Q.1. What do you understand by stress?
Ans. It is the state in which homeostasis of our body gets disturbed due to any physical, mental and emotional demand.
Q.2 Write the types of stress.
Ans.1.acute Stress:- That type of stress generate for very short period but the intensity of the stress is very high. It causes less harm.
2. Chronic Stress:- That type of stress generate for long time period but the intensity of stress is low. It is more harmful.
Q.3. What is anxiety?
Ans. it is the chronic fear that limits our physical & mental capabilities.
Q.4. Write the types of anxiety.
Ans. i) State Anxiety: that type of anxiety generated in a particular situation.
ii) Permanent (trait) Anxiety:- that type of anxiety always associated with an individual in all the situation that is more harmful than the state anxiety.
Q.5. State coping strategies?
Ans. Coping strategies means behavioural changes & psychological changes, those are required to adjust an individual in the stressful condition.
Q.6. What do you understand by personality?
Ans. The word personality is taken by the latin word “persona” which means “the mask”. So personality is mask that is worn by an individual to deal by the society or the environment. Personality covers all the physical, mental social, emotional, Interest & behavioural qualities of an individual.
Q.7. Define the personality?
Ans. “It is the most characteristic integration of an individual’s structure, mode of behaviour, interest, attitudes, capacities, aptitudes, and abilities. “Personality is the sum total of all biological innate disposition impulses, tendencies, appetites and instincts of the individual and disposition and tendencies acquired by experience”.
Q.8. Explain word motivation?
Ans. The word motivation is derived from the latin word “movere” which means to move so in the condition of motivation an individual is moved by internal & external forces towards the goal.
Q.9. What is self esteem?
Ans. Self esteem means how an individual & respect himself after the evaluation of their various qualities capabilities. Or “Self esteem is a person’s overall sense of self worth or personal value”.
Q.10. Explain body image?
Ans. An individual perception about one's body structure is known as body image.
“Picture of body in mind, which may or may not match body’s shape, size, height and weight”.
Q.11. Explain the effects of stress on an individual?
Ans. Stress is a condition which can disturb the normal physical & mental health of a person
Q.12. Write about problem focused coping strategies?
Ans. i. To understand their capabilities & accept reality.
ii. Build up the self confidence
iii. Reset the goad
iv. Information seeking
v. Self analyses the stressful situation
vi. Recreation vii Development of physical fitness
Viii. Seeking social support - Teachers, coaches, trainers or experts etc.
ix. Evaluation - pros & cons of situation.
Q.13. Briefly state about emotion focused coping strategies?
Ans.i. Crying
ii. Sharing the problem with other
iii. Blame to other
iv. Denial of reality
v. Spend more time in sports & games
vi. Recreation
vii. Stop negative thinking
viii. Take advice from the psychiatric
ix. Vent out of emotions
x. Ignore the stressful situation/Avoidance
xi. Yoga
xii. Brooding
Q.14. Classify personality?
Ans. Physical basis (sheldon)
i) Endomorphic- Fatty, round, cheerful, short height.
ii) Mesomorphic- Strong build-up, tall, properly Shaped body, cheerful.
iii) Ectomorph- Thin, long, depressed. Mental basis
i) Extrovert: high self confidence, social, friendly, make more friends, confident, responsive, lively, leader.
ii) Introvert:- Poor Self confidence, talkative, busy in own moody, antisocial, pessimist, quiet, rigid.
iii) Ambivert:- Moderate confidence level, makes few friends. It has the mix qualities of extrovert & introvert.
Q.15. Explain the types of motivation?
Ans. Motivation is two types.
a. Intrinsic motivation:- motivation an individual is forced by his internal forces to achieve the goal. Intrinsic motivational state “an individual is motivated by their own desire not by any external factor” i.e. enjoyment, satisfaction, to show mastery over skills, to display superiority or to get social approval, fame etc.
b. Extrinsic Motivation:- motivation an individual is forced by the external forces to achieve a goal such as a prize, praise, scholarship, grade, job, money etc. In the extrinsic motivational state, “an individual is motivated by some external factors.
Q.16. Write the types of Body Image?
Ans. Body images are of two types:
a. Positive body image:- an individual has a realistic perception of their body. He accepts & enjoys all his physical traits of his body such as shape, colour, tone of muscle etc.
b. Negative body image:- accept & enjoy an individual is not satisfied from his body image. He does not the trait of his body such as height, shape, colour, performance etc