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UGC NET Past Year Question Paper II: Education (December 2012) | UGC NET Past Year Papers PDF Download

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1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of
this page.
2. This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of
3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet
will be given to you. In the first 5 minutes, you are requested
to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below :
(i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the
paper seal on the edge of this cover page. Do not accept
a booklet without sticker-seal and do not accept an
open booklet.
(ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions
in the booklet with the information printed on the
cover page. Faulty booklets due to pages/questions
missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any
other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately
by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the
period of 5 minutes. Afterwards, neither the
Question Booklet will be replaced nor any extra
time will be given.
(iii) After this verification is over, the OMR Sheet Number
should be entered on this Test Booklet.
4. Each item has four alternative responses marked (A), (B),
(C) and (D). Y ou have to darken the circle as indicated below
on the correct response against each item.
Example :
where (C) is the correct response.
5. Y our responses to the items are to be indicated in the OMR
Sheet given inside the Paper I Booklet only. If you mark
at any place other than in the circle in the OMR Sheet, it will
not be evaluated.
6. Read instructions given inside carefully.
7. Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet.
8. If you write your Name, Roll Number, Phone Number or
put any mark on any part of the OMR Sheet, except for the
space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose
your identity, or use abusive language or employ any other
unfair means, you will render yourself liable to
9. You have to return the test question booklet and Original
OMR Sheet to the invigilators at the end of the examination
compulsorily and must not carry it with you outside the
Examination Hall. You are, however, allowed to carry
duplicate copy of OMR Sheet on conclusion of examination.
10. Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen.
11. Use of any calculator or log table etc., is prohibited.
12. There is no negative marks for incorrect answers.
Number of Pages in this Booklet : 16 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50
Instructions for the Candidates ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖÙ£Ö µÖÖë Ûêú ×»Ö‹ ×®Ö¤ìü¿Ö
D-09-12 1 P.T.O.
1. ¯ÖÆü»Öê ¯Öéšü Ûêú ‰ú¯Ö¸ü ×®Ö µÖŸÖ ãÖÖ®Ö ¯Ö¸ü †¯Ö®ÖÖ ¸üÖê»Ö ®Ö´²Ö¸ü ×»Ö×ÜÖ‹ …
2. ‡ÃÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Ö¡Ö ´Öë ¯Ö“ÖÖÃÖ ²ÖÆãü×¾ÖÛú»¯Öß µÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Æïü …
3. ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ ¯ÖÏÖ¸ü´³Ö ÆüÖê®Öê ¯Ö¸ü, ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ¤êü ¤üß •ÖÖ µÖêÝÖß … ¯ÖÆü»Öê
¯ÖÖÑ“Ö ×´Ö®Ö™ü †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ÜÖÖê»Ö®Öê ŸÖ£ÖÖ ˆÃÖÛúß ×®Ö´®Ö×»Ö×ÜÖŸÖ
•ÖÖÑ“Ö Ûêú ×»Ö‹ פü µÖê •ÖÖ µÖëÝÖê, וÖÃÖÛúß •ÖÖÑ“Ö †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê †¾Ö¿ µÖ Ûú¸ü®Öß Æîü :
(i) ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ÜÖÖê»Ö®Öê Ûêú ×»Ö‹ ˆÃÖÛêú Ûú¾Ö¸ü ¯Öê•Ö ¯Ö¸ü »ÖÝÖß ÛúÖÝÖ•Ö
Ûúß ÃÖᯙ ÛúÖê ±úÖ›Ìü »Öë … ÜÖã»Öß Æãü‡Ô µÖÖ ×²Ö®ÖÖ Ã™üßÛú¸ü-ÃÖᯙ Ûúß
¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ Ã¾ÖßÛúÖ¸ü ®Ö Ûú¸ëü …
(ii) Ûú¾Ö¸ü ¯Öéšü ¯Ö¸ü ”û¯Öê ×®Ö¤ìü¿ÖÖ®ÖãÃÖÖ¸ü ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ Ûêú ¯Öéšü ŸÖ£ÖÖ
¯ÖÏ¿®ÖÖë Ûúß ÃÖÓÜ µÖÖ ÛúÖê †“”ûß ŸÖ¸üÆü “ÖîÛú Ûú¸ü »Öë ×Ûú µÖê ¯Öæ¸êü
Æïü … ¤üÖêÂÖ¯ÖæÞÖÔ ¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ×•Ö®Ö´Öë ¯Öéšü/¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Ûú´Ö ÆüÖë µÖÖ ¤ãü²ÖÖ¸üÖ †Ö
ÝÖ µÖê ÆüÖë µÖÖ ÃÖß׸ü µÖ»Ö ´Öë ®Ö ÆüÖë †£ÖÖÔŸÖË ×ÛúÃÖß ³Öß ¯ÖÏÛúÖ¸ü Ûúß
¡Öã×™ü¯ÖæÞÖÔ ¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ Ã¾ÖßÛúÖ¸ü ®Ö Ûú¸ëü ŸÖ£ÖÖ ˆÃÖß ÃÖ´Ö µÖ ˆÃÖê
»ÖÖî™üÖÛú¸ü ˆÃÖÛêú ãÖÖ®Ö ¯Ö¸ü ¤æüÃÖ¸üß ÃÖÆüß ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ »Öê »Öë …
‡ÃÖÛêú ×»Ö‹ †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ¯ÖÖÑ“Ö ×´Ö®Ö™ü פü µÖê •ÖÖ µÖëÝÖê … ˆÃÖÛêú ²ÖÖ¤ü ®Ö
ŸÖÖê †Ö¯ÖÛúß ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ¾ÖÖ¯ÖÃÖ »Öß •ÖÖ µÖêÝÖß †Öî¸ü ®Ö Æüß †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê
†×ŸÖ׸üŒŸÖ ÃÖ´Ö µÖ פü µÖÖ •ÖÖ µÖêÝÖÖ …
(iii) ‡ÃÖ •ÖÖÑ“Ö Ûêú ²ÖÖ¤ü OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú Ûúß ÛÎú´Ö ÃÖÓÜ µÖÖ ‡ÃÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ
¯Ö¸ü †Ó×ÛúŸÖ Ûú¸ü ¤ëü …
4. ¯ÖÏŸ µÖêÛú ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Ûêú ×»Ö‹ “ÖÖ¸ü ˆ¢Ö¸ü ×¾ÖÛú»¯Ö (A), (B), (C) ŸÖ£ÖÖ (D) פü µÖê
ÝÖ µÖê Æïü … †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ÃÖÆüß ˆ¢Ö¸ü Ûêú ¾Öé¢Ö ÛúÖê ¯Öê®Ö ÃÖê ³Ö¸üÛú¸ü ÛúÖ»ÖÖ Ûú¸ü®ÖÖ Æîü
•ÖîÃÖÖ ×Ûú ®Öß“Öê פüÜÖÖ µÖÖ ÝÖ µÖÖ Æîü …
ˆ¤üÖÆü¸üÞÖ :
•Ö²Ö×Ûúú(C) ÃÖÆüß ˆ¢Ö¸ü Æîü …
5. ¯ÖÏ¿®ÖÖë Ûêú ˆ¢Ö¸ü Ûêú¾Ö»Ö ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö ¯Ö¡Ö I Ûêú †®¤ü¸ü פü µÖê ÝÖ µÖê OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú ¯Ö¸ü Æüß
†Ó×ÛúŸÖ Ûú¸ü®Öê Æïü … µÖפü †Ö¯Ö OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú ¯Ö¸ü פü µÖê ÝÖ µÖê ¾Öé¢Ö Ûêú †»ÖÖ¾ÖÖ
×ÛúÃÖß †® µÖ ãÖÖ®Ö ¯Ö¸ü ˆ¢Ö¸ü דÖÅ®ÖÖÓ×ÛúŸÖ Ûú¸üŸÖê Æïü, ŸÖÖê ˆÃÖÛúÖ ´Öæ» µÖÖÓÛú®Ö
®ÖÆüà ÆüÖêÝÖÖ …
6. †®¤ü¸ü פü µÖê ÝÖ µÖê ×®Ö¤ìü¿ÖÖë ÛúÖê ¬ µÖÖ®Ö¯Öæ¾ÖÔÛú ¯ÖœÌëü …
7. Ûú““ÖÖ ÛúÖ´Ö (Rough Work) ‡ÃÖ ¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ Ûêú †×®ŸÖ´Ö ¯Öéšü ¯Ö¸ü Ûú¸ëü …
8. µÖפü †Ö¯Ö OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú ¯Ö¸ü ×®Ö µÖŸÖ ãÖÖ®Ö Ûêú †»ÖÖ¾ÖÖ †¯Ö®ÖÖ ®ÖÖ´Ö, ¸üÖê»Ö
®Ö´²Ö¸ü, ±úÖê®Ö ®Ö´²Ö¸ü µÖÖ ÛúÖê‡Ô ³Öß ‹êÃÖÖ ×“ÖÅ®Ö ×•ÖÃÖÃÖê †Ö¯ÖÛúß ¯ÖÆü“ÖÖ®Ö ÆüÖê
ÃÖÛêú, †Ó×ÛúŸÖ Ûú¸üŸÖê Æïü †£Ö¾ÖÖ †³Ö¦ü ³ÖÖÂÖÖ ÛúÖ ¯ÖÏ µÖÖêÝÖ Ûú¸üŸÖê Æïü, µÖÖ ÛúÖê‡Ô
†® µÖ †®Öã×“ÖŸÖ ÃÖÖ¬Ö®Ö ÛúÖ ¯ÖÏ µÖÖêÝÖ Ûú¸üŸÖê Æïü, ŸÖÖê ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ Ûêú ×»Ö µÖê † µÖÖêÝ µÖ
‘ÖÖê×ÂÖŸÖ ×Ûú µÖê •ÖÖ ÃÖÛúŸÖê Æïü …
9. †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ ÃÖ´ÖÖ¯ŸÖ ÆüÖê®Öê ¯Ö¸ü ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ‹¾ÖÓ ´Öæ»Ö OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú
×®Ö¸üßõÖÛú ´ÖÆüÖê¤ü µÖ ÛúÖê »ÖÖî™üÖ®ÖÖ †Ö¾Ö¿ µÖÛú Æîü †Öî¸ü ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ ÃÖ´ÖÖׯŸÖ Ûêú ²ÖÖ¤ü
ˆÃÖê †¯Ö®Öê ÃÖÖ£Ö ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ ³Ö¾Ö®Ö ÃÖê ²ÖÖÆü¸ü ®Ö »ÖêÛú¸ü •ÖÖ µÖë … ÆüÖ»ÖÖÓ×Ûú †Ö¯Ö
¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ ÃÖ´ÖÖׯŸÖ ¯Ö¸ü OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú Ûúß ›ãü¯»ÖßÛêú™ü ¯ÖÏ×ŸÖ †¯Ö®Öê ÃÖÖ£Ö »Öê •ÖÖ
ÃÖÛúŸÖê Æïü …
10. Ûêú¾Ö»Ö ®Öß»Öê/ÛúÖ»Öê ²ÖÖ»Ö ¯¾ÖÖ‡Õ™ü ¯Öê®Ö ÛúÖ Æüß ‡ÃŸÖê´ÖÖ»Ö Ûú¸ëü …
11. ×ÛúÃÖß ³Öß ¯ÖÏÛúÖ¸ü ÛúÖ ÃÖÓÝÖÞÖÛú (Ûîú»ÖÛãú»Öê™ü¸ü) µÖÖ »ÖÖÝÖ ™êü²Ö»Ö †Öפü ÛúÖ
¯ÖÏ µÖÖêÝÖ ¾ÖÙ•ÖŸÖ Æîü …
12. ÝÖ»ÖŸÖ ˆ¢Ö¸üÖë Ûêú ×»Ö‹ ÛúÖê‡Ô †ÓÛú ÛúÖ™êü ®ÖÆüà •ÖÖ‹ÑÝÖê …
[Maximum Marks : 100 Time : 1 
(To be filled by the Candidate)
Signature and Name of Invigilator
OMR Sheet No. : ...............................................
Roll No.
