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;w-ih-ih-,l-lh eq[; ijh{kk&2020
lkekU; vè;;u (iz'u&i=k&IV)
UPPSC Mains-2020
(Question Paper-IV)
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;w-ih-ih-,l-lh eq[; ijh{kk&2020
lkekU; vè;;u (iz'u&i=k&IV)
UPPSC Mains-2020
(Question Paper-IV)
lkekU; vè;;u (iz'u&i=k&IV)
General Studies (Paper-IV)
fu/kZfjr le; % rhu ?kaVs] [vf/dre vad% 200
Time Allowed : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 200
fo'ks"k vuqns'k%
(i) dqy 20 iz'u fn;s x, gSaA [kaM&v ls 10 iz'u y?kq mÙkjh; gSa] ftuds izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn&lhek 125 gSa
rFkk [kaM&c ls 10 iz'u nh?kZ mÙkjh; gSa] ftuds izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 fu/kZfjr gSaA iz'u fganh
vkSj vaxzsth nksuksa esa Nis gSaA
(ii) lHkh iz'u vfuok;Z gSaA
(iii) izR;sd iz'u@Hkkx ds fy;s fu;r vad mlds lkeus fn;s x;s gSaA
(iv) iz'uksa esa bafxr 'kCn&lhek dks è;ku esa j[ksaA
(v) mÙkj iqfLrdk esa [kkyh NksM+s x, dksbZ i`"B vFkok i`"B ds Hkkx dks iw.kZr% dkV nsaA
Specific Instructions %
(i) There are total 20 questions. Section-A consists of 10 short answer queslions with wordlimit of
125 each and Section-B conslsts of 10 long answer questions with word limit of 200 each. The
questions are printed both in Hindi and in English.
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) The number of marks carried by each question/part is indicated against it.
(iv) Keep the word limit indicated in the questions in mind.
(v) Any page or portion of the page left blank in the answer booklet must be clearly struck off.
1. ewY; l`tu esa ifjokj] lekt vkSj f'k{k.k laLFkkvksa dh Hkwfedk dh foospuk dhft;sA 8
Discuss the role of famly, society and educational institutions in inculcatin values.
2. 'kklu esa ikjnf'kZrk ds fy;s ^lwpuk ds vf/dkj* dh Hkwfedk dh foospuk dhft;sA 8
Discuss the role of 'Right to Information' for transparency in overnance.
3. ¶csbZeku vf/dkfj;ksa ds vfHk;kstu ds fy;s ljdkj dh LohÑfr dh vko';drk] Hkz"Vkpkj ds fy;s ,d lqj{kk dh
<ky gSA¸ bl dFku dk ijh{k.k dhft;sA 8
"The requirement of government sanction for prosecuting the dishonest officials is a protective shield for
corruption." Eamine the statement.
4. flfoy lsok ds lanHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dh foospuk dhft;sA 8
(v) fu"i{krk (c) izfrc¼rk
Discuss the following in the contet of civil services.
(A) Impartiality (B) Commitment
5. ,d deZpkjh vius dk;kZy; esa fj'or ys jgk FkkA mlds vf/dkjh us mls jaxs&gkFkksa idM+ fy;kA vf/dkjh tkurk
gS fd ;fn mls ukSdjh ls c[kkZLr dj fn;k tkrk gS] rks mlds o`¼ ekrk&firk cs?kj o cslgkjk gks tk;saxsA blfy;s
vf/dkjh us mls psrkouh nsdj NksM+ fn;kA dYiuk dhft;s fd vki ogh vf/dkjh gSaA bu fLFkfr;ksa esa vki D;k
djsas\ foLr`r ppkZ dfj;sA 8
An employee was taking a bribe in his office. His officer caught him red-handed. The officer knows that if
he is dismissed from his job, his old parents will become homeless and destitute. Therefore, the officer
left him with a warning only. Imagine that you are the same officer. What will you do in these situations?
Discuss in detail.
