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Class 9 English: Sample Question Paper Term I- 12 (With Solutions) PDF Download

Ques 1: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.
Wangari Maathai, the Kenyan environmentalist who began a movement to reforest hercountry by paying poor women a few shillings to plant trees and who went on to become thefirst African woman to win a Nobel Peace Prize, died in 2011. Dr Maathai played many roles? environmentalist, feminist, politician, professor,rabble-rouser, human rights advocate and head of the Green Belt Movement which she founded in 1977. Its mission was to plant trees across Kenya to fight erosion and to create firewood for fuel and jobs for women. The movement made her very popular and she was affectionately called "Tree Woman" or "The Tree Mother of Africa". Dr Maathai was as comfortable in the gritty streets of Nairobi's slums or the muddy hillsides of central Kenya as she was hobnobbing with heads of state. She won the Peace Prize in 2004 for what the Nobel committee called "her contribution to sustainable development, democracy and peace." Her Green Belt Movement has planted more than 30 million trees in Africa and has helped nearly 900000 women, according to the United Nations, while inspiring similar efforts in other African countries. ''Wangari Maathai was a force of nature," said Achim Steiner, the executive director of the United Nations' environmental programme. He likened her to Africa's ubiquitous acacia trees, "strong incharacter and able to survive sometimes the harshest of conditions." Dr Maathai toured the world, speaking out against environment degradation and poverty which she said early on were intimately connected. But she never lost focus on her native Kenya. She was athorn in the side of Kenya's previous President, Daniel Arap Moi whose government labelled the Green Belt Movement" subversive" during the 1980s. Mr Moi was particularly scornful of herleading the charge against a government plan to build a huge skyscraper in one of central Nairobi'sonly parks. The proposal was eventually scrapped, though not long afterward, during a protest, Dr Maathai was beaten unconscious by the police.
(a) Answer the/allowing questions.
(i) Who was Wangari Maathai?
(ii) When did Wangari Maathai die?
(iii) Why was Dr Maathai called the 'Tree Woman'?
(iv) What role did Dr Maathai play in the Green Belt Movement?
(v) What was the mission of Green Belt Movement?
(vi) What was Steiner's complement for Maathai?
(vii) When did Maathai win the Peace Prize?
(viii) How did Maathai react to environment degradation?
(i) Wangari Maathai was the Kenyan environmentalist who became the first African woman winner of Nobel Peace Prize.
(ii) Wangari Maathai died in 2011.
(iii) Dr Maathai was called the 'Tree Woman' in affection as she became popular as a leader of Green Belt Movement in 1977.
(iv) Dr Maathai played an active role as an environmentalist, politician, feminist and a leader of the Green Belt Movement.
(v) The mission of Green Belt Movement was to plant trees to prevent soil erosion and create fire wood for fuel and jobs for women.
(vi) Steiner considered Maathai as a force of nature.
(vii) Maathai won the Peace Prize in 2004.
(viii) Dr Maathai protested and spoke against environmental degradation throughout the world.

Ques 2: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.
A study conducted by the experts of the Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI) here has predictedacute water shortage in the coming summer months, unless immediate remedial steps are initiated. The report, which is yet to be made public, claims that the water table in most parts of the metropolis is falling rapidly and in many places in South Delhi is almost bone-dry. The crumbling ofthe over half-a-century old supply infrastructure and the burgeoning population have compounded the problem. According to the report, Delhi "attracts more than 4 lakh people each year. Even as it accepts, with in its fold, all these new citizens, the city's infrastructure is on the verge of a breakdown". The study suggests that the ground water level is receding steadily, and at places, rather rapidly. Due tounbridled urbanization, the scarce rain water runs off without being tapped, which is a complete waste of resources. Delhi receives its water supply from surface flow and ground water. The availability from surface sources, that is, Yamuna, Ganga, and Bhakra is approximately 1150 MCM (million cubic metres) and of this 60% is available from Yamuna. Delhi gets an average rainfall of 600 mm per year, of which 80% is received in three months (July-September). More than half the rainwater runs off into the Yamuna. It is ironical that while the Yamuna is frequently in spate, during monsoon it reports 'zero flow' and that too in peak summer.The pressure on ground water is already beyond capacity and recent reports suggest that people are increasingly tapping this water resource. Even the DJB depends on groundwater. Though the courts have put curbs on new tubewells, those already installed are gnawing at the dwindling reserves. The latter operate without any restrictions, some even for 24 hours. Accordingto the study, the ground water table in the Delhi region, at varying depths 20 to 50 metres below ground level, is saline. In some areas nears the Yamuna, these saline aquifers occur at a depth ofabout 65 m. This effectively makes the water unfit for consumption within that level. Electrical conductivity is also reported to be high, making the groundwater further unfit for consumption. The status is similar with respect to fluoride levels in certain areas. Already, the average level of water table for blocks away from Yamuna is between 15 to 20 m. The water table has receded by 10 m in many areas.
(a) Answer the following questions.
(i) What does the TERI survey report say?
(ii) What is the reason of water crisis in Delhi?
(iii) What are the sources of water supply in Delhi?
(iv) What is the condition of groundwater according to the study?
(b) Answer the following questions,
(i) What is the meaning of the word "unbridled" in the passage?
(ii) Give the synonym of "crumbling".
(iii) Give the opposite of "recent" in the passage.
(iv) Pick a word from the passage that means 'border'.
(a) (i) The Tata Energy Research Institute has predicated acute water shortage in the summer.
(ii) The water table in urban areas is decreasing with poor infrastructure and increased population leading to serious water crisis in Delhi.
(iii) Delhi receives water supply from surface flow and groundwater. The surface sources include water supply from rivers especially Yamuna.
(iv) According to the study, the groundwater below twenty to fifty metres from the ground is saline and unfitfor consumption.
(b) (i) The word means uncontrollable.
(ii) The synonym is breaking.
(iii) The opposite is ancient.
(iv) The word is "verge".

