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Levy (Part -1) - Central Excise Act,1944, Indirect Tax Laws | Indirect Tax Laws - B Com PDF Download

Levy & Collection of Duty

Section 3. Duties specified in First Schedule and the Second Schedule to the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985 to be levied. -

(1) There shall be levied and collected in such manner as may be prescribed, -
(a)a duty of excise to be called the Central Value Added Tax (CENVAT)] on all excisable goods (excluding goods produced or manufactured in special economic zones) which are produced or  manufactured in India as, and at the rates, set forth in the First Schedule to the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985 (5 of 1986);
(b) a special duty of excise, in addition to the duty of excise specified in clause (a) above, on excisable goods excluding goods produced or manufactured in special economic zones specified in the Second Schedule to the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985 (5 of 1986) which are produced or manufactured in India, as, and at the rates, set forth in the said Second Schedule.
Provided that the duties of excise which shall be levied and collected on any excisable goods which are produced or manufactured,- 
(i) Omitted. 
(ii) by a hundred per cent export-oriented undertaking and brought to any other place in India, shall be an amount equal to the aggregate of the duties of customs which would be leviable under  the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962) or any other law for the time being in force, on like goods produced or manufactured outside India if imported into India, and where the said duties of customs are chargeable by reference to their value; the value of such excisable goods shall, notwithstanding anything contained in any other provision of this Act, be determined in accordance with the provisions of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962) and the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975).
 Explanation 1. - Where in respect of any such like goods, any duty of customs leviable for the time being in force is leviable at different rates, then, such duty shall, for the purposes of this proviso, be deemed to be leviable at the highest of those rates. 
Explanation 2. - In this proviso, - 
(i)   Omitted.
(ii)  "hundred per cent export-oriented undertaking" means an undertaking which has been approved as a hundred per cent export-oriented undertaking by the Board appointed in this behalf by the Central Government in exercise of the powers conferred by section 14 of the Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951 (65 of 1951), and the rules made under that Act.;
(iii)  "Special Economic Zone" has the meaning assigned to it in clause (za) of section 2 of the Special Economic Zones Act, 2005 (28 of 2005).

(1A) The provisions of sub-section (1) shall apply in respect of all excisable goods other than salt which are produced or manufactured in India by,  or on behalf of, Government, as they apply in respect of goods which are not produced or manufactured by Government.

(2) The Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, fix, for the purpose of levying the said duties, tariff values of any articles enumerated, either specifically or under general headings, in the First Schedule and the Second Schedule to the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985 (5 of 1986) as chargeable with duty ad valorem and may alter any tariff values for the time being in force. 

(3) Different tariff values may be fixed -
(a) for different classes or descriptions of the same excisable goods; or
(b) for excisable goods of the same class or description -

(i)    produced or manufactured by different classes of producers or manufacturers; or
(ii)   sold to different classes of buyers :

Provided that in fixing different tariff values in respect of excisable goods falling under sub-clause (i) or sub-clause (ii), regard shall be had to the sale prices charged by the different classes of producers or manufacturers or, as the case may be, the normal practice of the wholesale trade in such goods.


Section 3A. Power of Central Government to charge excise duty on the basis of capacity of production in respect of notified goods:

(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 3, where the Central government, having regard to the nature of the process of manufacture or production of excisable goods of any specified description, the extent of evasion of duty in regard to such goods or such other factors as may be relevant, is of the opinion that is necessary to safeguard the interest of revenue, specify, by notification in the Official Gazette, such goods as notified goods and there shall be levied and collected duty of excise on such goods in accordance with the provisions of this section.

(2) Where a notification is issued under sub-section (1), the Central Government may, by rules,__ 

(a) provide the manner for determination of the annual capacity of production of the factory, in which such goods are produced, by an officer not below the rank of Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise and such annual capacity of production shall be deemed to be the annual production of such goods by such factory; or
(b) (i) specify the factor relevant to the production of such goods and the quantity that is deemed to be produced by use of a unit of such factor; and 
(ii) provide for the determination of the annual capacity of production of the factory in which such goods are produced on the basis of such factor by an officer not below the rank of Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise and such annual capacity of production shall be deemed to be the annual production of such goods by such factory: 

Provided that where a factory producing notified goods is in operation only during a part of the year only, the annual production thereof shall be calculated on proportionate basis of the annual capacity of production:
Provided further that in a case where the factor relevant to the production is altered or modified at any time during the year, the annual production shall be redetermined on a proportionate basis having regard to such alteration or modification.

(3) The duty of excise on notified goods shall be levied, at such rate, on the unit of production or, as the case may be, on such factor relevant to the production, as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify, and collected in such manner as may be prescribed: 
Provided that, where a factory producing notified goods did not produce the notified goods during any continuous period of fifteen days or more, duty calculated on a proportionate basis shall be abated in respect of such period if the manufacturer of such goods fulfils such conditions as may be prescribed.

