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Worksheet Solutions: Deep Water | English Class 12 PDF Download

Fill in the Blanks

Q1: The writer's fear of water developed after a childhood incident at a beach in ________.
The writer's fear of water developed after a childhood incident at a beach in California, shaping his lifelong phobia.

Q2: The writer's second traumatic water experience occurred at the ________ swimming pool.
The writer's second traumatic water experience occurred at the Y.M.C.A. swimming pool, deepening his fear.

Q3: During his second terrifying incident in the pool, the writer went down to a depth of ________ feet.
During his second terrifying incident in the pool, the writer went down to a depth of nine feet, intensifying his fear.

Q4: When the writer went down the pool for the third time, he ceased all efforts and became ________.
When the writer went down the pool for the third time, he ceased all efforts and became unconscious, highlighting the gravity of his fear.

Q5: The writer's fear of water continued to haunt him, spoiling his experiences in lakes such as Maine Lakes, New Hampshire, Deschutes, and ________.
Bumping Lake
The writer's fear of water continued to haunt him, spoiling his experiences in lakes such as Maine Lakes, New Hampshire, Deschutes, and Bumping Lake, illustrating the extent of his phobia.

Q6: The writer overcame his fear of water by seeking help from a ________ instructor.
The writer overcame his fear of water by seeking help from a swimming instructor, demonstrating his determination to conquer his fear.

Q7: The instructor taught the writer swimming piece by ________.
The instructor taught the writer swimming piece by piece, emphasizing the gradual approach to overcoming fear.

Q8: The writer realized that in death, there is ________, and there is terror only in the fear of death.
The writer realized that in death, there is peace, and there is terror only in the fear of death, highlighting a profound insight about fear and mortality.

Q9: The story emphasizes that the will to live is stronger than the fear of ________.
The story emphasizes that the will to live is stronger than the fear of death, underscoring the power of human resilience.

Q10: The writer's determination to conquer his fear led him to confront the challenge of fear by ________ it.
The writer's determination to conquer his fear led him to confront the challenge of fear by defying it, showcasing his bravery and determination.

Assertion and Reason Based

Q1: Assertion: The writer's father's laughter after the beach incident increased the writer's fear of water.
Reason: The father knew there was no harm to the child.
(a) Both assertion and reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true, but the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) Assertion is true, but the reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false, but the reason is true.

Ans: (b)
The father's laughter did increase the writer's fear, but the reason doesn't provide a direct explanation.

Q2: Assertion: The writer's second traumatic experience in the pool caused him to go deeper into the water.
Reason: The writer intentionally swam down to confront his fear.
(a) Both assertion and reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true, but the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) Assertion is true, but the reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false, but the reason is true.

Ans: (a)
The assertion and reason both accurately describe the situation where the writer went deeper due to the push and not by his own choice.

Q3: Assertion: The writer's fear of water vanished completely after taking swimming lessons from an instructor.
Reason: The instructor taught him swimming piece by piece.
(a) Both assertion and reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true, but the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) Assertion is true, but the reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false, but the reason is true.

Ans: (a)
The instructor teaching swimming piece by piece is the correct reason for the assertion that the writer's fear vanished.

Q4: Assertion: The writer believed that in death, there is peace and there is terror only in the fear of death.
Reason: The writer faced the challenge of fear deliberately in various places.
(a) Both assertion and reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true, but the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) Assertion is true, but the reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false, but the reason is true.

Ans: (a)
The writer's deliberate confrontation of fear is the reason for his realization about peace and fear of death.

Q5: Assertion: The will to live is stronger than the fear of death.
Reason: The writer overcame his fear of water by confronting it.
(a) Both assertion and reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true, but the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) Assertion is true, but the reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false, but the reason is true.

Ans: (a)
The writer's overcoming of fear by confronting it directly supports the assertion that the will to live is stronger than the fear of death.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Q1: What was the incident at a California beach that triggered the writer's fear of water?
The incident was a near-drowning experience when the writer was caught in a strong undertow at a California beach.

Q2: Where did the second traumatic water experience occur for the writer?
The second traumatic water experience occurred in a swimming pool.

Q3: How deep did the writer go when he was pushed into the pool?
The writer was pushed into the pool and went down eight feet deep.

Q4: What happened when the writer went down the pool for the third time?
The writer's father jumped in and saved him from drowning.

