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Class 8 English: Sample Question Paper with Solutions - 2 | Sample Papers For Class 8 PDF Download

Ques 1: Read the following passage carefully:
Fifty years ago people ate ice cream only in summer. Now it is eaten all the year around. It originated in the Orient, centuries before English schoolboys first tasted it. Macro Polo saw people eating ice cream there and brought back the idea to Italy. 

From Italy the idea was carried to France. It became very popular in France with the rich, and an effort was even made to keep the recipe a secret from the common people. But / of course/ they soon learnt about this delicious new food and ice cream became popular with everyone. 
Soon it spread all over the world the first factory to manufacture ice cream was started in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1851. However, the real development of ice cream business didn't take place until after 1900 with new developments in refrigeration.
The basis of all ice cream is cream, milk or milk solids, sugar, and sometimes eggs. Vanilla, chocolate, berries, fruit ingredients, and nuts are added as flavors. This is the usual proportion of ingredients in ice cream: about 80 to 85 percent cream and milk products, 15 percent sugar, half to four and a half percent flavoring, and three-tenths of one percent stabilizer.
A small amount of gelatin is used in order to retain the smoothness of the ice cream by preventing the formation of ice crystals.
When you eat a third of a pint of vanilla ice cream, you are getting about as much calcium, protein, and vitamin B as are in half a cup of whole milk/and as much vitamin A and calories as are in one cup of milk.
(i) On the basis of your reading of the above passage answer the following questions:
(a) When and how did ice cream originate?
(b) How did ice cream become popular across the world?
(c) Where was the first ice cream factory started?
(d) Why didn't the ice cream business pick up?
(e) What ingredients go into the making of an ice cream?
(f) What gives smoothness to ice cream?
(g) What nutritional values does ice cream have?
(h) Write a word that is similar to 'proportion'.

Ans: (a) Ice-cream originated in the Orient, centuries before English school boys first tasted it.
(b) Marco Polo saw people eating ice cream and brought back the idea to Italy.
(c) The first ice cream factory started in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1851.
(d) The ice-cream business didn?t pick up due to lack of refrigerators.
(e) Cream, milk or milk solids, sugar, and sometimes eggs, vanilla, chocolate, berries, fruit ingredients and nuts are the ingredients used in the making of ice cream.
(f) A small amount of gelatin gives smoothness to ice cream.
(g) Ice cream has calcium, protein, Vitamin B and Vitamin A.
(h) share/quantity/ratio/size/degree

Ques 2: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
The next time you take print outs unnecessarily or you throw a paper into the bin, think for a minute as to how many trees have been cut to manufacture something you use so often every day.
Can you take out some time from your everyday routine and devote it to starting a simple recycling programme at your school or your neighbourhood? Not only would you save our planet from the torture of felling greenery, you would also reduce generation and dumping of waste into the environment.
Using recycled paper conserves natural resources. As our worldwide population grows, the strain on these resources becomes even greater. You can drastically reduce the number of trees cut down for manufacturing paper. In addition to saving landfill space, you cut down on your expenses of trash- disposal. There is a reduction in air pollution caused due to incineration.
Making paper from discards instead of trees not only saves forests, it also reduces energy use by up to three quarters and requires less than half as much water. Paper items that can be recycled are loose paper, envelopes, paper bags, wrapping paper, cardboard, soft-cover books, newspapers, magazines and cardboard egg-trays. A paper-recycling programme gives positive images to large corporation or business organizations.
Parents can teach their children the importance of recycled paper by bringing about simple changes in the lifestyle. School can also train students to make paper products like folders, penholders, material for display board, lampshades, teaching/learning aids, etc. Students can creatively make their own cards, files, folders, invitation cards and certificates for the school.
Working on a paper recycling plant demonstrates the concepts of recycling waste into 'wealth'. The real success of such programmes is visible in the seemingly simple acts like students exchanging books in a new academic session, indirectly saving paper and thereby, trees. If each child saves one sheet of paper a day then 40,000 trees are saved per year by students alone.

