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Class 9 SST: Sample Question Paper Term I - 4 (With Solutions) | Social Studies (SST) Class 9 PDF Download

Class - IX
Time: 90
Max. Marks: 40

General Instructions: 
1. The Question Paper contains four sections.
2. Section A has 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions.
3. Section B has 22 questions. Attempt any 18 questions.
4. Section C has 12 questions (Case-based). Attempt any 10 questions.
5. Section D contains 2 Map-based questions. Attempt both the questions.
6. All questions carry equal marks.
7. There is no negative marking.

Section - A

Q.1: Which of the following was not the reason of subsistence crisis?
(a) Drought or hail reduced the harvest
(b) The rapid increase in the demand for food grains
(c) Worker’s wages did not keep pace with the rise in prices
(d) Occurrence of a great famine

Correct Answer is Option (d)
Occurrence of a great famine was not the reason of subsistence crisis

Q.2: The landmass of India has an area of?
(a) 3.28 million sq km
(b) 9.59 million sq km
(c) 8.54 million sq km
(d) 7.68 million sq km 

Correct Answer is Option (a)

Q.3: Among the following who was the chairman of Constitutional Drafting Committee?
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Rajendra Prasad
(c) B.R. Ambedkar
(d) C. Rajagopalachari

Correct Answer is Option (c)
The Constituent Assembly which was constituted in November 1946 comprised of several Committees. The Drafting Committee headed by Dr B.R. Ambedkar was entrusted with the drafting of the Indian Constitution. It had 6 other members.

Q.4: What are the major factors of production?
(a) Labour and land
(b) Land and technology
(c) Capital and labour
(d) Land and capital 

Correct Answer is Option (d)
Two major factors of production are Land and Capital.

Q.5: What type of unemployment is prevalent in Urban areas?
(a) Disguised unemployment
(b) Seasonal unemployment
(c) Educated unemployment
(d) Structural unemployment 

Correct Answer is Option (c)
Urban areas have mostly educated unemployment

Q.6: What is the term used to denote regimes which manipulate the electoral process in various ways, without resorting to blatant vote-rigging?
(a) Illiterate democracy
(b) Imperfect democracy
(c) Illiberal democracy
(d) Illegal democracy 

Correct Answer is Option (c)

Q.7: What did the black population want in the new Constitution?
(a) A black President
(b) Substantial social and economic rights
(c) Whites should be turned out of the country
(d) Apartheid for the whites

Correct Answer is Option (b)

Q.8: Arrange the following events in chronological order:
i. A constitution is framed to limit the powers of the king.
ii. Louis XVI becomes king of France.
iii. Convocation of Estates General.
iv. France becomes a republic.

(a) iii, i, ii, iv
(b) ii, iii, i, iv
(c) iv, iii, ii, i
(d) ii, i, iv, iii 

Correct Answer is Option (b)
ii. 1774: Louis XVI becomes king of France.
iii. 1789: Convocation of Estates General.
i. 1791: A constitution is framed to limit the powers of the king.
iv. 1792-93: France becomes a republic.

Q.9: India has a coastline of
(a) 9,000 km
(b) 8,878 km
(c) 7,516 km
(d) 6,500 km

Correct Answer is Option (c)

Q.10: Arrange the following events in chronological order:
i. Directory rules France
ii. Draft of the constitution
iii. Oath of the Tennis Court
iv. Louis XVI is guillotined
(a) iv, iii, ii, i
(b) ii, iv, iii, i
(c) iii ,ii, i, iv
(d) i, iv, iii, ii 

Correct Answer is Option (c)
iii. 20 June 1789: Oath of the Tennis Court
ii. 1791: Draft of the constitution
i. 1792-93: Directory rules France
iv. July 1794: Louis XVI is guillotined

Q.11: Operation Flood is related to
(a) Grain production
(b) Produce fish
(c) Control flood
(d) Milk production 

Correct Answer is Option (d)

Q.12: The probability of certain communities becoming or remaining poor in the coming years is called
(a) Exclusion
(b) Vulnerability
(c) Inter state disparities
(d) Service 

Correct Answer is Option (b)
Probability of certain communities becoming or remaining poor in coming years is called Vulnerability to poverty.

