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Class 9 English: Sample Question Paper Term I- 8 (With Solutions) PDF Download

Ques 1: Give a brief character sketch of the Emperor of Blefuscu. (Gulliver's Travels)

Write a character sketch of George. (Three Men In A Boat)
The emperor of Blefuscu played an important role. His sensible nature impressed Gulliver. He was an intelligent and farsighted person. He did not let his judgement be impaired either by gratitude or friendship. He always believed in peace. When Gulliver visited his country and the Lilliputian king wanted him bound hand and foot, immediately this wise emperor exercised restraint and without being told, tackled the situation very diplomatically. He rendered all possible help to Gulliver while he was repairing and preparing his boat to leave for his native land. He was also large-hearted. He gave Gulliver many gold coins and a picture of himself at the time of parting. The emperor loved his men. He did not allow Gulliver to take his men to his own country.


He is the quietest of all the friends. He loves to speak in medical terms. He is probably the most educated and sensible one among the three friends. He makes the most sensible and practical suggestion of a sea trip. He is lazy and overweight. He weighs about 12 stones. He works in a bank. His friends don't have a good opinion about his abilities to work and say that he goes to sleep in the bank. He is not very good at packing, sleeps long and well and wants to be neat and tidy when going to work. His reluctance to work comes out when he suggests that he make the tea while the others row the boat. He enjoys a good meal and can be polite after a good meal.

Ques 2: Gulliver faced many difficulties during his first voyage. Describe them. (Gulliver's Travels)
Does the story of the Knight have a moral? What is it? (Three Men In A Boat)

Ans: Gulliver is a lover of voyages. He spends many years of his life in travelling. He faces many difficulties during his first voyage. He is shipwrecked and somehow swims to the shore. He is so tired that he goes to sleep. When he wakes up, he finds himself in chains. He is surrounded by a crowd of human creatures who are just six inches in height. Somehow on this island he becomes friendly with the Lilliputians Gulliver. He stays there, but some men feel sore about his eating and drinking. A scandal is also spread about him. In the end some charges are framed and he is going to be impeached. Somehow Gulliver escapes from there and takes shelter in the island of Blefuscu.
The Knight in the story was separated from his group and had strayed into the dark and gloomy woods. He was completely lost and wondered about looking for an exit. He was so bruised and weary that he gave up all hope of living and sat down to die. But just then he was saved by a lovely maiden who led him through the deep woods. There he saw a beautiful vision bathed in a glorious light. He forgot his pain and was grateful for having strayed and beheld such a sight. The moral is that a man may stray and be lost in the dark, gloomy woods of despair and sorrow. But just when everything seems lost, God or his angels help him find the way out and revive his hopes.

Ques 3: You are Jeanne. After coming home, you realize that the villa was not actually bought and your husband has fooled both you and the landlady of the villa. You are filled with rage, disgust and helplessness because of your husband's betrayal. Write your feelings in the form of a diary entry.
After having read the story, you realize the anguish of illiterate adults, You want to make your friends aware of it and contribute something in bringing about a change in the lives of illiterate adults. Deliver a speech in the morning assembly of your school about the importance of adult-education and ways to implement it.
8:00 PM Wednesday, 20th August, 20XX I felt befooled and cheated by my husband today. He not only cheated me but also the innocent landlady Juliette. She was selling her villa at a modest amount. My husband craftily sold the villa to Mrs Al Smith before buying it. He later on bought it and earned a clean profit of a hundred thousands and francs. This way, he deceived Ms Juliette. His greedy cruel and mean behavior really hurt me. He has been cruel and mean to everyone around him, even to me, his wife. I definitely will do something to teach him a lesson.
Respected Principal, teachers and dear friends, good morning to all. We all know that education enlightens and empowers. In a developing country like ours, about half of the population is illiterate. They are liable to be cheated everywhere. They have to be dependent on others for knowing things, they cannot join the mainstream of social life. What we need to do is to follow the slogan 'Each one teach one' in its true spirit. The literacy programmes can be fruitful if we support the programmes wholeheartedly.  We can  hold such programmes in villages and tell the villagers the advantages of being literate. Literate women can bring drastic changes in their lives. They can read material on child care, health and other fields of life. They can decide what is good and bad for them. We should convince them to join the literacy classes. Thank you.