Ques 3: You recently attended a seminar on 'How to Achieve Success' organized by your school. Write your feelings and experience in 100-120 words in a diary,
You happened to watch some children engaged as labourers in hazardous industries like bidi-cigarettes, crackers and bangles industries and also as domestic labourers in roadside dhabas and as labourers on construction sites. You felt moved and want to write an article describing the plight of such children. Write an article in about 100-120 words for your school magazine.
10th May. 20XX Tuesday 11:00 p.m Pear Diary I really feel inspired to experience and develop a positive attitude towards achieving success today in attending the seminar organized by our school. It was after the assembly that the invited speakers presented their papers and speeches on ways to achieve success. They spoke on the power of self-assessment, self-motivation and introspection. Tips for success lie in just enjoying the journey that leads one to results. Success lies inone's efforts to better oneself. The entire session of the seminar was very refreshing and enthusiastic. We all enjoyed the seminar and carefully noted down the essential tips toacquire positivism in all spheres. This seminar just changed my outlook towards life. I will remember the important words all throughout my life.

Children Away from Childhood By Amita Roy It feels so awful to watch small children working as labourers. These children are deprived from attending schools. For the sake of money, they are working in, industries, which adversely affects their health. Children working in bidi-cigarettes industries, bangle making industries are exposed to chemicals that are hazardous for their lives.They lose their health and sometimes catch fatal diseases like cancer, tuberculosis etc.They are deprived of the happiness they deserve as a child. This is the fault of all those people who do not raise their voice against it. These children should be provided with their right to education. We do not care because he is not our child. We need to do our bit for the good of these kids.

Ques 4: Write a story beginning with "It was the first day at a new school when............ "in 150-200 words.
It was the first day at a new school when everything went wrong. It was a sunny morning and we stood in rows for the assembly. Ridhi stood behind at the second last position for his unusual height. The prayer was over and we returned to our class. Theregular schedule for the classes began. It was five minutes for the second bell when Deepti cried that she had lost her purse. The teacher carefully allowed for a thorough search on everybody's bag but it was invain. The second period started and everybody concentrated on calculating the sums. Itwas quarter past eleven when Rita screamed that she had kept the compass on the desk and it was not there. Everybody got tensed at the frequent loss of belongings from theclass. The day went with loss of things after every half an hour. At last our Principal came to investigate the matter and it was surprisingly Ridhi sitting at the corner last bench with his fingers struck on the lost compass and the pursein his pocket. He sat silently and looked with indifference. The doctor and his parentscame to take him. The doctor said ? "It is an acute case of Kleptomania!"

Ques 5: Read the following paragraph carefully and fill in the blank with one correct word.
The total preparation time for paking
(a) ....... be thirty minutes. They
(b) ........start the process by taking together,
(c) ......... orientation survey is in process.
(i) (a) would
(ii) (b) will
(iii) (c) An

Ques 6: In the following passage one word has been omitted in each line and a '/' is given where the word ismissing. Write the correct word in the space provided,
(a) Sophia's mother advised that she/see a doctor.
(b) She/to sleep for several hours a day.
(c) A woman strides/a room full of men.
(d) Either the doctors or the chief surgeon/going to make a decision.
(a) should
(b) needs
(c) into
(d) is

Ques 7: Rearrange the following words/phrases to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done for you as an example.
men/ three/stayed/there Three men stayed there.
(i) Dussehra/goodness/over/of /celebrates/ victory/the/evil
(ii) made/from/invincible/Shiva/boon/a/Ravana
(iii) Lord Rama/Vijayadashmi/victory/as/is/of/the/celebrated
(i) Dussehra celebrates the victory of goodness over evil.
(ii) A boon from Shiva made Havana invincible.
(iii) Vijayadashmi is celebrated as the victory of Lord Rama.

