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Worksheet Solutions: Unseen Passage - 1 | Worksheets with Solutions for Class 5 PDF Download

Q1: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Annie pointed to a rusty pipe sticking out from the top of a small hill. Streaming from the pipe was a column of black smoke. “Let’s check it out” said Annie. She and Jack walked up the little hill. At the top they saw that the rusty pipe was rising out of a wooden roof. Beneath the wooden roof was a door. The door seemed to open into the hill itself. Jack studied their research book and read aloud: Since the prairie did not have many trees, wood was hard to find. So pioneers often made their houses out of sod bricks, which were blocks of earth cut out of the prairie. Sometimes a sod house was dug out of the side of a hill. It was called a “dugout”. Then Jack read more to Annie: Tornados or twisters are common on the prairie. So many dugouts had storm cellars. A storm cellar was like a basement below the ground. During a twister, a storm cellar is the safest place to be.
Worksheet Solutions: Unseen Passage - 1 | Worksheets with Solutions for Class 5

On the basis of your reading of the passage choose the correct options:
(i) Sod is known as ________.
hollow bricks
granite slabs
blocks of earth
Ans: (d) 
Sod means blocks of earth or soil that are cut out of the ground and used like bricks to build houses.

(ii) Many dug outs had ___________.
(a) storm cellars
(b) basement
(c) vault
(d) All of these
Ans: (a)
Dugouts were homes made inside hills, and many of them had storm cellars, which were underground rooms to stay safe during storms or tornados.

(iii) Tornados or twisters are common on the __________.
(a) mountains
(b) oceans
(c) prairie
(d) None of these
Ans: (c)
Tornados or twisters often occur on the prairie, which is a flat land with few trees.

(iv) A storm cellar was like a ___________ below the ground.
(a) window
(b) basement
(c) terrace
(d) balcony
Ans:  (b) 
A storm cellar is like a basement, which is a room built below the ground, used to stay safe during dangerous weather like a tornado.

(v) Complete the following:
During a Twister, a storm cellar ____________.
Ans: During a Twister, a storm cellar is the safest place to be.

(vi) State whether the following statement is true or false:
The prairie did not have many trees but wood was found in plenty.
Ans: False
The prairie had very few trees, and wood was actually hard to find, so people used earth (sod) to build their homes.

(vii) From the passage find the synonym of the word:
Ans: Streaming

(viii) Why did the pioneers often make their houses out of sod bricks?
Ans: Since the Prairie did not have many trees, wood was hard to find. So, the pioneers made houses out of sod bricks.

Q2: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

(i) The king of Iran had heard that Birbal was one of the wisest men in the East. He wanted to meet Birbal, so he sent him an invitation to visit his country. In due course, Birbal arrived Iran.
(ii) When he entered the palace he was puzzled to find not one, but six kings seated there. All were dressed in kingly robes. Birbal began to think, ’Who is the real king?’ The very next moment, he got the answer. Confidently, he approached the King and bowed to him. ‘’But how did you identify me’’ The king asked, puzzled.
(iii) Birbal smiled and explained; ‘‘The false kings were all looking at you, while yourself looked straight ahead. Even in regal robes, the common people will always look to their king for support.’’ Overjoyed, the king embraced Birbal and showered him with gifts.
Worksheet Solutions: Unseen Passage - 1 | Worksheets with Solutions for Class 5

Carefully read the questions from the unseen passage and answer them.
(i) The king sent an invitation to Birbal to visit Iran because
(a) Birbal was very rich
(b) Birbal was very brave
(c) Birbal was very wise
Ans: (c) 
The king of Iran invited Birbal to visit because he had heard that Birbal was a very wise person.

(ii) When Birbal entered the palace, he was _________.
(a) confused
(b) excited
(d) Disappointed
Ans:  (a)
When Birbal saw six kings in the palace, he was confused because he didn’t know who the real king was.

(iii) The real king was looking at the false kings. (True / False)
Ans: False
The real king was not looking at the false kings. Instead, the false kings were looking at the real king, while the real king looked straight ahead. This helped Birbal figure out who the real king was.

(iv) The king was very happy with the wisdom of Birbal. How do you know?
Ans: The king was very happy with the wisdom of Birbal because, after Birbal identified him among the false kings, he embraced Birbal and showered him with gifts. This reaction indicates that the king was overjoyed and appreciated Birbal's insightful observation and wisdom.

(v) Which words in the passage have the same meanings as follows?
(a) dress - ______ (para ii)
(b) kingly - _____ (para ii)

(a) dress - robes (para ii)
(b) kingly -  regal (para ii)

(vi) Complete the given sentence below.
When Birbal entered the palace, he was ______ to see ________.
Ans: When Birbal entered the palace, he was puzzled to see six kings seated there, all dressed in kingly robes.