(In words)
1. (Signature) __________________________
(Name)  ____________________________
2. (Signature) __________________________
(Name)  ____________________________
Roll No.________________________________
(In figures as per admission card)
Page 2

1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of
this page.
2. This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of
3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet
will be given to you. In the first 5 minutes, you are requested
to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below :
(i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the
paper seal on the edge of this cover page. Do not accept
a booklet without sticker-seal and do not accept an
open booklet.
(ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions
in the booklet with the information printed on the
cover page. Faulty booklets due to pages/questions
missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any
other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately
by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the
period of 5 minutes. Afterwards, neither the
Question Booklet will be replaced nor any extra
time will be given.
(iii) After this verification is over, the OMR Sheet Number
should be entered on this Test Booklet.
4. Each item has four alternative responses marked (A), (B),
(C) and (D). Y ou have to darken the circle as indicated below
on the correct response against each item.
Example :
where (C) is the correct response.
5. Y our responses to the items are to be indicated in the OMR
Sheet given inside the Paper I Booklet only. If you mark
at any place other than in the circle in the OMR Sheet, it will
not be evaluated.
6. Read instructions given inside carefully.
7. Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet.
8. If you write your Name, Roll Number, Phone Number or
put any mark on any part of the OMR Sheet, except for the
space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose
your identity, or use abusive language or employ any other
unfair means, you will render yourself liable to
9. You have to return the test question booklet and Original
OMR Sheet to the invigilators at the end of the examination
compulsorily and must not carry it with you outside the
Examination Hall. You are, however, allowed to carry
duplicate copy of OMR Sheet on conclusion of examination.
10. Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen.
11. Use of any calculator or log table etc., is prohibited.
12. There is no negative marks for incorrect answers.
Number of Pages in this Booklet : 16 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50
Instructions for the Candidates ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖÙ£Ö µÖÖë Ûêú ×»Ö‹ ×®Ö¤ìü¿Ö
D-09-12 1 P.T.O.
1. ¯ÖÆü»Öê ¯Öéšü Ûêú ‰ú¯Ö¸ü ×®Ö µÖŸÖ ãÖÖ®Ö ¯Ö¸ü †¯Ö®ÖÖ ¸üÖê»Ö ®Ö´²Ö¸ü ×»Ö×ÜÖ‹ …
2. ‡ÃÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Ö¡Ö ´Öë ¯Ö“ÖÖÃÖ ²ÖÆãü×¾ÖÛú»¯Öß µÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Æïü …
3. ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ ¯ÖÏÖ¸ü´³Ö ÆüÖê®Öê ¯Ö¸ü, ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ¤êü ¤üß •ÖÖ µÖêÝÖß … ¯ÖÆü»Öê
¯ÖÖÑ“Ö ×´Ö®Ö™ü †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ÜÖÖê»Ö®Öê ŸÖ£ÖÖ ˆÃÖÛúß ×®Ö´®Ö×»Ö×ÜÖŸÖ
•ÖÖÑ“Ö Ûêú ×»Ö‹ פü µÖê •ÖÖ µÖëÝÖê, וÖÃÖÛúß •ÖÖÑ“Ö †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê †¾Ö¿ µÖ Ûú¸ü®Öß Æîü :
(i) ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ÜÖÖê»Ö®Öê Ûêú ×»Ö‹ ˆÃÖÛêú Ûú¾Ö¸ü ¯Öê•Ö ¯Ö¸ü »ÖÝÖß ÛúÖÝÖ•Ö
Ûúß ÃÖᯙ ÛúÖê ±úÖ›Ìü »Öë … ÜÖã»Öß Æãü‡Ô µÖÖ ×²Ö®ÖÖ Ã™üßÛú¸ü-ÃÖᯙ Ûúß
¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ Ã¾ÖßÛúÖ¸ü ®Ö Ûú¸ëü …
(ii) Ûú¾Ö¸ü ¯Öéšü ¯Ö¸ü ”û¯Öê ×®Ö¤ìü¿ÖÖ®ÖãÃÖÖ¸ü ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ Ûêú ¯Öéšü ŸÖ£ÖÖ
¯ÖÏ¿®ÖÖë Ûúß ÃÖÓÜ µÖÖ ÛúÖê †“”ûß ŸÖ¸üÆü “ÖîÛú Ûú¸ü »Öë ×Ûú µÖê ¯Öæ¸êü
Æïü … ¤üÖêÂÖ¯ÖæÞÖÔ ¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ×•Ö®Ö´Öë ¯Öéšü/¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Ûú´Ö ÆüÖë µÖÖ ¤ãü²ÖÖ¸üÖ †Ö
ÝÖ µÖê ÆüÖë µÖÖ ÃÖß׸ü µÖ»Ö ´Öë ®Ö ÆüÖë †£ÖÖÔŸÖË ×ÛúÃÖß ³Öß ¯ÖÏÛúÖ¸ü Ûúß
¡Öã×™ü¯ÖæÞÖÔ ¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ Ã¾ÖßÛúÖ¸ü ®Ö Ûú¸ëü ŸÖ£ÖÖ ˆÃÖß ÃÖ´Ö µÖ ˆÃÖê
»ÖÖî™üÖÛú¸ü ˆÃÖÛêú ãÖÖ®Ö ¯Ö¸ü ¤æüÃÖ¸üß ÃÖÆüß ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ »Öê »Öë …
‡ÃÖÛêú ×»Ö‹ †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ¯ÖÖÑ“Ö ×´Ö®Ö™ü פü µÖê •ÖÖ µÖëÝÖê … ˆÃÖÛêú ²ÖÖ¤ü ®Ö
ŸÖÖê †Ö¯ÖÛúß ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ¾ÖÖ¯ÖÃÖ »Öß •ÖÖ µÖêÝÖß †Öî¸ü ®Ö Æüß †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê
†×ŸÖ׸üŒŸÖ ÃÖ´Ö µÖ פü µÖÖ •ÖÖ µÖêÝÖÖ …
(iii) ‡ÃÖ •ÖÖÑ“Ö Ûêú ²ÖÖ¤ü OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú Ûúß ÛÎú´Ö ÃÖÓÜ µÖÖ ‡ÃÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ
¯Ö¸ü †Ó×ÛúŸÖ Ûú¸ü ¤ëü …
4. ¯ÖÏŸ µÖêÛú ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Ûêú ×»Ö‹ “ÖÖ¸ü ˆ¢Ö¸ü ×¾ÖÛú»¯Ö (A), (B), (C) ŸÖ£ÖÖ (D) פü µÖê
ÝÖ µÖê Æïü … †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ÃÖÆüß ˆ¢Ö¸ü Ûêú ¾Öé¢Ö ÛúÖê ¯Öê®Ö ÃÖê ³Ö¸üÛú¸ü ÛúÖ»ÖÖ Ûú¸ü®ÖÖ Æîü
•ÖîÃÖÖ ×Ûú ®Öß“Öê פüÜÖÖ µÖÖ ÝÖ µÖÖ Æîü …
ˆ¤üÖÆü¸üÞÖ :
•Ö²Ö×Ûúú(C) ÃÖÆüß ˆ¢Ö¸ü Æîü …
5. ¯ÖÏ¿®ÖÖë Ûêú ˆ¢Ö¸ü Ûêú¾Ö»Ö ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö ¯Ö¡Ö I Ûêú †®¤ü¸ü פü µÖê ÝÖ µÖê OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú ¯Ö¸ü Æüß
†Ó×ÛúŸÖ Ûú¸ü®Öê Æïü … µÖפü †Ö¯Ö OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú ¯Ö¸ü פü µÖê ÝÖ µÖê ¾Öé¢Ö Ûêú †»ÖÖ¾ÖÖ
×ÛúÃÖß †® µÖ ãÖÖ®Ö ¯Ö¸ü ˆ¢Ö¸ü דÖÅ®ÖÖÓ×ÛúŸÖ Ûú¸üŸÖê Æïü, ŸÖÖê ˆÃÖÛúÖ ´Öæ» µÖÖÓÛú®Ö
®ÖÆüà ÆüÖêÝÖÖ …
6. †®¤ü¸ü פü µÖê ÝÖ µÖê ×®Ö¤ìü¿ÖÖë ÛúÖê ¬ µÖÖ®Ö¯Öæ¾ÖÔÛú ¯ÖœÌëü …
7. Ûú““ÖÖ ÛúÖ´Ö (Rough Work) ‡ÃÖ ¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ Ûêú †×®ŸÖ´Ö ¯Öéšü ¯Ö¸ü Ûú¸ëü …
8. µÖפü †Ö¯Ö OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú ¯Ö¸ü ×®Ö µÖŸÖ ãÖÖ®Ö Ûêú †»ÖÖ¾ÖÖ †¯Ö®ÖÖ ®ÖÖ´Ö, ¸üÖê»Ö
®Ö´²Ö¸ü, ±úÖê®Ö ®Ö´²Ö¸ü µÖÖ ÛúÖê‡Ô ³Öß ‹êÃÖÖ ×“ÖÅ®Ö ×•ÖÃÖÃÖê †Ö¯ÖÛúß ¯ÖÆü“ÖÖ®Ö ÆüÖê
ÃÖÛêú, †Ó×ÛúŸÖ Ûú¸üŸÖê Æïü †£Ö¾ÖÖ †³Ö¦ü ³ÖÖÂÖÖ ÛúÖ ¯ÖÏ µÖÖêÝÖ Ûú¸üŸÖê Æïü, µÖÖ ÛúÖê‡Ô
†® µÖ †®Öã×“ÖŸÖ ÃÖÖ¬Ö®Ö ÛúÖ ¯ÖÏ µÖÖêÝÖ Ûú¸üŸÖê Æïü, ŸÖÖê ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ Ûêú ×»Ö µÖê † µÖÖêÝ µÖ
‘ÖÖê×ÂÖŸÖ ×Ûú µÖê •ÖÖ ÃÖÛúŸÖê Æïü …
9. †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ ÃÖ´ÖÖ¯ŸÖ ÆüÖê®Öê ¯Ö¸ü ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ‹¾ÖÓ ´Öæ»Ö OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú
×®Ö¸üßõÖÛú ´ÖÆüÖê¤ü µÖ ÛúÖê »ÖÖî™üÖ®ÖÖ †Ö¾Ö¿ µÖÛú Æîü †Öî¸ü ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ ÃÖ´ÖÖׯŸÖ Ûêú ²ÖÖ¤ü
ˆÃÖê †¯Ö®Öê ÃÖÖ£Ö ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ ³Ö¾Ö®Ö ÃÖê ²ÖÖÆü¸ü ®Ö »ÖêÛú¸ü •ÖÖ µÖë … ÆüÖ»ÖÖÓ×Ûú †Ö¯Ö
¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ ÃÖ´ÖÖׯŸÖ ¯Ö¸ü OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú Ûúß ›ãü¯»ÖßÛêú™ü ¯ÖÏ×ŸÖ †¯Ö®Öê ÃÖÖ£Ö »Öê •ÖÖ
ÃÖÛúŸÖê Æïü …
10. Ûêú¾Ö»Ö ®Öß»Öê/ÛúÖ»Öê ²ÖÖ»Ö ¯¾ÖÖ‡Õ™ü ¯Öê®Ö ÛúÖ Æüß ‡ÃŸÖê´ÖÖ»Ö Ûú¸ëü …
11. ×ÛúÃÖß ³Öß ¯ÖÏÛúÖ¸ü ÛúÖ ÃÖÓÝÖÞÖÛú (Ûîú»ÖÛãú»Öê™ü¸ü) µÖÖ »ÖÖÝÖ ™êü²Ö»Ö †Öפü ÛúÖ
¯ÖÏ µÖÖêÝÖ ¾ÖÙ•ÖŸÖ Æîü …
12. ÝÖ»ÖŸÖ ˆ¢Ö¸üÖë Ûêú ×»Ö‹ ÛúÖê‡Ô †ÓÛú ÛúÖ™êü ®ÖÆüà •ÖÖ‹ÑÝÖê …
[Maximum Marks : 100 Time : 1 
(To be filled by the Candidate)
Signature and Name of Invigilator
OMR Sheet No. : ...............................................
