Class 9 Exam  >  Class 9 Notes  >  English Class 9  >  Extra questions Answers - How I taught My Grandmother to Read

Class 9 English Extra Question Answers - How I taught My Grandmother to Read

Ques 1. Write a note on the transport system in the author's childhood days.

Ans: In the author's childhood days, the transport system was not efficient. The bus carrying magazines and newspapers arrived very late in the village. The villagers got the morning paper only in the afternoon. The weekly magazine used to come one day late.

Ques 2. Why was Triveni a popular writer? or What made Triveni a popular writer?

Ans: Triveni was a very popular writer in the Kannada language. She wrote in an easy and convincing style. Her stories dealt with the complex psychological problems in the lives of ordinary people and were always very interesting.

Ques 3. Grandmother had a passion for literature, yet she did not read the story herself. Why? or Why did the grandmother depend on her granddaughter to know the story?

Ans: She had a passion for literature, but instead of reading the story herself, she depended on her granddaughter as she was illiterate. In her time, education for girls was not considered important. She got married at a young age and got busy in her married life.

Ques 4. Describe the theme of 'Kashi Yatre'. or What is described in the novel, 'Kashi Yatre?

Ans: The theme of the novel 'Kashi Yatre' is unselfishness. The grandmother had all the money she had collected to visit Kashi, but when she learned about the orphan girl needing the money for her marriage, she gave all her savings to the orphan girl and decided not to visit Kashi.

Ques 5. Describe grandmother's passion for literature. or 'Kashi Yatre' was grandmother's favourite novel. Why? or Give two reasons to show why 'Kashi Yatre' was grandmother's favourite novel?

Ans: 'Kashi Yatre' was her favourite novel because there was one similarity between the novel's protagonist and grandmother, as both wanted to visit Kashi but never went there. She discussed the novel with her friends in the temple. She was eager to know about the subsequent developments in the story.

Ques 6. Why did grandmother identify herself with the novel's protagonist? or Why did the grandmother identify herself with the main character of the novel 'Kashi Yatre'? or How could the grandmother relate herself to the central character of the story 'Kashi Yatre?

Ans: The novel's protagonist was an old woman who had a great desire to go to Kashi, but could not. Similarly, grandmother too had never been to Kashi and was eager to go there. This was the reason as to why the grandmother identified herself with the novel's protagonist.

Ques 7. Why do you think that the women at the temple discuss the latest episode of the story 'Kashi Yatre'?

Ans: After hearing the story, the women at the temple had a debate regarding the latest episode of the novel 'Kashi Yatre'. Perhaps they could relate with the novel's protagonist. It could also be the fact that Triveni's writing style and genre appealed to them.

Ques 8. The novel's protagonist longed to go to Kashi. Yet she donated all her savings for the marriage of an orphan girl. Why?

Ans: The novel's protagonist longed to go to Kashi. But when she learnt that an orphan girl was unable to get married as she had no money, she donated all her savings for the orphan's marriage because she believed that the happiness of the orphan girl was more important than worshipping Lord Vishweshwara at Kashi.

Ques 9. Write a note on the wedding the author attended.

Ans: At that time, the wedding was a great event. The author and her companions enjoyed themselves thoroughly. They ate and played endlessly, enjoying their freedom as all the elders were busy. She went for a couple of days but stayed there for a week.

Ques 10. Why was a grandmother in tears? or Which incident made the grandmother realise the importance of education? or Why did the grandmother feel so helpless when her granddaughter went to attend a marriage? 

Ans: When her granddaughter was not in the village, the grandmother could not hear the story. She rubbed her hands on the pictures, wishing some miracle to happen, but in vain. She could not dare ask anyone to recite the story to her. She got so frustrated that she cried. When the granddaughter arrived, she found her grandmother in tears.

Ques 11. What was grandmother's reaction when she got the magazine in her granddaughter's absence?

