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Class 9 English: Sample Question Paper- 7 (With Solutions) PDF Download


1. This question paper is divided into three sections.
Section A: Reading     (20 Marks)
Section B: Writing and Grammar     (30 Marks)
Section C: Literature     (30 Marks)
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

Section (A) Reading

Q 1. Read the passage given below carefully and answer the questions that follow. (8)
1. Doing housework, taking care of children, and carrying out assorted jobs for husbands are work just as much as is performing paid employment in an office or factory. To ignore this is to do a disservice to women in the labour force. The reality of housework is that women's work in the home averages 56 hours per week for a full-time homemaker, and 26 hours per week for an employed wife or mother. Husbands and children barely increase their contribution to housework and childcare when the wife or mother is in the labour force. As a result, an employed woman with family responsibilities gives up most of her other leisure activities to carry out the responsibilities of family life.
2. We realise that it may sound strange to hear women's activities at home called work. Since women who do housework and take care of children receive no salary or wages, homemaking is not considered 'work'. Some people have proposed that the solution to the problems of employed housewives would be simply to pay women housewives for being housewives. Hence, women with heavy family responsibilities would not have to enter the labour force in order to gain income for themselves and/or their families. This is not a solution for many reasons. Wages provide income but they do not remedy the isolating nature of the work itself. Unless women and men are paid equally in the labour force and there is no division of labour by sex, women's work at home will have no value. Since it is not clear what constitutes housework, and we know that housework standards vary greatly, it would be difficult to know how to reward it
3.  Pay for housework might place homemakers (mainly wives) in the difficult position of having their work assessed by their husbands while in the case of single homemakers it is not clear who would do the assessing. Wages for housework, derived from spouse payments, overlook the contribution women make to the society (e.g. by training children to be good citizens) and assume that their work is only beneficial to their own families. Finally, payment for housework does not address the basic reason why women with family responsibilities work.
Answer the following questions on the basis of the passage you have read.   (1 x 8 = 8 Marks)

(i) As a full-time homemaker a women works...........
(a) 24 hrs per week
(b) 56 hours per week
(c) 24 hrs per month
(d) 56 hours per month
(b) 56 hours per week 
(ii) Women with heavy family responsibilities...........
(a) do not enter the labour force
(b) take care of children
(c) do housework
(d) All of these
(d) All of these
(iii) Wages provide...........
(a) independence
(b) income
(c) work
(d) All of these

Ans: (b) income
(iv) Homemaking is not considered ‘work' as
I. it sounds strange to hear women's activities at home called, work.
II. women have heavy family responsibilities.
III. women who do housework receive no salary or wages.
IV. women participate in all leisure activities at home.
(a) Only I
(b) Only III
(c) III and IV
(d) II and III
  (b) Only III
(v) Which word in the passage means ‘almost not'?
(a) Force
(b) Barely
(c) Overlook
(d) Clear

Ans: (b) Barely
(vi) Payment for housework
I. ignores the social contribution of women.
II. guarantees equal pay for both males and females.
III. allows husbands to assess the work of homemakers.
IV. ignores the basic reason why women with family responsibilities work.
(a) I and II
(b) II and IV
(c) I and III
(d) III and IV

Ans: (c) I and III
(vii) Women's work at home will have no value unless men and women the labour market.
are paid equally
(viii) Doing housework, taking care of children and husband are work just like working in an office or factory.   (True/False)