(4) The provision of this section shall not apply to goods produced or manufactured, by a hundred per cent export - oriented undertaking and brought to any other place in India.
Explanation 1: For the removal of doubts, it is hereby clarified that for the purposes of section 3 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975), the duty of excise leviable on the notified goods shall be deemed to be the duty of excise leviable on such goods under the First Schedule and the Second Schedule to the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985 (5 0f 1986) read with any notification for the time being in force.
Explanation 2: For the purposes of this section the expressions "hundred per cent export - oriented undertaking" shall have the meanings assigned to it in section 3.
Explanation 3: For the purposes of sub-section (2) and (3), word "factor" includes "factors".


Section 4. Valuation of excisable goods for purposes of charging of duty of excise. -

(1) Where under this Act, the duty of excise is chargeable on any excisable goods with reference to their value, then, on each removal of the goods, such value shall -

  • in a case where the goods are sold by the assessee, for delivery at the time and place of the removal, the assessee and the buyer of the goods are not related and the price is the sole consideration for the sale, be the transaction value;

  • in any other case, including the case where the goods are not sold, be the value determined in such manner as may be prescribed. 
    Explanation. - For the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that the price-cum-duty of the excisable goods sold by the assessee shall be the price actually paid to him for the goods sold and the money value of the additional consideration, if any, flowing directly or indirectly from the buyer to the assessee in connection with the sale of such goods, and such price-cum-duty, excluding sales tax and other taxes, if any, actually paid, shall be deemed to include the duty payable on such goods.


(2) The provisions of this section shall not apply in respect of any excisable goods for which a tariff value has been fixed under sub-section (2) of section 3.
(3) For the purpose of this section,-

  • "assessee" means the person who is liable to pay the duty of excise under this Act and includes his agent;

  • persons shall be deemed to be "related" if -

    • they are inter-connected undertakings;

    • they are relatives;

    • amongst them the buyer is a relative and a distributor of the assessee, or a sub-distributor of such distributor; or

    • they are so associated that they have interest, directly or indirectly, in the business of each other. 
       Explanation. - In this clause -

      (i) "inter-connected undertakings" means two or more undertakings which are inter-connected with each other in any of the following manners, namely:-

      (A) if one owns or controls the other; 
      (B) where the undertakings are owned by firms, if such firms have one or more common partners; 
      (C) where the undertakings are owned by bodies corporate,- 
      (I) if one body corporate manages the other body corporate; or 
      (II) if one body corporate is a subsidiary of the other body corporate; Or 
      (III) if the bodies corporate are under the same management; or 
      (IV) if one body corporate exercises control over the other body corporate in any other manner; 
      (D) where one undertaking is owned by a body corporate and the other is owned by a 'firm, if one or more partners of the firm,- 
      (I) hold, directly or indirectly, not less than fifty per cent. of the shares, whether preference or equity, of the body corporate; or 
      (II) exercise control, directly or indirectly, whether as director or otherwise, over the body corporate; 
      (E) if one is owned by a body corporate and the other is owned by a firm having bodies corporate as its partners, if such bodies corporate are under the same management; 
      (F) if the undertakings are owned or controlled by the same person or by the same group; 
      (G) if one is connected with the other either directly or through any number of undertakings which are inter-connected undertakings within the meaning of one or more of the foregoing sub-clauses. 

Explanation I:- For the purposes of this clause, two bodies corporate shall be deemed to be under the same management- 

(i) if one such body corporate exercises control over the other or both are under the control of the same group or any of the constituents of the same group; or 
(ii) if the managing director or manager of one such body corporate is the managing director or manager of the other; or 
(iii) if one such body corporate holds not less than one-fourth of the equity shares in the other or controls the composition of not less than one-fourth of the total membership of the Board of directors of the other; or 
(iv) if one or more directors of one such body corporate constitute, or at any time within a period of six months immediately preceding the day when the question arises as to whether such bodies corporate are under the same management, constituted (whether independently or together with relatives of such directors or employees of the first mentioned body corporate) one-fourth of the directors of the other; or 
(v) if the same individual or individuals belonging to a group, while holding (whether by themselves or together with their relatives) not less than one-fourth of the equity shares in one such body corporate also hold (whether by themselves or together with their relatives) not less than one-fourth of the equity shares in the other; or 
(vi) if the same body corporate or bodies corporate belonging to a group, holding, whether independently or along with its or their subsidiary or subsidiaries, not less than one-fourth of the equity shares in one body corporate, also hold not less than one-fourth of the equity shares in the other; or 
(vii) if not less than one-fourth of the total voting power in relation to each of the two bodies corporate is exercised or controlled by the same individual (whether independently or together with his relatives) or the same body corporate (whether independently or together with its subsidiaries); or 
(viii) if not less than one-fourth of the total voting power in relation to each of the two bodies corporate is exercised or controlled by the same individuals belonging to a grow or by the same bodies corporate belonging to a group, or jointly by such individual or individuals and one or more of such bodies corporate; or 
(ix) if the directors of one such body corporate are accustomed to act in accordance with the directions or instructions of one or more of the directors of the other, or if the directors of both the bodies corporate are accustomed to act in accordance with the directions or instructions of an individual, whether belonging to a group or not. 

