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Linear Transformation

We begin with a definition.

Definition: Let V and U vector spaces over the same field K. A mapping F: V → U is called a linear mapping or linear transformation if it satisfies the following two conditions:

  1. For any vectors v, w ∈ V, F(v + w) = F(v) + F(w).
  2. For any scalar k and vector v ∈ V, F(kv) = kF(v).

Namely, F: V → U is linear if it “preserves” the two basic operations of a vector space, that of vector addition and that of scalar multiplication.
Substituting k = 0 into condition (2), we obtain F(0) = 0. Thus, every linear mapping takes the zero vector into the zero vector.

Now for any scalars a, b ∈ K and any vector v, w ∈ V,
we obtain F(av + bw) = F(av) + F(bw) = aF(v) + bF(w)
More generally, for any scalars ai ∈ K and any vectors vi ∈ V, we obtain the following basic property of linear mappings:
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Remark: A linear mapping F: V→ U is completely characterized by the condition
F(av + bw) = aF(v) + bF(w)     (*)
and so this condition is sometimes used as its definition.
Remark: The term linear transformation rather than linear mapping is frequently used for linear mappings of the form F: ℝn -> ℝm.

Some definitions

  1. Linear Functional: If t is a linear transformation from V(F) to F(F) i.e. t: V → F, then t is called a Linear Functional on V.
  2. Linear Operator: If t is a linear transformation from V to V i.e., t: V → V, then t is called a Linear Operator of V.
  3. Homomorphic ImageIf t: V→V’ is an onto homomorphism, then V’ is called the Homomorphic image of V. 

Examples of Linear Transformation:
Example: Let V(F) and V’(F) be two vector spaces. Then
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is a linear transformation from V to V'
Since for any a, b ∈ F and α, β ∈ V
t(aα + bα) = 0

= a0 + b0
= at(α) + bt(α)
This is called Zero linear mapping.

Example: Let V(F) be a vector space, then
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams 
is a linear transformation from V to V (i.e. linear operation of V).
Since for any a, b ∈ F and α, β ∈ V
t(aα + bβ) = aα + bβ
= at(α) + bt(β)

Example: Let V3(F) and V2(F) be two vector spaces over the field F, then
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is a linear transformation from V3 to V2 since for any a, b ∈ F and (a1, a2, a3), (b1, b2, b3) ∈ V3
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Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Example: t : V2(ℝ) → ℝ(ℝ), t(a1, a2) = a1 + a2 is a linear transformation from V2(ℝ) to ℝ(ℝ) i.e. a linear functional on V1 
Since for any a, b ∈ R and (a1, a2); (b1, b2) ∈ V2
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Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Example: t:V2(F) → F(F), t(a1, a2) = a1 is a linear functional on V2(F) since for any a, b ∈ F and (a1, a2); (b1, b2) ∈ V2.
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Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Properties of Linear mapping

Theorem: If t is a linear mapping from the vector space V(F) to V'(F), then:
(a) t(0) = 0’ where 0 and O’ are zero vectors of V and V’ respectively.
(b) t(-α) = -t(α),    ∀ α ∈ V
(c) t(α - β) = t(α) - t(β),    ∀ α, β ∈ V

(a) Let α ∈ V. Since 0 is zero element in V, therefore
α + 0 = α
⇒ t(α + 0) = t(α)
 t(α) + t(0) t(α)    [∵ t is a linear transformation]
 t(α) + t(0) = t(α) + O'    [∵ O’ is zero element in V’]
 t(0) = 0’    [by cancellation law, (V’, +) being an abelian group]

(b) ∵ α ∈ V ⇒ -a e V is a additive inverse of a, therefore
α + (-α) = 0
⇒ t[α + (-α)] = t(0) = 0’    [by (a)]
⇒ t(α) + t(-α) = 0’    [∵ t is a linear transformation]
⇒ t(-α) is additive inverse of t(α) in V’
⇒ t(-α) = -t(α)

(c) t(α - β) = t[a + (-P)l

= t(α) + t(-β)]    [by linear mapping]

= t(α) - t(β)    [by (b)]

Kernel of a Homomorphism : Definition:

Let V(F) and V’(F) be two vector spaces and t be a homomorphism from V to V'. Then the set K of all those elements of V whose t-images are the identity O’ of V’ is called the kernel of t.
It is generally denoted by Ker t or ker t or Ker(t).
i.e. Ker t = K = {α ∈ V I t(α) = O’ ∈ V’}

Remark: The kernel of the linear transformation of t is called Null space of t and is denoted by N(t).
Theorem: The kernel of a linear transformation is a subspace.