(i) Answer the following questions:
(a) Why do you need to think before you take print-outs unnecessarily?
(b) Name the products that can be obtained from recycled paper.
(c) How can schools help in creating awareness about paper recycling?
(d) What act of children can save paper indirectly?
Ans: (i) (a) We need to think because many trees have been cut to manufacture paper.
(b) Loose paper, envelopes, paper bags, wrapping paper card board, soft-cover books, newspapers, magazines and card board egg-trays.
(c) Schools can train students to make paper products like folders, penholders, material for display board, lampshades, teaching-learning aids, etc.
(d) Students can exchange books in a new academic session. In this way, indirectly, they can save paper and thereby trees.

Ques 3: Answer the following by selecting the most appropriate option:
A) The antonym of' increase is
B) Drastically
C) Incineration
D) reduce
E) discard
Ans: D

Ques 4: The synonym of 'pressure' is
(A) Torture
(B) Strain
(C) disposal
(D) concept
Ans: B

Ques 5: The synonym of 'preserve' is
(A) Save
(B) Recycle
(C) conserve
(D) keep
Ans: C

Ques 6: The antonym of 'incomes' is
(A) expenses
(B) reduction
(C) conserves
(D) wealth
Ans: A

Ques 7: Read the following conversation and write the message in about 50 words.
Rama Hello ! Is it 3404040?
lahita Yes please. May I know who is speaking?
Rama I am Rama, your aunty. Where is your mother?
Ishita Mother is away to attend a funeral ceremony.
Rama Will you convey a message to her?
Ishita Yes aunty.
Rama: Please tell her that I will not be coming to Ludhiana this week as Aman has his papers. Tell her that I shall come next weekend definitely.
Ishita: O.K. aunty. I shall convey the message.
Rama: O.K. Dear. Bye.

2nd February, 20XX
11.00 p.m.
Dear Mom,
Rama aunty rang up intimating that she would not come to Ludhiana this weekend because of Aman?s papers. She would come next weekend definitely.

Ques 8: You are Dhruv of Sun International School, Kanpur. Write a speech in about 150 words on the topic 'Importance of Discipline in Life/
You are Nishant, a reporter of 'The Hindustan Times-. You visited the factories of Fn. -. .ad and were shocked to see the children working in the miserable conditions of the factories. Write a report in about 150 words on the same.

Ans: Good Morning to one and all present here. Today, I, Dhruv would like to present my views on the Importance of Discipline in Life?
Discipline is a virtue which makes human beings different from animals. We should live in discipline because only discipline helps a person to lead a respectable life. We should know how to behave, when to go and where. Discipline does not only mean doing work expected of you but also doing it in right manner. We all come to school but don?t you think it is a part of discipline to come in time and in proper school uniform? Discipline means to move properly everywhere without hampering the right of others. If there is no discipline, there will be chaotic conditions everywhere. With no discipline, there will be a situation of ?might is right?
To live a happy and peaceful life, living a self-disciplined life is must.
Thank You.
Children Working in Hazardous Conditions
Nishant (Reporter), Hindustan Times Firozabad, 23rd November, 20XX In Firozabad most of the people can be seen working in glass factories. It is really pathetic to see the children working there because the conditions there are miserable. Many children below the age of 14 years can be seen working in glass factories in dingy cells with hardly any light. The children when asked the reason, replied, they had to work to support their families.
They are unable to adjust their eyes in light and many young were found to have lost their eyesight at a very young age.
These children belong to poor families where instead of sending them to school it becomes a compulsion to send them to work. The children overall were found to be working in hazardous conditions.

Ques 9: Read the outlines of a story given below. Write it in full using these outlines and your own idea-
Assign a suitable title to it:  
Outlines:-A lady becomes blind-calls in a doctor-agrees to pay large fee-doctor calls daily-gives some medicine and removes some furniture-the lady is cured-the doctor demands his fees-lady refuses-sight not restored-no furniture-doctor files a suit-lady's reply-doctor punished.
An old woman - greedy - had a goose - laid a golden egg everyday/ sold - earned her living - thought - hundreds of golden eggs in its stomach - thought of becoming very rich ? cut it? only one egg ? lost what she had ? moral.

