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Class 9 English: Sample Question Paper- 11 (With Solutions) PDF Download


Q.1. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions carefully:
Sleep disorders have become a common occurrence in India. Forty year old Marketing Executive Aviral, early one morning returned to Delhi from New York. He was trying to recover from jet lag and was dead tired. To cure himself of this sleep problem, he forced himself to remain awake one whole day, as he thought, he might be able to sleep at night. But this did not happen. “I hardly managed any sleep that night,” Aviral recalled.
Next day, he felt very uneasy at the office and had difficulty in concentrating on work. On his way back home, he stopped at one of the busy signals on Delhi roads, but due to excessive tiredness, fell asleep. He woke up suddenly, after the motorist behind him honked. Aviral realised that he couldn’t drive any longer and decided to park his car in a quiet place. He took a nap of 2 hours in his car and only then could manage to drive back home safely.
Sleep disorder experts have pointed out that lack of sleep is the reason for many ailments. Dr Kumar Menon and his colleagues presented a paper on sleep disorders in Mumbai, in which they stressed that early detection of the problem is necessary and physicians need to seriously view it as a disorder. They need to evaluate their patients on the basis of sleep history too.
Adequate sleep is important to one’s lifestyle, just like diet and exercise. According to Canadian expert on sleep disorders, Dr Jeffrey Lipsitz, on an average a healthy adult requires just over 8 hours of sleep at night. However, the amount varies between individuals.
Swarup Chatteijee, a 28 year old, IIM graduate and Assistant Manager at a BPO in Hyderabad is deprived of good sleep. Swarup is completly stressed out due to overburden of work in his professional and personal life and often feels tired. He also knows it is bad for his health.
In a study conducted by sleep disorder experts, it was found that one-third of adults have been experiencing sleep disorders. They get less than 7 hours of sleep every night. Another study shows that 29% of Indians went to sleep only after midnight. The survey further mentioned that Indians were among world’s earliest risers. We should understand that ‘early to rise’ is good, provided that ‘early to bed’ principle is also followed.
On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any eight of the following questions briefly:

(а) A common occurrence in India_______________ 
Ans. are sleep disorders

(b) Aviral could not sleep because_______________. 
Ans. of jet lag

(c) What is the view of Dr Jeffrey Lipsitz on sleep disorder? 
Ans. Dr Jeffery Lipsitz is of the view that on an average a healthy adult requires just over eight hours of sleep at night.

(d) Lack of sleep is the reason for many_______________ 
Ans. ailments

(e) What was the result of a study conducted by sleep disorder experts? 
Ans. In a study conducted by sleep disorder experts it was found that one-third of adults have been experiencing sleep disorders.

(f) Just like ______________ and _______________, adequate sleep is important to one’s lifestyle. 
Ans. diet and exercise

(g) What should Indians understand being early risers? 
Ans. Indians should understand that as ‘early to rise’ is good, ‘early to bed’ principle should also be followed.

(h) What did Dr Kumar Menon and his colleagues stressed on? 
Ans. Dr Kumar Menon and his colleagues stressed on early detection of the problem and the need for physicians to seriously view it as a disorder.

(i) The word ‘Illness’ in the passage is _______________ .
(1) disorder (2) ailments(3) tiredness (4) problem
Ans. (2) ailments

