Q.1. The atmosphere of the earth is heated by radiations which are mainly
(a) radiated by the sun
(b) re-radiated by land
(c) re-radiated by water
(d) re-radiated by land and water
Ans: (d)
Q.2. If there were no atmosphere around the earth, the temperature of the earth will
(a) increase
(b) go on decreasing
(c) increase during day and decrease during night
(d) be unaffected
Ans: (c)
Q.3. What would happen, if all the oxygen present in the environment is converted to ozone?
(a) We will be protected more
(b) It will become poisonous and kill living forms
(c) Ozone is not stable, hence it will be toxic
(d) It will help harmful sun radiations to reach earth and damage many life forms.
Ans: (b)
Q.4. One of the following factors does not lead to soil formation in nature
(a) the sun
(b) water
(c) wind
(d) polythene bags
Ans: (d)
Q.5. The two forms of oxygen found in the atmosphere are
(a) water and ozone
(b) water and oxygen
(c) ozone and oxygen
(d) water and carbon-dioxide
Ans: (c)
Q.6. The process of nitrogen-fixation by bacteria does not take place in the presence of
(a) molecular form of hydrogen
(b) elemental form of oxygen
(c) water
(d) elemental form of nitrogen
Ans: (b)
Q.7. Rainfall patterns depend on
(a) the underground water table
(b) the number of water bodies in an area
(c) the density pattern of human population in an area
(d) the prevailing season in an area
Ans: (b)
Q.8. Among the given options, which one is not correct for the use of large amount of fertilisers and pesticides?
(a) They are eco-friendly
(b) They turn the fields barren after some time
(c) They adversally affect the useful component from the soil
(d) They destroy the soil fertility
Ans: (a)
Q.9. The nitrogen molecules present in air can be converted into nitrates and nitrites by
(a) a biological process of nitrogen fixing bacteria present in soil
(b) a biological process of carbon fixing factor present in soil
(c) any of the industries manufacturing nitrogenous compounds
(d) the plants used as cereal crops in field
Ans: (a)
Q.10. One of the following processes is not a step involved in the water-cycle operating in nature
(a) evaporation
(b) transpiration
c) precipitation
(d) photosynthesis
Ans: (d)
Q.11. The term “water-pollution” can be defined in several ways. Which of the following statements does not give the correct definition?
(a) The addition of undesirable substances to water-bodies
(b) The removal of desirable substances from water-bodies
(c) A change in pressure of the water bodies
(d) A change in temperature of the water bodies
Ans: (c)
Q.12. Which of the following is not a green house gas?
(a) Methane
(b) Carbon dioxide
(c) Carbon monoxide
(d) Ammonia
Ans: (d)
Q.13. Which step is not involved in the carbon-cycle?
(a) Photosynthesis
(b) Transpiration
(c) Respiration
(d) Burning of fossil fuels
Ans: (b)
Q.14. ‘Ozone-hole’ means
(a) a large sized hole in the ozone layer
(b) thinning of the ozone layer
(c) small holes scattered in the ozone layer
(d) thickening of ozone in the ozone layer
Ans: (b)
Q.15. Ozone-layer is getting depleted because of
(a) excessive use of automobiles
(b) excessive formation of industrial units
(c) excessive use of man-made compounds containing both fluorine and chlorine
(d) excessive deforestation.
Ans: (c)
Q.16. Which of the following is a recently originated problem of environment?
(a) Ozone layer depletion
(b) Green house effect
(c) Global warming
(d) All of the above
Ans: (d)
Q.17. When we breathe in air, nitrogen also goes inside along with oxygen. What is the fate of this nitrogen?
(a) It moves along with oxygen into the cells
(b) It comes out with the CO2 during exhalation
(c) It is absorbed only by the nasal cells
(d) Nitrogen concentration is already more in the cells so it is not at all absorbed.
Ans: (b)
Q.18. Top-soil contains the following
(a) Humus and living organisms only
(b) Humus and soil particles only
(c) Humus, living organisms and plants
(d) Humus, living organisms and soil particles.