Page 3
;w-ih-ih-,l-lh eq[; ijh{kk&2020
lkekU; vè;;u (iz'u&i=k&IV)
UPPSC Mains-2020
(Question Paper-IV)
lkekU; vè;;u (iz'u&i=k&IV)
General Studies (Paper-IV)
fu/kZfjr le; % rhu ?kaVs] [vf/dre vad% 200
Time Allowed : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 200
fo'ks"k vuqns'k%
(i) dqy 20 iz'u fn;s x, gSaA [kaM&v ls 10 iz'u y?kq mÙkjh; gSa] ftuds izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn&lhek 125 gSa
rFkk [kaM&c ls 10 iz'u nh?kZ mÙkjh; gSa] ftuds izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 fu/kZfjr gSaA iz'u fganh
vkSj vaxzsth nksuksa esa Nis gSaA
(ii) lHkh iz'u vfuok;Z gSaA
(iii) izR;sd iz'u@Hkkx ds fy;s fu;r vad mlds lkeus fn;s x;s gSaA
(iv) iz'uksa esa bafxr 'kCn&lhek dks è;ku esa j[ksaA
(v) mÙkj iqfLrdk esa [kkyh NksM+s x, dksbZ i`"B vFkok i`"B ds Hkkx dks iw.kZr% dkV nsaA
Specific Instructions %
(i) There are total 20 questions. Section-A consists of 10 short answer queslions with wordlimit of
125 each and Section-B conslsts of 10 long answer questions with word limit of 200 each. The
questions are printed both in Hindi and in English.
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) The number of marks carried by each question/part is indicated against it.
(iv) Keep the word limit indicated in the questions in mind.
(v) Any page or portion of the page left blank in the answer booklet must be clearly struck off.
1. ewY; l`tu esa ifjokj] lekt vkSj f'k{k.k laLFkkvksa dh Hkwfedk dh foospuk dhft;sA 8
Discuss the role of famly, society and educational institutions in inculcatin values.
2. 'kklu esa ikjnf'kZrk ds fy;s ^lwpuk ds vf/dkj* dh Hkwfedk dh foospuk dhft;sA 8
Discuss the role of 'Right to Information' for transparency in overnance.
3. ¶csbZeku vf/dkfj;ksa ds vfHk;kstu ds fy;s ljdkj dh LohÑfr dh vko';drk] Hkz"Vkpkj ds fy;s ,d lqj{kk dh
<ky gSA¸ bl dFku dk ijh{k.k dhft;sA 8
"The requirement of government sanction for prosecuting the dishonest officials is a protective shield for
corruption." Eamine the statement.
4. flfoy lsok ds lanHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dh foospuk dhft;sA 8
(v) fu"i{krk (c) izfrc¼rk
Discuss the following in the contet of civil services.
(A) Impartiality (B) Commitment
5. ,d deZpkjh vius dk;kZy; esa fj'or ys jgk FkkA mlds vf/dkjh us mls jaxs&gkFkksa idM+ fy;kA vf/dkjh tkurk
gS fd ;fn mls ukSdjh ls c[kkZLr dj fn;k tkrk gS] rks mlds o`¼ ekrk&firk cs?kj o cslgkjk gks tk;saxsA blfy;s
vf/dkjh us mls psrkouh nsdj NksM+ fn;kA dYiuk dhft;s fd vki ogh vf/dkjh gSaA bu fLFkfr;ksa esa vki D;k
djsas\ foLr`r ppkZ dfj;sA 8
An employee was taking a bribe in his office. His officer caught him red-handed. The officer knows that if
he is dismissed from his job, his old parents will become homeless and destitute. Therefore, the officer
left him with a warning only. Imagine that you are the same officer. What will you do in these situations?
Discuss in detail.
6. vki iz'kklfud dk;ks± esa laosxkRed cqf¼ dks dSls ykxw djsaxs\ O;k[;k dhft;sA 8
How will you apply emotional intelligence in administrative practices? Explain.
7. ^yksd lsod* 'kCn ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ yksd lsok ds fy;s vko';d :i ls fdl izdkj dh vfHk{kerk dk
gksuk; gS\ foospuk dhft;sA 8
What do you understand by the term 'Public Servant'? What kind of aptitude is considered important for
the civil services? Explain.
8. fuEufyf[kr esa foHksn dhft;sA 8
(v) lfg".kqrk vkSj lgkuqHkwfr (c) vfHko`fÙk vkSj vfHk{kerk
Differentiate between the following.
