Q1: Read the following statements and choose the set of correct statements: (NEET 2024)
In the members of Phaeophyceae,
A. Asexual reproduction occurs usually by biflagellate zoospores.
B. Sexual reproduction is by oogamous method only.
C. Stored food is in the form of carbohydrates which is either mannitol or laminarin.
D. The major pigments found are chlorophyll a, c and carotenoids and xanthophyll.
E. Vegetative cells have a cellulosic wall, usually covered on the outside by gelatinous coating of algin.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(a) A, B, C and D only
(b) B, C, D and E only
(c) A, C, D and E only
(d) A, B, C and E only
Ans: (c)
Let's analyze each statement:
Statement A: Asexual reproduction occurs usually by biflagellate zoospores: This statement is true for Phaeophyceae (brown algae). Asexual reproduction in these algae generally involves the release of biflagellate zoospores that swim away and eventually settle and grow into new individuals.
Statement B: Sexual reproduction is by oogamous method only: This statement is partially true. While sexual reproduction in Phaeophyceae often is oogamous (involving a large non-motile egg and a smaller motile sperm), there are instances where isogamy (both gametes are motile and similar in size) occurs, though it is less common. Thus, the statement might be misleading as it implies that oogamy is the only method of sexual reproduction.
Statement C: Stored food is in the form of carbohydrates which is either mannitol or laminarin: This statement is correct. In brown algae, the primary carbohydrates stored are mannitol and laminarin. These serve as crucial energy storage compounds.
Statement D: The major pigments found are chlorophyll a, c and carotenoids and xanthophyll: This statement is true. The brown algae have chlorophyll a, c, various carotenoids, and xanthophylls like fucoxanthin which give them their distinctive brown color.
Statement E: Vegetative cells have a cellulosic wall, usually covered on the outside by a gelatinous coating of algin: This statement is true. Brown algae have cell walls made of cellulose and are often covered by a layer of alginates, which can form a gelatinous coating. This helps in providing structural support and protection against dessication and mechanical damage.
Given these analyses:
A, C, D, and E are true.
B is not exclusively true as it suggests that oogamy is the only form of sexual reproduction.
Thus, the correct option is:
Option C: A, C, D and E only
Q1: Identify the pair of heterosporous pteridophytes among the following : (NEET 2023)
(a) Lycopodium and Selaginella
(b) Selaginella and Salvinia
(c) Psilotum and Salvinia
(d) Equisetum and Salvinia
Ans: (b)
Selaginella and Salvinia are heterosporous pteridophytes. They produces two different kind of spores.
Psilotum, Lycopodium and Equisetum are homosporous pteridophytes.
Q2: Given below are two statements : One labelled as Assertion A and the other labelled as Reason R:
Assertion A: The first stage of gametophyte in the life cycle of moss is protonema stage.
Reason R: Protonema develops directly from spores produced in capsule.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from options given below: (NEET 2023)
(a) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are correct but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is correct but R is not correct
(d) A is not correct but R is correct
Ans: (a)
The life cycle of mosses consists of two stages: the gametophyte stage and the sporophyte stage.
Assertion A states : "The first stage of the gametophyte in the life cycle of moss is the protonema stage." This statement is correct. After a spore germinates, it forms a mass of green, branched, one-cell-thick filaments known as the protonema, which is indeed the first stage of the gametophyte generation in mosses.
Reason R states : "Protonema develops directly from spores produced in the capsule." This statement is also correct. The spores are produced in a capsule, which is the sporophyte part of the moss life cycle. When these spores are released and germinate, they grow into the protonema.
Not only are both statements correct, but Reason R provides a correct explanation for Assertion A.
Therefore, the answer is : Option D : Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
Q1: Match the plant with the kind of life cycle it exhibits: (NEET 2022 Phase 1)
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(a) (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(i), (d)-(ii)
(b) (a)-(ii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(i), (d)-(iii)
(c) (a)- (iv),(b)-(i), (c)-(ii), (d)- (iii)
(d) (a)-(ii), (b)-(iii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(i)
Ans: (d)
Q2: Which of the following is incorrectly matched? (NEET 2022 Phase 1)
(a) Ulothrix - Mannitol
(b) Porphyra - Floridian Starch
(c) Volvox - Starch
(d) Ectocarpus - Fucoxanthin
Ans: (a)
Ulothrix is a member of Chlorophyceae (green algae), with reserve food material, starch. Mannitol is stored food material of Phaeophyceae (brown algae).
Q3: Hydrocolloid carrageen is obtained from: (NEET 2022 Phase 1)
(a) Phaeophyceae and Rhodophyceae
(b) Rhodophyceae only
(c) Phaeophyceae only
(d) Chlorophyceae and Phaeophyceae
Ans: (b)
Hydrocolloids are water holding substances for e.g. carrageen obtained from red algae (Rhodophyceae).
Q4: Match List-I with List-II : (NEET 2022 Phase 2)
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
(a) (a) - (ii), (b) - (iii), (c) - (i), (d) - (iv)
(b) (a) - (iii), (b) - (i), (c) - (ii), (d) - (iv)
(c) (a) - (iii), (b) - (iv), (c) - (ii), (d) - (i)
(d) (a) - (iii), (b) - (ii), (c) - (i), (d) - (iv)
Ans: (c)
Chlamydomonas is a unicellular alga. Cycas is a gymnosperm. Selaginella is a heterosporous pteridophyte and Sphagnum is a moss.
