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Class 9 SST: Sample Question Paper Term I - 3 (With Solutions) | Social Studies (SST) Class 9 PDF Download

Class - IX
Time: 90
Max. Marks: 40

General Instructions: 
1. The Question Paper contains four sections.
2. Section A has 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions.
3. Section B has 22 questions. Attempt any 18 questions.
4. Section C has 12 questions (Case-based). Attempt any 10 questions.
5. Section D contains 2 Map-based questions. Attempt both the questions.
6. All questions carry equal marks. 7. There is no negative marking.

Section - A

Q.1: Who got the right to vote in the France Constitution of 1791?
(a) Men with property
(b) Active citizens
(c) Passive citizens
(d) Monarchs

Correct Answer is Option (b)
Not all citizens had the right to vote. Only men above 25 years of age who paid taxes equal to at least 3 days of a labourer’s wage were given the status of active citizens, that is, they were entitled to vote.

Q.2: Mirzapur is situated in
(a) Andhra Pradesh
(b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Tamil Nadu
(d) Madhya Pradesh 

Correct Answer is Option (b)

Q.3: The ________ means that India is a free country and no external power can dictate the government of India.
(a) Sovereignty
(b) Equality
(c) Liberty
(d) Secular 

Correct Answer is Option (a)

Q.4: HYV seeds stands for
(a) Half yielding variety seeds
(b) High yielding variety seeds
(c) Heavy yielding variety seeds
(d) Heavy yielding various seeds 

Correct Answer is Option (b)

Q.5: When people appear to be employed, this kind of unemployment is called:
(a) Seasonal unemployment
(b) Disguised unemployment
(c) Educated unemployment
(d) All of these 

Correct Answer is Option (b)
Disguised unemployment: In this situation, more people are engaged in work than required. They all appear to be employed. It is also called Hidden unemployment.

Q.6: In which of these countries only the ruling party is allowed to contest in an election:
(a) America
(b) Germany
(c) Mexico
(d) France 

Correct Answer is Option (c)

Q.7: All citizens are equal before the law; irrespective of differences in socio-economic conditions. Choose one word for this statement?
(a) Equality
(b) Democratic
(c) Liberty
(d) Secular 

Correct Answer is Option (a)
All citizens are equal before the law; irrespective of differences in socio-economic conditions.

Q.8: Arrange the following events in chronological order:
(i) A constitution is framed to limit the powers of the king.
(ii) Louis XVI becomes king of France.
(iii) Convocation of Estates General.
(iv) France becomes a republic.
(a) iii, i, ii, iv
(b) ii, iii, i, iv
(c) iv, iii, ii, i
(d) ii, i, iv, iii 

Correct Answer is Option (b)
ii. 1774: Louis XVI becomes king of France.
iii. 1789: Convocation of Estates General.
i. 1791: A constitution is framed to limit the powers of the king.
iv. 1792-93: France becomes a republic.

Q.9: Which one of the following Indian state has the longest coastline on the eastern coast?
(a) Tamil Nadu
(b) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Jharkhand
(d) Orissa 

Correct Answer is Option (b)

Q.10: Arrange the following events in chronological order:
(i) Directory rules France
(ii) Draft of the constitution
(iii) Oath of the Tennis Court
(iv) Louis XVI is guillotined
(a) iv, iii, ii, i
(b) ii, iv, iii, i
(c) iii ,ii, i, iv
(d) i, iv, iii, ii 

Correct Answer is Option (c)
iii. 20 June 1789: Oath of the Tennis Court
ii. 1791: Draft of the constitution
i. 1792-93: Directory rules France
iv. July 1794: Louis XVI is guillotined

Q.11: Which of these states adopted modern methods of farming at the earliest?
(a) Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal
(b) Punjab, Rajasthan and Gujarat
(c) Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra
(d) Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh 

Correct Answer is Option (d)
Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh were the first to adopt modern methods of farming.

Q.12: Who can be said to be unemployed in these following instances?
(a) Jeetu has done M.A but he is not getting jobs. 
(b) Neetu earns Rs 400 every day from household works.
(c) Sakal does not want to work.
(d) All of these.

