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Class 9 Science Question Answers - Diversity in Living Organisms

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Q1. Who wrote the book “The Origin of Species”?

Charles Darwin in 1859.Charles DarwinCharles Darwin

Q2. Who proposed the classification of organisms into 5 kingdoms?

Robert Whittaker (1959).

Q3. Define species.

All organisms that are similar to breed and perpetuate.

Q4. Give an example of the organism belonging to Monera and Protista Kingdom.

Monera—Anabaena, blue-green algae Protista—Eugleno, Paramecium, Amoeba

Q5. Name the appendages used for movement by organisms belonging to the Protista kingdom

Paramecium – Cilia
Euglena – Flagella
Amoeba – Pseudopodia

Q6. What is lichen?

The symbiotic association of fungi and blue-green algae is called lichen.

Q7. What is a symbiotic relationship?

It is a relationship between two organisms in which both of them are benefitted, e.g., fungi get food from blue-green algae and in return blue-green gets shelter [lichens].

Q8. What is saprophytic nutrition?

The organisms using dead and decaying organic matter as food are said to show saprophytic nutrition.

Q9. Give simple classification of the plant kingdom.

Class 9 Science Question Answers - Diversity in Living Organisms

Q10. Name the plant amphibian.

Biyophyta e.g. Funaria (Moss).

Q11. What are cryptogamae?

The plants with inconspicuous reproductive organs are called cryptogamae, e.g., fern.

Q12. Give examples of pteridophyte.

Marsilea and Fern.

Q13. Name the reproductive organ of plants.


Q14. What are gymnosperms?

The group of plants that bear naked seeds e.g., pines, deodar.

Q15. What are angiosperms?

The group of plants with covered seeds are called angiosperms. These are flowering plants.

Q16. What are cotyledons?

Plant embryos in seeds have structures called cotyledons. Cotyledons are also known as seed leaves.

Q17. Name the phylum of animals with pores on them.

Porifera e.g., sponge.

Q18. Name the phylum of Jellyfish

Coelenterata or Cnidaria.

Q19. What is the meaning of triploblastic?

Animals that have three layers of cells from which differentiated tissues -can be made.

Q20. What is bilateral symmetry?

When the left and right halves of the body have same design it is called bilateral symmetry.

Q21. What is the meaning of “cold-blooded animal”?

Those animals who show the variation in their body temperature according to the surroundings are called cold-blooded animals, e.g., fish, amphibians, reptiles.

Q22. Name two mammals that lay eggs.

Platypus and echidna.

Q23. Name three mammals that live in water.

Whale, platypus and Dolphins.

Q24. Name a fish with skeleton made up of cartilage.


Q25. Name two fish which have skeleton made up of both bone and cartilage.

Tuna and rohu.

Q26. Name the reptile with four-chambered heart.


Short Answer Type Questions

Q1. Give the characteristics of Monera.

  • Organisms are unicellular, do not have a defined nucleus.
  • Organisms may have a cell wall or may not have a cell wall.
  • Mode of nutrition is either autotrophic or heterotrophic.

Q2. Give the characteristics of Protista.

  • Organsims are unicellular and eukaryotic.
  • Use appendages for locomotion like cilia, flagella, etc.
  • Nutrition is either autotrophic or heterotrophic.
  • E.g., algae, protozoa.

Q3. Give the difference between thallophyta and bryophyta.

Body is thallus like not differentiated into -root, stem. Example: Spirogyra.Plant Body is differentiated into stem and leaf like structures. Example: Moss.

Q4. What are hermaphrodites? Give two examples.

When an organism has both sexes, i.e., it can produce both sperms and eggs are called hermaphrodites. Example: Sponges, earthworms.

Q5. Give the difference between monocots and dicots.

 Seeds with one cotyledon.Seeds with two cotyledons.
Leaves have parallel venation.Leaves have reticulate venation.

 Root system—fibrous.Root system—tap root.

Q6. Give the difference between two types of symmetry that animals show.

Symmetry—Bilateral and Radial

Bilateral SymmetryRadial Symmetry
Any organism that has same design on left and right halves of the body. Example: Earthworm, spider, cockroach.Any organisms with a body design such that it can be divided into two equal halves from any radius. Example: Starfish sea urchin.