Q.2. Read, the passage given below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
1. Since the beginning of the last century, high school students have been taking standardised tests called college entrance exams. Colleges and universities have traditionally used the results of these tests as a basis for determining college admission. The original purpose of these tests was to increase fairness in the whole admission process. Many people believe that there are benefits of college entrance exams. Perhaps the greatest of the benefits is that they treat students from across the country uniformly. All students know going into the exam, what the lowest qualifying score for admission into a specific college or university is. This testing criterion will not change. How much fairer could that be? Opponents, of course, argue that high school grades are not a uniform measure of performance because some high schools have more stringent academic standards than others. Individual schools and classes within the school have their own grading scales. A 'B' student in one high school might be performing at the level of an A student in another.
2. According to the College Board, producers of the SAT, college entrance exams are designed to measure the academic readiness of all prospective students. This statement supports the argument proponents give that these entrance exams serve as predictors for student success and probabilities for ultimate graduation. Opponents argue that entrance exams are general academic tests which do not test all abilities and skills necessary for success in college programmes. The tests are not designed to show a student’s interests and talents in less academically based areas.
3. A student interested in pursuing advanced education in a creative field such as art or music might have lower test scores but a superior imagination. However, the creativity necessary for success in certain fine arts fields is not tested on these exams. Other factors come into play as well. Students whose first language is other than English may attain lower scores because of the language difficulties, while their knowledge of the subject may be superior.
4. Arguments are being made to allow colleges and universities to allow alternative determiners to be used for admission decisions. Portfolios of work selected by the students to illustrate their individual strengths and interests are suggested. While the debate continues, students from all over the world are still being asked to take the required tests. Students do have choices as they can decide which colleges they wish to apply to.

A. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions in 30-40 words each.
(i) What have the high school students been taking? How have these been used by colleges and universities?
High school students have been taking standardised tests called college entrance exams. Colleges and universities have traditionally used the results of these tests as a basis for determining college admission.

(ii) Do you think that there is a greatest benefit of college entrance exams?
The greatest benefit of college entrance exams is that they treat students from across the country uniformly. Thus, it increases fairness in the whole admission process.

(iii) Why do you think entrance tests are not the predictors to test all abilities and skills necessary for a student's success in college programmes?
Entrance tests are not the predictors to test all abilities and skills necessary for a student’s success in college programmes because they are general academic tests and are not designed to show a student's interests and talents in less academically based areas.

(iv) What could be used by the colleges and universities as an alternative determiner for admission decisions?
The colleges and universities can use portfolios of work selected by the students to illustrate their individual strengths and interests as an alternative determiner for admission decisions.

B. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer of the following.
(i) The word in 'para 1' means the same as 'rigorous' is ...........

(ii) Which word in ‘para 2’ means the same as 'related to the future’?
The word is 'prospective'.

(iii) Which word in 'para 3’ is the antonym of 'inferior'?
(a) Lower (b) Superior (c) Skill (d) Strength
(b) 'Superior'

(iv) Which word in para 1' will be synonym to 'strict', 'with firm restrictions'?
(a) Stringent (b) Criterion (c) Fairness (d) Proponents
(a) 'Stringent'


Q.3. You are Ranjit / Rajni. You feel concerned about the impact of television advertising on children. Write an article on this issue for your school magazine in not more than 120 words.
You went to Shimla during winter break and experienced snowfall. Write a diary entry in about 100-120 words about your experience that enthralls you whenever you recollect your visit.
Ans. Impact of Television Advertising on Children
- by Ranjit
One of the most addictive scientific achievements in our daily life is the Television. It is like a companion to all, be it adults, senior citizens, youth or children. It is a complete entertainment for all ages. A television offers such a variety of programs that it is difficult not to remain glued to it. And because of its overreach this medium is exploited to its helm for advertising products, by major national and multinational companies. The TV channels are dependent on their sustenance for these commercial breaks which target the most vulnerable group that is the children. Naturally, big brands with money power, use these commercial breaks most for advertising their products. Children easily fall into the rat race of acquiring them. It is like slow poison nurturing materialism and consumerism in the younger generation. Time has come to educate children in schools, as well as at home, about marketing techniques and how they exploit the gullible consumer. Still parents and educators remember - ‘Example is always better than pretext’......
1st June, 20.....

Wednesday, 9:30 p.m.