Q. 2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow :    (2 x 4) + (1 x 4) = 12
Modem food has become our enemy. We have become so slavish to taste and presentation that we eat food for its entertainment value, not for its nutritional benefit. Even as health awareness is increasing, the variety of junk and nutritionless food is also increasing. Each restaurant boasts of a new cuisine, which is a mixture of refined flour, oil and sugar. Pasta, noodles, white rice, white bread and maida based products like pizzas, burgers, man and rumali roti are the main options in Italian, Chinese, Indian or Mexican cuisines. The vegetarian dishes are either overcooked or Have a lot of corn starch and fat. The non-vegetarian dishes are either white-sauce based or made in rich gravies.
People are trying to lose weight by eating less in the day so that they can accommodate such foods in the night. They skip breakfast and lunch so that they can satisfy their taste buds in the night with a family dinner. Perfect health, however, cannot be achieved by a process of eating less and not eating. The idea is to nourish the body. You might achieve some weight loss but you will also lose out on your health.
Therefore, whilst embarking upon any weight loss programme, remember that health is much more than just weight loss, at the same time achieving ideal body weight in a healthy way does provide a basis for achieving perfect health.
Our weight is a balancing act, but the equation is simple: If you eat more calories than you burn, you gain weight. And if you eat fewer calories than you burn, you lose weight.
All too often, we make weight loss much more difficult than it needs to be with extreme diets that leave us cranky and starving, unhealthy lifestyle choices undermine our dieting efforts and emotional eating habits and stop us before we get started. But there's a better way! You can lose weight without feeling miserable. By making smart choices every day, you can develop new eating habits and preferences that will leave you to feel satisfied—and winning the battle of the bulge.
A. Answer the following questions :    (2 x 4 = 8)
(a) How has modern food become our enemy?
(b) How do people try to lose weight?
(c) What should you remember while trying to lose weight?
(d) What equation is drawn to highlight our weight as a balancing act?

B. Choose the correct alternative :
(a) W hat is meant by 'nourish'? (Para 2)
(i) feed
(ii) grow
(iii) improve
(iv) love
(b) What is meant by 'undermine'? (Para 5)
(i) better

(ii) weaken
(iii) underestimate
(iv) improve
(c) Find the word opposite in meaning to 'happy'. (Para 5)
(i) unhealthy
(ii) satisfied
(iii) miserable
(iv) cranky
(d) Find the word opposite in meaning to 'neither'. (Para 1)
(i) variety
(ii) starch
(iii) gravies
(iv) either

(a) As we have become so slavish to taste and presentation that we eat food for its entertainment value and not for its nutritional benefit, modern food has become our enemy.
(b) People try to lose weight by eating less in the day so that they can accommodate such foods in the night. They skip breakfast and lunch so that they can satisfy their taste buds in the night.
(c) One should remember that health is so much more than just weight loss; at the same time achieving ideal body weight in a healthy way does provide a basis for achieving perfect health.
(d) The equation is drawn to highlight our weight as a balancing act is that if eat more calories than we burn, we gain weight and if we eat fewer calories than we bum, we lose weight.
(a) (i) feed
(b) (ii) weaken
(c) (iii)miserable
(d) (iv) either

Section (B) Writing and Gramma

Q 3. A candlelight protest march was organised at Jantar Mantar to draw the attention of the government towards 'Crime Against Women' this evening. You also participated in this protest march. You are Raj an/ Rajni, a student of Class IX. Taking ideas from the clues given below, write a diary entry in 100-150 words.     (8)

Today was a red-letter day for me - a huge number of youths present - silent march for victims; - march organised by an NGO - feeling happy at the awareness

Friday, 17th August, 20XX
11:00 PM
Pear Diary
Today was a red-letter day for me, as l participated in a huge candlelight demonstration at the historic monument, Jantar Mantar. Students and youth from all over the country were present. It was a silent and peaceful march where everyone prayed for the poor souls who were victims of various crimes such as dowry death, rape, domestic violence and other similar offences. The march was organised by a well-known NGO working for the cause, I was happy to see the awareness of this problem even among the boys and men who participated in the march. I returned home with a feeling that now the government will listen to us and take strict action against the offenders. It was a good experience for me.
Recently a new Principal joined your school. Your friends ask you to describe him.
Write a description of your new Principal based on the hints given below. (100-150 words)

Name of your new principal-description-qualities - what you like the most about him

Mr Rakesh Chopra, our new Principal is a tall, fair and young man. He has a moustache and is very handsome. He has a wheatish complexion. He is highly qualified, kind and polite. Yet, he is a strict disciplinarian. He is punctual and diligent and inspires us to. be fit and smart. He has a good command over the students and punishes habitual latecomers and indisciplined children.
He is very kind as he helps the poor, needy children by distributing books, notebooks and other stationery materials, free of cost. He is liked and respected by all. He has a very important role in the functioning of the school. He can improve the standard of education in the school. He is very noble and honest. He takes great interest in his work. He has a great love for his school and students. He attracts us as a magnet attracts iron. All of us are always prepared to carry out his orders. His word is the law for us.

