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Worksheet Solutions: Poem - Aunt Jennifer's Tiger | English Class 12 PDF Download

Fill in the Blanks

Q1: Aunt Jennifer creates tigers in her artwork to _______________ her suppressed feelings and desires.
Ans: express
The poem makes it clear that Aunt Jennifer's artwork serves as an outlet for her inner emotions and unfulfilled desires. She uses her art to convey what she cannot express openly.

Q2: The tigers woven by Aunt Jennifer are described as _______________ and have no fear of men.
Ans: fearless
This description is found in the poem. The tigers represent Aunt Jennifer's desire for freedom and her longing for a fearless existence.

Q3: Aunt Jennifer's husband is depicted as _______________ in the poem.
Ans: domineering
The poem portrays Aunt Jennifer's husband as a dominating figure who suppresses her and makes her feel oppressed.

Q4: Aunt Jennifer's fingers flutter because of _______________.
Ans: her fear and anxiety
Her fear and anxiety, stemming from her marital situation, make her fingers tremble when she works on her art.

Q5: Aunt Jennifer's artistic work is done in her _______________ time.
Ans: leisure
The poem mentions that Aunt Jennifer can only work on her art in her limited free time.

Q6: The tigers in Aunt Jennifer's artwork symbolize her desire to move _______________ and _______________.
Ans: proudly and fearlessly
The tigers represent Aunt Jennifer's longing to be free and fearless, which she cannot be in her married life.

Q7: Aunt Jennifer's fear of her husband dominates her _______________.
Ans: life
The fear of her husband's dominance and oppression significantly affects Aunt Jennifer's life and choices.

Q8: According to the poem, Aunt Jennifer will die, but her _______________ will express her desires.
Ans: artwork
The poem suggests that Aunt Jennifer's art will outlive her and continue to reflect her desire for freedom and self-expression.

Q9: The tigers in Aunt Jennifer's artwork are described as moving boldly and smoothly towards their _______________.
Ans: goal
The poem describes the tigers as determined and fearless in their movement, symbolizing Aunt Jennifer's desire to reach her goals.

Q10: The primary theme of the poem "Aunt Jennifer's Tiger" is _______________.
Ans: gender oppression
The poem primarily deals with the theme of gender oppression and the consequences it has on Aunt Jennifer's life and art.

Assertion and Reason Based

Q1: Assertion: Aunt Jennifer's tigers are described as fearless and bold.
Reason: Aunt Jennifer's husband appreciates her artistic talent.
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true, and Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true, but Reason is not the correct explanation of the Assertion.
(c) Assertion is true, but Reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false, but Reason is true.

Ans: (b)
While the assertion is true, the reason given is not accurate. The poem doesn't indicate that Aunt Jennifer's husband appreciates her art. Instead, her tigers symbolize her desire for freedom.

Q2: Assertion: Aunt Jennifer finds it difficult to make pictures with the ivory needle.
Reason: She is physically weak and unable to handle the needle.

(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true, and Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true, but Reason is not the correct explanation of the Assertion.
(c) Assertion is true, but Reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false, but Reason is true.

Ans: (a)
Both the assertion and reason are true. Aunt Jennifer's trembling fingers make it difficult for her to work with the ivory needle, which suggests physical weakness due to suppression and fear.

Q3: Assertion: Aunt Jennifer's tigers symbolize her desire for freedom.
Reason: Her husband supports her artistic endeavors.

(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true, and Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true, but Reason is not the correct explanation of the Assertion.
(c) Assertion is true, but Reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false, but Reason is true.

Ans: (c)
The assertion is true, as the tigers do symbolize her desire for freedom. However, the reason is false; her husband does not support her artistic endeavors.

Q4: Assertion: Aunt Jennifer is a happy and content woman.
Reason: She expresses her feelings through her artwork.

(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true, and Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true, but Reason is not the correct explanation of the Assertion.
(c) Assertion is true, but Reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false, but Reason is true.

Ans: (d)
The assertion is false. Aunt Jennifer is not depicted as a happy and content woman. The reason is true; she uses her art to express her feelings, but her art is born out of her suppressed emotions.

Q5: Assertion: The tigers in Aunt Jennifer's artwork are unaffected by the men beneath the tree.
Reason: The tigers represent Aunt Jennifer's fear of men.

(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true, and Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true, but Reason is not the correct explanation of the Assertion.
(c) Assertion is true, but Reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false, but Reason is true.

Ans: (b)
Both the assertion and reason are true. The tigers are unaffected by the men, but their purpose is to symbolize Aunt Jennifer's desire for freedom, not just her fear of men.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Q1: What is the central theme of the poem "Aunt Jennifer's Tiger"?
Ans: The central theme of the poem "Aunt Jennifer's Tiger" is gender oppression and the desire for freedom.