(vii) Find a word from the above passage which means the opposite of the given word:
exit -______ (para ii)
Ans: exit - entered (para ii)

Q3: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Under a hill, in a village called Ramgarh, cows roamed in the nearby forest to graze on green grass. One day, Cow Lakshmi wandered near a lion’s cave. The hungry lion woke up and was planning to make it his meal. Trembling with fear, Lakshmi did not see any other cow nearby. She pleaded with the lion, saying, “Please spare me. I have a small calf that depends on my milk and cannot eat grass yet.”The lion agreed but warned him to return the next day or face dire consequences. Lakshmi returned to her calf, promising to come back. The next day, she returned to the lion, keeping her word. The lion, impressed by her honesty, revealed his true form, blessed her, and declared her “Mother Cow”. From then on, all the cows respected him as their protector. 

Carefully read the questions from the unseen passage and answer them. 

(i) What is the name of the cow in the story? 
The name of the cow in the story is Lakshmi.

(ii) What did Cow Lakshmi encounter near the lion’s cave? 
(a) A friendly rabbit 
(b) Other cows 
(c) A hungry lion 
(d) The village children 

Ans: (c) A hungry lion
Cow Lakshmi came across a hungry lion when she wandered near the lion's cave in the forest.

(iii) Why did the lion let Cow Lakshmi go the first time? 
(a) Because he was full 
(b) Because she made him laugh 
(c) Because she promised to bring more cows 
(d) Because she had a calf that depended on her milk 

Ans: (d) Because she had a calf that depended on her milk
The lion spared Lakshmi because she told him that her calf was too young to eat grass and still needed her milk to survive.

(iv) Cow Lakshmi was declared “__________” by the lion after she returned to keep her promise.
Ans: Mother Cow
The lion was impressed with Lakshmi’s honesty when she returned, so he blessed her and called her "Mother Cow."

Q4: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Little Neil was just two years old when his Dad took him to watch an airplane race. At the age of four, Neil went with his Dad for their own ride in an airplane. While his Dad was nervous, Neil had the most wonderful time. When Neil was thirteen, the family moved to a new town. Neil got used to his new school, joined the Boy Scouts, and played in the school band. He still flew model airplanes and engaged himself in the night sky using a neighbour’s telescope.
He always liked airplanes. He started going to the nearby airport to watch airplanes. As a part-time job he washed planes and made extra money. Then he realized that he wanted to learn to be a pilot. Neil asked his parents for permission and they agreed that he could learn to fly an airplane.
Even though he couldn’t get a driver’s license for a car, at age 16 Neil had his student pilot’s license. When Neil grew up he became a U.S. Navy fighter pilot and then a test pilot for advanced rocket-powered aircraft. Have you guessed which Neil the story is about? On July 20, 1969 astronaut Neil Armstrong was the first human to set foot on the moon.
Worksheet Solutions: Unseen Passage - 1 | Worksheets with Solutions for Class 5

On the basis of your reading of the passage choose the correct options:

(i) Fill in the blanks with the correct words:
(a) Neil asked his parents for permission to become a _____.
(b) Neil engaged himself in the night sky using a neighbour’s _______.

(a) Neil asked his parents for permission to become a pilot.
(b) Neil engaged himself in the night sky using a neighbour’s telescope. 

(ii) Complete the following sentences:
(a) At age 16, ___________________.
(b) On July 20, 1969__________________________.

(a) At age 16, Neil had his student pilot’s license.
On July 20, 1969 Astronaut Neil Armstrong was the first human to set foot on the moon. 

(iii) State whether the following statements are true or false:
(a) Neil’s father enjoyed his first ride in an aeroplane.
(b) At age 16, Neil got his driver’s license for a car. 
(c) Neil had to move to a new town when he was 13.
(d) Neil was always attracted towards cars.

(a)  False. Neil’s father was nervous during their airplane ride, but Neil had a wonderful time.
False. Neil did not get a car driver's license at age 16, but he got his student pilot’s license to fly an airplane.
True. Neil’s family moved to a new town when he was 13 years old, and he adjusted to his new school and activities.
  False. Neil was always interested in airplanes, not cars. He loved flying model planes and watching real airplanes at the airport.

(iv) Answer the question in one or two sentences:
What did Neil do as a part-time job?
Ans: Neil washed airplanes as a part-time job to earn extra money.

Q5: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

“Oh, wow!” said Annie as she stepped on the moon. Jack stood frozen. He wanted to get a good look at everything first. He stared at the ground. He was standing in a layer of gray dust as fine as powder. Footprints were everywhere. Jack wondered who had made them.
He reached into his pack for the moon book. To his surprise, it was as light as a feather. He found a picture of footprints on the moon. He read: the moon has no rain or wind to blow the dust around. So footprints will never wear away naturally, not even in a billion years. “Look” cried Annie. She bounded past Jack—almost flying through the air. She landed on her feet then she jumped again. Jack read the book aloud: A person weighs less on the moon because of the moon’s low gravity and lack of air. Soon he joined her and jumped away. Boing! Boing! Boing! Now he felt like a feather too.
Worksheet Solutions: Unseen Passage - 1 | Worksheets with Solutions for Class 5

On the basis of your reading of the passage choose the correct options:
(i) The moon is covered with gray coloured ______________.
(a) bricks
(b) stones
(c) dust
(d) water

Ans: (c)
The surface of the moon is covered with fine gray dust, which is like powder.

