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Variational Methods for Boundary Value Problems in ODE"s and PDE"s - CSIR-NET Mathematical Sciences | Mathematics for IIT JAM, GATE, CSIR NET, UGC NET PDF Download

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V ariational metho ds for b oundary v alue problems Abstract. The v ariational form ulationofboundary v alue problems is v aluable in pro viding
remark ably easy computational algorithms as w ell as an alternativ e framew ork with whic h to
pro v e existence results. Boundary conditions imp ose constrain ts whic h can b e anno ying from a computational p oin tofview. The question is then p osed: what is the most general b oundary v alue problem whic h can b e p osed in v ariational form with the b oundary conditions app earing naturally? Sp ecial cases of t w o-p oin t problems in one-dimension and some higher dimensional problems are addressed. There is a deep connection with self-adjoin tness for the linear case. F urther cases under whic h a Lagrangian ma yor ma y not exist are explained. Keyw ords: natural b oundary conditions, self-adjoin tness, Hamiltonian, Lagrangian. 1. In tro duction 1.1. Bac kground V ariational metho ds pro vide a conceptual and computational framew ork for b ound-
ary v alue problems (BVPs). In the pap er w e deriv e conditions whic h guaran tee that a giv en BVP can b e reform ulated in v ariational form. This can b e a w a yofpro ving existence for BVPs (Graham-Eagle and W ak e [6] ) and it also pro vides a sc heme
for determination of a computational algorithm as in F radkin and W ak e[5]. In the
case of nonlinear eigen v alue problems, these can b e a w a y of pro ducing outcomes lik e parameter path-follo wing as has b een pro duced b y other means b y computer pac k ages lik e Auto (Do edel [2]). The question of what precise conditions need to b e imp osed on b oundary v alue problems so that they can b e written in v ariational form has b een discussed spas- mo dically in the literature, see for example Anderson and Thompson [1] , F els [3],
Page 2

V ariational metho ds for b oundary v alue problems Abstract. The v ariational form ulationofboundary v alue problems is v aluable in pro viding
remark ably easy computational algorithms as w ell as an alternativ e framew ork with whic h to
pro v e existence results. Boundary conditions imp ose constrain ts whic h can b e anno ying from a computational p oin tofview. The question is then p osed: what is the most general b oundary v alue problem whic h can b e p osed in v ariational form with the b oundary conditions app earing naturally? Sp ecial cases of t w o-p oin t problems in one-dimension and some higher dimensional problems are addressed. There is a deep connection with self-adjoin tness for the linear case. F urther cases under whic h a Lagrangian ma yor ma y not exist are explained. Keyw ords: natural b oundary conditions, self-adjoin tness, Hamiltonian, Lagrangian. 1. In tro duction 1.1. Bac kground V ariational metho ds pro vide a conceptual and computational framew ork for b ound-
ary v alue problems (BVPs). In the pap er w e deriv e conditions whic h guaran tee that a giv en BVP can b e reform ulated in v ariational form. This can b e a w a yofpro ving existence for BVPs (Graham-Eagle and W ak e [6] ) and it also pro vides a sc heme
for determination of a computational algorithm as in F radkin and W ak e[5]. In the
case of nonlinear eigen v alue problems, these can b e a w a y of pro ducing outcomes lik e parameter path-follo wing as has b een pro duced b y other means b y computer pac k ages lik e Auto (Do edel [2]). The question of what precise conditions need to b e imp osed on b oundary v alue problems so that they can b e written in v ariational form has b een discussed spas- mo dically in the literature, see for example Anderson and Thompson [1] , F els [3], and F orra y[4]. The question as to whic h b oundary v alue problems ha v eav aria- tional form ulation in whic h all of the b oundary conditions app ear naturally is largely still an op en one and is the sub ject of this pap er. Boundary conditions app e ar naturally b y the addition of suitable terms in the Hamiltonian (usually surface in tegrals on the b oundary of the region of in terest). It is usually dicult and sometimes imp ossible to determine these in a systematic w a y . Problems exist (lik ethe t w o-p oin t second order b oundary v alue problem in one dimension with Diric hlet b oundary conditions men tioned b elo w) for whic h this is imp ossible. In these cases the b oundary conditions need to b e imp osed on the space of functions on whic h the stationary v alues of the Hamiltonian is found,
