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Class 9 English: Sample Question Paper- 9 (With Solutions) PDF Download

Section -A

Q.1. Read the passage given below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
1. Leading investors have joined the growing chorus of concern about governments and companies rushing into producing biofuels as a solution for global warming, saying that many involved in the sector could be jeopardising future profits if they do not consider the long-term impact of what they are doing carefully.
2. It is essential to build sustainability criteria into the supply chain of any green fuel project in order to ensure that there is no adverse effect on the surrounding environment and social structures. The report produced by the investors expresses concern that many companies may not be fully aware of the potential pitfalls in the biofuel sector.
3. Production of corn and soybeans has increased dramatically in the last years as an eco-friendly alternative to fossil fuels but environmental and human rights campaigners are worried that this will lead to destruction of rain forests. Food prices could also go up as there is increased competition for crops as both are foodstuffs and sources of fuel. Last week, the UN warned that biofuels could have dangerous side effects and said that steps need to be taken to make sure that land converted to grow biofuels does not damage the environment or cause civil unrest.
There is already great concern about palm oil, which is used in many foods in addition to being an important biofuel, as rain forests are being cleared in some countries and people driven from their homes to create palm oil plantations.
4. An analyst and author of the investors' report says that biofuels are not a cure for climate change but they can play their part as long as governments and companies manage the social and environmental impacts thoroughly. There should also be greater measure taken to increase efficiency and to reduce demand.
Answer the following questions on the basis of the passage you have read.
(i) The problem with biofuels is due to the fact that it will
(a) lead to destruction of rainforest
(b) reduces competition
(c) displace the people
(d) All of these
(ii) Biofuel is a solution for
(a) global warming
(b) climate change
(c) it is not a solution
(d) renewing resources such as fossil fuels
(iii) The drastic increase in the production of corn and soyabean has worried environmentalists because
I. it will lead to the destruction of rain forests.
II. it will cause will unrest
III. food prices would go up.
IV. it will lead to humongous profits.
(a) Only I
(b) Only II
(c) II and III
(d) I and III
(iv) UN advised to
(a) stop production of biofuels
(b) take steps to make sure that land on which it is grown does not damage the environment
(c) grow biofuel as an eco-friendly alternative to fossil fuels
(d) None of the above
(v) Which word in the passage means the same as 'the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level’?
(a) Jeopardising
(b) Campaigniog
(c) Analyst
(d) Sustainability
(vi) There is a great concern about palm oil because I. it is a biofuel as well as an esseixtial food product.
II. it has adverse effects on the environment.
III. many rainforests are cleared to create plantations.
IV. it will displace many tribes.
(a) I and IV
(b) I and III
(c) III and IV
(d) II and III
(vii) UN warned that biofuels could have .............
(viii) There is a growing concern about companies rushing into producing biofuels as a solution for global warming.
(i) (a) lead to destruction of rainforest
(ii) (c) it is not a solution
(iii) (d) I and III
(iv) (b) take steps to make sure that land on which it is grown does not damage the environment
(v) (d) Sustainability
(vi) (b) I and III
(vii) dangerous side effects
(viii) The statement is true as growing biofuels are not a cure for climate change. They can be useful in checking climate change if social and environmentals impacts can be taken care of.