Proof: Let V(F) and V’(F) be the two vector spaces and 0 and O’ be their zero vectors respectively. Let t be a linear transformation from V to V’ and K be the kernel of t i.e. Ker t = K = {α ∈ V I t(α) = O’ ∈ V’}

Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive ExamsTo show that K is a subspace of V:
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Therefore let α, β ∈ K, then by the definition of kernel,
t(α) = 0’ and t(β) = 0’    ...(1)
Now if a and b be any two elements of the field F, then
t(aα + bβ) = at(α) + bt(β)    [∵ t is a linear transformation]
= a(0') + b(0’)    [by (1)]
= 0’ + 0’
or t(aα + bβ) = 0’    [by definition]

⇒ aα + bβ ∈ K
Therefore a, b ∈ F and a, b ∈ F ⇒ aα + bβ ∈ K
∴ K is a subspace of V.

Isomorphism of Vector Spaces : Definition
Let V(F) and V'(F) be the two vector spaces, then a map
t : V → V' is called an isomorphism, if t is :
(i) one-one

(ii) onto and

(iii) a linear mapping i.e.

t(aα + bβ) = at(α) + bt(β), ∀ a, b ∈ F, V a, b ∈ V
Under these conditions, the vector spaces V and V’ are called isomorphic images any symbolically it is expressed as
V ≅ V’
Again vector space V’ is also called the isomorphic image of V.

Example 1: Prove that the mapping t : V2(ℝ) → V3(ℝ) which is defined by t(a, b) = (a, b, 0) is a linear transformation from V2 to V3.

Let α = (a, b,) and β = (a2, b2) be any two elements of V2(ℝ) and a, b ∈ ℝ, then

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Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
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Therefore t is a linear transformation from V2 to V3.

Example 2: Show that the mapping t: V2(ℝ) → V3(ℝ) where t(a, b, c) = (c, a + b) is a linear mapping.

Let α = (a1, b1, c,) and β = (a2, b2, c2) be any two elements of the space V3(ℝ) and a, b ∈ R, then
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Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
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Therefore t is a linear transformation from V3 to V2.

Example 3: Show that the mapping f : V3(F) → V2(F) which is defined by f(a1, a2, a3) = (a1, a2) is a homomorphism from V3 onto V2. Also find its kernel.

Let α = (a1, a2, a3) and β = (b1, b2, b3) be any two elements of the space V3(F) and a, b ∈ F, then
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∴ f is a homomorphism from space V3 to V2.

Onto: Let (a1, a2) ∈ V2, then corresponding to (a1, a2), there exist (a1, a2, 0) ∈ V3 for which f(a1, a2, 0) = (a1, a2)

⇒ there exist f-pre image of each element of V2 in V3 
∴ f is onto homomorphism.

Kernel: Let Ker f = K, then K will be the set of all the those vectors of V3 which map on the zero vector (0, 0) of V2 i.e.
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Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Example 4: If P[x] denotes the vector space over the field of real numbers ℝ  of all polynomials d in x of degree ≤ n, then prove that the mapping f : P[x] → P[x] where
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is a linear transformation.

Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Examsand Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams be any two elements of P[x] where a0, a1, .... an; b0, b1,....., bare all real numbers. Then
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Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Again, for any a ∈ ℝ, Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
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Therefore f is a linear transformation.

Example 5: Show that the mapping f: V3(ℝ) → V3(ℝ) which is defined by f(a1, a2, a3) = (a1,a2, aa3) where a ≠0 is fixed in ℝ is an isomorphism on V3(ℝ).

One-one : Let α = (a1, a2, a3) and p = (b1, b2, b3) be any two elements of the space V3(ℝ). Then
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Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams  [∵ a ≠ 0]
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∴ f is one-one.
Onto: For every a = (a1, a2, a3) ∈ V3(ℝ) there exist Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams for which
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∴ f is onto.
f is a linear transformation: For any a’, b’ ∈ ℝ
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∴ f is a linear transformation.
Consequently, f is an isomorphism on V3(ℝ)

Example 6: Show that the mapping f : V2(ℝ) → V2(ℝ), where
(x, y) = (x cos θ - y sin θ, x sin θ + y cos θ) is an isomorphism on V2(ℝ) 

One-one: Let α = (a1,a2) and β(b1,b2) be any two elements of the vector space V2(), then
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∴ f is one.
Onto: Since for every (x cos θ - y sineθ, x sinθ + y cosθ) ∈ V2() there exist (x, y) el such that f(x, y) = (x cosθ - y sinθ, x sinθ + y cosθ)
∴ f is onto.
f is a linear transformation : For any a, b ∈ ℝ
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∴ f is a linear transformation.

