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Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com PDF Download


 Submatrices and minors of amatrix.

Matrices obtained from a given matrix A by omitting some of its rows and columns are called sub matrices of A. Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

The determinants of the square submatrices are calledminors of the matrix.
Some of the minors of A are :

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

Rank of a matrix.
A positive integer ‘r’ is said to be the rank of a non zero matrix A, denoted by ρ(A), if
(i) there is at least one minor of A of order‘r’ which is not zero and
(ii) every minor of A of order greater than ‘r’ is zero.

(i) The rank of a matrix A is the order of the largest non zero minor of A.
(ii) If A is a matrix of order m x n then ρ(A) ≤ 3 minimum (m, n)
(iii) The rank of a zero matrix is taken to be 0.
(iv) For non zero matrices, the least value of the rank is 1.
(v) The rank of a non singular matrix of order n x n is n.
Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

Example 7

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

Solution : Order of A is 3 x 3. ∴ ρ(A)≤3 Consider the only third order minor

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

There is a minor of order 3 which is not zero. ∴ ρ(A) =3

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

Solution :

Order of A is 3 x 3. ρ(A) ≤ 3 Consider the only third order minor

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

The only minor of order 3 is zero. ∴ ρ(A)≤2 Consider the second order minors.
Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

There is a minor of order 2 which is non zero.   ∴ ρ(A)≤2


Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

Solution : Order of A is 3 x 3 ∴ ρ(A)≤ 3 Consider the only third order minor

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com                   (R1 ∞R2 )


The only minor of order 3 is zero.    ∴ ρ(A)≤ 2
Consider the second order minors. Obviously they are all zero.
ρ(A)≤ 1 Since A is a non zero matrix, ρ(A) =1

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

Solution : Order of A is 2 x 4.        ∴ ρ(A)≤ 2
Consider the second order minors.
We find,

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

Elementary operations and equivalent matrices. The process of finding the values of a number of minors in our endeavour to find the rank of a matrix becomeslaborious unless by a stroke of luck we get a non zero minor at an early stage. To get over this difficulty, we introduce many zeros in the matrix by what are called elementary operations so that the evaluation of the minors is rendered easier. It can be proved that the elementary operations do not alter the rank of a matrix.
The following are the elementary operations :
(i) The interchange of two rows.
(ii) The multiplication of a row by a non zero number.
(iii) The addition of a multiple of one row to another row. If a matrix B is obtained from a matrix A by a finite number of elementary operations then we say that the matrices A and B are equivalent matrices and we write A ~ B.
Also, while introducing many zeros in the given matrix, it would be desirable (but not necessary) to reduce it to a triangular form.

A matrix A = (aij ) is said to be in a triangular form if aij = 0 whenever i > j.

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com
Solution : Order of A is 3 x 4.       ∴ ρ(A)≤ 2

Let us reduce the matrix A to a triangular form 

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

This is now in a triangular form.
We find,

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

Example 13  Find the rank of the matrix  Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

Solution : Order of A is 3 x 4.         ∴ ρ(A)≤ 3 

Let us reduce the matrix A to a triangular form.

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

This is now in a triangular form. We find,
Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

There is a minor of order 3 which is not zero.    ∴ ρ(A)≤ 3

Example 14 Find the rank of the matrix  Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

Solution : Order of A is 3 x 4.           ∴ ρ(A)≤ 3

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Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

This is in a triangular form.
We find,

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

There is a minor of order 3 which is not zero.          ∴ ρ(A)≤ 3

Systems of linear equations.
A system of (simultaneous) equations in which the variables (ie. the unknowns) occur only in the first degree is said to be linear.

A system of linear equations can be represented in the form AX = B. For example, the equations x-3y+z = -1, 2x+y-4z =-1, 6x-7y+8z = 7 can be written in the matrix form as

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

A is called the coefficient matrix. If the matrix A is augmented with the column matrix B, at the end, we get the augmented matrix

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

A system of (simultaneous) linear equations is said to be homogeneous if the constant term in each of the equations is zero. A system of linear homogeneous equations can be represented in the form AX = O. For example, the equations 3x+4y-2z = 0, 5x+2y = 0, 3x-y+z = 0 can be written in the matrix form as

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

Consistency of equations
A system of equations is said to be consistent if it has at least one set of solution. Otherwise it is said to be inconsistent.
Consistent equations may have
(i) unique solution (that is, only one set of solution) or
(ii) infinite sets of solution. 