(A) Tolerance and Compassion (B) Attitude and Aptitude
9. detksj oxks± ds izfr lfg".kqrk ,oa d:.kk ds ewY; yksd lsok esa fdl izdkj vfHkO;fDr gksrs gSa\ mi;qDr mnkgj.kksa
ds lkFk O;k[;k dhft;sA 8
How do the values of tolerance and compassion get manifested in public service towards the weaker
sections? Explain with suitable examples.
10. eukso`fÙk ifjorZu esa fo'oklksRiknd lapkj ds egÙo dh O;k[;k dhft;sA 8
Explain the importance of persuasive communication in attitudinal change.
11. bZekunkjh D;k gS\ 'kklu esa bZekunkjh ds nk'kZfud vk/kj dh Li"V O;k[;k dhft;sA 12
What is the probity? Explain clearly the philosophical basis of probity in goverance.
12. vkpkj&fl¼kar ds fdu ik¡p fl¼karksa dks vki izkFkfedrk iznku djsaxs vkSj D;ksa\ foospuk dhft;sA 12
Which of the five principles of code of conduct will be given priority by you and why? Explain.
13. xhrk dk ^vuklDr ;ksx* D;k gS\ flfoy lsodksa ds fy;s ;g D;k lans'k nsrk gS\ O;k[;k dhft;sA 12
What is Gita's Anasakta Yoga'? What message does it provide to civil servants? Explain.
14. dk.V dk ^drZO; ds fy;s drZO;* dk fl¼kar D;k gS\ flfoy lsok esa bl fl¼kar dh D;k Hkwfedk gS\ foospuk
What is Kant's doctrine of 'duty for duty's sake'? What is the role of this principle in civil services? Discuss.
15. nsokuUn isa'ku foHkkx esa vuqlfpo ds :i esa dk;Z djrs gSaA ,d fnu mlds fe=k xq#nÙk tks LVsV cSad vkWiQ bafM;k
esa ,d ih-vks- gS] fuEu ?kVuk dk ftØ djrs gSa%
1. fiNys nks o"kks± ls lsokfuo`Ùk ljdkjh deZpkjh Jh v'kksd dqekj viuh ekfld isa'ku dk 30% Jherh fcanw
pksiM+k dks psd ds ekè;e ls gj eghus Hkqxrku dj jgs gSaA
2. eSaus ik;k fd Jherh pksiM+k isa'ku dk;kZy; esa vkids v/hu dk;Z dj jgs vuqHkkx vf/dkjh Jh izse pksiM+k
dh iRuh gSaA
3. eq>s blesa la'k; yx jgk gS fd gks ldrk gS] ;g ?kwl laca/h ?kksvkyk gks] ftlesa ,d ofj"B ukxfjd dks
izse pksiM+k ls isa'ku laca/h iQkby dk fuiVkjk djus ds fy;s ?kwl nsus ds fy;s ckè; fd;k tk jgk gks vkSj
iRuh ds [kkrs esa ?kwl tek djus dks foo'k fd;k tk jgk gksA
nsokuan] Jh v'kksd dqekj ds ?kj tkrs gSa vkSj ikrs gSa fd os vY”kkbej ds jksx ls xzLr gS vkSj lqlaxr mÙkj nsus esa
v{ke gSA fujk'k nsokuUn lhèks izse pksiM+k ls gh iwNrkN djus yxrs gSaA izse pksiM+k crkrs gSa] ¶Jh v'kksd dqekj
mlds firk ds fe=k gSaA mudh u rks dksbZ larku gS vkSj u gh fu'rsnkj] esjh iRuh fcUnw yacs le; ls mudh ns[kHkky
iq=kh dh rjg dj jgh gSaA blfy;s Jh v'kksd dqekj 'kqHksPNk ls gesa èku iznku dj jgs gSa] ftlsl fd ge vius iq=k
dks dksVk (jktLFkku) esa vkbZ-vkbZ-Vh- dh egaxh dksfpax djk jgs gSaA ;g oS;fDrd ikfjokfjd ekeyk gS vkSj blls
vkidk (nsokuan) dksbZ ysuk dksbZ ysuk nsuk ugha gS¸A
Page 4
;w-ih-ih-,l-lh eq[; ijh{kk&2020
lkekU; vè;;u (iz'u&i=k&IV)
UPPSC Mains-2020
(Question Paper-IV)
lkekU; vè;;u (iz'u&i=k&IV)
General Studies (Paper-IV)
fu/kZfjr le; % rhu ?kaVs] [vf/dre vad% 200
Time Allowed : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 200
fo'ks"k vuqns'k%
(i) dqy 20 iz'u fn;s x, gSaA [kaM&v ls 10 iz'u y?kq mÙkjh; gSa] ftuds izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn&lhek 125 gSa