Ques 4:  Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each.
(a) How did Triveni, the writer, capture the imagination of her readers?
(b) Why does Jeanne want to buy a villa?
(c) What problems did Chuck present when he returned to the company headquarters?
(d) Which road does the speaker choose and why?
(a) Triveni was a wonderful writer. Her stories dealt with complex psychological problems in the lines of ordinary people. Her style was easy to read and convincing. All these qualities made Triveni a popular writer in the Canada Language.
(b) Jeanne wants to buy a villa because she does not have a proper and commodious house. As per Gaston, she wants to buy a villa for her parents and her sister's children to live in it.
(c) In Chuck's company, nobody believed that he could handle his job. Nothing could be done by a salesman, who could not move around and worked for one hour only each day. However, Hooper proved everybody wrong.
(d) The speaker selected the road which was less traveled by the people because he wanted to create a difference and exploring new avenues in life.

Ques 5: Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow in one or two lines each. 
I steal by lawns and grassy pots, I slide by hazel covers I move the sweet forget-me-nots That grow for happy lovers.
(a) How was the movement of the brook earlier?
(b) 'I move the sweet forget-me-nots'. How are the forget-me-nots moved?
(c) What does the word 'slide' mean?
(a) Earlier, it moved swiftly and noisily with a great sense of urgency
(b) The forget-me-not flowers that are growing along the banks of the brook are moved by the gentle current of the brook.
(c) The word 'slide' mean slip.

Ques 6: Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences.
(a) the beauty of/decided to/one/enjoy/the lake/day/we
(b) quiet/the train/they/started/became/when
(c) a joy/beauty/forever/a thing/of/is
(a) One day we decided to enjoy the beauty of the lake.
(b) They became quiet when the train started.
(c) A thing of beauty is a joy forever.

Ques 7: The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each of the lines against, which a blank is given. Write the incorrect word and correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.
(a) Bangladesh has introduced the policy............
(b) To protect it's capital city Dhaka from recurring floods and high tides.............
(c) The policy bans constructing work.............
(d) In low-lying areas and those areas adjacent for rivers.............
(e) What absorb extra water during floods.............
(f) And high tides. The policy received flak at.............
(g) Real estate firms which have invested
(h) Million of dollars in this areas
(a) Bangladesh has introduced a policy............
(b) To protect its capital city Dhaka from recurring floods and high tides.........................
(c) The policy bans construction work.............
(d) In low-lying areas and those areas adjacent to rivers.............
(e) That absorb extra water during floods.............
(f) And high tides. The policy received flak from.............
(g) Real estate firms who have invested which............
(h) Million of dollars in these areas

Ques 8: Mango season has come. Write a press report on the mango and its large varieties available in the market.
Come Summer 'Come Mango' the Fruit of the King Shailesh Chandra, a Staff Reporter The mango season has come. When one looks at them, one's mouth beings to water. No other fruit can complete with its popularity and appeal. India is the largest producer of mangoes in the world and accounts for over 60% of the world's production. Of the many varieties some are very well established. Alphonso and Kosher in the western part of the country, Banganpalli, Totapuri, Neelam and Swarnrekha in the South are well known. There is a very large variety of mangoes in India with their own special flavour and shape.

Ques 9: There are many problems before free India. The problem of unemployment is one of them. It is a very serious problem. It creates unrest in the society. Write an article in about 120 words on the topic ''The problem of unemployment in India". Also consider the points given below.
• Unemployment makes an unemployed person a pessimist
• Over-population is one of the reasons of unemployment
• Government is trying to solve the problem
• Machines are responsible for it
• We should leave the charm of service
The Problem of Unemployment in India Unemployment means lack of work for those who want to work. It means compulsory holiday, to some. The educated and uneducated suffer. There is unemployment among skilled and unskilled workers. There are many reasons for unemployment. The first is over population. Our populations is increasing daily. The number of seats to be filled is limited. So everybody cannot be employed. The second is the factory system. Machines are responsible for it. They produce cheap goods. They destroy cottage industries. Thirdly, our system of education is defective. It producers clerks. The evil effects of unemployment are many. It makes an unemployed person a pessimist. The money spent on his education goes waste. His family members begin to hate him. Our government is trying to solve the problem. Technical and vocational colleges are being opened. Cottage industries are being encouraged. We also should leave the charm of service. Each of us should try to have our own business.

Ques 10: Write a letter in about 120 words to your mother seeking her permission to join an educational trip. In your letter you should
(i) Describe what kind of trip it is-its destination, duration and cost
(ii) Explain why you wish to join it
(iii) Request her to grant you permission and send you the money.