Dear Diary
Ah! It is such a bad weather with temperatures soaring to 45 degree ceisius! I am sitting in my AC room and remembering my visit to Shimla in January, this year. Remember I ! told you about it, too, how as we were checking in, light snowflakes, like cotton, started falling. You know, it was my first experience of snowfall. Ah! It was such a heavenly sight to see the roofs, cars and the ground, covered in a white sheet. It looked so peaceful and serene. I, Mom and Dad, tried to catch the tiny flakes. We then walked towards a tea stall, serving tea and pakoras. Wow! It was so-so - yummy! Many tourists were playing with snow. I, too, could not resist making a snowball and throwing it at Mom and so started a match of ‘who would be hit and who would duck’. Naturally, Dad turned out to be the winner, poor Mom was hit the most. Dear Diary, can’t my parents migrate to a hill station-??— but Alas! ‘if wishes were horses beggars would ride’......

Q.4. Complete story in 150-200 words which hegirzs as the following
"Long, long ago there was an old man in a village. He was very interested in yoga. On a certain day he saw some yoga teacher conducting yoga classes in the field ...
Write a story in 150-200 words with the help of the following outline.

Rohit alone in house — telephone rang — enquiry about parents — sudden disconnection — knocking on the front door — burly heavy rxian — break the door — return of parents — burglar disappear.

Ans.  Long, long ago there was an old man in a village. He was very interested in yoga. On a certain day he saw some yoga teacher conducting yoga classes in the field and he walked up to him hoping to learn from him. When the old man approached the yoga teacher, the teacher looked at the old man and mocked him. “You are too old and fragile to learn yoga,’’ he said and called one of his students. The student was young and possibly in a better condition to do some yoga poses. The teacher asked him to show the old man a ‘Chakrasan’. The young proudly student smirhced at the old man and went ahead towards the mat to show off how his body could bend. However, as The young student prepared to lift his back upside down, he let out a painful cry and crashed on the ground.
The yoga teacher was shocked. Taking this opportu nity, the old man went towards the mat, helped the young student get off the mat, and started doing the 'Chakrasan' himself.
He was perfect. There was no sign of him being am old fragile man. The yoga teacher apologised for being arrogant and decided that he and the old man would now teach yoga together.
Rohit was alone at home as his parents had gone to attend a function. Suddenly, the telephone started ringing. Rohit hesitated for a moment. As there was no one at home, he picked up the phone. He said, ‘hello’ but there was no response from the other side. He kept the phone down. After a few minutes, the telephone bell rung again. This time when Rohit picked it up and said ‘hello’, in response a heavy voice wanted to know if his father was at home. The caller did not give his identity but kept on asking questions about Rohit's parents. When he refused to inform the caller anything about his parent's whereabouts, the phone got disconnected.
After some time, some one knocked at the front door and rang the beli. In stead of opening the door, Rohit locked the door from inside and ran upstairs. Through the window he saw three mentrying to break down the door. He grew very nervous but did not lose his presence of mind. He immediately called the police on telephone and narrated the whole incident. Within 10 minutes, the police arrived. The burglars tried to run away but were nabbed by the police. Meanwhile his parents also arrived. When he opened the front door, he was applauded by the police as well as his parents for his presence of mind.

Q.5. Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below. Write your answers in the answer sheet against the correct blank number. Do not copy the entire passage.
If the officer (a) ......... the bribe, he (b) .............. arrested. Now his family will also (c) ...........suffer. He must (d)............ careful about it.
(a) (i) would not have take
(ii) has not taken
(iii) did not take
(iv) had not taken
(iv) had not taken

(b) (i) wouldn't have been
(ii) is not
(iii) will not be
(iv) wouldn't be
(i) wouldn't have been

(c) (i) had to
(ii) get to
(iii) is to
(iv) have to
(iv) have to

(d) (i) has been
(ii) have been
(iii) will have been
(iv) had been
(ii) have been

Q.6. In the following passage one word has been omitted in each line agaimst which a blank is given. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word comes after it in the space provided.
Class 9 English: Sample Question Paper- 11 (With Solutions)