rFkk [kaM&c ls 10 iz'u nh?kZ mÙkjh; gSa] ftuds izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 fu/kZfjr gSaA iz'u fganh
vkSj vaxzsth nksuksa esa Nis gSaA
(ii) lHkh iz'u vfuok;Z gSaA
(iii) izR;sd iz'u@Hkkx ds fy;s fu;r vad mlds lkeus fn;s x;s gSaA
(iv) iz'uksa esa bafxr 'kCn&lhek dks è;ku esa j[ksaA
(v) mÙkj iqfLrdk esa [kkyh NksM+s x, dksbZ i`"B vFkok i`"B ds Hkkx dks iw.kZr% dkV nsaA
Specific Instructions %
(i) There are total 20 questions. Section-A consists of 10 short answer queslions with wordlimit of
125 each and Section-B conslsts of 10 long answer questions with word limit of 200 each. The
questions are printed both in Hindi and in English.
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) The number of marks carried by each question/part is indicated against it.
(iv) Keep the word limit indicated in the questions in mind.
(v) Any page or portion of the page left blank in the answer booklet must be clearly struck off.
1. ewY; l`tu esa ifjokj] lekt vkSj f'k{k.k laLFkkvksa dh Hkwfedk dh foospuk dhft;sA 8
Discuss the role of famly, society and educational institutions in inculcatin values.
2. 'kklu esa ikjnf'kZrk ds fy;s ^lwpuk ds vf/dkj* dh Hkwfedk dh foospuk dhft;sA 8
Discuss the role of 'Right to Information' for transparency in overnance.
3. ¶csbZeku vf/dkfj;ksa ds vfHk;kstu ds fy;s ljdkj dh LohÑfr dh vko';drk] Hkz"Vkpkj ds fy;s ,d lqj{kk dh
<ky gSA¸ bl dFku dk ijh{k.k dhft;sA 8
"The requirement of government sanction for prosecuting the dishonest officials is a protective shield for
corruption." Eamine the statement.
4. flfoy lsok ds lanHkZ esa fuEufyf[kr dh foospuk dhft;sA 8
(v) fu"i{krk (c) izfrc¼rk
Discuss the following in the contet of civil services.
(A) Impartiality (B) Commitment
5. ,d deZpkjh vius dk;kZy; esa fj'or ys jgk FkkA mlds vf/dkjh us mls jaxs&gkFkksa idM+ fy;kA vf/dkjh tkurk
gS fd ;fn mls ukSdjh ls c[kkZLr dj fn;k tkrk gS] rks mlds o`¼ ekrk&firk cs?kj o cslgkjk gks tk;saxsA blfy;s
vf/dkjh us mls psrkouh nsdj NksM+ fn;kA dYiuk dhft;s fd vki ogh vf/dkjh gSaA bu fLFkfr;ksa esa vki D;k
djsas\ foLr`r ppkZ dfj;sA 8
An employee was taking a bribe in his office. His officer caught him red-handed. The officer knows that if
he is dismissed from his job, his old parents will become homeless and destitute. Therefore, the officer
left him with a warning only. Imagine that you are the same officer. What will you do in these situations?
Discuss in detail.
6. vki iz'kklfud dk;ks± esa laosxkRed cqf¼ dks dSls ykxw djsaxs\ O;k[;k dhft;sA 8
How will you apply emotional intelligence in administrative practices? Explain.
7. ^yksd lsod* 'kCn ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ yksd lsok ds fy;s vko';d :i ls fdl izdkj dh vfHk{kerk dk
gksuk; gS\ foospuk dhft;sA 8
What do you understand by the term 'Public Servant'? What kind of aptitude is considered important for
the civil services? Explain.
