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Worksheet Solutions: Rattrap | English Class 12 PDF Download

Fill in the Blanks

Q1: The rattrap peddler made ____________ to survive.
The rattrap peddler made traps to survive, using his skills to create small wire traps for his livelihood.

Q2: The peddler found shelter in a cottage on a ____________ evening in December.
The peddler found shelter in a cottage on a stormy evening in December, seeking refuge from the harsh weather conditions.

Q3: The crofter received ____________ kronors as payment for selling his cow's milk.
The crofter received fifteen kronors as payment for selling his cow's milk, indicating the amount of money he earned for his produce.

Q4: The peddler smashed a window pane to steal the money hanging in the window frame as ____________.
The peddler smashed a window pane to steal the money hanging in the window frame as temptation, succumbing to the lure of easy money.

Q5: The peddler thought he was trapped in the ____________.
The peddler thought he was trapped in the world, metaphorically representing his feeling of being ensnared by life's struggles and challenges.

Q6: The peddler sought shelter at Ramsjo ____________.
The peddler sought shelter at Ramsjo Ironworks, a place where he found temporary refuge from the cold and confusion.

Q7: The owner of Ramsjo Ironworks thought the peddler was his old ____________.
The owner of Ramsjo Ironworks thought the peddler was his old friend, mistakenly identifying him as someone he knew from the past.

Q8: The ironmaster's daughter, Edla, convinced the peddler to stay for ____________.
The ironmaster's daughter, Edla, convinced the peddler to stay for Christmas, displaying her kindness and persuasive nature.

Q9: The peddler left a Christmas present for Edla, which was a ____________.
The peddler left a Christmas present for Edla, which was a rattrap, symbolizing his belief that life itself is a trap with temptations as bait.

Q10: In the church, they learned that a rattrap peddler had robbed an old ____________.
In the church, they learned that a rattrap peddler had robbed an old parishioner, indicating the crime committed by a fellow church member.

Assertion and Reason Based

Q1: Assertion: The rattrap peddler initially declined the ironmaster's invitation.
Reason: He was afraid of being arrested.
(a) Both assertion and reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true, but the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) Assertion is true, but the reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false, but the reason is true.

Ans: (a)
The peddler initially declined the ironmaster's invitation because he was afraid of being arrested. This fear was reasonable given his past as a rattrap peddler who resorted to begging and stealing for survival. His fear of legal consequences is the correct explanation for his initial refusal of the invitation.

Q2: Assertion: Edla wanted the peddler to stay for Christmas Eve.
Reason: She wanted to repay the kindness the peddler had shown them.
(a) Both assertion and reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true, but the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) Assertion is true, but the reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false, but the reason is true.

Ans: (a)
Edla wanted the peddler to stay for Christmas Eve because she wanted to repay the kindness he had shown them. Her desire to show gratitude and kindness to the peddler is the correct explanation for her invitation and her insistence on him staying.

Q3: Assertion: The peddler left a rattrap as a Christmas present for Edla.
Reason: He wanted to steal more from the ironmaster's house.
(a) Both assertion and reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true, but the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) Assertion is true, but the reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false, but the reason is true.

Ans: (b)
The peddler left a rattrap as a Christmas present for Edla, but the reason he did so was not to steal more from the ironmaster's house. Instead, he left the rattrap as a symbolic gesture, emphasizing his belief that the world itself is a rattrap. He wanted to convey the idea that everyone, including himself, could be trapped by desires and temptations just like the bait in a rattrap.

Q4: Assertion: The peddler was successful in stealing from the ironmaster's house.
Reason: The ironmaster realized the peddler was a thief.
(a) Both assertion and reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true, but the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) Assertion is true, but the reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false, but the reason is true.

Ans: (c)
The peddler was not successful in stealing from the ironmaster's house. The ironmaster realized the peddler was not Captain von Stable, the person he initially mistook him for, and thought of handing him to the sheriff. However, the peddler left without taking anything, showing that he was not successful in his attempted theft.

Q5: Assertion: The peddler was able to escape from the forest.
Reason: He heard the thumping sounds from Ramsjo Ironworks.
(a) Both assertion and reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true, but the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) Assertion is true, but the reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false, but the reason is true.

