ2〉 and |ϕ3〉 are orthogonal
(c)  Check whether |ϕ1〉, |ϕ2〉 and |ϕ3〉are linearly independent or not.
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
(e) Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics then find value of C such that |ψ〉 is normalized
(f) If operator A is defined as Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics where n = 1, 2, 3... then find value of A|ψ〉
(g) If operator A is defined as Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics where n = 1, 2, 3... then find value of Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

(h) If operator A is defined as Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics where n = 1, 2, 3... then find value of 〈ψ|A|ψ〉

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
then 〈ϕ1| = A* (1  0  0), 〈ϕ2| = B* (0  -i  -i), 〈ϕ2| = C* (0  -i  -i)
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

c1 = 0 c2 + c= 0 and c2 - c3 = 0 ⇒ c1 = 0, c2 = 0, c3 = 0
So 1〉, |ϕ2〉 and |ϕ3〉 are linearly independent
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Q.12. If Hamiltonian of system is Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics then Find commutation [H, x] and [[H, x], x]

As, H = p2 / 2m + V(x) 

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Q.13. Let |θ1〉 and |θ2〉 be two eigenfunction of Hamiltonian operator with eigen value E0 and 4E0 respectively. The wave function of the particle at time t = 0 isTools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics which is also eigen function of operator A with eigen value a0. The operator A is associated with observable a.
(a) If H is measured on state ψ at t = 0 what is measurement with what probability.
(b) If A is measured on state ψ at t = 0 what is probability to get eigen value a0.
(c) If A is measured on state ψ at t = t what is probability to get eigen value a0.
(d) Find error in measurement of energy ie ΔE
(e) Find ΔE.Δt

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics H|θ1〉 = E01〉 and H|θ2〉 = 4E02
H is measured on state ψ at t = 0 what is measurement is eigen value E0 and 4E0

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
(b) A|ψ〉 = a0|ψ〉
Probability of getting a0 on state ψ at t = 0
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Q.14. Consider the operator Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics acting on smooth function of x. find the commutation [α , cos x]

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

[a, cos x]ψ(x) = -sin xψ [a, cos x] = -sin x

Q.15. Consider the two lowest normalized energy eigenfunctions ψ0 (x) and y1 (x) of a one dimensional system. They satisfy  ψ0 (x) = ψ*0 (x) and ψ1(x) = Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics where α is a real constant. The expectation value of the momentum operator in the state ψ1 is

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Integrate by parts
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Q.16. (a) using Heisenberg uncertainty principle estimate the minimum possible energy of linear Harmonic oscillator of mass m. The potential for such a particle is v(x) = (mω2x2)/2/
(b) when an electron is accelerated through a potential difference V, its de Broglie Wave length is α/√V for non relativistic speed. If λ and V represent numerical values in Angstrom and Volt, find the numerical value of α.

(a) In order to have an uncertainty of Δpx, the value of the momentum itself should have at least a value comparable to Δpx. You cannot have an uncertainty of 5 units if the value never exceeds 2 units. So we assume that p ≈ Δpx. Similarly x ≈ Δx. The expression for energy is
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
From uncertainty principle, Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics As we are looking for the lowest energy, let us write Δpx = ℏ/2Δx , 

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

For E to be minimum, dE/d(Δx) should be zero. This gives,
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
(b) As an electron is accelerated through a potential difference V, its potential energy is decreased by eV. The kinetic energy gained is equal to this value. So,

eV = mv2 / 2 = p2 / (2m)

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

de broglie wavelength is

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

For an electron, h2/2m = 1.5eV nm2.
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
If  V is put in volts, the energy eV is the same as V electronvolts. Cancelling the unit eV from the numerator and the denominator,

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

So, α = 12.25.

Q.17. Consider a system whose initial state Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics and Hamiltonian is defined as Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
(a) If a measurement of energy is carried out what values would be obtained with what probabilities?
(b) Find the state of system at later time t,
(c) Find the average value of energy at time t = 0.
(d) Find the average value of energy at time t = t.

(a) A measurement of the energy yields the values E1 = -5 , E2 = 3 , E3 = 5 ; the respective (orthonormal) eigenvectors of these values are

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

The probabilities of finding the values E1 = -5 , E2 = 3 , E3 = 5 are given by
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

(b) To find |ψ(t)〉 we need to expand |ψ(0)〉 in terms of the eigenvectors

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
(c) We can calculate the energy at time t = 0 in three quite different ways. The first method uses the bra-ket notation. Since 〈ψ(0)|ψ(0)〉 = 1, 〈ϕn)|ϕm〉 = δnm and since Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics we have
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

The second method uses matrix algebra:
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
The energy at time t is 

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
As expected E (t) = E (0) since Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Q.18. A Particle of mass m is subjected to the potential energy Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics At a particular time it has wave function Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics and identified as energy eigen function with definite total mechanical energy .find the value of a.

The operator corresponding to the total mechanical energy is Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern PhysicsIf particle has definite value of the total mechanical energy, its wave function should be an eigenfunction of H, that is,

Hψ(x) = λψ where λ is independent of x
Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics
If Hψ(x) has to have the same functional form as ψ(x), one should not have the Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physicsterm. So, 

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics

The document Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment | Modern Physics is a part of the Physics Course Modern Physics.
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FAQs on Tools & Postulates of Quantum Mechanics: Assignment - Modern Physics

1. What are the fundamental tools of quantum mechanics?
Ans. The fundamental tools of quantum mechanics include wave functions, operators, observables, and the Schrödinger equation. Wave functions describe the quantum state of a system, operators represent physical quantities, observables are the measurable properties of a system, and the Schrödinger equation describes how the wave function evolves over time.
2. What are the postulates of quantum mechanics?
Ans. The postulates of quantum mechanics are the fundamental principles that govern the behavior of quantum systems. They include the superposition principle, which states that a system can exist in multiple states simultaneously; the measurement postulate, which describes how the act of measurement affects the system; and the probabilistic interpretation, which states that the wave function represents the probability distribution of measurement outcomes.
3. How does the Schrödinger equation relate to quantum mechanics?
Ans. The Schrödinger equation is a central equation in quantum mechanics that describes how the wave function of a system evolves over time. It relates the time derivative of the wave function to its spatial derivatives and the potential energy of the system. By solving the Schrödinger equation, one can determine the wave function and subsequently calculate the probabilities of different measurement outcomes.
4. What is the significance of wave functions in quantum mechanics?
Ans. Wave functions play a crucial role in quantum mechanics as they describe the quantum state of a system. They encode information about the probability distribution of measurement outcomes and contain all the information necessary to make predictions about the system's behavior. The square of the wave function gives the probability density of finding the system in a particular state.
5. How do operators and observables relate to measurements in quantum mechanics?
Ans. Operators in quantum mechanics correspond to physical quantities that can be measured, such as position, momentum, or energy. Observables, on the other hand, are the actual measurement outcomes obtained by applying operators to the wave function. According to the measurement postulate, the act of measurement collapses the wave function into an eigenstate of the observable being measured, and the measurement outcome corresponds to the eigenvalue associated with that eigenstate.
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