Ans: She saw the picture accompanying the story of 'Kashi Yatre'. But she could not understand the text. She repeatedly rubbed her hands over the pages, wishing she could understand the text. She even thought of going to her granddaughter. She was embarrassed to ask anyone to read the story to her. On that day, she realised two things that she was illiterate and money was useless if she was dependent.

Ques 12. What provoked the grandmother to decide to learn the Kannada alphabet?

Ans: One day her granddaughter had gone to attend a marriage and no one was available to read the story to grandmother. She realised that she was illiterate. Had she been literate, she would have read the story on her own. Upset over her inability to read on her own, the grandmother resolved to learn the Kannada alphabet.

Ques 13. Why did grandmother remain illiterate? or What reason did grandmother give for women not being educated? or Why did the grandmother never go to school?

Ans:  When grandmother was a young girl, she lost her mother. There was none to look after and guide her. Her father was a busy man and remarried. As education for girls was not considered essential in those days, she never went to school. Besides, she got married very young and had children and later grandchildren.

Ques 14. Why did the author grow sarcastic after learning that her grandmother wanted to learn the Kannada alphabet? or How did the narrator tease her grandmother when she expressed her desire to read?

Ans: When grandmother announced her decision to learn the Kannada alphabet, the author could not believe her ears and laughed at her. She was not used to the idea of an old lady trying to read. All this invited the author's sarcasm and she unwittingly made fun of the grandmother.

Ques 15. How did grandmother react to her granddaughter's sarcasm?

Ans: Grandmother did not lose her temper, nor did she feel hurt. Rather, she smiled. She said if one was determined for a good cause, one could overcome any obstacle. Her self-confidence, determination, and logic convinced the granddaughter that there was no age bar for learning. Besides, she promised to work harder than anybody. She kept her promise and passed with flying colours.

Ques 16. Describe the grandmother as a student. or Why did the narrator call her 'Avva', a wonderful student? or Could the grandmother succeed in accomplishing her desire to read? How?

Ans: She could do an amazing amount of work, She could read, write, recite and repeat very soon. She worked hard to accomplish her desire to read. The outcome of her learning was that she was able to read on her own as she read the title 'Kashi Yatre' by Triveni and the publisher's name when her granddaughter gifted her the novel.

Ques 17. Why did she touch the author's feet? or The grandmother touched the feet of her granddaughter. How did she justify this gesture of hers?

Ans: She touched the author's feet as a mark of respect. it is written in the scriptures that a teacher should be respected, irrespective of gender and age. The author taught her grandmother so well, with so much of affection, that she could read any novel confidently in a very short period.

Ques 18. Write a note on the relationship of Krishtafeka and Sudha Murty.

Ans: They had a very good relationship. They both understood each other very well. Sudha Murty read the stories to her, When she found Krishtakka in tears, she grew worried. She tried to find out the reason. She laughed at Krishtakka, but got no thrashing in return. She taught Krishtakka whole-heartedly, making her independent.

Ques 19. Which of the following traits would be relevant to the character of the narrator's grandmother? (i) Determined (ii) Selfish (iii) Emotional (iv) Mean

Ans: She was determined. At the age of sixty-two, she decided to learn the Kannada alphabet. She worked hard for it. She did an amazing amount of homework. She could read, repeat, recite and write. Finally, she succeeded in making her dream come true.

Ques 20. Justify the title of the story.  

Ans: Sudha Murty taught her grandmother, enabling her to read on her own, So, she gave her account the current title ie. 'How I Taught My Grandmother to Read'. The title is very apt as it indicates how the author taught her grandmother who remained illiterate till sixty-two years. It also reflects the author's ability to teach her old grandmother. 

Ques 21. Krishtakka is firm to learn the Kannada alphabet though her granddaughter teases her. Krishtakka just smiled and said, "For a good cause if you are determined, you can overcome any obstacle. I will work harder than anybody, but I will do it. For learning there is no age bar." Her weak faculties do not disturb her at all and she is overpowered by her determination and self-motivation. Motivated by her story, you decide to write a letter to your younger brother, who has indulged in disreputable activities at the cost of his studies, about the value of determination and self-motivation.