Ans: (a)
The peddler was able to escape from the forest because he heard the thumping sounds from Ramsjo Ironworks. This noise guided him in the right direction, leading him to the ironworks where he found shelter. The thumping sounds from the ironworks were indeed the reason he could escape the confusing forest.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Q1: Describe the appearance of the rattrap peddler.
The peddler was a ragged old man with a worn-out hat and a long, unkempt beard.

Q2: What did the peddler think about the world?
: The peddler thought that the world was nothing but a big rattrap, set to trap people with false promises and entice them into troubles.

Q3: How did the peddler manage to get food and materials for his rattraps?
The peddler managed to get food and materials for his rattraps by selling small rattraps made from twisted wire in exchange for whatever he needed.

Q4: Where did the peddler seek shelter on a cold December evening?
The peddler sought shelter in an empty cottage on a cold December evening.

Q5: What did the crofter show the peddler before going to bed?
The crofter showed the peddler a newspaper article about a thief who was on the run before going to bed.

Q6: How did the peddler escape from the crofter's cottage?
The peddler escaped from the crofter's cottage by jumping out of the window when he heard a loud noise.

Q7: Why did the peddler feel like he was caught in a rattrap in the forest?
The peddler felt like he was caught in a rattrap in the forest because he accidentally stepped into a trap while trying to find his way out.

Q8: What sound did the peddler hear in the forest?
The peddler heard the sound of iron striking against iron in the forest.

Q9: Who mistook the peddler for an old acquaintance?
Edla mistook the peddler for an old acquaintance named Captain von Stahle.

Q10: How did Edla convince the peddler to stay for Christmas Eve?
Edla convinced the peddler to stay for Christmas Eve by offering him a warm and welcoming home, a good meal, and the chance to experience the joy of being with family during the holidays.

Short Answer Type Questions

Q1: Explain the concept of the world being a rattrap as per the peddler's perspective.
Ans: According to the peddler, the world is like a rattrap. He believes that life is full of traps and temptations that lure people in. Just like a rat is attracted to the bait in a rattrap, people are drawn towards materialistic desires and promises of happiness. However, these traps eventually lead to disappointment and misery, trapping individuals in a cycle of greed and deceit.

Q2: Describe the hospitality offered by the crofter to the peddler.
Ans: The crofter, who initially mistook the peddler for an old acquaintance, offered him warm hospitality. He welcomed the peddler into his cottage, provided him with food and drink, and even offered him a place to sleep for the night. The crofter's kindness and generosity left a lasting impression on the peddler.

Q3: Why did the peddler hesitate to accept the ironmaster's invitation initially?
Ans: The peddler hesitated to accept the ironmaster's invitation because he believed it to be another trap. He suspected that the ironmaster's kindness was just a ploy to capture him and hand him over to the authorities for his past wrongdoings. The peddler, aware of his own troubled history, was distrustful of any offers of goodwill.

Q4: How did the ironmaster's daughter, Edla, contribute to the peddler's change of heart?
Ans: Edla, the ironmaster's daughter, showed genuine kindness and compassion towards the peddler. She engaged him in sincere conversation, treated him with respect, and even defended him against her father's suspicions. Her genuine concern and understanding touched the peddler's heart, gradually melting away his distrust and leading to a change of heart.

Q5: What was the peddler's Christmas present to Edla, and why did he leave it?
Ans: The peddler's Christmas present to Edla was a rattrap made of wire. He had crafted it with great care and creativity. However, he decided to leave it behind because he felt guilty about taking advantage of Edla's kindness. He did not want to deceive her trust or burden her with the knowledge of his true intentions.

Q6: What did they learn about the peddler at church, and how did Edla react?
Ans: At church, they learned that the peddler was a former convict who had escaped from prison. Edla, upon discovering this truth, did not waver in her faith in the peddler. Instead, she sympathized with his circumstances and saw the goodness in him. Her reaction was one of empathy and understanding.

Q7: How did the ironmaster and Edla feel when they realized the peddler had not stolen from them?
Ans: The ironmaster and Edla felt a mix of relief and guilt when they realized that the peddler had not stolen from them. They were relieved to discover that their trust in him was not misplaced. However, they also felt guilty for suspecting him and treating him with suspicion. Their initial doubts gave way to remorse and a desire to make amends.