Q.13: Direct democracy is the system in which:
(a) Citizens choose their representatives in free and fair elections.
(b) Citizens represent themselves in the decision-making process.
(c) Citizens are allowed to debate with their representatives in open public meetings.
(d) Senior political leaders are known as Directors.

Correct Answer is Option (b)

Q.14: When was the Constitution of India completed or adopted?
(a) 26 October, 1949
(b) 26 January, 1950
(c) 26 November, 1949
(d) 17 December, 1947 

Correct Answer is Option (c)
The Assembly adopted the Constitution on 26 November 1949 but it came into effect on 26 January 1950.

Q.15: Arrange the following events in chronological order:
i. Louis XVI faces an empty treasury and growing discontent within society.
ii. Napoleon defeated at Waterloo.
iii. The Third Estate forms the National Assembly.
iv. Napoleon becomes emperor of France.
(a) ii, iv, i, iii
(b) iv, iii, ii, i
(c) i, iii, iv, ii
(d) iii, i, ii, iv 

Correct Answer is Option (c)
i. 1774: Louis XVI faces empty treasury and growing discontent within society
iii. 1789: Third Estate forms National Assembly
iv. 1804: Napoleon becomes emperor of France
ii. 1815: Napoleon defeated at Waterloo

Q.16: What is the position of India in the world in terms of area?
(a) Eight
(b) Seventh
(c) Fifth
(d) Sixth 

Correct Answer is Option (b)

Q.17: Democracy is a form of government where the people elect their ________.
(a) King
(b) Queen
(c) Public servants
(d) Representative

Correct Answer is Option (d)

Q.18: What kind of transport is used in Palampur village
(a) Cars
(b) Bullock
(c) Bullock carts
(d) Boat 

Correct Answer is Option (c)
Bullock carts, tongas, bogeys (wooden cart drawn by buffalos).

Q.19: Agriculture is the most ______ sector of the economy.
(a) Machine oriented
(b) Time consuming
(c) Labour and machine-oriented
(d) Labour absorbing

Correct Answer is Option (d)
Agriculture is the most labour absorbing sector of the economy.

Q.20: Which of these is permitted under the Rule of Law?
(a) Women can be paid lesser salaries
(b) Prime Minister can be punished for violating the Constitution
(c) President can rule for as long as he wants
(d) Police has a right to kill anybody 

Correct Answer is Option (b)

Q.21: Mention the main leader of South Africa who opposed Apartheid.
(a) Abraham Lincon
(b) Carl Lewis
(c) Nelson Mandela
(d) BenJohanson 

Correct Answer is Option (c)
Nelson Mandela and seven other leaders were sentenced to life imprisonment in 1964, for daring to oppose the apartheid regime in his country. He spent the next 28 years in Robben Island, South Africa’s most dreaded prison. He was released after 28 years from jail, and at midnight of the 26th of April 1994, South Africa got independence. He became the first President of independent South Africa.

Q.22: Arrange the following events in chronological order:
i. Louis XVI was executed publicly.
ii. Convention abolished the monarchy.
iii. National Assembly voted in to declare war against Prussia and Austria.
iv. Parisians stormed the Palace of the Tuileries.
(a) iv, iii, i, ii
(b) iii, iv, ii, i
(c) ii, i, iv, iii
(d) i, ii, iii, iv 

Correct Answer is Option (b)
iii. April 1792: National Assembly voted in to declare war against Prussia and Austria.
iv. 10th August 1792: Parisians stormed the Palace of the Tuileries.
ii. 21st September 1792: Convention abolished the monarchy.
i. 21st January 1793: Louis XVI was executed publicly.

Q.23: Which of the following is the east-west extent of India?
(a) 2910 kms
(b) 3000 kms
(c) 3010 kms
(d) 2933 kms 

Correct Answer is Option (d)

Q.24: The Constitution begins with a short statement of its basic values. What is it called?
(a) Article
(b) Introduction
(c) Preface
(d) Preamble

Correct Answer is Option (d)

Section - B

Q.25: Which of the following transformed the system of irrigation in Palampur?
(a) Tubewells
(b) Sprinkle system
(c) Rainwater harvesting
(d) Persian wheel

Correct Answer is Option (a)

Q.26: The newer younger deposits of flood plains are called:
(a) Khadar
(b) Terai
(c) Bhangar
(d) Bhabar 

Correct Answer is Option (a)

Q.27: Give one word for: An extreme situation where the basic means of livelihood are endangered.
(a) Political crisis
(b) Subsistence crisis
(c) Financial crisis
(d) Economic crisis 

Correct Answer is Option (b)
Subsistence crisis is an extreme situation where basic means of livelihood are endangered.