Q5: What did the writer's fear of water spoil in his life?
The writer's fear of water prevented him from enjoying activities like swimming and boating.

Q6: Whom did the writer seek help from to learn swimming?
The writer sought help from a swimming instructor to overcome his fear and learn swimming.

Q7: How did the swimming instructor teach the writer?
The swimming instructor used a gentle approach, starting with shallow water and gradually increasing the depth as the writer gained confidence.

Q8: Where did the writer confront his fear of water?
The writer confronted his fear of water in a swimming pool.

Q9: What did the writer realize about peace and fear of death?
The writer realized that peace can be found by conquering the fear of death and embracing life.

Q10: What does the story "Deep Waters" highlight about the will to live?
The story highlights the importance of the will to live and how overcoming fears and challenges can lead to a fulfilling and enjoyable life.

Short Answer Type Questions

Q1: Explain the incident at the California beach and its impact on the writer's fear of water.
The incident at the California beach involved the writer being caught in a powerful undertow that dragged him out to sea. He was unable to swim back to shore and thought he would drown. This traumatic experience deeply impacted his fear of water, instilling a sense of helplessness and fear of drowning.

Q2: Describe the writer's second traumatic experience at the YMCA swimming pool.
At the YMCA swimming pool, the writer accidentally fell into the deep end while trying to climb out. He panicked and struggled to stay afloat, fearing that he would drown. This second traumatic experience reinforced his fear of water and made him even more apprehensive about swimming.

Q3: How did the writer's fear of water affect his life and outdoor activities?
Ans: The writer's fear of water greatly limited his participation in outdoor activities, particularly those involving water. He avoided swimming, boating, and other water-related activities due to his overwhelming fear. This fear also prevented him from fully enjoying vacations or socializing with friends and family near bodies of water.

Q4: How did the writer overcome his fear of water?
The writer overcame his fear of water through a gradual process of exposure and desensitization. He started by taking swimming lessons with a patient and understanding instructor. He also deliberately confronted his fear by swimming in different places and gradually building up his confidence and skills in the water.

Q5: Explain the significance of the swimming instructor in the writer's journey to overcome his fear.
The swimming instructor played a crucial role in the writer's journey to overcome his fear. They provided guidance, support, and encouragement throughout the swimming lessons. Their patience and understanding helped the writer build trust and confidence in the water, ultimately enabling him to conquer his fear.

Q6: Why did the writer confront his fear of water deliberately in various places?
The writer deliberately confronted his fear of water in various places to challenge himself and push his boundaries. By exposing himself to different swimming environments, he aimed to prove to himself that he could overcome his fear and regain control over his life. This deliberate confrontation helped him build resilience and confidence in the face of his fear.

Q7: What realization did the writer have about peace and the fear of death?
The writer realized that peace cannot be found when living in constant fear, particularly the fear of death. By confronting his fear of water and overcoming it, he discovered a sense of peace and liberation. He understood that living in fear is not truly living, and by conquering his fear, he found a greater appreciation for life and a sense of inner peace.

Q8: What message does the story convey about the strength of the will to live?
The story conveys that the strength of the will to live can overcome even the most profound fears. Despite experiencing traumatic incidents and developing a deep fear of water, the writer's determination and resilience enabled him to conquer his fear and regain control over his life. It emphasizes the power of the human spirit and the ability to overcome obstacles through perseverance and a strong will to live.

Long Answer Type Questions

Q1: Describe in detail the two traumatic experiences that led to the writer's fear of water, and their lasting impact on him.
Ans: The writer's fear of water stems from two traumatic experiences in his life. The first incident occurred when he was just six years old. He was playing near a river with his friends when he slipped and fell into the water. The strong current dragged him downstream, and he struggled to stay afloat. His friends managed to pull him out of the water, but the experience left a deep emotional scar on the writer.

  • The second incident took place when the writer was in his early teens. He went on a family vacation to the beach and decided to try surfing for the first time. However, his lack of experience and knowledge about the sea led to a dangerous situation. A large wave knocked him off his surfboard, and he was dragged underwater by the force of the water. He panicked and struggled to find his way to the surface, fearing that he would drown. Eventually, he was able to reach the shore with the help of a lifeguard, but the incident intensified his fear of water.
  • These traumatic experiences had a lasting impact on the writer. He developed a deep phobia of water and became terrified of any body of water, whether it was a pool, a lake, or even a bathtub. The fear manifested in physical symptoms such as sweating, increased heart rate, and difficulty breathing whenever he was near water. This fear not only limited his enjoyment of various activities but also affected his daily life, as he constantly had to avoid situations involving water.

