[PAGE 113] Bond = something that unites,बंधन ; sloth bear = a bear that walks slowly, धीमे चलने वाला रीछ ; Wild = untamed, जंगली ; escaped = ran away,भाग गया ; suddenly = at once,अचानक ; panting = breathing heavily, हांफना ; wantonly = without any reason,अकारण ही ; companions = friends, साथी ;promptly – at once,एकदम ; on the spot =there and then, घटना स्थल पर ही ; prostrate = lying, औंधे लेटे हुए I
[PAGE 114] : Creature = living being, प्राणी ; pitiful =full of pity,करुणापूर्ण ; attempt= प्रयत्न करना ; capture= catch,पकड़ना ; scooted = ran away, भाग गया ; grab= catch,पकड़ना ; scruff = back of the neck,गर्दन के पीछे के भाग ; snapped = tried to bite, काटने का प्रयत्न करना ; scratch = make bruises with claws,खरोंचे मारना ;claws = pointed nails on the feet and hands, पंजे ; gunny bags = jute sacks,बोरियाँ ; delighted = happy,प्रसन्न ; christened = named,नाम रखा ; porridge = porridge,दलिया ; ingredients = parts of some mixture, preparation etc.,अवयव ; pork = meat of pig ,सूअर का मांस ; condiments = spices, मसाले ; chillies= chillies, मिर्चे ; pudding = pudding,फिरनी ; aerated water = soda water,सोडावाटर ; alcoholic liquor = contains alcohol,मादक द्रव्य ; relish = taste, स्वाद ; attached = intimate, घनिष्ट ; tenants = lodgers,किराएदार ; befell = happened to, घटित हुआ ; poison = poison,जहर ,; paralysis = loss of power to move, लकवा ; extent = limit, सीमा ; dragged = pulled along with difficulty, घसीटा ; stumps = (here) legs,टांगे ; vet = veterinary doctor,पशुओं का डॉक्टर ; residence = place of living, निवास स्थान I
[PAGE 115] : Feverish = excited,उत्तेजित ; symptoms = signs, चिह्न ; treatment = cure, इलाज ; syringe = device for giving injection, सिरिंज ; dash = rush,भागना ; floundering = walking with difficulty,कठिनाई से चलना ; rapidly = fast, तेजी से ; vomiting = vomiting, उल्टी करना ; heaving = rising and falling, उठना-गिरना ;flanks = sides, पक्ष ; gaping = open, खुला ; hypodermic = syringe,सिरिंज ; squeals = cries,चीखें ; antidote = anti poison,जहर की काट ; stertorous = making loud noise,अत्यधिक शोर ; disdainfully = scornfully,निंदा से ; drained = taken off,निकाला ; sump = inner tank, अंदर का टैंक ; inroads = attack, आक्रमण ; termites = white ants,दीमक ; promptly = at once, एकदम ; rolled on = passed, गुजर गए ; mischievous = naughty,शरारती ;signifying = meaning,अर्थ होना ; command = order, आदेश ; wrestle = do wrestling,कुश्ती करना ; vigorously= energetically, जोश से ; tackled = faced, सामना करना ; tumble = fall,गिरना ; cradled = (here) put in the lap and sway, गोद में झुलाना I
[PAGE 116] : Affectionately = lovingly,प्यार से ; concealed = hidden, छिपा हुआ ; stump= piece, टुकड़ा ;straw = stalks of wheat etc.फूंस ; consented = agreed, मान गया ; hastily = hurriedly,शीघ्रता से ; curator=official in charge of the zoo, चिड़ियाघर का प्रबंधक ; cage = cage,पिंजरा ; packed off = sent,भेजा ; relieved = felt relief, आराम महसूस किया ; inconsolable = beyond consolation, सांत्वना से परे ; fretting = getting angry, नाराज होना ; getting along = behaving,बर्ताव करना ; restrain = control, रोकना ; conjectured = guessed,अनुमान लगाना ; howled = cried, चिल्लाया ; petted = fondled,पुचकारा ; delight = joy, प्रसन्नता ;bitterly = very much, बहुत अधिक I
[PAGE 117]:Depressed =sad,उदास ; reconciled = compromised,समझौता कर लिया ; hesitantly = with hesitation, झिझकते हुए ; pleading = requests,प्रार्थना करना I
[PAGE 118] : Hoisted = lifted up, उठाया ; securely = tightly,कसकर , accomplished = completed,पूरा किया ; squad = group, समूह ; engaged = employed,काम पर लगाया ; compound = yard, आंगन ; pit = ditch, खड्डा ;moat = long ditch,लंबी खाई ; gnarled = twisted, मुड़ा–तुड़ा ; sentimentally = emotionally, भावनात्मक रूप से ;preserved = maintained,कायम रखा ; released = freed,आजाद किया ; hind = back, पिछले ; loop = ring, छल्ला ;bridge (here) cross,पार करना ; affection = love, प्यार ; characteristics = features,गुण I
1. What is the bond of love? |
2. How does the bond of love develop? |
3. Why is the bond of love important? |
4. How can one maintain and strengthen the bond of love? |
5. Can the bond of love be broken? |
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