Ques 8: Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
"Alone she cuts and binds the grain, And sings a melancholy strain : OListen ! for the vale profound Is overflowing with the sound.
(i) Which poetic device is used in last two lines?
(ii) What does 'melancholy strain' mean?
(iii) Why does the poet feel that the song of the girl was sad?
"Avva was a wonderful student. The amount of homework she did was amazing."
(i) Who is "Awa"?
(ii) How was "Awa" as a student?
(iii) What does "amazing" mean?
(i) The poetic device used is a metaphor because the valley is implicitly compared to a river overflowing asthe sound of the reaper's song resonates in the entire valley.
(ii) The phrase 'melancholy strain' means a sad song and here it refers to the reaper's song.(iii) He feels so because the girl was alone working in the field and the tone of the song was sad.
(i) "Awa" here refers to the grandmother, Krishtakka.
(ii) "Awa" as a student was serious as she worked hard to complete her homework.
(iii) The word means incredible.

Ques 9: Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each.
(i) Why do you think Charles Hooper's appointment as Assistant National Sales Manager is considered tobe a tribute to Duke?
(ii) Mention two qualities of the granddaughter. Give reasons to support them.
(iii) In what way is the nightingale's song a welcome song?
(iv) Write an account on Mrs Al Smith's encounter with Gaston.
(i) Charles Hooper's appointment as Assistant National Sales Manager was considered a tribute to Dukebecause Hooper's recovery was a miracle and the credit for it should be given to Duke. Duke was nomore when the company declared the promotion.
(ii) The granddaughter was a hardworking teacher who worked extremely hard and with great determination to teach her grandmother and she respected the feelings of her grandmother.
(iii) The nightingale's sweet song was a welcome song to ease the weary bands of travellers in the Arabiandeserts. As the travellers took a repose in some shady haunt, the nightingale would sing to depreciate the fatigue of these travellers.
(iv) Mrs Al Smith is another customer who walks in and starts talking to Gaston thinking him to be Juliette's husband. She does not go for clarification. She finalises a deal with Gaston to purchase the villa. Shepays him there.

Ques 10: "The granddaughter in return touched the feet of her grandmother". Explain in 80-100 words with reference to the values inculcated in granddaughter's gesture.
'One is often unable to taste the fruits of one's hard work'. Explain with reference to the story 'A Dog Named Duke'.
The granddaughter was worried about her grandmother and could not see her crying on the matter of her notbeing educated. She willingly motivated her grandmother for practice though at first she was surprised to seeher grandmother's determination and finally learning the Kannada alphabets. The grandmother proved herselfto be a sincere and true student by showing her hard work and determination. When Krishtakka touched the feet of her teacher but granddaughter without hesitation, the granddaughter also returned the same as a token of respect. Learning as a process inculcates morals and enhances the relation between a teacher and astudent. Or 'One is often unable to taste the fruit of one's hard work' comes true for Duke, the dog of Chuck Hooper. Hooper met a severe accident when his left side got completely paralysed. He stopped going to office. He confined himself in his room. Duke was Hooper's dog who silently helped Hooper in balancing and taking shortexercises. Duke walked with Hooper for miles. Hooper gradually recovered. Hooper was promoted as Assistant National Sales Manager for a second time. But this time, Duke was not there. Duke died from being injured in the accident. He could not see his master's recovery and promotion.