and are called \essen tial b oundary conditions". This can be of n uisance v alue in the determination of the subspaces of functions on whic h the optimisation o ccurs. Th us it app ears useful to b e able to write the v ariational form ulation with all of the b oundary conditions app earing naturally . The more fundamen tal question as to whether there is ev en a Lagrangian is men tioned in Section 3. 1.2. Conceptual framew ork If a v ariational form ulation of our problem consists of the Hamiltonian functional T : S !< , on the space of functions S (suitably c hosen), then T , under suitable conditions, has a stationary v alue on S . This giv es rise to a b oundary v alue problem. Our question is: ho w to c ho ose T so that it has the righ t b oundary conditions whic h arises in the original problem. If a v ariational form ulation has the b oundary conditions imp osed on S , they are said to be essen tial . Ho w ev er, if T can be
constructed so as to mak e the b oundary conditions automatically satised on S , then they are said to b e natural . The problem b elo wsho ws, it is p ossible to ha v e part, all, or none of the b oundary conditions \natural" and the remaining therefore are \essen tial". W e initially though t that all self-adjoin t problems (see Stakgold [9] )had a v aria- tional form (VF) in whic h the b oundary conditions app ear naturally . The simple problem, y 0 0 + f ( x ) y + g ( x )= 0 ; a< x < b; (1 a ) y ( a )= y ( b )=0 ; (1 b ) is self-adjoin t. Ho w ev er, the b oundary conditions are essen tial and it can b e con-
sidered as an example of Case 1( vi ) b elo w. Hence not ev ery self-adjoin t bound- ary v alue problem has a VF in whic h the b oundary conditions app e ar naturally . Nonetheless it app ears that there is a substan tial o v erlap bet w een the class of b oundary v alue problems whic h can b e written in VF with natural b oundary con- ditions and those that are self-adjoin t. Ho w ev er, coun ter-examples lik e that in (1) pro vide evidence that there is not an exact corresp ondence. In Section 2, some of the conditions obtained are related to those of self-adjoin tness.
It app ears imp ossible to completely c haracterise the class of BVPs whic h ha v e VF with natural b oundary conditions. In this pap er w epro vide conditions on some
Page 3

V ariational metho ds for b oundary v alue problems Abstract. The v ariational form ulationofboundary v alue problems is v aluable in pro viding
remark ably easy computational algorithms as w ell as an alternativ e framew ork with whic h to
pro v e existence results. Boundary conditions imp ose constrain ts whic h can b e anno ying from a computational p oin tofview. The question is then p osed: what is the most general b oundary v alue problem whic h can b e p osed in v ariational form with the b oundary conditions app earing naturally? Sp ecial cases of t w o-p oin t problems in one-dimension and some higher dimensional problems are addressed. There is a deep connection with self-adjoin tness for the linear case. F urther cases under whic h a Lagrangian ma yor ma y not exist are explained. Keyw ords: natural b oundary conditions, self-adjoin tness, Hamiltonian, Lagrangian. 1. In tro duction 1.1. Bac kground V ariational metho ds pro vide a conceptual and computational framew ork for b ound-
ary v alue problems (BVPs). In the pap er w e deriv e conditions whic h guaran tee that a giv en BVP can b e reform ulated in v ariational form. This can b e a w a yofpro ving existence for BVPs (Graham-Eagle and W ak e [6] ) and it also pro vides a sc heme
for determination of a computational algorithm as in F radkin and W ak e[5]. In the
case of nonlinear eigen v alue problems, these can b e a w a y of pro ducing outcomes lik e parameter path-follo wing as has b een pro duced b y other means b y computer pac k ages lik e Auto (Do edel [2]). The question of what precise conditions need to b e imp osed on b oundary v alue problems so that they can b e written in v ariational form has b een discussed spas- mo dically in the literature, see for example Anderson and Thompson [1] , F els [3], and F orra y[4]. The question as to whic h b oundary v alue problems ha v eav aria- tional form ulation in whic h all of the b oundary conditions app ear naturally is largely still an op en one and is the sub ject of this pap er. Boundary conditions app e ar naturally b y the addition of suitable terms in the Hamiltonian (usually surface in tegrals on the b oundary of the region of in terest). It is usually dicult and sometimes imp ossible to determine these in a systematic w a y . Problems exist (lik ethe t w o-p oin t second order b oundary v alue problem in one dimension with Diric hlet b oundary conditions men tioned b elo w) for whic h this is imp ossible. In these cases the b oundary conditions need to b e imp osed on the space of functions on whic h the stationary v alues of the Hamiltonian is found,
