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Class 9 English Extra Question Answers - The Man Who Knew Too Much

Q1. In pursuit of his ambition, he worked hard. We had to give him credit for that. He borrowed training manuals and stayed up late at nights reading them
(a) Who is 'he' in the above extract? 
(b) For which reason 'he' borrowed training manuals and other reading materials? 
(c) What was his ambition?

Ans. (a) Here 'he' refers to 'Private Quelch', an army cadet.
(b) Private Quelch was in the habit of showing off his knowledge to others. He always interrupts and points out things during ongoing lectures. In order to show off his intelligence and to enhance his knowledge, he used to read manuals and other training materials.
(c) His ambition was to acquire a stripe and to get a commission and he really worked hard in pursuit of his ambition.

Q2. 'I must protest against this abominably unscientific and unhygienic method of peeling potatoes. I need to only draw your attention to the sheer waste of vitamin values..............? 
(a) According to Quelch, 'How can vitamins be saved'? 
(b) What is unscientific and unhygienic? 
(c) What does the extract indicate about Quelch?

Ans. (a) According to Quelch, vitamins could be saved by not peeling the potatoes.
(b) According to the Professor, the ways of peeling the potatoes was unscientific and unhygienic.
(c) The extract indicates that old habits die hard. He could not learn anything from his mistakes and kept on showing off his intelligence till the end of the chapter.

Q3. 'We fled.'
(a) Who fled? 
(b) Why they fled? 
(c) What did they hear?

Ans. (a) The 'author' and this friends' fled from outside the canteen.
(b) They fled because they did not wish to be lectured on potatoes.
(c) They heard from the open door that the Professor was protesting against the unhygienic methods of peeling potatoes and sermonising others about how to protect the sheer waste of vitamin values.

Q4. It can be unmistakably identified by the harsh engine note, due to the high tip speed of the airscrew. 
(a) What does 'it' refers here? 
(b) Which feature can be identified here? 
(c) The given statement belongs to whom?

Ans. (a) It here refers to the North American Harvard Training Aircraft.
(b) The feature which can be identified here is the harsh engine note because of high tip speed of the airscrew.
(c) The above statement belonged to the 'Professor'.

Q5. He was our hero and we used to tell each other that he was so tough that you could hammer nails into him without his noticing it. 

(a) Who is 'he'?

(b) What does this statement imply? 

(c) Write the antonym of 'hero'.

Ans. (a) He here refers to 'Corporal Turnbull', a young man who had come back from Dunkirk.
(b) The statement implies that he is so brave and rough and tough that he would not pay attention to it.
(c) The antonym of hero is? villain.

Q6. Of course, it was a joke for days afterward, a joke and joy all of us. 
(a) What does 'it' stands for? 

(b) Why is it a joke?
(c)Why was it a joy to all of us?

Ans. (a) It stands for the order by which Private Quelch was to be selected for permanent cookhouse duties.
(b) It was a joke because the Professor was now assigned to the duty of the cookhouse by Corporal Turnbull.
(c) It is a joy for all of us because now the author and his friends would not have to hear the Professor any more.

Q7. 'You had any training before'?
(a) Who is the speaker in the above statement?
(b) Who is being spoken to?
(c) What must the professor have replied?

Ans. (a) The 'Sergeant' spoke the above statement.
(b) The 'Sergeant' asked this question to Private Quelch.
(c) The professor replied that his knowledge was a matter of intelligent reading and not training.

Q8. It was always, "Let me show you, fellow,' or, 'No you'll ruin your rifle, that way, old man.' 
(a) Who is the speaker of the sentence inside quotation marks? 
(b) What does this statement imply? 
(c) What does it describe about the Professor?

Ans. (a) The Professor is the speaker of these sentences.
(b) This statement implies that the Professor possessed vast knowledge of military equipment.
(c) This statement describes Professor excessively showing off his knowledge. He always interrupted ongoing lectures and always tried to prove himself more intelligent than others.

Q9. He was not a man to be trifled with.
(a) Who is 'he' in the above statement? 
(b) Where did he come from?
(c) What does this statement describe about him?