Ans: 16, ABC Street


 12th December 20XX 

Dear Piyush, 

How are you? Yesterday, mother told me that you have been ignoring your studies, for which you had been sent to the hostel. If you are self-motivated and determined to reach the top, nothing can deter you. Recently, I read a story called "How I Taught My Grandmother to Read". Although the protagonist of the story is a sixty-two year old illiterate lady, yet she decides to learn the alphabet. She works hard and passes with flying colours. When she can succeed at such an old age, can't you succeed being so young, energetic and enthusiastic? So, fix your goal, drop your useless activities and pass with flying colours. Awaiting a positive reply. 

Yours affectionately 


Ques 22. Imagine you are Krishtakka. You love literature but can't read it, as you are illiterate. One day, you regret your illiteracy and decide to learn. Write a diary entry expressing your feelings.

Ans: Wednesday 11th March 20XX, 11 pm 

Dear Diary, 

Since my childhood. I had a great- passion for literature. But I could not continue my studies. I lost my mother when I was young. As female education was not regarded as important in those days, I never went to school. I got married early and had children. I got busy in family life. I never knew when I developed a passion for 'Kashi Yatre, a wonderful novel. As I was illiterate, my granddaughter Sudha recited the story to me. I loved the story very much as its protagonist was just like me. I deeply regret the fact that I couldn't read the story on my own. I felt dependent. I decided to learn to read and chose Sudha as my teacher. 


Ques 23. Imagine you are Sudha Murty. Your grandparents want to study despite their weak faculties and they have chosen you as their teacher. You are happy as well as confused. Write a diary entry expressing your feelings.

Ans: Wednesday 11th March. 20XX, 11 pm 

Dear Diary, 

My grandparents want to study at this age. They are having weak faculties. You need constant attention and strong faculties to pursue studies, which they have lost. But they don't understand. I am happy as they want to study, irrespective of their age and are aware of the fact that they have to work hard. But I am also confused. How will I teach them? Will I be able to teach them? Where do I start from? I have decided to teach them. I will do my duty honestly. They have reposed their trust in me and I will remain faithful to them. I wish them success. May God bless my old but lovable and caring students! 


Ques 24. As the author of 'How I Taught My Grandmother to Read', write a letter to your grandmother appreciating her determination and strength of character. or Your grandmother has displayed qualities of a truly religious student. As a granddaughter write a letter to her appreciating her strength and determination.

Ans: 12, ABC Street Kelgaum Karnataka

 15th March, 20XX 

Dear Grandmother 

How are you? I came to know that you are on the road to reading and learning, a herculean task indeed. I appreciate your determination and courage. At the age of sixty-two, you have taken a difficult decision to learn the Kannada alphabet. Your faculties have grown weak but your passion for literature is motivating you to go ahead. If every person has a strong will like yours, illiteracy will be wiped out from the Earth and no problems will exist anymore as the root cause of all the problems is illiteracy with its evil consequences. You are an ideal grandmother, an epitome of determination, strength and motivation. You are correct when you say that working for a good cause requires determination and this can conquer any obstacle. One needs nothing but self-motivation to progress in life and luckily you possess that very characteristic. May you live long.
Yours affectionately 


Ques 25. Write a character sketch of Krishtakka, the grandmother. or Give the character sketch of the grandmother as depicted in the story "How I Taught My Grandmother to Read".

Ans:  The grandmother is the central character, the fulcrum around which the entire lesson revolves. She is sixty-two years old, grey-haired, wrinkled and all her life is devoted to the kitchen-chores and well-being of her family. The novel 'Kashi Yatre' stirs in her yearnings for a visit to Kashi. This shows that the grandmother is quite religious. She is a lady of great commitment, courage and indomitable spirit, which is evident in her desire to master the Kannada alphabet, even at the age of sixty-two. The grandmother proves to be an ideal and diligent student who achieves her desired goal.