Roll No.
(In words)
1. (Signature) __________________________
(Name)  ____________________________
2. (Signature) __________________________
(Name)  ____________________________
Roll No.________________________________
(In figures as per admission card)
Paper-II 2  D-09-12 
1. Epistemology is the branch of 
philosophy which deals with the 
theories of 
 (A) Reality 
 (B) Existence 
 (C) Knowledge  
 (D) Values 
2. Given below are two statements, one 
labelled as Assertion (A) and the other 
labeled as Reason (R). 
 Assertion (A) : Philosophy helps in 
determining aims of education. 
 Reason (R) : Education depends 
mostly on Philosophy. 
 In the context of the two statements, 
which one of the following is correct ? 
 Codes : 
 (A) Both (A) and (R) are true. 
 (B) Both (A) and (R) are false. 
 (C) (A) is true, but (R) is false. 
 (D) (A) is false, but (R) is true. 
3. “Things as they are and as they are 
likely to be encountered in life rather 
than words” was the slogan of the  
 (A) Pragmatists 
 (B) Realists 
 (C) Idealists 
 (D) Existentialists  
4. An existentialistic teacher should 
emphasize on 
 I. Freedom 
 II. Responsibility 
 III. Subjective feelings 
 IV. Cooperative living 
 In the above which combination is 
correct ? 
 Codes : 
 (A) I & II are correct. 
 (B) I & III are correct. 
 (C) I, II & III are correct. 
 (D) II, III & IV are correct. 
5. Who advocated the creation of a 
classless society ? 
 (A) Plato 
 (B) Auguste Comte 
 (C) M.K. Gandhi 
 (D) Karl Marx 
6. The Vedas teach us that 
 (A) Creation is without beginning 
 (B) Creation is without an end. 
 (C) Creation is without beginning 
and without an end. 
 (D) Creation has a definite 
beginning and also an end. 
7. According to Samkhya philosophy, 
the sequence of creation is as under : 
 (A) Purusa, Prakrati, Ahankar, 
 (B) Prakrati, Purusa, Ahankar, 
 (C) Prakrati, Purusa, Mahat, 
 (D) Purusa, Prakrati, Mahat, 
Paper – II 
Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions, each question carrying two (2) 
marks. Attempt all the questions. 
Page 3

1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of
this page.
2. This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of
3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet
will be given to you. In the first 5 minutes, you are requested
to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below :
(i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the
paper seal on the edge of this cover page. Do not accept
a booklet without sticker-seal and do not accept an
open booklet.
(ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions
in the booklet with the information printed on the
cover page. Faulty booklets due to pages/questions
missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any
other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately
by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the
period of 5 minutes. Afterwards, neither the
Question Booklet will be replaced nor any extra
time will be given.
(iii) After this verification is over, the OMR Sheet Number
should be entered on this Test Booklet.
4. Each item has four alternative responses marked (A), (B),
(C) and (D). Y ou have to darken the circle as indicated below
on the correct response against each item.
Example :
where (C) is the correct response.
5. Y our responses to the items are to be indicated in the OMR
Sheet given inside the Paper I Booklet only. If you mark
at any place other than in the circle in the OMR Sheet, it will
not be evaluated.
6. Read instructions given inside carefully.
7. Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet.
8. If you write your Name, Roll Number, Phone Number or
put any mark on any part of the OMR Sheet, except for the
space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose
your identity, or use abusive language or employ any other
unfair means, you will render yourself liable to
9. You have to return the test question booklet and Original
OMR Sheet to the invigilators at the end of the examination
compulsorily and must not carry it with you outside the
Examination Hall. You are, however, allowed to carry
duplicate copy of OMR Sheet on conclusion of examination.
10. Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen.
11. Use of any calculator or log table etc., is prohibited.
12. There is no negative marks for incorrect answers.
Number of Pages in this Booklet : 16 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50
Instructions for the Candidates ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖÙ£Ö µÖÖë Ûêú ×»Ö‹ ×®Ö¤ìü¿Ö
D-09-12 1 P.T.O.
1. ¯ÖÆü»Öê ¯Öéšü Ûêú ‰ú¯Ö¸ü ×®Ö µÖŸÖ ãÖÖ®Ö ¯Ö¸ü †¯Ö®ÖÖ ¸üÖê»Ö ®Ö´²Ö¸ü ×»Ö×ÜÖ‹ …
2. ‡ÃÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Ö¡Ö ´Öë ¯Ö“ÖÖÃÖ ²ÖÆãü×¾ÖÛú»¯Öß µÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Æïü …
3. ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ ¯ÖÏÖ¸ü´³Ö ÆüÖê®Öê ¯Ö¸ü, ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ¤êü ¤üß •ÖÖ µÖêÝÖß … ¯ÖÆü»Öê
¯ÖÖÑ“Ö ×´Ö®Ö™ü †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ÜÖÖê»Ö®Öê ŸÖ£ÖÖ ˆÃÖÛúß ×®Ö´®Ö×»Ö×ÜÖŸÖ
•ÖÖÑ“Ö Ûêú ×»Ö‹ פü µÖê •ÖÖ µÖëÝÖê, וÖÃÖÛúß •ÖÖÑ“Ö †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê †¾Ö¿ µÖ Ûú¸ü®Öß Æîü :
(i) ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ÜÖÖê»Ö®Öê Ûêú ×»Ö‹ ˆÃÖÛêú Ûú¾Ö¸ü ¯Öê•Ö ¯Ö¸ü »ÖÝÖß ÛúÖÝÖ•Ö
Ûúß ÃÖᯙ ÛúÖê ±úÖ›Ìü »Öë … ÜÖã»Öß Æãü‡Ô µÖÖ ×²Ö®ÖÖ Ã™üßÛú¸ü-ÃÖᯙ Ûúß
¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ Ã¾ÖßÛúÖ¸ü ®Ö Ûú¸ëü …
(ii) Ûú¾Ö¸ü ¯Öéšü ¯Ö¸ü ”û¯Öê ×®Ö¤ìü¿ÖÖ®ÖãÃÖÖ¸ü ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ Ûêú ¯Öéšü ŸÖ£ÖÖ
¯ÖÏ¿®ÖÖë Ûúß ÃÖÓÜ µÖÖ ÛúÖê †“”ûß ŸÖ¸üÆü “ÖîÛú Ûú¸ü »Öë ×Ûú µÖê ¯Öæ¸êü
Æïü … ¤üÖêÂÖ¯ÖæÞÖÔ ¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ×•Ö®Ö´Öë ¯Öéšü/¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Ûú´Ö ÆüÖë µÖÖ ¤ãü²ÖÖ¸üÖ †Ö
ÝÖ µÖê ÆüÖë µÖÖ ÃÖß׸ü µÖ»Ö ´Öë ®Ö ÆüÖë †£ÖÖÔŸÖË ×ÛúÃÖß ³Öß ¯ÖÏÛúÖ¸ü Ûúß
¡Öã×™ü¯ÖæÞÖÔ ¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ Ã¾ÖßÛúÖ¸ü ®Ö Ûú¸ëü ŸÖ£ÖÖ ˆÃÖß ÃÖ´Ö µÖ ˆÃÖê
»ÖÖî™üÖÛú¸ü ˆÃÖÛêú ãÖÖ®Ö ¯Ö¸ü ¤æüÃÖ¸üß ÃÖÆüß ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ »Öê »Öë …
‡ÃÖÛêú ×»Ö‹ †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ¯ÖÖÑ“Ö ×´Ö®Ö™ü פü µÖê •ÖÖ µÖëÝÖê … ˆÃÖÛêú ²ÖÖ¤ü ®Ö
ŸÖÖê †Ö¯ÖÛúß ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ¾ÖÖ¯ÖÃÖ »Öß •ÖÖ µÖêÝÖß †Öî¸ü ®Ö Æüß †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê
†×ŸÖ׸üŒŸÖ ÃÖ´Ö µÖ פü µÖÖ •ÖÖ µÖêÝÖÖ …
(iii) ‡ÃÖ •ÖÖÑ“Ö Ûêú ²ÖÖ¤ü OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú Ûúß ÛÎú´Ö ÃÖÓÜ µÖÖ ‡ÃÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ
¯Ö¸ü †Ó×ÛúŸÖ Ûú¸ü ¤ëü …
4. ¯ÖÏŸ µÖêÛú ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Ûêú ×»Ö‹ “ÖÖ¸ü ˆ¢Ö¸ü ×¾ÖÛú»¯Ö (A), (B), (C) ŸÖ£ÖÖ (D) פü µÖê
ÝÖ µÖê Æïü … †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ÃÖÆüß ˆ¢Ö¸ü Ûêú ¾Öé¢Ö ÛúÖê ¯Öê®Ö ÃÖê ³Ö¸üÛú¸ü ÛúÖ»ÖÖ Ûú¸ü®ÖÖ Æîü
•ÖîÃÖÖ ×Ûú ®Öß“Öê פüÜÖÖ µÖÖ ÝÖ µÖÖ Æîü …
ˆ¤üÖÆü¸üÞÖ :
•Ö²Ö×Ûúú(C) ÃÖÆüß ˆ¢Ö¸ü Æîü …
5. ¯ÖÏ¿®ÖÖë Ûêú ˆ¢Ö¸ü Ûêú¾Ö»Ö ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö ¯Ö¡Ö I Ûêú †®¤ü¸ü פü µÖê ÝÖ µÖê OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú ¯Ö¸ü Æüß
†Ó×ÛúŸÖ Ûú¸ü®Öê Æïü … µÖפü †Ö¯Ö OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú ¯Ö¸ü פü µÖê ÝÖ µÖê ¾Öé¢Ö Ûêú †»ÖÖ¾ÖÖ
×ÛúÃÖß †® µÖ ãÖÖ®Ö ¯Ö¸ü ˆ¢Ö¸ü דÖÅ®ÖÖÓ×ÛúŸÖ Ûú¸üŸÖê Æïü, ŸÖÖê ˆÃÖÛúÖ ´Öæ» µÖÖÓÛú®Ö
®ÖÆüà ÆüÖêÝÖÖ …
6. †®¤ü¸ü פü µÖê ÝÖ µÖê ×®Ö¤ìü¿ÖÖë ÛúÖê ¬ µÖÖ®Ö¯Öæ¾ÖÔÛú ¯ÖœÌëü …
7. Ûú““ÖÖ ÛúÖ´Ö (Rough Work) ‡ÃÖ ¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ Ûêú †×®ŸÖ´Ö ¯Öéšü ¯Ö¸ü Ûú¸ëü …
8. µÖפü †Ö¯Ö OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú ¯Ö¸ü ×®Ö µÖŸÖ ãÖÖ®Ö Ûêú †»ÖÖ¾ÖÖ †¯Ö®ÖÖ ®ÖÖ´Ö, ¸üÖê»Ö
®Ö´²Ö¸ü, ±úÖê®Ö ®Ö´²Ö¸ü µÖÖ ÛúÖê‡Ô ³Öß ‹êÃÖÖ ×“ÖÅ®Ö ×•ÖÃÖÃÖê †Ö¯ÖÛúß ¯ÖÆü“ÖÖ®Ö ÆüÖê
ÃÖÛêú, †Ó×ÛúŸÖ Ûú¸üŸÖê Æïü †£Ö¾ÖÖ †³Ö¦ü ³ÖÖÂÖÖ ÛúÖ ¯ÖÏ µÖÖêÝÖ Ûú¸üŸÖê Æïü, µÖÖ ÛúÖê‡Ô
†® µÖ †®Öã×“ÖŸÖ ÃÖÖ¬Ö®Ö ÛúÖ ¯ÖÏ µÖÖêÝÖ Ûú¸üŸÖê Æïü, ŸÖÖê ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ Ûêú ×»Ö µÖê † µÖÖêÝ µÖ
‘ÖÖê×ÂÖŸÖ ×Ûú µÖê •ÖÖ ÃÖÛúŸÖê Æïü …
9. †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ ÃÖ´ÖÖ¯ŸÖ ÆüÖê®Öê ¯Ö¸ü ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ‹¾ÖÓ ´Öæ»Ö OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú
×®Ö¸üßõÖÛú ´ÖÆüÖê¤ü µÖ ÛúÖê »ÖÖî™üÖ®ÖÖ †Ö¾Ö¿ µÖÛú Æîü †Öî¸ü ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ ÃÖ´ÖÖׯŸÖ Ûêú ²ÖÖ¤ü
ˆÃÖê †¯Ö®Öê ÃÖÖ£Ö ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ ³Ö¾Ö®Ö ÃÖê ²ÖÖÆü¸ü ®Ö »ÖêÛú¸ü •ÖÖ µÖë … ÆüÖ»ÖÖÓ×Ûú †Ö¯Ö
¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ ÃÖ´ÖÖׯŸÖ ¯Ö¸ü OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú Ûúß ›ãü¯»ÖßÛêú™ü ¯ÖÏ×ŸÖ †¯Ö®Öê ÃÖÖ£Ö »Öê •ÖÖ
ÃÖÛúŸÖê Æïü …
10. Ûêú¾Ö»Ö ®Öß»Öê/ÛúÖ»Öê ²ÖÖ»Ö ¯¾ÖÖ‡Õ™ü ¯Öê®Ö ÛúÖ Æüß ‡ÃŸÖê´ÖÖ»Ö Ûú¸ëü …
11. ×ÛúÃÖß ³Öß ¯ÖÏÛúÖ¸ü ÛúÖ ÃÖÓÝÖÞÖÛú (Ûîú»ÖÛãú»Öê™ü¸ü) µÖÖ »ÖÖÝÖ ™êü²Ö»Ö †Öפü ÛúÖ
¯ÖÏ µÖÖêÝÖ ¾ÖÙ•ÖŸÖ Æîü …
12. ÝÖ»ÖŸÖ ˆ¢Ö¸üÖë Ûêú ×»Ö‹ ÛúÖê‡Ô †ÓÛú ÛúÖ™êü ®ÖÆüà •ÖÖ‹ÑÝÖê …
[Maximum Marks : 100 Time : 1 
(To be filled by the Candidate)
Signature and Name of Invigilator
OMR Sheet No. : ...............................................