Q. 4. Write a short story in 150-200 words with the given beginning line. 'Today my English paper got over early. While waiting to submit paper 1 had a nice time observing an army of ants on the right-hand side wall of the classroom. The red-headed fat ant seemed to be the commander and was ordering the rest. Then..........'     (10)
Ans: Today, my English paper finished early. While waiting to submit the paper, I had a nice time observing an army of ants on the right-hand side wall of the classroom. A red-headed fat ant seemed to be the commander and was ordering the rest of the ant army. Then, they started moving in a disciplined manner. I began to wonder about the ants and I was curious to know more about them. After submitting my answer sheet, I reached my home and began to search through books. While searching, I came to know that ants are social insects, which means that they live in large colonies or groups. Depending on the species, ant colonies can consist up to a million of ants.
There are three kinds of ants in a colony. The queen, the female workers and males. The queen and the males have wings while the workers don't have wings. The only ant that can lay eggs is the queen ant. Ant colonies have soldier ants that protect the queen, defend the colony, gather or kill food, and attack enemy colonies in search of food and resting space. Undoubtedly, ants have a very disciplined and regular life.    (10)
Every drop counts. Let's not waste so that others may survive. Develop a story in about 150-200 words with a suitable title.

Class 9 English: Sample Question Paper- 7 (With Solutions)


'For a Drop of Water'

It was 25th of June last year. I can't forget the day. It was an excessively hot day. The summer was at its peak. It seemed as if fire was pouring down from the sky. Mother earth was ailing for want of water Not a bird or animal was visible in the open.
Thence was not a stir of air anywhere. Not even a leaf was moving. The atmosphere was stuffy and suffocated. To add to our troubles, there was no electricity. It also resulted in the betrayal of water taps in addition to the fans and coolers. My brother's body was burning with blistering heat. He couldn't even cry as his throat was absolutely dry. There was not even a single drop of water in taps as well as in the storage. All of us were very thirsty but at that time, we were much troubled on seeing his miserable condition.
I went out of the house. At the corner of our lane, there was a departmental store. I went there in the hope of getting an ice-pouch or a water bottle. But it was not available at any cost because there had been no water supply for the last 24 hours. My brother's uneasiness was getting unbearable with every moment. He was becoming excessively impatient and restless. His forehead was burning like hot-oven. My mother started weeping on seeing his condition.
Suddenly my father, who had gone to another city returned. He had the habit of carrying water bottle with him. Perhaps God made my father's entry at the right moment. Immediately my brother drank some water, which prevented him from fainting. Then we took him to the hospital for his further treatment.
That day onwards, I never wasted even a drop of water, for even a drop can save someone's life.

Q 5. Fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate words/phrases from the given options (any four ) :   ( 1 x 4 = 4 marks)
I wanted to go out (i) ______________ I was absolutely fed up of sitting in the same place and working. I realised that my deadline (ii) ____ _________ fast approaching but a break was badly needed. I just (iii) ______________ continue without a break. My deadline for that day's incredible, awe-inspiring column (iv) _______ the Tribune was three hours away. Meanwhile, I had already tossed three ideas into (v)______________ recycle bin and was staring at the blank screen again.

(i) (a) so
(b) and
(c) but
(d) because
(d) because
(ii) (a) was
(b) will be
(c) is

(d) has
(a) was
(iii) (a) wouldn’t
(b) couldn’t
(c) won’t
(d) can’t

Ans: (b) couldn’t
(iv) (a) at
(b) on
(c) in
(d) for
(d) for
(v) (a) a
(b) an
(c) the
(d) or
(c) the

Q 6. In the given passage, one word has been omitted from each line. Identify the missing word and write it along with the word before and the word after against the correct blank number.    ( 1 x 4 = 4)
Now a days, our day begins with the headlines of a newspaper
Class 9 English: Sample Question Paper- 7 (With Solutions)

(a) The newspaper taken the place of the Gita
(b) the Bible and Quran with the people. For them
(c) the printed sheet the gospel truth. Confirming fact
(d) throws great responsibility upon the editor and newswriters