Ques 26. You are the grandmother. How did you feel when your granddaughter gave you the novel 'Kashi Yatre' ? Write your feelings in your diary. or You are the grandmother in the story, 'How I Taught My Grandmother to Read'. How did you feel when you were able to read the novel, 'Kashi Yatre' gifted to you by your granddaughter? Write about your feelings in the form of a diary entry. Write the diary entry. or Krishtakka believes that there is no age bar for learning. As Krishtakka, write a diary entry on how you made this belief of yours come true.  

Ans:  Thursday 7th March. 20XX, 9 pm 

Dear Diary 

Today I am very happy as my granddaughter gave me the novel 'Kashi Yatre', which I can now read myself. It is my favourite novel. It is because of my granddaughter's devotion and love that I am able to read and write myself She made me independent. Now. I don't have to wait for anybody to read and write to me. I really love this novel as it inspired me to be literate and independent. I couldn't complete my studies when I was young and that handicap stayed with me. gut now through determination and hard work, I have achieved my goal. I am grateful to my granddaughter. the best teacher I have ever had. I wish all my illiterate friends get granddaughters like Sudha so that they dispel the darkness of illiteracy and relieve their grannies from the anguish of dependence.      


Ques 27. Krishtakka is firm to learn the Kannada alphabet though her granddaughter teases her. Krishtakka just smiled and said, "For a good cause if you are determined, you can overcome any obstacle. I will work harder than anybody, but I will do it. For learning there is no age bar." Her weak faculties do not disturb her at all and she is overpowered by her determination and self-motivation. Motivated by her story, you decide to write a letter to your younger brother, who has indulged in disreputable activities at the cost of his studies, about the value of determination and self-motivation.

Ans: 16, ABC Street Agra 12th December, 20XX 

Dear Piyush 

How are you? Yesterday, mother told me that you have been ignoring your studies, for which you had been sent to the hostel. If you are self-motivated and determined to reach the top, nothing can deter you. Recently, I read a story called "How I Taught My Grandmother to Read". Although the protagonist of the story is a sixty-two year old illiterate lady, yet she decides to learn the alphabet. She works hard and passes with flying colours. When she can succeed at such an old age, can't you succeed being so young, energetic and enthusiastic? So, fix your goal, drop your useless activities and pass with flying colours. Awaiting a positive reply. 

Yours affectionately 


Ques 28. Imagine you are Krishtakka. You love literature but can't read it, as you are illiterate. One day, you regret your illiteracy and decide to learn. Write a diary entry expressing your feelings.

Ans: Wednesday 11th March. 20XX, 11 pm 

Dear Diary

 Since my childhood, I had a great- passion for literature. But I could not continue my studies. I lost my mother when I was young. As female education was not regarded, important in those days, I never went to school. I got married early and had children. I got busy in family life. I never knew when I developed 2 passion for 'Kashi Yatre, a wonderful novel. As I was illiterate, my granddaughter Sudha recited the story to me. I loved the story very much as its protagonist was just like me. I deeply regret the fact that I couldn't read the story on my own. I felt dependent. I have decided to learn to read and chose Sudha as my teacher. 


Ques 29. Imagine you are Sudha Murty. Your grandparents want to study despite their weak faculties and they have chosen you as their teacher. You are happy as well as confused. Write a diary entry expressing your feelings.

Ans:  Wednesday 11th March. 20XX, 11 pm 
Dear Diary 
My grandparents want to study at this age. They are having weak faculties. You need a constant attention and strong faculties to pursue studies, which they have lost. but they don't understand. I am happy as they want to study, irrespective of their age and are aware of the fact that they have to work hard. But I am also confused. How will I teach them? Will I be able to teach them? Where do I start from? I have decided to teach them. I will do my duty honestly. They have reposed their trust in me and I will remain faithful to them. I wish them success. May God bless my old but lovable and caring students! 