and are called \essen tial b oundary conditions". This can be of n uisance v alue in the determination of the subspaces of functions on whic h the optimisation o ccurs. Th us it app ears useful to b e able to write the v ariational form ulation with all of the b oundary conditions app earing naturally . The more fundamen tal question as to whether there is ev en a Lagrangian is men tioned in Section 3. 1.2. Conceptual framew ork If a v ariational form ulation of our problem consists of the Hamiltonian functional T : S !< , on the space of functions S (suitably c hosen), then T , under suitable conditions, has a stationary v alue on S . This giv es rise to a b oundary v alue problem. Our question is: ho w to c ho ose T so that it has the righ t b oundary conditions whic h arises in the original problem. If a v ariational form ulation has the b oundary conditions imp osed on S , they are said to be essen tial . Ho w ev er, if T can be
constructed so as to mak e the b oundary conditions automatically satised on S , then they are said to b e natural . The problem b elo wsho ws, it is p ossible to ha v e part, all, or none of the b oundary conditions \natural" and the remaining therefore are \essen tial". W e initially though t that all self-adjoin t problems (see Stakgold [9] )had a v aria- tional form (VF) in whic h the b oundary conditions app ear naturally . The simple problem, y 0 0 + f ( x ) y + g ( x )= 0 ; a< x < b; (1 a ) y ( a )= y ( b )=0 ; (1 b ) is self-adjoin t. Ho w ev er, the b oundary conditions are essen tial and it can b e con-
sidered as an example of Case 1( vi ) b elo w. Hence not ev ery self-adjoin t bound- ary v alue problem has a VF in whic h the b oundary conditions app e ar naturally . Nonetheless it app ears that there is a substan tial o v erlap bet w een the class of b oundary v alue problems whic h can b e written in VF with natural b oundary con- ditions and those that are self-adjoin t. Ho w ev er, coun ter-examples lik e that in (1) pro vide evidence that there is not an exact corresp ondence. In Section 2, some of the conditions obtained are related to those of self-adjoin tness.
It app ears imp ossible to completely c haracterise the class of BVPs whic h ha v e VF with natural b oundary conditions. In this pap er w epro vide conditions on some classes of problems for whic h this is p ossible and giv e conditions under whic h this is true. The larger question is still op en. 2. Second order BVP in one-dimension Consider the second order ordinary dieren tial equation y 00 + g ( x; y ; y 0 )= 0 ; a< x < b; (2) where g ( x; y ; y 0 ) is a sucien tly smo oth function. W e are in terested in solutions of (2) that satisfy the non-homogeneous linear b oundary conditions m 11 y ( a )+ m 12 y ( b )+ n 11 y 0 ( a )+ n 12 y 0 ( b )= k 1 ; (3 a ) m 21 y ( a )+ m 22 y ( b )+ n 21 y 0 ( a )+ n 22 y 0 ( b )= k 2 : (3 b ) W e rewrite (3) in the v ector form, M y + N y 0 = k : (4) where M , N are 2  2 matrices and ( M : N ) has rank = 2 to ensure (3 a ), (3 b )are indep enden t. Supp ose that the BVP consisting of (2) and (3) has a corresp onding functional form, J [ y ]=
Z b a f ( x; y ; y 0 ) dx + h ( z 1 ;z
2 ) ; (5) where z 1 = y ( a )and z 2 = y ( b )and h ( z 1 ;z
2 ) 2 C 2 . The b oundary v alue problem is related to the corresp onding functional form b y the Euler-Langrange equation. By setting the rst v ariation J of J to zero, J = Z b a  @f
y + @f
0 y
0  dx + @h
1 y ( a )+
2 y ( b ) ; =  @f
0 y
 b a + Z b a  @f
 d dx
0  ydx + @h
1 y ( a )+
2 y ( b ) ; = 0 ; w e nd that the follo wing conditions m ust b e satised b y the b oundary terms h in the functional J and the b oundary conditions: @h
1 = @f
0     x = a and @h
2 =  @f
0     x = b : (6) Let q 1 ( z 1 ;z
2 )=
0 j x = a and q 2 ( z 1 ;z
2 )=  @f
0 j x = b . By partially in tegrating q 1 and q 2 with resp ect to z 1 and z 2 resp ectiv ely ,w e can nd the b oundary functional terms h ( z 1 ;z
2 ), pro vided that a certain exactness or in tegrabilit y condition is satised. That is @ 2 h @z
1 @z
2 = @ 2 h @z
2 @z
1 (7) as w e require that h ( z 1 ;z
2 ) 2 C 2 .