Q.2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
1. Books are companions of people of all age groups. Ebooks vs printed books is like comparing joint and nuclear family systems. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Ebooks are cost effective and books of all genres can be easily accessed from the internet. Font flexibility makes reading easier, innumerable books can be stored in a single device and most importantly it can help save trees. Packing for trips is hard enough, but it becomes doubly hard when faced with the task of choosing which book to carry. The device takes a whole lot of weight off from shoulders literally. With the e-book, a reader can take hundreds of books with them on the journey, and only take up a few square inches in their carry bag.
2. Reading a printed book can save you from the health hazards of using hi-tech gadgets. For people who consider reading a book as worship, scent of its pages intoxicate their senses. The pleasure of reading a printed book and scribbling comments on the sides of the pages are unmatched. Printed books are not merely about reading, they are an experience. The joy of flipping pages and keeping bookmarks cannot be experienced in an ebook. Constantly reading on the computer screen or a mobile phone can damage the eyes. Apart from physical consideration, studies have shown that when it comes to reading comprehension, printed books are still a better choice. Literacy building in children is more effective with printed books than with an ebook because of the opportunities of interaction between the child and the parent reading the book with the child. In fact, in ebooks there is no conversion and nothing to encourage the child to verbalize or explore using language. The research concluded that 'click through' added features can actually detract from the reading experience because of all the interruption.
3. This is not to say ebooks do not have advantages. It can effectively serve the purpose of convenience and portability. The excitement generated around technologies such as Amazon's Kindle has played its part in changing from page to screen. Both versions complement each other based on why and where each is being used.
A. Answer the following questions :
(a) List any two advantages of ebooks.
(b) Why does the author say that 'printed books are not merely about reading/ they are an experience'?
(c) What are the advantages of ebooks while you are going on a journey ?
(d) Why are printed books considered a better option than ebooks for literacy building in children?
B. Find words from the passage which mean the same as the following and choose the correct alternatives:
(a) a family that consist of father, mother and children as a unit (Para 1)
(i) healthy family
(ii) nuclear family
(iii) flexible family
(iv) literate family
(b) enjoyment (Para 2)
(i) interaction
(ii) intoxicate
(iii) experience
(iv) pleasure
(c) that which makes something complete (Para 3)
(i) convenience
(ii) excitement
(iii) complement
(iv) purpose
(d) the quality of being useful, easy or suitable (Para 3)
(i) portability
(ii) convenience
(iii) effectively
(iv) changing
(a) Which word in Para 2 means the same as 'precaution' ?
(ii) illiterate
(iv) standard
(ii) dearth
(iv) None of the above
(i) guard
(iii) extent
(b) Find The antonym of the word 'plenty' in Para 1.
(i) degrading
(iii) limited
(c) Find the antonym of the word 'undeveloped' in Para 3.
(i) keen
(ii) develop
(iii) restrict
(iv) tapped
(d) Which word in Para 3 means the same as 'limited' ?
(i) restrict
(ii) absorb
(iii) utilise
(iv) None of the above
A. (a) Ebooks are cost effective and books of all genres can be easily accessed from the internet.
(b) The author says so because for those who consider reading a printed book as worship, scent of its pages intoxicate their senses, pleasure of reading is unmatched and the joy of flipping pages and keeping book marks cannot be experienced in an ebook.
(c) While on a journey, it becomes very difficult to choose which book and how many books to carry. With an ebook, a reader can take hundreds of books with them on the journey, and only take up a few square inches in their carry bag.
(d) Printed books are considered a better option because it provides opportunities for interaction between the child and the parent reading the book with the child whereas, in ebooks there is no conversation and nothing to encourage the child to verbalise.
B. (a) (ii) nuclear family
(b) (iv) pleasure
(c) (iii) complement
(d) (ii) convenience

Section - B

Q.3. Surbhi's grandfather died. She used to love him greatly and held him in high esteem. She feels a great loss in it and writes a diary entry. Write it on her behalf in 100-150 words using the clues given.

 Grandfather’s loss very shocking — a gem of a person — taught and followed values — well read person — a great personal loss

Wednesday, 26th August, 20xx
9:30 PM
Dear Diary
My grand father is no more. I feel so dazed with my grandfather’s death that I can’t express my feelings. What a great human being he was He was a gem of a humane - cooperative, ready to help the needy, and also soft-hearted. He taught me the values of sympathy, love, affection, selflessness and compassion. He was well read and used to often quote from his reading to prove his point. He used to narrate stories to me when I was younger. I loved him so much as he constantly supported me whenever I needed him. I feel a great loss in his death. Though, he is no more to be my side in physical yet he is alive in my heart and guides me in difficult situations with his valuable advices he had taught me. This loss has created a vacuum in my life.
Write a descriptive paragraph on your Birth day Party in. 100-150 words with the help of verbal clues given below.

Parents arranged grand party-invitation card-mother helped-market and j ; shopping-games-cake cutting-gifts

Ans. This year I have celebrated my birthday the way I wanted to. My parents arranged a grand party for my friends. I had made the invitation card for my friends. My mother Helped me to make invitation cards and to fill them up with names. She made a list of all the friends I wanted to call. Thereafter, she took me to the market and bought balloons and streamers, masks and caps, etc., to decorate the house. We arranged the masks and caps in such a way that each friend of mine would pick one of his/her choices. My father arranged some games for them and became the referee for all our games. He arranged musical chairs, passing the parcel etc., and all the children enjoyed themselves. We had our cold drinks after the cake was cut by me. The cake was in the shape of a beautiful house with colourful fencing and big chunks of chocolate, I was drowned in gifts once my friends left and I went to bed with the satisfaction of having enjoyed the best birthday party of my life.

