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Class 9 English: Sample Question Paper- 4 (With Solutions) PDF Download

English Language And Literature (Code No. 184)
TIME: 3 Hrs.
M.M: 80
General Instructions:
1. This paper is divided into two parts: A and B. All questions are compulsory.
2. Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions very carefully and follow them.
3. Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.


Q.1. Read the passage given below:
‘Su’ means number and ‘Duko’ means single. The game of Sudoku has many similarities with the game of life. Sudoku is a puzzle game designed for a single player, much like a crossword puzzle. The puzzle itself is nothing more than a grid of little boxes called ‘cells’. They are stacked nine high and nine wide, making 81 cells total.
The roots of the Sudoku puzzle are in Switzerland. Leonhard Euler created ‘carré latin’ in the 18th century which is similar to a Sudoku puzzle. The first real Sudoku was published in 1979 and was invented by Howard Garns, an American architect. The real worldwide popularity started in Japan in 1986 after it was published and given the name Sudoku by Nikoli.
In life, too, you start with a given set of notions and then work from thereon. In Sudoku, you need to follow a set of rules to build up the grid, filling each row, column and box with numbers ranging from one to nine, so much like in a life where you have to go on your way without hurting anyone else. Respect every number (person), and things would be fine.
While playing, you never think of the end (the result); you just keep working on the numbers and the final result (fruits of action) comes on its own. Extremely difficult puzzles may take hours. Similarly, achieving the desired results in life may also take years. The game of Sudoku and the game of life are best played in calm but in a focused state.
Everything has to go together in a Sudoku grid: the rows, columns and squares. Exactly as in life. Your duties towards your family, teachers, society and country, all go on, simultaneously. In Sudoku, the arrangement of the given numbers is symmetrical. This is instructive in life, on how to maintain steadfast faith, poise and equanimity despite situations when everything turns topsy-turvy.
There is a subtle difference between the two, as well. Make a mistake and you can erase it and begin all over again in Sudoku. Not so in life. You can learn a lesson through it, and avoid making the same mistake in future.
On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY TEN from the twelve that follow by choosing the correct option:
(i) A game of Sudoku puzzle has ___ cells.
Ans: (b) 81

(ii) Sudoku puzzle gained worldwide popularity first in ___.
(a) Switzerland
(b) America
(c) Japan
(d) India
Ans: (c) Japan

(iii) The first real Sudoku was published in ____.
(a) 1979
(b) 1986
(c) 18th century
(d) 19th century
Ans: (a) 1979

(iv) The game of Sudoku is much ____ to the game of life.
(a) different
(b) similar
(c) dissimilar
(d) opposite
Ans: (b) Similar

(v) Which one of the following is false about the Sudoku puzzle?
(a) The game has a grid of little boxes called cells
(b) Its root is in America
(c) A set of rules should be followed to move ahead in the puzzle
(d) The rows, columns and squares – all should go together while playing the game.
Ans: (b) Its roots are in America

(vi) The number in the boxes range from ___.
(a) one to nine
(b) three to nine
(c) one to six
(d) one to ten
Ans: (a) one to nine

(vii) The game of Sudoku can best be played in ___ state.
(a) nervous
(b) inattentive
(c) leisure
(d) focused
Ans: (d) focused

(viii) Our duties towards our ___ should go on, simultaneously.
(a) teachers, family, country
(b) family, society, teachers
(c) family, teachers, society, country
(d) teachers, society, country
Ans: (c) family, teachers, society, country

(ix) Choose the option that means ‘instructive’?
(a) difficult
(b) sad
(c) informative
(d) admiring
Ans: (c) informative

(x) What is meant by ‘equanimity ’? (Para 4)
(a) obsession
(b) self-control
(c) symmetry
(d) None of the above
Ans: (b) self-control

(xi) Find the word opposite in meaning to ‘obvious ’. (Para 5)
(a) erase
(b) lesson
(c) subtle
(d) avoid
Ans: (c) subtle