Correct Answer is Option (a)

Q.13: Who declared himself the Chief Executive of the country in Pakistan in 1999?
(a) Benazir Bhutto
(b) Liyaqat Ali Khan
(c) Zafarullah Khan Jamali
(d) General Pervez Musharraf 

Correct Answer is Option (d)
In Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf led the military coup in October 1999. He overthrew a democratically elected Government and declared himself the 'Chief Executive' of the country.

Q.14: Who among the following was not a member of the constituent assembly?
(a) H.C. Mukherjee
(b) B. R. Ambedkar
(c) Rajendra Prasadh
(d) Mahatma Gandhi

Correct Answer is Option (d)
Mahatma Gandhi was not a member of the constituent assembly.

Q.15: Arrange the following events in chronological order:
i. Louis XVI faces an empty treasury and growing discontent within society.
ii. Napoleon defeated at Waterloo.
iii. The Third Estate forms the National Assembly.
iv. Napoleon becomes emperor of France.
(a) ii, iv, i, iii
(b) iv, iii, ii, i
(c) i, iii, iv, ii
(d) iii, i, ii, iv 

Correct Answer is Option (c)
i. 1774: Louis XVI faces empty treasury and growing discontent within society
iii. 1789: Third Estate forms National Assembly
iv. 1804: Napoleon becomes emperor of France
ii. 1815: Napoleon defeated at Waterloo

Q.16: The Standard Meridian of India passes through which state?
(a) Rajasthan
(b) Maharashtra
(c) Himachal Pradesh
(d) Uttar Pradesh

Correct Answer is Option (d)
Indian Standard Meridian passes through the middle of India i. e. Mirzapur in Uttar Pradesh.

Q.17: The famous political party of Mexico was:
(a) Revolutionary party
(b) Chinese Communist party
(c) Institutional Revolutionary party
(d) People’s party

Correct Answer is Option (c)
In Mexico, until 2000 every election was won by a party called PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party)

Q.18: Which of the following is a standard unit of measurement of land?
(a) Bigha
(b) Acre
(c) Guintha
(d) Hectares 

Correct Answer is Option (d)
As 'hectares' is used to measures the land.

Q.19: Which of the following is a secondary economic activity?
(a) Manufacturing
(b) Education
(c) Trade
(d) Banking 

Correct Answer is Option (a)

Q.20: Who did not have the right to vote in Saudi Arabia?
(a) Non-residents
(b) Propertied men
(c) Non-propertied men
(d) Women 

Correct Answer is Option (d)
There are many instances of denial of equal right to vote. For example: In Saudi Arabia, women did not have the right to vote. Women were previously forbidden from voting in all elections or being elected to any political office, but in 2011 King Abdullah allowed women to vote in the 2015 local municipal elections and be appointed to the Consultative Assembly.

Q.21: Mahatma Gandhi’s vision about the Indian Constitution was published in which magazine?
(a) Discovery of India
(b) Indian Gazette
(c) Young India
(d) New India 

Correct Answer is Option (c)
Young India was a weekly paper or journal in English published by Mahatma Gandhi from 1919 to 1931.

Q.22: Arrange the following events in chronological order:
(i) Louis XVI was executed publicly.
(ii) Convention abolished the monarchy.
(iii) National Assembly voted in to declare war against Prussia and Austria.
(iv) Parisians stormed the Palace of the Tuileries.
(a) iv, iii, i, ii
(b) iii, iv, ii, i
(c) ii, i, iv, iii
(d) i, ii, iii, iv 

Correct Answer is Option (b)
iii. April 1792: National Assembly voted in to declare war against Prussia and Austria.
iv. 10th August 1792: Parisians stormed the Palace of the Tuileries.
ii. 21st September 1792: Convention abolished the monarchy.
i. 21st January 1793: Louis XVI was executed publicly.

