Key Points :
1.1 Meaning and objectives of planning :
“Planning is a way to systematize, direct and organise the events or competitions and extract the advantage and benefit of the available resources.”
“Planning is the process of making a sequence of work for a future line of action”
The success of Physical education programmes depends upon efficient staffing, food, direction, proper control, well supervision, good co-ordination and minimize the chances of lapses.
1.2 Various committees and their responsibilities
1.3 Tournament: A series of sports competitions, in which, a team finally wins and the rest of the participating teams lose the matches. It depends on various actors i.e. - No. of participating teams, availability of grounds and equipment, No. of days and funds.
Importance of tournament
Type of tournament
A. Knock out : In this type of tournament, the team once defeated, gets eliminated from the tournament. Only the winning teams contest in the next rounds. Opportunities are given to the winning players/teams.
B. League: In single league tournament all participating teams compete once, with each other, whereas in double league, each team plays with every as in double league, each team plays every other team twice, without any consideration of victory or defeat.
C. Combination Tournaments: Combination tournaments are organized in group or zonal matches. Whenever there is a large number of teams, combination tournaments facilitate the Physical Education Teachers, job. It gives them elbow room to try out new experiments.
There are mainly four types of combination tournaments:
(a) Knock out cum Knock out
(b) League cum league
(c) Knock out cum league
(d) League cum Knock out
D. Challenge Tournament: This type of tournament comes handy when there are one to one contests or there are two players on each side. One player challenges the other and the other player accepts the challenge. Games in which such tournaments are held are - Boxing, Tennis, Table Tennis, Badminton etc. Fixtures in such tournaments are decided according to :
(a) Ladder Method
(b) Physical Method
(c) Cobweb Method
A Knock-out Tournament:-
In this type of tournament, if a team is defeated once, it gets eliminated. Only the winners continue in the competition. It is the fastest method to know about the winning team in the tournament.
Seeding a Team:- The sorting of the teams and fitting them in the fixtures so that the stronger teams do not meet each other in earlier rounds are known as Seeding. This method is good if we know the real strong tarns. The organizers should find out the real strong teams from the previous tournaments or old records fegore starting a new tournament.
Bye:- The advantage given to a team usually by drawing a lot, and exempting it from paying a match in the first round is known as Bye. These are given to a specific number of teams in the first round. The number of byes is decided by subtracting the number of teams from the next higher number which is in power of two’s.
Bye Next Higher No-no of Team [2n-no of teams]
Methods of Preparing Fixtures for Knock-out Tournaments:-
1. Total number of teams participating in the tournament
2. Total number of matches to be played in the tournament
The formula for calculating number of matches=n-1, where n is the total number of teams participating in the tournament.
3. Total number of rounds played in the tournament depends upon two things:-
a. The number of teams playing in the tournament
b. The higher the nearest number from the total number of teams of power of two’s = 2n
4. Method of determining the number of teams in the upper half and lower half:-
a. If the number of teams is even, then an equal number of teams will be divided into both halves i.e.- n/2, where n is the total number of teams.
b. If the number of teams is odd,the following method is applied:
Number of teams in upper half=(n+1)/2,where n=number of tarns.
Number of teams in the lower half=(n-1)/2, where n=number of teams
5. The number of byes is a knock-out tournament are decided by subtracting total number of teams from the next higher nearest number in power of two’s
1.4 B Method for draw of fixture in league tournament:-
(a) Stair-case Method: In stair-case method, the fixtures are made just like a ladder or a stair- case. In this method, no bye is given to any team and there is no problem of even or odd number of teams.
Example: Draw a fixture of 9 teams on league basis according to stair-case
(b) Cyclic Method: In cyclic method, if the number of teams is even, the team number 1 is fixed on the top of right-hand side and other teams in ascending order consecutively downward and then upward on the left side and rotate them clockwise. If the number of teams is odd, then bye is fixed on top right side and the rest of the procedure remains same. The number of rounds in case of an even number of teams will be n -1, where n = number of teams. The number of rounds in case of an odd number of teams will be n, where n = number of teams.
Example 1. Draw a fixture of 6 teams on league basis according to the cyclic method.
Solution: Total number of teams = 6
Meaning of Intramurals:-
Intramural is derived from the Latin word’ Intra” and “muralis’.”Intra” means “within” and “Muralis” means ‘Waif .So we can say that the activities, which are performed within the walls or within the campus of an institution, are called ‘Intramurals”
Objectives of Intramurals:-
Extramural is derived from the Latin words “Extra” and “Waif”. So, we can say that the activities which are performed outside the walls of an institution or school are known as “extramurals”.
Objectives of Extramurals:-
1. To provide Experience to Students
2. To improve the Standard of Sports
3. To broaden the Base of Sports
4. To develop Sportsmanship and Fraternity
5. To provide knowledge of New Rules and Advanced Techniques
Sports and games programs are arranged in the world as well as in our country to promote the games and sports for a specific cause. Every country in the world has some or other cause for promoting specific sports programmes. The programs motivate and create the feeling to take part in these sports programmes. People become health-conscious and try to remain fit and stay healthy for as long as possible. These specific sports programmes are usually organized by the federations, state government, NGO create health consciousness among the people and take part in health-related sports programmes. More and more people of all age groups should take part in such sports programs. The various important specific programmes are:-
17 videos|63 docs|35 tests
1. What is planning in sports? |
2. Why is planning important in sports? |
3. What are the key components of sports planning? |
4. How can sports planning help teams and individual players improve their performance? |
5. What are some common challenges that teams and individual players face when planning for sports? |