Class 9 English: Sample Question Paper- 7 (With Solutions)
Class 9 English: Sample Question Paper- 7 (With Solutions)
Class 9 English: Sample Question Paper- 7 (With Solutions)
Class 9 English: Sample Question Paper- 7 (With Solutions)
Class 9 English: Sample Question Paper- 7 (With Solutions)

Q. 7. Read the conversation given below and complete the passage given below : (1x4 = 4)
Sneha: Do you know that the Andaman trip has been postponed?
Deepti: No, I didn't know that. Why has it been postponed?
Sneha: I heard that it is due to bad weather conditions.
Sneha asked Deepti 
(a) ............... postponed. Deepti realised that 
(b) ................. that. She asked Sneha 
(c) ............ Sneha told her that 
(d) ...................
(a) if she knew that the Andaman trip had been
(b) she didn't know  
(c) why it had been postponed .............. .................................
(d) it was due to bad weather conditions.

Section (C) Literature

Q 8. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow. ( 1 x 4 = 4)
Then the matter of scorching and choking In sun and air, Browning, hardening, Twisting, withering, And then it is done.
Whose 'scorching' and 'choking' is the poet talking about?
What task is being accomplished here?
How is the tree killed finally?
Which word in the extract will be the antonym of ‘full of vitality'?
The poet is talking about the ‘scorching’ and ‘choking’ of the roots of the tree.
The killing (cutting) of a tree is being accomplished here.
When the strength of a tree, i.e, its roots, is exposed to the air, then the sundries and burn the roots. The sun and air choke it so that the roots are exhausted and the tree is finally killed. ‘Withering’ in the extract will be the antonym of 'full of vitality'?

"The sound of the shehnai began to be considered auspicious. And for this reason it is still played in temples and is an indispensable component of any North Indian wedding. In the past, the shehnai was part of the 'naubat' or traditional ensemble of nine instruments found at royal concerts. Till recently it was used only in temples and weddings. The credit for bringing this instrument onto the classical stage goes to Ustad Bismillah Khan".
(i) Which instrument is still played in temples and weddings in India?
(ii) Which famous musician has been credited for giving this instrument a classical stage? 

(iii) What is 'naubat' as defined in the above passage?
(iv) Which word in the passage means the same as ‘essential’?
'Shehnai' is still played In the temples and weddings in India.
(ii) Ustad Bismillah Khan has been credited for giving this instrument (shehnai) a classical stage.
(iii) The traditional ensemble of nine instruments found at Royal Courts is called ‘naubat’, as per the above passage.
(iv) ‘Indispensable’ in the passage means the same as ‘essential’.

Q 9. Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words each :   (2 X 5 = 10)
(a) Why did Bismillah Khan refuse to start a Shehnai school in the U.S.A. ?
(b) What was the narrator's family's task during the annual Shri Rama Kalyanam ceremony ?
(c) How does the snake protect itself ?
(d) What plea did the child finally make to his parents ? Was his plea heard?
(e) Why didn't the people go against the order of the king and the minister?

(a) Bismillah Khan refused to start a Shehnai school in the U.S.A. because he was a true patriot and loved India, he could not live outside India. He was in deep love with Benares and Dumraon and missed it whenever he was abroad.
(b) Value points:
The narrator's family used to arrange boats with a special platform for carrying idols of the Lord from the village temple to the marriage site.
(c) Value points:
Moves with sudden curving, gliding through the water to protect himself from the attack.
(d) In the end, the child pleaded to his parents to go on the round about. When he could not get any reply, he turned and found that his parents were not there. He had been separated from his parents. Thus, he was lost in the fair.
(e) Value points:

  • did as they were told. 
  • fear of punishment
  • order to be implemented strictly, followed.

Q 10. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100-150 words :    (8 marks)
What researches and theories proved that Einstein was a true genius? How was here warded for his scientific achievements ?

