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Vectors and Newton's law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM PDF Download

Different physical quantities can be classified into the following two categories:

Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

What are Scalars?

Scalar quantity is defined as the physical quantity that has magnitude but no direction.

  • It can be represented by a number only. Example: Mass = 4 kg
  • The magnitude of mass = 4, Unit of mass = kg
  • Scalar quantities can be added, subtracted, and multiplied by simple lawsofalgebra.
  • Examples of Scalar Quantities includemass, speed, distance, time, area, volume, density & temperature.Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

What are Vectors?

A vector quantity is defined as the physical quantity that has both direction as well as magnitude and follows law of vector addition.


For example, Speed = 4 m/s (is a scalar), Velocity = 4 m/s toward north (is a vector).

  • The magnitude of a vector is the absolute value of a vector and is indicated by |A|.
  • Example of Vector quantity: Displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, etc.

Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

Difference between scalar and vector quantities is mentioned in table below:

Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

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Which of the following is a scalar quantity?
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Vector Operations

(i) Addition of two vectors

  • Place the tail of Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAMat the head of Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM; the sum Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM, is the vector from the tail of Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAMto the head of Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM
  • Addition is commutative:Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM
  • Addition is associative:Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM
  • To subtract a vector, add its opposite Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAMVectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

(ii) Multiplication by scalar

Multiplication of a vector by a positive scalar a, multiplies the magnitude but leaves the direction unchanged. (If a is negative, the direction is reversed.)

Scalar multiplication is distributive:Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

(iii) Dot product of two vectors

The scalar product of two vectors is equal to the product of their magnitudes and the cosine of the smaller angle between them. 

It is denoted by.(dot). The scalar or dot product of two vectors is a scalar.

A . B = AB cos θ

Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

Properties of Scalar Product:

  • Scalar product is commutative, i.e., Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM
  • Scalar product is distributive, i.e.,Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM
  • Scalar product of two perpendicular vectors is zero.
    A . B = A B cos 90° = 0
  • Scalar product of two parallel vectors is equal to the product of their magnitudes, i.e., A . B = AB cos 0° = AB
  • Scalar product of a vector with itself is equal to the square of its magnitude, i.e.,
    A . A = A A cos 0° = A2
  • Scalar product of orthogonal unit vectors is zero and Scalar product in cartesian coordinates is given by AxBx + AyBy + AzB.

Law of CosinesVectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

Let Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAMand then calculate dot product of Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAMwith itself.

Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

(iv) Cross product of two vectors

The vector product of two vectors is equal to the product of their magnitudes and the sine of the smaller angle between them. It is denoted by X (cross).

Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

Vector Cross ProductVector Cross Product

  • The direction of unit vector n can be obtained from right hand thumb rule.
  • If fingers of right hand are curled from A to B through smaller angle between them, then thumb will represent the direction of vector (A X B).
  • The vector or cross product of two vectors is also a vector.

Properties of Vector Product:

  • Vector product is not commutative, i.e.,
    A X B ≠ B X A  [ therefore, (A X B) = - (B X A)]
  • Vector product is distributive, i.e.,
    A X (B + C) = A X B + A X C
  • Vector product of two parallel vectors is zero, i.e.,
    A X B = A B sin 0° = 0
  • Vector product of any vector with itself is zero.
    A X A = A A sin 0° = 0
  • On moving in a clockwise direction and taking the cross product of any two pair of the unit vectors we get the third one and in an anticlockwise direction, we get the negative resultant.

Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

The following results can be established:

Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

Question for Vectors and Newton's law of Motion
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Which of the following statements is true about scalar product of two vectors?
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Direction of Vector Cross Product

  • When C = A X B, the direction of C is at right angles to the plane containing the vectors A and B. The direction is determined by the right hand screw rule, and right hand thumb rule.
  • Right Hand Thumb Rule: Curl the fingers of your right hand from A to B. Then, the direction of the erect thumb will point in the direction of A X B.
    Right Hand Thumb Rule
    Right Hand Thumb Rule

  • Right Hand Screw Rule: It is also known as Maxwell's Screw Rule,  a simple and visual way to determine the direction of a magnetic field or angular motion in relation to a current or rotation.
  • Imagine holding a screw and turning it with a screwdriver.
  • The direction in which you turn the screw (clockwise or counterclockwise) is the direction of rotation.
  • The direction in which the screw moves (up or down along the axis) corresponds to the direction of the currentor the magnetic field.

Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

Component Form: Vector Algebra

Let  Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAMand Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAMbe unit vectors parallel to the x, y and z axis, respectively. An arbitrary vector Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAMcan be expanded in terms of these basis vectorsVectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

The numbers Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAMand Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAMare called component of Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM; geometrically, they are the projections of Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAMalong the three coordinate axes.

Rule 1:To add vectors, add like components.  

Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

Rule 2: To multiply by a scalar, multiply each component.      

Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAMBecause Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAMare mutually perpendicular unit vectors,  Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

Accordingly, Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

Rule 3: To calculate the dot product, multiply like components, and add.