272/35 ABC Colony Meerut
20th December, 20XX
Dear Mummy
I would like to inform you with a happy mood that my Sum/native Assessment has finished last week. I hope for a good result. Now I'm waiting for the winter break. One more good news is that the management of our school has planned a six day educational trip to Agra and Fatehpur Sikri. The last date to register is 29th December. The trip may let us have a close look at the great history and culture of both the cities. I wish to attend the trip so that I can enjoy and learn. All my classmates have received permission from their parents to join the trip. The amount of registration is Rs 8000/-. I understand that it is not a small amount, but I believe the tour will be worth it. Mummy, I request you to give me permission to join the trip. Please, kindly send me the money through a bank draft along with a permission letter. Please send Rs 2000/- more so that I can purchase some new clothes. Please convey my love to Papa and Bhaiya.

Yours Anirudh

Ques 11: Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions that follow.
I Said a Prayer for You Today I said a prayer for you today And know God must have heard (3) I left the answer in my heart Although he spoken no word! I didn't ask for wealth or fame (6) I knew you wouldn't mind I asked Him to send treasures Of a more lasting kind! (9) I asked that He'd be near you At the start of each new day To grant you health and blessings (12) And friends to share your way! I asked for happiness for you In all things great and small (15) But was for His loving care I prayed the most of all !
(a) What will be the result of the 'loving care' of God?
(b) "I knew/you wouldn't mind" (line 6). What wouldn't the poet's friend mind?
(c) What relationship do you find between the speaker and the person addressed?
(d) What are the best qualities of the poet's character?
(e) What does the word 'grant' mean?
(a) The person will be protected from all harm and dangers.
(b) The poet's friend would not mind that the poet had not prayed for his/her prosperity and fame.
(c) The speaker and the person addressed share a very intimate relationship.
(d) The poet's best qualities are compassion and deep faith in God.
(e) It means 'provide' or 'give'.

Ques 12: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
1. A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted.
2. On the Graduation Dav his father called him into his private study. He told him how proud he was to have such a fine son and how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful wrapped gift box. Curious, but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with the young man's name embossed in gold. Angry, he raised his voice at his father and said, "With your money you give me a Bible?" and stormed out of the house, leaving the holy book.
3. Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business. One day he received a telegram telling him his father had passed away, and willed all of his possessions to his son.
4. When he arrived at his father's house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He began to search his father's important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. As he read those words, a car key dropped from an envelope taped behind the Bible. It had a tag with the dealer's name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation and the words........ PAID IN FULL.

(a) What had the boy admired for many months?
(b) Why did the young boy storm out of the house?
(c) How do you think the son must have felt on discovering the key?
(d)  What does the story teach us?
(e)  What does the word "embossed" (paragraph 2) mean?
(a) For many months the boy had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom.
(b) The young boy stormed out of the house because he thought his father was being miserly.
(c) He must have repented his folly.
(d) The story teaches us that we should be content with and grateful for what we get
(e) The word "embossed" means printed with raised ink.

Ques 13: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the answers from the given options.
1. A friend who went on a trip to Canada, came back very impressed with the courtesy of drivers on the roads there. He was astonished to see that the minute he put one foot off the pavement, cars on both sides of the road would stop, waiting for him to cross.
2. Unfortunately, discipline is a trait we lack-all of us must have been guilty at some time or the other, of dashing across the streets making the nearest driver slam his brakes in panic. When discipline is inculcated in people, you see cars stopping at a red light, even when there's no traffic for miles around.
3. It's not just road discipline in India. Anyone who thinks he can get away with it will crash queues. They will, e.g., try clothes in a shop and leave them in a heap on the floor, won't stop a moment to hold the door so that it will slam into the face of the person behind them. 

4. There's no point even getting into the littering and spitting menace. Years of teachers' droning and parents' scolding doesn't instill discipline as much as one trip to Singapore or Canada does. This should be made a part of the school curriculum.