Page 4

V ariational metho ds for b oundary v alue problems Abstract. The v ariational form ulationofboundary v alue problems is v aluable in pro viding
remark ably easy computational algorithms as w ell as an alternativ e framew ork with whic h to
pro v e existence results. Boundary conditions imp ose constrain ts whic h can b e anno ying from a computational p oin tofview. The question is then p osed: what is the most general b oundary v alue problem whic h can b e p osed in v ariational form with the b oundary conditions app earing naturally? Sp ecial cases of t w o-p oin t problems in one-dimension and some higher dimensional problems are addressed. There is a deep connection with self-adjoin tness for the linear case. F urther cases under whic h a Lagrangian ma yor ma y not exist are explained. Keyw ords: natural b oundary conditions, self-adjoin tness, Hamiltonian, Lagrangian. 1. In tro duction 1.1. Bac kground V ariational metho ds pro vide a conceptual and computational framew ork for b ound-
ary v alue problems (BVPs). In the pap er w e deriv e conditions whic h guaran tee that a giv en BVP can b e reform ulated in v ariational form. This can b e a w a yofpro ving existence for BVPs (Graham-Eagle and W ak e [6] ) and it also pro vides a sc heme
for determination of a computational algorithm as in F radkin and W ak e[5]. In the
case of nonlinear eigen v alue problems, these can b e a w a y of pro ducing outcomes lik e parameter path-follo wing as has b een pro duced b y other means b y computer pac k ages lik e Auto (Do edel [2]). The question of what precise conditions need to b e imp osed on b oundary v alue problems so that they can b e written in v ariational form has b een discussed spas- mo dically in the literature, see for example Anderson and Thompson [1] , F els [3], and F orra y[4]. The question as to whic h b oundary v alue problems ha v eav aria- tional form ulation in whic h all of the b oundary conditions app ear naturally is largely still an op en one and is the sub ject of this pap er. Boundary conditions app e ar naturally b y the addition of suitable terms in the Hamiltonian (usually surface in tegrals on the b oundary of the region of in terest). It is usually dicult and sometimes imp ossible to determine these in a systematic w a y . Problems exist (lik ethe t w o-p oin t second order b oundary v alue problem in one dimension with Diric hlet b oundary conditions men tioned b elo w) for whic h this is imp ossible. In these cases the b oundary conditions need to b e imp osed on the space of functions on whic h the stationary v alues of the Hamiltonian is found,
and are called \essen tial b oundary conditions". This can be of n uisance v alue in the determination of the subspaces of functions on whic h the optimisation o ccurs. Th us it app ears useful to b e able to write the v ariational form ulation with all of the b oundary conditions app earing naturally . The more fundamen tal question as to whether there is ev en a Lagrangian is men tioned in Section 3. 1.2. Conceptual framew ork If a v ariational form ulation of our problem consists of the Hamiltonian functional T : S !< , on the space of functions S (suitably c hosen), then T , under suitable conditions, has a stationary v alue on S . This giv es rise to a b oundary v alue problem. Our question is: ho w to c ho ose T so that it has the righ t b oundary conditions whic h arises in the original problem. If a v ariational form ulation has the b oundary conditions imp osed on S , they are said to be essen tial . Ho w ev er, if T can be
constructed so as to mak e the b oundary conditions automatically satised on S , then they are said to b e natural . The problem b elo wsho ws, it is p ossible to ha v e part, all, or none of the b oundary conditions \natural" and the remaining therefore are \essen tial". W e initially though t that all self-adjoin t problems (see Stakgold [9] )had a v aria- tional form (VF) in whic h the b oundary conditions app ear naturally . The simple problem, y 0 0 + f ( x ) y + g ( x )= 0 ; a< x < b; (1 a ) y ( a )= y ( b )=0 ; (1 b ) is self-adjoin t. Ho w ev er, the b oundary conditions are essen tial and it can b e con-
sidered as an example of Case 1( vi ) b elo w. Hence not ev ery self-adjoin t bound- ary v alue problem has a VF in whic h the b oundary conditions app e ar naturally . Nonetheless it app ears that there is a substan tial o v erlap bet w een the class of b oundary v alue problems whic h can b e written in VF with natural b oundary con- ditions and those that are self-adjoin t. Ho w ev er, coun ter-examples lik e that in (1) pro vide evidence that there is not an exact corresp ondence. In Section 2, some of the conditions obtained are related to those of self-adjoin tness.
