Q 1: How do green plants synthesize their own food?
Ans. Green plants synthesize their own food by the process of photosynthesis.
Process of PhotosynthesisQ 2: Where do animals get their own food?
Ans. Animals get their food from plants and other animals.
Q 3: What do you mean by crop?
Ans. When plants of the same kind are grown and cultivated in one place on a large scale, it is called a crop.
Q 4: Name two broad cropping patterns.
(a) Kharif crops
(b) Rabi crops
Q 5: Mention the names of two kharif crops.
(a) Paddy crops
(b) Maize crops
Q 6: Write the names of two rabi crops.
(a) Wheat crops
(b) Gram crops
Q 7: What are agricultural practices?
Ans. The various steps to grow crops and storage of grains are collectively known as agricultural practices.
Q 8: What do you mean by the tilling or ploughing?
Ans. The process of loosening and turning the soil is called tilling or ploughing.
Q 9: What is a plough?
Ans. The device used for tilling or ploughing is called plough.
Mild Steel 5 Bottom Plough
Q 10: Name two materials used to make a plough.
Ans. Wood and iron.
Q 11: Name some tools used in agriculture.
Ans. Plough, hoe, cultivator.
Q 12: Write two uses of plough.
(a) It is used for tilling of soil.
(b) It is used to remove the weeds.
Q 13: Write two uses of hoe.
(a) It is used to remove the weeds.
(b) It is used to loosen the soil.
Q 14: What is the traditional tool used for sowing?
Ans. The tool used traditionally for sowing is a funnel-shaped tool.
Q 15: What is manure?
Ans. Manure is an organic substance obtained from the decomposition of plant and animal wastes.
Q 16: What do you mean by manuring?
Ans. The process of providing manure to replenish the soil with nutrients is called manuring.
Q 17: What are fertilizers?
Ans. Fertilizers are the chemical substances which are rich in a particular nutrient.
Q 18: Which is better to use, manure or fertilizers?
Ans. Manure is better than the fertilizers.
Q 19: What do you mean by the term irrigation?
Ans. The supply of water to crops at different intervals is called irrigation.
Q 20: Is the time and frequency of irrigation the same for all the crops?
Ans. The time and frequency of irrigation varies from crop to crop.
Q 21: Write some sources of irrigation.
Ans. Wells, tubewells, ponds, rivers, and canals are the main sources of irrigation.
Q 22: Mention traditional methods of irrigation.
(a) Moat
(b) Chain pump
(c) Dhekli
(d) RahatQ 23: What is the use of pumps?
Ans. Pumps are commonly used for lifting water.
Q 24: What are the modern methods of irrigation?
(a) Sprinkler system
(b) Drip system.
Q 25: What are weeds?
Ans. The unwanted plants growing naturally with the main crop are called weeds.
Q 26: What is weeding?
Ans. The process of removal of weeds is called weeding.
Q 27: What are weedicides?
Ans. The chemical substances which are used to control the weeds are called weedicides.
Q 28: Name a weedicide that is commonly used by the farmers.
Ans. The weedicides commonly used by the farmers are 2, 4 D.
Q 29: Define harvesting.
Ans. The cutting of a crop after it is mature is called harvesting.
Q 30: What is threshing?
Ans. The process by which grains are separated from the chaff is called threshing.
Wheat Threshing
Q 31: What is winnowing?
Ans. It is a process of separation of grain and chaff.
Q 32: Name some harvest festivals.
Ans. Pongal, Baishakhi, Nabanya, and Bihu are some harvest festivals.
Q 33: What do you mean by storage?
Ans. The process of keeping grains for a longer time by saving them from moisture, insects, rats and microorganisms is called storage.
Q 34: Why is it necessary to dry grains before storage?
Ans. The grains are properly dried in the sun to reduce the moisture in them. This prevents attack by insects, pests, fungi and bacteria.
Q 35: Name two devices that are used to store grains at a large scale.
(a) Silos
(b) Granaries
Q 36: What do you mean by animal husbandry?
Ans. Animal husbandry is the process of providing proper food, shelter and care to animals at large scale.
Q 37: Name a vitamin that is found in cod liver oil.
Ans. Vitamin D.
Q 38: Name any two fertilizers.
Ans. NPK, Diammonium phosphate
Q 39: What is combine?
Ans. A combine is a machine that is used for harvesting as well as threshing of crops or simply, we can say combine is a combined harvester and thresher.
CombineQ 40: Name three natural methods of adding nutrients to soil.
Ans. Field fallow, crop rotation, and mixed cropping.
90 videos|273 docs|44 tests
1. What are the different methods of crop production? | ![]() |
2. How can farmers manage pests and diseases in crops effectively? | ![]() |
3. What are the essential nutrients required for healthy crop growth? | ![]() |
4. How does irrigation play a crucial role in crop production? | ![]() |
5. What are the benefits of using fertilizers in crop production? | ![]() |
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