By way of illustration, consider first the case of linear equations in two variables.

The equations 4x- y = 8, 2x + y = 10 represent two straight lines intersecting at (3, 4). They are consistent and have the unique solution x = 3, y = 4. (Fig. 1.1)

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

The equations 5x - y = 15, 10x - 2y = 30 represent two coincident lines. We find that any point on the line is a solution. The equations are consistent and have infinite sets of solution such as x = 1, y = -10 ; x = 3, y = 0 ; x = 4, y = 5 and so on (Fig. 1.2) Such equations are called dependent equations.

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

The equations 4x - y = 4 , 8x - 2y = 5 represent two parallel straight lines. The equations are inconsistent and have no solution. (Fig. 1.3)

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

Now consider the case of linear equations in three variables. The equations 2x + 4y + z = 5, x + y + z = 6, 2x + 3y + z = 6 are consistent and have only one set of unique solution viz. x = 2, y = -1, z = 5. On the other hand, the equations x + y + z = 1, x + 2y + 4z = 1, x + 4y + 10z = 1 are consistent and have infinite sets ofsolution such as x = 1, y = 0, z = 0 ; x = 3, y = -3, z = 1 ; and so on. All these solutions are included in x = 1+2k , y = -3k, z = k where k is a parameter.

The equations x + y + z = -3, 3x + y - 2z = -2, 2x +4y + 7z = 7 do not have even a single set of solution. They are inconsistent.

All homogeneous equations do have the trivial solution x = 0, y = 0, z = 0. Hence the homogeneous equations are all consistent and the question of their being consistent or otherwise does not arise at all.

The homogeneous equations may or may not have solutions other than the trivial solution. For example, the equations x + 2y + 2z = 0, x -3y -3z = 0, 2 x +y -z = 0 have only the trivial solution viz., x = 0, y = 0, z = 0. On the other hand the equations x +y -z = 0, x -2y +z = 0, 3x +6y -5z = 0 have infinite sets of solution such as x = 1, y = 2, z = 3 ; x = 3, y = 6, z = 9 and so on. All these non trivial solutions areincluded in x = t, y = 2t, z = 3t where t is a parameter.

Testing the consistency of equations by rank method.
Consider the equations AX = B in 'n' unknowns
1) If ρ(A, B) = ρ(A), then the equations are consistent.
2) If ρ(A, B)   ρ(A), then the equations are inconsistent.
3) If ρ(A, B) = ρ(A) = n , then the equations are consistentand have unique solution.
4) If ρ(A, B) = ρ(A) < n , then the equations are consistentand have infinite sets of solution.

Consider the equations AX = 0 in 'n' unkowns
1) If ρ(A) = n then equations have the trivial solution only.
2) If ρ(A) < n then equations have the non trivial solutions also.

Example 15
Show that the equations 2 x - y +z = 7, 3 x +y- 5z = 13, x +y +z = 5 are consistent and have unique solution.

Solution : The equations take the matrix form as


ρ(A, B) = 3, ρ(A) = 3

The number of unknowns is 3.
Hence ρ(A, B) = ρ(A) = the number of unknowns.

∴ The equations are consistent and have unique solution.

Example 16 Show that the equations x + 2y = 3, y - z = 2, x + y + z = 1 are consistent and have infinite sets of solution
 Solution : The equations take the matrix form as

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

Obviously, ρ(A, B) = 2, ρ(A) = 2.
The number of unknowns is 3.
Hence ρ(A, B) = ρ(A) < the number of unknowns.
∴ The equations are consistent and have infinite sets of solution.


Example 17 Show that the equations x -3y +4z = 3, 2x -5y +7z = 6, 3x -8y +11z = 1 are inconsistent.

Solution : The equations take the matrix form as

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Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

ρ(A, B) = 3,ρA) = 2
Hence ρ(A, B) ≠ ρ(A)

∴ The equations are inconsistent.

Exampe 18 Show that the equations x +y +z = 0, 2x +y- z = 0, x - 2y +z = 0 have only the trivial solution.