Consequently, f is an isomorphism on V2().

Example 7: If V(F) be the vector space of all n x n matrices over the field F and M e V be a given matrix, then prove that the mapping
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
is a linear transformation. 

Let A, B ∈ V, then
f(A + B) = (A + B)M + M(A + B)
= AM + BM + MA + MA    [By distributivity of Matrices]
= (AM + MA) + (BM + MB)    [By associativity for +]
= f(A) + f(B)    ...(1)
Again, for any a ∈ F
f(aA) = (aA)M + M(aA)
= a(AM) + a(MA)
= a(AM + MA)    By scalar multiplication of Matrices]
= af(A)    ...(2)
From (1) and (2), f is a linear transformation on V(F).

Example 8: If the mapping t : V(F) → V(F’) is one-one onto linear map; then show that t-1: V’ → V will also be a linear map.

Let a1, b1 ∈ V and a2, b2 ∈ V' such that
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams    ...(1)
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams .... (2)
∵ t is a linear, therefore
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams    [by (1)]
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams [by (2)]
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams    ...(3)
and for any
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Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams    ...(4)
From (3) and (4), it is clear than t-1 is also a linear transformation.

Example: (a) Let F ; ℝ3->:ℝ3 be the “projection” mapping into the xy-plane; that is, F is the mapping defined by F(x, y, z) = (x, y, 0). We show that F is linear. Let v = (a, b, c) and w = (a’, b’, c’). Then
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
and, for any scalar k,
F(kv) = K(ka, kb, kc) = (ka, kb, 0) = k(a, b, 0) = kF(v)
Thus, F is linear.

Matrices as Linear Mappings 

Let A be any real m * n matrix. Recall that A determines a mapping Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams (where the vectors in Kn and Km are written as columns). We show FA is linear. By matrix multiplication,
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In other words, using A to represent the mapping, we have
A(v + w) = Av + Aw and A(kv) = k(Av)
Thus, the matrix mapping A is linear.

Vector Space Isomorphism

Definition: Two vector spaces V and U over K are isomorphic, written Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams if there exists a bijective (one- to-one and onto) linear mapping F : V → U. The mapping F is then called an isomorphism between V and U.
Consider any vector space V of dimension n and let S be any basis of V. Then the mapping
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
which maps each vector v ∈V into its coordinate vector [v]s, is an isomorphism between V and Kn.

Some Theorem on Space Morphism 

Theorem: If W be a subspace of a vector space V(F), then the quotient space V/W, is a homomorphic image of V with kernel W.

Proof. Let a mapping f from V to V/W be defined as follows :
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To prove (a) f is an onto linear transformation and (b) ker f = W
(a) If α, β ∈ V and α, β ∈ F, then
f(aα + bβ) = W + (aα + bβ)
= (W + aα) + (W + bβ)
= a(W + α) + b(W + β)
= af(α) + bf(β)
∴ f is a linear transformation.

Again for every W + α ∈ V/W, there exist α ∈ V such that

f(α) = W + α
∴ f is onto i.e. f(V) = V/W
Therefore f : V → V/W is onto homomorphism
⇒ V/W is homomorphic image of V.
(b) ker f = {α ∈ V I f(α) = W}    [∵ W is zero element of V/W]

= α ∈V I W + α = W}

= {α ∈ V I α ∈ W} = W

Theorem : [Fundamental theorem on Space Homomorphism] :
If f be a linear transformation from a vector space V(F) onto V’(F), then
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Proof: Let Ker f = K.

Now define a linear transformation ϕ from V/K to V’ as follows :
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams ....(1)
ϕ is well defined: Here it will be shown that for any two elements K + α and K + β of V/K
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Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams [∵ f is a linear transformation]
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∴ ϕ is well defined.