Q7. Differentiate between vertebrates and invertebrates.

Notochord is present.Notochord is absent.
 True internal skeleton present.No true internal skeleton present.

Q8. Name the phylum of the following animals:
(a) Tapeworm 
(b) Starfish
(c) Jellyfish     
(d) Octopus

(a) Tapeworm – Platyhelminthes

(b) Starfish – Echinodermata

(c) Jellyfish – Coelenterata

(d) Octopus – Mollusca

Q9. Identify the phylum for the following characteristics given:
(a) Organisms with joint appendages.
(b) Organisms are generally flatworms.
(c) Body is segmented.
(d) Skin of organisms is full of spikes.

(a) Arthropoda
(b) Platyhelminthes
(c) Ann Elida
(d) Echinodermata

Q10. State the features of all chordates.

All chordates possess the following features:

  • Have a notochord
  • Have a dorsal nerve chord
  • Are triploblastic
  • Have paired gill pouches

Q11. Give general characteristics of Porifera.

  • Animals with pores all over the body.
  • Body is not well differentiated.
  • Non-motile animals remain attached to a solid support.
  • Body is covered with the hard outer skeleton.
  • Example: sponges.

Q12. How are pores or holes all over the body of Porifera important?

The pores or holes present all over the body of the organisms lead to a canal system that helps in circulating water throughout the body to bring in food and oxygen.

Q13. Give general characteristics of ‘Platyhelminthes’?

  • These are flatworms.
  • Most of them are parasites.
  • Animals are triploblastic
  • No true internal body cavity.
  • Example: Tapeworm, planaria, Liver fluke.

Q14. Give specific characteristics of Coelenterata.

  • Water living animals.
  • Body is made of two layers of cells.
  • Some of them live in colonies (corals), while others have solitary life-span {Hydra).
  • Body cavity present.

Q15. Give the characteristics of Arthropoda with 2 examples.

  • Arthropoda means jointed legs.
  • Animals are bilaterally symmetrical and segmented.
  • It has an open circulatory system.
  • This is the largest group of animals.
  • Example: Spider, scorpions, crabs, house flies.

Q16. Give the characteristic features of Echinodermata.

  • Spikes present on the skin.
  • Free-living, marine animals.
  • Triploblastic and have a coelomic cavity.
  • Have a peculiar water-driven tube system used for moving around.
  • Have a hard calcium carbonate structure that is used as a skeleton.
  • Example: Starfish, sea urchins.

Q17. Give the characteristics of mammals.

  • Mammals are warm-blooded animals.
  • Four-chambered heart.
  • Mammary glands for the production of milk to nourish their younger ones.
  • Skin has hairs, sweat glands and oil glands.
  • Most of them produce their young ones (viviparous).

Q18. What are the conventions followed for writing the scientific names?

The conventions followed while writing the scientific names are:

  • The name of the genus begins with a capital letter.
  • The name of the species begins with a small letter.
  • When printed, the scientific name is given in italics.
  • When written by hand, the genus name and the species name have to be underlined separately.

Q19. Differentiate between algae and fungi.

1. Contain chlorophyll (green in colour).

2. Autotrophic nutrition.
3. Food is stored in the form of starch.
1. Do not contain chlorophyll (non-green)

2. Heterotrophic nutrition.
3. Food is stored in the form of glycogen.

Q20. Name the phylum of the following organisms, whose exclusive characteristics are given below:
(a) Hollow bones
(b) Jointed appendages
(c) Flatworm 
(d) Roundworms, parasitic
(e) Soft body, muscular marine animal 
(f) Radially symmetrical, spiny skin.

(a) Phylum Chordata, subphylum—Vertebrata, class—Aves
(b) Phylum—Arthropoda
(c) Phylum—Platyhelminthes
(d) Phylum—Aschelminthes
(e) Phylum—Mollusca
(f) Phylum—Echinodermata

Q21. Give the characteristics of amphibians.

Amphibians are vertebrates that live on land and in water.

  • They are cold-blooded.
  • The heart is three-chambered.
  • Fertilization is external.
  • Respiration through lungs on land and through moist skin when in water.
  • Example: Frog, Toads

Q22. Give the characteristics of Aves.