Explanation II:- If a group exercises control over a body corporate, that body corporate and every other body corporate, which is a constituent of, or controlled by, the group shall be deemed to be under the same management. 
Explanation III :- If two or more bodies corporate under the same management hold, in the aggregate, not less than one-fourth equity share capital in any other body corporate, such other body corporate shall be deemed to be under the same management as the first mentioned bodies corporate. 
Explanation IV:- In determining whether or not two or more bodies corporate are under the same management, the shares held by financial institutions in such bodies corporate shall not be taken into account. 


  • Undertaking B is inter-connected with undertaking A and undertaking C is inter-connected with undertaking B. Undertaking C is inter-connected with undertaking A; if undertaking D is inter-connected with undertaking C, undertaking D will be inter-connected with undertaking B and consequently with undertaking A; and so on. 
    Explanation V:- For the purposes of this clause, "group" means a group of- 
    (i) two or more individuals, associations of individuals, firms, trusts, trustees or bodies corporate (excluding financial institutions), or any combination thereof, which exercises, or is established to be in a position to exercise, control, directly or indirectly, over any body corporate, firm or trust; or 
    (ii) associated persons. 
    Explanation VI:- For the purposes of this clause,- 
    (I) a group of persons who are able, directly or indirectly, to control the policy of a body corporate, firm or trust, without having a-controlling interest in that body corporate, firm or trust, shall also be deemed to be in a position to exercise control over it; 
    (II) "associated persons"- 
    (a) in relation to a director of a body corporate, means- 
    (i) a relative of such director, and includes a firm in which such director or his relative is a partner; 
    (ii) any trust of which any such director or his relative is a trustee; 
    (iii) any company of which such director, whether independently or together with his relatives, constitutes one-fourth of its Board of directors; 
    (iv) any other body corporate, at any general meeting of which not less than one-fourth of the total number of directors of such other body corporate are appointed or controlled by the director of the first mentioned body corporate or his relative, whether acting singly or jointly; 
    (b) in relation to the partner of a firm, means a relative of such partner and includes any other partner of such firm; and 
    (c) in relation to the trustee of a trust, means any other trustee of such trust; 
    (III) where any person is an associated person in relation to another, the letter shall also be deemed to be unassociated person in relation to the former;

    (ii) "relative" shall have the meaning assigned to it in clause (41) of section 2 of the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956);

  • (c) "place of removal" means -

    (i)   a factory or any other place or premises of production or manufacture of the excisable goods;

    (ii)  a warehouse or any other place or premises wherein the excisable goods have been permitted to be deposited without payment of duty;

    (iii) a depot, premises of a consignment agent or any other place or premises from where the excisable goods are to be sold after their clearance from the factory;

    from where such goods are removed;

  • (cc) "time of removal", in respect of the excisable goods removed from the place of removal referred to in sub-clause (iii) of clause (c), shall be deemed to be the time at which such goods are cleared from the factory;

  • (d) "transaction value" means the price actually paid or payable for the goods, when sold, and includes in addition to the amount charged as price, any amount that the buyer is liable to pay to, or on behalf of, the assessee, by reason of, or in connection with the sale, whether payable at the time of the sale or at any other time, including, but not limited to, any amount charged for, or to make provision for, advertising or publicity, marketing and selling organization expenses, storage, outward handling, servicing, warranty, commission or any other matter; but does not include the amount of duty of excise, sales tax and other taxes, if any, actually paid or actually payable on such goods.



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FAQs on Levy (Part -1) - Central Excise Act,1944, Indirect Tax Laws - Indirect Tax Laws - B Com

1. What is the Central Excise Act, 1944?
Ans. The Central Excise Act, 1944 is an indirect tax law in India that governs the levy and collection of excise duty on goods manufactured or produced in the country. It provides the legal framework for the imposition and administration of excise duties by the central government.
2. What does the Central Excise Act, 1944 cover?
Ans. The Central Excise Act, 1944 covers various aspects related to the levy, assessment, and collection of excise duty. It outlines the procedures for registration, classification, valuation, and payment of excise duty. It also covers provisions for penalties and prosecution in case of non-compliance with the Act.
3. What is the significance of the Central Excise Act, 1944 for businesses?
Ans. The Central Excise Act, 1944 is significant for businesses as it regulates the imposition and collection of excise duty, which is an important component of the cost of production. Compliance with the Act ensures that businesses are fulfilling their obligations towards the government in terms of payment of excise duty and adherence to procedural requirements.
4. How does the Central Excise Act, 1944 impact consumers?
Ans. The Central Excise Act, 1944 indirectly impacts consumers as the excise duty levied on goods is ultimately borne by them. The cost of production, including the excise duty component, is passed on to consumers through the selling price of goods. Therefore, understanding the provisions of the Act helps consumers in understanding the pricing structure of various products.
5. Are there any penalties for non-compliance with the Central Excise Act, 1944?
Ans. Yes, the Central Excise Act, 1944 provides for penalties and prosecution in case of non-compliance with its provisions. Non-payment or short-payment of excise duty, failure to maintain proper records, evasion of duty, or any other violation can attract penalties, fines, and even imprisonment. It is important for businesses to comply with the Act to avoid legal consequences.
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