Q1. Define Afforestation?
Answer: The practice of planting more and more trees is called Afforestation.
Q2. What is desertification? What causes desertification?
Answer: The phenomenon of converting fertile land into desert is called desertification. Deforestation causes desertification.
Q3. What is the effect of deforestation on rainfall and climate?
Answer: Deforestation increases temperature and wind velocity that reduce rainfall. These changes led to climate change.
Q4. What is wild life?
Answer: Wild life is an area where organism lives in their natural habitat like dense forest, jungle and water bodies.
Q5. Give one difference between endangered and vulnerable?
Answer: Endangered are those animals that are not likely survive and will soon extinct where as Vulnerable are those animal which are likely to move in endangered category in future.
Q6. What is Red Data Book?
Answer: Red Data Book is the source book which keeps a record of all the endangered animals and plants.
Q7. Name the first national park of India? When it was it established?
Answer: A national park is protected land area that provide natural habitat to wild life. Jim Corbett National Park is the first national park of India established in 1936.
Q8. Name three different region of biosphere reserve?
Answer: Core Zone, Buffer Zone, and Manipulation Zone.
Q9. Name the international body responsible for wild life conservation?
Answer: World Conservation union
Q10. What is the objective of project tiger?
Answer: To save tigers from unauthorized killing.
Q11. What are endemic species?
Answer: Endemic species are those species of plants and animals which are found exclusively in a particular area and do not found anywhere else naturally.
90 videos|273 docs|44 tests
1. What is conservation and why is it important? |
2. What are the major threats to plant and animal conservation? |
3. What are the measures taken for the conservation of plants and animals? |
4. How can individuals contribute to plant and animal conservation? |
5. What is the role of government in plant and animal conservation? |