ϕ is one-one: Let K + α, K + β ∈ V/K, then
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams ....([by (1)])
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ϕ is one-one.
ϕ is onto: ∵ f is onto, therefore for every α’ ∈ V', there exist α ∈ V such that
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams   [by (1)]
Therefore for α’ ∈ V there exist K + α ∈ V/K such that
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∴ ϕ is onto

ϕ is a linear transformation : For any a, b ∈ F
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Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
∴ ϕ is a linear transformation.

Hence ϕ is an isomorphism from V/K to V'
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Theorem : [Isomorphism theorem for Vector Spaces]
Two FDVS V and V’ over the same field F are isomorphic iff they are of the same dimensions
i.e V ≌ V’ dim V = dimV’

Proof: Let V(F) and V’(F) be the two vector spaces and dim V = n.

Firstly, let V ≌ V', then there exist a map f from V to V' which is one-one onto linear transformation.
Let Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams be the basis of the space V.
if Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
then to show that B’ is the basis of V’.
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
B’ is LI: Let a1, a2, ..., an ∈ F are such that
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Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams [ ∵ f is linear transformation]
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams where 0 ∈ V is zero element
[∵ f is one-one and f(0) = O’]
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Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

L (B’) = V’ : Let α' ∈ V ’ since f is onto,
therefore for every α' ∈ V there exist α ∈ V such that f(α) = α’
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
⇒ α' ∈ V' is a LC of vectors of B’
⇒ L(B’) = V’

Hence B’ is a basis of V’. Consequently dim V’ = n
∴ dim V = n = dim V’

Therefore V = V’ => dimV = dimV'

Conversely: Let dimV = dimV’. Let Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams be the bases of V and V’ respectively.

If α ∈ V, then there exist Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams 
such that
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Define a map f from V to V’ as follows :
f : V → V’ such that
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To prove that f is an isomorphism:
f is one-one: Let α, β ∈ V where
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Then f(a) = f(b)
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Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
∴ f is one-one.
f is onto: Let Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams be any element of V’, then there existVector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams such that
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
∴ f is onto.
f is a linear transformation: For any a, b ∈ F
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Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams   [by (1)]
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∴ f is a linear transformation.

Therefore  f is an isomorphism from V to V ’ .

Consequently, V≅ V ’
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Theorem: Every n-dimensional vector space V(F) is isomorphic to Vn(F) i.e.
V(F) ≅ Vn(F)

Proof: dimV(F) = n, therefore let Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams be any basis of the space Vn(F). Then every vector of V can be expressed as a LC of elements of B. Therefore for any α ∈ V there exist a1, a2, .... an ∈ F such that
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Now define a map f from V(F) to Vn(F) as follows:
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams 

To prove that f is an isomorphism: 
f is one-one: Let α, β ∈ V where
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then f(α) = f(β)
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Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
∴ f is one-one.

f is onto: Let Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams then there exist an element,   Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams in V such that
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∴ f is onto.

f is a linear transformation: Let α, β ∈ V and a, b ∈ F, then
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Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
∴ f is a linear transformation.
Hence f is an isomorphism from V(F) to Vn(F).
Consequently, V(F) ≅ Vn(F).

Range space of a linear transformation: Definition:

Let V(F) and V'(F) be two vector space and t: V → V’ be a linear transformation. Then the image set of V under t is called the range space of t.
This is expressed by R(t) or lm(t).
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Theorem: If t is a linear transformation from a vector space V(F) to V’(F), then the range of t is a subspace of V’.
Proof: Let the range of t be R(t), then
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Clearly, R(t) ⊂ V’ and R(t) ≠ ϕ
Let β1, β2 ∈ R(t), then there exist α1, α2,  ∈ V such that
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But V(F) is a vector space, therefore
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∴ R(t) is a vector subspace of V’.

Definition: A linear transformation t: U→V is called non-singular if t(u) = 0 implies u = 0.
NOTE: Moreover, U and V must be of same dimension otherwise t: U→V may not be surjective.
Example 1: A linear transformation t : U → V is an isomorphism iff it is non singular. 

To show that if t is an isomorphism ⇒ t is non singular i.e. t is one-one, therefore 0 ∈ U is the only vector whose image 0 ∈ V or, only zero vector is in the zero space of t. t is non singular.
Conversely: If t is non singular ⇒ t is an isomorphism
Let t(v1) = t(v2)
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Hence t is one-one.

t is nonsingular and one-one, therefore this is one-one also, 

∴ t is an isomorphism.

