Diksha, a woman from a village in Mehsana, Gujarat, India, is struggling with domestic abuse and financial difficulties. Her neighbour, Radha, a trained peer supporter, offers her emotional support. This story illustrates the concept of peer support in mental health, a practice where individuals with similar experiences or backgrounds assist others facing mental health challenges. The concept dates back to the 18th century and has evolved over time, with notable examples like Alcoholics Anonymous. Peer support differs from professional mental health services in its approach, focusing on empathy and shared experiences rather than psychiatric models.
Peer support is effective in various settings, from community spaces to online platforms. It is based on the human instinct to connect and empathize with others' conditions. This approach can be particularly empowering in cultures where seeking emotional support is stigmatized. Peer support challenges the traditional expert-patient dynamic, promoting a more equal relationship based on mutual respect and shared experiences.
The benefits of peer support are backed by scientific evidence, showing positive outcomes for both the supporter and the recipient. Programs like Atmiyata in Gujarat and Outlive, a youth suicide-prevention program, demonstrate the effectiveness of peer support in community-led interventions and suicide prevention. Despite challenges in integrating peer support into public mental health services, it holds the potential for a paradigm shift in mental health care, emphasizing the expertise of those with lived experiences.
Q1: What is the primary setting of the story shared in the passage?
(a) A city in the United States
(b) A village in Gujarat, India
(c) A town in England
(d) An urban area in Australia
Ans: (b)
The passage begins with a story set in a village in Mehsana, Gujarat, India, where Diksha, facing domestic abuse and financial difficulties, receives support from her neighbor Radha.
Q2: Which of the following best describes the concept of peer support as presented in the passage?
(a) A professional psychiatric service
(b) A self-help group for addiction recovery
(c) Emotional support based on shared experiences
(d) A government-led mental health initiative
Ans: (c)
Peer support, as described in the passage, is a process where individuals with similar experiences or backgrounds provide emotional support to others facing mental health challenges.
Q3: According to the passage, what distinguishes peer support from professional mental health services?
(a) Peer support is always free of charge
(b) It is based on psychiatric models
(c) It focuses on empathy and shared experiences
(d) Peer supporters are always former patients
Ans: (c)
Unlike professional mental health services, which often rely on psychiatric models, peer support is characterized by its focus on empathy and the sharing of similar experiences.
Q4: What evidence is provided in the passage to support the effectiveness of peer support?
(a) Personal anecdotes only
(b) Scientific studies and program examples
(c) Government reports
(d) Expert opinions
Ans: (b)
The passage cites scientific evidence and examples of programs like Atmiyata and Outlive to demonstrate the effectiveness of peer support.
Q5: What challenge is mentioned in the passage regarding the integration of peer support into public mental health services?
(a) Lack of trained peer supporters
(b) Resistance from professional mental health experts
(c) Difficulty in maintaining confidentiality
(d) Limited integration in public mental health services at scale
Ans: (d)
The passage acknowledges the challenge of integrating peer support into public mental health services on a large scale, despite its potential benefits.
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