(xii) Find the word opposite in meaning to ‘ruffled ’. (Para 3)
(a) calm
(b) action
(c) desired
(d) focused
Ans: (a) calm

Q.2. Read the passage given below:

Research conducted by SATHI says that it is a misconception that children living on platforms are abandoned or are wrecked from homes.  In reality, most of the children are those that flee from their homes without a thought and cannot retract their actions, either because they have no money or are too frightened to go back.  “We rescue 50 children daily from the platforms across the country. Some of these children get lost even as their parents search for them desperately,” said Anjali, project officer, SATHI. Life on the platform is not easy.  The longer a child lives on the platform, the more he falls prey to addictions, abuse, petty thefts and odd jobs for survival.  There is no place like home for a child, therefore, in extreme cases of abuse and poverty the organisation’s first course of action is ‘home placement’. As SATHI’s secretary, Pramod Kulkarni says, ‘A child on the platform never grows up, he just ages.  Early intervention not only saves the child from the dangers of platform life but, also makes repatriation easier as the child is more willing to go back home. But, it is not an easy task. The organisation’s staff search the platforms across the country from morning till night. Children are rescued from the platforms and are placed within the safe limits of the SATHI shelters. They are counselled and those who are willing to go back home are taken to their families as soon as possible.

Others who are reluctant to go back home are enrolled in “home orientation camps”. Love, guidance and care provided, paves the way for effective development of problem-solving and social skills needed to build self-esteem and renew family ties. Children addicted to substance abuse are sent to de-addiction camps.

On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY TEN questions from the twelve that follow:

(i) The main aim of SATHI is _____.
(a) to rescue children from platforms
(b) home-placement of children living on the platform
(c) to place children living on platforms in the safe limits of SATHI shelters
(d) All of the above
Ans: (d) all of the above

(ii) The number of children rescued daily from the platforms by SATHI is ___.
(b) thirty
(c) fifty
(d) sixty
Ans: (c) fifty

(iii) Early intervention in the lives of the children living on the platform helps to ____.
(a) save the child from the dangers of platform life
(b) convince the child to go back home
(c) none of the above
(d) both (a) & (b)
Ans: (d) both (a) & (b)

(iv) Children who are reluctant to go back home are taken to____.
(b) home orientation camps
(c) families
(d) none of these
Ans: (b) home orientation camps

(v) Life on the platform is ____.
(b) manageable
(c) not easy
(d) comfortable
Ans: (c) not easy

(vi) Find the word from the passage which means the same as ‘exhausted’.
(b) wrecked
(c) addicted
(d) counselled
Ans: (b) wrecked

(vii) After the child is within the safe limits, how is he helped further?
(b) home placement
(c) home orientation camps
(d) rescued
Ans: (a) counselled

(viii) The organisation’s first course of action is:
home orientation camps
(b) home placement
(c) SATHI shelters
(d) None of the above
Ans: (b) home placement

(ix) How are the addicted children helped?
(b) SATHI shelters
(c) de-addiction camps
(d) taken to their families
Ans: (c) de-addiction camps

(x) Which age-group children leave their home the most?
(b) child
(c) teenager
(d) adult
Ans: (c) teenager

(xi) About ___ of the children abandon their home between the age of three to eight years.
(b) one fourth
(c) one fifth
(d) half
Ans: (b) one fourth

(xii) About one-tenth of the children who abandon their home is in the age group of ___.
0-3 years old
(b) 3-8 years old
(c) 8-15 years old
(d) more than 15 years old
Ans: (a) 0-3 years old


Q.3. Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY ONE by answering the questions that follow:

She never looked back from that point onwards. She toured the United Kingdom with a youth orchestra and by the time she was sixteen, she had decided to make music her life. She auditioned for the Royal Academy of Music and scored one of the highest marks in the history of the academy. She gradually moved from orchestral work to solo performances. At the end of her three-year course, she had captured most of the top awards. And for all this, Evelyn won’t accept any hint of heroic achievement. “If you work hard and know where you are going, you’ll get there.” And she got right to the top, the world’s most sought after multi-percussionist with a mastery of some thousand instruments, and hectic international schedule.