Ans. (a) 'He' refers to Corporal Turnbull
(b) He had come back from Dunkirk with all his equipment correct and accounted for.
(c) The statement clearly describes Corporal Turnbull as a very tough man, who knows how to handle stubborn and over- smart people.

Q10. Based on your reading of the story, answer the following questions by choosing the correct options. 
Private Quelch was nicknamed 'Professor' because of .................. 
(i)his knowledge. 
(ii) his appearance. 
(iii) his habit of sermonising. 
(iv) his habit of reading.

Ans. (iii) his habit of sermonising.

Q11. Based on your reading of the story, answer the following questions by choosing the correct options. 
One could hammer nails into Corporal Turnbull without his noticing it because................ 
(i) he was a strong and sturdy man. 
(ii) he was oblivious to his surroundings. 
(iii) he was a brave Corporal.
(iv) he was used to it.

Ans. (i) he was a strong and sturdy man.

Q12. Based on your reading of the story, answer the following questions by choosing the correct options. 
The author and his friend Trower fled from the scene as............... 
(i) they had to catch a train. 
(ii) they could not stand Private Quelch exhibiting his knowledge. 
(iii) they felt they would have to lend a helping hand. 
(iv) they did not want to meet the cooks.  

Ans. (ii) they could not stand Private Quelch exhibiting his knowledge.

Q13. Who was Private Quelch? Why he was named as 'Professor'?

Ans. Private Quelch was a trainee who knew too much but never won the admiration of his superior officers. His was nicknamed as Professor because he was a lanky, stooping person, wearing horn-rimmed spectacles. He was in the habit of correcting and sermonising people without considering their rank or status. Even when any topic was being discussed by his superior officers, he interrupted them, even doing so in ongoing lectures. This annoyed everyone, Due to this habit of Private Quelch, he was named as 'Professor'.

Q14. What was Quelch's ambition? What did he do to achieve his goal?

Ans. Undoubtedly, Quelch was very ambitious. He had the ambition to be an army officer. In pursuit of his ambition, he worked really very hard. He borrowed training manuals and stayed up late nights reading them. He was after the instructors with questions. He drilled with enthusiasm and he was also miraculously tireless during training marches.

Q15. What is a 'nickname'? Can you suggest another name for Private Quelch?

Ans. Nickname is the second name or the informal name given to a person depending upon his most prominent character traits. The nickname is generally given by friends and colleagues. It reveals the humorous side of one's character. Private Quelch is nicknamed as 'Professor'. The other nicknames for him can be 'Mr. Skinny', 'Mr. Intelligent', 'Mr. Nosy Poker' etc.

Q16. How did the image of Private Quelch as a 'hero' gradually changed into a 'villain' in the eyes of other trainees? Or Why did certain respect towards the Professor gradually changed/developed into terror among his colleagues and what kind of treatment did Private Quelch get?

Ans. Initially, everyone got very much impressed by his excessive knowledge and his witty remarks. But as the days went on, this habit of the Professor was gradually disliked by others, The Professor always used to show off his knowledge and intelligence and created chaos during the ongoing lectures. He also corrected the mistakes of his colleagues publicly, which embarrassed them and as a result, they gradually started to develop sheer terror of the Professor.

Q17. What does the dark, sun-dried appearance of the Sergeant suggest about him?

Ans. The Sergeant, by his appearance, looked a man with great confidence and knowledge of the military. His sun-dried skin expressed that his knowledge is acquired through his practical and personal experience in the field.

Q18. What was the turning point in Private Quelch's life?

Ans. Private Quelch was in the habit of showing off his knowledge even/time. He interrupts ongoing lectures. One day Corporal Turnbull came at the training Depot and when he was delivering a lecture, the Professor interrupts him many times. Due to this, the Corporal decided to teach him a lesson. So, he assigns him permanently to cookhouse duties. This shocked everyone and this was the turning point in the Professor's life.

Q19. Did Private Quelch change after being assigned permanently to the cookhouse duties? If not, give reasons for your answer.

Ans. No, Private Quelch did not change even after being assigned permanently to cookhouse duties. There also he showed his intelligence in cooking methods. One day, when others were peeling potatoes, the Professor strongly protested against the unscientific and unhygienic methods of peeling potatoes. He then started giving a lecture to others on how to protect the vitamin values while peeling potatoes. This showed that old habits die hard.