Q.23: Sri Lanka is separated from India by a narrow channel of sea called:
(a) Palk Strait
(b) Gulf of Khambhat
(c) Colombo Gulf
(d) Gulf of Kachchh 

Correct Answer is Option (a)
Sri Lanka is separated from India by a narrow channel of sea called Palk Strait.

Q.24: This term means that the head of the state, i.e. the President of India is an elected person and it is not a hereditary position. Choose the term from options.
(a) Sovereignty
(b) Secular
(c) Fraternity
(d) Republic

Correct Answer is Option (d)

Section - B

Q.25: Multiple cropping means growing
(a) only two crops
(b) more than one crop
(c) upto four crops
(d) only three crops 

Correct Answer is Option (b)

Q.26: Which class majority have meager education and low skill formation?
(a) Men
(b) Elderly people
(c) Girl child
(d) Women 

Correct Answer is Option (d)
A majority of women have meagre education and low skill formation.

Q.27: During which period did China record its worst famines in the world's history?
(a) 1935-39
(b) 1952-55
(c) 1958-61
(d) 1943-46 

Correct Answer is Option (c)
China’s famine of 1958-1961 was the worst recorded famine in world history. Nearly three crore people died in this famine.

Q.28: In which year South Africa became independent?
(a) 26th April 1991
(b) 26th March 1947
(c) 6th April 1989
(d) 26th April 1994 

Correct Answer is Option (d)
26th April 1994 South Africa became independent

Q.29: How much amount of tithe was levied from peasants by the church?
(a) One-tenth of the agricultural produce
(b) One-tenth of the income of family members
(c) One-tenth of the land owned
(d) One-tenth of the cattles owned 

Correct Answer is Option (a)
The Church extracted its share of taxes called tithes from the peasants , comprising onetenth of the agricultural produce.

Q.30: In which of the following year Indira-Point was submerged underwater?
(a) 2005
(b) 2007
(c) 2004
(d) 2002 

Correct Answer is Option (c)

Q.31: ________ is/are the real source of power in a democratic country.
(a) The judiciary
(b) People
(c) The parliament
(d) Aristocrats 

Correct Answer is Option (b)
People are the real source of power in a democratic country.

Q.32: Consumption of chemical fertilizers is highest in which state of India?
(a) Haryana
(b) Punjab
(c) Himachal Pradesh
(d) Rajasthan 

Correct Answer is Option (b)
Punjab is the correct answer because Punjab produces a large amount of wheat. For production, it requires chemical fertilizers.

Q.33: Assertion (A): Development of human resources leads to the development of society.
Reason (R): It enhances the ability to contribute to the creation of the Gross National Product.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true. 

Correct Answer is Option (b)
Population from a productive aspect emphasizes its ability to contribute to the creation of the Gross National Product. Not only do the more educated and the healthier people gain through higher incomes, but the society also gains in other indirect ways because the advantages of a more educated or a healthier population spread to those also who themselves were not directly educated or given health care. In fact, human capital is in one way superior to other resources like land and physical capital: human resources can make use of land and capital. Land and capital cannot become useful on their own.

Q.34: Name the leader who brought dictatorship in Germany?
(a) Hitler
(b) Carl Marx
(c) General Parvez Musharraf
(d) Lenin 

Correct Answer is Option (a)

Q.35: The household work done by women is not recognised in the ________.
(a) Business Income
(b) National Income.
(c) Gross Income
(d) Household Income 

Correct Answer is Option (b)
Women are not paid for their service delivered in the family. The household work done by women is not recognised in the National Income.

Q.36: Why Bastille was hated by people?
(a) It stood for the despotic power of the clergy.
(b) It stood for the despotic power of the citizens.
(c) It stood for the despotic power of the military.
(d) It stood for the despotic power of the king. 

Correct Answer is Option (d)
Bastille was hated by all, because it stood for the despotic power of the king. The fortress was demolished and its stone fragments were sold in the markets to all those who wished to keep a souvenir of its destruction.