(ii) Jack wondered who had made the____________.
(a) painting
(b) houses
(c) tents
(d) footprints
Ans: (d)
Jack saw footprints on the moon and wondered who had left them there.

(iii) Jack stood frozen because he wanted to ____________.
(a) touch the ice
(b) take a deep breath
(c) take pictures
(d) get a good look at everything
Ans: (d) 
Jack stood still because he wanted to take a moment to observe everything carefully around him.

(iv) Jack was surprised because the book was as light as a __________.
(a) piece of paper
(b) air
(c) feather
(d) rose petal
Ans: (c) 
Jack was surprised when he took out the book, which felt very light, like a feather.

(v) Complete the following:
The moon has no rain or wind to blow ________.
Ans: The moon has no rain or wind to blow the dust around.

(vi) State whether the following statements are true or false.
The footprints on the moon will never wear away naturally.
Ans: True
The footprints on the moon won’t disappear because there is no wind or rain to erase them.

(vii) From the passage find the synonym of the following:
Bounced –
Ans: Bounced – bounded

(vii) Answer the following:
Why does a person weigh less on the moon?
Ans: A person weighs less on the moon because of the moon’s low gravity and lack of air.

Q6: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Buddha walked on fearlessly. Angulimala ran as fast as he could but he could not catch up with him. He swore and shouted at Buddha, but Buddha smile kindly at him and continued to walk through the forest. This went on for several hours and Angulimala was, at last, tired and sat down. Buddha stood in front of him. His face was shining with kindness for the robber. 
"Who are you, man?" asked Angulimala. "Why do you travel through this forest alone? Aren't you afraid of Angulimala? Why couldn't I catch you? What magic do you possess? 
Buddha replied gently, "I'm a friend of yours and I've come to the forest to help you. I've come to save you from further sin. I'm not afraid of you because I love you as I love all other men. My magic is the magic of kindness for all living creatures." 
These noble words touched the cruel heart of Angulimala and he fell at the feet of Buddha.” O Lord save me!" he said sobbing. "I am the Buddha the greatest sinner on earth". He cried bitterly and tears flowed from his eyes in two unending streams. 

Answer the following questions: 
(i) Why was Angulimala tired? 
Ans:  Angulimala was tired because he had been running for several hours in an attempt to catch up with Buddha but could not succeed.

(ii) In what manner did Buddha stand before the robber? 
Ans: Buddha stood before the robber with the face shining with kindness. 

(iii) Which contrast does the author present in this passage? 
Ans: The contrast is that the robber swears and shouts at Buddha while he smiles kindly at the robber 

(iv) What was Buddha's reply when Angulimala asked who he was? 
Ans: Buddha replied that he was a friend of Angulimala and that he had come to the forest to help him and save him from further sin.

(v) What was the magic with Buddha, according to Buddha himself? 
Ans: Buddha's magic was the magic of kindness for all living creatures. 

(vi) Why did Angulimala, the robber fall at the feet of Buddha? 
Ans: Angulimala fell at the feet of Buddha because the noble words touched his cruel heart. 

(vii) What did the robber say sobbingly? Before the robber? 
Ans: The robber sobbingly said that he was the greatest sinner on earth and appealed to save. 

(viii) Who are the two talkers in this passage?
Ans: Buddha and Angulimala are the two talkers. 

The document Worksheet Solutions: Unseen Passage - 1 | Worksheets with Solutions for Class 5 is a part of the Class 5 Course Worksheets with Solutions for Class 5.
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FAQs on Worksheet Solutions: Unseen Passage - 1 - Worksheets with Solutions for Class 5

1. What is the purpose of an unseen passage in exams?
Ans. The purpose of an unseen passage in exams is to assess a student's reading comprehension skills, ability to infer meaning, and critical thinking. It helps evaluate how well a student can understand and analyze a text they have not encountered before.
2. How can I effectively prepare for unseen passages in exams?
Ans. To prepare for unseen passages, practice reading a variety of texts to improve comprehension skills. Focus on summarizing paragraphs, identifying main ideas, and answering questions based on the text. Additionally, work on time management to ensure you can read and respond to passages within the exam time limit.
3. What types of questions are typically asked about unseen passages?
Ans. Questions about unseen passages typically include multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, and inference-based questions. These may ask about the main idea, specific details, vocabulary in context, or the author's tone and purpose.
4. How should I approach reading an unseen passage during an exam?
Ans. When reading an unseen passage during an exam, first skim the text to get a general idea of its content. Then, read it carefully, highlighting or noting key points. After reading, refer back to the passage when answering questions to ensure accuracy and context.
5. What strategies can help improve my understanding of difficult unseen passages?
Ans. Strategies to improve understanding of difficult unseen passages include breaking the text into smaller sections, paraphrasing complex sentences, and looking up unfamiliar words. Discussing the passage with peers or teachers can also provide clarity and different perspectives on the text.
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