Example 2: If t : U → V is a linear transformation; then t is non singular if and only if the range of LI set by t in U is LI set in V.
First let t be nonsingular i.e. only zero vector is in the empty space of t.

Let B = {v1, v2, ....., vn} be a LI subset of U, then its image set under t is
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Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams   [t is linear]
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams [t is nonsingular]
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams  [B is LI]
Hence the image B, of B under t is LI.

Conversely: Let t-image of any LI set of U be LI in V.
Consider a nonzero vector v of U, then the set
S = {v} is a LI set in V.

Now t-image S, of S contains only an element t(v)


S, = {t(v)},

S, is LI in V, therefore for v ≠ 0, t(v) ≠ 0,
because the set containing zero element alone is LI.
Consequently, the null space of t is null subspace, i.e. t is nonsingular.

Kernel and Image of a Mapping

We begin by defining two concepts.
Definition Let F : V → U be a linear mapping. The kernel of F, written Ker F, is the set of elements in V that map into zero vector 0 in U; that is,
Ker F = {v ∈ V : F(v) = 0}
The image (or range) of F, written Im F, is the set of image points in U; that is,
Im F = (u ∈ U : there exists v ∈ V for which F(v) = u}

Theorem: Let F : V → U be a linear mapping. Then the kernel of F is a subspace of V and the image of F is a subspace of U.
Now suppose that v1, v2, ..., vspan a vector space V and that F : V → U is linear. We show that F(v1), F(v2), ..., F(vm) span Im F. Let u ∈ Im F. Then there exists v ∈ V such that F(v) = u. Because the vi’s span V and v ∈ V, there exist scalars a1, a2, ..., am for which
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Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Thus, the vectors F(v1), F(v2),....., F(vm) span Im F.

Proposition: Supposev1, v2, ..., vm span a vector space V, and suppose F : V → U is linear. Then F(v1), F(v2),....., F(vm) space Im F.

Example: (a) Let F : ℝ3 → ℝ3 be the projection of a vector v into the xy-plane, i.e.
F(x, y, z) = (x, y, 0)
Clearly the image of F is the entire xy-plane—that is, points of the form (x, y, 0). Moreover, the kernel of F is the z-axis—that is, points of the form (0, 0, c). That is,
Im F = {(a, b, c) : c = 0} = xy-plane and Ker F = {(a, b, c) : a = 0, b = 0} = z-axis

Kernel and Image of Matrix Mappings

Consider, say, a 3 * 4 matrix A and the usual basis {e1, e2, e3, e4} of K4 (written as columns):
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Recall that A may be viewed as a linear mapping A : K4 → K3, where the vectors in K4 and K3 are viewed as column vectors. Now the usual basis vectors span K4 so their images Ae1, Ae2, Ae3, Ae4, span the image of A. But the vectors Ae1, Ae2, Ae3, Ae4 are precisely the columns of A:
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Thus, the image of A is precisely the column space of A.
On the other hand, the kernel of A consists of all vectors v for which Av = 0. This means that the kernel of A is the solution space of the homogeneous system AX = 0, called the null space of A. 

Proposition: Let A be any m * n matrix over a field K viewed as a linear map A : Kn → Km. Then
Ker A = nullsp(A) and Im A = colsp(A)
Here colsp(A) denotes the column space of A, and nullsp(A) denotes the null space of A.

Rank and Nullity of a Linear Mapping

Let F : V → U be a linear mapping. The rank of F is defined to be the dimension of its image, and the nullity of F is defined to be the dimension of its kernel; namely,
rank(F) = dim(lm F) and nullity(F) = dim(Ker F)

Theorem: Let V be of finite dimension, and let F : V → U be linear. Then
dim V = dim(Ker F) + dim(lm F) = nullity(F) + rank(F)

Matrix Representation of a Linear Operator

Let T be a linear operator (transformation) from a vector space V into itself, and suppose S = {u1, u2, ...., un} is a basis of V. Now T(u1), T(u2),..., T(un) are vectors in V, and so each is a linear combination of the vectors in the basis S; say,
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The transpose of the above matrix of coefficients, denoted by ms(T) or [T]s, is called the matrix representation of T relative to the basis S, or simply the matrix of T in the basis S.
Example: Let F: ℝ2 → ℝ2 be the linear operator defined by F(x, y) = (2x + 3y, 4x - 5y).

