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Fixed & Flexible Budgets - Budgetary control, Cost Accounting | Cost Accounting - B Com PDF Download

Definition of fixed Budget
A fixed budget is prepared for single level of activity. The performance report is prepared by comparing data from actual operations. Fixed budget do not change when production level changes.

Features of Fixed budget
The following are the features of fixed budget

  1. Fixed budget is rarely prepared and used. The reason is that the actual output is differing from the budgeted output. Hence, the management cannot exercise cost control.
  2. The performance report does not contain useful information and misleading one.
  3. If units are overlooked in the cost-to-cost comparison, accurate result is not available.
  4. The performance report gives merely whether the actual costs are higher or lower than budgeted costs.
  5. Fixed budget is limited by the costs and expenses which are affected by fluctuations in volume. This is a well known accepted fact.
  6. There is no meaning of comparing one activity level with some other activity level. A fixed budget can be usefully employed when budgeted output is close to the actual output.

Flexible budget:
When a company's activities can be estimated within close limits, the fixed budget is satisfactory. However, completely predictable situations exist in only a few cases. If business conditions change radically, causing actual operations to differ widely from fixed budget plans, this management tool is not reliable or effective. The fact that costs and expenses are affected by fluctuations in volume limits the use of the fixed budget and leads to the use of the flexible budget. To illustrate, the cost of operating an automobile per mile depends on the number of miles driven. The more a car is used per year, the more it costs to operate it but the less it costs per mile. If the owner prepares an estimate of the total cost and compares actual expenses with the budget at year-end, success in keeping expenses within the allowed limits cannot be determined without accounting forthe mileage factor. The reason for this lies in the nature of the expenses, some of which arc fixed while others are variable or semi variable. Insurance, taxes, registration, and garaging are fixed costs, which remain the same whether the car is operated 1,000 or 20.000 miles. The costs of tires, gas, and repairs are variable costs, which depend largely upon the miles driven. Obsolescence and depreciation result in a semi-variable cost. Which fluctuates to some degree but does not vary directly with the usage of the car?

The underlying principle of a flexible budget is the need for some norm of expenditures for any given volume of business. This norm should be known beforehand in order to provide a guide to actual expenditures. To recognize this principle is to accept the fact that every business is dynamic, ever changing, and never static. It is erroneous, if not futile, to expect a business lo conform to a fixed, preconceived pattern.
The preparation of a flexible budget results from the development of formulas for each department and for each account within a department or cost center. The formula for each account indicates the fixed amount and/or a variable rate. The fixed amount and variable rate remain constant within prescribed ranges of activity. The variable portion of the formula is a rate expressed in relation to a base such as direct labor hours, direct labor cost or machine hours.
The application of the formulas to the level of activity actually experienced produces the allowable expenditures for the volume of activity attained. These budget figures are compared with actual costs in order to measure the performance of each department. This ready-made comparison makes the flexible budget a valuable instrument for cost control, because it assists in evaluating the effects of varying volumes of activity on profits and on the cash position,
Originally, the flexible budget idea was applied principally 10 the control of departmental factory overhead. Now however, the idea is applied lo the entire budget. So that production as well as marketing and administrative bud-gels is prepared on a flexible budget basis.

Capacity and volume
The discussion of the actual preparation of a flexible budget must be preceded by a basic understanding of the term "capacity." The terms "capacity" and "volume" (or activity) are used in connection with the construction and use of both fixed and flexible budgets. Capacity is that fixed amount of ' "plant and machinery and number of personnel for which management has committed itself and with which it expects to conduct the business. Volume is the variable factor in business. It is related to capacity by the fact that volume (activity) attempts to make the best use of existing capacity.

Any budget is a forecast of sales, costs, and expenses. Material, labor, factory overhead, marketing expenses, and administrative expenses must be brought into harmony with the sales volume. Sales volume is measured not only by sales the market could absorb, but also by plant capacity and machinery available to produce the goods. A plant or a department may produce the goods. A plant or department may produce 1,000 units or work 10.000 hours, but this volume (or activity) may not be ' compatible with the capacity of the plant or department. The production of 1.000'units or the working of 10.000 hours may be greater or smaller than the amount of sales the company can safely expect to achieve in a given market during a given period.

The following terms are used in referring to capacity levels' theoretical practical, expected actual, and normal. Current Internal Revenue Service regulations permit the use of practical, expected actual or normal capacity in assigning factory overhead costs to inventories.