Q.28: Who was one of the most important of the politically active women in revolutionary France?
(a) Marianne
(b) Marie Antoinette
(c) Olympe de Gouges
(d) Germania 

Correct Answer is Option (c)
Olympe de Gouges was one of the most important of the politically active women in revolutionary France. She protested against the Constitution and the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen as they excluded women from basic rights that each human being was entitled to

Q.29: What is The Long Walk of Freedom?
(a) A magazine sponsored by Nelson Mandela.
(b) Autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi.
(c) It is a film.
(d) Autobiography of Nelson Mandela. 

Correct Answer is Option (d)

Q.30: Which river marks the eastern most boundary of the Himalayas?
(a) Satluj
(b) Ganga
(c) Indus
(d) Brahamputra 

Correct Answer is Option (d)

Q.31: Which of the following is a tertiary economic activity?
(a) Manufacturing
(b) Agriculture
(c) Fishing
(d) Trade 

Correct Answer is Option (d)

Q.32: Which of the following is a non-farming activity in Palampur?
(a) Dairy
(b) Store Keeping
(c) Small Scale Manufacturing
(d) All of these

Correct Answer is Option (d)

Q.33: Assertion (A): Barchans cover larger areas in the Indian desert, mostly in Jaisalmer. Reason (R): They are the longitudinal dunes found near the Indo-Pakistan boundary.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true. 

Correct Answer is Option (c)
Barchans are the crescent-shaped dunes that cover larger areas but longitudinal dunes become more prominent near the Indo-Pakistan boundary. Jaisalmer has a group of barchans. The assertion is correct but the reason is incorrect.

Q.34: The storming of the Bastille occurred on the morning of?
(a) 26 January 1789
(b) 15 July 1789
(c) 14 July 1789
(d) 15 August 1789 

Correct Answer is Option (c)
On the morning of 14 July 1789, the city of Paris was in a state of alarm. The king had commanded troops to move into the city. Rumors spread that he would soon order the army to open fire upon the citizens. Some 7,000 men and women gathered in front of the town hall and decided to form a people’s militia. They broke into a number of government buildings in search of arms.

Q.35: The secondary sector is also called as
(a) Manufacturing sector
(b) Agricultural sector
(c) Basic sector
(d) Service sector 

Correct Answer is Option (a)
Manufacturing is included in the secondary sector.

Q.36: Which of the following values, not mentioned in preamble?
(a) Liberty
(b) Peace
(c) Secular
(d) Equality 

Correct Answer is Option (b)
The following are the values mentioned in the preamble: Sovereignty, Socialism, Secularism, Democratic and republic nature of India, Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.

Q.37: Two Treatises of Government was written by:
(a) Rousseau
(b) Montesquieu
(c) None of these
(d) John Locke 

Correct Answer is Option (d)
Two Treatises of Government was written by John Locke. In this, he has sought to refute the doctrine of the divine and absolute right monarch.

Q.38: Which of the following is not true regarding unemployment?
(a) Unemployment leads to wastage of manpower resource.
(b) Unemployment is said to exist when people who are willing to work but cannot find jobs.
(c) Increase in unemployment is an indicator of a depressed economy.
(d) Unemployed are considered as an asset. 

Correct Answer is Option (d)

Q.39: Assertion (A): There is heavy competition for work among the farm labourers in village Palampur.
Reason (R): People are ready to work for higher wages.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true. 

Correct Answer is Option (c)
There is heavy competition for work among the farm labourers in village Palampur because people are ready to work for lower wages. The assertion is correct but the reason is wrong.

Q.40: Which factor turns the population into human capital?
(a) Education, training and medical care.
(b) Training
(c) Medical care
(d) Education 

Correct Answer is Option (a)
Population becomes human capital when there is investment made in the form of education, training and medical care.