BeforeMissing wordAfter
(а) hoursandI
(b) plethoraofactivities
(c) mesmerisedtheaudience
(d) resonatedwithdevotional
(e) Iwasinfluenced recreate

Q.7.  Read the following conversation and complete the passage given below.
Mr Bose I see. Can you manage the post of a Public Relations Executive?
Rohit I'm sure I will be able to do the job competently.
Mr Bose It will involve some degree of stress too.
Rohit I know there will be difficult times, but I am used to handling problems, as you can see from my resume.
Mr Bose looked at the candidate Rohit and asked him (a)............ Rohit assured Mr Bose that (b) do the job competently. Mr Bose candidly added that the job (c)............ too. Rohit told him that (d).............
(a) whether he can manage the post of a public relations executive
(b) he would be able
(c) involved some degrees of stress
(d) he knew there would be difficulties


Q.8. Read the following extract and answer any one of the following questions given below:
I went back into the room and sat down on the chair. I opened the box beneath the table and took out a book, the Materia Medica. I opened it at the table on which stood the lamp and a large mirror; a small comb lay beside the mirror.
(а) Before going back into the room the speaker was in the _________ .
(b) What did he take out from the box?
(c) The objects which stood on the table were _________ and _________ .
(d) The speaker took out the book because_________.
(i) he was preparing for an exam
(ii) he wanted to know about the medicine for a snake bite
(iii) he could not sleep
(iv) he was a doctor
A slumber did my spirit seal- 
I had no human fears.
She seemed a thing that could not feel 
The touch of earthly years.
(a) Explain ‘a slumber did my spirit seal”.
(b) The speaker is ------------------ .
(c) What can't she feel?
(d) Earthly years refer to ------------------ .
(i) the age of the earth
(ii) the age of the poet
(iii) the age of ‘she’
(iv) would not grow old or die
Ans. (a) Veranda
(b) He took out a book ‘Materia Medica' from the box.
(c) a lamp and a large mirror
(d) (iii) he could not sleep
(а) The line reflects the calming effect of death on her lover. The poet is in a dreamlike state.
(b) The poet/William Wordsworth
(c) His lover can no longer feel pain or the decaying effect of age.
(d) (iv) would not grow old or die

Q.9. Answer any five of the following questions in 30-40 words each.
(i) How will the poet have peace at Innisfree?
(ii) Describe Maria's feeling about her Russian roots?
(iii) What kind of poison was the young teacher spreading in the class of Abdul Kalam?
(iv) How was Santosh introduced to climbing mountains?
(v) Why did Mahendra become fond of Iswaran, the storyteller?
(vi) What was the change in the author's life one month after the fire? How did he feel?
(i) The poet is a lover of nature. He will enjoy the natural beauty of Innisfree, undisturbed by the hustle and bustle of the city. Thus, he will have peace at Innisfree.
(ii) Maria is proud of her Russian roots. She says that although the US is a big part of her life, yet her blood is Russian. She even wanted to represent Russia in the Olympics.
(iii) The young teacher was spreading the poison of social inequality and communal intolerance in the minds of the children studying in his class. He asked Abdul Kalam to sit on the back-bench because he belonged to a Muslim family.
(iv) Santosh went to Jaipur and enrolled in Maharani College. She got a room in Kasturba Hostel, which faced the Aravalli Hills. She used to watch villayeis yuiny up the hill and suddenly vanishing after a while. One day she decided to cheek it out herself. That is how she was introduced to climbing mountains.
(v) Iswaran was a very resourceful person and Mahendra became very much fond of him. Besides being a good cook, Iswaran could arrange things even at desolate places while taking care of Mahendra’s requirements. He was also an imaginative storyteller who kept Mahendra entertained in the evenings.
(vi) One month after the fire author opened up to other people and made a few friends. He felt less insecure as he had stopped focussing on his feelings of insecurity.