(a) Find the matrix representation of F relative to the basis S = {u1, u2} = {(1, 2), (2, 5)}.

  1. First find F(u1), and then write it as a linear combination of the basis vectors u1 and u2. (For notational convenience, we use column vectors.) We have
    Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
    Solve the system to obtain x = 52, y = -22. Hence, F(ut) = 52u1 - 22u2.
  2. Next find F(u2), and then write it as a linear combination of u1 and u2:
    Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive ExamsSolve the system to get x = 129, y = -55. Thus F(u2) = 129u1 - 55u2.
    Now write the coordinates of F(u,) and F(u2) as columns to obtain the matrix
    Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Example: Let F : ℝ4 → ℝ3 be the linear mapping defined by
F(x, y, z, t) = (x - y + z + t, 2x - 2y + 3z + 4t, 3x - 3y + 4z + 5t)
(a) Find a basis of the dimension of the image of F.
Find first the image of the usual basis vectors of R4.
F(1, 0, 0, 0) = (1. 2, 3),    F(0, 0, 1, 0) = (1, 3, 4)
F(0, 1, 0, 0) = (-1, -2, -3), F(0, 0, 0, 1) = (1, 4, 5)
By Proposition the image vectors span Im F. Hence, form the matrix M whose rows are these image vectors and row reduce to echelon form:
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Thus, (1, 2, 3) and (0, 1, 1) form a basis of Im F. Hence, dim(lm F) = 2 and rank(F) = 2.

Change of Basis
Let V be an n-dimensional vector space over a field K. We have shown that once we have selected a basis S of V, every vector v ∈ V can be represented by means of an n-tuple [v]s in Kn, and every linear operator T in A(V) can be represented by an n * n matrix over K.

Let S = {u1, u2, ...., un} be a basis of a vector space V, and let S’ = {v1, v2, ..., vn} be another basis. (For reference, we will call S the “old” basis and S’ the “new" basis.) Because S is a basis, each vector in the “new” basis S' can be written uniquely as a linear combination of the vectors in S; say, 

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Let P be transpose of the above matrix of coefficients; that is, let P = [pij], where pij = aji, Then P is called the change-of-basis matrix (or transition matrix) from the “old” basis S to the “new” basis S’.
The following remarks are in order.
Remark: The above change-of-basis matrix P may also be viewed as the matrix whose columns are, respectively, the coordinate column vectors of the “new” basis vectors v. relative to the “old" basis S; namely,
P = [[V1]s, [V2]s,......, [Vn]S]

Remark: Analogously, there is a change-of-basis matrix Q from the “new” basis S' to the “old” basis S. Similarly, Q may be viewed as the matrix whose columns are, respectively, the coordinate column vectors of the “old” basis vectors u. relative to the “new” basis S’; namely,
Q = [[u1]s, [u2]s,......, [un]S]

Remark : Because the vectors v1, v2, ..., vn in the new basis S’ are linearly independent, the matrix P is invertible. Similarly, Q is invertible. In fact, we have the following proposition.

Proposition: Let P and Q be the above change-of-basis matrices. Then Q = P-1.
Now suppose S = {u1, u2,.....,un} is a basis of a vector space V, and suppose P = [pij] is any nonsingular matrix. Then the n vectors
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corresponding to the columns of P, are linearly independent. Thus they form another basis S’ of V. Moreover, P will be the change-of-basis matrix from S to the new basis S’.

Example: Consider the following two bases of ℝ2:
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(a) Find the change-of-basis matrix P from S to the “new” basis S”. Write each of the new basis vectors of S’ as a linear combination of the original basis vectors u, and u2 of S. We have
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Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
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Note that the coordinates of v1 and v2 are the columns, not rows, of the change-of-basis matrix P.

Rank-Nullity Theorem 

If t is a linear transformation defined from a vector space V(F) to V'(F) where V(F) is a finite dimensional, then :

Rank (t) + Nullity (t) = Dim V.

Proof. Let V(F) be a n-dimensional vector space and R and K be their range and kernel respectively.

Define a mapping ϕ from R to V/K as follows:
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Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
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∴ ϕ is one-one.
ϕ is onto : Let K + α ∈ V/E, then there exist t(α) ∈ ℝ such that
ϕ[t(α)] = K + α
Therefore preimage of each element of V/K exist in ℝ.