Q.4. Develop a story in about 150-200 words with the following beginning. Also give a suitable title. An old couple was living in Shobit's adjacent flat. One day, he saw some commotion in their house. He went there and found.
Write a short story on the basis of the given clues in about 150-200 words : Few friends at a party talked about ghosts. One of them was particularly loud in his scorn of such things. The rest resolved to pay a joke on him. They went to a nearby tree in the evening and........


An old couple was living in Shobit's adjacent flat. One day he saw some commotion in their house. He went there and found that there were some masked people who were threatening the old couple and they were trying to escape from their grip. Meanwhile, there was a sound of hooter and people saw three cars coming towards their house. Now, the robbers were trying to free themselves but they were in the control of the couple. People were surprised how the old couple could be able to handle the young robbers. By mow police, had also reached the spot and arrested all the robbers. People were paying their respect to the police but all of a sudden, there was a sound of 'Cut'. The people were surprised as all the people including the old couple, robbers and police were laughing. Shobit was quite amazed to know that all this was the shooting for a TV serial. Now all the people came to know that the old man was the director of TV films. Shobit took a sigh of relief and decided to approach the old man to introduce him on the silver screen.


Few friends at a party talked about ghosts. One of them was particularly loud in his scorn of such things. The rest resolved to pay a joke on him. They went to a nearby tree in the evening and sat under it making plans as to how they could scare their friend Alok by pretending themselves to be a ghost. As the night drew they hid themselves in his house and started making noise. Then they pulled out the fuse and there was total darkness in the house. Then one of the friends attired in white clothes was made to stand on the gate and was made to roam about in the house with a candle in his hand. On seeing the ghost, Alok got scared and started recollecting the stories his friends were telling at the party. He almost believed that ghosts existed. As soon as he came outside from his room he saw that the things were floating up in the air; actually his friends had fixed fishing rods on the things and dangled them from the balcony. Alok was so scared that he called up his neighbours. As soon as the friends heard the conversation, they slowly - slipped out from the house putting back the fuse. As the neighbours came inside they searched the whole house but were unable to find anything. The next day Alok was very scared, he narrated the incidents to his friends, who could not control themselves and they burst out into laughter. They told him that it was his own group who had played pranks on him.

Q.5. Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below. Write your answers in the answer sheets against the correct blank number. Do not copy the entire passage.
Sarla (a) _______________her father that she would not cry _______________ sad she felt at this new school. “This is your only chance to get ahead in life, (c)_______________one person in our family or in the entire village (d) ever got this golden chance to study in a great school like this.’ She could still recall her father’s words.
(a) (i) had promised
(ii) having promised
(iii) is promising
(iv) promises
(b) (i) moreover
(ii) whenever
(iii) however
(iv) wherever
(c) (i) Nor
(ii) Not
(iii) Neither
(iv) Never
(d) (i) having
(ii) have
(iii) had
(iv) has
(a) (iv) promises
(b) (iii) however
(c) (ii) Not
(d) (iv) has

Q.6. In the given passage, one word has been omitted from each line. Identify the missing word and write it along with the word before and the word after against the correct blank number.
Gaful was a famous kite-maker his young age When he was younger had fallen sick, everyone in the neighbourhood had come to ask his health. Now when his days drawing to a close, no one visits him. Most of his old friends are dead. His sons had grown up; one was working a local garage, the other had stayed in Pakistan he was at the time of partition.
Class 9 English: Sample Question Paper- 9 (With Solutions)

Class 9 English: Sample Question Paper- 9 (With Solutions)
Class 9 English: Sample Question Paper- 9 (With Solutions)

Q.7. Rearrange the given words and phrases to form meaningful sentences. Write the correct sentences in your answer sheet. The first one has been done as an example. 
e.g. : the largest meat-eating / Tyrannosaurus Rex / was one of / that ever lived / dinosaurs Tyrannosaurus Rex was one of the largest meat-eating dinosaurs that ever lived. 
(a) were / they / about / long / 40 feet 
(b) massive / its / 5-foot-long / could bore / skull / into its prey 
(c) could eat / they / up to / 500 pounds / in one bite / of meat 
(d) have / it / ever / is / existed / predators / to / amongst / known / largest / to / still 
Ans. (а) They were about 40 feet long.
(b) Its massive 5-foot-long skull could bore into its prey.
(c) They could eat up to 500 pounds of meat in one bite.
(d) It is still amongst the largest known predators to have ever existed.

