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Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve PDF Download

Nuclear Reactions

The two general kinds of nuclear reactions are nuclear decay reactions and nuclear transmutation reactionsIn a nuclear decay reaction, also called radioactive decay, an unstable nucleus emits radiation and is transformed into the nucleus of one or more other elements. The resulting daughter nuclei have a lower mass and are lower in energy (more stable) than the parent nucleus that decayed. In contrast, in a nuclear transmutation reaction, a nucleus reacts with a subatomic particle or another nucleus to form a product nucleus that is more massive than the starting material. As we shall see, nuclear decay reactions occur spontaneously under all conditions, but nuclear transmutation reactions occur only under very special conditions, such as the collision of a beam of highly energetic particles with a target nucleus or in the interior of stars. We begin this section by considering the different classes of radioactive nuclei, along with their characteristic nuclear decay reactions and the radiation they emit.

Classes of Radioactive Nuclei


The three general classes of radioactive nuclei are characterized by a different decay process or set of processes:

  1. Neutron-rich nuclei. The nuclei on the upper left side of the band of stable nuclei have a neutron-to-proton ratio that is too high to give a stable nucleus. These nuclei decay by a process that converts a neutron to a proton, thereby decreasing the neutron-to-proton ratio.
  2. Neutron-poor nuclei. Nuclei on the lower right side of the band of stable nuclei have a neutron-to-proton ratio that is too low to give a stable nucleus. These nuclei decay by processes that have the net effect of converting a proton to a neutron, thereby increasing the neutron-to-proton ratio.
  3. Heavy nuclei. With very few exceptions, heavy nuclei (those with A ≥ 200) are intrinsically unstable regardless of the neutron-to-proton ratio, and all nuclei with Z > 83 are unstable. This is presumably due to the cumulative effects of electrostatic repulsions between the large number of positively charged protons, which cannot be totally overcome by the strong nuclear force, regardless of the number of neutrons present. Such nuclei tend to decay by emitting an α particle (a helium nucleus, Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve, which decreases the number of protons and neutrons in the original nucleus by 2. Because the neutron-to-proton ratio in an α particle is 1, the net result of alpha emission is an increase in the neutron-to-proton ratio.

Nuclear Decay Reactions 

Just as we use the number and type of atoms present to balance a chemical equation, we can use the number and type of nucleons present to write a balanced nuclear equation for a nuclear decay reaction. This procedure also allows us to predict the identity of either the parent or the daughter nucleus if the identity of only one is known. Regardless of the mode of decay, the total number of nucleons is conserved in all nuclear reactions.

To describe nuclear decay reactions, chemists have extended theNuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve notation for nuclides to include radioactive emissions. Table given below lists the name and symbol for each type of emitted radiation. The most notable addition is the positron, a particle that has the same mass as an electron but a positive charge rather than a negative charge.

Table : Nuclear Decay Emissions and Their Symbols





Mass (amu)

helium nucleus





0β1 or β














 0β+1 or β+




Like the notation used to indicate isotopes, the upper left superscript in the symbol for a particle gives the mass number, which is the total number of protons and neutrons. For a proton or a neutron, A = 1. Because neither an electron nor a positron contains protons or neutrons, its mass number is 0. The numbers should not be taken literally, however, as meaning that these particles have zero mass; ejection of a beta particle (an electron) simply has a negligible effect on the mass of a nucleus.

Similarly, the lower left subscript gives the charge of the particle. Because protons carry a positive charge, Z = +1 for a proton. In contrast, a neutron contains no protons and is electrically neutral, so Z = 0. In the case of an electron, Z = −1, and for a positron, Z = +1. Because γ rays are high-energy photons, both A and Z are 0. In some cases, two different symbols are used for particles that are identical but produced in different ways. For example, the symbol Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve, which is usually simplified to e, represents a free electron or an electron associated with an atom, whereas the symbol 0β-1, which is often simplified to β, denotes an electron that originates from within the nucleus, which is a β particle. Similarly,  Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve refers to the nucleus of a helium atom, and 4α2 denotes an identical particle that has been ejected from a heavier nucleus.