Theoretical Capacity. The theoretical capacity of a department is its capacity to produce at full speed without interruptions. It is achieved if the plant-or department produces at 100 percent of its rated capacity,

Practical Capacity. It is highly improbable that any company can operate at theoretical capacity. Allowances must be made for unavoidable interruptions, such as time lost for repairs, inefficiencies, breakdowns, setups. failures, unsatisfactory materials, delays in delivery of materials or supplies, labor shortages and absences, Sundays, holidays, vacations, inventory taking, and pattern and model changes. The number of work shifts must also be considered. These allowances reduce theoretical capacity to the practical capacity level. This reduction is caused by internal influences and does not consider the chief external cause, lack of customers' orders. Reduction from theoretical to practical capacity typically ranges from 15 percent to 25 percent, which results in a practical capacity level or 75 percent lo 85 percent of theoretical capacity.

Expected Actual Capacity. Expected actual capacity is based on a short-range outlook. The use of expected actual capacity is feasible with firms whose products are of a seasonal nature» and market and style changes allow price adjustments according to competitive conditions and customer demands.

Normal Capacity. Firms may modify the above capacity levels by considering the Utilization of the plant or various departments in the light of meeting average sales demands over a period long enough to level out the peaks and valleys which come with seasonal and cyclical variations. Finding a satisfactory and logical balance between plant capacity and sales volume is one of the important problems of business management.

Once the normal (or average) capacity level has been established, overhead costs can be estimated and factory overhead rates computed. The use of these rates will cause all overhead of the period to be absorbed, provided normal capacity and normal expenses prevail during the period.
Purposes of Establishing Normal Capacity. Although there may be some differences between a normal long-run volume and the sales volume expected in the next period, normal capacity is useful in establishing sales prices and controlling costs. It is the basis for the entire budget system, and it can be used for the following purposes and aims:

  1. Preparation of departmental flexible budgets and computation of predetermined factory overhead rates,
  2. Compilation of the standard cost of each product.
  3. Scheduling production.
  4. Assigning cost to inventories.
  5. Measurement of the effects of changing volumes of production.
  6. Determination of the break-even point.

Although other capacity assumptions are sometimes used due to existing circumstances, normal capacity fulfills both long- and short-term purposes. The long-term utilization of the normal capacity level relates the marketing phase and therewith the pricing policy of the business 10 the production phase over a long period of time, leveling out fluctuations that are of short duration and of comparatively minor significance. The short-term utilization relates to management's analysis of changes or fluctuations that occur during an operating year. This short-term utilization measures temporary idleness and aids in an analysis of its causes.
Factors Involved in Determining Normal Capacity. In determining the normal capacity of a plant, both its physical capacity and average sales expectancy must be considered; neither plant capacity nor sales potential alone is sufficient. As previously mentioned, sales expectancy should be determined for a period long enough to level out cyclical variations rather than on the sales expectancy for a short period of time. It should also be noted that outmoded machinery and machinery bought for future use must be excluded from the considerations which lead to the determination of the normal capacity level-Calculation of the normal capacity of a plant requires many different judgment factors. Normal capacity should be determined first for the business as a whole and then broken down by plants and departments. Determination of a departmental capacity figure might indicate that for a certain department the planned program is an overload while in another ii will result in excess capacity. The capacities of several departments will seldom be in such perfect balance as to produce an unhampered flow of production. For the department with the overload, often termed the "bottleneck" department, actions such as the following might have to be taken;

  1. Working overtime.
  2. Introducing an additional shift.
  3. Temporarily transferring operations to another department where spare capacity is available.
  4. Subcontracting the excessload.
  5. Purchasing additional equipment. 

On the other hand, the excess facilities of other departments might have to be reduced. Or the safes department might be asked lo search for additional orders to utilize the spare capacity in these departments.

Flexible Budget Practical Problems and solutions

Prepare a flexible budget for the production of 80% and 100% activity on the basis of the following information.
Production at 50% Capacity5,000 Units
Raw Material$80 per unit
Direct Labor$50 per unit
Direct Expenses$15 per unit
Factory Expenses$50,000 (50) (Fixed)
Administration Expenses$60,000 (Variable)


Flexible Budget at a Capacity of
Capacity of
Output Units

Raw Material4,00,0006,40,0008,00,000
Direct Expenses75,0001,20,0001,50,000
Prime Cost7,25,00011,60,00014,50,000
Factory Expenses 50% fixed (50,000)25,00040,00050,000
Factory Cost7,75,00012,25,00015,25,000
Admin Expenses fixed 40% (60,000)24,00024,00024,000
Variable 60%36,00057,60072,000
Total Cost8,35,00013,06,00016,21,000

Problem 2.
The following data are available in a manufacturing company for a yearly period:

Fixed expenses:
Wages and Salaries9,50,000
Rent, Rate & Taxes6,60,000
Sundry Admin Expenses6,50,000
Semi Variable Expenses at 50% Capacity:
Maintenance & Repairs3,50,000
Indirect Labor7,90,000
Sales Deptt. Salaries etc.3,80,000
Sundry Admin Salaries2,80,000
Variable Expenses:
Other Expenses7,90,000

Assume that the fixed expenses remain constant for all levels of production, the semi-variable expenses remain constant between 45% and 65% capacity; increasing by 10% between 65 percent and 80 percent capacity; and by 20 percent between 80% and 100% capacity.