Q2: Explain the steps the writer took to conquer his fear of water, from seeking help to confronting his fear deliberately.
Ans: The writer was determined to overcome his fear of water and took several steps to conquer it. The first step he took was seeking professional help. He consulted a therapist who specialized in phobias and anxiety disorders. The therapist helped him understand the root causes of his fear and provided him with coping mechanisms to manage his anxiety. Through therapy, the writer gained insight into his fear and developed the necessary tools to confront it.

  • The next step the writer took was gradual exposure to water. He started by visiting a community pool and observing others swimming from a distance. As he grew more comfortable, he began sitting by the edge of the pool, gradually getting closer to the water. He would take deep breaths and practice relaxation techniques to calm his anxiety. Over time, he was able to dip his feet in the water and eventually progressed to wading in the shallow end of the pool.
  • To further challenge himself, the writer enrolled in swimming lessons. With the guidance of a patient and understanding instructor, he learned the basic swimming techniques and gradually built his confidence in the water. The structured environment of the swimming lessons provided a sense of safety and support, allowing him to confront his fear in a controlled setting.
  • The final step in conquering his fear of water was deliberately facing his fear head-on. The writer decided to go on a snorkeling trip with friends. Despite his initial apprehension, he put on the snorkeling gear and ventured into the open water. It was a challenging experience, but with the encouragement of his friends and the knowledge that he had come a long way, he managed to stay calm and enjoy the beauty beneath the surface. This deliberate confrontation of his fear marked a major milestone in his journey towards overcoming his fear of water.

Q3: Analyze the writer's realization about peace and the fear of death, and how it changed his perspective on life.
Ans: The writer had a profound realization about peace and the fear of death during his snorkeling experience. As he immersed himself in the underwater world, he was captivated by the tranquility and serenity of the marine life. The colorful fish swimming gracefully and the rhythmic sound of his own breathing created a sense of peace that he had never experienced before. In that moment, the writer realized that peace could be found even in the most unexpected places, like the depths of the ocean.

  • This realization had a transformative effect on the writer's perspective on life. He began to see that his fear of death was holding him back from fully embracing life. The fear of death had been a constant companion, lurking in the depths of his subconscious and influencing his decisions. However, as he confronted his fear of water and immersed himself in the underwater world, he realized that death was just a part of the natural cycle of life.
  • The writer understood that life was meant to be lived fully, without the shadow of fear looming over every experience. He realized that by constantly fearing death, he was missing out on the beauty and joy that life had to offer. This newfound perspective allowed him to let go of his fear and embrace the present moment. He became more appreciative of the small pleasures in life, and his overall outlook became more positive and optimistic.

Q4: Discuss the overall theme of overcoming fear and the resilience of the human spirit as portrayed in the story "Deep Waters."
Ans: The overall theme of overcoming fear and the resilience of the human spirit is prominently portrayed in the story "Deep Waters." The writer's journey from a paralyzing fear of water to conquering his phobia demonstrates the indomitable spirit of the human psyche.

  • Through the writer's experiences and the steps he took to confront his fear, the story highlights the power of seeking help and facing one's fears head-on. It emphasizes that fear, no matter how deep-rooted, can be overcome with determination, support, and gradual exposure to the source of fear.
  • The story also underscores the transformative effect of overcoming fear. As the writer conquers his fear of water, he undergoes a profound shift in perspective. His realization about peace and the fear of death opens his eyes to the beauty and joys of life. This transformation showcases the resilience of the human spirit and its ability to adapt and grow.
  • Furthermore, the story conveys the message that overcoming fear is a journey, not a destination. It requires patience, perseverance, and a willingness to step outside one's comfort zone. The writer's gradual exposure to water, from observing to wading to swimming, exemplifies the incremental progress that can be made in conquering fear.
  • Overall, "Deep Waters" serves as an inspiring narrative that encourages readers to confront their own fears and embrace the resilience of the human spirit. It reminds us that fear should not hinder us from living life to the fullest and that with determination and support, we can overcome even the most deeply ingrained fears.
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