(i) What did Evelyn decide when she was sixteen years old?
(a) to tour the world
(b) to make music her life
(c) to study
(d) to leave school
Ans: b

(ii) How did Evelyn get right to the top?
by hard work
(b) determination
(c) motivation
(d) all of these
Ans: d

(iii) At the audition for Royal Academy, Evelyn scored _______ marks.
(b) highest
(c) average
(d) below average
Ans: b

(iv) Evelyn performed in _______ performances.
classical and soli
(b) solo and group
(c) solo and orchestral
(d) classical and orchestral
Ans: c

(v) The word which means the same as ‘slowly but steadily’ in these lines is _____.
(b) heroic
(c) hectic
(d) gradually
Ans: d


One day, he invited me to his home for a meal. His wife was horrified at the idea of a Muslim boy being invited to dine in her ritually pure kitchen. She refused to serve me in her kitchen. Sivasubramania Iyer was not perturbed, nor did he get angry with his wife, but instead, served me with his own hands and sat down beside me to eat his meal. His wife watched us from behind the kitchen door. I wondered whether she had observed any difference in the way I ate rice, drank water or cleaned the floor after the meal. When I was leaving his house, Sivasubramania Iyer invited me to join him for dinner again the next weekend. Observing my hesitation, he told me not to get upset, saying, “Once you decide to change the system, such problems have to be confronted.” When I visited his house the next week, Sivasubramania Iyer’s wife took me inside her kitchen and served me food with her own hands.

(i) Who are ‘he’ and ‘me’ in the first sentence?
Sivasubramania Iyer and Abdul Kalam
(b) Abdul Kalam and Ramanand Sastry
(c) Abdul Kalam and his science teacher
(d) Abdul Kalam and Aravindam

(ii) Why was ‘his wife’ horrified?
at the idea of invitation
(b) at the idea of serving food to a Muslim boy
(c) at the idea of serving food in the kitchen
(d) at the idea of serving food to a Hindu boy
Ans: b

(iii) How did ‘his wife’ react?
refused to eat with them
(b) refused to serve food
(c) refused to invite
(d) refused to sit with them

(iv) The synonym of ‘agitated/upset’ in the above lines is ______ .
(b) horrified
(c) refused
(d) confronted

(v) While leaving the house, Abdul Kalam was invited to ______.
come again next month
(b) visit again next weekend
(c) meet at the school the next day
(d) visit again in the evening
Ans: b

Q.4. Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY ONE by answering the questions that follow:

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveller, long I stood

And looked down once as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth.

Then took the other, just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear.

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same.

(i) The first line conveys the ____ season.
(b) spring
(c) autumn
(d) summer
Ans: c

(ii) ‘I’ in these lines refers to ____.
Robert Frost
(b) W.B. Yeats
(c) Coates Kinney
(d) James Kirkup
Ans: a

(iii) Where did the first road lead to?
(a) grassland
(b) dense forest
(c) desert
(d) tropical forest
Ans: b

(iv) Give the opposite to ‘met at a point from the passage.
(a) diverged
(b) departed
(c) developed
(d) subdivided
Ans: a

(v) The rhyme scheme of the given lines is ______.
ababa; abbaa
(b) abbab; aabab
(c) aabba; aabba
(d) abaab; abaab
Ans: d


Let us remember, whenever we are told

To hate our brothers, it is ourselves

That we shall dispossess, betray, condemn.

Remember, we who take arms against each other

It is the human earth that we defile.

Out hells of fire and dust outrage the innocence.

(i) Who have been called our brothers?
our family members
(b) neighbours
(c) all men of the world
(d) all the people of the world
Ans: d

(ii) Who is the poet?
Phoebe Cary
(b) Edward Lear
(c) James Kirkup
(d) W. W. E. Ross
Ans: c

(iii) What does ‘condemn’ mean?
express complete disapproval
(b) agreed
(c) criticise
(d) rebuke

Ans: a

(iv) The name of the poem is _____.
The Road not taken
(b) No Men are foreign
(c) Wind
(d) Rain On the Roof
Ans: b

(v) Who tells us ‘to hate our brothers’?
wise people
(b) foolish people
(c) Selfish people
(d) old people
Ans: c


Q.5. Read the following dialogue and then complete the report by choosing the correct option from the ones given below. Write your answers in your answer sheet with the correct blank number. Do not copy the dialogue and the report.