Q.37: How many states and union territories does India have?
(a) 28 states and 6 union territories
(b) 24 states and 2 union territories
(c) 28 states and 9 union territories
(d) 25 states and 7 union territories 

Correct Answer is Option (c)

Q.38: Which group were obliged to render service to in the army or to participate in building roads?
(a) Cattle Herders
(b) Nomads
(c) Peasants
(d) All of these

Correct Answer is Option (c)
Peasants were obliged to render services to the lord - to work in his house and fields - to serve in the army or to participate in building roads

Q.39: Assertion (A): Palampur has a fairly well-developed system of electricity.
Reason (R): Most of the houses have electric connections. Electricity powers all the tubewells in the fields and is used in various types of small businesses.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true. 

Correct Answer is Option (a)
Electricity came quite early in Palampur and that facilitated use of tube wells in the fields that added to the extensive irrigation system of the village. The reason explains the assertion.

Q.40: Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is a significant step towards providing education to all children in the age group:
(a) 6-14 years
(b) 5-10 years
(c) 10-15 years
(d) 5-14 years 

Correct Answer is Option (a)
It aims to provide compulsory and free elementary education to all children between the age of 6-14 years.

Q.41: Tourism and insurance belongs to which sector?
(a) Primary
(b) Primary, Secondary and Tertiary
(c) Tertiary
(d) Secondary 

Correct Answer is Option (c)
Tourism and insurance are included in the tertiary sector.

Q.42: Which party fought the liberation movement in South Africa?
(a) Indian National Congress
(b) African National Congress (ANC)
(c) Labour party
(d) Bath Party 

Correct Answer is Option (b)
Since the end of apartheid in 1994, the African National Congress (ANC) has dominated South Africa's politics. The ANC is the ruling party in the national legislature, as well as in eight of the nine provinces (Western Cape is governed by the Democratic Alliance).

Q.43: Whom did Louis XVI get married?
(a) Olympe de Gouges
(b) Marie Antoinette
(c) Marie de Medicis
(d) Nanine Vallain 

Correct Answer is Option (b)
In 1774, Louis XVI of the Bourbon family of kings ascended the throne of France. He was 20 years old and married to the Austrian princess Marie Antoinette.

Q.44: Which one of the following is the latitudinal and longitudinal extent of India?
32 degree
30 degree
33 degree
35 degree 

Correct Answer is Option (b)

Q.45: Assertion (A): The Constituent Assembly was dominated by the Indian National Congress.
Reason (R): If the Constituent Assembly was elected by Universal Adult Franchise its composition would have been very different.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true. 

Correct Answer is Option (c)
The Assembly was dominated by the Indian National Congress, the party that led India’s freedom struggle. But the Congress itself included a variety of political groups and opinions. The Assembly had many members who did not agree with the Congress. In social terms too, the Assembly represented members from different language groups, castes, classes, religions, and occupations. There was no universal adult franchise at that time. So the Constituent Assembly could not have been chosen directly by all the people of India elected mainly by the members of the existing Provincial Legislature. Even if the Constituent Assembly was elected by universal adult franchise, its composition would not have been very different.

Q.46: If farmers are unable to obtain capital from their own savings and have to borrow, it is called
(a) Subsistence Farming
(b) Modern Farming
(c) Lack of surplus
(d) Fixed capital

Correct Answer is Option (c)
If farmers are unable to obtain capital from their own savings and have to borrow, it is called lack of surplus.