Q.41: Passive citizens of France were:
(a) Only men above 25 years
(b) Only propertied women
(c) Only propertied men
(d) Men and women who didn't vote 

Correct Answer is Option (d)
Only men above 25 years of age who paid taxes equal to at least 3 days of a labourer’s wage were given the status of active citizens, that is, they were entitled to vote. The remaining men and all women were classed as passive citizens.

Q.42: Marseilles is a:
(a) Militia
(b) National anthem of France
(c) Representative of third estate
(d) Political club 

Correct Answer is Option (b)
Marseilles, composed by the poet Roget de L’Isle. It was sung for the first time by volunteers from Marseilles as they marched into Paris and so got its name. The Marseillaise is now the national anthem of France.

Q.43: What is Apartheid?
(a) Gender discrimination
(b) Facial discrimination
(c) Caste discrimination
(d) Racial discrimination

Correct Answer is Option (d)

Q.44: Which party of Zimbabwe helped its country to gain independence?
(a) None of these
(b) Zimbabwe party
(c) Popular party
(d) ZANU-PF 

Correct Answer is Option (d)
Zimbabwe attained independence from White minority rule in 1980. Since then the country has been ruled by ZANU-PF, the party that led the freedom struggle.

Q.45: Assertion (A): The quality of the population improves and becomes a great liability.
Reason (R): The investment is made in the form of education, training and medical care.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true. 

Correct Answer is Option (d)
When investment is made in the form of education, training and medical care, the quality of population improves and becomes a asset. It is known as human capital.

Q.46: Which is the most abundant factor of production in India?
(a) Land
(b) Tools
(c) Entrepreneurs
(d) Labour

Correct Answer is Option (d)

Section - C

Question No. 47 to 52 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
Nelson Mandela was tried for treason by the white South African government. He and seven other leaders were sentenced to life imprisonment in 1964 for daring to oppose the apartheid regime in his country. He spent the next 28 years in South Africa’s most dreaded prison, Robben Island. Apartheid was the name of a system of racial discrimination unique to South Africa. The white Europeans imposed this system on South Africa. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the trading companies from Europe occupied it with arms and force, in the way they occupied India. But unlike India, a large number of ‘whites’ had settled in South Africa and became the local rulers. The system of apartheid divided the people and labelled them on the basis of their skin colour. The native people of South Africa are black in colour. They made up about three-fourth of the population and were called ‘blacks’. Besides these two groups, there were people of mixed races who were called ‘coloured’ and people who migrated from India. The white rulers treated all nonwhites as inferiors. The non-whites did not have voting rights. The apartheid system was particularly oppressive for the blacks. They were forbidden from living in white areas. They could work in white areas only if they had a permit. Trains, buses, taxis, hotels, hospitals, schools and colleges, libraries, cinema halls, theatres, beaches, swimming pools, public toilets, were all separate for the whites and blacks. This was called segregation. They could not even visit the churches where the whites worshipped. Blacks could not form associations or protest against the terrible treatment. Since 1950, the blacks, coloured and Indians fought against the apartheid system. They launched protest marches and strikes. The African National Congress (ANC) was the umbrella organisation that led the struggle against the policies of segregation. This included many workers’ unions and the Communist Party. Many sensitive whites also joined the ANC to oppose apartheid and played a leading role in this struggle. Several countries denounced apartheid as unjust and racist. But the white racist government continued to rule by detaining, torturing and killing thousands of black and coloured people.
Q.47: What charges was Nelson Mandela sentenced to life imprisonment?
(a) For breaking the laws
(b) All of these
(c) For corruption charges
(d) For treason 

Correct Answer is Option (d)

Q.48: Apartheid in South Africa was discrimination on the basis of ________.
(a) Gender
(b) Religion
(c) Race
(d) Economic status 

Correct Answer is Option (c)

Q.49: In which way did the system of apartheid discriminate among the South Africans?
(a) Created race-specific job categories
(b) Restricted social contacts between the races
(c) Segregation of public facilities
(d) All of these 

Correct Answer is Option (d)

Q.50: Identify the group(s) that fought against the apartheid system.
(a) Indians
(b) Coloured
(c) Blacks
(d) All of these

Correct Answer is Option (d)

Q.51: Which organisation led the struggle against segregation in South Africa?
(a) ANC
(b) Anti-Apartheid Party
(c) Workers' Union
(d) Communist Party 

Correct Answer is Option (a)
The African National Congress (ANC) was the umbrella organisation that led the struggle against the policies of segregation.