The Blind Lady and the Greedy Doctor
Once a rich lady became blind. She called in an eye-specialist. The doctor promised to cure her within a fortnight. She agreed to pay a large fee. The doctor operated upon her eyes and bandaged them.
The doctor came every day. He gave her some medicine and removed some furniture. This went on for 14 days. On the fifteenth day the doctor removed the bandages and said, ?Now, you can see. Please pay my fees? The lady was cured. Her eyesight had been restored, but she was shocked to see that all the pieces of costly furniture were missing. She refused to pay the fees on the plea that she could not see her furniture in her room, which meant that her sight had not been restored.
The doctor filed a suit against her for not paying his fees. The court heard both the parties. On knowing the reality, the judge dismissed the doctor?s case. He was charged with theft and sentenced to prison for swindling and stealing.
Once upon a time there was an old woman. She was greedy. She owned a goose which laid a golden egg everyday. She used to earn her living by selling that golden egg. One day, an idea struck her mind. She wondered whether the goose had hundreds of golden eggs in its stomach. She decided to cut the goose open and find out as she wanted to become very rich. She took a big knife and cut open the goose. To her dismay she found only one egg inside. She was shocked and started crying. She realized that she had lost what she had i.e., the goose which was her only means of livelihood.
Moral: We should not be greedy.

Ques 10: Insert the correct form of the verb in the blank below:
(i) A new car ....................... a lot of money, (cost)
(ii) Travelling by bus ........................ some women sick. (make)
(iii) The fishermen .................... in the rough sea for more than a day (struggle)
(iv) We ..................... of the matter only this morning, (inform)

Ans: (i) costs
(ii) makes
(iii) had been struggling
(iv) were informed.

Ques 11: Change the sentences into passive voice:
(i) The wind carried away the newspaper.
(ii) She can do it.
(iii) Who will pay the bill?
(iv) They laughed at us.

Ans: (i) The newspaper was carried away by the wind.
(ii) It can be done by her.
(iii) By whom will the bill be paid?
(iv) We were laughed at by them.

Ques 12: Read the following stanza and answer the questions given below:
How can the bird that is born for joy,
Sit in a cage and sing.
How can a child when fears annoys, /But droop his tender wing,
And forget his youthful spring.
(i) With whom is the child comparing himself to?
(ii) Explain, 'droop his tender wing'.
(iii) What can the child not forget?
(iv) Identify the rhyme scheme of the above lines.

Ans: (i) The child is comparing himself to the bird.
(ii) Droop his tender wings? means to surrender and stay inside.
(iii) The child cannot forget the youthful spring.
(iv) Ababb.

Ques 13: Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:
Surely, I wanted to say, living creatively with the reality of his disintegrating body was a choice. But
I kept quiet, because I felt guilty every time I spoke to him forcing him to respond. There he was, tapping at the little switch in his hand, trying to find the words on his computer with the only bit of movement left to him, his long pale fingers.
(i) Whom does the word T refer to?
(ii) Whom does the word 'him' refers to?
(iii) Why did the narrator feel guilty?
(iv) Why did the other person tap the little switch?

Ans:  (i) I refers to the author Firdaus Kanga.
(ii) Him refers to the scientist Stephen Hawking.
(iii) The narrator felt guilty because whenever he spoke, Stephen Hawking had to tap his fingers on a little switch, to answer.
(iv) The other person tapped at the little switch because he was unable to speak.