∴ ϕ is onto.
ϕ is a linear transformation: For any a, b ∈ F and t(α), t(β) ∈ ℝ f[at(α) + bt(β)] = ϕ[t(aα + bβ)] [∵ t is a linear transformation]
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
∴ ϕ is a linear transformation.

Hence ϕ is an isomorphism from R to V/K.
 ℝ ≅ V/K
 dim ℝ = dim(V/K)
 dim ℝ = dim V - dim K
⇒ dim ℝ + dim K = dim V
 Rank(t) + Nullity(t) = dimV.

Example 1: If
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find a basis for nullspace (A) and verify Theorem.

We must find all solutions to Ax = 0. Reducing the augmented matrix of this system yields

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Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Consequently, there are two free variables, x3 = t, and x4 = t2, so that
x2 = 7t, + 7t2, x1 = —9t1 - 10t2.

nullspace (A)
Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Since the two vectors in this spanning set are not proportional, they are linearly independent. Consequently, a basis for nullspace(A) is {(-9, 7, 1, 0), (-10, 7, 0, 1)}, so that nullity(A) = 2. In this problem, A is 3 * 4 matrix, and so, in the Rank-Nullity Theorem, n = 4. Further, from the foregoing row- echelon form of the augmented matrix of the system Ax = 0, we see that rank(A) = 2. Hence, rank(A) + nullity(A) = 2 + 2 = 4 = Dim(A) and the Rank-Nullity Theorem is verified.

Example: Find rank (A) and nullity (A) for A
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  • rank (A). It is enough to put A in row-echelon form and count the number of leading ones.
    The reader will verify that a row-echelon form of A = is Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams . There are three leading ones, therefore rank (A) = 3.
  • nullity (A). For this, we need to find a basis for the solution set of Ax = 0. Its reduced row-echelon form is: Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams Then corresponding system is Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams The leading variables are x1, x2, and x4. Hence, the free variables are X3 and x5. We can write the solution in parametric form as follows:Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams 
    Thus, nullity (A) = 2 .

Example : Find the rank and nullity of Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Note this matrix has 5 columns. The row-echelon form is Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
We see that rank(A) = 2 (2 leading 1’s). Therefore nullity (A) = 5 - 2 = 3.

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FAQs on Vector Space & Linear Transformation- 3 - Mathematics for Competitive Exams

1. What is a linear transformation?
Ans. A linear transformation is a function between two vector spaces that preserves the operations of vector addition and scalar multiplication. It maps vectors from one vector space to another in a linear manner, meaning that the transformation of a linear combination of vectors is equal to the same linear combination of the transformed vectors.
2. What is a vector space isomorphism?
Ans. A vector space isomorphism is a bijective linear transformation between two vector spaces. It establishes a one-to-one correspondence between the elements of the two vector spaces, preserving the vector space operations. In simpler terms, a vector space isomorphism is a linear transformation that not only preserves the algebraic structure of the vector spaces but also allows for a complete mapping between the elements of the spaces.
3. What is the kernel and image of a mapping?
Ans. The kernel of a mapping, also known as the null space, is the set of all vectors in the domain of the mapping that are mapped to the zero vector in the codomain. In other words, it represents the vectors that are "flattened" or have no effect under the mapping. The image of a mapping, also known as the range or the column space, is the set of all vectors in the codomain that are the result of mapping some vector(s) from the domain. It represents the vectors that are actually reached or covered by the mapping.
4. What is the rank and nullity of a linear mapping?
Ans. The rank of a linear mapping is the dimension of its image, which is the maximum number of linearly independent vectors in the image of the mapping. It represents the "size" or the essential information present in the mapping. The nullity of a linear mapping is the dimension of its kernel, which is the maximum number of linearly independent vectors in the domain that are mapped to the zero vector. It represents the "missing" or non-essential information in the mapping.
5. What is the Rank-Nullity Theorem in vector space and linear transformation?
Ans. The Rank-Nullity Theorem states that for any linear mapping between two finite-dimensional vector spaces, the sum of the rank (r) and the nullity (n) of the mapping is equal to the dimension of the domain (d). Mathematically, it can be expressed as r + n = d. This theorem provides a relationship between the dimensions of the kernel and the image of a linear mapping. It highlights that the dimensions of the kernel and the image are interconnected and cannot exceed the dimension of the domain.
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