Q.52: Who were the White Africans?
(a) Colonial Europeans of Africa
(b) Europeans who migrated to Africa
(c) European Traders in Africa
(d) Europeans who had settled in Africa

Correct Answer is Option (d)
During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the trading companies from Europe occupied it with arms and force, in the way they occupied India. But unlike India, a large number of ‘whites’ had settled in South Africa.

Question No. 53 to 58 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
The Indian landmass has a central location between East and West Asia. India is a southward extension of the Asian continent. The trans-Indian Ocean routes, which connect the countries of Europe in the West and the countries of East Asia, provide a strategic central location to India. The Deccan Peninsula protrudes into the Indian Ocean, thus helping India to establish close contact with West Asia, Africa, and Europe from the western coast and with Southeast and East Asia from the eastern coast. No other country has a long coastline on the Indian Ocean as India has and indeed, it is India’s eminent position in the Indian Ocean, which justifies the naming of an Ocean after it. Since the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, India’s distance from Europe has been reduced by 7000 km. India’s contacts with the World have continued through ages but her relationships through the land routes are much older than her maritime contacts. The various passes across the mountains in the north have provided passages to the ancient travellers, while the oceans restricted such interaction for a long time. These routes have contributed to the exchange of ideas and commodities since ancient times.
Q.53: What significance did the opening of the Suez Canal have for India?
(a) Distance between India and Europe remained the same
(b) Distance between India and Europe has widened
(c) Distance between India and Europe has shrunk
(d) None of these 

Correct Answer is Option (c)
Since the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, India’s distance from Europe has been reduced by 7000 km.

Q.54: India is centrally located between the ________ and the _________.
(a) West Asia, East Asia
(b) Southeast Asia, East Asia
(c) Central Asia, North Asia
(d) East Asia, West Asia 

Correct Answer is Option (d)

Q.55: Complete the sentence: The central location of India at the head of the Indian Ocean is considered of great significance because ________.
(a) India could establish close contact with West Asia, Africa, and Europe from the western coast.
(b) India could establish close contact with Southeast and East Asia from the eastern coast.
(c) India is strategically located at the centre of the trans-Indian Ocean routes.
(d) All of the above 

Correct Answer is Option (d)

Q.56: What is indicated in the given picture?
Class 9 SST: Sample Question Paper Term I - 4 (With Solutions) | Social Studies (SST) Class 9

(a) India and route of Suez canal
(b) India on national Highway of Trade and Commerce
(c) India, its land routes and mountain passes
(d) India on International Highway of Trade and Commerce 

Correct Answer is Option (d)

Q.57: The aquatic communication of India is much _______ interaction compared to land contact.
(a) Recent
(b) Ancient
(c) Comfortable
(d) Profitable 

Correct Answer is Option (a)
The land routes are much older than her maritime contacts. The oceans restricted such interaction for a long time.

Q.58: The passage to the ancient travellers was provided by ________ through India's ________ .
(a) Tickets, rail routes
(b) Passes, sea routes
(c) Passes, land routes
(d) Passes, air routes

Correct Answer is Option (c)
The various passes across the mountains in the north have provided passages to the ancient travellers through land routes

Section - D

Q.59: On the political map of India, A is marked as the largest state area-wise. Identify it from the following options.
Class 9 SST: Sample Question Paper Term I - 4 (With Solutions) | Social Studies (SST) Class 9

(a) Madhya Pradesh 
(b) Rajasthan 
(c) Maharashtra 
(d) Uttar Pradesh

Correct Answer is Option (b)
Rajasthan (with 342,239 Sq km area is the largest state of India)

Q.60: On the physical map of India, A is marked as the region of a plateau. Identify it from the following options.
Class 9 SST: Sample Question Paper Term I - 4 (With Solutions) | Social Studies (SST) Class 9

(a) Deccan Plateau
(b) Malwa plateau
(c) Chotanagpur plateau
(d) Central Highlands

Correct Answer is Option (b)

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