It app ears imp ossible to completely c haracterise the class of BVPs whic h ha v e VF with natural b oundary conditions. In this pap er w epro vide conditions on some classes of problems for whic h this is p ossible and giv e conditions under whic h this is true. The larger question is still op en. 2. Second order BVP in one-dimension Consider the second order ordinary dieren tial equation y 00 + g ( x; y ; y 0 )= 0 ; a< x < b; (2) where g ( x; y ; y 0 ) is a sucien tly smo oth function. W e are in terested in solutions of (2) that satisfy the non-homogeneous linear b oundary conditions m 11 y ( a )+ m 12 y ( b )+ n 11 y 0 ( a )+ n 12 y 0 ( b )= k 1 ; (3 a ) m 21 y ( a )+ m 22 y ( b )+ n 21 y 0 ( a )+ n 22 y 0 ( b )= k 2 : (3 b ) W e rewrite (3) in the v ector form, M y + N y 0 = k : (4) where M , N are 2  2 matrices and ( M : N ) has rank = 2 to ensure (3 a ), (3 b )are indep enden t. Supp ose that the BVP consisting of (2) and (3) has a corresp onding functional form, J [ y ]=
Z b a f ( x; y ; y 0 ) dx + h ( z 1 ;z
2 ) ; (5) where z 1 = y ( a )and z 2 = y ( b )and h ( z 1 ;z
2 ) 2 C 2 . The b oundary v alue problem is related to the corresp onding functional form b y the Euler-Langrange equation. By setting the rst v ariation J of J to zero, J = Z b a  @f
y + @f
0 y
0  dx + @h
1 y ( a )+
2 y ( b ) ; =  @f
0 y
 b a + Z b a  @f
 d dx
0  ydx + @h
1 y ( a )+
2 y ( b ) ; = 0 ; w e nd that the follo wing conditions m ust b e satised b y the b oundary terms h in the functional J and the b oundary conditions: @h
1 = @f
0     x = a and @h
2 =  @f
0     x = b : (6) Let q 1 ( z 1 ;z
2 )=
0 j x = a and q 2 ( z 1 ;z
2 )=  @f
0 j x = b . By partially in tegrating q 1 and q 2 with resp ect to z 1 and z 2 resp ectiv ely ,w e can nd the b oundary functional terms h ( z 1 ;z
2 ), pro vided that a certain exactness or in tegrabilit y condition is satised. That is @ 2 h @z
1 @z
2 = @ 2 h @z
2 @z
1 (7) as w e require that h ( z 1 ;z
2 ) 2 C 2 . 2.1. Case 1: g indep enden tof y 0 F or simplicit y and without loss of generalit y ,w e let [ a; b ]= [0 ; 1],
y 00 + g ( x; y )=0 ; 0 <x < 1 ; (8) M y + N y 0 = k : The corresp onding v ariational form ulation is J [ y ]=
Z 1 0  ( y 0 ) 2 2  G ( x; y )  dx + h ( z 1 ;z
2 ) ; (9) where G is a partial primitiv eof g with resp ect to y , i.e. @G
= g . The rst v ariation of J is J =[ y 0 y ] 1 0  Z 1 0  @G
+ y 00  ydx + @h
1 y (0) + @h
2 y (1) : (10)
There are sev eral t yp es b oundary functional terms h ( z 1 ;z
2 ) formed in the v ari- ational form ulation whic h are sho wn as the follo wing. Let [ ~ N : ~ M ] be the ro w reduced ec helon form of the augmen ted matrix [ N : M ]. There are only six p o s- sible cases and these are analysed b elo w. Cases ( i )  ( iv ) are BVPs with at least one natural b oundary condition in their v ariational forms. Cases ( v )and( vi )are imp ossible to write in this form with an y natural b oundary condition, that is, they ha v e to b e imp osed as essen tial b oundary conditions. ( i ) Mixed b oundary conditions I [ ~ N : ~ M ]  =  1 0  1  2 0 1  3  4  The b oundary conditions are  1 y (0) +  2 y (1) + y 0 (0) = k 1 ;  3 y (0) +  4 y (1) + y 0 (1) = k 2 ; whic h are Neumann b oundary conditions if all the  ’s are zero. Then putting J = 0 in equation (10), w e see that the b oundary terms yield the conditions, @h
1 = k 1   1 z 1   2 z 2 ; (11)
2 =  ( k 2   3 z 1   4 z 2 ) : (12)
Then in tegrating equations (11) and (12) partially to get h ,w end, h ( z 1 ;z
2 )=  1 2  1 z 2 1   2 z 1 z 2 + 1 2  4 z 2 2 + k 1 z 1  k 2 z 2 :
Page 5

V ariational metho ds for b oundary v alue problems Abstract. The v ariational form ulationofboundary v alue problems is v aluable in pro viding
remark ably easy computational algorithms as w ell as an alternativ e framew ork with whic h to