Shilpa: Can I borrow your English textbook?

Jaya: Sure, you can. But when will you return it?

Shilpa: I will return it to you after two days from today.

Jaya: Please do as I have to prepare for the exams.

Shilpa asked Jaya (i)____Jaya replied that she could and asked her when she would return it. Shilpa said she (ii)____. Jaya urged her to do that since she (iii)____.

(a) if she could borrow her English textbook.
(b) If she will borrow her English textbook.
(c) if she could borrow her English textbook.
(d) If she could borrow his English textbook.
Ans: (a) if she could borrow her English textbook.

should return it to her after two days from that day.
(b) could return it to her after two days from that day.
(c) would return it to him after two days from that day.
(d) would return it to her after two days from that day.
Ans: (d) would return it to her after two days from that day.

has to prepare for the exams.
(b) had to prepare for the exams.
(c) have to prepare for the exams.
(d) had to prepared for the exams.
Ans: (b) had to prepare for the exams.

Q.6. Choose the correct option to fill in the blanks:
Principal: Why were you absent last week?
Student: I was absent because I was not well.
Principal: What will happen to your studies now?
Student: I will work hard to complete them. I  will show you the work next week.
The principal asked the student (i)_____. The student replied (ii)_____because he had not been well. The principal was concerned and asked (iii)_____. The student replied that he would study hard to complete them and added that he would show him the work next week.

(a) why he has been absent the previous week.
(b) why he have been absent the previous week.
(c) why he had been absent the previous week.
(d) why he had absented the previous week.
Ans: (c) why he had been absent the previous week.

(a) that he had been absent
(b) that he have been absent
(c) that he had been absent
(d) that he has been absent
Ans: (a) that he had been absent.

(a) what Should happen to his studies then
(b) what would happen to his studies then
(c) what could happen to his studies then
(d) what would happened to his studies then
Ans: (b) what would happen to his studies then.

Q.7. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct option for ANY FOUR of the six sentences given below:
(i) Some animals are ____ friendly.
(b) quite
(c) quite
(d) much
Ans: (b) quite

(ii) The mother and father promised to wait ____ their son came back.
(b) where
(c) until
(d) because
Ans: (c) until

(iii) Seventy years ____ Kareena’s home town was an ideal place to live in.
(b) after
(c) ago
(d) below
Ans: (c) ago

(iv) Smoking ____ in all public places.
has been banned
(b) has banned
(c) have been banned
(d) have banned
Ans: (a) has been banned

(v) Neither of the students ____ absent.
(b) are
(c) has
(d) was
Ans: (d) was

(vi) ____ the children in this building like to play.
(b) every
(c) few
(d) all
Ans: (d) all


Q. 8. A. Write a brief description of Mahatma Gandhi, using the clues given below:    (5 marks)

Mahatma Gandhi — social and religions leader — Father of the Nation — truth and non-violence — respect all religions — advocated universal brotherhood — January 30-shot dead — Nathu Ram Vinayak Godse.


Mahatma Gandhi — The Father of the Nation

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (known as Mahatma Gandhi) was not only a great politician but also a great social and religious leader. He declared that the highest form of service of the great mother was social service. He gave the message of peace to the whole world and believed in humanity. He loved his countrymen very much so the nation called him Bapu—the Father of the Nation. Gandhiji’s main principles were truth and non-violence. He believed in universal brotherhood and love. He was of the opinion that if we had a conflict with Englishmen, let us not hate the Englishmen because both Englishmen and Indians are offspring of the same Divinity. He respected all religions equally because he said the essence of all religions is Truth. He advocated universal brotherhood over and above wavering loyalties to nations and religions. On January 30, 1948, he was shot dead by Nathu Ram Vinayak Godse in a prayer assembly at Birla House, Delhi.