Section - C

Question No. 47 to 52 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
Despite all these difficulties, there was one big advantage for the makers of the Indian Constitution. Unlike South Africa, they did not have to create a consensus about what a democratic India should look like. Much of this consensus had evolved during the freedom struggle. Our national movement was not merely a struggle against a foreign rule. It was also a struggle to rejuvenate our country and to transform our society and politics. There were sharp differences of opinion within the freedom struggle about the path India should take after Independence. Such differences exist even today. Yet some basic ideas had come to be accepted by almost everyone. Motilal Nehru and eight other Congress leaders drafted a constitution for India. The resolution at the Karachi session of the Indian National Congress dwelt on how independent India’s constitution should look like. Both these documents were committed to the inclusion of universal adult franchise, right to freedom and equality and to protecting the rights of minorities in the constitution of independent India. Thus some basic values were accepted by all leaders much before the Constituent Assembly met to deliberate on the Constitution. The familiarity with political institutions of the colonial rule also helped develop an agreement over the institutional design. The British rule had given voting rights only to a few. On that basis, the British had introduced very weak legislatures. Elections were held to Provincial Legislatures and Ministries all over British India. These were not fully democratic governments. But the experience gained by Indians in the working of the legislative institutions proved to be very useful for the country in setting up its own institutions and working in them. That is why the Indian constitution adopted many institutional details and procedures from colonial laws like the Government of India Act. Years of thinking and deliberation on the framework of the constitution had another benefit. Our leaders gained the confidence to learn from other countries, but on our own terms. Many of our leaders were inspired by the ideals of the French Revolution, the practice of parliamentary democracy in Britain, and the Bill of Rights in the US. The socialist revolution in Russia had inspired many Indians to think of shaping a system based on social and economic equality. Yet they were not simply imitating what others had done. At each step, they were questioning whether these things suited our country. All these factors contributed to the making of our Constitution.
Q.47: Arrange the following events in chronological order:
(i) Enactment of Government of India Act.
(ii) Elections were held to Provincial Legislatures and Ministries all over British India.
(iii) Motilal Nehru and eight other Congress leaders drafted a constitution for India.
(iv) Karachi session of the Indian National Congress.

(a) i, ii, iv, iii
(b) ii, iv, i, ii
(c) i, iii, iv, ii
(d) iii, iv, i, ii

Correct Answer is Option (d)

Q.48: According to ________ the elections were held to provincial legislatures in India in 1937?
(a) Government of India Act, 1935 
(b) Government of India Act, 1919
(c) Government of India Act, 1909
(d) None of these

Correct Answer is Option (a)

Q.49: Which of these features were accepted by all the Indian leaders much before they sat down to make the Constitution?
(a) Right to press
(b) Protection of the rights of majority
(c) Universal adult franchise
(d) All of these 

Correct Answer is Option (c)

Q.50: Which of these inspired our leaders while framing the Constitution?
(a) Parliamentary democracy in France
(b) Ideals of the Indian Revolution
(c) Bill of Rights in US
(d) All of these

Correct Answer is Option (c)

Q.51: Match the following ideas that inspired the framers of the Indian constitution and the countries they are taken from:
Class 9 SST: Sample Question Paper Term I - 3 (With Solutions) | Social Studies (SST) Class 9

(a) a-iii, b-i, c-ii
(b) a-i. b-ii, c-iii
(c) a-ii, b-i, c-iii
(d) a-ii, b-iii, c-i

Correct Answer is Option (d)
Many of our leaders were inspired by the ideals of the French Revolution, the practice of parliamentary democracy in Britain, and the Bill of Rights in the US. The socialist revolution in Russia had inspired many Indians to think of shaping a system based on social and economic equality.

Q.52: The identity of Indian Constitution came to existence long back in ________. Soon after the Indian
National Congress passed a resolution in its ________ Session deciding upon the outlook of the constitution.
(a) 1931, Calcutta
(b) 1929, Lahore
(c) 1928, Karachi
(d) 1930, Surat

Correct Answer is Option (c)
As far back as in 1928, Motilal Nehru and eight other Congress leaders drafted a constitution for India. In 1931, the resolution at the Karachi session of the Indian National Congress dwelt on how independent India’s constitution should look like.