  • Aves/birds can fly.
  • Streamlined body.
  • Hollow and light bones.
  • Forelimbs are modified into wings.
  • Warm-blooded animals, heart with four chambers.
  • Egg laying animals.
  • Beak present, teeth are absent.

Q23. Why do most of the amphibians lay their eggs in water and reptiles lay their eggs on land?

Amphibians lay their eggs in water because the tadpoles or young, ones that hatch out of egg has gills at the initial stages, which allows them; to breathe in water.
In the case of reptiles, the young ones that hatch out do not have gills and the hatching of eggs requires warmth that is given by the mother, the reptile.

Q24. Give the hierarchy of 5 kingdom classification of the living world.

Class 9 Science Question Answers - Diversity in Living Organisms

Long Answer Type Questions

Q1. What is the importance of classification?

Classification is important because:

  • Classification makes the study of wide variety, of organisms, systematic and easier.
  • It projects a picture of all organisms and their interrelation with each other.
  • It provides a base for the study of other branches of biology.
  • It is useful in the study of ecology, which deals with; the inter-relation of an organism with their environment.
  • It helps to establish a hierarchy of groups of organisms.

Q2. What are the characteristic features of mammals?

Characteristics features of mammals:

  • Body is covered with hair.
  • Skin is provided with sweat and sebaceous glands.
  • Heart is four-chambered.
  • Fertilization is internal.
  • Females have mammary glands to produce milk to nourish their young ones.
  • External ear—pinna, present.
  • Eyes have eye lids.
  • Warm-blooded.
  • Respiration through lungs,
  • Body cavity divided’ into- thorax and1 abdomen by muscular diaphragm.

Q3. What are the characteristic features of reptiles?

The characteristics of reptiles:

  • Dry scaly, impermeable skin.
  • Respiration through lungs.
  • Cold-blooded
  • Internal fertilization.
  • Heart is three chambered’.
  • Two pairs of pentadactyl limbs are present.

Q4. What is the basis for the classification of organisms?

The basis for classification are:

  • Presence or absence of nucleus.
  • Organisms are unicellular, or multicellular.
  • Level of organisation.
  • Autotrophic mode of nutrition or heterotrophic mode of nutrition.
  • Of the organisms that perform photosynthesis (Plants), their level, or organisation of the body.
  • Of the animals, how does the individuals body develop and organise its different parts.

Q5. Give the characteristics of flatworms, roundworms and segmented worms. Give their phylum.

Class 9 Science Question Answers - Diversity in Living Organisms

FlatwormsRoundwormsSegmented worms
Phylum—PlatyhelminthesPhylum NematodaPhylum Annelida
Dorsoventrally flat, i.e., flat body from top to bottom.Body is cylindrical.Body is segmented from head to tail.
No true body cavity.Pseudocoelom (Sort of body (cavity).True body cavity.
Mostly hermaphrodite, i.e., male and female sex organs present in the same individual.Sexes are separate.Maybe unisexual or bisexual.

Q6. Give the classification of plant kingdom.

Class 9 Science Question Answers - Diversity in Living Organisms

Q7. Differentiate (5 points)‘between monocot and dicot plants.

Monocot PlantsDicot Plants

Fibrous root
 Parallel venation
Reticulate venation.
Seeds with one cotyledonSeeds with two cotyledons

Vascular bundles are scattered.Vascular bundles are arranged in rings.

Flowers are trimerousFlowers are pentamerous, flowers or tetramerous 

Q8. Give the outline classification of animal kingdom.

Class 9 Science Question Answers - Diversity in Living Organisms

Activity Based Questions

Q1. 1. We have heard of ‘desi’ cows and Jersey cows.
2.Does a desi cow look like a Jersey cow?
3. Do all desi cows look alike.
4. Will we be able to identify a Jersey cow in a crowd of desi cows that don’t look like each other?
5. What is the basis of our identification?

1.Desi cow is different in size’ and colour.
2. Most of the desi cows look alike, not all.
3.Yes, Jersey cow can be spotted’ from the group.
4. Basis of identification:
5. Size, horn shape, skin colour, height, etc.