Roll No.
(In words)
1. (Signature) __________________________
(Name)  ____________________________
2. (Signature) __________________________
(Name)  ____________________________
Roll No.________________________________
(In figures as per admission card)
Paper-II 2  D-09-12 
1. Epistemology is the branch of 
philosophy which deals with the 
theories of 
 (A) Reality 
 (B) Existence 
 (C) Knowledge  
 (D) Values 
2. Given below are two statements, one 
labelled as Assertion (A) and the other 
labeled as Reason (R). 
 Assertion (A) : Philosophy helps in 
determining aims of education. 
 Reason (R) : Education depends 
mostly on Philosophy. 
 In the context of the two statements, 
which one of the following is correct ? 
 Codes : 
 (A) Both (A) and (R) are true. 
 (B) Both (A) and (R) are false. 
 (C) (A) is true, but (R) is false. 
 (D) (A) is false, but (R) is true. 
3. “Things as they are and as they are 
likely to be encountered in life rather 
than words” was the slogan of the  
 (A) Pragmatists 
 (B) Realists 
 (C) Idealists 
 (D) Existentialists  
4. An existentialistic teacher should 
emphasize on 
 I. Freedom 
 II. Responsibility 
 III. Subjective feelings 
 IV. Cooperative living 
 In the above which combination is 
correct ? 
 Codes : 
 (A) I & II are correct. 
 (B) I & III are correct. 
 (C) I, II & III are correct. 
 (D) II, III & IV are correct. 
5. Who advocated the creation of a 
classless society ? 
 (A) Plato 
 (B) Auguste Comte 
 (C) M.K. Gandhi 
 (D) Karl Marx 
6. The Vedas teach us that 
 (A) Creation is without beginning 
 (B) Creation is without an end. 
 (C) Creation is without beginning 
and without an end. 
 (D) Creation has a definite 
beginning and also an end. 
7. According to Samkhya philosophy, 
the sequence of creation is as under : 
 (A) Purusa, Prakrati, Ahankar, 
 (B) Prakrati, Purusa, Ahankar, 
 (C) Prakrati, Purusa, Mahat, 
 (D) Purusa, Prakrati, Mahat, 
Paper – II 
Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions, each question carrying two (2) 
marks. Attempt all the questions. 
 D-09-12 3  Paper-II 
1. ¤ü¿ÖÔ®Ö Ûúß ‹Ûú ¿ÖÖÜÖÖ ‡ÔׯÖÍÙêü´ÖÖê»ÖÖê•Öß ×ÛúÃÖÛêú 
×ÃÖ¨üÖ®ŸÖÖë ÃÖê ÃÖÓ²ÖÓ¬Ö ¸üÜÖŸÖß Æîü ? 
 (B) †×ß֟¾Ö 
 (C) –ÖÖ®Ö  
 (D) ´Öæ»µÖ 
2. ®Öß“Öê ¤üÖê Ûú£Ö®Ö פü‹ ÝÖ‹ Æïü, וִ֮Öë ÃÖê ‹Ûú ÛúÖê 
†×³ÖÛú£Ö®Ö (A) ÛúÆüÖ ÝÖµÖÖ Æîü ŸÖ£ÖÖ ¤æüÃÖ¸êü ÛúÖê ÛúÖ¸üÞÖ 
(R) ÛúÆüÖ ÝÖµÖÖ Æîü … 
 †×³ÖÛú£Ö®Ö (A) : ׿ÖõÖÖ Ûêú ˆ§êü¿µÖÖë ÛúÖê ŸÖµÖ Ûú¸ü®Öê 
´Öë ¤ü¿ÖÔ®Ö ÃÖÆüÖµÖÛú Æîü … 
 ÛúÖ¸üÞÖ (R) : ׿ÖõÖÖ ¤ü¿ÖÔ®Ö ¯Ö¸ü †ŸµÖ׬ÖÛú ×®Ö³ÖÔ¸ü Æîü … 
 ˆ¯Ö¸üÖêŒŸÖ ¤üÖê®ÖÖë Ûú£Ö®ÖÖë Ûêú ÃÖÓ¤ü³ÖÔ ´Öë ×®Ö´®Ö ´Öë ÃÖê ÛúÖî®Ö 
ÃÖÆüß Æîü ? 
 Ûæú™ü : 
 (A) (A) †Öî¸ü (R) ¤üÖê®ÖÖë ÃÖŸµÖ Æïü … 
 (B) (A) †Öî¸ü (R) ¤üÖê®ÖÖë †ÃÖŸµÖ Æïü … 
 (C) (A) ÃÖŸµÖ Æîü, ¯Ö¸ü (R) †ÃÖŸµÖ Æîü … 
 (D) (A) †ÃÖŸµÖ Æîü, ¯Ö¸ü (R) ÃÖŸµÖ Æîü … 
3. “¿Ö²¤üÖë Ûúß ²Ö•ÖÖ‹ •ÖÖê Ûãú”û •ÖîÃÖÖ ³Öß Æîü †Öî¸ü •ÖîÃÖÖ 
³Öß •Öß¾Ö®Ö ´Öë ˆ®ÖÃÖê ÃÖÖ´Ö®ÖÖ ÆüÖê®Öê Ûúß ÃÖÓ³ÖÖ¾Ö®ÖÖ Æîü …” 
×ÛúÃÖÛúÖ ®ÖÖ¸üÖ Æîü ? 
 (A) ¯ÖϵÖÖê•Ö®Ö¾ÖÖ¤üß 
 (B) µÖ£ÖÖ£ÖÔ¾ÖÖ¤üß 
 (C) †Ö¤ü¿ÖÔ¾ÖÖ¤üß 
 (D) †×ß֟¾Ö¾ÖÖ¤üß  
4. ‹Ûú †×ß֟¾Ö¾ÖÖ¤üß †¬µÖÖ¯ÖÛú ÛúÖê ×ÛúÃÖ ¯Ö¸ü ´ÖÆü¢ÖÖ 
¤êü®Öß “ÖÖ×Æü‹ ? 
 I. þ֟ÖÓ¡ÖŸÖÖ 
 II. ˆ¢Ö¸ü¤üÖ×µÖŸ¾Ö 
 III. ¾µÖ׌ŸÖ¯Ö¸üÛú ³ÖÖ¾Ö®ÖÖ‹Ñ 
 IV. ×´Ö»Ö•Öã»ÖÛú¸ü ¸üÆü®ÖÖ 
 ˆ¯Ö¸üÖêŒŸÖ ´Öë ÃÖê ÛúÖî®Ö ÃÖÖ ÃÖÓµÖÖê•Ö®Ö ÃÖÆüß Æîü ? 
 Ûæú™ü : 
 (A) I †Öî¸ü II ÃÖÆüß Æïü … 
 (B) I †Öî¸ü III ÃÖÆüß Æïü … 
 (C) I, II †Öî¸ü III ÃÖÆüß Æïü … 
 (D) II, III †Öî¸ü IV ÃÖÆüß Æïü … 
5. ‹Ûú ¾ÖÝÖÔ×¾ÖÆüß®Ö ÃÖ´ÖÖ•Ö ²Ö®ÖÖ®Öê Ûúß ¾ÖÛúÖ»ÖŸÖ ×ÛúÃÖ®Öê 
Ûúß ? 
 (A) ¯»Öê™üÖê 
 (B) †ÖòÝÖÙü ÛúÖ´™êü 
6. ¾Öê¤ü Æü´Öë ×ÃÖÜÖÖŸÖê Æïü ×Ûú : 
 (A) ÃÖé×™ü ÛúÖ ¯ÖÏÖ¸ü´³Ö ®ÖÆüà Æîü … 
 (B) ÃÖé×™ü ÛúÖ †®ŸÖ ®ÖÆüà Æîü … 
 (C) ÃÖé×™ü ÛúÖ †Öפü ‹¾ÖÓ †®ŸÖ ®ÖÆüà Æîü … 
 (D) ÃÖé×™ü ÛúÖ ×®Ö׿“ÖŸÖ †Öפü ¾Ö †®ŸÖ Æîü … 
7. ÃÖÖÓÜµÖ ¤ü¿ÖÔ®Ö Ûêú †®ÖãÃÖÖ¸ü ÃÖé×™ü ÛúÖ †®ÖãÛÎú´Ö 
×®Ö´®ÖÖ®ÖãÃÖÖ¸ü Æîü : 
 (A) ¯Öã¹ýÂÖ, ¯ÖÏÛéúןÖ, †ÆÓüÛúÖ¸ü, ´ÖÆüŸÖ 
 (B) ¯ÖÏÛéúןÖ, ¯Öã¹ýÂÖ, †ÆÓüÛúÖ¸ü, ´ÖÆüŸÖ 
 (C) ¯ÖÏÛéúןÖ, ¯Öã¹ýÂÖ, ´ÖÆüŸÖ, †ÆÓüÛúÖ¸ü 
 (D) ¯Öã¹ýÂÖ, ¯ÖÏÛéúןÖ, ´ÖÆüŸÖ, †ÆÓüÛúÖ¸ü 
¯ÖÏ¿®Ö¯Ö¡Ö – II 
®ÖÖê™ü : ‡ÃÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö¯Ö¡Ö ´Öë ¯Ö“ÖÖÃÖ (50) ²ÖÆãü-×¾ÖÛú»¯ÖßµÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Æïü … ¯ÖÏŸµÖêÛú ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Ûêú ¤üÖê (2) †ÓÛú Æïü … ÃÖ³Öß ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö †×®Ö¾ÖÖµÖÔ Æïü … 
Page 4

1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of
this page.
2. This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of
3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet
will be given to you. In the first 5 minutes, you are requested
to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below :
(i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the
paper seal on the edge of this cover page. Do not accept
a booklet without sticker-seal and do not accept an
open booklet.
(ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions
in the booklet with the information printed on the
cover page. Faulty booklets due to pages/questions
missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any
other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately
by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the
period of 5 minutes. Afterwards, neither the
Question Booklet will be replaced nor any extra
time will be given.