Q.10. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100-150 words.
Albert Enstein's mother thought of him as a freak. Explain in about 100-150 words as to why she thought so?
Hatred, jealousy and misdeeds are the dangerous pollutants of our own earth. Discuss.
Value points: 
• lacked trust
• acceptance
• awareness and tolerance
The world is a global village, a union and a singular entity. It may be possible that the people on the earth may belong to different nations, castes and creeds, they may speak different languages and vernaculars, they may be followers of different religions but still they are equal. Each one whosoever lives on the earth is our brother, so we should follow the path of fraternity. If we are in the close vicinity of one another, we can enjoy peace and share the joys, which nature has showered upon us. But if we do not follow this path and start a war against our own brothers, we are polluting our own beautiful earth. Our hatred, jealousy and misdeeds have no limit which are a serious threat to humanity. So, it is our responsibility that we must keep in our mind, the values, ethics and dignity of humanity. If we follow this path, we can make our earth a beautiful place to live in.

Q.11. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100-150 words:
Describe the first meeting between Sergei and Lushkoff. How did Sergei take pity on Lushkoff ?
Decisions should be made with a cool and rational mind. Discuss with reference to the story “In the Kingdom of Fools".
Sergei had met Lushkoff in Sadovya street, just the day before the previous day, of meeting him again. Lushkoff had then told Sergei that he was a student who had been expelled, and so needed some money. But the same Lushkoff was narrating another sob story, that he was a village school teacher, who had lost his job. He now had an offer of a position in the province of Kaluga but had no money for the fare. He begged him to help him. Sergei was angry because the beggar was a cheat. He told him to work and earn. Lushkoff said no one would give him a job, so Sergei asked him to chop wood for him. He asked his cook to take Lushkoff to the woodshed. Sergei saw from the window that Lushkoff was weak and sick and could not chop wood. On seeing this, Sergei felt pity for Lushkoff, and for making him do menial labour in the cold.
The Guru is an example of a wise man who took decisions with a cool and a rational mind. Firstly the Guru, realising they were in the Kingdom of fools, decided to leave the city, but the disciple stayed back. A stage came when the disciple was ordered to be executed just because the stake fitted his fat neck. The Guru came to his disciple's rescue and whispered something in his ear. Both started clamouring to be hanged first. The King was puzzled. When he asked them the reason, the Guru told him that the stake was the stake of the God of justice. Whoever went first would be the future King and the one to follow, the minister of the country. The foolish Kang fell into the trap. Not wanting to lose his Kingdom, he ordered that he be hanged first and his minister to follow. In this way the rational decision of the wise Guru not only saved the disciple from being hanged but he also became the King of the country.

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FAQs on Class 9 English: Sample Question Paper- 11 (With Solutions)

1. What are the important topics covered in Class 9 English Sample Question Paper- 11?
Ans. The important topics covered in Class 9 English Sample Question Paper- 11 include comprehension passages, grammar, vocabulary, and writing skills.
2. How can I prepare effectively for Class 9 English exam?
Ans. To prepare effectively for the Class 9 English exam, you can start by understanding the syllabus and exam pattern. Make a study plan and allocate time for each topic. Practice previous year question papers and sample papers to get familiar with the exam format. Focus on improving your reading, writing, and grammar skills by practicing regularly. Seek help from your teacher or classmates if you have any doubts.
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Ans. Yes, solutions for the Class 9 English Sample Question Paper- 11 are provided. You can refer to the solutions to check your answers and understand the correct approach to solve the questions.
4. What are the benefits of solving sample question papers for the Class 9 English exam?
Ans. Solving sample question papers for the Class 9 English exam helps in familiarizing yourself with the exam pattern and types of questions asked. It helps in improving time management skills and boosts confidence. By solving these papers, you can identify your weak areas and work on them before the actual exam.
5. Can I find similar sample question papers for other subjects as well?
Ans. Yes, you can find sample question papers for other subjects as well. Various educational websites and books provide sample papers for different subjects of Class 9. These sample papers are designed to help students practice and prepare effectively for their exams.
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