B. Write a diary entry of the day when you became the proud winner of the Flower Arrangement Competition organized in the school.


12 Feb. 20XX
9:00 p.m.
Dear Diary,
I have exciting news to share with you today. We had a Flower Arrangement Competition today in school. I participate every year, never got any prize. I am very happy today as I won the first prize in the Flower Arrangement Competition. The reason for winning today was that I spent the last two days planning and designing how the arrangement should be like. This time I have used biodegradable material to arrange my leaves and flowers. Today, the competition started at 9 a.m. at our school. Twelve schools participated and the age group was between 13-15 years. We had to make arrangements with fresh dry flowers. There were many beautiful entries. I had made a bouquet of roses, marigolds and lilies. All the arrangements were on display for the visitors and judges. All of them appreciated my work. The judges declared the prizes. I could not believe my ears when my name was called out for the first prize.

It was truly, a memorable day.
Good Night Diary!

Q. 9. Write a story in about 100-120 words based on the inputs given below:

It was late at night. Anjali was about to switch off the light and go to bed when she saw a light outside the window. On close observation, she realised that it was a fire...



It was late at night. Anjali was about to switch off the light and go to bed when she saw a light outside the window. On close observation, she realised that it was a fire ... . She at once rushed out to confirm her thoughts. To her surprise, she saw that the kitchen of the front house was on fire. Smoke was coming out of the kitchen window. Anjali understood the situation. The members of the house were fast asleep and perhaps they were unaware of the mishap. Anjali realised that it was her turn to take quick action to save her neighbours. She could not understand what she should do at first. She ran towards the main door and rang their doorbell frantically. Their dog started barking. She unleashed him and ran back to her own house to bring her mobile phone. She quickly called the fire brigade and ran back to the house on fire. Her neighbours had woken up by that time. They were trying to extinguish the fire by throwing water on it from different directions. The fire brigade arrived within five minutes. They had to struggle for half an hour to extinguish the fire. By God’s grace, no casualty took place. Everyone from inside the house was saved. Even their pet dog was rescued. Everyone was grateful to Anjali who appeared at the scene like an angel. Anjali, too, was feeling proud of her brave and sensible act.


While coming out of the bank I saw a monkey walking menacingly towards me. I panicked. The monkey snatched my bag and ran up a nearby tree..



While coming out of the bank, I saw a monkey walking menacingly towards me. I panicked. The monkey snatched my bag and climbed on a nearby tree....
I was thunderstruck. All my important documents, ATM card along with the heavy cash of Rs. 2 lakhs was inside the bag. For a moment, I could not understand what to do. I traced the monkey and found him sitting on the topmost branch of a nearby peepal tree. I wanted to chase him, but I knew that it was not an easy task. I stood there helplessly when a fruit seller appeared on the spot like an angel. I purchased two dozens of bananas from him and kept all of them under the tree on which the monkey was sitting. After a few minutes, the monkey started approaching the bananas. He also came down, leaving the bag on the branch and picked all the bananas and ran away. My bag fell down with a thud sound. I took a sigh of relief. Thank God everything was ok and I had to bear no loss on account of that monkey.

Q.10. Attempt ANY TWO questions in 20-30 words each from (A) & (B) respectively:
A. (i) Who came knocking at the door of the old woman? Why was he there?
(ii) Where and why was grandfather going the next day?
(iii) How did Zan’s mother save important documents from the burning house?

Ans: (i) In the Northland, an old lady lived in a cottage. She was baking cakes when St. Peter came knocking at her door. He had become weak with fasting and travelling. He was looking for food and hence came knocking at the old lady’s door.
(ii) Value points:

  • grandfather going to Saharanpur
  • to collect his pension

Detailed Answer:

Grandfather was going to Saharanpur the next day. He was going there to collect his pension.
(iii) As soon as the fire broke out, Zan and his mother ran out into the front yard. Zan ran to the neighbours to call the fire department whereas Zan’s mother ran inside to get the box full of important documents.