(iii) After this verification is over, the OMR Sheet Number
should be entered on this Test Booklet.
4. Each item has four alternative responses marked (A), (B),
(C) and (D). Y ou have to darken the circle as indicated below
on the correct response against each item.
Example :
where (C) is the correct response.
5. Y our responses to the items are to be indicated in the OMR
Sheet given inside the Paper I Booklet only. If you mark
at any place other than in the circle in the OMR Sheet, it will
not be evaluated.
6. Read instructions given inside carefully.
7. Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet.
8. If you write your Name, Roll Number, Phone Number or
put any mark on any part of the OMR Sheet, except for the
space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose
your identity, or use abusive language or employ any other
unfair means, you will render yourself liable to
9. You have to return the test question booklet and Original
OMR Sheet to the invigilators at the end of the examination
compulsorily and must not carry it with you outside the
Examination Hall. You are, however, allowed to carry
duplicate copy of OMR Sheet on conclusion of examination.
10. Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen.
11. Use of any calculator or log table etc., is prohibited.
12. There is no negative marks for incorrect answers.
Number of Pages in this Booklet : 16 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50
Instructions for the Candidates ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖÙ£Ö µÖÖë Ûêú ×»Ö‹ ×®Ö¤ìü¿Ö
D-09-12 1 P.T.O.
1. ¯ÖÆü»Öê ¯Öéšü Ûêú ‰ú¯Ö¸ü ×®Ö µÖŸÖ ãÖÖ®Ö ¯Ö¸ü †¯Ö®ÖÖ ¸üÖê»Ö ®Ö´²Ö¸ü ×»Ö×ÜÖ‹ …
2. ‡ÃÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Ö¡Ö ´Öë ¯Ö“ÖÖÃÖ ²ÖÆãü×¾ÖÛú»¯Öß µÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Æïü …
3. ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ ¯ÖÏÖ¸ü´³Ö ÆüÖê®Öê ¯Ö¸ü, ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ¤êü ¤üß •ÖÖ µÖêÝÖß … ¯ÖÆü»Öê
¯ÖÖÑ“Ö ×´Ö®Ö™ü †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ÜÖÖê»Ö®Öê ŸÖ£ÖÖ ˆÃÖÛúß ×®Ö´®Ö×»Ö×ÜÖŸÖ
•ÖÖÑ“Ö Ûêú ×»Ö‹ פü µÖê •ÖÖ µÖëÝÖê, וÖÃÖÛúß •ÖÖÑ“Ö †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê †¾Ö¿ µÖ Ûú¸ü®Öß Æîü :
(i) ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ÜÖÖê»Ö®Öê Ûêú ×»Ö‹ ˆÃÖÛêú Ûú¾Ö¸ü ¯Öê•Ö ¯Ö¸ü »ÖÝÖß ÛúÖÝÖ•Ö
Ûúß ÃÖᯙ ÛúÖê ±úÖ›Ìü »Öë … ÜÖã»Öß Æãü‡Ô µÖÖ ×²Ö®ÖÖ Ã™üßÛú¸ü-ÃÖᯙ Ûúß
¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ Ã¾ÖßÛúÖ¸ü ®Ö Ûú¸ëü …
(ii) Ûú¾Ö¸ü ¯Öéšü ¯Ö¸ü ”û¯Öê ×®Ö¤ìü¿ÖÖ®ÖãÃÖÖ¸ü ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ Ûêú ¯Öéšü ŸÖ£ÖÖ
¯ÖÏ¿®ÖÖë Ûúß ÃÖÓÜ µÖÖ ÛúÖê †“”ûß ŸÖ¸üÆü “ÖîÛú Ûú¸ü »Öë ×Ûú µÖê ¯Öæ¸êü
Æïü … ¤üÖêÂÖ¯ÖæÞÖÔ ¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ×•Ö®Ö´Öë ¯Öéšü/¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Ûú´Ö ÆüÖë µÖÖ ¤ãü²ÖÖ¸üÖ †Ö
ÝÖ µÖê ÆüÖë µÖÖ ÃÖß׸ü µÖ»Ö ´Öë ®Ö ÆüÖë †£ÖÖÔŸÖË ×ÛúÃÖß ³Öß ¯ÖÏÛúÖ¸ü Ûúß
¡Öã×™ü¯ÖæÞÖÔ ¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ Ã¾ÖßÛúÖ¸ü ®Ö Ûú¸ëü ŸÖ£ÖÖ ˆÃÖß ÃÖ´Ö µÖ ˆÃÖê
»ÖÖî™üÖÛú¸ü ˆÃÖÛêú ãÖÖ®Ö ¯Ö¸ü ¤æüÃÖ¸üß ÃÖÆüß ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ »Öê »Öë …
‡ÃÖÛêú ×»Ö‹ †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ¯ÖÖÑ“Ö ×´Ö®Ö™ü פü µÖê •ÖÖ µÖëÝÖê … ˆÃÖÛêú ²ÖÖ¤ü ®Ö
ŸÖÖê †Ö¯ÖÛúß ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ¾ÖÖ¯ÖÃÖ »Öß •ÖÖ µÖêÝÖß †Öî¸ü ®Ö Æüß †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê
†×ŸÖ׸üŒŸÖ ÃÖ´Ö µÖ פü µÖÖ •ÖÖ µÖêÝÖÖ …
(iii) ‡ÃÖ •ÖÖÑ“Ö Ûêú ²ÖÖ¤ü OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú Ûúß ÛÎú´Ö ÃÖÓÜ µÖÖ ‡ÃÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ
¯Ö¸ü †Ó×ÛúŸÖ Ûú¸ü ¤ëü …
4. ¯ÖÏŸ µÖêÛú ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Ûêú ×»Ö‹ “ÖÖ¸ü ˆ¢Ö¸ü ×¾ÖÛú»¯Ö (A), (B), (C) ŸÖ£ÖÖ (D) פü µÖê
ÝÖ µÖê Æïü … †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ÃÖÆüß ˆ¢Ö¸ü Ûêú ¾Öé¢Ö ÛúÖê ¯Öê®Ö ÃÖê ³Ö¸üÛú¸ü ÛúÖ»ÖÖ Ûú¸ü®ÖÖ Æîü
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ˆ¤üÖÆü¸üÞÖ :
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5. ¯ÖÏ¿®ÖÖë Ûêú ˆ¢Ö¸ü Ûêú¾Ö»Ö ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö ¯Ö¡Ö I Ûêú †®¤ü¸ü פü µÖê ÝÖ µÖê OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú ¯Ö¸ü Æüß
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®ÖÆüà ÆüÖêÝÖÖ …
6. †®¤ü¸ü פü µÖê ÝÖ µÖê ×®Ö¤ìü¿ÖÖë ÛúÖê ¬ µÖÖ®Ö¯Öæ¾ÖÔÛú ¯ÖœÌëü …
7. Ûú““ÖÖ ÛúÖ´Ö (Rough Work) ‡ÃÖ ¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ Ûêú †×®ŸÖ´Ö ¯Öéšü ¯Ö¸ü Ûú¸ëü …
8. µÖפü †Ö¯Ö OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú ¯Ö¸ü ×®Ö µÖŸÖ ãÖÖ®Ö Ûêú †»ÖÖ¾ÖÖ †¯Ö®ÖÖ ®ÖÖ´Ö, ¸üÖê»Ö
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‘ÖÖê×ÂÖŸÖ ×Ûú µÖê •ÖÖ ÃÖÛúŸÖê Æïü …
9. †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ ÃÖ´ÖÖ¯ŸÖ ÆüÖê®Öê ¯Ö¸ü ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ‹¾ÖÓ ´Öæ»Ö OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú
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ÃÖÛúŸÖê Æïü …
10. Ûêú¾Ö»Ö ®Öß»Öê/ÛúÖ»Öê ²ÖÖ»Ö ¯¾ÖÖ‡Õ™ü ¯Öê®Ö ÛúÖ Æüß ‡ÃŸÖê´ÖÖ»Ö Ûú¸ëü …
11. ×ÛúÃÖß ³Öß ¯ÖÏÛúÖ¸ü ÛúÖ ÃÖÓÝÖÞÖÛú (Ûîú»ÖÛãú»Öê™ü¸ü) µÖÖ »ÖÖÝÖ ™êü²Ö»Ö †Öפü ÛúÖ
¯ÖÏ µÖÖêÝÖ ¾ÖÙ•ÖŸÖ Æîü …
12. ÝÖ»ÖŸÖ ˆ¢Ö¸üÖë Ûêú ×»Ö‹ ÛúÖê‡Ô †ÓÛú ÛúÖ™êü ®ÖÆüà •ÖÖ‹ÑÝÖê …
[Maximum Marks : 100 Time : 1 
(To be filled by the Candidate)
Signature and Name of Invigilator
OMR Sheet No. : ...............................................
Roll No.
(In words)
1. (Signature) __________________________
(Name)  ____________________________
2. (Signature) __________________________
(Name)  ____________________________
Roll No.________________________________
(In figures as per admission card)
Paper-II 2  D-09-12 
1. Epistemology is the branch of 
philosophy which deals with the 
theories of 
 (A) Reality 
 (B) Existence 
 (C) Knowledge  
 (D) Values 
2. Given below are two statements, one 
labelled as Assertion (A) and the other 
labeled as Reason (R). 
 Assertion (A) : Philosophy helps in 
determining aims of education. 
 Reason (R) : Education depends 
mostly on Philosophy. 
 In the context of the two statements, 
which one of the following is correct ? 
 Codes : 
 (A) Both (A) and (R) are true. 
 (B) Both (A) and (R) are false. 
 (C) (A) is true, but (R) is false. 
 (D) (A) is false, but (R) is true. 
3. “Things as they are and as they are 
likely to be encountered in life rather 
than words” was the slogan of the  
 (A) Pragmatists 
 (B) Realists 
 (C) Idealists 
 (D) Existentialists  
4. An existentialistic teacher should 
emphasize on 
 I. Freedom 
 II. Responsibility 
 III. Subjective feelings 
 IV. Cooperative living 
 In the above which combination is 
correct ? 
 Codes : 
 (A) I & II are correct. 
 (B) I & III are correct. 
 (C) I, II & III are correct. 
 (D) II, III & IV are correct. 
5. Who advocated the creation of a 
classless society ? 
 (A) Plato 
 (B) Auguste Comte 
 (C) M.K. Gandhi 
 (D) Karl Marx 
6. The Vedas teach us that 
 (A) Creation is without beginning 
 (B) Creation is without an end. 
 (C) Creation is without beginning 
and without an end. 
 (D) Creation has a definite 
beginning and also an end. 
7. According to Samkhya philosophy, 
the sequence of creation is as under : 
 (A) Purusa, Prakrati, Ahankar, 
 (B) Prakrati, Purusa, Ahankar, 
 (C) Prakrati, Purusa, Mahat, 
 (D) Purusa, Prakrati, Mahat, 
Paper – II 
Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions, each question carrying two (2) 
marks. Attempt all the questions. 
 D-09-12 3  Paper-II 
1. ¤ü¿ÖÔ®Ö Ûúß ‹Ûú ¿ÖÖÜÖÖ ‡ÔׯÖÍÙêü´ÖÖê»ÖÖê•Öß ×ÛúÃÖÛêú 
×ÃÖ¨üÖ®ŸÖÖë ÃÖê ÃÖÓ²ÖÓ¬Ö ¸üÜÖŸÖß Æîü ? 