pro v e existence results. Boundary conditions imp ose constrain ts whic h can b e anno ying from a computational p oin tofview. The question is then p osed: what is the most general b oundary v alue problem whic h can b e p osed in v ariational form with the b oundary conditions app earing naturally? Sp ecial cases of t w o-p oin t problems in one-dimension and some higher dimensional problems are addressed. There is a deep connection with self-adjoin tness for the linear case. F urther cases under whic h a Lagrangian ma yor ma y not exist are explained. Keyw ords: natural b oundary conditions, self-adjoin tness, Hamiltonian, Lagrangian. 1. In tro duction 1.1. Bac kground V ariational metho ds pro vide a conceptual and computational framew ork for b ound-
ary v alue problems (BVPs). In the pap er w e deriv e conditions whic h guaran tee that a giv en BVP can b e reform ulated in v ariational form. This can b e a w a yofpro ving existence for BVPs (Graham-Eagle and W ak e [6] ) and it also pro vides a sc heme
for determination of a computational algorithm as in F radkin and W ak e[5]. In the
case of nonlinear eigen v alue problems, these can b e a w a y of pro ducing outcomes lik e parameter path-follo wing as has b een pro duced b y other means b y computer pac k ages lik e Auto (Do edel [2]). The question of what precise conditions need to b e imp osed on b oundary v alue problems so that they can b e written in v ariational form has b een discussed spas- mo dically in the literature, see for example Anderson and Thompson [1] , F els [3], and F orra y[4]. The question as to whic h b oundary v alue problems ha v eav aria- tional form ulation in whic h all of the b oundary conditions app ear naturally is largely still an op en one and is the sub ject of this pap er. Boundary conditions app e ar naturally b y the addition of suitable terms in the Hamiltonian (usually surface in tegrals on the b oundary of the region of in terest). It is usually dicult and sometimes imp ossible to determine these in a systematic w a y . Problems exist (lik ethe t w o-p oin t second order b oundary v alue problem in one dimension with Diric hlet b oundary conditions men tioned b elo w) for whic h this is imp ossible. In these cases the b oundary conditions need to b e imp osed on the space of functions on whic h the stationary v alues of the Hamiltonian is found,
and are called \essen tial b oundary conditions". This can be of n uisance v alue in the determination of the subspaces of functions on whic h the optimisation o ccurs. Th us it app ears useful to b e able to write the v ariational form ulation with all of the b oundary conditions app earing naturally . The more fundamen tal question as to whether there is ev en a Lagrangian is men tioned in Section 3. 1.2. Conceptual framew ork If a v ariational form ulation of our problem consists of the Hamiltonian functional T : S !< , on the space of functions S (suitably c hosen), then T , under suitable conditions, has a stationary v alue on S . This giv es rise to a b oundary v alue problem. Our question is: ho w to c ho ose T so that it has the righ t b oundary conditions whic h arises in the original problem. If a v ariational form ulation has the b oundary conditions imp osed on S , they are said to be essen tial . Ho w ev er, if T can be
constructed so as to mak e the b oundary conditions automatically satised on S , then they are said to b e natural . The problem b elo wsho ws, it is p ossible to ha v e part, all, or none of the b oundary conditions \natural" and the remaining therefore are \essen tial". W e initially though t that all self-adjoin t problems (see Stakgold [9] )had a v aria- tional form (VF) in whic h the b oundary conditions app ear naturally . The simple problem, y 0 0 + f ( x ) y + g ( x )= 0 ; a< x < b; (1 a ) y ( a )= y ( b )=0 ; (1 b ) is self-adjoin t. Ho w ev er, the b oundary conditions are essen tial and it can b e con-
sidered as an example of Case 1( vi ) b elo w. Hence not ev ery self-adjoin t bound- ary v alue problem has a VF in whic h the b oundary conditions app e ar naturally . Nonetheless it app ears that there is a substan tial o v erlap bet w een the class of b oundary v alue problems whic h can b e written in VF with natural b oundary con- ditions and those that are self-adjoin t. Ho w ev er, coun ter-examples lik e that in (1) pro vide evidence that there is not an exact corresp ondence. In Section 2, some of the conditions obtained are related to those of self-adjoin tness.