8. fuEufyf[kr esa foHksn dhft;sA 8
(v) lfg".kqrk vkSj lgkuqHkwfr (c) vfHko`fÙk vkSj vfHk{kerk
Differentiate between the following.
(A) Tolerance and Compassion (B) Attitude and Aptitude
9. detksj oxks± ds izfr lfg".kqrk ,oa d:.kk ds ewY; yksd lsok esa fdl izdkj vfHkO;fDr gksrs gSa\ mi;qDr mnkgj.kksa
ds lkFk O;k[;k dhft;sA 8
How do the values of tolerance and compassion get manifested in public service towards the weaker
sections? Explain with suitable examples.
10. eukso`fÙk ifjorZu esa fo'oklksRiknd lapkj ds egÙo dh O;k[;k dhft;sA 8
Explain the importance of persuasive communication in attitudinal change.
11. bZekunkjh D;k gS\ 'kklu esa bZekunkjh ds nk'kZfud vk/kj dh Li"V O;k[;k dhft;sA 12
What is the probity? Explain clearly the philosophical basis of probity in goverance.
12. vkpkj&fl¼kar ds fdu ik¡p fl¼karksa dks vki izkFkfedrk iznku djsaxs vkSj D;ksa\ foospuk dhft;sA 12
Which of the five principles of code of conduct will be given priority by you and why? Explain.
13. xhrk dk ^vuklDr ;ksx* D;k gS\ flfoy lsodksa ds fy;s ;g D;k lans'k nsrk gS\ O;k[;k dhft;sA 12
What is Gita's Anasakta Yoga'? What message does it provide to civil servants? Explain.
14. dk.V dk ^drZO; ds fy;s drZO;* dk fl¼kar D;k gS\ flfoy lsok esa bl fl¼kar dh D;k Hkwfedk gS\ foospuk
What is Kant's doctrine of 'duty for duty's sake'? What is the role of this principle in civil services? Discuss.
15. nsokuUn isa'ku foHkkx esa vuqlfpo ds :i esa dk;Z djrs gSaA ,d fnu mlds fe=k xq#nÙk tks LVsV cSad vkWiQ bafM;k
esa ,d ih-vks- gS] fuEu ?kVuk dk ftØ djrs gSa%
1. fiNys nks o"kks± ls lsokfuo`Ùk ljdkjh deZpkjh Jh v'kksd dqekj viuh ekfld isa'ku dk 30% Jherh fcanw
pksiM+k dks psd ds ekè;e ls gj eghus Hkqxrku dj jgs gSaA
2. eSaus ik;k fd Jherh pksiM+k isa'ku dk;kZy; esa vkids v/hu dk;Z dj jgs vuqHkkx vf/dkjh Jh izse pksiM+k
dh iRuh gSaA
3. eq>s blesa la'k; yx jgk gS fd gks ldrk gS] ;g ?kwl laca/h ?kksvkyk gks] ftlesa ,d ofj"B ukxfjd dks
izse pksiM+k ls isa'ku laca/h iQkby dk fuiVkjk djus ds fy;s ?kwl nsus ds fy;s ckè; fd;k tk jgk gks vkSj
iRuh ds [kkrs esa ?kwl tek djus dks foo'k fd;k tk jgk gksA
nsokuan] Jh v'kksd dqekj ds ?kj tkrs gSa vkSj ikrs gSa fd os vY”kkbej ds jksx ls xzLr gS vkSj lqlaxr mÙkj nsus esa
v{ke gSA fujk'k nsokuUn lhèks izse pksiM+k ls gh iwNrkN djus yxrs gSaA izse pksiM+k crkrs gSa] ¶Jh v'kksd dqekj
mlds firk ds fe=k gSaA mudh u rks dksbZ larku gS vkSj u gh fu'rsnkj] esjh iRuh fcUnw yacs le; ls mudh ns[kHkky
iq=kh dh rjg dj jgh gSaA blfy;s Jh v'kksd dqekj 'kqHksPNk ls gesa èku iznku dj jgs gSa] ftlsl fd ge vius iq=k
dks dksVk (jktLFkku) esa vkbZ-vkbZ-Vh- dh egaxh dksfpax djk jgs gSaA ;g oS;fDrd ikfjokfjd ekeyk gS vkSj blls
vkidk (nsokuan) dksbZ ysuk dksbZ ysuk nsuk ugha gS¸A
vki D;k lksprs gSa fd nsokuan us Hk;adj yxrh dh ;k os vius uSfrd drZO; dk fuoZgudj jgs gSa\ rdZi.kZ mÙkj
Dev Anand is working as under secretary in the Pension Departement. One day, his friend Guru Dutta, an
S.B.I. P.O. narrates the following incident:
1. For last two years, a retired government employee Mr. Ashok Kumar is giving 30% of his monthly
pension to Mrs. Bindu Chopra every month through a cheque.