 (B) †×ß֟¾Ö 
 (C) –ÖÖ®Ö  
 (D) ´Öæ»µÖ 
2. ®Öß“Öê ¤üÖê Ûú£Ö®Ö פü‹ ÝÖ‹ Æïü, וִ֮Öë ÃÖê ‹Ûú ÛúÖê 
†×³ÖÛú£Ö®Ö (A) ÛúÆüÖ ÝÖµÖÖ Æîü ŸÖ£ÖÖ ¤æüÃÖ¸êü ÛúÖê ÛúÖ¸üÞÖ 
(R) ÛúÆüÖ ÝÖµÖÖ Æîü … 
 †×³ÖÛú£Ö®Ö (A) : ׿ÖõÖÖ Ûêú ˆ§êü¿µÖÖë ÛúÖê ŸÖµÖ Ûú¸ü®Öê 
´Öë ¤ü¿ÖÔ®Ö ÃÖÆüÖµÖÛú Æîü … 
 ÛúÖ¸üÞÖ (R) : ׿ÖõÖÖ ¤ü¿ÖÔ®Ö ¯Ö¸ü †ŸµÖ׬ÖÛú ×®Ö³ÖÔ¸ü Æîü … 
 ˆ¯Ö¸üÖêŒŸÖ ¤üÖê®ÖÖë Ûú£Ö®ÖÖë Ûêú ÃÖÓ¤ü³ÖÔ ´Öë ×®Ö´®Ö ´Öë ÃÖê ÛúÖî®Ö 
ÃÖÆüß Æîü ? 
 Ûæú™ü : 
 (A) (A) †Öî¸ü (R) ¤üÖê®ÖÖë ÃÖŸµÖ Æïü … 
 (B) (A) †Öî¸ü (R) ¤üÖê®ÖÖë †ÃÖŸµÖ Æïü … 
 (C) (A) ÃÖŸµÖ Æîü, ¯Ö¸ü (R) †ÃÖŸµÖ Æîü … 
 (D) (A) †ÃÖŸµÖ Æîü, ¯Ö¸ü (R) ÃÖŸµÖ Æîü … 
3. “¿Ö²¤üÖë Ûúß ²Ö•ÖÖ‹ •ÖÖê Ûãú”û •ÖîÃÖÖ ³Öß Æîü †Öî¸ü •ÖîÃÖÖ 
³Öß •Öß¾Ö®Ö ´Öë ˆ®ÖÃÖê ÃÖÖ´Ö®ÖÖ ÆüÖê®Öê Ûúß ÃÖÓ³ÖÖ¾Ö®ÖÖ Æîü …” 
×ÛúÃÖÛúÖ ®ÖÖ¸üÖ Æîü ? 
 (A) ¯ÖϵÖÖê•Ö®Ö¾ÖÖ¤üß 
 (B) µÖ£ÖÖ£ÖÔ¾ÖÖ¤üß 
 (C) †Ö¤ü¿ÖÔ¾ÖÖ¤üß 
 (D) †×ß֟¾Ö¾ÖÖ¤üß  
4. ‹Ûú †×ß֟¾Ö¾ÖÖ¤üß †¬µÖÖ¯ÖÛú ÛúÖê ×ÛúÃÖ ¯Ö¸ü ´ÖÆü¢ÖÖ 
¤êü®Öß “ÖÖ×Æü‹ ? 
 I. þ֟ÖÓ¡ÖŸÖÖ 
 II. ˆ¢Ö¸ü¤üÖ×µÖŸ¾Ö 
 III. ¾µÖ׌ŸÖ¯Ö¸üÛú ³ÖÖ¾Ö®ÖÖ‹Ñ 
 IV. ×´Ö»Ö•Öã»ÖÛú¸ü ¸üÆü®ÖÖ 
 ˆ¯Ö¸üÖêŒŸÖ ´Öë ÃÖê ÛúÖî®Ö ÃÖÖ ÃÖÓµÖÖê•Ö®Ö ÃÖÆüß Æîü ? 
 Ûæú™ü : 
 (A) I †Öî¸ü II ÃÖÆüß Æïü … 
 (B) I †Öî¸ü III ÃÖÆüß Æïü … 
 (C) I, II †Öî¸ü III ÃÖÆüß Æïü … 
 (D) II, III †Öî¸ü IV ÃÖÆüß Æïü … 
5. ‹Ûú ¾ÖÝÖÔ×¾ÖÆüß®Ö ÃÖ´ÖÖ•Ö ²Ö®ÖÖ®Öê Ûúß ¾ÖÛúÖ»ÖŸÖ ×ÛúÃÖ®Öê 
Ûúß ? 
 (A) ¯»Öê™üÖê 
 (B) †ÖòÝÖÙü ÛúÖ´™êü 
6. ¾Öê¤ü Æü´Öë ×ÃÖÜÖÖŸÖê Æïü ×Ûú : 
 (A) ÃÖé×™ü ÛúÖ ¯ÖÏÖ¸ü´³Ö ®ÖÆüà Æîü … 
 (B) ÃÖé×™ü ÛúÖ †®ŸÖ ®ÖÆüà Æîü … 
 (C) ÃÖé×™ü ÛúÖ †Öפü ‹¾ÖÓ †®ŸÖ ®ÖÆüà Æîü … 
 (D) ÃÖé×™ü ÛúÖ ×®Ö׿“ÖŸÖ †Öפü ¾Ö †®ŸÖ Æîü … 
7. ÃÖÖÓÜµÖ ¤ü¿ÖÔ®Ö Ûêú †®ÖãÃÖÖ¸ü ÃÖé×™ü ÛúÖ †®ÖãÛÎú´Ö 
×®Ö´®ÖÖ®ÖãÃÖÖ¸ü Æîü : 
 (A) ¯Öã¹ýÂÖ, ¯ÖÏÛéúןÖ, †ÆÓüÛúÖ¸ü, ´ÖÆüŸÖ 
 (B) ¯ÖÏÛéúןÖ, ¯Öã¹ýÂÖ, †ÆÓüÛúÖ¸ü, ´ÖÆüŸÖ 
 (C) ¯ÖÏÛéúןÖ, ¯Öã¹ýÂÖ, ´ÖÆüŸÖ, †ÆÓüÛúÖ¸ü 
 (D) ¯Öã¹ýÂÖ, ¯ÖÏÛéúןÖ, ´ÖÆüŸÖ, †ÆÓüÛúÖ¸ü 
¯ÖÏ¿®Ö¯Ö¡Ö – II 
®ÖÖê™ü : ‡ÃÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö¯Ö¡Ö ´Öë ¯Ö“ÖÖÃÖ (50) ²ÖÆãü-×¾ÖÛú»¯ÖßµÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Æïü … ¯ÖÏŸµÖêÛú ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Ûêú ¤üÖê (2) †ÓÛú Æïü … ÃÖ³Öß ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö †×®Ö¾ÖÖµÖÔ Æïü … 
Paper-II 4  D-09-12 
8. Match the following : 
List – I List – II 
a. Arya Satya 1. Namrupa 
b. Dwadash 
2. Samadhi 
c. Ashtanga 
3. Samyaka Vyayam 
d. Nirvana 4. Controlling of 
 5. Sorrow in life 
 Codes :  
  a b c d 
 (A) 2 4 1 3  
 (B) 5 1 3 2 
 (C) 5 1 4 2 
 (D) 1 5 4 3 
9. Critically judge the following : 
 Assertion (A) : All Muslim Women 
need to go to school. 
 Reason (R) : Muslim Philosophy lays 
emphasis on the equality of all-men 
or women. 
 Codes : 
 (A) Both (A) and (R) are true. 
 (B) Both (A) and (R) are false. 
 (C) Statement (A) is true, but (R) is 
 (D) Statement (A) is false, but (R) is 
10. In Tagorian Education System the 
child learns better by 
 I. Debates and Discussion 
 II. Reading, Writing and Speaking 
 III. Dance, Drama and Music 
 IV. Travelling and interacting with 
 In the context of the above, which 
statements are true ? 
 (A) All I, II, III and IV are true. 
 (B) Statements I, III and IV are 
 (C) Statements I, II and III are true. 
 (D) Statements II, III and IV are 
11. The right to free and compulsory 
education for children between age 
group of 6 to 14 has been inserted in 
Indian Constitution as 
 (A) Article 46 
 (B) Article 16 
 (C) Article 45A 
 (D) Article 21A 
12. Who advocated the logical analysis 
of language for getting the true 
meaning ? 
 (A) A.J. Ayer 
 (B) Bertrand Russel 
 (C) Morris L. Biggie 
 (D) G.E. Moore 
13. Sociology of Education is 
 (A) A branch of Anthropology 
 (B) A study of the Society 
 (C) An analysis of Sociological 
processes involved in the 
institutions of Education. 
 (D) A science which studies 
primitive societies. 
Page 5

1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of
this page.
2. This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of
3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet
will be given to you. In the first 5 minutes, you are requested
to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below :
(i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the
paper seal on the edge of this cover page. Do not accept
a booklet without sticker-seal and do not accept an
open booklet.
(ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions
in the booklet with the information printed on the
cover page. Faulty booklets due to pages/questions
missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any
other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately
by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the
period of 5 minutes. Afterwards, neither the
Question Booklet will be replaced nor any extra
time will be given.
(iii) After this verification is over, the OMR Sheet Number
should be entered on this Test Booklet.
4. Each item has four alternative responses marked (A), (B),
(C) and (D). Y ou have to darken the circle as indicated below
on the correct response against each item.
Example :
where (C) is the correct response.
5. Y our responses to the items are to be indicated in the OMR
Sheet given inside the Paper I Booklet only. If you mark
at any place other than in the circle in the OMR Sheet, it will
not be evaluated.
6. Read instructions given inside carefully.
7. Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet.
8. If you write your Name, Roll Number, Phone Number or
put any mark on any part of the OMR Sheet, except for the
space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose
your identity, or use abusive language or employ any other
unfair means, you will render yourself liable to
9. You have to return the test question booklet and Original
OMR Sheet to the invigilators at the end of the examination
compulsorily and must not carry it with you outside the
Examination Hall. You are, however, allowed to carry
duplicate copy of OMR Sheet on conclusion of examination.
10. Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen.
11. Use of any calculator or log table etc., is prohibited.
12. There is no negative marks for incorrect answers.
Number of Pages in this Booklet : 16 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50
Instructions for the Candidates ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖÙ£Ö µÖÖë Ûêú ×»Ö‹ ×®Ö¤ìü¿Ö
D-09-12 1 P.T.O.