Ans. Einstein was highly gifted in Mathematics and Physics. He was a genius with air exceptionally high Intelligence Quotient. His work changed forever our understanding of the entire cosmos and transformed the name Einstein into a synonym for genius. He worked on relativity and published two theories - ‘Special Theory of Relativity in 1905, according to which, time and distance are absolute. He gave the formula E = mc2 in which E stands for energy, m for- mass and c for the speed of light in a vacuum (about 300,000 km/s). He also published his ‘General Theory of Relativity’ which provided a new interpretation to gravity. A solar eclipse inu 1919 proved it was accurate. Einstein had accurately calculated in advance the extent to which light would be deflected through the sun’s gravitational field. Only a mind which was brilliance par excellence could have understood, analysed and interpreted the phenomenon of science, like Einstein. Einstein was awarded for his scientific genius, the Nobel Prize for Physics, the world’s highest honour, in 1921.
The Intruder is boastful. He threatens Gerrard , “ I'll make you crawl.” Was he able to carry out his threat ? What happened to him ?
Ans. The Intruder is wanted for the murder of a cop. He sneaks into Gerrard’s room with the intent of killing him and taking on his identity. However, Gerrard does not lose his cool. He engages the Intruder in a conversation and concocts the story that the police were after him, too. He shows him his disguise outfit, which he intended to use, to fool the police. When a phone call comes, he informs the Intruder that his accomplice was signalling the arrival of the police.
The Intruder panics. Taking advantage of his nervousness, he points towards the door of a cupboard, indicating it was the exit door to the garage. He offers to help the Intruder escape with him. He asks the Intruder to check the exit himself and he does so. He opens the door and leans inside. Gerrard swiftly pushes him inside cupboard and slams the door shut. Thus, though the Intruder was boastful and confident, he could not match the alertness and presence of mind of Gerrard.

Q 11. Answer any one of the following questions in 100-150 w ords. (8)
Write a brief character sketch of the Happy Prince.

Ans. As the name of the story 'The Happy Prince’ shows, he was really a happy prince till his death. When he died his statue was placed on a tall column so that he could understand the sufferings of his people. He had a deep feeling for them in his heart and became sad and emotional after seeing their sufferings.
He wished to help them but was unable to do so. When he was alive, he was very much unaware of his people’s sufferings and sorrows. But, after his death, he got to know about their misery and sorrows as he was mounted on a tall column.
He tried to help them by asking the Swallow to do so. He was very much kind and self-sacrificing, hence he gave away all the jewels and gold leaf to the needy and poor of his city. By this he became happy again even after his death.
The fire weaved a web of hardships and difficulties around the author and his family in the chapter 'A House is not a Home'. Explain.
Hardships are a part of one’s life as no one remains unaffected by it. As mentioned in the story ‘A House is not a Home’, the fire destroyed the author’s house completely causing immense loss of wealth and belongings. The author also lost his pet cat, Due to destruction of money, credit cards, identity proofs in the fire, his mother not only had to borrow money from his grandparents but also had to take shelter at their home.
The author lost his personal belongings like school bag, notebooks and homework. He was forced to go to school without essential school material. He even borrowed shoes from his aunt to attend the school. All of these things were like a mental trauma for him.
But gradually, he learned to come to terms with all this, realising that hardships and difficulties are part of life'. Only perseverance and determination can help one overcome hardships. “Stay firm and move on as there comes morning after every night’’ seems to be the message of this story.

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1. What is the format of the Class 9 English Sample Question Paper- 7?
Ans. The Class 9 English Sample Question Paper- 7 follows a specific format that includes multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, and long answer questions.
2. Are there solutions provided for the Class 9 English Sample Question Paper- 7?
Ans. Yes, solutions are provided for the Class 9 English Sample Question Paper- 7. These solutions help students understand the correct approach and answers for each question.
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Ans. The solutions for the Class 9 English Sample Question Paper- 7 can be accessed either through the given article or by referring to the provided link or resource mentioned in the article.
4. What is the level of complexity of the questions in the Class 9 English Sample Question Paper- 7?
Ans. The questions in the Class 9 English Sample Question Paper- 7 are designed to match the complexity level of the Class 9 English curriculum. They aim to test the students' understanding of the concepts and their ability to apply them effectively.
5. Can I use the Class 9 English Sample Question Paper- 7 as a practice resource for my exams?
Ans. Yes, the Class 9 English Sample Question Paper- 7 can be used as an excellent practice resource for preparing for your exams. It provides a variety of questions that cover different topics, allowing you to assess your knowledge and identify areas for improvement.
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