Ans: (d)
Q.19. Choose the correct sequences
(a) CO2 in atmosphere → decomposers → organic carbon in animals →
organic carbon in plants
(b) CO2 in atmosphere → organic carbon in plants → organic carbon in
animals → inorganic carbon in soil
(c) Inorganic carbonates in water → organic carbon in plants → organic
carbon in animals → scavengers
(d) Organic carbon in animals → decomposers → CO2 in atmosphere →
organic carbon in plants
Ans: (b)
Q.20. Major source of mineral in soil is the
(a) parent rock from which soil is formed
(b) plants
(c) animals
(d) bacteria
Ans: (a)
Q.21. Total earth’s surface covered by water is
(a) 75%
(b) 60%
(c) 85%
(d) 50%
Ans: (a)
Q.22. Biotic component of biosphere is not constituted by
(a) producers
(b) consumers
(c) decomposer
(d) air
Ans: (d)
Q.23. An increase in carbondioxide content in the atmosphere would not cause
(a) more heat to be retained by the environment
(b) increase in photosynthesis in plants
(c) global warming
(d) abundance of desert plants
Ans: (d)
Q.24. Oxygen is returned to the atmosphere mainly by
(a) burning of fossil fuel
(b) respiration
(c) photosynthesis
(d) fungi
Ans: (c)
Q.25. Low visibility during cold weather is due to
(a) formation of fossil fuel
(b) unburnt carbon particles or hydrocarbons suspended in air
(c) lack of adequate power supply
(d) none of these
Ans: (b)
Q.26. Growth of Lichens on barren rocks is followed by the growth of
(a) moss
(b) ferns
(c) gymnosperms
(d) algae
Ans: (a)
Q.27. Marked temperature changes in aquatic environment can affect
(a) breeding of animals
(b) more growth of aquatic plants
(c) process of digestion in animals
(d) availability of nutrients.
Ans: (a)
Q.28. Soil erosion can be prevented by
(a) raising forests
(b) deforestation
(c) excessive use of fertilizer
(d) overgrazing by animals
Ans: (a)
Q.29. What happens when rain falls on soil without vegetational cover?
(a) Rain water percolates in soil efficiently
(b) Rain water causes loss of surface soil
(c) Rain water leads to fertility of the soil
(d) Rain water does not cause any change in soil
Ans: (b)
Q.30. Oxygen is harmful for
(a) ferns
(b) nitrogen fixing bacteria
(c) chara
(d) mango tree
Ans: (b)
Q.31. Rivers from land, add minerals to sea water. Discuss how?
Ans: Water is capable of dissolving a large number of substances. As water flows
over the rocks containing soluble minerals, some of them get dissolved in
the water. Thus, rivers carry many nutrients from land to the sea.
Fossil Fuels cause Air Pollution
Q.32. How can we prevent the loss of topsoil?
Ans: Loss of topsoil can be prevented by:
Q.33. How is the life of organisms living in water affected when water gets polluted?
Ans: The life of organisms living in water is affected when water gets polluted in the following ways:
Q.34. During summer, if you go near the lake, you feel relief from the heat, why?
Ans: Air above the land gets heated up during the day and starts rising and creates a region of low pressure. But the lake does not get heated so quickly and thus, the air above the surface of the lake moves to fill the area above the land. Therefore, a cold breeze flows from lake to land during summer days, gives relief to people standing near the lake.
Q.35. In coastal area, wind current moves from the sea towards the land during day; but during the night it moves from land to the sea. Discuss the reason.
Ans: During the day, the air above the land gets heated quickly and starts rising. This creates a region of low pressure, as a result, the air above the sea rushes in to fill this area of low pressure. This movement of air from one region to the other creates winds.
But at night, air over the land cools down fast but the air over sea cools slowly and hence remains hot. This creates low pressure over the sea and air moves from land to sea, which cause wind.
Q.36. Following are a few organisms:
(a) lichen
(b) mosses
(c) mango tree
(d) cactus
Which among the above can grow on stones; and also help in the formation of soil? Write the mode of their action for making soil.
Ans: (a) Lichens and (b) Mosses can grow on stones.
Lichens and mosses release substances which break down the stones resulting in the formation of soil. The mode of action here is chemical.
Q.37. Soil formation is done by both abiotic and biotic factors. List the names of these factors by classifying them as abiotic and biotic?
Ans: Abiotic factors — Sun, water, wind.
Biotic factors — Lichens, mosses, trees, shrubs and herbs.
Q.38. All the living organisms are basically made up of C, N, S, P, H and O. How do they enter the living forms? Discuss.
Ans: The inorganic substances enter plants through the process of photosynthesis. The inorganic substances enter plants from the air (C02) and water as ions by absorption of roots from the soil. Herbivores eat these plants as food. Carnivores eat herbivores for survival. Thus, all organisms are basically made up of C, N, S, P, H and O which pass from plants to other organisms.
Q.39. Why does the percentage of gases like oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide remain almost the same in the atmosphere?