1. ¯ÖÆü»Öê ¯Öéšü Ûêú ‰ú¯Ö¸ü ×®Ö µÖŸÖ ãÖÖ®Ö ¯Ö¸ü †¯Ö®ÖÖ ¸üÖê»Ö ®Ö´²Ö¸ü ×»Ö×ÜÖ‹ …
2. ‡ÃÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Ö¡Ö ´Öë ¯Ö“ÖÖÃÖ ²ÖÆãü×¾ÖÛú»¯Öß µÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Æïü …
3. ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ ¯ÖÏÖ¸ü´³Ö ÆüÖê®Öê ¯Ö¸ü, ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ¤êü ¤üß •ÖÖ µÖêÝÖß … ¯ÖÆü»Öê
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(i) ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ÜÖÖê»Ö®Öê Ûêú ×»Ö‹ ˆÃÖÛêú Ûú¾Ö¸ü ¯Öê•Ö ¯Ö¸ü »ÖÝÖß ÛúÖÝÖ•Ö
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¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ Ã¾ÖßÛúÖ¸ü ®Ö Ûú¸ëü …
(ii) Ûú¾Ö¸ü ¯Öéšü ¯Ö¸ü ”û¯Öê ×®Ö¤ìü¿ÖÖ®ÖãÃÖÖ¸ü ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ Ûêú ¯Öéšü ŸÖ£ÖÖ
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†×ŸÖ׸üŒŸÖ ÃÖ´Ö µÖ פü µÖÖ •ÖÖ µÖêÝÖÖ …
(iii) ‡ÃÖ •ÖÖÑ“Ö Ûêú ²ÖÖ¤ü OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú Ûúß ÛÎú´Ö ÃÖÓÜ µÖÖ ‡ÃÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ
¯Ö¸ü †Ó×ÛúŸÖ Ûú¸ü ¤ëü …
4. ¯ÖÏŸ µÖêÛú ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Ûêú ×»Ö‹ “ÖÖ¸ü ˆ¢Ö¸ü ×¾ÖÛú»¯Ö (A), (B), (C) ŸÖ£ÖÖ (D) פü µÖê
ÝÖ µÖê Æïü … †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ÃÖÆüß ˆ¢Ö¸ü Ûêú ¾Öé¢Ö ÛúÖê ¯Öê®Ö ÃÖê ³Ö¸üÛú¸ü ÛúÖ»ÖÖ Ûú¸ü®ÖÖ Æîü
•ÖîÃÖÖ ×Ûú ®Öß“Öê פüÜÖÖ µÖÖ ÝÖ µÖÖ Æîü …
ˆ¤üÖÆü¸üÞÖ :
•Ö²Ö×Ûúú(C) ÃÖÆüß ˆ¢Ö¸ü Æîü …
5. ¯ÖÏ¿®ÖÖë Ûêú ˆ¢Ö¸ü Ûêú¾Ö»Ö ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö ¯Ö¡Ö I Ûêú †®¤ü¸ü פü µÖê ÝÖ µÖê OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú ¯Ö¸ü Æüß
†Ó×ÛúŸÖ Ûú¸ü®Öê Æïü … µÖפü †Ö¯Ö OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú ¯Ö¸ü פü µÖê ÝÖ µÖê ¾Öé¢Ö Ûêú †»ÖÖ¾ÖÖ
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®ÖÆüà ÆüÖêÝÖÖ …
6. †®¤ü¸ü פü µÖê ÝÖ µÖê ×®Ö¤ìü¿ÖÖë ÛúÖê ¬ µÖÖ®Ö¯Öæ¾ÖÔÛú ¯ÖœÌëü …
7. Ûú““ÖÖ ÛúÖ´Ö (Rough Work) ‡ÃÖ ¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ Ûêú †×®ŸÖ´Ö ¯Öéšü ¯Ö¸ü Ûú¸ëü …
8. µÖפü †Ö¯Ö OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú ¯Ö¸ü ×®Ö µÖŸÖ ãÖÖ®Ö Ûêú †»ÖÖ¾ÖÖ †¯Ö®ÖÖ ®ÖÖ´Ö, ¸üÖê»Ö
®Ö´²Ö¸ü, ±úÖê®Ö ®Ö´²Ö¸ü µÖÖ ÛúÖê‡Ô ³Öß ‹êÃÖÖ ×“ÖÅ®Ö ×•ÖÃÖÃÖê †Ö¯ÖÛúß ¯ÖÆü“ÖÖ®Ö ÆüÖê
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‘ÖÖê×ÂÖŸÖ ×Ûú µÖê •ÖÖ ÃÖÛúŸÖê Æïü …
9. †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ ÃÖ´ÖÖ¯ŸÖ ÆüÖê®Öê ¯Ö¸ü ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ‹¾ÖÓ ´Öæ»Ö OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú
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ÃÖÛúŸÖê Æïü …
10. Ûêú¾Ö»Ö ®Öß»Öê/ÛúÖ»Öê ²ÖÖ»Ö ¯¾ÖÖ‡Õ™ü ¯Öê®Ö ÛúÖ Æüß ‡ÃŸÖê´ÖÖ»Ö Ûú¸ëü …
11. ×ÛúÃÖß ³Öß ¯ÖÏÛúÖ¸ü ÛúÖ ÃÖÓÝÖÞÖÛú (Ûîú»ÖÛãú»Öê™ü¸ü) µÖÖ »ÖÖÝÖ ™êü²Ö»Ö †Öפü ÛúÖ
¯ÖÏ µÖÖêÝÖ ¾ÖÙ•ÖŸÖ Æîü …
12. ÝÖ»ÖŸÖ ˆ¢Ö¸üÖë Ûêú ×»Ö‹ ÛúÖê‡Ô †ÓÛú ÛúÖ™êü ®ÖÆüà •ÖÖ‹ÑÝÖê …
[Maximum Marks : 100 Time : 1 
(To be filled by the Candidate)
Signature and Name of Invigilator
OMR Sheet No. : ...............................................
Roll No.
(In words)
1. (Signature) __________________________
(Name)  ____________________________
2. (Signature) __________________________
(Name)  ____________________________
Roll No.________________________________
(In figures as per admission card)
Paper-II 2  D-09-12 
1. Epistemology is the branch of 
philosophy which deals with the 
theories of 
 (A) Reality 
 (B) Existence 
 (C) Knowledge  
 (D) Values 
2. Given below are two statements, one 
labelled as Assertion (A) and the other 
labeled as Reason (R). 
 Assertion (A) : Philosophy helps in 
determining aims of education. 
 Reason (R) : Education depends 
mostly on Philosophy. 
 In the context of the two statements, 
which one of the following is correct ? 
 Codes : 
 (A) Both (A) and (R) are true. 
 (B) Both (A) and (R) are false. 
 (C) (A) is true, but (R) is false. 
 (D) (A) is false, but (R) is true. 
3. “Things as they are and as they are 
likely to be encountered in life rather 
than words” was the slogan of the  
 (A) Pragmatists 
 (B) Realists 
 (C) Idealists 
 (D) Existentialists  
4. An existentialistic teacher should 
emphasize on 
 I. Freedom 
 II. Responsibility 
 III. Subjective feelings 
 IV. Cooperative living 
 In the above which combination is 
correct ? 
 Codes : 
 (A) I & II are correct. 
 (B) I & III are correct. 
 (C) I, II & III are correct. 
 (D) II, III & IV are correct. 
5. Who advocated the creation of a 
classless society ? 
 (A) Plato 
 (B) Auguste Comte 
 (C) M.K. Gandhi 
 (D) Karl Marx 
6. The Vedas teach us that 
 (A) Creation is without beginning 
 (B) Creation is without an end. 
 (C) Creation is without beginning 
and without an end. 
 (D) Creation has a definite 
beginning and also an end. 
7. According to Samkhya philosophy, 
the sequence of creation is as under : 
 (A) Purusa, Prakrati, Ahankar, 
 (B) Prakrati, Purusa, Ahankar, 
 (C) Prakrati, Purusa, Mahat, 
 (D) Purusa, Prakrati, Mahat, 
Paper – II 
Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions, each question carrying two (2) 
marks. Attempt all the questions. 
 D-09-12 3  Paper-II 
1. ¤ü¿ÖÔ®Ö Ûúß ‹Ûú ¿ÖÖÜÖÖ ‡ÔׯÖÍÙêü´ÖÖê»ÖÖê•Öß ×ÛúÃÖÛêú 
×ÃÖ¨üÖ®ŸÖÖë ÃÖê ÃÖÓ²ÖÓ¬Ö ¸üÜÖŸÖß Æîü ? 
 (B) †×ß֟¾Ö 
 (C) –ÖÖ®Ö  
 (D) ´Öæ»µÖ 
2. ®Öß“Öê ¤üÖê Ûú£Ö®Ö פü‹ ÝÖ‹ Æïü, וִ֮Öë ÃÖê ‹Ûú ÛúÖê 
†×³ÖÛú£Ö®Ö (A) ÛúÆüÖ ÝÖµÖÖ Æîü ŸÖ£ÖÖ ¤æüÃÖ¸êü ÛúÖê ÛúÖ¸üÞÖ 
(R) ÛúÆüÖ ÝÖµÖÖ Æîü … 
 †×³ÖÛú£Ö®Ö (A) : ׿ÖõÖÖ Ûêú ˆ§êü¿µÖÖë ÛúÖê ŸÖµÖ Ûú¸ü®Öê 
´Öë ¤ü¿ÖÔ®Ö ÃÖÆüÖµÖÛú Æîü … 
 ÛúÖ¸üÞÖ (R) : ׿ÖõÖÖ ¤ü¿ÖÔ®Ö ¯Ö¸ü †ŸµÖ׬ÖÛú ×®Ö³ÖÔ¸ü Æîü … 
 ˆ¯Ö¸üÖêŒŸÖ ¤üÖê®ÖÖë Ûú£Ö®ÖÖë Ûêú ÃÖÓ¤ü³ÖÔ ´Öë ×®Ö´®Ö ´Öë ÃÖê ÛúÖî®Ö 
ÃÖÆüß Æîü ? 
 Ûæú™ü : 
 (A) (A) †Öî¸ü (R) ¤üÖê®ÖÖë ÃÖŸµÖ Æïü … 
 (B) (A) †Öî¸ü (R) ¤üÖê®ÖÖë †ÃÖŸµÖ Æïü … 
 (C) (A) ÃÖŸµÖ Æîü, ¯Ö¸ü (R) †ÃÖŸµÖ Æîü … 
 (D) (A) †ÃÖŸµÖ Æîü, ¯Ö¸ü (R) ÃÖŸµÖ Æîü … 
3. “¿Ö²¤üÖë Ûúß ²Ö•ÖÖ‹ •ÖÖê Ûãú”û •ÖîÃÖÖ ³Öß Æîü †Öî¸ü •ÖîÃÖÖ 
³Öß •Öß¾Ö®Ö ´Öë ˆ®ÖÃÖê ÃÖÖ´Ö®ÖÖ ÆüÖê®Öê Ûúß ÃÖÓ³ÖÖ¾Ö®ÖÖ Æîü …” 
×ÛúÃÖÛúÖ ®ÖÖ¸üÖ Æîü ? 
 (A) ¯ÖϵÖÖê•Ö®Ö¾ÖÖ¤üß 
 (B) µÖ£ÖÖ£ÖÔ¾ÖÖ¤üß 
 (C) †Ö¤ü¿ÖÔ¾ÖÖ¤üß 
 (D) †×ß֟¾Ö¾ÖÖ¤üß  
4. ‹Ûú †×ß֟¾Ö¾ÖÖ¤üß †¬µÖÖ¯ÖÛú ÛúÖê ×ÛúÃÖ ¯Ö¸ü ´ÖÆü¢ÖÖ 
¤êü®Öß “ÖÖ×Æü‹ ? 
 I. þ֟ÖÓ¡ÖŸÖÖ 
 II. ˆ¢Ö¸ü¤üÖ×µÖŸ¾Ö 
 III. ¾µÖ׌ŸÖ¯Ö¸üÛú ³ÖÖ¾Ö®ÖÖ‹Ñ 
 IV. ×´Ö»Ö•Öã»ÖÛú¸ü ¸üÆü®ÖÖ 
 ˆ¯Ö¸üÖêŒŸÖ ´Öë ÃÖê ÛúÖî®Ö ÃÖÖ ÃÖÓµÖÖê•Ö®Ö ÃÖÆüß Æîü ? 
 Ûæú™ü : 
 (A) I †Öî¸ü II ÃÖÆüß Æïü … 
 (B) I †Öî¸ü III ÃÖÆüß Æïü … 
 (C) I, II †Öî¸ü III ÃÖÆüß Æïü … 
 (D) II, III †Öî¸ü IV ÃÖÆüß Æïü … 
5. ‹Ûú ¾ÖÝÖÔ×¾ÖÆüß®Ö ÃÖ´ÖÖ•Ö ²Ö®ÖÖ®Öê Ûúß ¾ÖÛúÖ»ÖŸÖ ×ÛúÃÖ®Öê 
Ûúß ? 