Question No. 53 to 58 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
The Indian landmass has a central location between East and West Asia. India is a southward extension of the Asian continent. The trans-Indian Ocean routes, which connect the countries of Europe in the West and the countries of East Asia, provide a strategic central location to India. The Deccan Peninsula protrudes into the Indian Ocean, thus helping India to establish close contact with West Asia, Africa, and Europe from the western coast and with Southeast and East Asia from the eastern coast. No other country has a long coastline on the Indian Ocean as India has and indeed, it is India’s eminent position in the Indian Ocean, which justifies the naming of an Ocean after it. Since the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, India’s distance from Europe has been reduced by 7000 km. India’s contacts with the World have continued through ages but her relationships through the land routes are much older than her maritime contacts. The various passes across the mountains in the north have provided passages to the ancient travellers, while the oceans restricted such interaction for a long time. These routes have contributed to the exchange of ideas and commodities since ancient times. The ideas of the Upanishads and the Ramayana, the stories of Panchtantra, the Indian numerals, and the decimal system thus could reach many parts of the world. The spices, muslin, and other merchandise were taken from India to different countries. On the other hand, the influence of Greek sculpture, and the architectural styles of dome and minarets from West Asia can be seen in different parts of our country.
Q.53: Identify the incorrect option.
(i) Since ancient times, routes have facilitated the flow of ideas and goods.
(ii) Various passes across the mountains in the north have provided passages to the ancient travellers.
(iii) For a long time, the ancient travellers were unable to interact because of the land routes.
(iv) The Deccan Peninsula protrudes into the Indian Ocean.

(a) Option (i)
(b) Option (ii)
(c) Option (iv)
(d) Option (iii)

Correct Answer is Option (d)
The oceans restricted interaction for a long time. i.e For a long time, the ancient travellers were unable to interact because of the oceans.

Q.54: Routes have contributed to the exchange of ideas and commodities since ancient times. Which of the following is not correct with reference to the given statement?
(a) The international system of numerals travelled across the world from India.
(b) Ramayana and Panchtantra's stories were widely circulated throughout the world.
(c) Concepts of Upanishads could reach many parts of the world.
(d) The influence of Greek sculpture can be seen in different parts of our country.

Correct Answer is Option (a)

Q.55: Choose the most appropriate reason(s). The ocean is named the Indian Ocean because ________.
(a) Spices, muslin, and other merchandise were taken through the Indian ocean to different countries.
(b) Indian landmass has a central location between East and West Asia.
(c) India is the only country in the world with such a long marine border.
(d) All of the above 

Correct Answer is Option (c)
India is the only country in the world with such a long marine border on the Indian Ocean.

Q.56: The ________, which connect western European countries with eastern Asian ones, offer India a key centre location.
(a) Trans land routes
(b) Trans mountains routes
(c) Trans maritime routes
(d) Trans Indian Ocean routes 

Correct Answer is Option (d)

Q.57: Find the relation between A and B in each group and fill in the blank accordingly.
A: Eastern Coast: Southeast and East Asia
B: Western Coast : ________
(a) Northwest, Europe, and West Asia.
(b) Northwest, Africa, and West Asia
(c) West Asia, Africa, and Europe
(d) Northwest, Europe, and West Asia 

Correct Answer is Option (c)
India to establish close contact with West Asia, Africa, and Europe from the western coast and with Southeast and East Asia from the eastern coast.

Q.58: This has reinforced India's communication with Europe.
(a) Its central location the East and West Asia
(b) Its eminent position in the Indian Ocean
(c) Opening of the Suez Canal
(d) Opening of trans-Indian Ocean routes

Correct Answer is Option (c)
Since the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, India’s distance from Europe has been reduced by 7,000 km thus helping in better communication.

Section - D

Q.59: On the political map of India, A is marked as the largest state area-wise. Identify it from the following options.
Class 9 SST: Sample Question Paper Term I - 3 (With Solutions) | Social Studies (SST) Class 9

(a) Madhya Pradesh
(b) Rajasthan
(c) Maharashtra
(d) Uttar Pradesh

Correct Answer is Option (b)
Rajasthan (with 342,239 Sq km area is the largest state of India)

Q.60: On the physical map of India, A is marked as the region of a plateau. Identify it from the following
Class 9 SST: Sample Question Paper Term I - 3 (With Solutions) | Social Studies (SST) Class 9

(a) Deccan Plateau
(b) Malwa plateau
(c) Chotanagpur plateau
(d) Central Highlands

Correct Answer is Option (b)

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