Section -C 

Q.8. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.
I got up, paced up and down the room. Then another lovely thought struck me. I would marry. I would get married to a woman doctor who had plenty of money and a good medical practice. She had to be fat; for a valid reason. If I made some silly mistake and needed to run away she should not be able to run after me and catch me!
(i) What lovely thought struck the narrator?
(ii) What type of wife does he want?
(iii) In which activity was the narrator engaged before this extract?
(iv) Which word in the passage means the same as 'logically sound'?
(i) The lovely thought that struck the narrator was of marrying.
(ii) He wanted a rich lady doctor, who would have plenty of money and a good medical practice, besides being fat.
(iii) Before this extract narrator was engaged in admiring himself in the mirror and thinking about his future.
(iv) ‘Valid’ in the passage means the, same as logically sound’.
Remember, no men are strange, no countries foreign Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes Like ours: the land our brothers walk upon Is Earth like this, in which we all shall lie.
(i) What does 'Earth’ refer to?
(ii) When will the poet and others lie in the Earth?
(iii) Define the poet’s viewpoint about human beings.
(iv) What word in the poem means the same as 'underneath'?
(i) 'Earth' refers lo the soil.
(ii) The poet and others will lie in the same Earth after death.
(iii) The poet’s viewpoint is that we may have different religions or castes, different skin colours, or we may speak different languages, but these differences do not matter, as we are all human beings.
(iv) 'Beneath' in the poem means the same as 'underneath'.

Q.9. Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words each:
(a) How is the temple of Pashupatinath different from Baudhnath Stupa ?
(b) How did Maria achieve her success ?
(c) Do you think that the poem, Rain on the Roof, is lauding the healing power of nature's rain ?
(d) Who was the only asset of Mahendra ? How ?
(e) What havoc had the super cyclone wrecked in the life of the people of Orissa ?
(a) Value points :

  • Pashupatinath Temple : crowded, dirty and noisy.
  • Baudhnath Stupa : quiet, peaceful and secluded

(b) Value points: Maria—a girl with strict mental toughness and quite determination. Her competitive world began before the age of nine years. Her sacrifice, determination and tolerance helped her to reach the pinnacle.
(c) The poet is appreciating rain, especially when he hears it from a cozy bed in a lovely cottage. This rain and its sound have resurrected the fondest memory of the poet's mother in his mind. As the rain continues, the poet tries to recollect all that caused him pain, yet at the same time lifted his spirits.
(d) Value points: 

  • his cook — Iswaran 
  • quite attached to him 
  • didn't complain 
  • besides cooking, washed his clothes, cleaned his house 
  • known for Iris culinary skills 
  • had unconditional love for Mahendra 
  • travelled everywhere with him

(e) Value points :

The super cyclone wrecked the life of the people of Orissa :

  • trees uprooted 
  • roofs of the houses collapsed 
  • waterlogging all around 
  • dreadful scene 
  • sight of destruction 
  • dead bodies of humans and animals 
  • families dispersed.
  • people calling for help.

Q.10. Answer one of the following questions in about 100-150 words :
“Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder” discuss with reference to the poem “The Snake Trying.”
“Beauty truly lies in the eyes of the beholder.” The poet, Ross, finds the snake beautiful. He refers to it as “How beautiful and graceful are his shapes!” The same snake ‘small and green’ is considered as fearsome and dangerous by others but not by Ross. They do not find anything graceful about it rather it is held in contempt and as soon as it is seen, their spontaneous reaction is to kill it. Only if they could appreciate the beauty of the snake they would not think of harming it. Man’s sensitivity for enjoying beauty has been overpowered by his fear for the small and harmless snake. The beautiful snake becomes a victim of man, who in his ignorance, thinks it is poisonous and dangerous. The poet highlights the fact that they are not symbols of death but beautiful creations of God.
Do you think Kezia’s father and mother spent quality time with her ? Do you think they were so busy that they could not talk to the little girl even on Sundays ? Was it right on their part to do so ?
Ans. No, Kezia’s father and mother did not spend quality time with her. Her father used to come back tired after his work, had his cup of tea and relaxed. Kezia saw him in the morning, when he came to her room, gave her a casual kiss and went away. Her mother, too, was too busy for her. On Sundays, her father would be sleeping on a couch while her mother would be reading a paper. They hardly spent any time with her. The result was that she feared her father and was not very close to her mother. She was closer to her grandmother. It was not right on their part because children who do not spend quality time with their parents feel neglected and insecure. It affects their overall development.