Q5: Read the following statements and identify the characters related to the alga shown in the diagram :
(a) It is a member of Chlorophyceae
(b) Food is stored in the form of starch
(c) It is monoecious plant showing oogonium and antheridium
(d) Food is stored in the form of laminarin or mannitol
(e) It shows dominance of pigments Chlorophyll a, c and Fucoxanthin
Choose the correct answer from the options given below :
(a) (c), (d) and (e) only
(b) (a), and (b) only
(c) (a), (b) and (c) only
(d) (a), (c) and (d) only (NEET 2022 Phase 2)
Ans: (c)
Q1: Gemmae are present in: (NEET 2021)
(a) Some Gymnosperms
(b) Some Liverworts
(c) Mosses
(d) Pteridophytes
Ans: (b)
Q2: Which of the following algae produce Carrageen?
(a) Blue-green algae
(b) Green algae
(c) Brown algae
(d) Red algae
Ans: (d)
Q3: Which of the following algae contains mannitol as reserve food material? (NEET 2021)
(a) Volvox
(b) Ulothrix
(c) Ectocarpus
(d) Gracilaria
Ans: (c)
Q1: Which of the following pairs is of unicellular algae? (NEET 2020)
(a) Anabaena and volvox
(b) Chlorella and spirulina
(c) Laminaria and Sargossum
(d) Gelidium and Gracilaria
Ans: (b)
Chlorella and Spirulina are unicellular algae. Gelidium, Gracilaria, Laminaria and Sargassum are multicellular. Volvox is colonial.
Q2: Floridean starch has structure similar to (NEET 2020)
(a) Amylopectin and glycogen
(b) Mannitol and algin
(c) Laminarin and cellulose
(d) Starch and cellulose
Ans: (a)
Floridean starch is stored food material in red algae. Its structure is similar to Amylopectin and Glycogen.
Q3: Strobili or cones are found in: (NEET 2020)
(a) Marchantia
(b) Equisetum
(c) Salvinia
(d) Pteris
Ans: (b)
Strobili or cones are found in Equisetum. Strobili or cones are the dense and compact structure present on non flowering plants. They contain sporangia and perform function of protecting spores from wild animals and harsh conditions of environment.
Q1: From evolutionary point of view, retention of the female gametophyte with developing young embryo on the parent sporophyte for some time, is first observed in______. (NEET 2019)
(a) Gymnosperms
(b) Liverworts
(c) Mosses
(d) Pteridophytes
Ans: (d)
The female gametophytes in pteridophytes are retained on the parent sporophytes for variable periods. The developments of the zygotes into young embryos take place within the female gametophytes. This event is a precursor to the seed habit and considered as an important step in evolution.
Q1: Which of the following statements is correct? (NEET 2018)
(a) Ovules are not enclosed by ovary wall in gymnosperms
(b) Selaginella is heterosporous, while Salvinia is homosporous
(c) Horsetails are gymnosperms
(d) Stems are usually unbranched in both Cycas and Cedrus
Ans: (a)
Q2: Which one is wrongly matched? (NEET 2018)
(a) Uniflagellate gametes - Polysiphonia
(b) Biflagellate zoospores - Brown algae
(c) Gemma cups - Marchantia
(d) Unicellular organism - Chlorella
Ans: (a)
Q1: An example of colonial alga is: (NEET 2017)
(a) Volvox
(b) Ulothrix
(c) Spirogyra
(d) Chlorella
Ans: (a)
Volvox is motile colonial fresh water green alga. It forms spherical colonies.
Q2: Select the mismatch. (NEET 2017)
(a) Cycas – Dioecious
(b) Salvinia – Heterosporous
(c) Equisetum – Homosporous
(d) Pinus – Dioecious
Ans: (d)
Pinus is a monoecious plant, i.e., in Pinus male and female cones or strobili arc borne on the same plant.
Q3: Zygotic meiosis is characteristic of (NEET 2017)
(a) Fucus
(b) Funaria
(c) Chlamydomonas
(d) Marchantia
Ans: (c)
In Chlamydomonas zygote divides by meiosis. It exhibits haplontic type of life cycle.
Q4: Life cycles of Ectocarpus and Fucus respectively are: (NEET 2017)
(a) Diplontic, haplodiplontic
(b) Haplodiplontic, diplontic
(c) Haplodiplontic, haplontic
(d) Haplontic, diplontic
Ans: (b)
Ectocarpus possesses haplodiplontic whereas Fucus possesses a diplontic life cycle.
Q1: Conifers are adapted to tolerate extreme environmental conditions because of (NEET 2016 Phase 2)
(a) Broad hardy leaves
(b) Superficial stomata
(c) Thick cuticle
(d) Presence of vessels
Ans: (c)
Needle like leaves with thick cuticle and sunken stomata are xerophytic adaptations of conifers for tolerating extreme environmental conditions.
Q1: Which one of the following statements is wrong? (NEET 2016)
(a) Algae increase the level of dissolved oxygen in the immediate environment
(b) Algin is obtained from red algae, and carrageenan from brown algae
(c) Agar-agar is obtained from Gelidiam and Gracilaria
(d) Laminaria and Sargassum are used as food
Ans: (b)
Alginic acid is obtained from brown algae whereas carrageenan is obtained from red algae.
Q3: Select the correct statement. (NEET 2016 Phase 1)
(a) Sequoia is one of the tallest trees.
(b) The leaves of gymnosperms are not well adapted to extremes of climate.
(c) Gymnosperms are both homosporous and heterosporous.
(d) Salvinia, Ginkgo and Pinus all are gymnosperms.
Ans: (a)
Sequoia semepervirans is one of the tallest trees.
Q4: In bryophytes and pteridophytes, transport of male gametes requires (NEET 2016 Phase 1)
(a) Birds
(b) Water
(c) Wind
(d) Insects
Ans: (b)
The sperms of bryophytes and pteridophytes are flagellated and hence require an external supply of water to reach archaegonia.
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