It app ears imp ossible to completely c haracterise the class of BVPs whic h ha v e VF with natural b oundary conditions. In this pap er w epro vide conditions on some classes of problems for whic h this is p ossible and giv e conditions under whic h this is true. The larger question is still op en. 2. Second order BVP in one-dimension Consider the second order ordinary dieren tial equation y 00 + g ( x; y ; y 0 )= 0 ; a< x < b; (2) where g ( x; y ; y 0 ) is a sucien tly smo oth function. W e are in terested in solutions of (2) that satisfy the non-homogeneous linear b oundary conditions m 11 y ( a )+ m 12 y ( b )+ n 11 y 0 ( a )+ n 12 y 0 ( b )= k 1 ; (3 a ) m 21 y ( a )+ m 22 y ( b )+ n 21 y 0 ( a )+ n 22 y 0 ( b )= k 2 : (3 b ) W e rewrite (3) in the v ector form, M y + N y 0 = k : (4) where M , N are 2  2 matrices and ( M : N ) has rank = 2 to ensure (3 a ), (3 b )are indep enden t. Supp ose that the BVP consisting of (2) and (3) has a corresp onding functional form, J [ y ]=
Z b a f ( x; y ; y 0 ) dx + h ( z 1 ;z
2 ) ; (5) where z 1 = y ( a )and z 2 = y ( b )and h ( z 1 ;z
2 ) 2 C 2 . The b oundary v alue problem is related to the corresp onding functional form b y the Euler-Langrange equation. By setting the rst v ariation J of J to zero, J = Z b a  @f
y + @f
0 y
0  dx + @h
1 y ( a )+
2 y ( b ) ; =  @f
0 y
 b a + Z b a  @f
 d dx
0  ydx + @h
1 y ( a )+
2 y ( b ) ; = 0 ; w e nd that the follo wing conditions m ust b e satised b y the b oundary terms h in the functional J and the b oundary conditions: @h
1 = @f
0     x = a and @h
2 =  @f
0     x = b : (6) Let q 1 ( z 1 ;z
2 )=
0 j x = a and q 2 ( z 1 ;z
2 )=  @f
0 j x = b . By partially in tegrating q 1 and q 2 with resp ect to z 1 and z 2 resp ectiv ely ,w e can nd the b oundary functional terms h ( z 1 ;z
2 ), pro vided that a certain exactness or in tegrabilit y condition is satised. That is @ 2 h @z
1 @z
2 = @ 2 h @z
2 @z
1 (7) as w e require that h ( z 1 ;z
2 ) 2 C 2 . 2.1. Case 1: g indep enden tof y 0 F or simplicit y and without loss of generalit y ,w e let [ a; b ]= [0 ; 1],
y 00 + g ( x; y )=0 ; 0 <x < 1 ; (8) M y + N y 0 = k : The corresp onding v ariational form ulation is J [ y ]=
Z 1 0  ( y 0 ) 2 2  G ( x; y )  dx + h ( z 1 ;z
2 ) ; (9) where G is a partial primitiv eof g with resp ect to y , i.e. @G
= g . The rst v ariation of J is J =[ y 0 y ] 1 0  Z 1 0  @G
+ y 00  ydx + @h
1 y (0) + @h
2 y (1) : (10)
There are sev eral t yp es b oundary functional terms h ( z 1 ;z
2 ) formed in the v ari- ational form ulation whic h are sho wn as the follo wing. Let [ ~ N : ~ M ] be the ro w reduced ec helon form of the augmen ted matrix [ N : M ]. There are only six p o s- sible cases and these are analysed b elo w. Cases ( i )  ( iv ) are BVPs with at least one natural b oundary condition in their v ariational forms. Cases ( v )and( vi )are imp ossible to write in this form with an y natural b oundary condition, that is, they ha v e to b e imp osed as essen tial b oundary conditions. ( i ) Mixed b oundary conditions I [ ~ N : ~ M ]  =  1 0  1  2 0 1  3  4  The b oundary conditions are  1 y (0) +  2 y (1) + y 0 (0) = k 1 ;  3 y (0) +  4 y (1) + y 0 (1) = k 2 ; whic h are Neumann b oundary conditions if all the  ’s are zero. Then putting J = 0 in equation (10), w e see that the b oundary terms yield the conditions, @h
1 = k 1   1 z 1   2 z 2 ; (11)
2 =  ( k 2   3 z 1   4 z 2 ) : (12)
Then in tegrating equations (11) and (12) partially to get h ,w end, h ( z 1 ;z
2 )=  1 2  1 z 2 1   2 z 1 z 2 + 1 2  4 z 2 2 + k 1 z 1  k 2 z 2 : pro vided that  3 =   2 ,whic hfollo ws from the exactness condition (7). ( ii ) Mixed b oundary conditions I I [ ~ N : ~ M ]  =  1  1 0  2 0 0 1  3  The b oundary conditions are  2 y (1) + y 0 (0) +  1 y 0 (1) = k 1 ; y (0) +  3 y (1) = k 2 : In this case, w e nd that h = 1 2  2  3 z 2 2   3 k 1 z 2 ; pro vided that  1  3 = 1 whic h again follo ws from the exactness condition (7). Note