Q20. How was Private Quelch's knowledge exposed even further as the Sergeant's classes went on?

Ans. First of all, the Professor told the exact muzzle velocity of the rifle to the Sergeant. Later on, Sergeant put a series of questions to him, perhaps as revenge, which was all answered by the Professor correctly. He answered the questions with perfect technical definitions, details about the parts of rifles, its uses and the ways to care for a rifle. He told the Sergeant that he knew all this because of his intelligent reading.

Q21. What did the Professor mean by 'Intelligent Reading'?

Ans. 'Intelligent Reading' means reading useful material so that he can memorise knowledge. Moreover, attention, so that it can be applied in the life for enhancement of knowledge.

Q22. How did private Quelch managed to anger the Corporal?

Ans. During the Corporal's lecture, firstly Private Quelch interrupted him by telling the correct number of fragments on the grenade Later on when the Corporal resumed his lecture, Private Quelch interrupted again and asked him to start off with the characteristics of grenades. The Corporal got angry on this and asked him to deliver the lecture.

Q23. Did Private Quelch's day-to-day practices take him closer towards his goal? How can you make out?

Ans. No, Private Quelch's day-to-day practices were becoming more of a show-off than an honest practice. In the beginning, all his fellow trainees used to respect him, but later on they started avoiding him. Due to his being a show-off, he would insult his seniors as well as fellow colleagues unknowingly. No doubt, he had incomparable knowledge of defense forces but his way of achieving his goal was not correct. It did not take him closer to his goal because he was permanently assigned cookhouse duties, which was the lowest level job available.

Q24. What is the central idea of the chapter, 'The Man Who Knew Too Much'?

Ans. The title The Man Who Knew Too Much' is apt and suitable. The whole story revolves around Private Quelch, nicknamed as 'Professor', who exhibits his knowledge in front of everyone. He did not think twice before speaking to his senior officers and colleagues. He was handled by Corporal Turnbull at the end, but even then he did not learn anything. The story teaches us that knowledge is good and helpful. However, one must not take excessive pride in it, as it makes one arrogant.

Q25. Private Quelch looked like a Professor when the author first met him at the training depot. Why?  

Ans. Private Quelch looked like a Professor because of his lean, lanky and stooping appearance. He wore horn-rimmed spectacles which added to his image of a Professor or a man of knowledge.

Q26. You are Corporal Turnbull. Write a diary entry after your meeting with Private Quelch and how you handled him. Express your thoughts in about 150 words.

Ans. Monday, July &, 2015 1:30 pm Pear Diary One afternoon I was taking a lesson on the hand grenade. When I was explaining about the outside of the grenade, Private Quelch interrupted me and started giving an explanation about the topic, Initially, I remained quiet but his interruption went on and only my angry gesture was enough to keep him quiet. After some time, Private Quelch started cross-questioning me. I asked Quelch to give that lecture and quite unabashed, he came forward and feeling as if it wags his birthright, gave all of them an unexceptionable lecture on the grenade. As his lecture finished, I made a declaration that 'the platoon officer asked me to nominate one of them for permanent cookhouse duties' and when I announced the name. everybody felt as if it was a joke for them. I nominated Private Quelch for cookhouse duties. In my view, it was the best method to teach him a lesson. So, I assigned him there permanently.

Q27. You are the Professor. Write a diary entry after your first day at the cookhouse, describing the events that led to this assignment. Also, express your thoughts and feelings about the events of the day in about 150 words.

Ans. Tuesday, July 9, 2015, 7:15 pm Pear Diary Today, I was nominated for permanent cookhouse duties. Corporal Turnbull nominated my name in front of everyone. And when my name was announced, everyone looked surprised. Even I was surprised too. I felt that I was nominated for it because of my ability and abundance of knowledge in every field. I am happy that I can use my intelligence in the cookhouse also and  I want to thank the platoon officer and Turnbull for this. Although my ambition was to become an army officer and it is still in my mind, but in my view, no work is small or below your dignity, until and unless you accept it whole heartedly. I am quite confident that I can still achieve my goal. When I started my work in the cookhouse, other cooks were peeling potatoes in front of me. I advised them how food could be cooked without its nutritional values being wasted. Everybody was amazed at my knowledge and practical advice. I felt proud of myself that even in the cookhouse, I can beat others. I really Feel that it an opportunity for for me to prove my worth with great perseverance, devotion, and dedication towards any kind of work assigned to me.