B. (i) What orders were passed to Kezia in the evening when the father returned home from the office?
(ii) Why did Einstein write a letter to American President Roosevelt?
(iii) What lies did Lushkoff tell to beg alms from people?

Ans: (i) When Kezia’s father returned home from the office, she was supposed to come down, take off her father’s shoes and put them outside. She was also to put her father’s teacup on the tea table.
(ii) Einstein wrote a letter to Franklin Roosevelt about the dangers of atomic bombs when the Nazis were in Germany and he had to migrate from there. The discovery of Nuclear Fission in Germany made the American physicists upset that the Nazis could use an atom bomb.
(iii) Value points:

Always had different stories to tell — described himself to be a helpless fellow without food and lodging said — that he was a school teacher but had become the victim of somebody’s foul plan — a student who had been expelled.

Detailed Answer: Lushkoff told lies to beg alms from people. Sometimes he used to tell that he was a school teacher for eight years and lost his place because of foul planning and sometimes he told that he was a student and was expelled.

Q.11. Attempt ANY TWO of the following in 40-50 words from (A) & (B) respectively:
A. (i) How was the problem of what to do with Bruno finally solved?
(ii) How did Evelyn Glennie fight with her physical disability?
(iii) Who all does the poet remember while listening to the rain in the poem ‘Rain On The Roof’?
(i) Value Points: The writer’s wife loved Bruno deeply. After he returned, a special home was made. Straw was placed inside the box with some playthings.
Detailed Answer: The author’s wife loved Bruno deeply and missed him very much. So, Bruno was driven back to Bengaluru. An island, twenty feet long and fifteen feet wide surrounded by a dry moat was made for Bruno. He was kept there in a wooden box with some straws in it. His toys were also put back for him to play with.
(ii) Evelyn Glennie was a very brave girl. She learnt to open her body and mind to the sounds and vibrations. She used to feel as if the music was flowing through her body, skin, her cheekbones and even in her hair.  So, she joined an orchestra and later the Royal Academy of Music. She did not want to be deprived of the joy of music that made her happy. She later even gave solo performances on stage in many countries and became famous.
(iii) The poet remembers his mother who used to put him to bed every night and then used to look at him lovingly while he slept. He also remembers his angelic sister who died early. He also remembers the young girl, whom the poet had admired at some point of time in his life.

B. (i) What is the meaning of “My cat was back and so was I” ? Had the author gone anywhere? Why does he say that he is also back?
(ii) What saved the life of Johnsy — Sue’s care, Behrman’s sacrifice or change in her own attitude? Give reasons for your answer.
(iii) Why do Prashant and other volunteers resist the plan to set up an institution for orphans and widows? What alternatives do they consider?
Ans: (i) Value Points:

  • After the fire, the cat was not found anywhere.
  • House was completely burnt down.
  • The author thought the cat had been killed

Detailed Answer: The fire had destroyed everything. The author was feeling very gloomy after the fire incident especially because his cat was missing after that. Zan felt his cat had died in the incident because there was no news about its whereabouts. The author had lost interest in everything. When a kind woman brought back his cat, he regained interest in life. Therefore, he said, “My cat was back and so was I.”
(ii) All three factors played an important role in saving Johnsy ’s life. If Sue wouldn’t have cared for Johnsy by taking care of her, giving medicines on time and boosting her up, she wouldn’t have survived. Behrman’s masterpiece, painting of the ivy leaf on the wall wouldn’t have made Johnsy realise that how depressing and gloomy she had become and now she had entirely depended on the leaf. It was because of the masterpiece that Johnsy’s attitude towards life changed.
(iii) Value Points: 

  • He felt-orphans would be devoid of love-growth to be hampered
  • Widows would suffer from stigma and loneliness

Detailed Answer: Prashant and other volunteers resisted the government’s plan to set up institutions for orphans and widows. They felt children in such institutions would grow up without love and widows would suffer from loneliness. Prashant and his group felt that children should be resettled in their own community probably in such families where the widows had no children. This would solve the problem of widows’ loneliness and orphaned children would get all the love and care.