Ans: Gases maintain consistency in the atmosphere through biogeochemical cycling where there is repeated circulation of biogenetic nutrients between biotic and abiotic components of the environment.
Q.40. Why does the moon have very cold and very hot temperature variations, i.e. from - 190°C to 110°C even though it is at the same distance from the sun as the earth?
Ans: Due to the absence of atmosphere on the moon, it gets heated up as soon as sun rays fall on its surface and cool down immediately when there is no sunlight.
Q.41. Why do people love to fly kites near the seashore?
Ans: Due to the regular unidirectional wind from sea to land, it helps the kite to fly high and the wind also provides comfort by making the seashore cool during the daytime.
Q.42. Why does Mathura refinery pose problems to the Taj Mahal?
Ans: Mathura refinery releases toxic gas (like oxides of sulphur) which causes acid rain and hence causes corrosion of the marbles of Taj Mahal. Thus, the Mathura refinery poses a problem to the Taj Mahal.
Q.43. Why do lichens not occur in Delhi whereas, they commonly grow in Manali or Darjeeling?
Ans: Lichen is a bio-indicator and sensitive to S02 pollution from automobiles. Delhi has maximum number of automobiles, hence has a highly polluted environment. But in Manal and Darjeeling, the atmosphere is humid and sulphur dioxide pollution is low and so lichens grow there easily.
Q.44. Why does water need conservation even though large oceans surround the landmasses?
Ans: Marine water is unfit for human and plant consumption. So, terrestrial organisms have to depend on freshwater resources. Therefore, limited freshwater resources need conservation to cater to the demands.
Q.45. There is mass mortality of fishes in a pond. What may be the reasons?
Ans: There is mass mortality of fishes in a pond because of:
Q.46. “Soil is formed by water,” If you agree to this statement then give reasons.
Ans: Yes, the soil is formed by water in the following ways:
Q.47. Fertile soil contains humus which is useful to soil and plants. Why?
Ans: Fertile soil has lots of humus Because:
Q.48. Why step farming is common in hills?
Ans: Step farming is common in hills to slow down the speed of rainwater currents and increasing the water absorption by soils. This is practised to check soil erosion through water currents on the slopes.
Q.49. Why are root nodules useful for plants?
Ans: Root nodules occur in legume plants. In root nodules, nitrogen-fixing Rhizobium bacteria are present which increases soil fertility. These bacteria pick up nitrogen from the soil and convert it into an organic compound. The roots absorb the organic compound and it is passed into plants and so legume plants become rich in proteins and other nitrogen compounds.
Q.50. Lichens are called pioneer colonisers of bare rock. How can they help in the formation of soil?
Ans: Lichens release enzymes that break the rock into smaller pieces and helps in the formation of soil.
Q.51. How do fossil fuels cause air pollution?
Q.52. What are the causes of water pollution? Discuss how you can contribute to reducing water pollution.
Ans: Causes of water pollution are given below
We can contribute to reducing water pollution as follows:
Q.53. A motor car, with its glass totally closed, is parked directly under the sun. The inside temperature of the car rises very high. Explain why?
Ans: Glass being transparent allows sunlight to pass through it, hence heating the interior of the car. Since heat waves cannot pass out of the glass, so the heat trapped inside raises the temperature of the interior. This is because glass is transparent to infrared radiation coming from the sun that is having a shorter wavelength than that emitted by the interior of the car longer wavelength to which the glass is opaque. Therefore, heat from the can not move out.
Q.54. Justify “Dust is a pollutant”.
Ans: Dust is a pollutant because:
Q.55. Explain the role of the sun in the formation of soil.
Ans: The role of the sun in the formation of soil is as follows: The rocks are heated by the sun during the daytime which makes them expand. At night after the sunset, the rocks cool down which makes them contract. This process of alternate expansion and contraction takes place every day which result in cracks in the rocks and ultimately breaks them down to smaller particles that form the soil.
Q.56. Carbon dioxide is necessary for plants. Why do we consider it as a pollutant?
Ans: CO2 is considered a pollutant because the increasing concentration (more than normal) of CO2 is harmful. So, apart from CO2 being essential for photosynthesis, it is also a greenhouse gas. Higher concentrations of CO2 is one of the causes of the greenhouse effect and global warming.
20 videos|55 docs|52 tests
1. What are natural resources? | ![]() |
2. Give examples of renewable resources. | ![]() |
3. What are non-renewable resources? | ![]() |
4. How can we conserve natural resources? | ![]() |
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