Ques 30. As the author of 'How I Taught My Grandmother to Read', write a letter to your grandmother appreciating her determination and strength of character. or Your grandmother has displayed qualities of a truly religious student. As a granddaughter write a letter to her appreciating her strength and determination.
Ans: 12, ABC Street Kelgaum Karnataka 
15th March, 20XX 
Dear Grandmother 
How are you? I came to know that you are on the road to reading and learning, a herculean task indeed. I appreciate your determination and courage. At the age of sixty-two, you have taken a difficult decision to learn the Kannada alphabet. Your faculties have grown weak but your passion for literature is motivating you to go ahead. If every person has a strong will like yours, illiteracy will be wiped out from the Earth and no problems will exist anymore as the root cause of all the problems is illiteracy with its evil consequences. You are an ideal grandmother, an epitome of determination, strength, and motivation. You are correct when you say that working for a good cause requires determination and this can conquer any obstacle. One needs nothing but self-motivation to progress in life and luckily you possess that very characteristic. May you live long'
Yours affectionately

Ques 31. Write a character sketch of Krishtakka, the grandmother. or Give the character sketch of the grandmother as depicted in the story "How I Taught My Grandmother to Read".
Ans: The grandmother is the central character, the fulcrum around which the entire lesson revolves. She is sixty-two years old, grey-haired, wrinkled and all her life is devoted to the kitchen-chores and well-being of her family. The novel 'Kashi Yatre' stirs in her yearnings for a visit to Kashi. This shows that the grandmother is quite religious. She is a lady of great commitment, courage and indomitable spirit, which is evident in her desire to master the Kannada alphabet, even at the age of sixty-two. The grandmother proves to be an ideal and diligent student who achieves her desired goal.

Ques 32. You are the grandmother. How did you feel when your granddaughter gave you the novel 'Kashi Yatre? Write your feelings in your diary. or You are the grandmother in the story, 'How I Taught My Grandmother to Read'. How did you feel when you were able to read the novel, 'Kashi Yatre' gifted to you by your granddaughter? Write about your feelings in the form of a diary entry. Write the diary entry. or Krishtakka believes that there is no age bar for learning. As Krishtakka, write a diary entry on how you made this belief of yours come true.
Ans: Thursday 7th March. 20XX, 9 pm 
Dear Diary 
Today I am very happy as my granddaughter gave me the novel 'cash's Yatre', which I can now read myself. It- is my favourite novel. It is because of my granddaughter's devotion and love that I am able to read and write myself She made me independent. Now. I don't have to wait for anybody to read and write for me. I really love this novel as it inspired me to be literate and independent. I couldn't complete my studies when I was young and that handicap stayed with me. gut now through determination and hard work, I have achieved my goal. I am grateful to my granddaughter. the best teacher I have ever had. I wish all my illiterate friends get granddaughters like Sudha so that they dispel darkness of illiteracy and relieve their grannies from the anguish of dependence.

Ques 33. At that time, Triveni was a very popular writer in the Kannada language. She was a wonderful writer. Her style was easy to read and very convincing. Her stories usually dealt with complex psychological problems in the lives of ordinary people and were always very interesting. Unfortunately for Kannada literature, she died very young. Even now, after forty years, people continue to appreciate her  novels. 
(i) Identify 'She' in the current extract. 
(ii) What were the two special characteristics of her stories? 
(iii) What is the relevance of her novels in the current story? 
(i) What had made Triveni a popular writer? 
(ii) What made Triveni's stories very interesting? 
(iii) How does Sudha Murty react to Triveni's death at an early age?
Ans: (i) 'She' refers to Triveni, a popular writer in the Kannada language. 
(ii) The two special characteristics of her stories were that they dealt with complex psychological problems in the lives of ordinary people and secondly, they were quite interesting, 
(iii) The author's grandmother had a deep passion for the novel named 'Kashi Yatre' written by Triveni. 
(i) Her style was easy to read and very convincing. 
(ii) Her stories usually dealt with complex psychological problems in the lives of ordinary people and thus were always very interesting. 
(iii) She remarks that her early demise was 'unfortunate' for Kannada literature.