In particular,  Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM


Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

Rule 4: To calculate the cross product, form the determinant whose first row is Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAMwhose second row is Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM(in component form), and whose third row is Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM.

Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

Example 1: Find the angle between the face diagonals of a cube.

Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAMVectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

What are Triple Products?

Since the cross product of two vectors is itself a vector, it can be dotted or crossed with a third vector to form a triple product.

(i) Scalar triple product: Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

Geometrically Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAMis the volume of the parallelepiped generated by Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAMsince Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAMis the area of the base, and Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAMis the  altitude.

Evidently, Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

Note that the dot and cross can be interchanged: Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

(ii) Vector triple product: Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

The vector triple product can be simplified by the so-called BAC-CAB rule: Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

Question for Vectors and Newton's law of Motion
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What is the direction of the vector C when C = A x B?
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Newton's Law of Motion

Newton's Laws of Motion are three fundamental principles that underpin classical mechanics. These laws explain how a body interacts with the forces acting upon it and how it moves as a result of those forces.

1. First Law (Law of Inertia)

The first law states that if the net force acting on an object (the total of all forces) is zero, the object's momentum remains constant in both size and direction.

  • Inertia is a basic property of matter that resists any change in its state of motion. It is generally measured by mass; the larger the mass, the greater the inertia.
  • An inertial frame is a coordinate system with a clock that moves at a constant speed. Within such a frame, if no external force acts on an object, it will either stay at rest or continue to move at a constant velocity.
  • Mathematically, the first law can be represented as:Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

2. Second Law

The second law states that the net force on an object is equal to the rate of change (that is, the derivative) of its linear momentum Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAMin an inertial reference frame i.e.

Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

If the mass is constant then the vector sum of the external forces Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAMon an object is equal to the mass m of that object multiplied by the acceleration vector Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAMof the object Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAMVectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

One can visualize Newton’s second law as cause and effect phenomenon where external force is equivalent to cause and resulting acceleration is its effect which is measured by a force. 

In the case when the velocity is very high (close to velocity of light) Newton’s law should be modified according to special theory of relativity.

3. Third Law   

The third law states that "To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction".

The action and reaction acts on two different bodies.

Consider two bodies body one exerts a force Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAMon second body and the second body simultaneously exerts a force Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAMequal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

To summarise, here is the flowchart:

Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

Question for Vectors and Newton's law of Motion
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Which law of motion states that if the net force acting on an object is zero, the object's momentum remains constant in both size and direction?
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Some interesting FAQs are as follows:-

Q1. How do you determine if two vectors are coplanar?

Ans. Three vectors Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM and  Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM
are coplanar if their scalar triple product is zero:

Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

Q2. Why are vectors so important in physics and mathematics?
Ans. Vectors are fundamental in understanding and solving problems involving quantities with both magnitude and direction. They describe forces, velocities, accelerations, and more, making them essential for mechanics, electromagnetism, fluid dynamics, and even quantum mechanics.

Q3.  How are vectors applied in mechanics?
Ans. Vectors are fundamental in mechanics for:

  • Representing forces, velocities, and accelerations.
  • Solving equilibrium problems in statics.
  • Analyzing motion in dynamics.

Q4. What does it mean for two vectors to be linearly dependent?
Ans. Two vectors Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM
and  Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

 are linearly dependent if one is a scalar multiple of the other:

Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

This means they lie along the same line or are parallel.

Q5.  What are eigenvectors, and why are they important in vector spaces?
Ans. Eigenvectors are special vectors that do not change direction under a linear transformation. They are critical in understanding physical systems, such as vibrations and quantum mechanics:

Vectors and Newton`s law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM

where λ is the eigenvalue.

Q6. Who discovered the three laws of motion?
Ans. Sir Isaac Newton discovered the three laws of motion.

Q7. Can Newton’s laws explain rocket launches?
Ans. Yes, Newton’s laws, especially the third law, explain rocket launches. The exhaust gases are expelled downward with great force (action), and the rocket moves upward with an equal and opposite force (reaction).

Q8.  How do Newton’s laws differ from Einstein’s theories of relativity?
Ans. Newton’s laws apply to everyday speeds and objects, where effects of relativity are negligible. Einstein’s theories of relativity apply when objects approach the speed of light or are in strong gravitational fields.

Q9: How do Newton’s laws apply to sports?
Ans. Newton’s laws are crucial in sports:

1st Law: A stationary basketball remains still until a player applies force to throw it.

2nd Law: The harder a player kicks a ball, the faster it accelerates.

3rd Law: When a swimmer pushes water backward with their hands, they move forward.

Q10. What is the role of vectors in electromagnetism?
Ans. In electromagnetism, vectors represent electric and magnetic fields. Vector operations like divergence, curl, and gradient are used to describe Maxwell’s equations and field interactions.

The document Vectors and Newton's law of Motion | Basic Physics for IIT JAM is a part of the Physics Course Basic Physics for IIT JAM.
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