Q2: How are Aunt Jennifer's tigers described in the poem?
Ans: Aunt Jennifer's tigers in the poem are described as bright, fearless, and magnificent.

Q3: What is the significance of Aunt Jennifer's trembling fingers?
Ans: Aunt Jennifer's trembling fingers are symbolic of her suppressed emotions and fear due to her oppressive marriage.

Q4: Why does Aunt Jennifer create tigers in her artwork?
Ans: Aunt Jennifer creates tigers in her artwork as a way to express her desire for freedom and power that she lacks in her own life.

Q5: In what setting are the tigers placed in Aunt Jennifer's artwork?
Ans: The tigers in Aunt Jennifer's artwork are placed in a green jungle.

Q6: Describe Aunt Jennifer's feelings about her artistic work.
Ans: Aunt Jennifer struggles with her artistic work and can only work on it during her leisure time.

Q7: What does the poem suggest about Aunt Jennifer's husband?
Ans: The poem suggests that Aunt Jennifer's husband is dominating and oppressive.

Q8: How are Aunt Jennifer's tigers portrayed in contrast to the men under the tree?
Ans: Aunt Jennifer's tigers are portrayed as fearless and unaffected by the men beneath the tree.

Q9: How does Aunt Jennifer's artwork express her desires?
Ans: Aunt Jennifer's artwork expresses her desires to move proudly and fearlessly like the tigers she has created.

Q10: What is the ultimate fate of Aunt Jennifer in the poem?
Ans: The ultimate fate of Aunt Jennifer in the poem is that she will die, but her art will continue to reflect her desires for freedom and self-expression.

Short Answer Type Questions

Q1: Explain the symbolism of the tigers in Aunt Jennifer's artwork and how they represent her suppressed feelings.
Ans: The tigers in Aunt Jennifer's artwork serve as symbols of her suppressed emotions and desires. They represent her yearning for a fearless and free existence that she cannot achieve in her oppressive married life. The tigers, described as bright and fearless, embody Aunt Jennifer's longing to break free from societal constraints.

Q2: Describe the role of Aunt Jennifer's husband in her life and how it affects her artistic expression.
Ans: Aunt Jennifer's husband is portrayed as a dominating figure in her life. He oppresses her, which is reflected in her trembling fingers and her inability to fully express herself through her art. Her husband's dominance restricts her artistic freedom and happiness.

Q3: Discuss the imagery used in the poem to depict Aunt Jennifer's tigers and their contrast with the men beneath the tree.
Ans: The poem uses vivid imagery to depict Aunt Jennifer's tigers and their contrast with the men under the tree. The tigers are portrayed as moving boldly and smoothly, symbolizing determination and fearlessness. In contrast, the men under the tree are passive and insignificant, highlighting the contrast between Aunt Jennifer's suppressed desires and societal norms.

Q4: Explain the significance of the tigers moving "boldly and smoothly" towards their goal in the poem.
Ans: The tigers' movement in Aunt Jennifer's artwork is significant as it represents her desire to achieve her goals boldly and smoothly, just like the tigers. It symbolizes her yearning for freedom and her determination to break free from the constraints of her marriage.

Q5: Analyze how Aunt Jennifer's fear and oppression are reflected in her artwork and her life.
Ans: Aunt Jennifer's artwork serves as a medium to reflect her fear and oppression. Her trembling hands and the tigers' fearless and bright appearance contrast her inner turmoil. The art acts as an outlet for her emotions and unfulfilled desires.

Q6: What is the emotional state of Aunt Jennifer as portrayed in the poem, and how does her art serve as a form of liberation?
Ans: Aunt Jennifer's emotional state is one of fear, anxiety, and suppression. She feels dominated and oppressed by her husband, which is reflected in her trembling fingers. Her art provides her with a sense of liberation, where she can express her suppressed emotions and desires.

Q7: How does Aunt Jennifer's situation reflect the societal norms and gender discrimination of the time?
Ans: Aunt Jennifer's situation reflects the societal norms and gender discrimination of her time. She is expected to conform to the role of a submissive wife, and her artistic pursuits are limited by her husband's dominance. This highlights the prevalent gender discrimination and oppression women faced in a male-dominated society.

Q8: Discuss the poem's message regarding the lasting impact of Aunt Jennifer's art.
Ans: The poem conveys a message about the lasting impact of art as a form of self-expression and liberation. Aunt Jennifer's art will outlive her, continuing to symbolize her desire for freedom and fearlessness. It serves as a testament to her inner strength and resilience in the face of gender oppression.