Q2. • Soak seeds of green gram, wheat, maize, peas and tamarind Once they become tender, try to split the seed. Do all the seeds break into two nearly equal halves?
• The seeds that do are the dicot seeds and the seeds that don’t are then; monocot seeds.
• Now take a look at the roots, leaves and flowers of these plants.
• Are the roots, tap roots or fibrous?
• Do the leaves have parallel or reticulate venation?
• How many petals are found in the flowers of these plants?
• Can you write down further characteristics of monocots and dicots on the basis of these observations?

CharacteristicsGreen gramWheatMaizePeasTamarind
1. RootsTap rootFibrous rootFibrous rootTap rootTap root
2. CotyledonDicotyledon.MonocotyledonMonocotyledonDicotyledon.Dicotyledon.
3. Venation in leavesReticulateParallelParallelReticulateReticulate
4. Vascular bundleIn a ringNot in a ringNot in a ringIn a ringIn a ring
5. FlowersPentamerousTrimerousTrimerousPentamerousPentamerous

Q3. Find out the. names of the following, animals and plants in as many: languages as you can.

It is difficult to remember names of a species in different languages This problem means there was a need for some system to create unifhrm naming convention: Hence system of nomenclature and classification was devised

Frog—Rana tigrina
Touch me not—Mimosa pudica.
Human—Homo SapiensNeem—Azadirachta indica.
Peacock—Pam cristatusMaize—Zea mays.
Honeybee—Apis cerena, Apis indica.

Value Based Questions

Q1. Many medicinal plants every year are getting extinct. A group of students who had gone for educational trip clicked photographs of endangered plants. These photograph were used by the school laboratory to study these plants.
(a) Name two endangered plants.
(b) Name any one medicinal plant and give its medicinal use.
(c) What value of students is reflected in the above act?

(a) Two endangered plants are:

  • Euphrasia
  • Ubnus rubra

(b) Aloe-vera. Juice of Aloe-vera is used in case of indigestion, treating dkin infection etc.
(c) Students are caring citizens, shows responsible behaviour.

Q2. Due to global warming coral is getting diminished in all the oceans/ water bodies. People in Lakshadweep island protects their corals by not allowing people/tourist to scape take few pieces away.
(a) Name the phylum of coral.
(b) What is coral made up of.
(c) What values of people in Lakshadweep island is reflected?

(a) Phylum of coral is coelenterata.
(b) Coral is made up of calcium carbonate.
(c) People in Lakshadweep island reflect the value of-being-responsible (Citizen, respecting environment and nature.

The document Class 9 Science Question Answers - Diversity in Living Organisms is a part of the Class 9 Course Biology for Class 9.
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FAQs on Class 9 Science Question Answers - Diversity in Living Organisms

1. What is the importance of diversity in living organisms?
Ans. Diversity in living organisms is important because it allows for the survival and adaptation of species. It ensures that there is a wide range of different organisms with various characteristics and traits. This diversity helps in maintaining a balance in ecosystems, as each organism plays a specific role.
2. How is diversity in living organisms studied?
Ans. Diversity in living organisms is studied through various scientific methods and techniques. Scientists use tools like microscopes to observe and identify different organisms. They also study their physical and genetic characteristics, behavior, and habitat. This information is then used to classify and categorize organisms into different groups and species.
3. What are the different levels of classification in living organisms?
Ans. Living organisms are classified into different levels based on their characteristics and traits. The levels of classification include kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. This hierarchical system allows for the organization and identification of organisms based on their similarities and differences.
4. How does diversity in living organisms contribute to the overall health of the planet?
Ans. Diversity in living organisms is essential for the overall health of the planet. It helps in maintaining the balance of ecosystems by ensuring that there is a variety of organisms in different niches. This diversity also allows for the recycling of nutrients, pollination of plants, and control of pests and diseases. It is crucial for the functioning and sustainability of the Earth's ecosystems.
5. What are the threats to diversity in living organisms?
Ans. Diversity in living organisms is facing various threats due to human activities. Habitat destruction, pollution, climate change, and invasive species are some of the main threats. These factors can lead to the loss of species, disruption of ecosystems, and imbalance in the natural environment. Conservation efforts and sustainable practices are essential to protect and preserve the diversity of living organisms.
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