Solution : The matrix form of the equations is

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

Obviously,ρ(A) = 3
The number of unknowns is 3.
Hence  ρ(A) = the number of unknowns.
∴ The equations have only the trivial solution.

Example 19 Show that the equations 3x +y + 9z = 0, 3x +2y + 12z =0, 2x +y + 7z = 0 have non trivial solutions also.

Solution :

The matrix form of the equations is

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Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

∴  ρ(A)  = 2 3 = 0, 3 1 = 3  0 2
The number of unknowns is 3.
Hence ρ(A) < the number of unknowns.
∴ The equations have non trivial solutions also

Example 20 Find k if the equations 2x + 3y -z = 5, 3x -y + 4z = 2, x + 7y -6z = k are consistent.

Solution :

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

Obviously ρ(A) = 2.
For the equations to be consistent, ρ(A, B) should also be 2.
Hence every minor of (A, B) of order 3 should be zero.

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

Expanding and simplifying, we get k = 8.

21 Find k if the equations x + y + z = 3, x +3y +2z = 6, x +5y +3z = k are inconsistent.


Solution :

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

We find,

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

Obviously ρ(A) = 2.
For the equations to be inconsistent,ρ(A, B) should not be 2.

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

∴   The equations are inconsistent when k assumes any real value other than 9.

Example 22
Find the value of k for the equations kx + 3y + z = 0, 3x -4y + 4z = 0, kx - 2y + 3z = 0 to have non trivial solution.

Solution :

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

For the homogeneous equations to have non trivial solution,
ρ(A) should be less than the number of unknowns viz., 3.
ρ(A) ≠ 3.

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

Expanding and simplifying, we get k = 11/4

Example 23
Find k if the equations x + 2y +2z = 0, x -3y -3z = 0, 2x +y +kz = 0 have only the trivial solution.

Solution :​

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

For the homogeneous equations to have only the trivial solution, ρ(A) should be equal to the number of unknowns viz., 3.

Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

The equations have only the trivial solution when k assumes any real value other than 1.

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FAQs on Systems of Linear Equations - Matrices and Determinants, Business Mathematics & Statistics - Business Mathematics and Statistics - B Com

1. What are matrices and determinants in the context of systems of linear equations?
Matrices are rectangular arrays of numbers or symbols that are used to represent systems of linear equations. They have rows and columns, and each element is denoted by its position in the matrix. Determinants, on the other hand, are scalar values that can be computed from a square matrix. They play a crucial role in solving systems of linear equations, as they provide information about the behavior of the system.
2. How are matrices used to represent systems of linear equations?
Matrices provide a convenient and compact way to represent systems of linear equations. In matrix form, the coefficients of the variables are organized into a matrix, and the constants on the right-hand side of the equations are arranged into a column matrix. By multiplying the coefficient matrix with the variable matrix, we can obtain the column matrix of constants. This allows us to solve the system of equations using matrix operations.
3. What is the importance of determinants in solving systems of linear equations?
Determinants are important in solving systems of linear equations because they provide information about the existence and uniqueness of solutions. If the determinant of the coefficient matrix is non-zero, then the system has a unique solution. If the determinant is zero, it indicates that either the system has no solutions or infinitely many solutions. Determinants also help us determine whether a matrix is invertible or singular.
4. How can determinants be computed for square matrices?
Determinants of square matrices can be computed using various methods, such as cofactor expansion or row operations. For a 2x2 matrix, the determinant is calculated by multiplying the top left element by the bottom right element and subtracting the product of the top right and bottom left elements. For larger matrices, cofactor expansion can be used, where the determinant is expressed as a sum of products of elements and their corresponding cofactors. Row operations, such as Gaussian elimination, can also be used to transform the matrix into an upper triangular form, making it easier to calculate the determinant.
5. How do matrices and determinants relate to business mathematics and statistics?
Matrices and determinants have various applications in business mathematics and statistics. They are used in linear programming, where they help optimize business operations by finding the best allocation of resources. Matrices are also used in input-output analysis, which studies the relationships between different sectors of an economy. In statistics, matrices are used in multivariate analysis and regression analysis, where they help model and analyze relationships between multiple variables. Determinants, in particular, are used to test for independence and collinearity in statistical models.
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