There are six fundamentally different kinds of nuclear decay reactions, and each releases a different kind of particle or energy. The essential features of each reaction are shown in following Figure . The most common are alpha and beta decay and gamma emission, but the others are essential to an understanding of nuclear decay reactions.


Decay Type Rediation Emitted Generic Equation Model
Alpha Decay Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve
Beta Decay Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve
Positron Emission Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve
Electron Capture  X rays Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve
Gamma Emission Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve
Spontanius fission Neutrons Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve

Figure : Common Modes of Nuclear Decay

Alpha Decay​

Many nuclei with mass numbers greater than 200 undergo alpha (α) decay, which results in the emission of a helium-4 nucleus as an alpha (α) particleNuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve. The general reaction is as follows:

Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve ......(1)

The daughter nuclide contains two fewer protons and two fewer neutrons than the parent. Thus α-particle emission produces a daughter nucleus with a mass number A − 4 and a nuclear charge Z − 2 compared to the parent nucleus. Radium-226, for example, undergoes alpha decay to form radon-222:

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Because nucleons are conserved in this and all other nuclear reactions, the sum of the mass numbers of the products, 222 + 4 = 226, equals the mass number of the parent. Similarly, the sum of the atomic numbers of the products, 86 + 2 = 88, equals the atomic number of the parent. Thus the nuclear equation is balanced.

Just as the total number of atoms is conserved in a chemical reaction, the total number of nucleons is conserved in a nuclear reaction.


Beta Decay

Nuclei that contain too many neutrons often undergo beta (β) decay, in which a neutron is converted to a proton and a high-energy electron that is ejected from the nucleus as a β particle:

Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve .......(3)

The general reaction for beta decay is therefore

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Although beta decay does not change the mass number of the nucleus, it does result in an increase of +1 in the atomic number because of the addition of a proton in the daughter nucleus. Thus beta decay decreases the neutron-to-proton ratio, moving the nucleus toward the band of stable nuclei. For example, carbon-14 undergoes beta decay to form nitrogen-14:

Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve .......(5)

Once again, the number of nucleons is conserved, and the charges are balanced. The parent and the daughter nuclei have the same mass number, 14, and the sum of the atomic numbers of the products is 6, which is the same as the atomic number of the carbon-14 parent.

Positron Emission

Because a positron has the same mass as an electron but opposite charge, positron emission is the opposite of beta decay. Thus positron emission is characteristic of neutron-poor nuclei, which decay by transforming a proton to a neutron and emitting a high-energy positron:

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The general reaction for positron emission is therefore

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Like beta decay, positron emission does not change the mass number of the nucleus. In this case, however, the atomic number of the daughter nucleus is lower by 1 than that of the parent. Thus the neutron-to-proton ratio has increased, again moving the nucleus closer to the band of stable nuclei. For example, carbon-11 undergoes positron emission to form boron-11:

Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve .......(8)

Nucleons are conserved, and the charges balance. The mass number, 11, does not change, and the sum of the atomic numbers of the products is 6, the same as the atomic number of the parent carbon-11 nuclide.

Electron Capture

A neutron-poor nucleus can decay by either positron emission or electron capture (EC), in which an electron in an inner shell reacts with a proton to produce a neutron:

Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve ......(9)

When a second electron moves from an outer shell to take the place of the lower-energy electron that was absorbed by the nucleus, an x-ray is emitted. The overall reaction for electron capture is thus

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Electron capture does not change the mass number of the nucleus because both the proton that is lost and the neutron that is formed have a mass number of 1. As with positron emission, however, the atomic number of the daughter nucleus is lower by 1 than that of the parent. Once again, the neutron-to-proton ratio has increased, moving the nucleus toward the band of stable nuclei. For example, iron-55 decays by electron capture to form manganese-55, which is often written as follows:

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The atomic numbers of the parent and daughter nuclides differ in Equation 20.2.11, although the mass numbers are the same. To write a balanced nuclear equation for this reaction, we must explicitly include the captured electron in the equation:

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Both positron emission and electron capture are usually observed for nuclides with low neutron-to-proton ratios, but the decay rates for the two processes can be very different.