Q.12. Answer ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words:
A. How did Kezia feel in presence of her father?
Ans: Kezia was scared of her father as he looked like a giant. Every morning he used to give her a goodbye kiss. She used to feel uncomfortable till her father was at home. She even stammered while answering him. He scolded her one day and even beat her for tearing some of his important papers. But when Kezia used to cry during the night, he would carry her to his room. She then realised that her father was actually tender and affectionate and this changed her perception towards him.


B. What was the outcome of Einstein’s letter which he wrote to the American President Roosevelt? Did his warning have any impact on America?
Ans: On his colleague’s insistence, Einstein wrote a letter to the American President, Roosevelt when the Nazis were in Germany and he had to migrate from there. The discovery of Nuclear Fission in Germany upset the American physicists that the Nazis could use the bomb. He warned him of the consequences of using the atomic bomb. His words had a great impact. The Americans developed the atomic bomb secretly. They dropped it on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. Einstein was greatly moved by the destruction. He wrote a long letter to the United Nations suggesting that there should be a World Government. This definitely helped in ending the world war.

Q.13. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120 words:
A. Why do you think it was an easy task for the wise guru to evade the execution and gain freedom from the kingdom of fools ? Elucidate in about 100-120 words.
Ans: Value Points:

  • his presence of mind.
  • lack of commonsense in the kingdom.
  • no respect for human right/citizenship.

Detailed Answer: The king ordered to execute the disciple. He prayed to his Guru to save him. The Guru heard his prayer in his vision and appeared to rescue his disciple. First, he whispered something in this disciple’s ears and then asked the king to execute him first and the disciple followed suit, which puzzled the king. Knowing the secret, the king fell into the trap of his temptation and wanted to be the king in his rebirth. He went into the prison at night and set the guru and disciple free. In their place, the king and his minister disguised themselves as the guru and disciple and got executed. Thus, the Guru managed to save his disciple.


B. Prashant acted as a hero and proved himself as a natural leader. Explain?
Ans: Value Points:

  • a true leader
  • dedicated worker
  • a very organized person with excellent managerial skills
  • helpful in nature

Detailed Answer: Prashant, a 19 years old boy, decided to act as the leader of his village because he felt no one was in a condition to take the initiative to bring back life in the village after the havoc created by the storm. He organized a group of youths and put pressure on the village merchant to provide them with rice for the survivors. He arranged food for the villagers, put up a polythene shelter for the orphaned children, persuaded women to work in the food-for-work programme started by an NGO, organized cricket matches for the children and encouraging adoption.

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1. What is the format of Class 9 English Sample Question Paper- 4?
Ans. The format of Class 9 English Sample Question Paper- 4 usually includes multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, and long answer questions based on the topics covered in the curriculum.
2. How can I access the solutions for Class 9 English Sample Question Paper- 4?
Ans. The solutions for Class 9 English Sample Question Paper- 4 can be accessed either through the official website of the educational board or through various educational websites that provide study materials and solutions for different subjects.
3. What are the topics covered in Class 9 English Sample Question Paper- 4?
Ans. Class 9 English Sample Question Paper- 4 generally covers topics such as grammar, comprehension passages, literature analysis, writing skills, and vocabulary.
4. Are the questions in Class 9 English Sample Question Paper- 4 based on a specific textbook?
Ans. The questions in Class 9 English Sample Question Paper- 4 can be based on any textbook prescribed by the educational board. It is important for students to thoroughly study the prescribed textbook to perform well in the examination.
5. How can I prepare effectively for Class 9 English Sample Question Paper- 4?
Ans. To prepare effectively for Class 9 English Sample Question Paper- 4, students should focus on understanding the concepts, practicing regularly, revising previous topics, and solving sample papers and previous year question papers. They can also seek guidance from their teachers or join online study groups for additional support.
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