Long Answer Type Questions

Q1: Provide a detailed analysis of Aunt Jennifer's character, her marriage, and the role of her artistic work in the poem.
Ans: Aunt Jennifer is depicted as a character who is trapped in a suffocating marriage and societal norms. She is symbolic of many women of her time who were oppressed and suppressed in a male-dominated society. Her marriage is dominated by a controlling and oppressive husband, which is evident in her trembling fingers. Her artistic work becomes her means of escape, a way to express her inner desires and feelings. Through her art, she weaves tigers that are fearless, bright, and magnificent, which contrasts the bleakness of her married life.
Aunt Jennifer's artistic work symbolizes her yearning for freedom and her desire to break free from societal constraints. The tigers represent her hopes, her aspirations for a life that is bold, fearless, and unburdened by fear. While she may not achieve this freedom in reality, her art allows her to live vicariously through the tigers she creates. Ultimately, her art becomes a form of resistance against the oppression she faces in her marriage, and it will continue to express her desire for liberation even after her death.

Q2: Explore the themes of freedom, fear, and suppression as depicted in "Aunt Jennifer's Tiger." How do these themes connect to Aunt Jennifer's life and art?
Ans: The themes of freedom, fear, and suppression are central to the poem "Aunt Jennifer's Tiger." Aunt Jennifer is a woman who is suppressed and dominated by her husband and society's expectations. Her life is marked by fear, anxiety, and a lack of personal freedom. Her trembling fingers symbolize the physical manifestation of her inner turmoil and the fear she experiences due to her oppressive marriage.
In contrast, Aunt Jennifer's art, particularly the tigers she creates, serves as a form of liberation. The tigers embody the freedom she yearns for, fearlessness she can only dream of, and the ability to move boldly towards her desires. Her art becomes a channel through which she can express her suppressed feelings and desires, allowing her to experience a sense of liberation in a world where she is otherwise oppressed.

Q3: Discuss the literary devices and poetic techniques used in the poem to convey Aunt Jennifer's emotions and desires through her art.
Ans: "Aunt Jennifer's Tiger" utilizes various literary devices and poetic techniques to convey Aunt Jennifer's emotions and desires through her art.
One of the key literary devices used in the poem is symbolism. The tiger created by Aunt Jennifer symbolizes her desires for strength, freedom, and independence. The tiger represents the qualities that she may feel lacking in her own life, and through her art, she is able to embody these qualities.
Imagery is another important poetic technique employed in the poem. The vivid descriptions of Aunt Jennifer's art, such as the "bright topaz denizens of a world of green" and the "fearful symmetry" of the tiger, create a visual image in the reader's mind. These images evoke Aunt Jennifer's emotions and desires, allowing the reader to connect with her on a deeper level.
The use of metaphors and similes further enhances the poem's emotional impact. For example, the phrase "the massive weight of Uncle's wedding band" is a metaphor for the burden of Aunt Jennifer's marriage. It conveys the oppressive nature of her marital obligations. The simile "sleek chivalric certainty" is used to describe the tiger's movement, emphasizing its power and grace.
The poem also employs enjambment, where the lines of the poem do not end with punctuation marks, but continue onto the next line. This technique creates a sense of fluidity and continuity, mirroring the flow of Aunt Jennifer's emotions and desires through her art.
Overall, these literary devices and poetic techniques are used effectively in "Aunt Jennifer's Tiger" to convey Aunt Jennifer's emotions and desires through her art, allowing the reader to empathize with her and understand the significance of her artistic work.

Q4: What broader social commentary does "Aunt Jennifer's Tiger" make about women's roles and expectations in a male-dominated society? Explain with examples from the poem.
Ans: "Aunt Jennifer's Tiger" offers a broader social commentary on women's roles and expectations in a male-dominated society. The poem highlights the oppressive nature of gender roles and the limitations placed on women's lives.
One example of this social commentary is Aunt Jennifer's oppressive marriage. The poem suggests that her husband is domineering and controlling, as indicated by the "massive weight of Uncle's wedding band." This symbolizes the burden of societal expectations placed on women to conform to traditional gender roles. Aunt Jennifer's fear and suppression in her marriage reflect the societal constraints placed on women in a male-dominated society.
The creation of the tiger in Aunt Jennifer's art becomes a symbol of resistance and empowerment. The poem describes the tiger as "prancing, proud, and unafraid," highlighting the qualities that Aunt Jennifer may aspire to possess. Through her art, she is able to momentarily transcend the limitations imposed on her by society and assert her own agency.
The poem also suggests that art can serve as a means of liberation for women. Aunt Jennifer's needlework allows her to create a world where she can express her desires and aspirations freely. It becomes a form of resistance against the societal expectations that confine her.
Overall, "Aunt Jennifer's Tiger" comments on the restrictive nature of women's roles and expectations in a male-dominated society. It highlights the desire for freedom and empowerment that women may yearn for and the potential for art to provide an avenue for self-expression and resistance.

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