Ques 34. In the end, the old lady gives away all her savings without going to Kashi. She says "The happiness of this orphan girl is more  important   than   worshipping   Lord Vishweshwara at Kashi." 
(i) Identify 'the old lady' in the current extract. 
(ii) In which context is the old lady being talked about? 
(iii) How does she justify her giving away all her savings?
Ans: (i) 'The old lady' refers to the protagonist appearing in 'Kashi Yatre', of the story authored by Triveni, a popular writer in Kannada. 
(ii) She wants to go to Kashi, but when she learns that an orphan girl is unable to marry due to shortage of funds, she gives away all her savings for her marriage at the cost of her desire. 
(iii) According to her, the happiness of the orphan girl is more important than worshipping Lord Vishweshwara at Kashi.

Ques 35. When I came back to my village, I saw my grandmother in tears. I was surprised, for I had never seen her cry even in the most difficult situations. 
(i) Identify the speaker. 
(ii) Identify 'her' in these lines. 
(iii) Why did she cry? 
(i) Who is '!' in the above extract? Where did she/he return from? 
(ii) Why was the grandmother in tears? 
(iii) What does the last line of the extract tell you about the grandmother's character? 
(i) Where had the narrator gone?
(ii) Why was the narrator's grandmother in tears? 
(iii) How did the narrator help the grandmother later?
Ans: (i) The speaker refers to Sudha Murty, the author. 
(ii) 'Her' refers to the author's grandmother. 
(iii) She cried at her helplessness of not being able to read her favourite novel. 
(i) 'I' refers to the narrator. She returned from a neighbouring village, where she had gone to attend a marriage. 
(ii) She cried at her helplessness of not being able to read her favourite novel. 
(iii) It shows that the grandmother was very strong in character. 
(i) The narrator had gone to the neighbouring village. 
(ii) She cried at her helplessness of not being able to read her favourite novel. 
(iii) The narrator helped her grandmother by teaching her the Kannada alphabet.

Ques 36. When I was a young girl, I lost my mother. There was nobody to look after and guide me. My father was a busy man and got married again. In those days, people never considered education essential for girls, so I never went to school. 
(i) Identify the speaker and the listener. 
(ii) Identify the context in which the speaker speaks. 
(iii) Identify a prepositional verb used in the current extract.
Ans: (i) The speaker and the listener refer to the grandmother and the author, respectively. 
(ii) She is explaining the reason for her illiteracy. 
(iii) 'Look after' is the prepositional verb used here.

Ques 37. I could have asked somebody in this village but I was too embarrassed to do so. I felt so very dependent and helpless. We are well-off, but what use is money when I cannot be independent?
(i) Identify the speaker.
(ii) What could have somebody be asked for?
(iii) Explain the last line, "We.......independent."
(i) Who is the speaker of these lines?
(ii)When did the speaker feel so very 'dependent and helpless'?
(iii) By 'independent' the speaker here means ________.

Ans: (i) The speaker is the grandmother. 
(ii) Somebody could be asked to read the story to Krishtakka as the author was not in the village. 
(iii) If one is wealthy but illiterate and dependent on others, money is useless. Money is useful only if one is literate and self-dependent. 
(i) The speaker is the grandmother. 
(ii) The grandmother was not able to read her favourite novel in the absence of her granddaughter. At that time she felt dependent and helpless. 
(iii) to be able to read and write. 