that in this case only the second b oundary condition is essen tial in that it m ust b e imp osed on the space of functions considered. ( iii ) Mixed b oundary conditions I I I [ ~ N : ~ M ]  =  1  1  2 0 0 0 0 1  The b oundary conditions are  2 y (0) + y 0 (0) +  1 y 0 (1) = k 1 ; y (1) = k 2 ; then h is h =   2 2 z 2 1 + k 1 z 1 ; pro vided  1 = 0 from the exactness condition (7). In this case only the second b oundary condition is essen tial. ( iv ) Mixed b oundary conditions IV [ ~ N : ~ M ]  =  0 1 0  1 0 0 1  2  The b oundary conditions are  1 y (1) + y 0 (1) = k 1 ; y (0) +  2 y (1) = k 2 ; then h is h =  1 2 z 2 2  k 1 z 2 ;
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FAQs on Variational Methods for Boundary Value Problems in ODE"s and PDE"s - CSIR-NET Mathematical Sciences - Mathematics for IIT JAM, GATE, CSIR NET, UGC NET

1. What are variational methods for boundary value problems in ODEs and PDEs?
Ans. Variational methods for boundary value problems in ODEs and PDEs are mathematical techniques used to find approximate solutions by minimizing or maximizing certain functionals. These methods involve formulating the problem as an optimization problem and finding the solution by minimizing or maximizing a functional, such as the action functional or energy functional.
2. How are variational methods applied to solve boundary value problems in ODEs and PDEs?
Ans. Variational methods are applied to solve boundary value problems in ODEs and PDEs by converting the problem into an optimization problem. This is done by introducing a functional that represents the objective to be minimized or maximized, such as the action functional or energy functional. The solution to the boundary value problem is then obtained by finding the function that minimizes or maximizes the functional.
3. What is the advantage of using variational methods for boundary value problems in ODEs and PDEs?
Ans. The advantage of using variational methods for boundary value problems in ODEs and PDEs is that they provide a powerful and systematic approach to finding approximate solutions. These methods allow for the formulation of the problem as an optimization problem, which can often be solved using well-established techniques. Additionally, variational methods often provide insight into the properties of the solution and can lead to the discovery of new mathematical relations.
4. What are some examples of boundary value problems that can be solved using variational methods?
Ans. Variational methods can be applied to a wide range of boundary value problems in ODEs and PDEs. Some examples include finding the minimal surface area of a soap film spanning a wire frame, determining the equilibrium shape of an elastic membrane under tension, and solving the Schrödinger equation to find the energy levels of quantum systems.
5. Are there any limitations or challenges associated with variational methods for boundary value problems in ODEs and PDEs?
Ans. Yes, there are some limitations and challenges associated with variational methods for boundary value problems in ODEs and PDEs. These methods often require the formulation of a suitable functional, which can be challenging for complex problems. Additionally, the optimization problem may not have a unique solution, and finding the global minimum or maximum can be difficult. Finally, variational methods may not always provide an exact solution, but rather an approximate solution that satisfies certain optimality conditions.
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Variational Methods for Boundary Value Problems in ODE"s and PDE"s - CSIR-NET Mathematical Sciences | Mathematics for IIT JAM






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