Q28. Write a character sketch of 'Corporal Turnbull

Ans. Corporal Turnbull was a young man who had come back from Dunkirk, France. He was a wise and practical man. He had come to deliver a lecture on the hand grenade. Though young,' he was not a man to be trifled with.' He was known to have returned from the battlefield with all his equipment correctly accounted for. He was a hero figure for the whole platoon. Highly admired, he was personified by saying that one could hammer nails into him without his noticing it. It is clear from such remarks that Corporal Turnbull was a tough and rugged man.
He was a fastidious person. He was not a person who would patronise people who showed off their knowledge. He believed in discipline and patiently observed Private Quelch and his habits. He accurately Judged the character of the Professor and sent him to the cookhouse to curb his habit of showing off and trying to outshine the others. It can be said that Turnbull was a composed man, not to be easily provoked. However, though, calm on the surface, he played his role well. When the time came, he taught Quelch a lesson.

Q29. Write a character sketch of 'Private Quelch'.  

Ans.  Undoubtedly, Private Quelch was the man who knew 'Too Much', yet he failed to win the admiration and hearts of his superior officers and his colleagues. He was known for his habit of exposing his knowledge to others. He had got a nickname 'Professor' due to his lanky, stooping body and his habit of lecturing about his knowledge in front of everyone. And he did not think twice before correcting his superior officer's mistake.
He constantly interrupted training lectures and even advised the officers as to how they should handle a topic. Due to his habit, he was gradually disliked by his colleagues and they started to develop a terror of the Professor, because sometimes he made them feel inferior by correcting their mistakes in front of everyone. This embarrassed his colleagues. At the end of the chapter, he has been taught a lesson by Corporal Turnbull by being assigned to permanent cookhouse duties.
There also he showed off his knowledge. He proved that old habits die hard. All these features show that he was very steadfast in nature and was a very hard worker. He really worked very hard to try to achieve his goal.

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FAQs on Class 9 English Extra Question Answers - The Man Who Knew Too Much

1. What is the plot of the novel "The Man Who Knew Too Much"?
Ans. "The Man Who Knew Too Much" is a novel written by G.K. Chesterton. It follows the story of a man named Horne Fisher, who possesses great knowledge and insight into various crimes and mysteries. Throughout the novel, Horne Fisher finds himself involved in solving a series of murders and uncovering the truth behind them.
2. Who is the author of the novel "The Man Who Knew Too Much"?
Ans. The author of the novel "The Man Who Knew Too Much" is G.K. Chesterton. He was a renowned English writer and philosopher, known for his detective fiction and Christian apologetics. Chesterton's works often explore themes of morality, mystery, and social commentary.
3. What are the major themes explored in "The Man Who Knew Too Much"?
Ans. "The Man Who Knew Too Much" explores several major themes, including the nature of knowledge and its consequences, the duality of human nature, and the complexities of morality. The novel also delves into the idea of crime and justice, as well as the role of individuals in society.
4. Is "The Man Who Knew Too Much" a mystery novel?
Ans. Yes, "The Man Who Knew Too Much" can be classified as a mystery novel. It revolves around the protagonist's involvement in solving various crimes and uncovering the truth behind them. The novel presents readers with puzzling situations and unexpected twists, keeping them engaged in the mystery throughout.
5. What is the significance of the title "The Man Who Knew Too Much"?
Ans. The title "The Man Who Knew Too Much" suggests that the protagonist, Horne Fisher, possesses a level of knowledge that surpasses that of an average person. This knowledge, however, comes with consequences and burdens as Fisher finds himself tangled in dangerous situations and must grapple with the moral implications of what he knows. The title highlights the central theme of the novel, which explores the consequences of possessing too much knowledge.
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