Ques 14: Answer any four of the following questions:                                  
(i) How did Jody find the Fawn?
(ii) What did Alma's father do when he realised that Tsunami was going to hit the Island?
(iii) How did Doe save Penny's life? What did Jody want to do in return?
(iv) How does the experience of climbing the summit change you completely?
(v) What do you think is the main reason for the plight of the rural people in India? (A visit to Cambridge)
(i) Jody went into the forest, searched here and there, he studied the sand where there were small hoof prints and found the fawn. He touched it, put its arms around him and carried it out.
(ii) When Alma?s father realised that Tsunami was going to hit the island, he woke everyone and tried to rush them to a safer place.
(iii) Penny was bitten by a rattle snake. A doe which was killed because its liver was used to draw out the poison. In return Jody wanted to bring its fawn home and take care of it.
(iv) Climbing the mountain changes you completely because you realize that there is another summit within yourself. It is in your mind. Each man carries within himself a mountain peak, which cannot be climbed by anyone else. You must climb yourself to reach a fuller knowledge of yourself.
(v) It is usual to blame the government for failures in every front. But I hold the people equally responsible for their backwardness.

Ques 15: Answer any one of the following:
Suppose you are one of the volunteers who went to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands for relief work after the Tsunami. You work in the relief camp distributing food, water and medicine among the victims. You listen to the various stories of bravery of ordinary people even as they fight against odds to bring about some semblance of normalcy in their lives. You admire the grit and determination. Write a diary entry.
Who in your views is an "unusual learner" in 'The Treasure Within'? What can schools do to draw out the best in unusual learners?

31st December, 2004
The killer Tsunami struck these islands five days ago. But the victims are being brought in even now.
Each one has a story to tell. I met Alma Javed, a girl of ten, who was still traumatised with the incident.
The little girl does not want to talk about it with anyone. I saw one elderly man showing fatherly affection to Alma. He too had lost his family members. He was the only survivor from his family.
Another girl Meghna, 13 years, is still in a daze. As she had to spend two days floating in the sea, holding on to a wooden door. It was an unbearable sight. There were many people who had lost their body parts in this disaster. But life has to go on. Every person was trying to console the other and lessen his own pain. I admire and applaud their grit and determination with which they are trying to lead life afresh.
There are many examples/exceptions which can be quoted as ?unusual learners?. One of such unique example is of Mr. Hafeez Contractor who lived life in his own style. He defied learning yet imagined in his own peculiar way where he felt comfortable. He could easily judge his clients by their facial expressions, dress code and relate to them similarly. He possessed will power to achieve something and had confidence in himself which helped him to gain heights in success.
The schools can instruct their teachers to give extra care to these type of unusual learners? through activities like debates, drawing competitions, seminars, discussions, writing and elocution competitions, drama competitions to enhance and evoke their inner feelings, thereby revealing them in front of the whole world.

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1. What is the format of the Class 8 English sample question paper?
Ans. The Class 8 English sample question paper typically consists of multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, and long answer questions. It assesses students' understanding of various topics covered in the English curriculum.
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Ans. The Class 8 English sample question paper with solutions can be accessed through various online platforms. You can search for them on educational websites, online forums, or even on the official website of your school or educational board.
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Ans. Yes, the solutions provided in the Class 8 English sample question paper are accurate. They are designed to help students understand the correct approach and methodology to solve different types of questions. However, it is always recommended to consult with your teacher or subject expert if you have any doubts or need further clarification.
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Ans. To prepare effectively using the Class 8 English sample question paper, start by familiarizing yourself with the exam pattern and marking scheme. Practice solving the sample questions regularly to improve your speed and accuracy. Analyze your mistakes and learn from them. Additionally, refer to textbooks, study guides, and other relevant resources to strengthen your understanding of the topics.
5. Can I rely solely on the Class 8 English sample question paper for exam preparation?
Ans. While the Class 8 English sample question paper is a valuable resource for exam preparation, it is not sufficient on its own. It is important to thoroughly study the textbook, understand the concepts, and practice additional exercises to enhance your knowledge and skills. Use the sample question paper as a supplement to your regular studies and seek guidance from your teacher to ensure comprehensive preparation.
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