Ques 11: Answer any one of the following questions in about 150-200 words.
What was the punishment proposed for Gulliver in Lilliput? Explain. (Gulliver's Travels)
Comment on the character of Skyresh Bolgolam. (Gulliver's Travels) Why does the narrator not take the weather forecast seriously? (Three Men in a Boat) Or Analyse the character of the old bald man in the novel. (Three Men in a Boat)
Gulliver's Travels Gulliver's punishment was rooted in an intrigue that had been created against him by the several members of the emperor's court. Reldressal, the Principal Secretary of Private Affairs in Lilliput came to meet Gulliver secretly He informed Gulliver that a conspiracy had been hatched against him by Skyresh Bolgolam and Flimnap. Many charges were brought against him that he had refused to obey the emperor's command to seize all the ships of Blefuscu. He had entertained the ambassadors from the court of Blefuscu when it was known that they were the enemies of Lilliput. His preparing to make a voyage to Blefuscu was seen by the Lilliputians as aiding and comforting the enemy.The charges were officially placed in front of the Royal Court. The council had decided to punish Gulliver by killing him, when Reldressal, one of Gulliver's well-wishers had appealed for Gulliver's life with the condition toblind him. The appeal was granted. It was decided that Gulliver's eyes were going to be put out and he wouldbe starved to death. Gulliver became afraid and decided to escape to Blefuscu to save himself. Or Skyresh Bolgolam was posted in the position of admiral who belonged to the member of the court in Lilliput. Hewas envious of Gulliver's success at defeating the Blefuscu navy. When Flimnap went against Gulliver, Bolgolam took Flimnap's side. He was influenced by the words of Flimnap to join the conspiracy againstGulliver. Although to Gulliver, Skyresh's enmity was entirely personal. With Skyresh, we are reminded of Gulliver's comment that "ingratitude" was a capital crime to the Lilliputians. This was the reason why those little creatures tended to be meaner to those who had done them a favour. Skyresh did not judge the situation. He easily went against Gulliver. He was envious of Gulliver's impression in the royal family. Skyresh, as a character was like men in power who got easily manipulated by people's words. He also symbolized men who were conceited enough to any how turn the tide in their favour. He too was easily influenced by others ill-motives and aversion towards Gulliver. Three Men in a Boat The narrator does not believe in the weather forecasts prophesized by the newspapers even a bit. He consider them to be nothing but an instance of a fraud, a silly act of irritating Tomfoolishness. They only have forecasted precisely what have happened yesterday or the opposite of what is going to happen that day The narrator remember a holiday of his being completely ruined by paying attention to the weather report of a localnewspaper. They gave up their picnic as the weather report warned of heavy showers and thunder storm. They stayed indoors, all day while the people enjoyed the grand sunny day outside. It finished a sunny day with a lovely night after it. The narrator does not even believe in the readings of a barometer. To him, a barometer is as misleading as a newspaper for weather forecasts. A barometer was giving the reading as "set fair" when it was actually pouring outside. The narrator makes a humour even with the casual readings of the barometer when it does not match with the actual happenings.

The old man was a character in the novelwho broke the narrator's reverie by his shrill voice coming towards the narrator with a large bunch of keys, offering to show him some tombs. He was featured with a bald head who claimed that he had come to warn the two friends on the ground that they were trespassing, but actually hehad another motif. He wanted to make some money by threatening the friends. But the narrator and Harrisacted very smart in the situation. They tackled the situation by refusing to be scared by the man's threat. They applied their ready wit to escape from the hands of the old man. This old man was driven by evil intention tocheat the friends. As a character, this man symbolized a falsified identity who tried to earn money from peopleby playing tricks and cheating them in another way round.

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FAQs on Class 9 English: Sample Question Paper Term I- 12 (With Solutions)

1. What is the format of the Class 9 English Sample Question Paper Term I-12?
Ans. The format of the Class 9 English Sample Question Paper Term I-12 consists of multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, and long answer questions. It assesses the students' understanding of various aspects of the English language, including grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing skills.
2. How can I prepare for the Class 9 English exam?
Ans. To prepare for the Class 9 English exam, you can start by thoroughly studying the textbook and understanding the concepts and lessons taught in class. Make sure to practice writing essays, letters, and comprehension passages to improve your writing and reading skills. Additionally, solve previous year question papers and sample papers to get an idea of the exam pattern and practice time management.
3. What are some important topics to focus on for the Class 9 English exam?
Ans. Some important topics to focus on for the Class 9 English exam include: - Grammar: Parts of speech, tenses, active and passive voice, reported speech, and sentence structure. - Vocabulary: Synonyms, antonyms, one-word substitutions, idioms, and phrases. - Reading Comprehension: Understanding and answering questions based on passages. - Writing Skills: Essay writing, letter writing, and formats for different types of formal and informal letters. - Literature: Understanding and analyzing the themes, characters, and plots of the prescribed texts.
4. Are there any online resources available for Class 9 English exam preparation?
Ans. Yes, there are several online resources available for Class 9 English exam preparation. Websites such as Meritnation, Vedantu, and TopperLearning offer study materials, video lessons, practice questions, and mock tests specifically designed for Class 9 English. You can also find helpful educational YouTube channels and mobile apps that provide interactive learning content for English.
5. How should I manage my time during the Class 9 English exam?
Ans. Time management is crucial during the Class 9 English exam. Firstly, read the question paper carefully and allocate time for each section based on the marks assigned. Start with the sections you are most confident in to gain momentum. While attempting long answer questions, plan your answers by making rough outlines to ensure coherence and clarity. Lastly, leave some time at the end to review your answers and make any necessary revisions.
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