Q8: What does the peddler's letter to Edla reveal about his character and intentions?
Ans: The peddler's letter to Edla reveals his gratitude, remorse, and desire for redemption. He expresses his thanks for her kindness and understanding, acknowledging that it had a profound impact on him. He also admits to his past mistakes and reveals his intention to start afresh, seeking an honest and respectable life. The letter showcases the peddler's genuine character and his sincere efforts to change for the better.

Long Answer Type Questions

Q1: Describe the life and struggles of the rattrap peddler before he sought shelter at the crofter's cottage. What motivated him to steal the money?
Ans: Before seeking shelter at the crofter's cottage, the rattrap peddler led a difficult and impoverished life. He was a wanderer, living on the fringes of society, and surviving by selling rattraps and small trinkets. He had no real home or steady source of income.

  • The peddler's struggles were not only financial but also emotional. He felt trapped in a world that he saw as a rattrap, a metaphor for his own life. Just like a rattrap, he believed that the world enticed people with false promises and then trapped them.
  • His motivation to steal the money came from a combination of desperation and opportunity. When he stumbled upon the crofter's cottage, he saw the possibility of escaping his miserable existence. The temptation of the money was too great for him to resist, as it offered the chance to break free from the cycle of poverty and uncertainty.

Q2: Explain the significance of the peddler's concept of the world being a rattrap and how it reflects his view of human nature.
Ans: The peddler's concept of the world being a rattrap is significant as it represents his cynical view of human nature. According to him, just like a rattrap lures unsuspecting rats with bait, the world entices people with false promises and traps them in a cycle of desires and disappointments.

  • The peddler sees himself and others as trapped individuals, constantly searching for happiness and fulfillment. He believes that everyone is susceptible to the temptations of material wealth and that greed and selfishness drive human actions. In his view, people are like rats, easily ensnared by the enticements of the world.
  • This concept reflects the peddler's own experiences of feeling trapped and disillusioned. It also highlights his belief that human nature is inherently flawed, driven by base desires and easily swayed by external influences.

Q3: Discuss the transformation of the peddler's character and his relationship with Edla during his stay at Ramsjo Ironworks. How did Edla's kindness influence him?
Ans: During his stay at Ramsjo Ironworks, the peddler undergoes a significant transformation in character, largely influenced by the kindness shown to him by Edla, the ironmaster's daughter.

  • Initially, the peddler is suspicious and guarded, expecting deceit and betrayal from others. However, Edla's genuine kindness and compassion break down his defenses. She treats him with respect and shows him empathy, seeing beyond his appearance and social status.
  • Edla's kindness not only provides the peddler with physical comfort but also restores his faith in humanity. He begins to question his cynical view of the world and reconsiders his belief that everyone is selfish and deceptive.
  • The peddler's relationship with Edla evolves from one of mistrust to friendship. He grows fond of her and appreciates her sincere efforts to help him. Edla's kindness acts as a catalyst for the peddler's transformation, inspiring him to reassess his own behavior and seek redemption.

Q4: Analyze the ending of the story, focusing on the peddler's decision to leave the Christmas present and the message in his letter. What does it reveal about the themes of kindness and redemption in the story?
Ans: The ending of the story is significant in its portrayal of the peddler's decision to leave the Christmas present and the message in his letter. It highlights the themes of kindness and redemption that run throughout the narrative.

  • By leaving the Christmas present, the peddler expresses his gratitude and appreciation for the kindness he experienced at Ramsjo Ironworks. The present symbolizes his heartfelt desire to reciprocate the generosity shown to him, despite his past actions and beliefs.
  • The message in his letter further emphasizes the peddler's transformation and redemption. He acknowledges the impact of Edla's kindness on his life and expresses his newfound belief in the goodness of humanity. The letter serves as a testament to his changed perspective and his desire to embrace a more positive and compassionate outlook.
  • The peddler's decision to leave the present and the message reveals the transformative power of kindness. It demonstrates that acts of compassion can inspire change in individuals, prompting them to reconsider their own actions and beliefs. It also highlights the potential for redemption, as the peddler seeks to make amends for his past behavior and embrace a more hopeful future.
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