(a) What is the intention of the author?
(i) The author wants to amuse the readers
(ii) The author wants to shock the readers
(iii) The author wants to inform the readers
(iv) The author wants to advise the readers

(b) The author suggests that
(i) people should not dash across the street
(ii) teachers and parents should not scold the children
(iii) a trip to foreign lands should be made a part of the school curriculum
(iv) we as a nation lack discipline

(c)  In paragraph 2, the word 'trait' means.
(i) Feeling
(ii) Quality
(iii) Idea
(iv) Action

(d) Of the following statements, select the one that is incorrect.
discipline is a trait we lack
(ii) discipline is to be inculcated in the people
(iii) parents and teachers should  not instill discipline
(iv) the school curriculum should include discipline

(e) What does the author say in the first line of the last paragraph?
(i) There is no use of teaching discipline
(ii) Discipline is to be inculcated in the people
(iii) Littering and spitting will lead to a big discussion
(iv) Teachers and parents cannot instil discipline

(a) (iv) The author wants to advise the readers
(b) (iv) we as a nation lack discipline
(c) (ii) Quality
(d) (iii) parents and teachers should not instill discipline
(e) (ii) Discipline is to be inculcated in the people.

Ques 14: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow by choosing the answers from the given options.
Television has revolutionized the life of every man, woman and child around the globe. This medium of mass entertainment has an iron grip on the imagination as well as thinking faculties of people. Viewing television saves time, money and the bother of travelling to far off places in search of objects that arouse your curiosity. Sitting comfortably in your home in an armchair, you can watch the performance of any man, bird or beast on land, in air or in water. It is indeed a matter of great regret that this messiah of awareness is sometimes labelled the 'idiot box'. Studies have indicated that television increases the general vocabulary and helps to broaden views. Arid yes, the images provided by the television do not have an indelible impression on our minds-they in fact serve as a stimulus to increase our imagination. It goes without saying that the impact of audio visual memory is everlasting. No doubt that the television is also accused of producing 'couch potatoes'-but again, it is not the television that compels any individual to sit in front of it for hours-it is the individual's own mind that does so. The role of television in modern society is a very vital one-being a medium of education and entertainment 

Questions: (a) How does the author portray TV?
As a medium that breeds mediocrity and stupidity
(ii) As a medium of armchair entertainment
(iii) As a medium that plays a vital role
(iv) As a powerful medium of entertainment and information

(b)  TV is sometimes called an 'idiot box' because
it is watched by idiots
(ii) it is condemned by idiots
(iii) it retards original thinking and creativity
(iv) all its programmes are stupid

(c) ''They in fact serve as a stimulus'' (line 8). Here 'they' refers to
(ii) images
(iii) view
(iv) TV channels

(d) It is the individual's own mind that "does" so. What do individuals do?
Become couch potatoes
(ii) Compel others to sit in front of the TV
(iii) Sit in front of the TV
(iv) Accuse the TV of making them couch potatoes

(e) The word 'indelible' (line 8) means.
(ii) Dangerous
(iii) Good
(iv) Permanent

(a) (iv) As a powerful medium of entertainment and information
(b) (iii) it retards original thinking and creativity
(c) (ii) images
(d) (iii) Sit in front of the TV
(e) (iv) Permanent

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FAQs on Class 9 English: Sample Question Paper Term I- 8 (With Solutions)

1. What is the format of the Class 9 English Sample Question Paper Term I- 8?
Ans. The format of the Class 9 English Sample Question Paper Term I- 8 typically includes multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, and long answer questions. It assesses students' understanding of various topics covered in the English curriculum.
2. How can I prepare for the Class 9 English exam effectively?
Ans. To prepare for the Class 9 English exam effectively, it is important to start early and create a study schedule. Focus on understanding the concepts and practice regularly with previous year question papers and sample papers. Additionally, reading English literature, improving vocabulary, and practicing writing skills can also help in exam preparation.
3. What are the important topics to study for the Class 9 English exam?
Ans. Some important topics to study for the Class 9 English exam include grammar, comprehension passages, writing skills, literature (poems, stories, plays), and vocabulary. It is crucial to have a good understanding of these topics to perform well in the exam.
4. Are there any specific tips for scoring well in the Class 9 English exam?
Ans. Yes, here are some tips for scoring well in the Class 9 English exam: 1. Read the questions carefully and understand the requirements before answering. 2. Practice writing answers within the word limit provided. 3. Revise grammar rules and practice solving grammar exercises. 4. Focus on improving vocabulary by reading books, newspapers, and magazines. 5. Pay attention to punctuation and spelling while writing answers.
5. How can I manage my time effectively during the Class 9 English exam?
Ans. Time management is crucial during the Class 9 English exam. Here are some tips to manage time effectively: 1. Read the entire question paper before starting to answer. 2. Allocate time for each section based on the marks assigned. 3. Start with the questions you are most confident about to save time. 4. Keep an eye on the clock and make sure to complete the exam within the given time. 5. Reserve some time at the end for revising and editing your answers.
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