Gamma Emission

Many nuclear decay reactions produce daughter nuclei that are in a nuclear excited state, which is similar to an atom in which an electron has been excited to a higher-energy orbital to give an electronic excited state. Just as an electron in an electronic excited state emits energy in the form of a photon when it returns to the ground state, a nucleus in an excited state releases energy in the form of a photon when it returns to the ground state. These high-energy photons are γ rays. Gamma (γ) emission can occur virtually instantaneously, as it does in the alpha decay of uranium-238 to thorium-234, where the asterisk denotes an excited state:

Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve.......(13)

If we disregard the decay event that created the excited nucleus, then

Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve.........(14)

or more generally,

Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve .........(15)

Gamma emission can also occur after a significant delay. For example, technetium-99m has a half-life of about 6 hours before emitting a γ ray to form technetium-99 (the m is for metastable). Because γ rays are energy, their emission does not affect either the mass number or the atomic number of the daughter nuclide. Gamma-ray emission is therefore the only kind of radiation that does not necessarily involve the conversion of one element to another, although it is almost always observed in conjunction with some other nuclear decay reaction.

Spontaneous Fission

Only very massive nuclei with high neutron-to-proton ratios can undergo spontaneous fission, in which the nucleus breaks into two pieces that have different atomic numbers and atomic masses. This process is most important for the transactinide elements, with Z ≥ 104. Spontaneous fission is invariably accompanied by the release of large amounts of energy, and it is usually accompanied by the emission of several neutrons as well. An example is the spontaneous fission of Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve , which gives a distribution of fission products; one possible set of products is shown in the following equation:

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Once again, the number of nucleons is conserved. Thus the sum of the mass numbers of the products (118 + 132 + 4 = 254) equals the mass number of the reactant. Similarly, the sum of the atomic numbers of the products [46 + 52 + (4 × 0) = 98] is the same as the atomic number of the parent nuclide.

The document Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET | Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve is a part of the EmSAT Achieve Course Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve.
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FAQs on Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Part -1) - Nuclear Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, CSIR-NET - Chemistry for EmSAT Achieve

1. What is nuclear spectroscopy?
Ans. Nuclear spectroscopy is a branch of physics that studies the interactions between radiation and matter at the nuclear level. It involves the analysis and measurement of the energy levels and properties of atomic nuclei using various spectroscopic techniques.
2. What is the difference between nuclear fission and fusion?
Ans. Nuclear fission is the process of splitting a heavy atomic nucleus into two or more lighter nuclei, releasing a large amount of energy in the process. On the other hand, nuclear fusion is the process of combining two light atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus, also releasing a significant amount of energy. The main difference lies in the reactions involved, with fission involving the splitting of nuclei and fusion involving their combination.
3. How does nuclear fission work?
Ans. Nuclear fission occurs when a heavy atomic nucleus, such as uranium-235 or plutonium-239, absorbs a neutron and becomes unstable. The nucleus then splits into two or more smaller nuclei, releasing additional neutrons and a large amount of energy. This energy is released in the form of gamma radiation and kinetic energy of the fission products and neutrons.
4. What are the applications of nuclear fission?
Ans. Nuclear fission has several practical applications. One of the most notable applications is in nuclear power plants, where the energy released during fission is used to generate electricity. Fission is also used in nuclear weapons, where the rapid release of energy leads to an explosion. Additionally, fission is used in certain types of cancer treatments, such as radiation therapy, to target and destroy cancer cells.
5. What are the challenges of achieving nuclear fusion?
Ans. Achieving nuclear fusion is a complex and challenging process. Some of the major challenges include the need to create and sustain extremely high temperatures and pressures to initiate the fusion reaction. Additionally, controlling and confining the hot plasma required for fusion is difficult, as it tends to interact with the surrounding materials and can cause damage. Furthermore, the development of a reliable and efficient method to extract usable energy from the fusion reaction is still a significant challenge in the field of fusion research.
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