Ques 38. I will work very hard. I will keep Saroswati Pooja day during Dussehra as the deadline. 
(i) What is the task for which the deadline is fixed? 
(ii) Why will the speaker work hard? 
(iii) Identify the listener.
Ans: (i) Grandmother fixes a deadline for the day she will be able to read a novel on her own. 
(ii) She will work hard for becoming a literate person. 
(iii) The author, Sudha Murty, is the listener.

Ques 39. We have always touched the feet of God, elders and teachers. We consider that as a mark of respect. It is a great tradition, but today the reverse had happened. It was not correct. 
(i) What was the reverse that had happened? 
(ii) Why did the grandmother touch the feet of the author? 
(iii) Was it correct or incorrect? Why?
Ans:  (i) Grandmother had touched the feet of her granddaughter, the author. 
(ii) She touched the feet of the author as a mark of respect to her, the grandmother's teacher. 
(iii) It was correct, as there was no harm in touching the feet of a teacher and it did not matter if the teacher was younger to the student.

Ques 40. I knew then that my student had passed with flying colours. 
(i)Identify the student and the teacher. 
(ii) Explain 'flying colours'. 
(iii) How can you say that she had learnt the Kannada alphabet? 
(i) Who are T and 'my student' in the above line? 
(ii) What test had 'the student' passed? 
(iii) What quality of the student is revealed in the above lines?

Ans: (i) The student and teacher refer to the grandmother and Sudha Murty respectively. (ii) "Flying colours' means 'done very well'. Here it means that the grandmother could read the Kannada alphabet flawlessly.
(iii) She had learnt the Kannada alphabet because read the title KashiYatre and the publisher's name on her own. 
(i)'I' refers to the narrator, Sudha Murty; 'my student' refers to the grandmother, Krishtakka. 
(ii) The test that the student had passed was that she had learnt to read and write. 
(iii) The qualities of the student revealed in the form lines are that she is diligent, determined and dedicated.

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FAQs on Class 9 English Extra Question Answers - How I taught My Grandmother to Read

1. How does the protagonist teach her grandmother to read in the story "How I taught My Grandmother to Read"?
Ans. In the story "How I taught My Grandmother to Read," the protagonist teaches her grandmother to read by using the daily newspaper as a tool for learning. She starts with the alphabet and gradually progresses to forming words and sentences. The protagonist also encourages her grandmother to ask questions, which helps in enhancing her reading skills.
2. What challenges does the protagonist face while teaching her grandmother to read in "How I taught My Grandmother to Read"?
Ans. The protagonist faces several challenges while teaching her grandmother to read in "How I taught My Grandmother to Read." Initially, her grandmother finds it difficult to grasp the concept of reading and struggles with recognizing letters and words. Additionally, her grandmother's lack of confidence and fear of making mistakes pose as obstacles. However, with patience and persistence, the protagonist overcomes these challenges.
3. How does the grandmother's reading journey impact her life in "How I taught My Grandmother to Read"?
Ans. The grandmother's reading journey in "How I taught My Grandmother to Read" has a significant impact on her life. Learning to read opens up a whole new world for her, allowing her to gain knowledge and independence. She becomes more confident and self-reliant, able to read signs, labels, and even books. The grandmother's newfound literacy skills empower her and enable her to communicate more effectively with others.
4. What is the main theme explored in "How I taught My Grandmother to Read"?
Ans. The main theme explored in "How I taught My Grandmother to Read" is the transformative power of education and literacy. The story highlights how learning to read can bring about positive changes in an individual's life, regardless of age. It emphasizes the importance of patience, perseverance, and the joy of sharing knowledge with others.
5. How does the protagonist's relationship with her grandmother evolve throughout the story?
Ans. Throughout the story, the protagonist's relationship with her grandmother evolves from a traditional caregiver role to that of a mentor and teacher. Initially, the grandmother relies on the protagonist for support and guidance. However, as the grandmother begins to learn how to read, their relationship deepens, and they develop a mutual respect and admiration for each other. The protagonist becomes a source of inspiration and encouragement for her grandmother, fostering a strong bond between them.
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