2. I found that Mrs. Chopra happens to be the wife of Mr. Prem Chopra, a Section Officer in the
pension office under you.
3. I feel something is flshy-may be this is part of a bribe scam, where a senior citizen is forced to pay
money to clear his pension files from Prem Chopra and to submit bribes in his wife's account.
Dev Anand visits Mr. Ashok Kumar's home and finds that he is suffering from Alzheimer's disease unable
to give coherent answers. Frustrated Dev Anand directly questions Prem Chopra. but Prem Chopra says,
"Mr. Ashok Kumar was friends of may father. He has no relatives and children and my wife bindu has
been taking care of him like a daughter since a long time. Therefore Mr. Ashok Kumar gives us money
out of good will and so we can send our son to an expensive I.I.T. Coaching at Kota, Rajasthan. Besides,
this is a personal family matter and none of your damn business".
Do you think that Deva Anand has made a blunder or is he merely performing an ethical duty? Answer
16. Øks/ ,d gkfudkjd udkjkRed laosx gS] ;g O;fDrxr thou ,oa dk;Z thou nksuksa ds fy;s gkfudkjd gSA bls dSls
fu;af=kr fd;k tk ldrk gS\ O;k[;k dhft;sA
Anger is a harmful negative emotion, it is injurious to both the personal life and the work life. How can it
be controlled? Explain.
17. ¶,slk dgk tkrk gS fd ljdkjh viQlj ?kwl blfy;s ysrs gSa D;ksafd yksx mudks ?kwl nsrs gSaA ;fn yksx ?kwl nsuk can
dj nsa] rks ?kwl dh leL;k lekIr gks tk;sxhA¸ bl dFku ds ckjs esa vkidk D;k fopkj gS\ vkykspukRed ijh{k.k
"It is said that governemtn servants take bribe because people offer bribe to them. If people stop offering
bribe, the problem of bribe will be solved." What is your opinion about the statement? Examine critically.
18. yksd lsodksa ds fy;s vko';d cqfu;knh ewY;ksa dks la{ksi esa izLrqr dhft;sA
Present in brief the necessary foundational values for the civil servants.
19. lkekftd izHkko vkSj vuqu; us Hkkjr esa dksjksuk ok;jl ds izlkj dks fu;af=kr djus esa ;ksxnku fn;k gSa foospuk
Social influence and persusasion contributed in controlling the spread of the Corona Virus in India. Discuss.
20. vki ,d yksd lsod gSa] tks ,sls izns'k esa rSukr gSa tgk¡ vHkh&vHkh pquko laiUu gq;s gSaA uofuokZfpr eq[;ea=kh ds
pquko ?kks"k.kk&i=k esa 'kjkc&canh izeq[k oknk FkkA bl okns dks iwjk djus ds fy;s eq[;ea=kh us izns'k esa 'kjkc dh [kjhn
,oa fcØh ij iw.kZr% izfrca/ yxk fn;kA D;k ljdkj dks bl ekeys esa n[ky nsuk pkfg;s tks T;knkrj ds }kjk O;fDrxr
ialn@bPNk dk ekeyk ekuk tkrk gks\ rdZlaxr :i ls leh{kk dhft;sA
You are a civil servant posted in State where elections were held recently. To ban the sale of alchol was
the main promise in the election manifesto of newly elected Chief Minister. To fulfil this promise, Chief
Minister has orderd a total ban on sale and purchase of the alcohol in ths State. Whether the government
should interfere in the matter which is considered by many to be a matter of personal choice? Comment
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