Prepare a Flexible Budget for the year and forecast the profit at 60%, 75%, 90% and 100% capacity.

Flexible Budget

50% ($)60% ($)75% ($)90% ($)100% ($)

Variable Expenses

Other expenses7,90,0009,48,00011,85,00014,22,00015,80,000
Semi Variable Expenses

Maintenance & Repairs3,50,0003,50,0003,85,0004,20,0004,20,000
Indirect labor7,90,0007,90,0008,69,0009,48,0009,48,000
Sales Deptt. Salaries3,80,0003,80,0004,18,0004,56,0004,56,000
Sundry Expenses2,80,0002,80,0003,08,0003,36,0003,36,000
Fixed Expenses

Wages & Salaries9,50,0009,50,0009,50,0009,50,0009,50,000
Rent/Rates & Taxes6,60,0006,60,0006,60,0006,60,0006,60,000
Sundry admin6,50,0006,50,0006,50,0006,50,0006,50,000
Total Cost (A)98,00,000108,00,000124,00,000141,60,000152,60,000
Sales (B)100,00,000120,00,000150,00,000180,00,000200,00,000
Profit (A – B)2,00,00012,00,00025,20,00038,40,00047,40,000

Problem 3.
A factory is currently working to 50% capacity and produces 10,000 units. Estimate the profits of the company when it works at 60% and 80% capacity and offer your critical comments.
At 50% working raw material cost increases by 2% and selling price falls by 2%. At the 80% working raw material cost increases by 5% and selling price falls by 5%.
At 50% working the product costs $180 per unit and is sold at $200 per unit.
The unit cost of $180 is made up as follows:
Material: 100
Labor: 30
Factory overhead: 30 (40% fix)
Admn. overhead: 20 (50% fix)

Output: 10,000 unit 50% capacityOutput: 12,000 units 60% capacityOutput: 16,000 units 80% capacity

Per unit ($)Total ($)Per unit ($)Total ($)Per unit ($)Total ($)
Sales Value20020,00,00019623,52,00019030,40,000
Material Cost10010,00,00010212,24,00010516,80,000
Labor Cost303,00,000303,60,000304,80,000
Variable Factory Overhead181,80,000182,16,000182,88,000
Fixed Factory Overhead121,20,000101,20,0007.501,20,000
Variable Admn. Overhead101,00,00010120,000101,60,000
Fixed OH101,00,0008.331,00,0006.251,00,000
Total Cost18018,00,000178.3321,40,000176.2528,28,000
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FAQs on Fixed & Flexible Budgets - Budgetary control, Cost Accounting - Cost Accounting - B Com

1. What is a fixed budget?
Ans. A fixed budget is a financial plan that remains constant regardless of changes in the actual level of activity. It is typically prepared for a specific period, such as a month or a year, and is not adjusted for fluctuations in sales, production, or other factors. This type of budget provides a benchmark against which actual performance can be measured.
2. What is a flexible budget?
Ans. A flexible budget is a financial plan that adjusts to changes in the actual level of activity. It is designed to accommodate variations in sales, production, or other factors that may impact the budgeted amounts. Unlike a fixed budget, a flexible budget allows for adjustments based on the level of activity achieved, providing a more accurate representation of expected costs and revenues.
3. What is budgetary control?
Ans. Budgetary control refers to the process of comparing actual results against budgeted amounts and taking corrective actions to address any variances. It involves monitoring and evaluating financial performance, identifying deviations from the budget, and implementing measures to align actual outcomes with the predetermined goals. Budgetary control helps organizations to control costs, optimize resource allocation, and achieve their financial objectives.
4. How does cost accounting relate to budgeting?
Ans. Cost accounting plays a crucial role in budgeting by providing the necessary information and analysis to develop budgets accurately. It involves the measurement, recording, and reporting of costs, both for past periods and projected future periods. Cost accounting provides insights into the various cost components of an organization's operations, helping managers make informed decisions when setting budget targets and allocating resources.
5. What are the benefits of using fixed and flexible budgets?
Ans. Fixed budgets provide stability and predictability by setting specific targets for costs and revenues. They are useful for planning and controlling expenses but may not accurately reflect the actual level of activity. On the other hand, flexible budgets offer greater flexibility and adaptability, allowing for adjustments based on changes in activity levels. This type of budget provides a more realistic view of costs and revenues and enables better decision-making. Using a combination of fixed and flexible budgets can provide organizations with a comprehensive framework for financial planning and control.
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