 (A) ¯»Öê™üÖê 
 (B) †ÖòÝÖÙü ÛúÖ´™êü 
6. ¾Öê¤ü Æü´Öë ×ÃÖÜÖÖŸÖê Æïü ×Ûú : 
 (A) ÃÖé×™ü ÛúÖ ¯ÖÏÖ¸ü´³Ö ®ÖÆüà Æîü … 
 (B) ÃÖé×™ü ÛúÖ †®ŸÖ ®ÖÆüà Æîü … 
 (C) ÃÖé×™ü ÛúÖ †Öפü ‹¾ÖÓ †®ŸÖ ®ÖÆüà Æîü … 
 (D) ÃÖé×™ü ÛúÖ ×®Ö׿“ÖŸÖ †Öפü ¾Ö †®ŸÖ Æîü … 
7. ÃÖÖÓÜµÖ ¤ü¿ÖÔ®Ö Ûêú †®ÖãÃÖÖ¸ü ÃÖé×™ü ÛúÖ †®ÖãÛÎú´Ö 
×®Ö´®ÖÖ®ÖãÃÖÖ¸ü Æîü : 
 (A) ¯Öã¹ýÂÖ, ¯ÖÏÛéúןÖ, †ÆÓüÛúÖ¸ü, ´ÖÆüŸÖ 
 (B) ¯ÖÏÛéúןÖ, ¯Öã¹ýÂÖ, †ÆÓüÛúÖ¸ü, ´ÖÆüŸÖ 
 (C) ¯ÖÏÛéúןÖ, ¯Öã¹ýÂÖ, ´ÖÆüŸÖ, †ÆÓüÛúÖ¸ü 
 (D) ¯Öã¹ýÂÖ, ¯ÖÏÛéúןÖ, ´ÖÆüŸÖ, †ÆÓüÛúÖ¸ü 
¯ÖÏ¿®Ö¯Ö¡Ö – II 
®ÖÖê™ü : ‡ÃÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö¯Ö¡Ö ´Öë ¯Ö“ÖÖÃÖ (50) ²ÖÆãü-×¾ÖÛú»¯ÖßµÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Æïü … ¯ÖÏŸµÖêÛú ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Ûêú ¤üÖê (2) †ÓÛú Æïü … ÃÖ³Öß ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö †×®Ö¾ÖÖµÖÔ Æïü … 
Paper-II 4  D-09-12 
8. Match the following : 
List – I List – II 
a. Arya Satya 1. Namrupa 
b. Dwadash 
2. Samadhi 
c. Ashtanga 
3. Samyaka Vyayam 
d. Nirvana 4. Controlling of 
 5. Sorrow in life 
 Codes :  
  a b c d 
 (A) 2 4 1 3  
 (B) 5 1 3 2 
 (C) 5 1 4 2 
 (D) 1 5 4 3 
9. Critically judge the following : 
 Assertion (A) : All Muslim Women 
need to go to school. 
 Reason (R) : Muslim Philosophy lays 
emphasis on the equality of all-men 
or women. 
 Codes : 
 (A) Both (A) and (R) are true. 
 (B) Both (A) and (R) are false. 
 (C) Statement (A) is true, but (R) is 
 (D) Statement (A) is false, but (R) is 
10. In Tagorian Education System the 
child learns better by 
 I. Debates and Discussion 
 II. Reading, Writing and Speaking 
 III. Dance, Drama and Music 
 IV. Travelling and interacting with 
 In the context of the above, which 
statements are true ? 
 (A) All I, II, III and IV are true. 
 (B) Statements I, III and IV are 
 (C) Statements I, II and III are true. 
 (D) Statements II, III and IV are 
11. The right to free and compulsory 
education for children between age 
group of 6 to 14 has been inserted in 
Indian Constitution as 
 (A) Article 46 
 (B) Article 16 
 (C) Article 45A 
 (D) Article 21A 
12. Who advocated the logical analysis 
of language for getting the true 
meaning ? 
 (A) A.J. Ayer 
 (B) Bertrand Russel 
 (C) Morris L. Biggie 
 (D) G.E. Moore 
13. Sociology of Education is 
 (A) A branch of Anthropology 
 (B) A study of the Society 
 (C) An analysis of Sociological 
processes involved in the 
institutions of Education. 
 (D) A science which studies 
primitive societies. 
 D-09-12 5  Paper-II 
8. ×®Ö´®Ö Ûúß ÃÖÆüß •ÖÖê›Ìüß ²Ö®ÖÖ‡‹ : 
ÃÖæ“Öß – I ÃÖæ“Öß – II 
(²ÖÖî¨ü ÃÖÓÛú»¯Ö®ÖÖ) (†£ÖÔ/ˆ¤üÖÆü¸üÞÖ) 
a. †ÖµÖÔ ÃÖŸµÖ 1. ®ÖÖ´Ö¹ý¯Ö 
b. «üÖ¤ü¿Ö ×®Ö¤üÖ®Ö 2. ÃÖ´ÖÖ×¬Ö 
c. †Â™üÖÓÝÖ ´ÖÖÝÖÔ 3. ÃÖ´µÖÛú ¾µÖÖµÖÖ´Ö 
d. ×®Ö¾ÖÖÔÞÖ 4. ¿¾ÖÖÃÖ ×®ÖµÖÓ¡ÖÞÖ 
 5. •Öß¾Ö®Ö ´Öë ¤ãü:ÜÖ 
 Ûæú™ü :  
  a b c d 
 (A) 2 4 1 3  
 (B) 5 1 3 2 
 (C) 5 1 4 2 
 (D) 1 5 4 3 
9. ×®Ö´®Ö×»Ö×ÜÖŸÖ †Ö¬ÖÖ¸ü¾ÖÖŒµÖÖë ÛúÖ †Ö»ÖÖê“Ö®ÖÖŸ´ÖÛú 
´Ö滵ÖÖÓÛú®Ö Ûúßו֋ : 
 †×³ÖÛú£Ö®Ö (A) : ÃÖ³Öß ´Öã×Ã»Ö´Ö ´Ö×Æü»ÖÖ†Öë ÛúÖê 
ÃÛæú»Ö •ÖÖ®ÖÖ “ÖÖ×Æü‹ … 
 ÛúÖ¸üÞÖ (R) : ´Öã×Ã»Ö´Ö ¤ü¿ÖÔ®Ö ÃÖ³Öß-¯Öã¹ýÂÖÖë †£Ö¾ÖÖ 
×áֵÖÖë, Ûúß ÃÖ´ÖÖ®ÖŸÖÖ ¯Ö¸ü •ÖÖê¸ü ¤êüŸÖÖ Æîü … 
 Ûæú™ü : 
 (A) ¤üÖê®ÖÖë (A) ŸÖ£ÖÖ (R) ÃÖŸµÖ Æïü … 
 (B) ¤üÖê®ÖÖë (A) ŸÖ£ÖÖ (R) †ÃÖŸµÖ Æïü … 
 (C) Ûú£Ö®Ö (A) ÃÖŸµÖ Æîü, ¯Ö¸ü (R) †ÃÖŸµÖ Æîü … 
 (D) Ûú£Ö®Ö (A) †ÃÖŸµÖ Æîü, ¯Ö¸ü (R) ÃÖŸµÖ Æîü … 
10. ™îüÝÖÖê¸ü Ûúß ×¿ÖõÖÖ ¾µÖ¾ÖãÖÖ ´Öë ²ÖÖ»ÖÛú ×ÛúÃÖÃÖê 
²ÖêÆüŸÖ¸ü ÃÖßÜÖŸÖÖ Æîü ? 
 I. ¾Ö֤׾־ÖÖ¤ü †Öî¸ü “Ö“ÖÖÔ ÃÖê 
 II. ¯ÖœÌü®ÖÖ, ×»ÖÜÖ®ÖÖ †Öî¸ü ²ÖÖê»Ö®Öê ÃÖê 
 III. ®Ö韵Ö, ®ÖÖ™üÛú †Öî¸ü ÃÖÓÝÖßŸÖ ÃÖê 
 IV. ¯ÖµÖÔ™ü®Ö †Öî¸ü ¯ÖÏÛéú×ŸÖ Ûêú ÃÖÖ£Ö †®µÖÖꮵÖ×ÛÎúµÖÖ ÃÖê 
 ˆ¯Ö¸üÖêŒŸÖ Ûêú ÃÖÓ¤ü³ÖÔ ´Öë ÛúÖî®Ö ÃÖê Ûú£Ö®Ö ÃÖŸµÖ Æïü ? 
 (A) ÃÖ³Öß Ûú£Ö®Ö I, II, III ŸÖ£ÖÖ IV ÃÖŸµÖ Æïü … 
 (B) Ûú£Ö®Ö I, III ŸÖ£ÖÖ IV ÃÖŸµÖ Æïü … 
 (C) Ûú£Ö®Ö I, II ŸÖ£ÖÖ III ÃÖŸµÖ Æïü … 
 (D) Ûú£Ö®Ö II, III ŸÖ£ÖÖ IV ÃÖŸµÖ Æïü … 
11. ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖßµÖ ÃÖÓ×¾Ö¬ÖÖ®Ö ´Öë 6 ÃÖê 14 ¾ÖÂÖÔ Ûúß †ÖµÖã Ûêú 
²ÖÖ»ÖÛúÖë ÆêüŸÖã ×®Ö:¿Öã»Ûú ‹¾ÖÓ †×®Ö¾ÖÖµÖÔ ×¿ÖõÖÖ ÛúÖ 
†×¬ÖÛúÖ¸ü ×ÛúÃÖ †®Öã“”êû¤ü Ûêú †ÓŸÖÝÖÔŸÖ »ÖÖµÖÖ ÝÖµÖÖ 
Æîü ? 
 (A) †®Öã“”êû¤ü 46 
 (B) †®Öã“”êû¤ü 16 
 (C) †®Öã“”êû¤ü 45A 
 (D) †®Öã“”êû¤ü 21A 
12. ÃÖÆüß †£ÖÔ ÆêüŸÖã ³ÖÖÂÖÖ Ûêú ŸÖÖÙÛúÛú ×¾Ö¿»ÖêÂÖÞÖ Ûúß 
¾ÖÛúÖ»ÖŸÖ ×ÛúÃÖ®Öê Ûúß ? 
 (A) ‹. •Öê. ‹êµÖ¸ü 
 (B) ²Ö™Òìü®›ü ¸üÃÖê»Ö 
 (C) ´ÖÖò׸üÃÖ ‹»Ö. ײÖÝÝÖß 
 (D) •Öß. ‡Ô. ´Öæ¸ü 
13. ׿ÖõÖÖ ÛúÖ ÃÖ´ÖÖ•Ö×¾Ö–ÖÖ®Ö Æîü :  
 (A) ´ÖÖ®Ö¾Ö ×¾Ö–ÖÖ®Ö Ûúß ¿ÖÖÜÖÖ 
 (B) ÃÖ´ÖÖ•Ö ÛúÖ †¬µÖµÖ®Ö 
 (C) ׿ÖõÖÖ Ûúß ÃÖÓãÖÖ†Öë ÃÖê •Öã›Ìüß ÃÖ´ÖÖ•Ö- 
×¾Ö–ÖÖ®ÖßµÖ ¯ÖÏ×ÛÎúµÖÖ†Öë ÛúÖ ×¾Ö¿»ÖêÂÖÞÖ 
 (D) ‹Ûú ×¾Ö–ÖÖ®Ö •ÖÖê †ÖפüÛúÖ»Öß®Ö ÃÖ´ÖÖ•ÖÖë ÛúÖ 
†¬µÖµÖ®Ö Ûú¸üŸÖÖ Æîü … 
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FAQs on UGC NET Past Year Question Paper II: Education (December 2012) - UGC NET Past Year Papers

1. What is UGC NET?
Ans. UGC NET stands for University Grants Commission National Eligibility Test. It is a national level exam conducted in India to determine the eligibility of candidates for the role of Assistant Professor and for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in Indian universities and colleges.
2. What is the purpose of UGC NET?
Ans. The main purpose of UGC NET is to assess the eligibility of candidates for the roles of Assistant Professor and Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in Indian universities and colleges. The exam tests the candidates' knowledge and understanding of the subject they wish to teach or research in, and helps in maintaining the standards of higher education in the country.
3. How can I apply for UGC NET?
Ans. To apply for UGC NET, candidates need to visit the official website of the National Testing Agency (NTA) and fill out the online application form. The application process usually involves registration, filling personal and academic details, uploading scanned documents, and payment of the application fee. It is important to carefully read and follow the instructions provided on the official website.
4. What is the syllabus for UGC NET Education exam?
Ans. The syllabus for UGC NET Education exam covers various topics related to education, including philosophical and sociological foundations of education, theories of learning and teaching, educational psychology, educational technology, research methods in education, curriculum development and planning, assessment and evaluation, and educational policies and reforms. It is important for candidates to thoroughly study and understand these topics to perform well in the exam.
5. How can I prepare for UGC NET Education exam?
Ans. To prepare for UGC NET Education exam, candidates can follow a structured study plan that includes covering the entire syllabus, practicing previous year question papers, taking mock tests, and referring to recommended books and study materials. It is also helpful to join coaching institutes or online courses that provide guidance and expert faculty support. Regular revision and self-assessment are key to success in this exam.
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