Q.11. Answer any one o f the follow in g questions in 100-150 words.
What qualities of Prashant are highlighted in the lesson? D o you think young people can get together to help people during natural calamities?
Prashant shows the true leadership qualities. He helped the people o f Ersama and motivates them for self help.
I think, young people can surely get together to help those affected during natural calamities. Being energetic and enthusiastic, youngsters can carry out difficult tasks very easily. They have the potential and capability to lead people. In times of floods or cyclones, they can a l s o help to clean the surroundings of filth, dirt and dead bodies and can help to arrange food and shelter for the homeless. Living in the internet dominated era, one can ask for volunteers through social networking sites to come forward for the noble cause of helping the victims. Losing someone in a calamity is always painful, so we as young people can help them to come out of the emotional trauma by encouraging them to go for proper counselling and therapy.
What would a child do if a child got separated from his/heir parents? What could have been the end of the lesson ‘The Lost Child’ in your view?
Ans. There are certain things in life, mere thought of which is frightening and bone chilling. Separation of a child from his/her parents seems to top the list of such scary thoughts. For days such a child might not care about food, shelters, career or luxuries. The iesson clearly highlights this aspect of a lost child who instantly refuses to have the choice of the offers made by the humble and noble stranger. The story ends on a confusing note where in we don’t know whether the lost child a n d his parents could re-unite or not. But on closely observing, it can be assumed that they would have re-united for a kind and understanding man had found the child and was constantly trying to console the child besides offering various things. Efforts of such a devoted person hardly go in vain so I sincerly hope and believe in the happy reunion of their lovely family. Parents are the epitome of love and affection and a child needs them in the difficult situation. Hence, re-union would be the perfect climax for the story.

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FAQs on Class 9 English: Sample Question Paper- 9 (With Solutions)

1. What are some important tips for preparing for the Class 9 English exam?
Ans. Some important tips for preparing for the Class 9 English exam include: 1. Understand the exam pattern and syllabus thoroughly. 2. Make a study schedule and allocate specific time for each topic. 3. Practice previous year question papers and sample papers. 4. Read the textbook and study materials thoroughly. 5. Take regular breaks and maintain a healthy lifestyle to stay focused and motivated.
2. How can I improve my English writing skills for the Class 9 exam?
Ans. To improve English writing skills for the Class 9 exam, you can follow these steps: 1. Read extensively to enhance your vocabulary and sentence structures. 2. Practice writing regularly, focusing on grammar, punctuation, and coherence. 3. Seek feedback from teachers or peers to identify areas for improvement. 4. Pay attention to spelling and grammar rules while writing. 5. Revise and edit your writing to ensure clarity and coherence.
3. What are some effective strategies for scoring well in the Class 9 English exam?
Ans. Some effective strategies for scoring well in the Class 9 English exam include: 1. Understand the question paper format and marking scheme. 2. Read the questions carefully and plan your answers before writing. 3. Use appropriate language and maintain a formal tone in your answers. 4. Support your answers with relevant examples and evidence from the text. 5. Revise the entire syllabus thoroughly and practice writing answers within the time limit.
4. How can I improve my comprehension skills for the Class 9 English exam?
Ans. To improve comprehension skills for the Class 9 English exam, you can follow these tips: 1. Read the passage or text carefully and understand the main idea. 2. Highlight or underline key points while reading. 3. Take notes and summarize the passage in your own words. 4. Practice solving comprehension questions from previous year papers. 5. Analyze the answers and understand the reasoning behind correct and incorrect choices.
5. How can I enhance my English language skills for the Class 9 exam?
Ans. To enhance English language skills for the Class 9 exam, you can try these methods: 1. Engage in regular conversations in English with friends or family members. 2. Listen to English podcasts, news, or songs to improve listening skills. 3. Watch English movies or TV shows with subtitles to enhance vocabulary and understanding. 4. Practice speaking and writing in English regularly. 5. Use online language learning resources or apps to practice grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.
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