Speaking (Page 96)
Q1. Do you think it is right to kill an animal to save a human life? Give reasons for your answer.
Answer: Most of the animals are our friends. Dogs, horses, elephants, cows are a few such animals that serve us. But man has been killing codfish or the whales for oil. Tigers are killed for their skin and bones. This is not fair. But there is no harm if any of them are killed strictly to save human life, properly and agriculture. However, killing animals is a crime. It is wrong to kill wild life for their hide or for pleasure.
Q2. Imagine you wake up one morning and find a tiny animal on your doorstep. You want to keep it as a pet but your parents are not too happy about it. How would you persuade them to let you keep it? Discuss it in groups and present your arguments to the class.
Answer: The young ones of cats, dogs and some birds attract us as does a human child. When I was a child, I wanted to adopt a kitten or a puppy as pet. I found a good breed puppy at my doorstep one day. But it created a commotion in the house. My mother got irritated at the veiy presence of pets in the house. They bite and bark, enter the kitchen or sit on our beds and make things dirty. But I assured her that I would look after my puppy and train it. The loyal dog would act as security guard and a playmate. My parents finally relented and let me have the poor puppy as a pet.
Writing (Page 96)
Q1. Imagine you have a new pet that keeps you busy. Write a paragraph describing your pet, the things it does, and the way it makes you feel. Here are some words and phrases that you could use.
frisky, smart, disobedient, loyal, happy, enthusiastic, companion, sharing, friend, rolls in mud, dirties the bed, naughty, lively, playful, eats up food, hides the newspaper, drinks up milk, runs away when called, floats on the water as if dead.
Ans. I have taken a kitten as my pet. It is female with silky fur and skin. She keeps me busy. My mother does not take interest in my pet. She curses the little one for doing mischief, for moving about in the house, for making the bed and floor dirty. The kitten enters the kitchen and drinks up milk. She is naughty and disobedient also. She is most unlike a dog which is loyal, obedient and strong. Still I like my pet because it is lively, playful and frisky.
Q2. Human life is dependent on nature (that’s why we call her Mother Nature). We take everything from nature to live our lives. Do we give back anything to nature?
(i) Write down some examples of the natural resources that we use.
Ans. Man and nature are complementary to each other. Man for ages has been using forests, minerals and chemicals for his survival. Earth and nature are our lifelines. They help us directly or indirectly. Take for example the paper we print, our books and newspapers. They are products of trees. We get fruits, flowers and fodder from nature. We get water and air free from nature. It is unfortunate that we are over using the limited resources and are also polluting them.
Nature is our Mother. We must not use up anything to the extent that it is not restored naturally. By cutting down trees or killing whales we are, in a way, depriving our children of their share. Let us give back to nature for the benefits we get from it.
(ii) Write a paragraph expressing your point of view regarding our relationship with nature.
Ans. Some of the natural resources that we use are water, coal, mineral oil, etc.
Q3. In This is Jody’s Fawn, Jody’s father uses a “home remedy’ for a snake bite. What
should a person now do if he or she is bitten by a snake? Are all snakes poisonous?
With the help of your teacher and others, find out answers to such questions. Then write a short paragraph on—What to do if a snake chooses to bite you.
Ans. Snakes are the most dreaded of wild creatures. This is why we use sticks to kill them. There are many poisonous snakes. Green snakes or water snakes are not poisonous. Still we cannot be sure of it. So we don’t take a chance. We call in a snake charmer to draw the cobra out of the house. A snake-bite can kill the victim in a few minutes. But the victim can be saved if he gets the first aid in the form of blood-letting and anti-venom serum. The cure for snake bite is prepared front the snake’s poison.
In case I am bitten by a poisonous snake, the first thing I would do is to put a band tightly over the bitten part. Then I shall use a blade or knife to make a small cut on the bitten part, and press the poisonous blood out. Then I shall go to hospital for medical help. I shall not go to sleep until I feel better and safe.
1. What is the main theme of the story "This is Jody's Fawn"? |
2. Who is the author of the story "This is Jody's Fawn"? |
3. What is the significance of the fawn in the story? |
4. How does Jody's relationship with the fawn evolve throughout the story? |
5. What are the moral lessons conveyed through the story "This is Jody's Fawn"? |